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MasterMind Matrix

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MasterMind Matrix and related IQ Matrix projects.


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MasterMind Matrix

05... Introduction

06... Perceptual Influence

07... Health, Wealth & Relationships

08... Quantum Reality

09... Vibrational Hierarchy

10... Expectations Creating Reality

11... Thoughts & Imagination

12... Unhelpful Thinking Styles

13... Human Needs

14... References, Ideas & Opinions

15... Self-Concept

16... Behavior Modeling

17... Meta-Programs

18... Values

19... Beliefs & Convictions

20... Faith

21... Psychological Rules

22... Personality & Personal Standards

23... Ego Consciousness

24... Physiological State

25... Mental State

26... IRS & Submodalities

27... Emotional State

28... Transforming Emotions

29... Anchoring

30... Attitude

31... Positive Mental Attitude

32... Language Patterns

33... Self-Evaluations

34... Questions

35... Intuition

36... Choices & Decisions

37... Procrastination

38... Strengths & Weaknesses

39... Life Roles

40... Goals Setting

41... Personal Legend

42... Pain & Pleasure Principle

43... Plan of Action

44... Time Management

45... Visualization & Affirmations

46... Staying Motivated

47... Path of Uncertainty

48... Comfort Zone

49... Self-Sabotage Forces

50... Path of Destruction: Phase 1

Table of Contents


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MasterMind Matrix

51... Path of Destruction: Phase 2

52... Momentum Spindle

53... Habits & Rituals

54... Strategies & Habitual Recipes

55... Path of Transformation

56... Empowerment Forces

57... Path of Empowerment

58... MasterMind Toolkit

59... Manifestation Triangle

60... Overcoming Setbacks

61... Learning from Experience

62... Accelerated Learning

63... Seasons of Transformation

64... Modify Approach

65... Luck Factor

66... Conscious Brain

67... Inner Mind

68... The Nervous System

69... Reticular Activating System

70... Neuron Pattern Formation

71... The Human Body Connection

72... Sleep & Energy Cycles

73... Unseen Reality

74... Spirit & Soul

75... Universal Laws

76... 1st Life Coaching Session

77... Addressing Client Concerns

78... Identify & Evaluate Reality

79... Concluding Thoughts

80... Special Bonus Offer

81... About the Author

82... Download 25+ Free Mind Maps

83... IQ Matrix Lifetime Membership

Table of Contents


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MasterMind Matrix

My primary reason for writing this introductory

eBook is to provide you with an overview of

the MasterMind Matrix. This is of course easier

said than done.

The MasterMind Matrix is a map showing the

unconscious, conscious and semiconscious

patterns of behavior that we experience every

single waking and sleeping moment. It is

made up of many parts and segments that

interlock and intertwine with one other in a

variety of ways. It’s therefore impossible to

cover everything within this eBook, however I

will do my very best to show how all the major

pieces of the MasterMind Matrix come together

to reveal the bigger picture of the human


Along the way I will also provide you with

relevant links (marked in dark blue), free

resources and other materials that will help

provide you with the tools you need to do

further research into each topic area.

Without further delay, let's begin our journey

through the MasterMind Matrix.



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Throughout time, evolutionary history has

dictated and manufactured our standards

and norms. It has influenced society,

culture, governments, schools and the

development of religious institutions.

Likewise, all of these segments have

influenced the type of information we

produce through radio, newspapers,

books, television, and via the internet.

This in turn has had a direct influence on

our peers who influence us—directly and

indirectly—through their behavior, values,

beliefs and principles. In fact, their

expectations of us, and our expectations

of ourselves directly influences how we

perceive the world through our 5 senses.

In addition to this, we must also take into

account our past successes, failures and

our memories of those experiences. These

also have a direct influence on our

perceptions of reality, our decisions,

actions, and how we filter our life

experiences on a daily basis. Download MasterMind Matrix

Perceptual Influence

Others Won't Create the Perfect Circumstances for You

Who is in Charge of Your Life? Bad Company: Are Your Friends

Really Friends? Mass Media Influence on

Society Media Influence Negative Influence of Media on

Society How the Media Influences Our

Decisions The Influence of Religion on

Society What is Peer Pressure? Managing Expectations How Other People's Unspoken

Expectations Control Us Why You Can't Help Believing

Everything You Read How Fantasy Becomes Reality:

Seeing Through Media Influence*

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Perceptual Influence


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In the previous section we discussed how

external factors influence how we perceive

the world through our senses.

This section of the MasterMind Matrix

pinpoints how our intimate relationships

influence our perceptions, and how this—

coupled together with all the other factors

previously discussed—influences how we

manage our finances and how we

approach our health and wellbeing on a

daily basis.

Our culture, society, government,

educational institutions, peers, and the

media—in fact our entire evolutionary

history—all influence not only how we

perceive the world around us, but also

how we approach our health, finances and

intimate relationships. Furthermore, all of

these things influence our thoughts, self-

concept, meta-programs, values, beliefs,

convictions, psychological rules, emotions,

attitudes, language, etc. All of which will

be discussed as we continue along this

journey. Download MasterMind Matrix

Weight Management 5 Pillars of Health Wealth Management Financial Intelligence Loving Relationships Romantic Seduction Language of Love

100 Healthy Tips and Tricks for Wellness and Fitness

Weight-loss: 25 Effective Strategies 15 Simple Changes that Will Quickly

Improve Your Health 9 Habits of the World's Healthiest

People 31 Ways to Motivate Yourself to

Exercise Do You Make these 3 Common Fat

Loss Mistakes? 100 Ways to Improve Your

Relationships A Better Loving Relationship Building Healthy Relationships How to Build Intimacy in Any

Relationship 66 Ways to Save Money (pdf) 50 Bad Money Habits that will

Leave You Eating ALPO for Dinner 10 Stages of Financial Freedom 101 Negative Money Beliefs 10 Ways to Become a Wealthy

Thinker Wealth Management: 20 Essential

Strategies and Tips

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Health, Wealth and Relationships


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4.6% of the Universe is made out of

atoms, 23% of the Universe is made out

of dark matter, and 72% is made up of a

substance known as dark energy.

