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Ensuring Compliancewith Student DataPrivacy Regulations




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Countries with Highest Use of Tech in Classrooms

Complications with Digital Tools

What is Student Data?

Why Should Educational Institutions Care About Data Privacy?

Legal and Ethical Obligation

Rise in Cyber Bullying and Online Addiction

Establishment of Regulatory and Legal Compliance Laws

Student Data Privacy Laws around the World

Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)

Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA)

California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA)

General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

How Can Educational Institutions Ensure Student Data Compliance

a Know Your Data and Data Sources

a Acquainting Yourself with the Law of the Land

a Learn from Other Institutions and Data Privacy Experts

a Have a Plan in Place to Address Data Breach

a Inform and Educate Parents, Teachers and Students

Ensuring Compliance with a Digital Learning Platform


Ensuring Compliance with Student Data Privacy Regulations























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Ensuring Compliance with Student Data Privacy Regulations


The World Economic Forum Education 4.0 Framework

Lifelong & student-driven learning

From a system where learning & skilling decrease over one’’s lifespan to one where everyone continuously improve on existing skills & acquires new ones based on their individual needs.

Interpersonal skills

To include content that focuses on interpersonal emotional intelligence (i.e. empathy, cooperation, negotia-tion, leadership and social aware-ness).

Problem-based and collaborative learning

From process-based to project and problem-based content delivery, requiring peer collaborative and more closely mirroring the future of work.

Technology skills

To include content thst is based on developing digital skills,

including programming, digital responsibility and the use of


Personalized & self-paced learning

From a system where learning is standardized, to one based on the diverse individual needs of each learner, and flexible enough to enable each learner to progress at their own pace. Global citizenship skills

To include content that focuses on building awarness about the wider world, sustainability and

playing an active role in the global community.

Innovation and creativity skills

To include content that fosters skills required for innovation, including

complex problem-solving, analytical thinking, creativity and


Accessible & inclusive learning

From a system where learning is confirmed to those with access to school buildings to one in which everyone has access to learning and is therefore inclusive.


Conttent (built-in m

echanisms for skills adapation)

Experiences (leveraging innovative pedagogies)

Image Source: https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2020/01/technology-education-edtech-play-learning/

https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2020/01/technology-education-edtech-play-learning/https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2020/01/technology-education-edtech-play-learning/https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2020/01/technology-education-edtech-play-learning/Global investment in education technology is set to increase to approximately $342 billion by 2025, as

EdTech is being considered the most viable method to address the change in learning needs. (Goodwin,

2020) Today, K-12 schools and colleges are increasing technology tools usage in classrooms, making it

possible for teachers to impart education more effectively than ever before.

In the current scenario, most educators have realized that Digital Education is not a “nice to have” but a

“must have” and post Covid-19, will likely heavily invest in digital education..

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Increasing Use of Technology Leads to Increased Data


Ensuring Compliance with Student Data Privacy Regulations





However, use of technology for education also means the tracking and storing of student data. This has

raised concerns over data privacy, especially since companies that provide these services also have access

to student data. Schools have a responsibility to impart knowledge as well as protect their students against

privacy invasion. Allowances for sharing student data to increase instructional efficacy and for authorized

research purposes does exist under the current privacy laws, but the complex nature of these legalities

creates confusion.

Clearer federal and state level policy guidance between schools, digital learning providers, and research-

ers can help address these concerns and build trusted partnerships. (William M. (Skip) Stahl, 2016)


The use of technology continues to grow, and an online survey of nearly 20,000 students and teachers, across 100 countries, reported that 48% students reported the use of a desktop in the classroom, 42% use

smartphones, 20% use tablets and 33% use interactive whiteboards. (Cambridge Assessment International

Education, 2018).

Furthermore, IoT devices, are being leveraged to build connected classrooms, where educators and

students can collaborate, create, and share ideas.. IoT or Internet of Things refers to the billions of physical

devices around the world that are connected via the internet. All these devices are collecting and sharing

data, and due to the arrival of extremely cheap computer chips and high-speed computer networks, it is now

possible to connect anything from a small watch to a car to this network. For example, an air conditioner

fitted with a smart thermostat that can be controlled through your mobile phone or a car sensor system that

can detect the driver’s heart-beat and other health parameters.

