mcdonalds believe that good customer service is the responsibility of everybody in the company

McDonalds Service Quality McDonalds believe that good customer service is the responsibility of everybody in the company. Every employee has a part to play in providing with a service with best practise found anywhere in the trade. Products McDonalds provide high quality products, such as burgers, fries, drinks, muffins, etc, which are safe and reliable that it does what it is supposed to do, but not only does the quality of the products matter, the good value for money affects the business. E.g. buy one extra value meal and get one free with a food voucher that represents the offer only. They ensure that a high standard of the product is carried out at all times and they try to compete very competitively with other fast food businesses with their good value for money. Also a customer would know if the product is good value for money by checking in another food outlet like KFC for their services and products. McDonalds also play a role especially into the goods being safe to use and being very reliable with provided instructions. This will benefit the customer's safety and hoping to be very reliable during the customer's use because its helps the business to increase it sales by keeping the existing customers and attracting new ones.

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McDonalds Service Quality

McDonalds believe that good customer service is the responsibility of everybody in the company. Every employee has a part to play in providing with a service with best practise found anywhere in the trade. 


McDonalds provide high quality products, such as burgers, fries, drinks, muffins, etc, which are safe and reliable that it does what it is supposed to do, but not only does the quality of the products matter, the good value for money affects the business. E.g. buy one extra value meal and get one free with a food voucher that represents the offer only. They ensure that a high standard of the product is carried out at all times and they try to compete very competitively with other fast food businesses with their good value for money. Also a customer would know if the product is good value for money by checking in another food outlet like KFC for their services and products. 

McDonalds also play a role especially into the goods being safe to use and being very reliable with provided instructions. This will benefit the customer's safety and hoping to be very reliable during the customer's use because its helps the business to increase it sales by keeping the existing customers and attracting new ones. 

The products of McDonalds are safely packaged when it is required for the product, in order the customer does not have any problems or and negative feedbacks to McDonalds. E.g. hot coffee cups have plastic lids on top so it does not spill or burn on the customer. Also, McDonalds ensure to offer nutritional guide of the product clearly state what the product contains. 


However, not only the high quality standards of food affects the business, the staff who are presently providing the service are entitled to establishes him or her self with their tone (the sound of the voice), manner (the level of maturity), language and body language well enough to satisfy the customer and to make them appreciated of feeling more welcomed and values them as a proper

customer. E.g. if a customer was about to speak the staff operating the till would say hello, may I take your order please,' and when their products are given� Thank you and please come again.'�  

Also, the staffs are to wear the correct McDonald's uniform, so they will be easily noticed by customers, if they need help by the staff wearing black trousers and top with a McDonalds logo on the t-shirt. 


All premises in McDonalds are cared for very much and are cleaned before opening times and after closing times. These are well sign posted with safety signs so to ensure the customer does not endanger him or her self in any way. Also these premises are quite spacious which customers can easily work through for their own needs. Some McDonalds have two floors but the one I visited on Broad St has one floor, but it is quite spread out which contains tables and chairs on the side of the walls, so the customer can easily walk through. High chairs, baby changing area and disabled toilet, normal separate toilets for men and women. 

Delivery McDonalds do not deliver their goods as it is not recommended as a customer service in the business, but if a customer were to have a disability, their goods would have been delivered by a member of staff on their own free will. 

After sales care 

This basically consists on the employee asking the customer if he or she is satisfied, both with the company's goods and the service that it provides. Minor complaints are solved by staff on duty that apologise for the problem, provide the help or assistance required to check the customer is satisfied. E.g. the drink was flat, which the customer complained, so the staff had to give the customer another drink. If the problem is more serious, then it is referred to the manager immediately, so the problem is solved efficiently. Also if the product is quite cold, the matter will be resolved by a simple exchange for the same product without any hesitations. 


McDonalds do accept cash and cheques as a payment method but they do not take credit cards although there are ATM machines available outside most stores so the money can be obtained from the credit card easily. 

Communicating with customers 

Customers intend to communicate with staff about a whole lot of issues relating to goods and services on offer, such as pricing, availability, contracts and after-sales service. Customers with different disabilities will have different needs. If in doubt, staff may find it hard to communicate during the customer's order so the staff find will out from the customers individually of what method of communication suits them best. In addition to the telephone and text can benefit a range of customers. E.g. a customer is unable to talk and hear but is able to read, which the member of staff exchange written notes, in order to satisfy the customer by taking in his or her order. 