Over the years several controversial

studies have shown how our thoughts are

able to directly influence and control the

sub-atomic world and manipulate matter.

In a classic study, Masaru Emoto

discovered that water that is subjected to

positive thoughts formed beautiful

crystals, while water exposed to negative

thoughts formed either no crystals or

deformed crystals. He concluded that our

thoughts had a direct impact on the water.

60% to 70% of the human body is water.

Therefore if our thoughts can do that to

water, what are they doing to us?

Other studies into Quantum Theory have

shown how the very act of observing

matter can directly affect and change


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What is the Universe Made Of? The Quantum Apocalypse of

the Holographic Universe (v) Water, Consciousness and

Intent: Study by Dr. Masaru Emoto (v)

Miraculous Messages from Water

Masaru Emoto Biography Is Masaru Emoto for Real??? The Mind Can Affect Matter The Observer Effect Quantum Theory

Demonstrates Observation Affects Reality

I’m Thinking But I’m Not Growing Rich

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Quantum Reality


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Everything within the Universe is made up

of nothing more than vibrating forces of

energy. This energy likewise connects

everything we see in the Universe—every

physical and non-physical object. There is

therefore no separation between objects

at a sub-atomic level. We are all

connected; we are all one entity of life;

one breathing, moving and living

mechanism that's irrevocably intertwined.

The thoughts and feelings that we

generate on a daily basis have an energy

signature attached to them. This energy

signature can be measured as either being

high or low on the vibrational hierarchy.

Positive thoughts and feelings are

measured high on the hierarchy, while

negative thoughts and feelings are

measured low on the hierarchy.

It is said that we attract “like-energy" into

our lives. Therefore positive thoughts and

feelings will attract positive circumstances.

We will discuss this in more detail as we

progress through the MasterMind Matrix. Download MasterMind Matrix

Spiritual Consciousness

Map of Consciousness Levels of Consciousness Map of Consciousness Table Power vs. Force: The Hidden

Determinants of Human Behaviour*

A Critique of Power vs. Force by David Hawkins

Transcending the Levels of Consciousness*

The Force* Miracles* Thought Vibration Or the Law

of Attraction in the Thought World*

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Vibrational Hierarchy


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Everything that we have discussed thus

far naturally influences our expectations of

life, others and of ourselves. What’s

especially relevant here are other people's

expectations of us, because we tend to

live up to people's expectations of us in

various circumstances—for better or


It’s said that our expectations are self-

fulfilling prophecies. Therefore what we

expect out of life we tend to get back—

creating our life experience as we know it.

One way to take control of our

expectations and how we evaluate the

world around us is to begin consciously

framing and reframing our reality.

Frames are simply mental structures used

to help guide our actions, shape how we

see the world and the meaning we ascribe

to people and events. Reframing is a tool

used to help us consciously transform the

meaning given to events and


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Framing & Reframing

The Art of Cognitive Reframing Reframe Your Thoughts Reframing NLP Frames NLP Reframing EFT & the Power of Reframing The Art of Reframing (pdf) Reframing Explained Reframing with NLP Frames, Framing & Reframing Neuro-Linguistic Programming Milton H. Erickson Patterns of the Hypnotic

Techniques of Milton H. Erickson, M.D*

The Structure of Magic: A Book About Language & Therapy*

Reframing: NLP & the Transformation of Meaning*

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Expectations Creating Reality


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Our thoughts are nothing more than

impulses of information creating molecules

(thinking cells) that are built upon the five

senses and our personal perceptions and

interpretations of reality.

Our thoughts form habits, beliefs and

create neuropeptides that produce neural

hormones within the body—triggering

habitual emotions we experience on a

daily basis.

Given that on average we experience

60,000 thoughts per day—95% of which

are often repeated from the previous day,

and 77% are often of a negative nature.

What does this say about the undeniable

influence that they have over our lives?

It is said that the one thing we can control

are the thoughts we allow into our mind.

Therefore, begin by effectively managing

your thoughts, and you will slowly but

surely begin to take charge of your own


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Brain Power

9 Ways to Debug Your Mind 10 Steps for Transforming

Negative Thoughts into Positive Beliefs

10 Timeless Lessons on Better Thinking

How to Use Your Subconscious to Change Your Life

How to Stop Unwanted Thoughts Knowing & Mastering Your

Thoughts with Cognitive Behavioural Therapy

My Thoughts are Rubbish The Minimalist's Mind:

Decluttering Your Brain Waves Unchain Yourself from

Conventional Thinking Myths Why Thought Suppression is

Counter Productive What are Neuropeptides? Stop Thinking: Reduce Your

Thinking to Help Create Ideas Managing Thought: How Do Your

Thoughts Rule Your World?*

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Thoughts and Imagination


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Over time as a result of life experience we

develop certain habits of thinking that

help us to effectively manage the

circumstances in our lives. Some of these

habits are empowering and work for us,

while others are unhelpful and work

against us. In fact, many of these

unhelpful thinking styles can cause a great

deal of emotional distress if left

unchecked. Moreover, they can lead to a

plethora of other more serious emotional

concerns that result from one's inability to

control circumstances.

The first step to change always begins

when we become aware of our thought


Once awareness has been established, we

can then begin to consciously shift our

mental thinking patterns in another—more

productive and helpful—direction.

You essentially have two options when it

comes to your thoughts. You can take

control of them, or you can allow your

thoughts to control you.

