mckeesport high school alumni & friends association · donaions% made% by% mckeesport% alumni%...

New Superintendent Named for MASD Dear Alumni and Friends: It is with great pride that I introduce myself to you as the new Superintendent of the McKeesport Area School District. I am a proud graduate of McKeesport Area High School Class of 1997. I aCended Syracuse University and received a bachelor’s degree in Sociology. I returned to MAHS as a varsity football coach while I was finishing my first master’s degree in secondary educaIon at Duquesne University. I also have a master’s degree in School AdministraIon and Supervision and a principal’s cerIficaIon from Duquesne University. During the much publicized mandated high school merger between West Mifflin Area High School and Duquesne High School, I was recruited and spent three years ensuring a smooth transiIon for students and staff. I returned to MASD in 2010 and served as the high school principal. In 2014, I was awarded my Doctoral degree by the University of PiCsburgh. Most recently, I served as the Director of Secondary EducaIon and Teacher EvaluaIon from 2015W2017. In the last seven years, we focused on establishing trust, relaIonship building and taking a proacIve approach to creaIng an uninterrupted learning environment. During my tenure at the high school we improved student achievement, developed and implemented several iniIaIves, such as the dress code, and made numerous curricular changes. Our students, as well as our staff will face our fair share of challenges inside and outside the classroom but a sense of urgency to get beCer every day will be our focus to meet our goals. I challenge our families and the community to conInue to support our students inside and outside of our schools. A new mentoring program at our high school has been developed where acIve members of our community will mentor our students. Also, my new Assistant Superintendent Dr. Tia Wanzo and I will be working to study the culture of each of our schools through surveys and interviews to establish the core values of each building. We have begun to develop a fiveWyear plan to guide the future of MASD. We are excited to lead our school district by engaging our stakeholders to establish a posiIve direcIon. As the new Superintendent, I look forward to frequently visiIng classrooms and being an acIve member of McKeesport Area School District communiIes. I will challenge all our educators to improve the quality of our programs and create a producIve overall school culture by delivering best pracIce instrucIon. The district’s leadership has done a great job assembling administraIve teams that will support our staff and students and ensure each student receives a first class educaIonal experience. 1 SUMMER/FALL 2017 Share Our Pride McKeesport High School Alumni & Friends Association As many of you visit our schools and aCend events, please stop and introduce yourself. I look forward to meeIng new people and conInuing many of my lifeWlong relaIonships in our communiIes. We ALL have to work together to make MASD a safe and dynamic educaIonal opportunity for our students. Sincerely, Dr. Mark P. Holtzman Alumni Association Has New Acting President A]er leading the alumni associaIon for over 30 years, Dr. Linda Seeger Croushore, Class of 1964, founder of the McKeesport High School Alumni & Friends AssociaIon, has reIred. Through her vision and leadership, the associaIon has become a valuable source of support and pride for the McKeesport Area School District and its students. AddiIonally, Ginny Boutwell Dunsavage, Class of 1968, who contributed greatly to the success of the alumni associaIon, has also reIred. The legacy Dr. Croushore has le] behind is both a gi] and a challenge. The gi] is the inspiraIon the associaIon, especially through the Hall of Fame, provides to the students as well as the projects that have been supported through the generous donaIons made by McKeesport alumni and friends. These projects have included improvements/updates to both the courtyard and the high school library. The challenge is how we sustain and grow this important asset. Currently, Jackie Barkley Foor, Class of 1984, is serving as acIng president. Jackie, like Dr. Croushore before her reIrement, is an employee of the ConsorIum for Public EducaIon, the nonprofit organizaIon that serves as the umbrella organizaIon for the associaIon. Jackie is assisted by Paf Hoke and Vicki Corwin, also ConsorIum employees and longIme friends of the MHS Alumni & Friends AssociaIon. Over the next several months Jackie and Paf will be meeIng with those who have been acIvely involved with the alumni associaIon to plan for the future of the organizaIon. Jackie believes that, “It is important that we build on the great history Dr. Croushore gave the organizaIon and develop an infrastructure that ensures that the MHS Alumni & Friends AssociaIon benefits generaIons of students and alumni for years to come.” Anyone interested in joining the McKeesport High School Alumni & Friends AssociaIon and helping to plan for the future is invited to contact Jackie Foor at 412W678W9215.

