mbeddr meets incquer - combining the best features of two modeling worlds

MBEDDR MEETS INCQUERY: COMBINING THE BEST FEATURES OF TWO MODELING WORLDS Budapest University of Technology and Economics Fault Tolerant Systems Research Group István Ráth Tamás Szabó

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Our talk at EclipseCon Europe 2014 http://eclipsecon.org/europe2014/session/mbeddr-meets-incquery-combining-best-features-two-modeling-worlds


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Budapest University of Technology and Economics

Fault Tolerant SystemsResearch Group

István Ráth Tamás Szabó

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Overview of the talk Introduction

o INCQUERYo mbeddr and MPS

MPS-INCQUERYo A unique integration between Eclipse and non-Eclipse

modeling worldso Adapting a complex Xtext language to a different DSL

paradigm Demo Lessons learned Conclusion

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Model queries Model queries:

“code that retrieves a piece of the model” Queries are at the heart of MDE

o Every model access/read is a (simple) queryo More complex: Views, content providerso Most complex: Model transformations, code

generators, …

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EMF-INCQUERY Overview A model query engine for batch and live queries


• Expressive graph pattern-based language

• Built on Xtext and Xbase• Focus on reusability:

query libraries, query composition


• Incrementalevaluation based on the Rete algorithm

• Instantaneous response for complex queries over large models


• Query and Change APIs

• Validation• View maintenance• Maven builder for CI


Available from the Eclipse Marketplace Our mission to Mars: 1.0

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Your tool FeaturesAPIs

How INCQUERY works

EMF instance


Query specifications

Query results

Query result delta stream


Change notifications

On-the-fly validation

Live views

Incremental transformations and

code generation

Derived features with notifications


Incrementality: cost is proportional

to change size, rather than model size

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An extensible set of integrated languages for embedded software development.

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mbeddr Integrated Languages

o Code C language implementationo Higher-level abstractions for Co Tight integration with formal verifications

Extensible Languageso Extend and compose the existing languages easilyo Without invasive changeso Use only the set of languages that you need

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MPS Meta Programming System (JetBrains) Language workbencho A tool that supports the creation, extension and

composition of GPLs and DSLs + their IDEs Development tools are centered around

languageso Domain specific tools Domain specific languages

“Interactive” / Aided AST building

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Parsing Projection

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Motivation Computing scoping information for content

assist Constraints: restricting containment, scope,

referencing Live view maintenance to support projectional

editing o Component diagrams in mbeddro Block diagrams in a commercial project

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The Integration Challenge EMF-INCQUERY has a very complex Xtext DSL

o Xbase (embedded in the language)o Custom type system and inferencero Strong reliance on cross references for reusabilityo Lots of non-trivial syntactic and semantic validators

Implementing the INCQUERY language in MPSo Concepts, editors, type system, etc.o Substitute MPS Base Language for Xbase o MPS-style Code generatoro Same syntax and same expressive power

Goal: reuse the INCQUERY runtimeo As much as possible

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Overview of the approach

Platform (meta meta)


Instance models

Goal 2: Notifications

Goal 3: Type safe API extensions for INCQUERY


Goal 4: UI extension for

visualizing query results


Goal 1: Queries evaluated

directly over MPS models (C code)

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Real world example Language extensions

o Workpackages (tracking of efforts, required time)o Assessments: small queries on various model

elements (reports)

Requirements engineering and tracing in mbeddr

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Xtext MPS

Notation Textual Arbitrary (projectional editing)

File Content Readability

Simple text Workbench is needed (XML)

Version control Usual workflowWorkbench is needed

for effective version control

(Language) Extensibility

One linear customization chain

Non-trivial customization is hard

Easy and flexible(by design)

Everything is customizable

Grammar ambiguity? Possible Not possible (arbitrary composition)

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Xtext MPS

DocumentationFundamental concepts are well documented,

advanced features are not

Editor usability Eclipse text editorsGetting used to

projectional editing needs time

IDE functionality Similar; code completion, type checking, etc.

UI extensions (tool)Tightly integrated into

Eclipse Swing

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Combining Eclipse technologies with MPS Dual licensing (Apache and EPL) Building / continuous integration

o Build language in MPS for building languages, running tests (ant scripts)

o Executable and editor testso Build artifacts are JARs

Interoperability between Eclipse tools and MPSo Through the generated artifacts (both directions)o Direct MPS code modification is not possible (abstraction gap)

On the end-user sideo MPS EMF exporter is availableo importer is not implemented yet

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Progress Obtaining / using MPS-INCQUERY?ohttps://github.com/szabta89/MPS-IncQuery oGlobal library (modules pool) of MPS

Ongoing/Future workoSupport for graphical viewers in MPSoReleases• MPS-INCQUERY will be a fully featured and

maintained port• Will be integrated into mbeddr releases (product


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Conclusions to take home

Sweet spots