
Versión Abreviada Muestras de Desempeño Docente 1 Lesson Title: Traveling Grade Level: 3 rd Grade Intermediate UCSC Supervisor: Maria Alejandra Torres Supervisor Signature:______________________________________ Mentor Teacher: ______________________________________ Teacher Signature: ______________________________________ 1 Adapted to the MDD standards and tasks from based the document Level II Teacher Work Sample. University of Northern Iowa, Level 2 of the UNI Teacher Education Professional Sequence.

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Versión Abreviada Muestras de Desempeño Docente1

Lesson Title: Traveling

Grade Level: 3rd Grade Intermediate

UCSC Supervisor: Maria Alejandra Torres

Supervisor Signature:______________________________________

Mentor Teacher: ______________________________________

Teacher Signature: ______________________________________

1 Adapted to the MDD standards and tasks from based the document Level II Teacher Work Sample. University of Northern Iowa, Level 2 of the UNI Teacher Education Professional Sequence.

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MDD Standard 1 The teacher candidate collects data regarding the institutional and classroom

contexts, the characteristics of the pupils as a group and its diversity, using this information to plan and deliver instruction.

1. Community in which the school is located and/or serves, municipality or owner and school factors:

- The Pacific school is located some blocks away from one of the principal avenues of Chiguayante city. It is settled in a Ville, for that reason is surrounded by houses. Its population reaches the 664 students from pre-kinder to 4rd Grade intermediate, having an average of 27. Since it is a private school that counts with subvention, the socioeconomic profile varies from medium-low to medium-high. There are no foreign students but a few mapuche students.

1.1. How These Factors May Impact My Lessons: As they attend this pirvate school with government allowances, their families can afford several materials I would require them to bring. Also as they are considerably less than the average of public schools, I can approach in easier way.

2. Student Characteristics and Their Instructional Implications:

2.1 Description of the first characteristic, and how it will impact my lessons.

- The first characteristic I would bring to the table is their skill level. I would say it is an average high, since they are able to listen and write what they hear. The guide teacher is able to speak everything in English, and they are able to understand a great part of that (which in my previous experiences, makes this impressive). Such skill level would allow me to have more time exposing new information rather than explaining the instructions again and again. Also, the use of English language all the time will be a tool for a good advance in my planning.

2.2. Description of the second characteristic, and how it will impact my lessons.

- The second characteristic that would impact in my lessons is the respect they show to the teachers. This will generate a positive impact, since they hear and follow instructions. Despite the fact that there are always special cases of students who don’t behave, in the case of the class that I’m working with, it is not a hopeless case. The way they behave will allow me advance with the lesson without interruptions, removing a problem in the section “expected problems… and solutions”

3. Physical Aspects of the Classroom and Their Instructional Implications:

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3.1 Description of First Physical Aspect, and how It will impact my lessons.- The room in which is settled the class I work with (as the other classes) has a

data show, which generates a positive instance for me to teach. We know that technology is in every kid or young adult’s mouth. Is it through technologies that they get motivated, and in this case (and as I like to work with) I can project my lessons on the Data Show, using (for instance) power point presentations, to make the classes more interesting.

3.2 Description of Second Physical Aspect and, how it will impact my lessons.- A second characteristic I might have into account is that, physically the room counts with

a wall made of glass, having a sight of all the outside, which may impact negatively in my lessons. I participate the last lesson of the 3rd grade A in The Pacific School, which is taught at 3:10 pm to 4:40. The Students are maybe tired, or sleepy, or expecting the last minutes to go home. Which may result in students easily distracted looking outside, looking at other students outside the class. However the solution to this is keeping the students motivated all the time, with interesting lessons, and appropriate feedback, which, as far as I observed, is a task that my guide teacher has completely fulfilled.