me3d: a model-driven methodology expediting embedded device driver development

Me3D: A Model Me3D: A Model-driven Methodology driven Methodology Expediting Embedded Device Expediting Embedded Device Expediting Embedded Device Expediting Embedded Device Driver Development Driver Development Hui Chen, Guillaume Godet-Bar, Frédéric Rousseau, Frédéric Pétrot TIMA Laboratory (CNRS – Grenoble INP – UJF) - France {FirstName.LastName} 22 nd IEEE International Symposium on Rapid System Prototyping 27/05/2011

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Page 1: Me3D: A Model-driven Methodology  Expediting Embedded Device  Driver Development

Me3D: A ModelMe3D: A Model--driven Methodology driven Methodology Expediting Embedded Device Expediting Embedded Device Expediting Embedded Device Expediting Embedded Device

Driver DevelopmentDriver Development

Hui Chen, Guillaume Godet-Bar, Frédéric Rousseau, Frédéric Pétrot

TIMA Laboratory (CNRS – Grenoble INP – UJF) - France


22nd IEEE International Symposium on Rapid System Prototyping


Page 2: Me3D: A Model-driven Methodology  Expediting Embedded Device  Driver Development

Device driver contextDevice driver context

Considerable time & effort for the SW development in atypical MPSoC project

o Device driver development: a serious bottleneck

Interdisciplinary knowledge required

Laborious to write

• 19.6 person-years of effort in developing device drivers for the LH7A404 SoC


• 85% of unexpected Windows stops caused by device drivers

A new methodology to address reliability for devicedriver generation

RSP 2011 2TIMA Laboratory

Page 3: Me3D: A Model-driven Methodology  Expediting Embedded Device  Driver Development


Device driver contextDevice driver context

Device driver overviewDevice driver overview

Related workRelated work

D i d i ti i tD i d i ti i tDevice driver generation environmentDevice driver generation environment


Conclusion and future workConclusion and future work

RSP 2011 3TIMA Laboratory

Conclusion and future workConclusion and future work

Page 4: Me3D: A Model-driven Methodology  Expediting Embedded Device  Driver Development


oo Device driver contextDevice driver context

Device driver overviewDevice driver overview

oo Related workRelated work

D i d i ti i tD i d i ti i too Device driver generation environmentDevice driver generation environment

oo EvaluationEvaluationoo EvaluationEvaluation

oo Conclusion and future workConclusion and future work

RSP 2011 4TIMA Laboratory

oo Conclusion and future workConclusion and future work

Page 5: Me3D: A Model-driven Methodology  Expediting Embedded Device  Driver Development

Device driver interaction in lowDevice driver interaction in low--level SWlevel SW

Device driver: a low-level component in the OS, whichallows upper-level SW to interact with the device

Device/hardware device: a specific HW resource for a dedicated task


a) Kernel



b) User

c) Libraries








d) HAL (Hardware abstraction layer) I/FHARDWARE ABSTRACTION LAYER



RSP 2011 5TIMA Laboratory


Page 6: Me3D: A Model-driven Methodology  Expediting Embedded Device  Driver Development

Device driver roleDevice driver role

Implements an interface to the kernel for an underlying device

Requires kernel services, and often also offers services toother kernel components

P id l l l i ti h l t th Provides a lower-level communication channel to the device

Acts as a translator from the kernel to the HW interfaceActs as a translator from the kernel to the HW interface

RSP 2011 6TIMA Laboratory

Page 7: Me3D: A Model-driven Methodology  Expediting Embedded Device  Driver Development

Device driver complexityDevice driver complexity

Device driver entry pointsreturn_type entry_a_name(…) {

static inline uint32_t registerA_bitfieldX_rd() {return <read primitive> (IO_BASE REGISTER A OFFSET) &1 4…

<kernel memory allocation>…access_hardware(…); void access_hardware(…) {

i B bi fi ldY ($VAL)







return_type entry_b_name(…) {

registerB_bitfieldY_wr($VAL);…$VAL2 = registerA_bitfieldX_rd();

} 3…strcpy(…);…<create MMC card>







Platform‐relatedKernel‐driver interface

De ice feat res C library related3

7Kernel service

Various and interrelated sources of information

…} 4





C library‐related3

Device class‐related8

RSP 2011 7TIMA Laboratory

Various and interrelated sources of information

Device driver generation is intrinsically complex

Page 8: Me3D: A Model-driven Methodology  Expediting Embedded Device  Driver Development


oo Device driver contextDevice driver context

oo Device driver overviewDevice driver overview

Related workRelated work

D i d i ti i tD i d i ti i too Device driver generation environmentDevice driver generation environment

oo EvaluationEvaluationoo EvaluationEvaluation

oo Conclusion and future workConclusion and future work

RSP 2011 8TIMA Laboratory

oo Conclusion and future workConclusion and future work

Page 9: Me3D: A Model-driven Methodology  Expediting Embedded Device  Driver Development

