mcchesney _rich media, poor democracy -communication politics in dubious times

8/13/2019 McChesney _Rich Media, Poor Democracy -Communication Politics in Dubious Times 1/3  oert merican  democracy  is in a  decrepit  state—exempli- fied  by a  depoliticization  that  would make  a  tyrant k.envious—and  the  corporate commercial media sys- tem is an important factor  in  understanding  how  this  sorry state came to be. The  corporate media cement  a  system whereby  th e  wealthy  and  powerful  few  make  the  most impor- tant decisions with virtually  no  informed public participation.  Crucial political issues  are  barely covered  by the corporate media,  or  else  are  warped  to fit the  confines  of elite debate, stripping  the  ordinary citizenry  of the  tools they need to be  informed, active participants  in a  democracy.  For those  who  regard inequality  and  untrammeled  commercial- ism  as  undermining  the  requirements  of a  democratic society, media reform must  be on the  political agenda. The  corporate media system  is not the  only factor  that explains  the  woeful  state  of  U.S. democracy,  nor is it neces- sarily  the  most important one.  But it is  among  the  most important problems we  face and,  accordingly,  it has to be on an y  short  list  of  issues around which  all  progressive  an d  demo- cratic  activists should organize. Likewise, media  reform is not winnable  a s a  single-issue campaign; reforming  our  media sys- tem will be  impossible unless  it is part  o f a  broader movement. The  neoliberal  right understands  the  importance  of  media far  better  than  the  left  and has devoted considerable resources to  its  campaigns  to  push  the  media  to an  explicitly pro- corporate, anti-labor position. Billionaire right-wingers establish  political media primarily  to  propagate pro-business politics and to  push  the  range  of  political debate ever right- ward. The  leading U.S. right-wing foundations  have  devoted nearly all their resources  to  pushing  the  media  and  educa- tional systems  to  provide more explicitly pro-business positions.  The  political right also leads  the  fight  against  any and  all  forms  of  noncommercial  and  nonprofit media. Failing that,  it  leads  the  battle  to see  that  public broadcasting stays wi;_iin  the  same narrow ideological boundaries  as the  com- mercial media.  As a  result,  PBS  refuses  to  permit labor  to sponsor programs about workers  but  permits business  to  sub- sidize programs extolling  free enterprise. Until recently, liberals, progressives  and the  left  in the United States have been notably missing  in  action  in the  bat- tie over  the  media.  The response of the  progressive  and mainstream foundations,  for  example,  to  this right-wing ide- ological assault  has  been tepid  at  best.  These  groups  are uncomfortable about being seen  as  political. Regrettably, organized  labor, too,  has  been snoozing  for the  most part, pro- viding  little  to  counter this right-wing ideological class war. The  political right plays  to win; labor  and the  left  are not even playing at  all. T here are two  general  areas—and  they sometimes over- lap—for  media activism.  In  each,  a  nascent  left, organized  labor  and the  progressive foundations must become active. First, labor (and  the  left can create better noncommercial media and  generate better results  from  com- mercial media independent  of  changes  in  government policies and the  corporate media system.  All of  labor needs not  only  to  support aggressively  its ow n  newspapers, maga- zines,  broadcast stations  and Web  sites;  it  also needs  to  give money  and  resources  to  community  and  nonprofit media that have  no  direct labor  affiliation.  This  is a  crucial  point: Labor needs  to be  willing  to  grant considerable editorial lee- way  to the  media  it  subsidizes. Unless  it  does  so, the  media will tend  to be  timid, overly  concerned  with pleasing labor's political hierarchy,  and  unlikely  to  produce  a  medium with vitality  and  broad appeal.  The  same holds true  for  progres- sive philanthropies:  Alternative media  cannot  be micromanaged  by  funders and at the  same time develop  an audience. This  is  something  the  right understands,  and it has  contributed  to the success of its media  program.) NOVEM ER  14 999  5 IN  THESE  TIMES LICENSED TO UNZ.ORG ELECTRONIC REPRODUCTION PROHIBITED

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Page 1: McChesney _Rich Media, Poor Democracy -Communication Politics in Dubious Times

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 o ert

merican democracy  is in a decrepit state—exempli-

fied   by a d epoliticization that would make a tyrant

k.envious—and  the corporate commercial media sys-tem is an  important factor  in  understanding  how  this sorrystate came  to be. The  corporate media cement  a  systemwhereby th e  wealthy and powerful  fe w make  the most impor-tant  decisions with virtually  no  informed publicparticipation.  Crucial political issues  are barely covered  bythe corporate media, or else  ar e warped  to fit the  confines o felite debate, stripping the ordinary citizenry of the  tools theyneed  to be  informed, active participants  in a democracy. For

those who  regard inequality  and  unt rammeled commercial-ism  a s undermining  the requirements  of a democratic society,media  reform must be on the  political agenda.