There are ranges of systems to enhance communication for people with hearing impairments. Some are relatively simple, such as induction loops, which is used at the counters. In situations where it is not reasonable to install an induction loop or other type of voice enhancement system, staffs communicates in other ways, such as exchanging written notes with customers with hearing impairments. The layout of a formal letter may include the manager's address or name if known, the customer's address and to terminate the letter with yours sincerely or yours faithfully. Also the grammar and punctuation is very important because sometimes it may mislead the person. Staffs are encouraged to look straight at customers and not cover the mouth when they are speaking to them. Allowing extra time, and repeating back to the customer to check accuracy and understanding, can benefit customers with learning difficulties and with speech impairments. Also McDonalds's staff are in uniform, which may include blue top, jeans or trousers and a cap with a the company's logo on each item so the customer can easily recognise of who to go for ordering and help during their presence in McDonalds. When the customer is in need of help staff would communicate to guide them through the food outlet but the customer may not be able to speak good English

which the staff may intend to speak the language like urdu, so this is a form of verbal communication in another language.

Service quality of kfc

KFC has been known as the leading fast-food chain and restaurant in  many countries; it serves  its famous original recipe “fried chicken” that contains  11 secret herbs and spices that cannot find in other  fried chicken brand.  For this reason, KFC has been  branded as the fast-food that serves “a finger-licking good food” that are safely processed through   the company's  high-quality control team.  KFC quality control starts its job  from the supply of all  raw materials. Then, it  conducts an annual supplier audit,  STAR Audit which comprises the  two  areas, the  Food Safety and the Quality Systems Audits.  The STAR audit  is conducted by either third party  international auditing firm assigned by YUM or  the company's own team of  expert team of food technologists in the Quality Assurance Section.   They are similar with    ISO approach. Furthermore, these  food technologists regularly do the experimentation of new flavors and do research  for   more creative and enticing  food concepts  in order to provide  high-quality, nutritional  and best choices of food for the customers.   In similar way,   they  also developed some famous  local flavors designed to enable the customers to enjoy an exciting dining experience.  


Moreover, the supplier quality are scrutinized and reviewed by KFC regional franchisor to enable to improve the products in continuous manner. Hence,  the products and services of the suppliers are being  checked regularly by submitting quality reports about their products and performance. More than that, the food technologists are also doing their  quarterly QA evaluations on in-house suppliers.  The fast-food chain only uses  quality raw materials from reputable suppliers. All  chickens are all slaughtered by certified  slaughters.

The Ayamas chicken supplier is closely monitored  by the Department of Veterinary Service and obtains the Veterinary Health Mark (VHM) logo.  Apart from it is an ISO 9001 certified supplier. 

In addition to that, KFC products are cooked  well over the minimum heat or   temperature under standard procedure  that is required by World Health Organization (WHO) in order to prevent  the risk of contamination among the  raw and ready- to- eat products.  For all the products, KFC  uses non-hydrogenated palm oil that is  100 percent cholesterol free. In this relation, KFC provides an informational campaign through media forms in order  to promote the nutritional values of KFC products to the wide array of customers, as well as to promote  a wholesome and balanced menu. The fast-food chain quality  of KFC mainly attributed by the CHAMPS.

C- for  cleanliness

H- for Hospitality

A- for Accuracy

M-for Maintenance

P-for Product Quality

S- for  Speed of Service

While there are field QA  service team who conduct  regular evaluations in every KFC restaurant and fast-food chain in  every country. The evaluation covers all aspects of CHAMPS including the cleanliness and sanitation of the premises and equipment, personal hygiene, hospitality/friendliness in service, accuracy in the serving order, good maintenance, product qualitystandards and speed of service. More than anything else,  KFC follows strict  temperature control and shelf life to ensure the food is served  fresh and safe  to the   customers. The most significant  policy of KFC  is  evaluating  the customers' experience with KFC  restaurants, whether they are satisfied or not with the products and services, and they can also put their comments and suggestions for further  improvements of the products and services  of KFC. 


Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) program is implemented for every  KFC fast-food chain and restaurant in order to identify, evaluate and control any physical,  chemical and environmental hazards in the work place. This is effectively applied  f from receiving of raw materials up to  serving of

food  to the customers. Daily operations  is always a compliance to the KFC requirement.  Employees  are required to undergo  Food Handler’s Course which is recognized by the Ministry of Health.  The company, implemented a hand washing  program to ensure proper hygiene and sanitation among the employees, customers in the restaurants.  Staff are working on the  finished products with  the use ofdisposable gloves and sanitized scoops or tongs.  And, all restaurant teams including managers are immunized against Typhoid upon hiring. Correspondingly, pest control is  included in the  challenges that KFC has been   successfully surpassed until the present days. In order to maintain the high-standards  of service to the customers, it hires expert pest terminator to conduct  regular inspections  on KFC establishments, as well as treatment if necessary after operation hours.  And, keep monitoring during  operation hours  in every restaurant.  KFC has really make best effort to maintain its efficiency and effectiveness in its daily operations.  This is the very reason that it allots big sum of money just to comply to foodquality control,  and proper hygiene and sanitation programs


The concept of services quality its importance has grown in recent years for years for two main reasons. Firstly, we are starting to understand the total concept of service more and are now better able to define what is meant by quality of service. Secondly, researchers are determining ways that service quality can actually be quantified or measured.