Device driver synthesis methodologiesDevice driver synthesis methodologies

Tool for synthesizingembedded device drivers(Princeton U )

Device driver synthesiswith Termite (NICTA /U of New South Wales)(Princeton U.) U. of New South Wales)


Core Genvi










Core functions (.c)Virtual

environment specification


Device driverMapper

Targetenvironment(library etc.)iv



specification( y )



.c Device driver

RSP 2011 9TIMA Laboratory

Page 10: Me3D: A Model-driven Methodology  Expediting Embedded Device  Driver Development

Device driver generation methodologyDevice driver generation methodology

Device driver generation based on the RTL test bench ofan IP (Polytechnic U. of Turin & U. of Verona)


Test bench (RTL)

CPU modelCPU model

I/O memory

Device drivergeneration

Device drivers


specification drivers

RSP 2011 10TIMA Laboratory

Page 11: Me3D: A Model-driven Methodology  Expediting Embedded Device  Driver Development

Other related workOther related work

Device interface languages: offer some constructs todescribe device interface

o Laddie: generates register access functions

o NDL: a new way to write the device drivers, but not for legacy oneslegacy ones

Hardware specification languages: able to describesome parts of electronic components & designssome parts of electronic components & designs

o UML MARTE: widely used

o IP-XACT: IEEE standard describes o IP XACT: IEEE standard, describes …

structural information about HW devices & designs

some contents, e.g., a register map

RSP 2011 11TIMA Laboratory

Page 12: Me3D: A Model-driven Methodology  Expediting Embedded Device  Driver Development


oo Device driver contextDevice driver context

oo Device driver overviewDevice driver overview

oo Related workRelated work

D i d i ti i tD i d i ti i tDevice driver generation environmentDevice driver generation environment

oo EvaluationEvaluationoo EvaluationEvaluation

oo Conclusion and future workConclusion and future work

RSP 2011 12TIMA Laboratory

oo Conclusion and future workConclusion and future work

Page 13: Me3D: A Model-driven Methodology  Expediting Embedded Device  Driver Development

Specification of device driver generationSpecification of device driver generationDevice driver generation environmentDevice driver generation environment

Objective: to help device driver development


o Hardware specifications

o Device features model

o In-kernel interface specification

o Libraries

o Driver configuration parameters

Output: device driver in C

Validation by execution

RSP 2011 13TIMA Laboratory

Page 14: Me3D: A Model-driven Methodology  Expediting Embedded Device  Driver Development

Methodology and inputsMethodology and inputsDevice driver generation environmentDevice driver generation environment

Abstract view of the Me3D methodology

Device FeaturesHardware In-Kernel Interface ModelSpecifications Specification

Driver Configuration P t LibrariesDevice Driver GenerationParameters Libraries


Device Driver Generation

Is used byProducesDevice driver

HW specifications (e.g., in IP-XACT, UML MARTE)

D i ifi i ( )o Device specification(s)

o Platform specificationProcessor (e.g., byte ordering)

RSP 2011 14TIMA Laboratory

( g , y g)

Device instantiations, I/O offsets, …

Page 15: Me3D: A Model-driven Methodology  Expediting Embedded Device  Driver Development

InputsInputsDevice driver generation environmentDevice driver generation environment

Device features model

o Captures a sequence of interactions with the HW

o A set of predefined device features: init, read, etc.

In-kernel interface specificationp

o Contains mainly kernel data structures (if any) to be used, software events, & transitions

S f f / h k lo Software events: messages from/to the kernel

o Transitions: define the driver's desired reactions to requests

RSP 2011 15TIMA Laboratory

Page 16: Me3D: A Model-driven Methodology  Expediting Embedded Device  Driver Development

Inputs (cont.)Inputs (cont.)Device driver generation environmentDevice driver generation environment


o HAL library: low-level HW access primitives

o Basic library: an abstract layer for usual

Lib X

Basic LibraryStrCpy = (Newlib) “strcpy” + “…”y

data manipulationmethods

Lib XLib YLib Z

StrCpy = (uClibc) “strcpy” + “…”

StrCpy = “dna_strcpy” + “…”

Driver configurationparameters

D i d i d l t d i i ki o Device driver development: decision-making processes

o High-level configuration parameters: to efficiently & effectively explore the device driver design space

RSP 2011 16TIMA Laboratory

Page 17: Me3D: A Model-driven Methodology  Expediting Embedded Device  Driver Development

Device driver generation (step by step)Device driver generation (step by step)Device driver generation environmentDevice driver generation environment

Step 1: Parsing & inlinefunctions generation

Step 2: Device features generation

RSP 2011 17TIMA Laboratory

Page 18: Me3D: A Model-driven Methodology  Expediting Embedded Device  Driver Development

Device driver generation (step by step)Device driver generation (step by step)Device driver generation environmentDevice driver generation environment

