matriculation guide programme (ausmat) 2019...matriculation programme (ausmat), on its 30th...


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Page 1: MAtriculAtion Guide progrAMMe (AusMAt) 2019...Matriculation programme (AUSMAT), on its 30th Anniversary and celebrate the College’s successful relationship with the Western Australian

AustrAliAn MAtriculAtionprogrAMMe (AusMAt)

Student Guide


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Western Australian Certificate of Education (WACE)

“I congratulate Sunway College, an

important member of the international

education community offering the Australian

Matriculation programme (AUSMAT), on its

30th Anniversary and celebrate the College’s

successful relationship with the Western

Australian spanning 30 years.”

“It was good to see Sunway’s students

receive Certificates of Distinction

based on their exam results.

Well done! It is such a marvellous

accolade to Sunway’s AUSMAT

programme and its lecturers.”

Allan BlagaichCEO

School Curriculum and Standards Department of EducationGovernment of Western Australia

gail taylorPrincipal Consultant - International Education

School Curriculum and StandardsDepartment of EducationGovernment of Western Australia

AUSMAT iS righT for yoU!

MAlAYsiA’s Most estABlisHeD Western

AustrAliAn pre-uniVersitY progrAMMe

SUNWAY AUSMAT is the longest and largest overseas

provider of the Western Australia Certificate of

Education (WACE) in Malaysia - more than 30 years

proven track record of academic excellence.

1. A QuAliFicAtion BY tHe AustrAliAn

goVernMent WitH WorlDWiDe recognition

The Western Australian Certificate of Education

(WACE) takes students to universities worldwide

including competitive higher education institutions in

Canada, China, India, Japan, New Zealand, Singapore,

South Korea, United Kingdom, the EU and the United


2. VArietY, DiVersitY AnD FleXiBilitY

SUNWAY AUSMAT offers a variety of subjects,

hundreds of subject combinations, and great flexibility

for students to explore their diverse academic and

career interests.

3. uniQue AnD BAlAnceD AssessMent structure

Assessments comprise 50% school-based assessments

(prepared by AUSMAT lecturers) and 50% external

examinations (administered by the Department of

Education, Western Australia). This structure removes

pressure associated with single high-stakes end-of-year

examination. It also provides students with numerous

opportunities to improve their scores throughout the

academic year.

4. DeVeloping 21st centurY sKills

SUNWAY AUSMAT caters for different learning needs

through face-to-face teaching, blended learning, and

use of educational technology. AUSMAT stimulates

students’ interest and equips them with critical 21st

century skills such as problem solving, analytic thinking

and creativity, and skills for lifelong learning.

A DiSTincTive LeArning experience

MeSSAge froM The DirecTor


Western Australian Certificate Education (WACE)

Passed SPM, O-Level or equivalent with minimum five (5) credits

January Intake: Jan 2019 to Nov 2019 March Intake: Mar 2019 to Nov 2019September Intake: Sep 2019 to Nov 2020

50% - School Assessment (quiz, test, assignment, presentation, lab work and exams)

50% - External WACE Exam conducted by Western Australian Government

Australian Tertiary Admission Ranking (ATAR) calculated from BEST 4 subjects




Entry Requirements

What is it

Welcome to the Australian Matriculation Programme

(AUSMAT), the Western Australian Year 12 at Sunway College.

AUSMAT congratulates you in making a fine choice in choosing

a programme that has coursework component and external

examination. The academic rigour will help you move on to

universities of your choice in the courses that you want to

pursue. Let us help you be successful in all your undertakings

this year. Meet up with our programme mentors and guidance

counsellors to make sure that your choice of subjects and level

of performance will help you achieve your goals.

Vanitha satchithanadanDirector of ProgrammeAustralian Matriculation Programme

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• 50%school-basedassessment&50%externalexaminations

• ExternalexaminationsinNovember• ExternalexaminationsaremarkedbytheSchool

Curriculum and Standards, WA• IncludedinATARcalculation• Thesubjects&scoresarestatedinUniversities

Admission Advice Letter (UAAL), which reports the ATAR, and Western Australian Statement of Student Achievement (WASSA)

• Subjectsprovideknowledgeandskillsforfurtherstudies at universities

• SemesterendsinNovember

• 85%school-basedassessment&15%Externally Set Task (EST)