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Unhelpful Thinking

Identifying & Challenging Unhelpful Thinking

10 Common Faults in Human Thought

10 More Common Faults in Human Thought

Unhelpful Thinking Part 1 Unhelpful Thinking Part 2 Unhelpful Thinking Part 3 Emotional Management:

Unhelpful Thinking Examples of Automatic

Negative Thoughts (pdf) Challenging Automatic

Negative Thoughts (pdf) Types of Unhelpful Thoughts Unhelpful Thinking Patterns

(doc) Think Better: An Innovator's

Guide to Productive Thinking* Being Logical: A Guide to Good


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Unhelpful Thinking Styles


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Every decision we make and every action

we take results from an insatiable desire

to fulfil our 6 human needs.

The Need for certainty, uncertainty,

significance, and connection in our lives

are all primary needs that we are

attempting to satisfy on a daily basis.

Whenever these 4 human needs go

unmet, we struggle to find a sense of

balance and satisfaction in our lives.

The need for growth and contribution are

pinnacle/spiritual needs that we sub-

consciously long for on a daily basis.

When these two human needs are

satisfied—along with the 4 primary

needs—then we risk living a life of

complete and utter fulfilment ;-)

Moreover, we begin to live life with a

sense of purpose and direction — life

finally has meaning.

The key here is to ensure that all your

behaviors are meeting the 6 human needs

at the highest level.

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6 Human Needs

The Driving Force of Emotional Needs Behind Every Human Action

Anthony Robbins: Why We Do What We Do, and How We Can Do it Better (video)

Teambuilding and the 6 Human Needs

The 6 Human Needs The 6 Human Needs: Knowing

these Can Turn Your Prospect into a Rabid Customer!

Six Human Needs The Six Human Emotional

Needs Unlimited Power: The New

Science of Personal Achievement*

Awaken the Giant Within: How to Take Immediate Control of Your Mental, Emotional, Physical and Financial Destiny*

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Human Needs


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MasterMind Matrix

All of our Beliefs are built upon

References, which are the foundational

building blocks of everything that we have

come to believe about ourselves, others

and life.

References are simply pieces of evidence

that we have collected over time around

certain topic areas in the real world. They

are created as a result of personal

experience; by taking account of people's

actions and opinions; by finding new

information; by visualizing or imagining

concepts, and by responding emotionally

to events and circumstances in our lives.

When similar references are coupled

together in our minds, we begin to form

ideas about certain topics and concepts.

Additional references will turn those ideas

into opinions—that have an even deeper

layer of certainty about them.

Eventually over time, many references

around a specific topic area will create a

Belief, which we will discuss a little later.

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Belief Transformation

Beliefs: They're Entirely Yours to Control

How Beliefs Are Created: Our Internal Bank of References

Installing Empowering Beliefs Epistemology: Theory of

Knowledge & Belief Where Do Beliefs Come From? Where Do YOUR Beliefs Come

From? Beliefs & Choice: Do We

Choose Our Beliefs? Why Do We Have Beliefs? To Believe or Not to Believe:

The Social & Neurological Consequences of Belief Systems*

Before You Think Another Thought: Understanding How Your Thoughts & Beliefs Create Your Life*

Understanding Why: Evolution, Beliefs, & Your Reality*

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References, Ideas and Opinions


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Our self-concept is basically an awareness

we have of ourselves in the present

moment and at a future time. It is an

accumulation of knowledge we have built

over time that affects how we see

ourselves in relation to the world around


Our self-concept encompasses our self-

ideal, which is the person we believe we

will become; our self-image, which is

made up of labels and beliefs we have

about ourselves and about how we are

viewed by others, and it also encompasses

our self-esteem, which reflects how we

feel about ourselves at any given moment

in time.

Our self-concept is an absolutely critical

component of success, because it

determines our ability to manage our

emotions, to reach our full potential, to

step outside our comfort zone, to think

effectively about life and circumstances,

and it influences how we interact with

others on a daily basis.

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Self-Concept Transformation

What is a Self-Concept? What is Self-Image? Psycho-Cybernetics: How to

Change Your Self-Image Fostering a Positive Self-Image Improving Your Self-Image Boost Your Self-Image with these

5 Steps What is Self-Esteem? 10 Ways to Boost Self-Esteem 10 Tips to Boost Self-Esteem The Art of Building Self-Esteem What is Self-Awareness? What is Self-Efficacy? What is Self-Schema? What is Self-Knowledge? What is Social Identity? Self-Esteem: A Proven Program

for Improving and Maintaining Your Self-Esteem*

Self-Esteem Companion Guide with Exercises*

The Self-Esteem Guided Journal*

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From the earliest age, our lives revolve

around other people. We communicate

with them, play with them, work with

them, fight with them, and connect with


As a result of our interactions with others,

we naturally tend to adopt their behaviors,

attitudes, beliefs, values, etc., into our

personality and lifestyle—for better or

worse. This adoption process is often

made at an unconscious level of

awareness, however it can also become a

conscious and empowering process that

can help us to acquire the necessary

behaviours, skills, habits, values and

beliefs that will help us get what we want

most out of life.

We can consciously choose to model

people we admire and adopt their

personality, characteristics, behaviours

and mental strategies into our own

psyche. This process is commonly called

conscious modeling, which enables us to

model other people's blueprint or map for


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Behavior Modeling

What is Modeling? What is NLP Modeling? An Introduction to Modeling The Meaning of Modeling Introducing Modeling to

Organizations What is Neuro-linguistic

Programming? NLP Modeling to Discover the

Patterns of Excellence How to Choose a Role Model Role Models and Online

Mentoring The Value of a Mentor Finding a Mentor Making the Mentor Partnership

Work Suggestions for Finding and

Working with a Mentor at University

Modeling with NLP* NLP: The New Technology of


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Behavior Modeling


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Meta-programs are organized mental

shortcuts directing our behaviors,

decisions and our interpretations of

experience. They can be compared to

software applications that constantly guide

our thoughts, beliefs, values and

responses to circumstances.

