math investigation la jg

By: Joy and Laura

Upload: john-dalesio

Post on 26-May-2015




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Page 1: Math Investigation LA JG

By: Joy and Laura

Page 2: Math Investigation LA JG

IntrodutionEvery year we students waste 490672 pieces of

paper, which kills 58.8 trees. We have investigated how much paper students in middle school use every year. With this information we figured out how much they use in a year and how many trees that kills in a year. We choose to investigate this because everyone always talks about recycling and global warming but they never realize how much they waste themselves. We investigated this by going to every teacher and asking them how much paper one of their students uses in a week the we multiplied taht by the  of students per class and then multiplied that by the amount of classes they have. Then we added it up.

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Math classesMr.Delesio: 8 x20=160x4=640Mrs. Coangelo: 10x20=200x4=800Mrs. Jewitt: 5x20=100x4=400

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English classes Mr. Steffan: 10x20= 200x4= 800Mr. Bruce: 3x20= 60x3= 180Mr. Cubitit: 8x20= 160x4= 640

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ScienceMiss Abella: 8x20 = 160x4= 640Miss Watkins: 6x20= 120x3= 360

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Humanities:Mrs.Cattel: 4x20= 80x5= 450Mrs.Tiwana: 6x20= 40x5= 200

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German :Frau Hay: 7x20=140x6= 840Frau Henderson: 16x20= 320x6= 1920Frau Bisig: 8x20= 160x6= 960

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FrenchMrs. Alberici: 2x20=400x12= 480

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Music\ choir:Mr.Smith: 2x60= 120

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Table:Subjects: Amount of paper (sheets):



English 1620

Science 1000

Humanities 650

German 3720

French 480

Choir/music 120

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Amount of paper used:

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Pie chart

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Mean, median, Range and modeMedian: 640Mode:640Range:1800 (1920-120= 1800)

Mean: 629.06 (120 + 180 + 2oo + 360 + 400 + 450 + 480 + 640 + 640 + 640 + 800 + 800 + 840 + 960 + 1920 = 9430 divided by 15= 629.06  )

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ResultsThe results of our investigation are that

middle school uses amount of paper every week and amount of paper every year.

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Conclusion We learned from this investigation that we middle

schoolers might be talking a lot about global warming but are doing nothing to help it. We learned that we should be more cautios on the amount of paper that we use.

We can use this data to save trees from being wasted, by finding ways to save paper by doing more things on the computer for example. Instead of then printing it out we can send it to the teacher.