maya religion

Mayan Religion and Festivals by Evelyn and Patrick Thursday, February 7, 13

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Page 1: Maya religion

Mayan Religion and Festivals

by Evelyn and Patrick

Thursday, February 7, 13

Page 2: Maya religion

The Role of Priests

Mayan priests decided when to plant, when to marry, and who to sacrifice. Priests became priests if their father was a priest or a ruler.

Thursday, February 7, 13

Page 3: Maya religion

The God of Rain, Lady Rainbow, the God of Corn, and the God of Sun.

Examples of the Mayan Gods of Nature

Corn God Rain God Lady Rainbow Sun God

Thursday, February 7, 13

Page 4: Maya religion

Priests’ Clothing

They dressed up as Jaguars. They did that because they faced the inhabitants of the Underworld.

Thursday, February 7, 13

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A Celebration Held Every 20 Days

Priests would climb the pyramids dressed in fierce masks to please the Gods.

Thursday, February 7, 13

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Quetzalcoatl, the Plumed Serpent God

The significance of Quetzalcoatl, the plumed serpent god, was he represented the forces of good against those of evil.

Thursday, February 7, 13

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The Hero Twins MythThe hero twins were two brothers that loved to play ballgames. They were so good and noisy at it, they got the attention of the lords of death. when they were invited to the Underworld, they had to cross all three rivers of the Underworld and they did. That is why the are important.

Thursday, February 7, 13

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There are two types of cenotes. These open pits filled with water were used for everyday household needs. Other cenotes were used for sacrifices to the gods.

Thursday, February 7, 13

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Thursday, February 7, 13