Moreover, meta-programs effectively

determine what we delete, distort and

generalize from our experience of reality,

which can lead to biased perspectives and

interpretations of people and events.

Becoming aware of the meta-programs

that are running our lives can help us to

better understand our personal motives,

abilities and habits. Furthermore, they can

also assist us with identifying other

people's psychological tendencies—

allowing us to build rapport and influence

their behavior.

There are approximately 50 meta-

programs that have been officially

recognized, with more being identified

every year.

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What are Meta Programs? NLP Meta Programs Part 1 NLP Meta Programs Part 2 An Analysis of Meta Programs Meta Programs: The Key to

Persuasion and Influence Meta Programs and

Characterisation Putting NLP Meta Programs

Research into Context Meta Programs and Intrinsic

Values in NLP 7 Meta Programs for

Understanding People Guiding Behavior with Meta

Programs It Takes All Sorts! Example of Meta Program

Elicitation (video) Figuring Out People: Reading

People Using Meta Programs*

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Values are a set of standards that we have

for our lives. Moreover, they are labels

that we give to our emotional experiences

that help us determine our life priorities.

When we are living in alignment with our

highest values, we tend to feel authentic,

motivated and fulfilled. On the other hand,

when we are aligned in a different

direction we tend to lose touch with our

sense of self—life begins to have little

meaning and no sense of purpose.

To identify your highest values you must

ask yourself, "What are the most

important things about me as a person?"

The answers to this question will help you

begin building your values hierarchy.

Values are acquired first through feeling,

then thinking, communicating, choosing,

and then acting upon them. They help us

determine what to focus on, what actions

to take, and they influence how we tend

to perceive the word around us.

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Identifying Values

List of Values Values List (pdf) What Are My Values? Finding Your Values Determining Your True Life

Values Moving Towards Values Moving Away from Values Living Your Values, Part 1 Living Your Values, Part 2 The Power of Values in

Business (pdf) For Managers: Clarifying &

Applying Personal Values Personal & Cultural Values Values Clarification* In Search of Values: 31

Strategies for Finding Out What Really Matters Most to You*

A Question of Values: 6 Ways We Make the Personal Choices that Shape Our Lives*

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Beliefs are concrete rules and

generalizations that are built upon old

memories of pain and pleasure and upon

our interpretations of experience. They

are conditioned commands to the nervous

system that filter our perspectives, shape

our thoughts and transform our

experience of reality.

Our beliefs guide 96% of our actions,

subsequently influencing what we will and

won't try, and the goals that we are

willing to set. Moreover, our beliefs

determine our levels of creativity,

intelligence and the expectations that

govern how we manage our lives on a

daily basis.

Beliefs are created via repetitive thinking,

feeling and acting, by getting emotionally

involved in events and circumstances, by

holding onto opinions, and through the

acquisition of references over time.

Convictions are deep rooted beliefs that

are extremely difficult to change.

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Transform Beliefs

What are Beliefs? Explaining What is Belief? Where Do Beliefs Come From? Beliefs: They're Entirely Yours

to Control Type another website here Creating a Beliefs Board 5 Ways to Strengthen Your

Belief in Yourself Do You Determine Your Beliefs

or Do They Determine You? 6 Steps to Eliminate Your

Limiting Beliefs Installing Empowering Beliefs 20 Powerful Beliefs that will

Push You Towards Success 101 Negative Money Beliefs Before Your Think Another

Thought: How Your Thoughts & Beliefs Create Your Life*

Prisoners of Belief: Exposing & Changing Beliefs*

The Biology of Belief*

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Beliefs and Convictions


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Often when we don't have a strong sense

of belief about something, we turn to faith

to pull us through the events and

circumstances of our lives. During these

times we cultivate faith in ourselves, in

others and in the fact that things will turn

out for the best.

Faith is in essence a low level belief that is

based on no real evidence, logic, facts,

statistics or references for that matter. It

is instead built upon a sense of confidence

and trust in a person, concept or thing.

When we have faith in something we

cannot explain or support our sense of

confidence with concrete proof. Instead

we rely on our emotions to justify our

faith and keep us moving forward.

When faith is cultivated over an extended

period of time it can help us acquire the

necessary references we need to form

ideas, opinions and eventually beliefs and

convictions. It's a process that takes time.

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Faith The Nature of Faith Progressive Humanism: The

Nature of Faith Faith Quotes 10 Ways to Recharge Your

Faith in Life Tips to Keep Faith During Hard

Times John McCain on Faith (video) Judy Collins of Faith (video) Sam Keen: Leap of Faith (video) What is Faith? Faith: We Use it Everyday Faith and the 'Big Bang' Theory Faith and Evolution Faith and Creation Where Does Morality Come

From? Life with Autism: Faith Keeps

Us Going The Journey Towards Faith in

Difficult Times*

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Our rules are unique psychological laws

that govern our daily decisions, actions

and behaviors. They influence how we

interpret the world, absorb information

and perceive others, circumstances and

ourselves in relation to the world we live


The rules that we allow to govern our lives

have evolved through cultural

conditioning, via conclusions that we have

made over a lifetime, as a result of early

childhood observations, experiments with

trial and error, and through our responses

to pain and pleasure.

Rules can be both helpful and unhelpful.

Unhelpful rules are often rigid, unrealistic,

excessive, unadaptable and unreasonable.

They create failure scenarios in our lives,

hindering us as we move forward towards

the attainment of our goals.