• ExternalSetTask(EST)inMay• TheESTismarkedbyAUSMAT

lecturers• ExcludedfromATARcalculation• Thesubjects&scoresarestatedin

Western Australian Statement of Student Achievement (WASSA) only

• Subjectsarelesschallengingandprovide appropriate background for further studies at universities

• SemesterendsinearlyOctober

ATAr SUbjecTS generAL SUbjecTS

choice of SUbjecTS•Students are required to take five (5) subjects from the list, including English or English as

Additional Language/Dialect•Studentswillbeabletoselectoneofthefollowingoptions:

opTion 1 - 5 ATAr SUbjecTS iS for yoU if: • Youwouldliketotakeadvantageofchoosingbest4of5subjectsforyourATARcalculation• Youcancopewithexternalexamfor5subjectsinNovember

opTion 2 - 4 ATAr SUbjecTS & 1 generAL SUbjecT iS for yoU if: • Youareconfidentthatyoucandowellin4ATARsubjects• Youwouldliketoprepareforonly4subjectsinNovemberexternalexam

AtAr language


English as an Additional Language or Dialect

AtAr Humanities and social sciences

Accounting and Finance

Business Management and Enterprise


PsychologyAtAr Mathematics

Mathematics Applications

Mathematics Methods

Mathematics Specialist

AtAr sciences


Human Biology


general subject*

Career and Enterprise

Computer Science

Engineering Studies


Politics and Law

* Subject to availability, kindly check with the Admissions Office

ATAr SUbjecTS AnD generAL SUbjecTS

WAce AchieveMenT reqUireMenTSgeneral requirements

Students must:


and numeracy through the Online Literacy

and Numeracy Assessment (OLNA)


subjects including at least three C grades


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What is an AtAr?ATAR indicates your rank position in the total Year 12 school leaving age population who have sat for the Western Australian Certificate of Education (WACE) worldwide. The ATAR ranges between zero and 99.95.

The ATAR is derived from the Tertiary Entrance Aggregate (TEA). This score is calculated by adding the best 4 scaled WACE scores. The maximum TEA is 400. An ATAR of 75.00 indicates that you have performed better than 75% of the Year 12 school leaving age population who have sat for the Western Australian Certificate of Education worldwide.

ATARs from all states in Australia (except Queensland) are equivalent. The Australasian Conference of Tertiary Admissions Centres (ACTAC), of which TISC is a member, has agreed that all states and territories (except Queensland) will use a common name for student rankings, the Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR), from 2010. This means that the results of any WACE student applying to interstate universities can be directly compared with results of students in those states, and vice versa.

A teA/AtAr table is used to convert the teA to an AtAr.

The TEA/ATAR table varies from year to year because it is constructed each year using the current Year 12 school leaving age population in WA and the numberof studentswhoobtainaTEA in thatyear.Thecalculator for2018resultswillbeavailableinlateDecember2018.

This student achieved an AtAr of 85.00 for all universities.

there is an AtAr calculator on tisc’s website,

WAce subject scaled score calculate sum of four best scaled marks

Physics 66.9 Physics 66.9

Mathematics Methods 66.5 Mathematics Methods 66.5

English 56.3 English 56.3

HumanBiology 68.5 HumanBiology 68.5

Economics 41.0 teA 258.2

ATAR Minimum TEA for ATAR

30.05 132.4

35.05 145.5

40.00 157.0

42.00 161.4

44.05 166.3

46.00 170.3

48.00 174.0

50.00 178.0

52.05 182.2

54.05 185.7

55.00 187.6

56.00 189.7

58.00 193.4

60.05 197.5

61.00 199.4

62.00 201.3

63.00 203.2

64.05 205.2

65.00 207.2

66.00 209.3

67.00 211.3

68.00 213.5

69.00 215.8

70.00 218.0

71.00 220.1

72.00 222.4

73.00 224.9

74.00 227.4

75.00 230.0

ATAR Minimum TEA for ATAR

76.00 232.4

77.00 234.9

78.00 237.4

79.00 240.0

80.00 242.5

81.00 245.4

82.00 248.2

83.00 251.5

84.00 254.9

85.00 258.2

86.00 261.7

87.00 264.9

88.00 269.4

89.00 273.4

90.00 277.7

91.00 282.0

92.00 286.8

93.00 292.3

94.00 298.3

95.00 304.8

96.00 312.1

97.00 320.9

98.00 332.0

98.50 339.9

99.00 350.4

99.50 366.5

99.70 377.7

99.90 394.0

99.95 404.2

Example - Courses studied: How to calculate the TERTIARY ENTRANCE AGGREGATE (TEA)?