Over 46% of teachers expect smart school devices to be an important part of the student curriculum in the

coming years, driving student engagement, improving efficiency and fostering enhanced creativity. (Info-

graphics, 2016).

For instance, customised learning programs can be created, to be accessed on mobiles or laptops by

students and parents. These instructor-led training programs can offer real-time feedback and through

tools like games, audio/video animation and quizzes, they can increase the participation and retention rate

among students. Many instructors are now using video management and creation tools to create, edit and

deliver high-quality on-demand videos on any subject, to any device. This not only increases interaction and

creativity, but improves the overall learning experience.

Page 5: MB-Whitepaper-Ensuring Compliance with Student Data Privacy … · use agreement for each technology service provider is essential. One of the most prolific data protection laws in

Countries with Highest Use of Tech in Classrooms

User engagement and learning outcomes can be reported on with digital content and delivery systems

capacity to monitor, store, and analyses metrics, at an individual level and across user groups. . This has

provided the opportunity for teachers to modify and improve their instruction online and in the classroom,

and enables personalized learning for each student. The data can provide unique insights into the impact

of the school curriculum and reforms required to foster the progress of these students.

All this ed tech ultimately relies on student data. While protection of children’s privacy online has been part

of US federal law for sometime now, the recent FaceBook debacle, where Cambridge Analytica, a third

party, gained access to millions of people’s personal infromation, has woken many other countries to the

need to create policies and laws to protect their citizen’s data (GDPR is one such example), but these laws

sometimes do not provide adequate coverage for student data.

It is, therefore, important to first distinguish between Personal Identifying Information ( PII) and student’s

learning data.


Ensuring Compliance with Student Data Privacy Regulations


75% Desktops, 59% Smartboards, 74%


The United States

92% Whiteboards, 40% IT Suite


50% Tablets


What is Student Data?

The very definition of “student level data” is being redefined with the advent of new online learning

programs and educational software. These systems can store huge amounts of information & metadata

about students that were previously impossible to track.

Page 6: MB-Whitepaper-Ensuring Compliance with Student Data Privacy … · use agreement for each technology service provider is essential. One of the most prolific data protection laws in

Why Should Educational Institutions Care About Data Privacy?

Student data refers to any information that is known and collected about that student and includes identity

information, such as name, address, age, gender, and/or ethnicity. Student data also includes known infor-

mation regarding their enrollment, current grade level, attendance records course enrollment, test scores,

and grades.. Health information, including learning-related diagnoses that are shared and reported to the

school, , medical issues and information related to disciplinary problems are also protected under student

data privacy laws.

Complexities are arising with the increasing number of new technologies that can now track data, which

was previously impossible. For instance, most internet-led digital learning environments can now record

timely information, such as:

Systems collect thousands of distinct data points, which can then be used for both educational and non-ed-

ucational purposes, such as helping educational institutions and publishers understand what types of

content is most engaging for specific student groups or what kinds od assessments work best..

Legal and Ethical Obligation

Student data privacy is important, and educators have a legal and ethical obligation to keep such informa-

tion safe and private. This covers the use, collection, handling and governance of students’ personally iden-

tifiable information (PII). While educators are using technology in classrooms to boost engagement, they

need to consider that an increasing number of private companies are gaining access to student records. This

includes companies providing Student Information Systems (SIS), Learning Management Systems (LMS),

and many other technologies.


What they are looking at online

Time spent on platforms

Websites visited

Assignment completion and time spent on such activities

Assessment performance and grading


Ensuring Compliance with Student Data Privacy Regulations



Many online systems capture

real-time information about

students: where they are,

how they got there, how long

they stayed and where they

will go next.

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Image Source: https://www.dqinstitute.org/child-online-safety-index/

Your students’ data is

now accessible to

third-party companies.

Do you know in what


Digital literacy &

safety go hand in hand.

Children need to be

protected online & also

know the importance of

staying safe.

