may 2010


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The history of Marian devotion, the importance of Modesty, how to make your own Rosary, and more! This is an issue not to be missed!


Page 1: May 2010
Page 2: May 2010

Ink and Fairydust

Page 3: May 2010
Page 4: May 2010
Page 5: May 2010
Page 6: May 2010
Page 7: May 2010
Page 8: May 2010
Page 9: May 2010
Page 10: May 2010
Page 11: May 2010
Page 12: May 2010

What would it have been like to be Mary?

Page 13: May 2010

WANTED: Virgin of the line of David.

Page 14: May 2010
Page 15: May 2010
Page 16: May 2010
Page 17: May 2010
Page 18: May 2010
Page 19: May 2010
Page 20: May 2010
Page 21: May 2010
Page 22: May 2010
Page 23: May 2010
Page 24: May 2010
Page 25: May 2010
Page 26: May 2010
Page 27: May 2010
Page 28: May 2010

Looking for a Contest to Enter?Take a look online!

Page 29: May 2010
Page 30: May 2010
Page 31: May 2010
Page 32: May 2010
Page 33: May 2010
Page 34: May 2010

Meet the Staff: FFrrooggggyy

by Elenatintil

Page 35: May 2010
Page 36: May 2010
Page 37: May 2010
Page 38: May 2010

IInn JJuunneeRRoobbiinn HHoooodd MMyytthh aanndd ffaaccttss aabboouuttSShheerrwwoooodd''ss ffaammoouuss oouuttllaaww

TThhee MMiiddddllee AAggeessFFaasshhiioonn,, FFoooodd aanndd FFeeuuddlliissmm

OOuurr MMeeddiieevvaall CCoossttuummeess

MMaaiidd MMaarriiaannAA llooookk aatt RRoobbiinn''ss LLaaddyy LLoovvee

HHooww ttoo hhoosstt yyoouurr oowwnn

MMeeddiieevvaall FFeeaasstt

.. .. ..aanndd MMoorree!!