2017 TeA/ATAr SUMMAry TAbLeThe following table gives an indication of

the minimum Tertiary Entrance Aggregate

(TEA) required to achieve at least a particular

Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR).

(Refer to the example of the conversion table on the following page)

inforMATion on AUSTrALiAn TerTiAry ADMiSSion rAnk (ATAr)


and above

200Close to


and above

400Close to


years of excellence

in the world worldwide



world AwArdS to-date

The lArgeSTTakes you to

AUSMAT pRovideR universities




Page 5: MAtriculAtion Guide progrAMMe (AusMAt) 2019...Matriculation programme (AUSMAT), on its 30th Anniversary and celebrate the College’s successful relationship with the Western Australian

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Our AUSMAT graduates have gained entry into


including reputable top-notch universities in

Australia (Group of Eight), United Kingdom,

Ireland, Canada, USA, China, Germany, Hong

Kong, India, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, New Zealand,

Norway, Poland and Singapore.



United Kingdom







Hong Kong



New Zealand


Foothill College

Georgian College

Rochester Institute of

Technology, New York

The University of Connecticut

University of Alberta

University of Washington

University Of Prince

Edward Island

Rhode Island School of Design


Australian National University

Bond University

Charles Sturt University

Curtin University

La Trobe University

Macquarie University

Monash University

Murdoch University

Northern Melbourne

Institute of TAFE

Notre Dame University


University of Adelaide

University of Melbourne

University of New South Wales

University of Queensland

University of South Australia

University of Sydney

University of Tasmania

University of Wales

University of Western Australia

University of Wollongong


Western Australia Academy of

Performance Arts

Deakin University

Swinburne University of


Catholic University

Griffith University

Queensland University of


Uk & ireLAnD

Aberdeen University

Architectural Association

School of Architecture

Glasgow School of Arts

University of Bristol

University of Edinburgh

Griffith University, Dublin

London School of


London School of Economics

Northumbria University

Queen’s University Belfast

Regent’s College London

University of Leeds

University of Manchester

University of Portsmouth

University of Southampton

University of Sussex

University of the West

England, Bristol

University of West England

Durham University

Bournemouth University

University of Exeter

University of Derby

University of Kent

University of Sunderland

The Royal College

of Surgeons

University of Surrey

University of Cardiff

University of Dublin

neW zeALAnD

Auckland University of


Canterbury University

Massey University

University of Auckland

University of Otago


University of Canterbury


Jagiellonian University

Medical University of Lodz

Medical University of WarsawgerMAny

University Of Duisburg-Essen

Rwth Aachen University


Sunway University


Monash University Malaysia

Public and private

universities in Malaysia


National Technological UniversityNational University of SingaporeLASALLE College of the ArtsNanyang Technological University


Seoul National University


Nagoya University

Waseda UniversityOsaka University


University of South-Eastern



Fudan University

hong kong

University of Hong Kong

Hong Kong Polytechnic



JJM Medical CollegeManipal UniversityM S Ramaiah Institute of TechnologyVinayakaMissions University, SalemIndian School of Business and Finance

Moving on To UniverSiTieS WorLDWiDe

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CAS-enabled Calculator


For more information, please visit overvieW

unit 3

• Bivariatedataanalysis• Growthanddecayinsequences• Graphsandnetworks

unit 4 • Timeseriesanalysis• Loans,investmentsandannuities• Networksanddecisionmathematics

unit 3 • Furtherdifferentiationand

applications• Integrals• Discreterandomvariables

unit 3

• Complexnumbers• Functionsandsketchinggraphs• Vectorsinthreedimensions

unit 4 • Thelogarithmicfunction• Continuousrandomvariablesandthe

normal distribution• Intervalestimatesforproportions

unit 4 • Integrationandapplicationsof

integration• Ratesofchangeanddifferential

equations• Statisticalinference

Working with CAS-enabled Calculator is essential

Working with CAS-enabled Calculator is essential

Working with CAS-enabled Calculator is essential

Requirement: Mathematics Methods must be taken simultaneously

A minimum grade B in Additional Mathematics in SPM, O-Level or equivalent is highly recommended.

Unit Content

Unit Content

Unit Content

AtAr Mathematics Applications

This course focuses on the use of mathematics to solve problems in contexts that involve financial modelling, geometric and trigonometric analysis, graphical and network analysis, and growth and decay in sequences. The Mathematics Applications ATAR course is designed for students whose future studies or employment pathways do not require knowledge of calculus.