Helpful rules on the other hand are

flexible, realistic and adaptable, allowing

us greater freedom to achieve our goals &


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Psychological Rules

Rules: Shortcuts to Analysis and Decision Making

Adjusting Unhelpful Rules and Assumptions (pdf)

Why Assumptions are Bad for Business

The Nurture Assumption: Why Children Turn Out the Way they Do*

How the Mind Works*

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Psychological Rules


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Everything that we have mentioned thus

far shapes our personality and the

qualities of our character.

We are who we are as a result of our

perceptual influencers, thoughts,

references, ideas, opinions, self-concept,

meta-programs, values, beliefs,

convictions, rules, and the personal

standards we set for ourselves on a daily

basis. All of these shape our personality

and as a result affect our physiology,

mental state, emotions, attitudes, the

language we use, the self-evaluations we

make, the questions we ask ourselves, the

decisions we make, the actions we take,

and the habits that are formed as a result

of this chain reaction of psychological


Our personalities can be categorized into

four distinct styles. They include the

Socializer, Relater, Analyzer and

Director style. However, these styles only

touch the surface of who we are. See the

links and web resources for more


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Unlocking Personality

Personality Psychology Personality Theories, Types and

Tests High Level Description of the 16

Personality Styles Personality Pathways: Exploring

Personality Type and it's Applications

A History of Personality Theories See Yourself as Other Do How People Assess Us 5 Traits of Successful People 10 Traits of a Successful Human 10 Traits for Lifelong Fulfilment Changing Your Personality Change Your Personality Traits Personality Tests Free Personality Tests and

Assessments Free In-depth Personality Test Unlocking the Personality Equation The Structure of Personality* Personality: What Makes You the

Way You Are*

Personality Plus: Understand Others by Understanding Yourself*

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Personality and Personal Standards


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Our Ego Consciousness is basically the

external manifestation of our

personalities; it is the persona that we

project out into the world on a daily basis;

it is the mask that we wear that's

designed to hide our true selves.

The Ego Consciousness is often used as a

protective mechanism that is designed to

help us connect with others and integrate

with social standards, expectations and

norms. It is also designed to protect us

from judgment, criticism and the ridicule

that the world can often throw our way.

The Ego Consciousness is made up of

parts that naturally reflect our emotions,

attitudes and roles. These parts of our

personality often judge and criticize us,

they live in fear, seek comfort and

consistency by sticking to cherished

values, beliefs and rules.

Even though these parts may seem to be

working against us at times, it's important

to realize that they always have a positive

intention and purpose to serve our greater


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Law of Attraction

What Your Ego is and How to Stop it from Obscuring Your Inner Peace and Reality

What is the Ego? Id, Ego and Super Ego Sigmund Freud The Four Ego Functions Ego: The False Center Deeper Look on Our Ego

Defensiveness Resolving Inner Conflict Using

NLP Parts Integration Parts Integration: NLP Self

Hypnosis Script Hypnosis NLP Parts Integration

Example (video) Parts Integration and

Psychotherapy Don't Read This... Your Ego

Won't Like It* Take Me to Truth: Undoing the

Ego* The Ego and the Id*

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EGO Consciousness


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Everything we have discussed thus far

represents our inner world, which

naturally filters our experience of reality.

Everything we will discuss from this point

forward is influenced by and naturally

mirrors this inner world we have created.

The first aspect of this world that we will

look at is our state, which can be broken

down into physiological, mental and

emotional segments. A small shift in any

of these areas has a dramatic impact on

all other areas.

For instance, how you utilize your body

(physiology) at any given moment affects

the emotions you experience and

therefore the resources you can access.

When we breathe deeply, move with

purpose, smile and have an upright

posture, than psychologically we cannot

help but feel good about ourselves.

However, when we move sluggishly, when

we frown, breathe in a shallow manner,

slouch, etc., than we can't help but feel

helpless and sad.

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Physiology of Excellence

Change Your Physiology to Change Your Frame of Mind

Change Your Thoughts via Physiology

How to Use Your Physiology to Drive You into Action

Physiology Can Change Emotions

The Magical Power of Physiology

NLP Physiology Strategies Physiology of Success in NLP Physiology and Success Control Emotions by

Pretending The Physiology of Excellence The Complete Guide to the

Alexander Technique Change Your Breathing, Change

Your Mind (video) Uses and Applications of

Breath-work Changing Physiology (video)

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Physiological State


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What we focus on and how we tend to

focus our mind on things will directly

influence the types of emotions we

experience on a daily basis.

For instance, what if you were to wake up

one day and start focusing on all the

negative things in your life, all the

problems that you have, all the people

who have hurt you, all the conflict that is

going on in the world, and all the things

that you don't want in your life? How

would that make you feel? Does this

sound like someone you know?

What if you were to focus on all the

positive things, all the opportunities,

things you are grateful for, and all the

things that you wanted most in your life?

How would that make you feel? Does it

feel any different?

How you focus and where you focus your

attention has a direct impact on your

emotions and therefore on the resources

you are able to access at any moment.

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Put Yourself in Any Mental State with a Mental Sanctuary

5 Levels of Mental Focus You Might Not be Aware of

Positive Mental Focus: Just How Important is it?

Focus without Intention Gets You What You Don't Want

Raise Your Vibe via Positive Aspects Map

Mental Focusing Techniques How to Stay Positive and Why

it's Important Think About What You Want,

Not What You Don't Want Focus on What You Want to

Get What You Want The Magical Power of Focus Tony Robbins Explains How to

Focus (video) Find Your Focus Zone: An

Effective Plan to Defeat Distraction & Overload*

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Mental State


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A Representational System is an NLP

model that examines how we process

information on a daily basis through the

five senses, which includes touch, taste,

smell, sight and sound.

Each of our five senses are connected to

our state of mind (mental state) and

directly influence how we interpret

information on a daily basis.

Associated with each Representational

System are a set of submodalities, which

determine how we process information

through our five senses. Examples of

submodalities include distance,

brightness, size, location, color,

association and dissociation.