Step 3: Driver source & Makefilegeneration

RSP 2011 18TIMA Laboratory

Page 19: Me3D: A Model-driven Methodology  Expediting Embedded Device  Driver Development


oo Device driver contextDevice driver context

oo Device driver overviewDevice driver overview

oo Related workRelated work

D i d i ti i tD i d i ti i too Device driver generation environmentDevice driver generation environment


oo Conclusion and future workConclusion and future work

RSP 2011 19TIMA Laboratory

oo Conclusion and future workConclusion and future work

Page 20: Me3D: A Model-driven Methodology  Expediting Embedded Device  Driver Development


Evaluation points

1. Feasibility of describing device features & in-kernel I/F

2. Device FeaturesModel

Hardware Specifications

In-Kernel Interface Specification

Driver Configuration Parameters LibrariesDevice Driver Generation?

Device driver

o To evaluate point 1: specified HW devices & platform ino To evaluate point 1: specified HW devices & platform inIP-XACT, in-kernel interfaces with in-house IISL, device features with DFDL

o To evaluate point 2: manual conversion according to the

RSP 2011 20TIMA Laboratory

o To evaluate point 2: manual conversion according to the proposed methodology

Page 21: Me3D: A Model-driven Methodology  Expediting Embedded Device  Driver Development

Case study and inputsCase study and inputsEvaluationEvaluation

Case study: MCI device driver for the ATMEL D940 MPSoC

o MCI device and its neighborhood:

Hardware specificationso Device specifications for MCI PMC & PIO

RSP 2011 21TIMA Laboratory

o Device specifications for MCI, PMC, & PIOo Platform specification: only necessary parts modeled

Page 22: Me3D: A Model-driven Methodology  Expediting Embedded Device  Driver Development


MCI device features model: in DFDL, which has someconstructs tailored for modeling device features

In-kernel interface specification: with our in-houselanguage IISLo In-kernel interfaces for the MCI drivero In kernel interfaces for the MCI driver

Driver configuration parameters: synchronization

RSP 2011 22TIMA Laboratory

Driver configuration parameters: synchronizationmechanism, …

Page 23: Me3D: A Model-driven Methodology  Expediting Embedded Device  Driver Development


Conversion step 2:MCI device featuresgeneration

Conversion step 1:Macros & inline functionsgeneration generationgeneration

RSP 2011 23TIMA Laboratory

Page 24: Me3D: A Model-driven Methodology  Expediting Embedded Device  Driver Development

Conversion (cont.)Conversion (cont.)EvaluationEvaluation

Conversion step 3.1: Synthesize EFSM & derive driverfunctionalities

C i t 3 2 G t M k fil

RSP 2011 24TIMA Laboratory

Conversion step 3.2: Generate Makefile

Page 25: Me3D: A Model-driven Methodology  Expediting Embedded Device  Driver Development

Conversion resultsConversion resultsEvaluationEvaluation

Source lines of code, binary sizes of the native &generated MCI drivers w/o and w/ Me3D

Efforts for MCI driver development w/o and w/ Me3DP d


30Device features model

In‐kernel interface specification





20Platform specification

Device specifications2400



RSP 2011 25TIMA Laboratory


w/o Me3D w/ Me3D2200


Page 26: Me3D: A Model-driven Methodology  Expediting Embedded Device  Driver Development


oo Device driver contextDevice driver context

oo Device driver overviewDevice driver overview

oo Related workRelated work

D i d i ti i tD i d i ti i too Device driver generation environmentDevice driver generation environment

oo EvaluationEvaluationoo EvaluationEvaluation

Conclusion and future workConclusion and future work

RSP 2011 26TIMA Laboratory

Conclusion and future workConclusion and future work

Page 27: Me3D: A Model-driven Methodology  Expediting Embedded Device  Driver Development

Conclusion and future workConclusion and future work


o Advanced device driver generation environment

Inputs: specifications/model (hardware, device features, in-kernel interface), libraries, & driver configuration parameters

Output: C file of the device driverOutput: C file of the device driver

Validation by execution

Future work

o Evaluate the methodology on several OSes

o Introduce an intermediate format for driver generation & l dvalidation

o Develop a tool for fully automatic device driver generation

o Verify device drivers by symbolic execution (in cooperation

RSP 2011 27TIMA Laboratory

o Verify device drivers by symbolic execution (in cooperation with NICTA)

Page 28: Me3D: A Model-driven Methodology  Expediting Embedded Device  Driver Development

Thank youThank youThank youThank youfor your attention!for your attention!Me3D: A Model-driven Methodology Expediting

for your attention!for your attention!Me3D: A Model driven Methodology Expediting

Embedded Device Driver Development

H i Ch G ill G d B F édé i R F édé i PéHui Chen, Guillaume Godet-Bar, Frédéric Rousseau, Frédéric Pétrot

TIMA Laboratory (CNRS – Grenoble INP – UJF) - France

22nd IEEE International Symposium on Rapid System Prototyping