AtAr Mathematics Methods

This course provides a foundation for further studies in disciplines in which mathematics and statistics have important roles. It is also advantageous for further studies in the health and social sciences.

AtAr Mathematics specialist

This course provides opportunities to develop rigorous mathematical arguments and proofs, and to use mathematical models. It is studied in conjunction with the Mathematics Methods ATAR course as preparation for entry to specialised university courses such as engineering, physical sciences and mathematics.

Unit Content

Unit Content

Unit Content

unit 3 & 4 Students are encouraged to evaluate the purpose, stylistic qualities and conventions of texts from a range of genres – non-fiction print texts, literature and visual texts. They are also expected to create imaginative, interpretive, persuasive and analytical responses in written and oral forms. This course is designed to enable students to critically engage with texts from their contemporary world, the past, and from Australia and other cultures.

Two main areas of discourse:•Languageandidentity•Languageandideas

unit 3

• BiologicalInfluences• Cognition• RelationalInfluences• Communication• ResearchMethods

unit 4

• DevelopmentalPsychology• Personality• SocialPsychology• CultureandValues

Requirement: Only available to students for whom English has not been the major language of instruction for a period of 7 years prior to commencement of the current year of study.

unit 3

Australia as a Cultural Community

unit 4

Language and Empowerment

AtAr english

This course focuses on developing students’ analytical, creative, and critical thinking and communication skills in all language modes, encouraging students to critically engage with texts from their contemporary world, the past, and from Australian and other cultures.

AtAr psychology

In this course students will be introduced to psychological knowledge which supports an understanding of the way individuals function in groups.

AtAr english as an Additional language or Dialect

This course is designed for students who speak another language or dialect as their first or ‘home’ language. EAL/D focuses on development of the competent use of Standard Australian English (SAE) in a range of contexts. Academic English skills are developed to prepare students for tertiary study.

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For more information, please visit overvieW

AtAr chemistry

This course equips students with the knowledge, understanding and opportunity to investigate properties and reactions of materials. Theories and models are used to describe, explain and make predictions about chemical systems, structures and properties.

AtAr physics

In this course students will learn how energy and energy transformations can shape the environment from the small scale, in quantum leaps inside an atom’s electron cloud, through the human scale, in vehicles and the human body, to the large scale, in interactions between galaxies.

AtAr Human Biology

The course gives students a chance to explore what it is to be human—how the human body works, the origins of human variation, inheritance in humans, the evolution of the human species and population genetics.

AtAr Business Management and enterprise

This course focuses on business planning, marketing and growth, and opportunities provided for business by technology and the global environment.

AtAr economics

This course explores the choices which all people, groups and societies face as they confront the ongoing problem of satisfying their unlimited wants with limited resources.

unit 3 Equilibrium, acids and bases, and redox reactions• Acidbaseequilibriumsystemsand

applications• Properties,usesandstrengthsof

acids and bases• Oxidationandreductionreactions• Electrochemicalcells

unit 4 Organic chemistry and chemical synthesis• Structure,propertiesandchemical

reactions of different functional groups

• Chemicalsynthesistoformusefulsubstances and products

A minimum grade B in Chemistry in SPM, O-Level or equivalent is highly recommended.

Unit Content

unit 3 Gravity and electromagnetism• Motionofobjectsingravitational

fields• Motionofprojectiles,orbiting

satellites, planets and moons•Waysinwhichforcemayaffectthe

stability of extended objects• Electromagnetism• Interactionofmagneticfieldand

current electricity• Electromagneticinduction

unit 4 Revolutions in modern physics•Waveparticleduality• quantumtheory• Specialrelativity• TheStandardModelofparticle

physics• BigBangTheory

A minimum grade B in Physics in SPM, O-Level or equivalent is highly recommended.

Unit Content

unit 3 Homeostasis and disease• Endocrinesystem• Centralandperipheralnervous

system • Homeostasis• Responsetoinfection

unit 4 Human variation and evolution• Mutation• Genepools• Evidenceforevolution• Hominidevolutionarytrends

A minimum grade B in Biology in SPM, O-Level or equivalent is highly recommended.