Rise in Cyber Bullying and Online Addiction


Ensuring Compliance with Student Data Privacy Regulations


https://thehill.com/opinion/op-ed/241997-protecting-student-privacy-in-the-digital-ageA study by Fordham Law School’s Center on Law and Information Policy found that this data can range

from student grades and test scores to other data like family relationships and social security numbers.

(SENS. EDWARD J. MARKEY, 2015) Parents hardly have any knowledge about what is being shared & where,

since they rarely have access to their child’s records. This should serve as a wakeup call for educators.

https://www.dqinstitute.org/child-online-safety-index/https://www.dqinstitute.org/child-online-safety-index/https://www.dqinstitute.org/child-online-safety-index/The inaugural 2020 Child Online Safety Index (COSI) report, which includes data on more than 145,000

children across 30 countries, concluded that 60% of the children between the ages of 8 and 12 year are

exposed to cyber risks. (DQInstitute and World Economic Forum, 2020) This includes crimes ranging from

hacking and phishing to cyber-bullying and exposure to sexual or violent content. Protecting the digital

rights of the youth is becoming a grave necessity.

Page 8: MB-Whitepaper-Ensuring Compliance with Student Data Privacy … · use agreement for each technology service provider is essential. One of the most prolific data protection laws in

Establishment of Regulatory and Legal Compliance Laws

To deal with the ongoing and ever-evolving challenge of protecting student data privacy, new federal, state

and local privacy laws have emerged to regulate the distribution of sensitive student information. This

includes the new Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), passed by the US Department of Edu-

cation in 2019, and the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Rule (COPPA), enforced by the US Federal Trade

Commission (FTC). Compliance with these laws will help educational institutions avoid fines, sanctions and

other penalties. These will also protect teachers and students against risks associated with email and social

media misuse.

Student Data Privacy Laws – FERPA and COPPA


Ensuring Compliance with Student Data Privacy Regulations


Teachers need to be aware of FERPA, COPPA and other applicable state and

district laws on the use of educational products and services. This helps them

follow and model good digital citizenship practices and behaviors.



Federal and state laws protect the privacy of student’s PII. However, these regulations are still evolving.

While the state carries out a majority of the legislative activities, there are some longstanding federal laws

as well.

Effective policies and regulations at a national and state levelf have increased in recent years, to ensure that

data is used only for the purposes of student education. As of April 2019, 40 US states had passed 116 laws regarding data privacy and more laws are in the pipeline for the future. (Future of Privacy Forum, 2019)

Administrators need to know at least the two major laws – FERPA and COPPA.

In addition, the 2018 California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) bill, passed by the California State Legislature,

finally came into effect on January 1, 2020. Outside the US, the GDPR, passed by the European Union (EU),

has been a ground-breaking data protection law of the last decade.

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Image Source: https://ferpasherpa.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/FPF-Policymakers-Guide-to-Student-Privacy-Final.pdf

Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)

Enforced by the US Department of Education (DOE) in 1974, FERPA is a federal legislation that allows

parents and students above 18 years of age (eligible students), the right to access their school records. This

includes cover paper and electronic records, directory information and de-identified data. Schools are

prohibited from sharing the children’s PII without written consent from the parent or guardian. All educa-

tional institutions that receive federal funding come under the purview of this law. They are expected to

respond to all information requests made by parents within 45 days.


Ensuring Compliance with Student Data Privacy Regulations


Right to review and inspect

education records of students

Right to file complaints with the

Family Compliance Policy Office

Right to consent to disclosure of

PII in school records

Right to seek amendment if

records are wrong, misleading

or violate student privacy

Rights Under FERPA

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Image Source: https://www.esrb.org/privacy-certified-blog/from-vtech-to-musically/




LAI Systems

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January 2018 - February 2019







COPPA Penalties Assessed by the FTC

Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA)

COPPA was enforced in 1998 by the Federal Trade

Commission (FTC), to protect the online privacy of

children under 13 years of age. Under this law, web-

sites and online services operators, who target or

purposefully ask for PII of children under 13 years of

age, need to obtain consent from parents/guardian,

before they use the information, while also keeping

the information secure.