The model recognizes that by making

small adjustments to the way we

represent and perceive information

through our five senses will directly

impact the emotions that we experience at

any one moment in time.

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Representational Systems Submodalities Neuro-linguistic Programming Modalities & Representational

Systems The Submodality Diet More About Submodalities Updating the Submodality

Model Submodalities & Belief Change Submodality Worksheet NLP Swish Pattern NLP Swish Pattern Demo

(video) Derren Brown: Example of NLP

Swish Pattern (video) How to Quit Smoking Using the

Swish Pattern (video) An Insider's Guide to

Submodalities* Change Your Mind: Advanced

NLP Submodalities Intervention*

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IRS and Submodalities


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Our emotional state is an external

manifestation resulting from everything

we have discussed up to this point.

Moreover it is directly and indirectly

influenced by everything we will discuss as

we continue to make progress along the

MasterMind Matrix.

Our emotions are in fact chosen

consciously and unconsciously by us, and

only us. And because we choose our

emotions, we can therefore choose to

experience a different set of emotions that

work for us rather than against us. This is

known as emotional mastery, where you

proactively take charge of your emotions

rather than reacting emotionally to the

events and circumstances of your life.

However, it is important to realize that

each of our emotions—whether we see

them as being good or bad—has a positive

intention, which is to help us understand

more about ourselves, our life and

circumstances. They are there to provide

us with the guidance we need to get what

we want most out of life. Download MasterMind Matrix

Emotional Mastery

An Introduction to Emotions List of Emotions Psycho-evolutionary Theory of

Basic Emotion An Introduction to Emotional

Intelligence Understanding Emotions Your Emotions Act as an

Information Filter 3 Keys to Emotional Serenity How to Change Your Mood with a

Little Effort How to Change How You Feel

Right Now in 5 Simple Steps 10 Ways to Feel Better in 60

Seconds Change Your Mood in 70 Seconds Emotional Intelligence: Why It

Can Matter More than IQ* Language of Emotions: What

Your Feelings Are Telling You* Mind Over Mood: Change How

You Feel by Changing the Way You Think*

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Emotional State


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Let’s leap to another segment of the chart

which helps explain the hidden meaning

behind our emotional experiences.

Anthony Robbins classifies all emotions

into 10 types. These include anger,

discomfort, hurt, fear, frustration,

disappointment, guilt, inadequacy,

overwhelm and loneliness.

These emotions are neither good nor bad;

neither helpful nor unhelpful, and neither

productive nor unproductive, it just

depends on how we utilize them.

For instance let's take a look at the

emotion of frustration. Frustration is an

experience of being held back from

something that we really want. Most

people might see this emotion as being

quite limiting, however from another

perspective being frustrated is rather

empowering because it shows us that

what we are currently doing is not working

for us. We must therefore seek new

information, begin to think outside the box

and change our approach. Only then will

we get what we want most out of life.

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Transforming Fear Anger Management Beating Frustration Overcoming Worry Overcoming Disappointment Beating Overwhelm Beating Depression

Temperament, Mood & Emotion

Meta-Emotions: The Downward Spiral to Unhappiness and How to Avoid Them

Tap into the Powerhouse of Negative Emotions

Good and Bad Emotions: Finding the Perfect Mix

Letting Go of Attachments, from A to Zen

Emotional Freedom Technique 8 Amazing Emotional Freedom

Technique Videos Do You Know the 7 Signs of

Emotional Meltdown? Overcoming Emotional

Meltdown Taming the Beast: 9 Keys for

Mastering Your Anger (pdf) Managing Your Emotions* The Emotion Code*

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Transforming Emotions


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Have you ever suddenly felt a surge of

positive energy for no reason? Or maybe

you’ve been surprisingly overcome with

sadness for reasons you can't explain?

These are examples of emotional anchors.

Anchors are captured feelings, emotions

and memories of events, places, people

and things that have been conditioned into

our nervous system over a lifetime—

manifesting as reflex responses to specific

stimuli or events within our environment.

Anchors are often formed while we are

experiencing peak emotional states when

the senses are stimulated by specific and

unique events or things that are present

within our environment.

Conditioned anchors (emotions) can

therefore be triggered by people, the

environment, objects, symbols, events,

sounds, smells and even colors. Moreover,

they can occur at a conscious or

unconscious level of awareness, and can

be identified when we experience sudden

emotional fluctuations during the day.

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Changing Habits

Introduction to Anchoring Basic NLP Anchoring Concepts Learn NLP Anchoring

Techniques 17 Examples of Classic and

Everyday NLP Anchors NLP Anchoring in Detail Who Wants to Learn NLP

Anchoring Techniques? Additional NLP Anchors Making an Effective NLP

Anchor Anchoring Explained NLP Anchoring Explained (v) NLP Anchoring Demo (v) How to Gain Instant

Confidence with Anchors (v) Masterful NLP Anchoring * NLP for Beginners: Only the

Essentials* Get the Life You Want: The

Secrets to Quick & Lasting Change with NLP*

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An Attitude is a collection of thoughts and

emotions that support our beliefs and

values about a certain and specific

subject. It is a point of view that we have

about a situation that is comprised of what

we think, do and feel.

Therefore no matter what situation we

find ourselves in we will always have

certain thoughts about it, which trigger

an emotional response and

subsequently culminate in a

complimentary behavior that reflects our

thoughts and emotions about the


In order to transform our attitude about

any situation we must simply begin by

adjusting one or more of the three

components mentioned above.

Our attitudes are constantly influenced by

references we pick up on a daily basis,

which form the basis of our ideas and

opinions about things, subsequently

manifesting in the attitude that we project

out into the world.

