mbr sewage treatment container plant - aim watercontainer+plant.pdf · plant pictures product...

The ideal solution for: Applications with high demand on irrigation, e.g. hotels or holiday resorts Limited space requirements, e.g. workers accommodations Construction sites – water re-use for concrete mixing and easy relocation Residential areas without connection to a centralized sewer system Emergency treatment solution for disaster areas M M B B R R S S e e w w a a g g e e T T r r e e a a t t m m e e n n t t C C o o n n t t a a i i n n e e r r P P l l a a n n t t Mobile solution with Ceramic Flat Membranes for 1,800 to 3,000 m³/d ® made in germany

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Post on 04-Jun-2018




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Page 1: MBR Sewage Treatment Container Plant - AIM WaterContainer+Plant.pdf · Plant Pictures Product Program Product Code Container Population equivalent Capacity Order-No. MBR Container

TThhee iiddeeaall ssoolluutt iioonn ffoorr ::

•• AApppplliiccaattiioonnss wwiitthh hhiigghh ddeemmaanndd oonn iirrrriiggaattiioonn,, ee..gg.. hhootteellss oorr hhooll iiddaayy rreessoorr ttss

•• LLiimmiitteedd ssppaaccee rreeqquuiirreemmeennttss,, ee..gg.. wwoorrkkeerrss aaccccoommmmooddaatt iioonnss

•• CCoonnsstt rruucctt iioonn ss ii tteess –– wwaatteerr rree--uussee ffoorr ccoonnccrreettee mmiixxiinngg aanndd eeaassyy rreellooccaattiioonn

•• RReessiiddeenntt iiaall aarreeaass wwiitthhoouutt ccoonnnneeccttiioonn ttoo aa cceennttrraalliizzeedd sseewweerr ssyysstteemm

•• EEmmeerrggeennccyy ttrreeaattmmeenntt ssoolluuttiioonn ffoorr ddiissaasstteerr aarreeaass

MMBBRR SSeewwaaggee TTrreeaattmmeenntt CCoonnttaaiinneerr PPllaanntt

MMoobbiillee ssoolluuttiioonn wwiitthh CCeerraammiicc FFllaatt MMeemmbbrraanneess ffoorr 11,,880000 ttoo 33,,000000 mm³³//dd


made in germany

Page 2: MBR Sewage Treatment Container Plant - AIM WaterContainer+Plant.pdf · Plant Pictures Product Program Product Code Container Population equivalent Capacity Order-No. MBR Container

OOuurr UUnniiqquuee OOffffeerr

What is MBR? MBR stands for Membrane-Bio-Reactor and is the state of the art waste water treatment solution. The technology is characterized as most compact solution with highest effluent quality that enables reusing the treated water for different applications. Due to the compact design it is possible to realize high treatment capacity as mobile plants. A MBR plant combines a biological treatment step with a subsequent filtration. The treated water is free of germs, bacteria and odor. Using ceramic membranes the system is extremely robust, high temperature resistant, easy to clean and therewith the ideal mobile solution for hot and arid areas.

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YYoouurr bbeenneeff ii ttss::

�� MMiinniimmiizzee yyoouurr wwaatteerr ccoonnssuummppttiioonnss �� RReedduuccee yyoouurr wwaatteerr ccoossttss �� PPrrootteecctt yyoouurr hheeaalltthh aanndd tthhee eennvviirroonnmmeenntt

Tank for biological treatment and disinfection by submerged ceramic membrane filtration; waste water treatment capacity per tank between 400 – 600 m³ per day; tank footprint 2.5 x 8.0 m only

Ceramic Flat Membrane modules connected to filtration units; extreme robust, high temperature resistant, very easy to clean, high chemical resistant, reliable long-term operation, low-maintenance costs, stable water disinfection

Filtration Skid with systems engineering and measurement instrumentation, control unit with telemetric system; easy connection with filtration tank due to pre-fabricated piping system

Irrigation , Landscaping,

Concrete mixing


Page 3: MBR Sewage Treatment Container Plant - AIM WaterContainer+Plant.pdf · Plant Pictures Product Program Product Code Container Population equivalent Capacity Order-No. MBR Container

BBaassiicc LLaayyoouutt

TThhee bbaassiicc llaayyoouutt ooff aa mmoobbiillee sseewwaaggee ttrreeaattmmeenntt ppllaanntt wwiitthh 55 ccoonnttaaiinneerrss iiss sshhoowwnn bbeellooww.. OOnn aa ddaaiillyy bbaassiiss,, aapppprrooxxiimmaattee 33,,000000 mm³³ ooff wwaasstteewwaatteerr ccaann bbee ttrreeaatteedd iinn tthhee aaeerraattiioonn//ooxxiiddaattiioonn ttaannkkss.. AAfftteerrwwaarrddss tthhee ttrreeaatteedd wwaatteerr wwiillll bbee ffiillttrraatteedd bbyy CCFFMM SSyysstteemmss®®..

Container dimensions

Treatable quantity per container: 600 m³/d

Length: 8.0 m

Width: 2.5 m

Height: 4.0 m

Fill level: 3.5 m

Filtration units for 3,000 m³/d

Filtration sections: 5

Filtration units per section: 12

Modules per filtration unit: 15

Total number of modules: 900

Membrane surface: 3,600 m²

Basic layout of CFM Systems® MBR Sewage Treatment Container Plant with 5 Container



� Several units are already produced in Germany and delivered to the UAE. The plants can be shipped immediately!

Page 4: MBR Sewage Treatment Container Plant - AIM WaterContainer+Plant.pdf · Plant Pictures Product Program Product Code Container Population equivalent Capacity Order-No. MBR Container

PPllaanntt PPiiccttuurreess

PPrroodduucctt PPrrooggrraamm

Product Code Container Population equivalent Capacity Order-No.

MBR Container Plant - 3 3 15,000 1,800 m³/d FF110346

MBR Container Plant - 4 4 20,000 2,400 m³/d FF110347

MBR Container Plant - 5 5 25,000 3,000 m³/d FF110348

CCFFMM SSyysstteemmss®® MMBBRR CCoonnttaaiinneerr PPllaanntt

Container top view: Aeration

Your local contact

FFoorr ffuurrtthheerr iinnffoorrmmaattiioonn pplleeaassee vviissiitt oouurr iinntteerrnneett pprreesseennttaattiioonn wwwwww..mmbbrr--ppllaanntt..ccffmm--ssyysstteemmss--kkssaa..ccoomm

IIttNN NNaannoovvaatt iioonn AAGG ·· UUnntteerr ttüürrkkhheeiimmeerr -- SSttrraaßßee 2255 ·· 6666111177 SSaaaarrbbrrüücckkeenn,, GGeerrmmaannyy FFoonn:: ++4499 ((00)) 668811 55000011 446600 ·· EE--mmaaii ll :: iinnffoo@@ii ttnn--nnaannoovvaatt iioonn..ccoomm


Filtration skid Touch panel PLC system

Container top view: Cleaning nozzles