mcdv briefing - september 2014

Families and Friends of HMC Ships BRANDON and YELLOWKNIFE Pre-Deployment Brief LCdr Larry Moraal LCdr Alex Barlow HMCS BRANDON HMCS YELLOWKNIFE

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Briefing for the families of the HMCS Brandon and HMCS Yellowknife.


  • 1. Families and Friends ofHMC ShipsBRANDON and YELLOWKNIFEPre-Deployment BriefLCdr Larry Moraal LCdr Alex BarlowHMCS BRANDON HMCS YELLOWKNIFE

2. Agenda 1730 Members and Family arrive 1800-1830 Command Teams 1830-1840 AJAG (focused on power of attorney) 1840-1900 MFRC (Programs and Services) 1900-1910 FMO (Mail services) 1910 1920 Medical 3. GoalsPart 1 To explain where we are going and what we aredoing To introduce you to support services To set expectations To answer your questions and concerns 4. Situation Transnational criminal organizations use theCaribbean basin and Central America astranshipment areas for the illicit traffic in drugs,weapons, money and people Illicit trafficking is a significant source of revenuefor organized crime, a growing threat to national,regional and international security and,therefore, to North America and Canada 5. Mission Operation CARIBBE is the Canadian ArmedForces recurring participation in themultinational campaign against illicit traffickingby transnational organized crime in theCaribbean basin and the eastern Pacific Ocean 6. Past Successes2013- OTT, EDM, YEL26 Jun 13: seized 440 kilograms of cocaine24 Oct 13: seized 468 kilograms cocaine foundbeneath the deck27 Oct 13: seized 639 kilograms of cocaine foundbeneath the deck 7. Summer of 2013Summer of Success 1,439 Kilograms of cocaine 9 Smugglers apprehended 5 Vessels sunk $51.7 Million worth ofcocaine seized 8. Tempo During Op CARIBBE Ships will sail in normal sailingconfiguration Daily routine at sea Less communication home Longer than normal working days(prolonged boardings) 9. Common Concerns Pay and benefits No extra pay entitlements No Leave Travel Assistance entitlement Med Tech or Med Officer embarked Process in place to repatriate 10. Expectations For you: Your loved ones will not be able to discuss mission events may not be reached by phone or internet forperiods of time due to operations will not be posting to social media from sea Of you: OPSEC Contact through the MFRC 11. AJAGPacific RegionMaj Ed CottrillPart 2 12. Discussion Points Power of Attorney Wills Travel Documents Supplementary Death Benefits SISIP 13. Power of AttorneyAllows a person (the donor) to appointsomeone 19 years of age or older to betheir representative (the attorney), forthe purposes of financial transactions orbusiness arrangements on his or herbehalf 14. Power of Attorney The financial or business arrangementscould include: Insurance for car or home Bank loans Mortgage payments Buying or selling property, including cars andhouses Pay issues 15. Duties of Attorney Must act in good faith Follow the instructions of the donor Perform transactions with due skill andcare Cannot delegate the power of attorney Must respect the title (ownership) of thedonors property and money Must keep proper accounts 16. Limitations and Concerns POA terminates on the death of thedonor Does not affect the estate Can be revoked (notify institutions) BC POA is valid outside BC butsubject to being accepted consultlegal advice wrt other provinces 17. WILLSWhat is a Will?The written statement by which a personinstructs how his or her estate should bedistributed after death 18. Why You Need a Will From the death of a person dyingintestate until administration is granted the personal estate and effects of thedeceased person are vested in thecourt. s.3 Estate Administration Act If one dies Intestate then provinceuses formula to distribute estate 19. Wills Basic CF Will is adequate for:First marriageSingle membersSimple FinancesNo children 20. Wills Suggest you get a Will from a Lawyer if: Second or subsequent marriage Home owner RRSPs, trust funds, stocks etc. Children Wish to have several persons as beneficiariesWill Kits May or May Not be Valid 21. Need to Re-Do Your Will? You should re-do your Will when: Newly married (previous will is invalidated bymarriage) Children are born Change of circumstances 22. Personal EmergencyNotification Form Ensure that it is up to date Fill in as many contact persons as youcan Ensure Privacy Act box is filled in Ensure contact information is accurate 23. TravelAuthorization Letter Is proof that you consent to your childtraveling with a spouse or anotherperson. May be required to cross US or otherborders with children. Can be signed by any commissionedofficer. 