Although schools can grant consent on behalf of

parents in relation to “educational context” websites

and operators, their ability to do so is limited. In case

the service provider asks for any non-educational

information from students for purposes such as

targeted advertising, social profiles and other

personal data, they need to ask for consent from the

parents or guardians.

COPPA remains the strictest child privacy protection

laws in the world. Although schools can lose federal

funding for violating FERPA, the DOE has yet to issue

this penalty to any institution. (Bloom & Attai). How-

ever, from January 2018 to February 2019 alone, the

FTC issued penalties above $7,000,000 under

COPPA. (Falzone, 2019)


Ensuring Compliance with Student Data Privacy Regulations


Page 11: MB-Whitepaper-Ensuring Compliance with Student Data Privacy … · use agreement for each technology service provider is essential. One of the most prolific data protection laws in

General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

Schools need to ensure careful and secure handling of data to meet the requirements of FERPA and COPPA.

This includes thorough review of third-party technologies as well. Reading the privacy policy and terms of

use agreement for each technology service provider is essential.

One of the most prolific data protection laws in current times is the EU GDPR, which is a single set of rules

applicable to all businesses operating within the EU member states. The reach of the legislation extends

beyond the EU’s borders, since companies that have offshore offices but still have operations inside the EU

need to comply with this law. This means that every major corporations in the world needs to have a GDPR

compliance strategy.

The legislation came into effect on May 25, 2018 and is based upon 7 principles (Consulting, 2018):

1. Obtaining Consent: Companies need to have clear

consent terms for data collection. This needs to be

easily given and withdrawn at any time.

2. Prompt Notification of Data Breach: Companies

have 72 hours to notify regarding data breaches to

customers and data controllers (if any). Failure to do

this will lead to penalties.

3. Right to Access Data: On request, companies have

to be able to provide a fully detailed and electronic

copy of the data collected about the individual. Vari-

ous ways in which that data is being used have to be

included in the report.

4. Data Portability: Users have the right to their own

data, which they can obtain from companies and use

in different environments outside the company.

5. Right to Data Deletion: Once the purpose of data

collection has been fulfilled, users have the right to

request that their data be deleted from company


6. Privacy by Design: Companies have to estab-

lish proper security protocols from the start, to

ensure strong protection. Failure to do so will

incur penalties.

7. Need for Data Protection Officers: Depend-

ing on the level of customer data accessed and

processed, some companies have to appoint data

protection officers (DPO).

GDPR brought a new level of transparency in

data collection, processing and storage. Con-

sumers now have greater access to their data and

also the right to know when their data is hacked.


Ensuring Compliance with Student Data Privacy Regulations


Page 12: MB-Whitepaper-Ensuring Compliance with Student Data Privacy … · use agreement for each technology service provider is essential. One of the most prolific data protection laws in

In June 2018, the US state of California passed the

Consumer Privacy Act, which in many ways, takes a

broader approach to data privacy than the GDPR.

All companies that serve California residents and

have at least $25 million in annual revenue have to

comply with this law. Along with that, companies

collecting and storing data of more than 50,000

people or get more than half of their revenue

through the sale of such data also fall under this

law’s purview. (BECERRA, 2019)

Under the law, consumers have the right to see all

the information that a company saves about them,

including a full list of all third parties that the data

is shared with. If privacy guidelines are violated,

consumers can even sue the companies, even if

there has been no data breach. Consumers can

give them written notice of privacy violation, after

which the company has a 30-day window to resolve

things. Failure to do so can incur a fine from $100

to $750 per consumer per incident, along with

class action lawsuits. The list of things considered

“Personal Information” under this law is huge, of

which some are:

Personal information, such as real name, social

security number, passport number, driver’s

license number

Geolocation data

History of internet browsing activity

Biometric information

Education information, or personally identifi

able information (PII) that is not publicly avail

able but defined in the Family Educational

Rights and Privacy Act

California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA)

Achieving RegulatoryCompliance for Educational Institutions


Ensuring Compliance with Student Data Privacy Regulations




Audio, electrical, olfactory & thermal


Professional information

Over 107 countries worldwide have legislations or

upcoming laws regarding data protection and

privacy. Over 66% of countries have established laws, while 10% countries have drafts of legisla-

tions. (UNCTAD) The 2019 The Personal Data

Protection Bill (PDPB) in India might become law in

2020, giving Indian consumers the right to obtain

personal data, modify, erase or report data misuse

by companies.