The  corporate media system  is not the  only factor  that

explains  the   woeful  state  of U.S. democracy,  nor is it  neces-

sarily  the  most important one.  But it is  among  the  mostimportant problems we face  and, accordingly, it has to be on

an y short  list of issues around which  al l progressive and demo-cratic activists should organize. Likewise, media reform  is notwinnable a s a single-issue campaign; reforming our media sys-tem will be impossible unless it is part of a broader movement.

The  neoliberal right understands the  importance  of media

fa r better than the   left and has devoted considerable resourcesto  its  campaigns  to  push  the  media  to an  explicitly pro-corporate, anti-labor position. Bi llionaire right-wingersestablish political media primarily to propagate pro-businesspolitics  and to push  the  range of political debate ever right-ward. The  leading U.S. right-wing foundations have devotednearly all  their resources  to  pushing  the  media  and  educa-tional  systems  to  provide more explicitly pro-businesspositions. The political right also leads the  f ight  against any

and al l  forms of noncommercial  an d nonprofit media. Failingthat,  it leads the  battle  to see that public broadcasting stayswi;_iin  the  same narrow ideological boundaries as the  com-mercial  media.  As a  result, PBS  refuses  to  permit labor  to

sponsor programs about workers but permits business to sub-sidize programs extolling  free  enterprise.

Until  recently, liberals, progressives  and the  left  in the

United States have been notably missing in action in the bat-tie  over  the  media.  The response of the  progressive  and

mainstream foundations,  fo r example,  to this right-wing ide-ological assault  has  been tepid  at  best.  These  groups  are

uncomfortable about being seen  as  political. Regrettably,

organized labor, too, has been snoozing for the most part, pro-viding  little to  counter this right-wing ideological class war.The  political right plays to win; labor  and the  left  are not

even playing at all.

T here are two general areas—and they sometimes over-lap—for  media activism.  In  each,  a  nascent  left,

organized  labor  and the  progressive foundations mustbecome active. First, labor (and  the  left can  create betternoncommercial media and generate better results from  com-mercial media independent  of  changes  in  governmentpolicies  and the corporate media system. All of  labor needsnot  only  to support aggressively its ow n newspapers, maga-zines, broadcast stations and Web sites; it also needs  to givemoney  and  resources  to  community  and  nonprofit mediathat have no direct labor  affil iat ion.  This is a crucial point:

Labor needs to be willing to  grant considerable editorial lee-way  to the  media  it subsidizes. Unless  it does so, the  mediawill tend to be timid, overly concerned with pleasing labor'spolitical hierarchy,  and  unlikely to produce  a medium withvitality and  broad appeal. The  same holds true for progres-sive  philanthropies:  Alternative media  cannot  be

micromanaged by funders  and at the same time develop  an

audience.  This  is something  the  right understands,  and it

has contributed to the success of its media program.)

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In  addition, labor  and the  left  need  to  take  another  pagefrom   th e  political right, which manipulates traditional U.S.journalism   practices as m asterfully  as a surgeon does a scalpel.Like  the  right, labor  and the  progressive philanthropic  com-

muni ty  also need to support think tanks of experts who canprovide  labor  and  left  perspectives  on  social  issues  fo r  com-mercial  an d  noncommercial journalists alike.  These  thinktanks  ca n  also monitor  the  massive right-wing campaigns  to

shape news coverage. The re cently  formed  Institute for PublicAccuracy, under  the  direction  of Norman Solomon  and SamHusseini, is doing a  terrific  job of providing such a service.For the political right, these sorts of activities are especiallyeffective  because their op eratives and ideas are so comfortablein the  halls of the  corporate media. Hence  so many of the TV

pol i t ica l commenta tors

Progressives Have



providing little to counter

tKe right-wing ideological

class war. The political rightplays to win; labor and the

left aren t playing at all.

that  hail  from  th e  righthave become interchange-

able  w i th  the  so-calledmains t r eam ana lys ts .These activit ies will neve rsuffice  for the  left ,  bu tthey  ca n  help  vitalize  a

nonc om m e r c i a l m e d iasector  on the  margins and

guarantee   the  best possi-bl e  pe r formance  by thecomm ercial system.