Unit Content

unit 3 & 4 Environments (PEST)• Politicalandlegal• Economic• Socio-cultural• Technological

Management• Marketing• Operations

People• Phasesoftheemploymentcycle

Unit Content

unit 4 Economic policies and management• Thebusinesscycle• Theaggregateexpendituremodel• Theaggregatedemandand

aggregate supply model• Economicpolicyobjectives• Fiscalpolicy• Monetarypolicy• Structuralchange• Measurestoimproveproductivity

unit 3 Australia and the global economy• Globalinterdependence• Freetradeandprotection• Patternoftrade• Balanceofpayment• Termsoftrade• Exchangerates• Foreigninvestment

Unit Content

AtAr Accounting and Finance

This course focuses on financial literacy and aims to provide students with the knowledge, understandings and a range of skills that enables them to make sound financial judgements.

unit 4 • CompaniesandExternalReports• RatioAnalysis• AccountingRegulationsandBodies• CorporateSocialResponsibilityand

Disclosure• ConceptualFrameworkandConcepts

unit 3 • IntroductiontoManagement

Accounting and Financial Accounting• CostVolumeProfitAnalysis• Costing,StandardCostingandVarianceAnalysis

• Budgets• CapitalBudgeting

Unit Content

general englishEnables students to communicate successfully both in

writing and orally. They will be able to enjoy and value using

language for both imaginative and practical purposes. Also,

they investigate various issues, critically appreciate different

texts, and collaborate with other students through group

work in oral presentations, text-based projects, and research.

general engineering studiesA practical course focusing on real-life contexts. It aims to

prepare students for a future in an increasingly technological

world by providing the foundation for life-long learning

about engineering. It is particularly suited to those students

who are interested in engineering and technical industries as

future careers.

general politics and lawThe Politics and Law General subject provides an examination

of the processes of decision making concerning society’s

collective future. It aims to develop an understanding of the principles, structures, institutions and processes of Australia’s political and legal system and the complexities of government, making comparisons with alternative political

and legal systems.

general computer scienceIn the Computer Science General subject students are introduced to the fundamental principles, concepts and skills within the field of computing. They learn how to diagnose and solve problems while exploring the building blocks of computing. Students explore the principles related to the

creation of computer and information systems.

general career and enterpriseEngages students in learning about developing their career

in a constantly changing digital and globalised world. It

aims to provide all students with the knowledge, skills and

understanding to enable them to be enterprising and to

proactively manage their own careers, by creating a portfolio.

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exceLLence book AWArDS froM AUSTrALiAn UniverSiTieS


• Ng Li LingSpecial Certificate of Distinction for Accounting and Finance

• Ashley Yeo Chi Yee• Lee De Zhang• Zachary Tan ZeminSpecial Certificate of Distinction in English as an Additional Language or Dialect


• Ho Hui PingSpecial Course Award in English as Additional Language or DialectSpecial Certificate of Distinction in English as Additional Language or DialectSpecial Certificate of Distinction in Chemistry

• Choo Xin Er• Lee Jun YiSpecial Certificate of Distinction in English as Additional Language or Dialect

2013 • Vivian Tan Ai WenSpecial Certificate of Distinction in Accounting and Finance

• Oliver Leonard Jalleh Special Certificate of Distinction in Business Management and Enterprise

• Gan Yew Meng Special Certificate of Distinction in English as an Additional Language or DialectSpecial Course Award in English as an Additional Language or Dialect

*Special Subject Certificate of Excellence/Special Certificate of Distinction: Awarded to candidates who rank top 0.5% based on the WACE examination mark.

*Special Subject Award: Awarded to the candidate with the highest WACE examination mark.


• Cheok Ching YiSpecial Subject Award for Business Management and Enterprise

• Ashley Yee Shou Wern Special Subject Certificate of Excellence for Accounting and Finance

• Cheok Ching Yi• Ryan Moey Wei Ming Special Subject Certificate of Excellence for Business Management and Enterprise

• Lai Keng Yan • Vanessa Ng Huey Chi• Calista Ow Jia Ling• Gurkiret Kaur a/p Parnam SinghSpecial Subject Certificate of Excellence for English as an Additional Language or Dialect

• Tan Zhi Ying Special Subject Certificate of Excellence for Human Biology

• Chin Wei Sheng• Lee Zheng Xue, Bernard• Ryan Moey Wei Ming Special Subject Certificate of Excellence for Mathematics Applications

• Aaron Khoo Ming LiangDistinction, Euclid ContestHigh Distinction, Australian Maths Competition Gold Medal, Kangaroo Math Competition