Measuring service quality gives marketers a tangible tool to use when developing strategies for marketing services.

The concept of Quality is very important to marketers because quality drives the development of all marketing strategies. This means that quality must also be a major focus of all marketing strategies for service.

The service quality can be measured on the following five dimensions:

   Reliability :   The ability to perform the promised service dependably and  accurately.

  Tangibles  :     The appearance of physical facilities, equipment, personnel and communication materials.

  Responsive- :  The willingness to help passengers and provide promptness service.

 Assurance  :  The knowledge and courtesy of employees and their ability to convey trust and confidence.

 Empathy   :  The caring, individualized attention provided to the passenger.


Effective services marketing is a complex undertaking involving many different skills and tasks. Executives of services organizations have long

been confused about how to complicated topic in an organized manner. This text was designed around one approach: viewing service in a structured, integrated way called service quality model.

The gaps model position the key concepts, strategies and decisions in services marketing in a manner that begins with the passenger and builds the organization’s tasks around what is needed to close the gap between passenger expectation and perceptions. The integrated gaps model of service quality, which was first overviewed in the part 1 opener, is shown in fig.

The central focus of the gaps model is the passenger gap, the difference between passenger expectation and perceptions. Firms need to close this gap-between what passengers expect and receive-in order to satisfy their passenger and build long-term relationships with them. To close this all-important passenger gap, the model suggests that four other gaps-the provider gaps-need to be closed.

The following four provider gaps, shown below the horizontal line in fig. are the underlying causes behind the passenger gap: 

    Gap 1:       Between management perception and passenger’s Expect

    Gap 2:       Between Passenger-driven service design and standards and Company perceptions of passenger expectation

    Gap 3:       Between service delivery and external communications  

    Gap 4:       Between perceived service and expected service

    Gap 5:      Between Service delivery and Passenger-driven service design and standards


Passenger expectations are beliefs about service delivery that function as standards or reference points against which is judged. Because passenger compare their perceptions of performance with these reference points when evaluating service quality, thorough knowledge about passenger expectations is critical to service marketers. Knowing what passenger expects is the first and possibly most critical step in delivering quality service. Being wrong about what

passenger want can mean losing a passenger’s business when another company hits the target exactly. Being wrong can also mean expending money, time, and other resources on things that don’t count to the passenger. Being wrong can even mean not surviving in a fiercely competitive market.

Among the aspect of expectation that need to be explored and understood for successful services marketing are the following:

       What types of expectation standards do passengers hold about services?

      What factors most influence the formation of these expectations?

      What role do these factors play in changing expectations?

      How can a service company meet or exceed passenger expectations?

Objectives are to:

    Recognize that passengers hold different types of expectation for service performance.

  The sources of passenger expectations of service, including those that are controllable and uncontrollable by marketers.

 Acknowledge that the types and sources of expectations are similar for end passengers and business passengers, for pure service and product-related service, for experienced passengers and inexperienced passengers.

  Delineate the most important current issues surrounding passenger expectations.


The success of Starbucks in the early 1990’s can be attributed to Howard Schultz’s vision of the Starbucks brand. Schultz inspired of a company which would make the customer the centre of its success and would change the coffee drinking experience in the U.S. In order to achieve this, Schultz successfully utilized his human resources by establishing benefits that would force those resources to create value in the process of the coffee drinking experience. Starbucks was successful because it placed value to the customers first in its value proposition. Following is a number of factors that accounted to Starbucks success in the early 1990’s:

a. Atmosphere: Schultz’s idea was to make Starbucks America’s “third place”. By recreating the Italian coffee culture he met in Milan, he managed to make Starbucks a place where people can enjoy their social interactions, relax, or just spent some time by themselves. In essence, the Starbucks idea changed the norm from “buying coffee as a drink” to “the experience of enjoying coffee”. People viewed Starbucks as a place they wanted to be at and they spent as much time as they could in the stores.It was an uplifting experience that was complemented with the layout designed to provide an inviting environment.

b. Coffee quality: Starbucks strategy was to open only company‐owned stores and avoid franchising. This enabled the company to keep full control of quality of its\ products and services. At the same, Starbucks tried to control as much of the supply chain as possible in order to keep the quality of coffee at high and consistent levels by working with growers and enforcing coffee standards. These two strategies enabled Starbucks to deliver on the first component of its value proposition; quality.