Schools and educational institutions need to take

proactive steps to ensure the privacy of their

student data. This is essential if we want to create

a future generation that leverages the power of

automation, AI and other digital innovations. Esti-

mates are that these technological advances will

render 75 million current jobs obsolete by 2023,

while creating 133 million jobs that don’t exist

today over the same period. (World Economic

Forum, 2018) The first step towards creating a digi-

tally intelligent generation is ensuring the use of

technology in a safe and responsible manner.

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Image Source: https://www.dqinstitute.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/DQGlobalStandardsReport2019.pdf

1 Know Your Data and Data Sources

The first step involves understanding all the student data you collect and store. This includes doing a data

inventory and mapping all processes, manual and automated, that collect and process student information.

Once you have an understanding of what is being collected and how, you can take further steps to protect it.

Data inventory and mapping will provide you many benefits.

Benefits of Data Inventory and Mapping

Creating thorough

and transparent privacy

information to be shared

with parents and students

Communicating data

related practices,

issues & requirements

with third-party


Identifying loopholes

and areas where data

is being collected



Ensuring Compliance with Student Data Privacy Regulations


Digital Citizenship

Safely & Responsibly

use Technology


Turn Ideas into



Drive Entrepreneurship,

Growth, & Impact

Page 14: MB-Whitepaper-Ensuring Compliance with Student Data Privacy … · use agreement for each technology service provider is essential. One of the most prolific data protection laws in

School administrators, IT professionals and teachers need to understand the basics of regulatory compli-

ance. COPPA, FERPA and CIPA are some of the basic guidelines for schools and businesses in the United

States, when it comes to students accessing online information. However, as mentioned earlier, most coun-

tries have or will soon have their own regulations. Therefore, it is important to:

Know your rights and obligations under these laws.

Develop training modules regarding data privacy laws for faculty, staff, parents and students.

Stay updated on the latest laws and guidelines, as well as best data privacy practices.

Ensure that the institution is consistently compliant with these procedures.


Ensuring Compliance with Student Data Privacy Regulations


4 Have a Plan in Place to Address Data Breach

Be prepared with an action plan to deploy, if and when data breaches do occur. Just like emergency drills,

conduct a run through of what steps to take when security breaches occur on online platforms. The more

you do this, the more prepared you will be to deal with the actual situation. There will be fewer chances of


2 Acquainting Yourself with State, District, National and International Policies

Understand what to look for and what to look out for in data service agreements with vendors. The school is ultimately

held responsible for how student data gets used by vendors.

Make sure you are thorough with compliance laws.



3 Learn from Other Institutions and Data Privacy Experts

The laws have been in existence for a very long time. This means that there are plenty of experts to guide

schools regarding the best practices to maintain compliance. For instance, Common Sense Education part-

ners with schools and districts to help administrators and educators choose trustworthy platforms. It has

developed a comprehensive and centralized resource, where the education community can interact with

each other to make informed decisions regarding protection of student privacy.

There are many more such academicians, lawyers and school administrators who have vast experience in

this field. Moreover, states are actually encouraging this. In the US, 11 states have passed laws to support

ethical data usage through data leadership, guidance and support in K-12 education. (Virtru, 2019)

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Ensuring Compliance with Student Data Privacy Regulations


Ensuring Compliance with a Digital Learning Platform

You need to make sure that your students, their parents or guard-

ians, and teachers understand the risks and benefits of digital

learning. If educational sessions are to be recorded, your communi-

ty should be made aware of this, and also how the recordings will be

used. You can also consider issuing guidance regarding your com-

munity’s use of platforms and processors to maintain transparency.

Students also need to be taught how to manage and secure their

digital identities and how their data is being used.

The aim is to not only provide protection at school, but also ensure they remain vigilant and responsible

throughout their lives.

