match that slogan!

Match that Slogan! Advertising Name: Date: Period: A Slogan is a way for a company, product, or service to come up with a catchy saying that will stick in your mind! By doing this they hope to promote their product, company or service. Lets see how successful they have been! For each of the slogans please come up with the correct product, service, or company. # The item The Slogan 1 The few, the proud, the ________. 2 See Spot save. 3 Here you’re family. 4 Challenge Everything. 5 Zoom – Zoom. 6 Built for the road ahead. 7 Eat great, even late. 8 I’m lovin’ it. 9 An American Revolution. 10 Yeah, we’ve got that. 11 _______. Eat fresh. 12 Think outside the bun. 13 Always low prices. Always. 14 Have it your way. 15 It’s all inside.

Upload: robinsonje1

Post on 27-Apr-2015




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Page 1: Match That Slogan!

Match that Slogan! Advertising


A Slogan is a way for a company, product, or service to come up with a catchy saying that will stick in your mind! By doing this they hope to promote their product, company or service. Lets see how successful they have been!

For each of the slogans please come up with the correct product, service, or company.

# The item The Slogan1 The few, the proud, the ________.

2 See Spot save.

3 Here you’re family.

4 Challenge Everything.

5 Zoom – Zoom.

6 Built for the road ahead.

7 Eat great, even late.

8 I’m lovin’ it.

9 An American Revolution.

10 Yeah, we’ve got that.

11 _______. Eat fresh.

12 Think outside the bun.

13 Always low prices. Always.

14 Have it your way.

15 It’s all inside.

16 You can do it, we can help.

17 Expect great things.

18 Theres always something happening at ________ _____.

19 Your friend in the digital age.20 We’ll pick you up.

Page 2: Match That Slogan!

21 It’s everywhere you want to be.

22 Some things are priceless, for everything else there’s __________.

23 That was easy.

24 Dude, you got a ____.

25 It’s only satisfying if you eat it.

26 _________ are forever.

27 It’s in the game.

28 You’re in good hands.

29 Shopping is fun again!

30 We never stop working for you.

31 Raising the bar.

32 Turn to ___33 Moving Forward34 We bring good things to life.35 When you care enough to send the very

best.36 Gather around the good stuff.37 A nose indeed, deserves ____ indeed.38 Snap, crackle, pop!39 Obey your thirst

40 ___ is the place.

41 The Greatest Show on Earth!

42 The best part of waking up, is ______ in your cup!

43 Say it with Flowers

44 15 Minutes can save you 15 percent or more on your car insurance!

45 Pardon me, do you have any _______ _______?

46 Chicken Capital USA

47 It’s the Cheesiest

Page 3: Match That Slogan!

48 With a name like _________ it has to be good!

49 Drivers wanted.50 Like Nothing Else