B ut   the  second,  and

most im po rtant, area of political activity is organizing tochange government media polic ies.  The  core problem withthe   U.S. media system re la tes  to how it is owned,  its  profitmotivation   and its  reliance upon advertising.  The  m e d iasystem   is not the  result  of the  blind workings of the  m y th i -ca l  free  market. In fact, it is a highly   noncompetitive

industry  that  is the  direct result  of explic it gove rnme nt sub-sidies  an d  polic ies. Almost  all of the  important  laws  an d

policies   that  created  ou r  media sys tem—like  th e  dreadful1996 Telecommunications Act, which   opened the  door  to

an  unprecedented wave  of  corporate  mergers—have  been

made wi th  zero  public input.  They  are the  direct result  ofsuper-powerful  corporate lobbies muscling their  way to the

public trough. The  corruption  of  this policy-making processcan  hardly be  exaggerated.

Any  a t temp t  to  affect  U.S. media  that  does  not  addressstructural  issues  directly through government policies  willprove inconsequential  in the long  run.  It is the right and

duty  of the  public to   intervene  and see  that  policies enactedin  their name ref lect  their  informed  consent.  Corporate

media power must  be  confronted directly  an d  reduced.  Afundamen ta l  question  that needs  to be raised,  fo r example , iswhy   it is OK for the g overnm ent to quietly  subsidize  themedia giants through  tax breaks, deregulation  and the  gift o fthe  public spectrum,  but let the  nonprofit  and  noncommer-cial media sector starve.   Why not use governm ent policiescreatively   to  funnel resources  into  a  nonprofit media sector?For instance, economist Dean Baker has  proposed letting  all

Americans direct up to $150  of their  federal  tax payments  tothe   nonprof it medium  of  their choice.  If we  made this  anissue, there m ig h t b e numerous other ways w e could improveth e  quality  of our  media culture without dredging  up thespecter of an  overbearing government.

This is the great advantage of the   left:  It can provide realsolutions  to the  problems of the  media . The  right often

taps into legitimate concerns people have about me dia, but itssolutions are  illusory  or  counterproductive. Many  left  mediacritics present superb analysis of the weaknesses of the statusqu o bu t have been reticent about providing concrete  solutions;these  will  develop, they  argue,  over the course of  political

struggle  and  debate.  But by the end of the  90s,  we  have

reached  the point where me dia reformers have  to  provide con-crete examples of an  alternative; otherwise, many people willhave no idea of what exactly they are fighting for.

The  heartening news  is  that  over  the  course  of the

 90s there  has been   a decided  shift  in public sentiment,  and

increased openness  to  structural criticism  of the

media system.  The  hyper-commerc ia l i sm   of the

system, staggering   corpo-

rate   concentration and

low-grade  journalism haveunde r m ine d  the  claimsthat ours is a free press ded-icated to public service  and

democracy,   or even theclaim   that   the  handful  of

conglomerates  that  ruleover  ou r  media system  are  giving  the  people whatthey want.

This  activism has  taken  the  form  of nume rous local m ediawatch groups, which monitor   the  lame content  of  local  TV

news  an d  work,  fo r  example ,  to  have  liquor  an d  cigarettebillboards removed  from  working-class and minority residen-tial  neighborhoods.  It  also takes  the  form  of

microbroadcasters  who use  low-power radio signals  to  makean end run  around  the  banality  of  corporate radio  fare.  At

th e   national  level, ne w groups like Citizens  fo r Independent

Public Broadcasting   are  organizing  to  establish  a  genuine ,well- funded  public radio  and TV  system, replacing  the  low-budget, increasingly commercial, elitist operation   that  iscurrently under  the  thum b  of  corporate unde rwriters  and

careerist bureaucrats. There  is also  the  newly formed Peoplefor  Better  TV, which  is demanding  that  commercial broad-casters actually provide some public service   in  exchange  fo rthe  pub lic ly owned te levision spectrum they  are  licensed  to