• Chan Wan Ching• Jonathan Low Jun Yee• Koh Jo Vin• Lai Jia Cheng• Soo Ze KaiSilver Medal, Kangaroo Math Competition

• Amanda Khoo Sue Lin• Chong Fook Sang• Goh Kenn Shern• Voon Li Ler• Yong Jia JounBronze Medal, Kangaroo Math Competition

• Gee Yee JingHigh Distinction Excellence, Australian National Chemistry Competition (ANCQ)

• Timothy Cheah • Tan Zhi Ying High Distinction, Australian National Chemistry Competition (ANCQ)

• Francine Canilia Loo Yan Fang• Tan Hui Syuen• Wong Hui Ling• Yap Yen TienFirst Runner-up, Monash Science Triathlon

• Ha Yong Chuen • Goh Sze YingTeam Champion, Monash Business Investment Challenge

• Ha Yong Chuen First Runner-up for Individual Challenge, Monash Business Investment Challenge

• Brenda Chow Gynn • Tee Shi Jie, Alethea • Ng Chin Hui• Teh Ju Wei• Thatchayani A/P KarthigesuChampion, Alliance Bank Eco-Biz Competition

subject student’s name university

Accounting and Finance Yap Sue Lyn Swinburne University of Technology

Accounting and Finance Samuel Lim Meng Ern Murdoch University

BusinessManagement&Enterprise JoelChanKhengHong SwinburneUniversityofTechnology

BusinessManagement&Enterprise TayJennLin TheUniversityofNewSouthWales

Chemistry Cheah Huey Lee The University of New South Wales

Chemistry Nicholas Low Kah Yean The University of Queensland

English as an Additional Language or Dialect Gan Cheng Yi The University of New South Wales

EnglishasanAdditionalLanguageorDialect VilashiniSaravanan TheUniversityofQueensland

Economics Kek May Jenn The University of Adelaide

Economics Wong Joey Australian National University

English YeoOoiVern TheUniversityofAdelaide

English Loh Hui Min Australian National University

Human Biology Chan Pei Harn Murdoch University

Human Biology Cheah Huey Lee The University of South Australia

Mathematics Application Joel Chan Kheng Hong Murdoch University

Mathematics Application Cindy Kwan Xin Yu The University of South Australia

Mathematics Methods Adrian Wong Chee Seng The University of Adelaide

Mathematics Methods Gan Rachel Macquarie University

Mathematics Specialist Adrian Wong Chee Seng Swinburne University of Technology

Mathematics Specialist Gan Rachel Macquarie University

Physics Adrian Wong Chee Seng Swinburne University of Technology

Physics Quah Min Han Deakin University

Psychology Tay Jenn Lin Swinburne University of Technology

Psychology Kanwarpal Singh Serjit Singh Murdoch University

AccoLADeS froM WeSTern AUSTrALiA

Book Prizes worth over

were awarded in 2017rM11,000




• Ong Cyii ChengSpecial Certificate of Distinction for Accounting and Finance

• Kek May Jenn• Tan Jenn Lin Special Certificate of Distinction for Business Management and Enterprise

• Gan RachelSpecial Certificate of Distinction for Psychology

• Adena Lee Arielle Evanson• Gan Cheng Yi• Ng Ca Yen• Ong Cyii Cheng • Vilashini SaravananSpecial Certificate of Distinction for English as an Additional Language or Dialect

subject student’s name university

ATAR 99.6 Gee Yee Jing Macquarie University

ATAR 99.4 Tan How Sern Macquarie University

ATAR 99.35 Timothy Lucas Cheah Seng Tee Macquarie University

ATAR 99.15 Ong Yi Hui Edith Cowan University

ATAR 99.1 TanZhiYing VictoriaUniversity

Highest Academic

Achievement Michelle Moy Ai May Macquarie University

Shield Of Excellence Alantino Raven Daniel Macquarie University

Accounting And Finance Timothy Lucas Cheah Seng Tee Deakin University

Human Biology Tan Zheng Yang Deakin University

Chemistry Gee Yee Jing Edith Cowan University

Eal/D Pravind Premnath Edith Cowan University

Economics Ryan Moey Wei Ming Griffith University

English Wong Kar Kei Griffith University

Business Management

AndEnterprise MichelleMoyAiMay VictoriaUniversity

MathematicsApplications RyanMoeyWeiMing VictoriaUniversity

Mathematics Methods Gee Yee Jing The University Of Adelaide

Mathematics Specialist Aaron Khoo Ming Liang Australian National University

Psychology Tan Zhi Ying Australian National University

Physics Gee Yee Jing The University Of New South Wales

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STUDenT AWArDS & AchieveMenTS

“Choosing AUSMAT will always be the best decision I’ve ever made for my education. Not only does it provide the knowledge students need for undergraduate studies, the lecturers are also very dedicated to guiding their students to achieve their fullest potential. I’ve learnt a lot from AUSMAT academically and socially and it has put me ahead of others. I am proud that I was an AUSMAT student.”