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Page 1: McKeesport High School Alumni & Friends Association · donaIons% made% by% McKeesport% alumni% and% friends.% These% projects% have% included% improvements/updates% to% both% the%

New Superintendent Named for MASD Dear%Alumni%and%Friends:%%%

It% is%with%great%pride%that% I% introduce%myself%to% you% as% the% new% Superintendent% of% the%McKeesport%Area%School%District.%

I% am% a% proud% graduate% of%McKeesport% Area%High% School% Class% of% 1997.% I% aCended% Syracuse% University% and%received%a%bachelor’s%degree%in%Sociology.%I%returned%to%MAHS%as%a%varsity%football%coach%while%I%was%finishing%my%first%master’s%degree%%in% secondary% educaIon% at% Duquesne% University.% I% also% have% a%master’s% degree% in% School% AdministraIon% and% Supervision% and% a%principal’s% cerIficaIon% from% Duquesne% University.% During% the%much% publicized% mandated% high% school% merger% between% West%Mifflin% Area% High% School% and% Duquesne% High% School,% I% was%recruited%and%spent% three%years%ensuring%a%smooth% transiIon% for%students%and%staff.%I%returned%to%MASD%in%2010%and%served%as%the%high%school%principal.%%In%2014,%I%was%awarded%my%Doctoral%degree%by% the% University% of% PiCsburgh.% Most% recently,% I% served% as% the%Director% of% Secondary% EducaIon% and% Teacher% EvaluaIon% from%2015W2017.%

In% the% last% seven% years,% we% focused% on% establishing% trust,%relaIonship%building%and% taking%a%proacIve%approach% to%creaIng%an%uninterrupted% learning%environment.%During%my% tenure%at% the%high% school% we% improved% student% achievement,% developed% and%implemented%several%iniIaIves,%such%as%the%dress%code,%and%made%numerous% curricular% changes.% %Our% students,% as%well% as%our% staff%will% face% our% fair% share% of% challenges% inside% and% outside% the%classroom%but%a%sense%of%urgency%to%get%beCer%every%day%will%be%our% focus% to% meet% our% goals.% I% challenge% our% families% and% the%community%to%conInue%to%support%our%students%inside%and%outside%of%our%schools.%A%new%mentoring%program%at%our%high%school%has%been% developed% where% acIve% members% of% our% community% will%mentor%our% students.%Also,%my%new%Assistant% Superintendent%Dr.%Tia%Wanzo%and%I%will%be%working%to%study%the%culture%of%each%of%our%schools% through% surveys% and% interviews% to% establish% the% core%values% of% each% building.% We% have% begun% to% develop% a% fiveWyear%plan% to% guide% the% future% of% MASD.% We% are% excited% to% lead% our%school%district%by%engaging%our%stakeholders%to%establish%a%posiIve%direcIon.%%

As% the%new%Superintendent,% I% look% forward% to% frequently% visiIng%classrooms% and% being% an% acIve% member% of% McKeesport% Area%School%District% communiIes.% I%will% challenge%all% our% educators% to%improve% the% quality% of% our% programs% and% create% a% producIve%overall% school%culture%by%delivering%best%pracIce% instrucIon.%The%district ’s% leadership% has% done% a% great% job% assembling%administraIve%teams%that%will%support%our%staff%and%students%and%ensure%each%student%receives%a%first%class%educaIonal%experience.%



Share Our Pride McKeesport High School Alumni & Friends Association

As% many% of% you% visit% our% schools% and% aCend% events,% please%stop% and% introduce% yourself.% I% look% forward% to% meeIng% new%people% and% conInuing% many% of% my% lifeWlong% relaIonships% in%our% communiIes.% We% ALL% have% to% work% together% to% make%MASD% a% safe% and% dynamic% educaIonal% opportunity% for% our%students.%%



Alumni Association Has New Acting President

A]er% leading% the% alumni% associaIon% for% over% 30% years,% Dr.%Linda% Seeger% Croushore,% Class% of% 1964,% founder% of% the%McKeesport% High% School% Alumni% &% Friends% AssociaIon,% has%reIred.%Through%her%vision%and%leadership,%the%associaIon%has%become% a% valuable% source% of% support% and% pride% for% the%McKeesport%Area%School%District%and%its%students.%AddiIonally,%Ginny% Boutwell% Dunsavage,% Class% of% 1968,% who% contributed%greatly% to% the% success% of% the% alumni% associaIon,% has% also%reIred.%