use  at no  charge. The  value of this exam ple of  corporate we l-fare  over the past six  decades  runs well  into  the hundreds of

billions  of dollars.In   the  short  term,  the  immediate  need   is to   connect   the

struggle for  media  reform  with  the  movement  fo r  campaignfinance reform. Much  of the estimated $3.5 billion  that will be

spent  on  electoral campaigns  in  2000  will pay for TV ads oncommercial stations.  This  is an  enormous cash  cow for thecorporate media,  and it has struck  a dagger into  the  integrityof  our political culture. The  corporate media are the  foremostopponents  of any  reform  in  campaign finance  that  mightremove   ou r  electoral system  from  the  private reserve  of thewealthiest  one  quarter  of one  percent   of Am ericans,  who by

some estimates presently make  a whopping  80 percent o f indi-vidual campaign contributions. Instead,  why not  make  it a

condition of ge tting  a  broadcast license  that  a broadcaster  willair no  paid political  advertising during electoral campaigns?

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Elsewhere,  Sen. Paul We llstone is among the most outspo-ken of  severa l members  of  Congress  who can see thedisastrous im plications of permitting our me dia and telecom-munications system to  fall into so few hands. Indeed,  it is verydifficult  to reconcile any  notion  of democracy with such alightly  held system accountable only  to  Wall Street  an dMadison Avenue. There  is a resurgent movement  to rechargeou r  antit rust  laws  with  th e  same popul ist commitment  to

democracy  that brought them  into existence  10 0 years ago.There  ar e numerous other policy proposals  to  democratize

our media system floating around. The key point is to createa diverse me dia system with a significant nonprofit and non-commercial sector. Corporate media PR flacks  argue that an y

effort  to  reduce their power would lead  to  government con-trol  of the  media.  The  concern  with  the  state having  an

improper role in the med ia is quite legitimate, but eve n if al lof the proposals w ere enacted, the corporate media w ould still

be the dominant sector of our media system. In truth,  th e  cor-porate media actually welcome  th e  government playing  anaggressive  role in the media system, as long as it is in theirinterests  and not  those of the citizenry.

1 11 is  easy  to be  depressed about  the  prospects  for  media/'l reform, ju st like it is easy to lose hope for progressive socialchange  altogether.  Th e  media giants  are  unusually  powerful

adversaries, w ith massive lobbies. They also are in the  enviableposition of owning th e very news media that people w ould lookto for coverage of m edia reform issues.

But there  ar e reasons to be optimistic. When o ne  sees  th eexten t  to w h ic h  th e  media giants go to  keep their lobbyingactivities  in  Washington  secret, you can  understand the irfear  that  th e  publ ic wil l learn  th e  truth behind this corruptsystem. When Am ericans actual ly hear  about  th e  giveawayof the p ubl ic spectrum or who benefits from  political adver-tising, they  ar e  outraged.  The job for  media activists  is tomake this a public issue. If we can get that far, our chances

of w inning im prove dramatica lly.Moreover, what  is beginning  to  take shape  in the  United

States is happening  al l over  the  world, as the  corporate media

system globalizes in conjunction  with free market econom-ic policies. Across the world, democratic  left  political partiesan d m ovements are m aking media reform a cornerstone issuein their  platforms,  an d  they  ar e enjoying success at the  polls.

Finally, media reform  offers  certain advantages  to the  U.S.left.  It is an issue that affects  every strand of the  left  and couldbring diverse groups together  to  form  common ground. Butmedia  reform  also resonates across  the  political spectrum.Even so-called conservatives often  ar e  appalled by the  com-mercial saturation of our culture. Th e  average Ame rican  nowspends nearly  12  hours  per day  consuming some  form  ofmedia ,  so  media reform addresses something  that  al lAmericans experience directly.

The   fate  of media reform and the U.S.  left  are inexorablyintertwined,  and in  their fortunes resides perhaps  th e  besthope  for the  United States  to  become  a democracy ruled bythe m any ra ther  than the few. 

McChesney  teaches a t t h e Un ivers i ty  o f  I llinois . Thisart icle   is   adapted  f r o m  Rich Media , Poor Democracy:Com munication Politics in Dubious Times.  Used  with permis-

s ion   of the  Univers i ty  of I l l inois Press  < .ui l l inois .edu).

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