“The flexibility of being able to choose my own subjects allowed me to personalise my pre-university learning experience according to my needs &interests.AlthoughAUSMATischallenging,manyfunactivitieswereorganised throughout the academic year. My advice? Work hard, play hard&it’llallbeworthit!Asitwasforme!”

Aaron KhooBSc Actuarial Science | London School of Economics, UK

Fong sook YinBachelor of Arts in Industrial Design | National University of Singapore, Singapore

Vilashini saravanan IMU Scholarship/Bachelor of Pharmacy | International Medical University, Malaysia

Alliance Bank Eco-Biz Challenge

EUCLID Maths Competition

Monash Science Triathlon


Hong Kong PolyU Global Student Challenge

Kangaroo Maths Competition

Monash Business Investment Challenge HarvardPrizeBookAward2018Winner&Finalists

World Mathematics Invitational

“I have found it comfortable adapting to life at university due to the skills gained in my time at AUSMAT. The consistency of the course standards, as well as the pace at which it was delivered is similar to that of a higher education level. Class projects, group assignments and presentations combine to make AUSMAT a holistic experience which has really instilled confidence in me wherever I go.”


“AUSMAT puts me ahead of the competition when the time came to begin my undergraduate studies. In addition, the challenging, welcoming and supportive environment provided the ideal experience that prepared me for my time studying in Australia.”

Qistina ZainirBachelor of Arts | The University of Melbourne, Australia

“I enjoyed the spectrum of AUSMAT study that taught me to approach my studies from different aspects through critical and analytical thinking. I came across some of the most passionate and dedicated lecturers that made lessons enjoyable and made some wonderful friends. My dream of obtaining a scholarship and pursuing my tertiary studies in the UK would not have been possible, without the help and support from AUSMAT’s amazing team of lecturers. I cherished each and every moment during my study at Sunway AUSMAT.”

Yue siew pingMA(Hons)Economics&Accounting|UniversityofEdinburgh,UK

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SCSA Board Chairman&


Ausmat I-Care


I-Care Day

AUSMAT Awards Night

Ausmazing Race

International Women’s Day 2018bythe

AUSMAT students of English

BME Field Trip

Study Excursion to Wetland Park, Putrajaya

Laser Tag Tournament

Australia Week

STUDenT AcTiviTieS

AUSMAT Innovation&Production Management Seminar2018

AUSMAT Mentor Appreciation Day2018

Winners of the AUSMAT

Warman Engineering

Studies Project2018

TeachersDay&Talent Time

Page 11: MAtriculAtion Guide progrAMMe (AusMAt) 2019...Matriculation programme (AUSMAT), on its 30th Anniversary and celebrate the College’s successful relationship with the Western Australian

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QuAlitY policY

• Promoteandestablishacultureofqualityatalllevelsofthecollege



requirements of our external partners

• Providealearningenvironmentconduciveforqualityteachingand

learning, via:

- Provision of staff development to enhance customer satisfaction

- Continuous improvement from feedbacks

Sunway College (KL), the beacon of higher education, is committed to imparting quality education to our students through efficient management practices by complying with all statutory and regulatory requirements including the requirements of our external partners. We are committed to continual improvement of our scholastic ability and effectiveness by enhancing the awareness of quality and competency of our faculty and management staff; continually reviewing our key processes to ensure compliance to ISO 9001:2015, and respond to customers’ concerns in a timely manner.

sunWAY college DK265-01 (W)

Owned and governed by the Jeffrey Cheah Foundation(800946-T)

No. 2, Jalan Universiti, Bandar Sunway, 47500 Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia.



[email protected]


This brochure is valid for our 2019 intakes.Allinformationiscorrectatthetimeofprinting(November2018).

Copyright notice: The content of this brochure shall not be reproduced in any form nor distributed in part or in its entirety, without prior written permission from the College.