The% legacy%Dr.% Croushore%has% le]%behind% is% both% a% gi]% and% a%challenge.%The%gi]%is%the%inspiraIon%the%associaIon,%especially%through%the%Hall%of%Fame,%provides%to%the%students%as%well%as%the%projects% that%have%been%supported% through% the%generous%donaIons% made% by% McKeesport% alumni% and% friends.% These%projects% have% included% improvements/updates% to% both% the%courtyard%and%the%high%school%library.%The%challenge%is%how%we%sustain%and%grow%this%important%asset.%%

Currently,% Jackie% Barkley% Foor,% Class% of% 1984,% is% serving% as%acIng% president.% Jackie,% like% Dr.% Croushore% before% her%reIrement,% is% an% employee% of% the% ConsorIum% for% Public%EducaIon,% the% nonprofit% organizaIon% that% serves% as% the%umbrella%organizaIon%for%the%associaIon.%Jackie%is%assisted%by%Paf%Hoke%and%Vicki%Corwin,% also%ConsorIum%employees%and%longIme%friends%of%the%MHS%Alumni%&%Friends%AssociaIon.%%

Over%the%next%several%months%Jackie%and%Paf%will%be%meeIng%with% those%who%have% been% acIvely% involved%with% the% alumni%associaIon% to% plan% for% the% future% of% the% organizaIon.% Jackie%believes% that,% “It% is% important% that% we% build% on% the% great%history% Dr.% Croushore% gave% the% organizaIon% and% develop% an%infrastructure% that% ensures% that% the% MHS% Alumni% &% Friends%AssociaIon% benefits% generaIons% of% students% and% alumni% for%years%to%come.”%

Anyone% interested% in% joining% the% McKeesport% High% School%Alumni% &% Friends% AssociaIon% and% helping% to% plan% for% the%future%is%invited%to%contact%Jackie%Foor%at%412W678W9215.%

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Meet the 2017 MHS Hall of Fame Class

Alan%R.%Pa)erson%(dec.),%Class%of%1950,%was%an%imaginaIve%and%visionary%entrepreneur,%well%known%throughout%PiCsburgh,%PA%and%Sausalito,% CA% for% his% ambiIous% real% estate% developments.% % His% success% was% rooted% in% his% “can% do”% aftude.% Cannot% was% not% in% his%vocabulary%and%when%he%confronted%that%type%of%aftude%it%was%“game%on”%for%him.%%%%% While%successful% in%real%estate,%his%passion%was%vintage%cars%and%racing.%Mr.%PaCerson%sowed%the%seeds%for%the%PiCsburgh%Vintage%Grand% Prix% (PVGP)% from% his% garage% in% Shadyside.% The% event%was% to% be% a% free% venue% for% families% to% enjoy% a% vintage% racing% event% in% a%beauIful% sefng% with% a% fundraising% component.% The% monies% raised% support% the% Allegheny% Valley% School% and% The% AuIsm% Society% of%PiCsburgh.%%Over%4.5%million%dollars%has%been%raised%for%the%two%chariIes%supported%by%the%PVGP.%%%

%% Raymond%Tatalovich,% Ph.D.,% Class%of% 1961,% is% a% Professor% of% PoliIcal% Science% at% Loyola%University% of% Chicago.%He% aCended%Ohio%University%earning%his%Bachelor%of%Arts%degree.%He%conInued%his%educaIon%at% the%University%of%Chicago%studying%poliIcal% science%and%receiving%a%master’s%degree%and%Ph.D.%% Dr.%Tatalovich’s%esteemed%teaching%career%of%46%years%began%at%the%University%of%Southern%Mississippi.% %He%then%became%a%tenured%professor%and%Chairperson%of%the%Department%of%Economics%and%PoliIcal%Science%at%Chicago%State%University.% %In%1985%he%went%to%Loyola%University%of%Chicago%where%he% is%a%professor%of%PoliIcal%Science.% %Over%his%career,%Tatalovich%authored%or%edited%126%books,%wrote%64%scholarly% arIcles% or% book% chapters,% and% presented% at% 100+% professional% conferences.% % He% is% best% known% for% his% scholarship% on% the%American%presidency%and%especially%on%morality%policy%(public%policy%involving%strong%moral%conflict).%%Forthcoming%is%The$Rise$and$Fall$of$Moral$Conflicts$in$the$United$States$and$Canada,%which%he%coWauthored%with%Canadian%parIes%expert%Mildred%A.%Schwartz.%