24. Supplementary DeathBenefits/SISIP Regularly update your SDB beneficiary Real case: 18 yr old joins CF, names then-girlfriendas beneficiary Break up of relationship, mbr later marriesand has children - killed in auto accident,hadnt changed beneficiary EX-GIRLFRIEND collected SDP Up date SISIP additional benefits, if any Marriage, children, divorce, etc. 25. Part 3 26. The classic deployment story Got very ill duringhusbands deployment Communications withship were down Didnt know about MFRCbut had a magnet Called 24 Hour Line andgot assistance 27. What is the MFRC?We are an independentresource for themilitary community 28. Our missionProvide programs and servicesthat serve, involve and advocatefor the military community and theirfamilies, and which address theunique challenges of the militaryfamily lifestyle and will result in anenhanced quality of life 29. Our visionA proud, self-reliant militaryfamily thriving in a dynamic andsupportive community. 30. Sandra PinardDeployment Coordinator 31. 3 Keys to a SuccessfulDeployment1. Planned and prepared2. Know the resources available3. Connected to others 32. Know what resources areavailable to you by: Checking out the DeploymentHandbook Checking out the Information Tables Find out about Upcoming Activities Check out the MFRC website : 33. Plan and Prepare Financial, Legal andHouseholdUse the checklists providedPick up a MFRC MagnetSingle members give theMFRC contact info to yourloved ones. 34. Whats new at the MFRC?? 35. Adult Activities Mindfulness CoffeeSession Oct 15 Winter Craft CoffeeSession Nov 12 Return and Reunion Part1 Dec 8 Return and Reunion Part2 Dec 11 36. Childrens DeploymentWorkshops Keep connected with deployed parent With other kids going through the samething Starting Oct 7 37. Workshops have an impactYounger son did them More easy goingOlder son didnt Resentful about militaryHe can understand the deployment better bybeing with other kids experiencing the samething 38. Tools for Parents and CaregiversDeploymentworkbooksFor those who live at a distance or who can not getinto the MFRC at the Childrens Workshop times. 39. Raising Your Military Child Online learning tool Tips and suggestions for parentingin the military lifestyle 40. Navigating School orMedical System Figure out school ormedical system Advocate for yourfamily Help you develop aplan 41. Imagination Library Book a month for newborns for 5 years 42. Staying in Touch Calls We will call yourparents, siblings,spouse, grandparents Keep them updated Answer their questions 43. Drop off Mail Packages Mail dates posted on Family can drop off care packages at anyeither Signal Hill MFRC or CPAC MFRC 44. Free Respite Child Care If gone for more than 21 days Get 3-hour period per week Maximum of 4 sessions per month Pick up your punch card tonight 45. Give at-home parent a break Husband inAfghanistan for 8months Family in Vancouver,none in Victoria Its just me all thetime Its absolutely criticalthat I have a break 46. Upcoming Activities Weekly Coffee Sessions Monthly Dinners Thanksgiving Potluck Homecoming Banner Making 47. Coffee Nights/Dinners Weekly events inColwood & Esquimalt Free child care 48. About more than just coffee Not from Victoria, family onEast Coast No military background First deployment = fourmonths 49. Family Networks Keep connected withother families Get info ondeployments Participate in socialactivities 50. Get Connected Join the MCDV Family Network Your Network volunteer: [email protected] Meet and Greet Session Oct 8 Find out about fun activities connect withothers like yourself. Military 101 Workshop Oct 28 51. Single MembersWe have not forgotten about you! SIT calls for parents where everthey may be New-comer activities Postal services and VTC Pet care and car storage adviceduring deployment 52. 