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Mental Attitude

What is an Attitude? What are the 3 Components of

Attitude? Attitude of Gratitude: 5 Tools

for Appreciation Attitude of Gratitude versus

Appreciation 7 Attitudes for Success to

Embrace Attitude and Behavior Negative Attitude: Causes,

Consequences & Cures How to Change Your Attitude Zig Ziglar: Attitude Makes all

the Differences (v) Attitude is Everything: Change

Your Attitude... and You Change Your Life!*

The Difference Maker: Making Your Attitude Your Greatest Asset*

The Winning Attitude: Your Key to Personal Success*

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Cultivating a Positive Mental Attitude

(PMA) involves maintaining high levels of

optimism and solution focused thinking

during setbacks and difficult times. It

means cultivating the ability to reframe

our experiences in a favorable and

productive manner that works for us

rather than against us, and it involves

interpreting our experience of reality in

ways that will help us to achieve our goals

and objectives.

In order to establish a long-term positive

frame of mind that supports our PMA, we

must begin by setting a compelling vision

for the future, by outlining high standards

for achievement, by chunking down our

goals into manageable pieces, by setting

flexible timeframes, and by making self-

to-self comparisons.

Finally, we must learn to grasp influence

or control over certain aspects of our lives

that are critical to the achievement of our

goals. Taking personal accountability for

our actions is in essence the fundamental

key component of a PMA.

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Positive Attitude

Positive Mental Attitude (v) Developing a Positive Attitude Top 10 Tips for Maintaining a

Positive Attitude 10 Little Tips to Turn Negatives

into Positives 5 Methods to Cut Down

Negative Thinking 45 Benefits of Optimism 50 Ways to Build Your

Optimism The Proof's in the Positive

Thinking 5 Myths of a Positive Mental

Attitude Being an Optimist: 8 Ways to

Overcome Pessimism Napoleon Hill: Positive Mental

Attitude (v) How to Build a Positive

Attitude (v) Success through a Positive

Mental Attitude*

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Positive Mental Attitude


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The words we use on a daily basis are

nothing more than labels for our

emotions, feelings and moods. They

describe our sensory experiences and they

make generalizations about our

understanding of reality. Moreover, words

are simply assumptions that create biased

perspectives that distort our world by

inducing emotional state anchors.

The words we use shape our character,

decisions, behaviors, emotions and

actions. For this very reason, we must

learn to become consciously aware of our

daily language patterns and adjust our

vocabulary accordingly so that it works for

us rather than against us.

We can transform our vocabulary by

simply choosing different words that

trigger more productive emotional states.

So instead of saying that I am angry I

might say that I am disenchanted. Instead

of saying that I am afraid, I might say

that I am curious. When you change your

words you will likewise transform your

corresponding emotional response and

subsequently your behavior.

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Language Patterns

The Power of Language: I'm Sorry, I don't know, I can't...

Does Language Influence our View of the World?

How to be More Mindful of Your Self-talk

7 Ways to Leave Negative Self-talk Behind

Challenging Negative Self-talk Learn the Art of Eliminating

Negative Self-talk 10 Ways to Improve Your

Happiness by Changing Your Vocabulary

Improve Your Life with Positive Self-talk

101 Words that Feel Good Study: Language Can Affect

Emotions The Meta-Model The Milton Model Sleight of Mouth Your Body Believes Every Word

You Say*

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Language Patterns


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Every day we evaluate our performance

based on a certain set of criteria that we

have established in advance. If for

instance our performance does not live up

to these expectations or standards, than

we tend to become critical of ourselves.

On the other hand, if our performance

surpasses our expectations and standards,

than we tend to be more encouraging and

supportive of our results and the progress

we have made.

Self-evaluations are most commonly

comprised of an internal dialogue that we

have with ourselves that often involves

asking and answering questions.

In uncertain times, when your critical

voice begins to get the better of you, it's

important to realize that you have the

power to control that voice instead of

allowing it to direct your decisions, actions

and behaviors.

One effective method for toning down

your critical voice is to simply change the

tone of the voice by either making it

funny, playful or seductive in nature.

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Identifying the Inner Critic Introducing the Inner Critic Stopping Your Inner Critic The Inner Critic How to Manage Your Inner

Critic How to Silence Your

Destructive Inner Critic Challenging Your Inner Critic Invite the Inner Critic to Leave Voice in My Head I Hear Voices in My Head I Talk Back to the Voices in My

Head How I Tamed the Voice in My

Head Silencing the Voice that Says

You're a Fraud Conquer Your Critical Inner

Voice* Embracing Your Inner Critic:

Turning Self-Criticism into a Creative Asset*

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Questions are the source of answers,

insights, new understandings and the

solutions we are searching for to help us

overcome life’s challenges. More

importantly questions are the lifeblood of

our thought patterns—determining what

we pay attention to on a daily basis.

When we learn to ask the right kinds of

questions in the right way, we begin to

open doors to opportunities.

Asking the right kinds of questions will

empower us to keep moving forward

towards the attainment of our goals and

objectives. These questions are primarily

focused on finding solutions and on

directing our attention on what we want to

do, be, have and achieve.

Alternatively, questions can also be very

limiting. These questions are focused on

our weaknesses, on problems and on the

things that we don't want in our lives.

Henceforth, the questions we ask on a

daily basis are either moving us forward

or holding us back. The choice of question

is ours to make.

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Strategic Questions

Strategic Life Questioning Tactics

10 Best Ways to Harness the Power of Questions

5 Questions that will Change Your Life

10 Questions that will Change Your Life

7 Questions for When You Are Failing Miserably

2 Questions to Stimulate a Fresh Perspective

4 Questions to Ask Yourself Everyday

50 Questions that Will Free Your Mind

75 Questions to Ask Yourself 99 Powerful Questions to Ask

to Turbo-charge Your Life Asking the Right Questions* The 7 Powers of Questions*

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Knowing how to ask effective questions

can help us find better answers, which can

lead to more effective decisions. However,

at times the answers we seek may

confuse or breed uncertainty. During such

times we can learn to tune in to our

hunches or gut feelings for guidance.