George%L.%Smith,%Class%of%1967,%earned%a%bachelor’s%degree%from%North%Carolina%State%and%a%master’s%degree%from%AusIn%Peay%State%University%(Clarksville,%TN).%He%taught%at%the%high%school%and%college%level%in%Tennessee,%West%Virginia%and%Kentucky%for%ten%years%before%returning%to%his%hometown%to%teach%physical%educaIon%and%coach%football%for%the%next%30%years.% George%Smith’s%football%teams%appeared%in%the%WPIAL%playoffs%19%Imes%and%won%both%the%AAAA%WPIAL%and%State%PIAA%Champions%in%1994%and%2005.% %He%has%been%recognized% for%his%outstanding% football%program%and%championship%seasons%with%several%awards:% %2006%Pennsylvania%Coaches%Hall%of%Fame,%2013%Pennsylvania%Sports%Western%Chapter%Hall%of%Fame%and%2013%Minor%Pro%Football%Hall%of%Fame.%%Coach%Smith%has%mentored%hundreds%of%young%men%throughout%his%career%and%football%program.%% %

% Charles%T.%Glazer,%Class%of%1969,%has%had%a% successful% career% in%corporate% relaIons.%He%created%and%managed%corporate% relaIons%departments% for% three% Fortune% 500% companies,% served% in% two% leading% public% relaIons% agencies,% taught% at% University% of% PiCsburghWGreensburg%for%seven%years,%won%numerous%awards,%supported%several%charitable%causes%and%wrote%a%mystery%novel.%% Charles% Glazer% is% a% graduate% of% Pennsylvania% State% University,% University% Park% campus,% earning% a% Bachelor% of% Arts% in% Broadcast%Journalism.%%

Father%Jon%J.%Brzek,%Class%of%1973,%currently%serves%as%a%Parochial%Vicar%at%St.%Joan%of%Arc%Parish,%South%Park,%PA.%%He%has%also%served%as%an%assistant%pastor%at%Holy%Spirit%Parish%in%West%Mifflin,%Director%of%Catholic%Campus%Ministry%at%California%University%of%Pennsylvania%and%as%a%chaplain%at%LaRoche%College%and%Passavant%Hospital%in%Allison%Park.%%% He% was% commissioned% as% a% Lieutenant% Junior% Grade% in% the% U.S.% Navy% Reserve% in% 1987.% In% 1993% he% entered% acIve% service% as% a%Chaplain.%%His%assignments%include%Okinawa,%Japan;%Camp%Lejeune,%NC;%Naples,%Italy;%Parris%Island,%SC;%Pensacola,%FL%and%Pearl%Harbor.%He%has%been%awarded%four%Meritorious%Service%medals,%four%Navy%CommendaIon%medals,%three%Navy%Achievement%medals%and%numerous%campaign%and%unit%awards.%He%reIred%from%the%Navy%this%summer.%% Father%Brzek%earned%a%Bachelor%of%Arts%from%Duquesne%University,%a%Master%of%Divinity%from%St.%Vincent%Seminary%and%a%Master%of%Science%in%Community%Agency%Counseling%from%California%University%of%Pennsylvania.%

Allan% E.% Wampler,% Class% of% 1976,% received% his% Bachelor% of% Science% in% Real% Estate% and% a% Master% of% Science% in% Finance% from%Pennsylvania%State%University.%% A]er%college,%Allan%worked%with%a%realty%company%honing%his%skills%in%lease%negoIaIons,%project%markeIng,%land%development%and%many%other%essenIal%skills%that%enabled%him%to%ascend%to%the%posiIon%of%Vice%President%of%Graham%Realty%Company.% %In%1994,%Wampler%and% his% wife,% Mary% Ellen,% formed% Synergy% Real% Estate% CorporaIon% in% PiCsburgh,% which% provides% a% myriad% of% services% in% real% estate%development,%consulIng%and%brokerage%needs%and%serving%enIIes%in%both%the%public%and%private%sector.%