c. Service: Partners were trained on both “hard skills” and “soft skills” when hired to work for a Starbucks retail store. This equal emphasis on the “hard” and “soft” skills further highlighted Starbucks strategy to make the experience pleasant for the customer. The “soft skills” were a way to teach the partners on how to connect with the customer, by establishing eye contact, smiling and greeting them with their names when the customers were regulars. In addition to that there was also the “JustSay Yes” policy for which the partners went beyond company rules in order to satisfy the customers. These again created a friendly environment for customers who felt special and in combination with the two points mentioned above increased their customer satisfaction.

d. Partner satisfaction: Schultz’s belief was that if the Starbucks employees were happy, then this would lead to higher customer satisfaction. For this reason, Starbucks partners were among the highest paid hourly workers, they enjoyed health benefits and they had stock options. This resulted in one of the lowest employee turnover rates in the industry and a consistently high employee satisfaction rate. Furthermore, the majority of promotions for Starbucks were within its own ranks. Even though there is no evidence that the satisfaction of partners led to customer satisfaction, it would be safe to assume that the low employee turnover meant that partners stayed at their positions for longer time, were more experienced in treating the customer and could provide a faster service.

e. Specific target audience: Starbucks coffee in the 1990’s was targeted primarily towards the affluent, well‐educated, white‐collar people. Being able to attract such an affluent demographic and serving them by providing superior service, helped in being able to provide the service at a consistent level and keep the customers satisfied.

f. Attractive market: The concept of Starbucks was new and the notion of turning the coffee drinking into a social experience was almost unexploited in the U.S. In the early 1990’s Starbucks did not face fierce competition. The absence of the above concept helped Starbucks succeed. Starbucks value proposition is compelling because it places the customer and the service delivered to the customer above everything else. Even though Starbucks is a retail‐coffee store, the value proposition is not about the coffee exclusively but about the coffee culture and the experience of drinking coffee. With its value proposition, Starbucks moves away from the tangible benefits that the coffee offers, such as taste, stimulation, alertness and oncentrates on the quality of its coffee and the intangible benefits of the experience of drinking Starbucks coffee. Starbucks value proposition is not about coffee, it is about theexperience of drinking coffee in a Starbucks store integrating the product with the emotionalbenefits.

Service Quality Of Life Insurance Corporation

The service quality has become a highly instrumental co-efficient in the aggressive competitive marketing. For success and survival in today’s competitive environment, delivering quality service is of paramount importance for any economic enterprise. Life Insurance Corporation of India, the leading insurance company has set up ‘benchmarks’ in enervating the whole concept of service quality. The present study aims to measure customers’ perception towards life insurance service quality by applying a framework developed by Sureshchandar et al. (2001). An advocated procedure has been used to develop, refine and validate a scale. Data has been collected from 337 customers from the three cities of Punjab (a progressive State of India). The findings of the study demonstrate that five-factor structure as proposed by Sureshchandar et al. (2001) has been refined to sevenfactor construct (consisting of 34 items) representing Proficiency; Media and presentations; Physical and ethical excellence; Service delivery process and purpose; Security and dynamic operations; Credibility; and Functionality. Besides, the study also investigates the relationship between each of the generated service quality dimensions and customers overall evaluation of life insurance service quality. It reveals that among these seven factors, three viz., Proficiency; Physical and ethical excellence; and Functionality have significant impact on the overall service quality of Life Insurance Corporation of India. Managerial implications and directions for further research have also been discussed.

1. Introduction

The liberalization of Indian economy ushered in an era of competitive marketing leading to the radical changes in the entire gamut of products and services. The service sector, hitherto limited in nature and scope, changed into an aggressive mode appropriating the front stage touching almost every sphere of human activity, viz., banking, insurance, information technology, welfare etc. and accounted for approximately two-thirds of worldwide GNP right from the beginning of the twenty first century (Kara et al., 2005). Delivering quality service is considered an essential strategy for success and survival in today's competitive environment (Dawkins and Reichheld, 1990; Parasuraman et al., 1985; Reichheld and Sasser 1990; Zeithaml et al., 1990). In the literature, the construct of quality is conceptualized based on perceived service quality (Hishamuddin et al., 2008). Perceived service quality is defined as „global judgment, or attitude, relating to the superiority of the service‟ (Parasuraman et

al., 1988). In the huge service sector, insurance sector is one of the most important entities which has been growing relatively fast in India. At present there are twenty three players in the Indian life insurance industry out of which

Life Insurance Corporation is one of the leading public companies, holds largest number of policies in the world to suit different financial requirement of an individual. With a greater choice and an increasing awareness, there is a continuous increase in the customers‟ expectations and they demand better quality service. Therefore, to sustain in the market, service quality becomes a most critical component of competitiveness for Life Insurance Corporation of India.