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RTL Module Behavioral Simulation within MATLAB Environment By: Mohamed Abdelsalam

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RTL Module Behavioral Simulation using Xilinx ISIM within MATLAB Environment


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RTL Module Behavioral Simulation

within MATLAB Environment

By: Mohamed Abdelsalam

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Outlines C/C++ vs Verilog ISIM ISIM fuse command Running Simulation EXE Test-bench MATLAB/ISIM Link runverilogmodule Algorithm Creating module test bench Calling Verilog Modules MATLAB Wrapper Function Short Circuit Module Example

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C/C++ vs Verilog


func1 func2 funcN

Main Func.

Mex Func

Main Module


module1 module2 moduleN

Microsoft Visual Studio C/C++

MATLAB Mex func.

Microsoft Visual Studio C/C++

MATLAB Mex func.


MATLAB runverilogmodule func.

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ISIM The Xilinx® ISE Simulator (ISim) is a Hardware

Description Language (HDL) simulator enables to perform functional and timing simulations

(VHDL, Verilog) This ISE Simulator environment is comprised of

the following key elements: Vhpcomp/ Vlogcomp VHDL/Verilog compiler fuse (HDL elaborator and linker) Simulation Executable isimgui (ISim Graphical User Interface) can be used

for debugging

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ISIM fuse command The project file lists:

Names of modules including test-bench file (.v)

The used HW description language (Verilog) of each module

The stored library of each module. Fuse will parse the project file

compile and link all the sources for the design. Following completion of these steps, a

simulation executable will be created This exe is used to run a behavioral

simulation using standalone ISIM. The test bench defines the top design

unit, the input and the output, etc. Main sections of the test bench are shown

in a separate slide


Simulation EXE

Test bench

Project file



Dos Command

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Running Simulation EXE The generated simulation EXE can be

called from within DOS command. In order to use DOS command, a

batch file is provided by Xilinx (settings) should be used.

The simulation exe calls the standalone ISIM.

ISIM applies behavioral simulation to the design stated at the test bench (TB).

TB can specify input and output files (vectors) for reading and writing, respectively.

TB Also specifies some other parameters which are described in the next slide

DOS Command




Input vectors(.txt)

Output vectors(.txt)


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I/O ports )input registers, output wires(

Instantiate the Unit Under Test )UUT(

Timescale/errorClock Period

Initialization)load input test vectors to memory(

Clock generation

Passing inputs to the moduleReading module outputs to o/p

vectors, finish after processing the required length

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MATLAB/ISIM Link Function interface

I/P Set Cell: Specifies the name and fixed point formats

of each input to the module Example: {‘rx_ip’, ‘s2.1’; ‘ctr_sig’,’u1.0’}

O/P Set Cell Specifies the name and fixed point format of

each output from the module Example: {‘rx_op’, ‘s1.3’; ‘status_sig’,’u1.0’}

I/P Vector Cell Each row in this cell is corresponding to

input signal specified in the same row number in the I/P Set Cell.

Example: {[2.1, 3.6, 12.3, -3.7,..]T; [ 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, …]T}

O/P Vector Cell Each row in this cell is corresponding to

output signal specified in the same row number in the O/P Set Cell.

Example: {[31.6, 46.1, 120.2, -39.5,..]T; [ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, …]T}


Module folder path

Module test-bench name

I/P Set Cell

O/P Set Cell

I/P Vec Cell

O/P Vec Cell

Use debug option

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runverilogmodule Algorithm

Note: the function will ask for the path of Xilinx ISE at the first time only

Need re-making?

Adjust formatPath name need


Prepare required Files and make simulation exe

read the input into files after applying the fixed

point processing as specified in the input

Settings Cell

Run module sim. exe

read the output vectors from files after applying

the fixed point processing as specified in the output Settings



Remove intermediate

files and finish

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Creating module test bench Right click on the top module and select

New Source Select source type: Verilog Test Fixture and then enter file name (test bench name) click next select the top module to associate with the test bench click Next and then click Finish.

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Calling Verilog Modules Download “runverilogmodule.m” file and place it

@ MATLAP PATH\work folder. This is one of the default matlap paths Functions placed at the work folder are seen as built-in

functions. Inside the module folder make sure that all

modules and the test-bench .v files exist Write a wrapper matlab function to interface with

“runverilogmodule”. Call the wrapper function inside the model.

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MATLAB Wrapper Function Provides the usual interface of any matlab function

input/output signals (variables/vectors/matrices) Preparing inputs

Input vectors cell: Each row carries a vector corresponding to one of the inputs

Input settings cell: Each row carries two elements corresponding to the input

vector at the same row in the input vectors cell: Signal name Signal fixed point format

Note: Input signal names should match file names inside the test-bench

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MATLAB Wrapper Function (contd.) Preparing outputs

Outputs vectors cell: Each row carries a vector corresponding to one of the

outputs Output settings cell:

Each row carries two elements corresponding to the output vector at the same row in the input vectors cell:

Signal name Signal fixed point format

Note: output signal names should match file names inside the test-bench

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Short Circuit Module Example Test script

SC_Module folder structure

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Short Circuit Module Example sc module MATLAB wrapper function

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Short Circuit Module Example sc module test-bench (.v)

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Short Circuit Module Example sc module test-bench (.v) - continued

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Short Circuit Module Example sc module test-bench (.v) - continued

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Short Circuit Module Example sc module

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Short Circuit Module Example

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100-2










0x 10



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Source Code/Example: Please visit

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