% William%J.%Safos,%Class%of%1981,%is%founder%and%current%Director%of%Business%Processes%for%Xyston%SoluIons%in%Navarre,%FL.% %Prior%to%forming%his%company,%William%served%22%years%with%the%U.S.%Air%Force.%He%was%a%Master%Sergeant,%chief%enlisted%aviator%in%the%Air%Force%Special%OperaIons%Command%(AFSOC),%decorated,%with%21%combat%deployments,%earning%two%Meritorious%Service%medals%in%addiIon%to%several%other%service%medals%and%decoraIons.%He%was%flight%qualified%on%five%different%aircra]s%and%was%an%instructor%at%the%presIgious%U.S.%Air%Force%Weapons%School.%%% A]er% leaving%military%service,%Mr.%Safos%started%his%business%while%compleIng%mulIple%naIonally%recognized%and% industry%coveted%cerIficaIons%at%Villanova%University%and%the%University%of%Notre%Dame.%(con8nued$on$Page$3)%

Once a Tiger, Always a Tiger

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MCKEESPORT%HIGH%SCHOOL%ALUMNI%&%FRIENDS%ASSOCIATION%MEMBERSHIP%FORM%%%Name%(include%maiden%name%if%applicable)%%%% % % % % % % % % %

%%Address%%%%%% % % % % % % % % % % % % %

%%Gradua[on%year%% % Email%% % % % % % Phone%% % % % %








%%Expira[on%Date%_____%/_____%% CVV/CVC%Code%(3%digits)%%% % %



Alumni Association Reorganization

On% August% 9,% a% group% of% alumni% met% to% discuss% how% to%conInue% the% good% work% of% the% alumni% associaIon% and%ensure% its% future.% % The% group%wants% to% uphold% the%work%of%the% past,% specifically% the% scholarship% and% Hall% of% Fame%programs.%However,% it% also%wants% to% engage%more%with% the%school%district%and%its%students.% %Several%ideas%and%strategies%were% put% forth% and% some% immediate% acIon% steps% will% be%taken% to% move% in% that% direcIon.% IniIally,% the% alumni%associaIon%will%work%with%students% from%the%Red%&%Blue% to%introduce%this%year’s%Hall%of%Fame%class%to%the%students.% %Red%and% Blue% journalists%will% interview% the% latest% inductees% and%then%feature%them%in%an%upcoming%issue%of%the%Red%and%Blue.%Student%journalists%will%also%become%contribuIng%columnists%for%our%alumni%newsleCer.%%

The%alumni%associaIon%hopes%to%build%addiIonal%connecIons%with% the% staff% and% students% for% the% purpose% of% inspiring,%moIvaIng% and% creaIng% opportuniIes% for% the% current%students.% %There%were%many%great%ideas%shared%as%the%group%looks% to% expand% and% enhance% its% relaIonships% with% both%alumni% and% current% staff% and% students% of%McKeesport% High%School.%

A% subcommiCee%of%alumni%will%meet% to%work%on% the% future%organizaIonal%structure%of%the%associaIon%and%define%its%role%and% responsibiliIes.% Anyone% interested% in% being% part% of% the%alumni%associaIon’s%work% is%asked% to%contact% Jackie%Foor%at%[email protected]%or%412W678W9215.%




Hall of Fame (con8nued) A%formal% inducIon%into%the%Hall%of%Fame%will% take%place%at%the%30th%Annual%RecogniIon%Night%on%Saturday,%September%30th% at% the% Youghiogheny% Country% Club.% % To% make%reservaIons% or% place% a% congratulatory% ad% in% the% program%book,%go%to:%hCp://

Class Reunions Planned Class%of%1948,%69th%Reunion,%October%2%at%McKeesport%Heritage%Center,%12%pmW4%pm%Class%of%1977,%40th%Reunion,%September%15%at%Antonelli%Event%Center%Class%of%1962,%Save%the%Date:%October%13W14,%2017%Class%of%1968,%50th%Reunion,%August%24,%2018%at%Antonelli%Event%Center%

MHS Homecoming Saturday, September 30, 2017

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38 Grads Selected for Scholarships The McKeesport High School Alumni & Friends Association selected 38 seniors to receive 43 scholarships totaling more than $36,000. Special thanks are extended to our alumni for the generous donations that make these scholarships possible.







Congratulations and best of luck to all of the scholarship recipients!