24 Hour Info Line8000 phonecalls per year Answer questions Provide assistance in emergency Refer to resources in community 53. Military Family ID Card Access Base Gym Receive MilitaryDiscounts fromBusinesses Takes 15 minutes Member must be present Married or Common Law Children 13 or over 54. We can help you withEmergencies Help you get anemergency plan inplace Emergency Child Care Emergency House 55. Emergency Child Care Husband deployed Got H1N1 flu Two small kids Didnt have anyonethat could care for herchildren 56. Volunteering Each year, over100 volunteerscontribute closeto 5,000 hours Some of our bestvolunteers aremilitary familymembers 57. We respect yourPrivacy&Confidentiality 58. Two OfficesCPAC Signal HillDaycare Counselling 59. Location 1: CPACColwood Pacific Activity Centre 60. Location 2: Signal Hill1505 Esquimalt Road, EsquimaltClose to Dockyard Gate, Fleet Club 61. PLUS: Out of School Centre720 Galiano Crescent, ColwoodOut of School Care only, close toCPAC 62. Phone250-363-26403-2640 on the BaseOr toll-free anywhere in Canada1-800-353-332924 hours a day7 days a week 63. 64. DEPLOYMENTPOSTAL BRIEFINGCPL GROOT23 OCT 201464Part 4 65. TWO WAYS TO SEND YOUR MAIL:Canadian Forces (CF) morale mail service65Canada Post 66. CF MORALE MAIL SERVICEFree ServiceDrop off at the local MFRC or Fleet MailOfficeNo special services available withCF Morale Mail66 67. WEIGHT AND SIZE FOR PARCELSThe maximum weight for parcels is 20kgsOversize and overweight parcels will notbe accepted.67 68. MAXIMUM SIZE FOR MORALE MAILPARCELMax weight:40 CM 100 CM20Kgs68Example40 CM 69. CORRECT MAILING ADDRESSFOR HMCS (SHIPS NAME) PERSONNEL69Aye Missew123 My StVictoria BC V9A 7N2Tel 250-765-4567Smith A.Pte 123 (Mess #)HMCS (Ships Name)PO BOX 17000 STN FORCESVICTORIA BC V9A 7N2Contents:ChipsNewspapersBooksSenders addressDescription of contents Addressee 70. MAIL SENT VIA CANADA POSTProcess at any Canada Post outletPostage is required on all parcelsSpecial services including insurance, Registered Mail,70Xpresspost, Priority, etcProof of delivery to a Military Post OfficeLetter mail is currently free 71. MAIL GOING THROUGH CANADA POSTReturn address71John Doe123 My StVictoria BC V9A 7N2Tel- 250 765-4567Bloggins B.PO1 123 (Mess #)HMCS (Ships Name)PO Box 17000 STN FORCESVICTORIA BC V9A 7N2AddresseeCanada Post Custom Declaration is MANDATORY! 72. CANADA POST CUSTOMS DECLARATION72Sender:Same ason parcelDestination:Same ason parcelDescription of contents$20.00*NCVSign herex*NCV = No Commercial Value 73. PROHIBITED ITEMSAlcoholic beverages and tobacco productsCorrosive liquids/solids, flammableliquids/solidsPornographic materialKnivesDrugs and narcotics (including prescriptiondrugs)73 74. PROHIBITED ITEMS CONTINUEDCompressed gases (aerosols)74Perishable itemsSupplementary restrictions according to host countryNote: Batteries are permitted only if they are in theiroriginal sealed package 75. ALL PARCELS WILL BESCREENED75 76. CF MAIL ROUTINGSMail will be sent via shipping (CMTT)Timings are unpredictable76 77. CF MORALE MAIL DROP OFF POINTSMFRC locations:77Signal HillCPACFMO and Naden Mail RoomNote: Wrapping paper, tape and addressesare available at the MFRC, FMO and NadenMailroom. 78. CONTACT INFORMATION:FMO (250) 363-2176MFRC (250)363-264078 79. Pre-Deployment BriefingHMCS BRANDONHMCS YELLOWKNIFE23 September 2014Maj Shawn BenningerFleet SurgeonCPO2 Robert GibsonFleet Senior Physicians AssistantPart 5 80. HMCS BRANDON HMSC BRANDONs medical support will consist of aMedical Officer, Capt Louttit. Capt Louttit comes to us from Dryden,Ontario. Shespent 20 years as a rural physician, before joiningthe CF in 2012. She received training for and isqualified in, both Dive and Flight Medicine. She has been posted to 17 Wing Winnipeg, andspent time as medical relief in CFB Cold Lake andYellowknife NWT. She has also served as part ofthe Medical Team for Op Lentus and Exercise NewHorizon, Belize. Capt Louttit will act as the Senior Medical Authority. 81. HMCS YELLOWKNIFE HMCS YELLOWKNIFEs medical support consistsof a Medical Technician, Cpl Brad Kenny. Cpl Kenny is a QL5A graduate with a Primary CareParamedic license. He has sailed on HMCSALGONQUIN, learning the intricacies of the MedicalBay on board a sailing vessel. He worked as part ofthe Medical Support Team, for the annual VernonCadet Camp. Cpl Kenny will act within his scope of practice andwill seek clinical direction as required from theMedical Officer on board the BRANDON.