5 Inform and Educate Parents, Teachers and Students

School administrators need to have a targeted set of questions to vet providers of education technology

tools. Some of these questions are:

What data is their system storing?

Does the system store PII data?

Why are they asking for this data?

Where is the data being stored?

How do they recommend schools store such data?

Does the platform share or sell information to any third party?

Does the system allow parents to access data in order to be compliant with FERPA?

All these considerations help determine whether an educational tool helps enhance the learning proce

dure, while protecting students.

Before signing a contract with any IT vendor, you need to understand the compliance regulations in your

area or district, and then find out whether they understand these laws and follow them religiously or not.

You could hire an expert to test these systems for compliance, also known as “test hacks.” This can ensure

transparency regarding their accessibility, to show that the tools can be accessed equitably.

The aim is to create

vigilant & responsible

digital citizens of the


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Ensuring Compliance with Student Data Privacy Regulations


Technology is evolving at a rapid pace in the education sector. It is the responsibility of schools to source and

partner with the right EdTech providers, who ensure compliance with all existing data protection laws. Just

as we create safe zones and boundaries around playgrounds to protect children from the dangers of the real

world, we need to ensure their safety in the virtual world as well. This will ensure that they learn in a secure

environment where strangers cannot target them or make judgements about them. This is essential for a

bright and productive future.


Trustworthy EdTech

Schools has complete and

direct authority over all student


Apps/Providers do not hold

ownership of student data.

They offer appropriate

privacy protocols.

Andrew Bloom, L. A. (n.d.). The ABCs of Student Data Privacy for Administrators. McGraw Hill Education .

Cambridge Assessment International Education. (2018). 2018 Global Education Census Report. Cambridge: UCLES.

DQInstitute and World Economic Forum. (2020). 2020 Child Online Safety Index. United States: DQInstitute.

Falzone, J. (2019, April 19). Entertainment Software Rating Board. Retrieved April 22, 2020, from esrb.org: https://www.es-rb.org/privacy-certified-blog/from-vtech-to-musically/

Future of Privacy Forum. (2019). The Policy Maker's Guide to Student Data Privacy. Creative Commons.


Schools can have a list of approved applications in place, just like Cambridge Public Schools in Massachu-

setts, which was awarded the Trusted Learning Environment Seal by CoSN (The Consortium for School

Networking). This list can contain the contract and privacy protection protocols associated with each one of

them. Approved applications and vendors need to have these basic characteristics:

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Ensuring Compliance with Student Data Privacy Regulations

Goodwin, J. (2020, January 24). World Economic Forum. Retrieved April 22, 2020, from weforum.org: https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2020/01/technology-education-edtech-play-learning/

Infographics, E. (2016, June 08). Elearning Infographics. Retrieved April 22, 2020, from Elearning Info-graphics.com: https://elearninginfographics.com/the-internet-of-things-smart-school-infographic/

SENS. EDWARD J. MARKEY, O. H. (2015, May 15). The Hill. Retrieved April 22, 2020, from thehill.com: https://thehill.com/opinion/op-ed/241997-protecting-student-privacy-in-the-digital-age

Virtru. (2019, June 17). K-12 Student Data Privacy Laws- From Past to Present. Retrieved April 22, 2020, from virtru.com: https://www.virtru.com/blog/student-data-privacy-laws-past-to-present/

William M. (Skip) Stahl, J. K. (2016). Student Data Privacy, Digital Learning and Special Education: Chal-lenges at the Intersection of Policy and Practise. Journal of Special Education Leadership.

World Economic Forum. (2018). The Future of Jobs Report 2018. Geneva: World Economic Forum.

BECERRA, X. (2019, December). California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA). Retrieved from State of California Department of Justice: https://oag.ca.gov/privacy/ccpa

Consulting, I. (2018, May). General Data Protection Regulation GDPR. Retrieved from https://gdpr-info.eu/

UNCTAD. (n.d.). Data Protection and Privacy Legislation Worldwide. Retrieved from United Nations Confer-ence on Trade and Development: https://unctad.org/en/Pages/DTL/STI_and_ICTs/ICT4D-Legisla-tion/eCom-Data-Protection-Laws.aspx

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