Our intuition is a heightened level of

awareness or understanding we have

about things. It’s a subtle gut feeling or a

hunch that reveals answers to questions

asked. To the logical mind, intuition is the

process of acquiring knowledge without

inference or the use of reason.

Our heightened sense of awareness could

very possibly be tied to our spiritual state

of being. However, a more practical

explanation suggests that our intuition is

actually tied to the Reticular Activating

System (RAS) in the brain, which

determines what we pay attention to at

any given moment in time. This therefore

explains why asking the right kinds of

questions can lead us to "intuitive"

answers that we weren't consciously

aware of before.

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Developing Intuition

Intuition (knowledge) What is Intuition?: An

Overview The Benefits of Intuition 4 Ways to Tap into Your

Intuition 6 Ways to Sharpen Your

Intuition The Most Dangerous Mistake

in Tapping Your Intuition Intuition vs. Ego Is Intuition More Reliable than

the Brain When Making Decisions?

Brain Exercise that Boosts Your Psychic Intuition

The Intuition Zone Reticular Activating System Discover Your Psychic Type* Intuition Workout: Develop

Your Inner Knowing* The Intuition Factor: Genius of


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Asking a question opens the door to a

variety of choices and options that lead us

through the decision making process.

If the questions we ask are empowering,

solution focused and directed at what we

want to do, be, have and achieve, than

our decisions will be effective. However, if

on the other hand our questions are

limiting and focused on pain, problems

and the things that we don't want, than

our decisions will likely be poor and


Anthony Robbins once said that "it's in the

moments of decision that your destiny is

shaped." This couldn't be further from the

truth. In fact, consider the Butterfly Effect

and the power that one single decision can

have over your life and you will begin to

resonate with the significance of this


It's important to keep in mind that it's not

so much the BIG decisions that shape our

lives, but rather a culmination of small

and seemingly insignificant decisions we

take for granted that shape our destiny.

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Decision Making

Overview of Decision Making How to Make Decisions Like

Benjamin Franklin The Essential Guide to Effective

Decision Making How to Decide What You Really

Want 9 Ways to Make a Good

Decision How to Make Decisions Under

Pressure The Art of Making Wise

Decisions Why Decision Errors Are Made When the Right Decision Turns

Out to be Wrong 5 Great Ways to Conquer Self

Doubt 3 Fears that Affect Decision

Making Smart Choices: A Practical

Guide to Making Better Decisions*

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Choices and Decisions


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Our choices are built upon the foundations

of pain and pleasure, which dictate our

choices and actions in any given situation.

Procrastination often ensues when we

choose to avoid short-term pain in order

to gain temporary pleasure. We convince

ourselves that taking action will be more

painful than not taking action. As a result

we delay the pain and gain temporary

relief by focusing on something else.

There are many reasons why people

procrastinate. These reasons include—but

are not limited to—fear, perfectionism,

lack of focus, impossible expectations,

guilt, self-criticism and overwhelm.

In order to beat procrastination we must

focus on cultivating self-discipline, and the

habit of taking personal responsibility for

all our decisions and actions. We must

also address all the reasons why we

procrastinate. Finally, it's important to

understand that procrastination is ONLY a

symptom of other underlying problems

that must be addressed if we seek to

move beyond this debilitating habit.

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Beat Procrastination

Overcoming Procrastination 20 Procrastination Hacks How to Overcome

Procrastination 5 Part Series Ask the Coach: Overcoming

Procrastination 12 Tools to Recover From

Procrastination 7 Ways to Defeat the

Procrastination Habit 10 Ways to Give Yourself a

Procrastination Inoculation 7 Common Procrastination

Excuses 5 Scenarios Where

Procrastination is a Must 7 Reasons Why Procrastination

Can be Good for You The Now Habit: A Strategic

Program for Overcoming Procrastination*

Procrastination: Why You Do it, What to do About it*

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In the moments of decision it's important

to take into consideration our strengths

and weaknesses. In fact, this is a crucial

step of effective decision making that is

required to help us gain the necessary

clarity we need to turn events and

circumstances in our favor.

When we become aware of our strengths

and weaknesses, we begin to acknowledge

that there are multiple paths to our

destination. Some paths are somewhat

more difficult than others depending on

the choices we make along the way.

By consciously choosing paths that take

advantage of our strengths while

effectively minimize our weaknesses, will

help us reduce the friction and resistance

that we may experience along the journey

towards our objectives.

Successful achievement in any field of

endeavor requires us to maximize our

natural advantages by focusing on our

talents, skills, and the knowledge we have

that will give us the edge we need in a

competitive world.

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Developing Your Strengths & Weaknesses

Strengths & Weaknesses Should You Work on Your

Strengths or Weaknesses? Work from Strengths, Train Up

Your Weaknesses How to Identify Your Strengths How to Manage Your

Weaknesses 9 Ways to Discover & Develop

Your Strengths How to Conduct a SWOT Analysis

on Your Life How to Find Your Hidden

Strengths 50 Free Online Tools to Discover

Your Strengths Strength Finder + Strengths

Quest Strength Finder Blog Free Strengths Finder Book

Summary Strengths Finder 2.0: Discover

Your Strengths* Now Discover Your Strengths*

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Strengths and Weaknesses


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All the decisions we make are influenced

by the roles we partake in on a daily

basis. Furthermore, our Roles are also

intrinsically connected to the foundations

of our strengths and weaknesses.

Life roles can include being a parent,

coach, employee, boss, friend, colleague,

son, daughter, mentor, accountant,

lawyer, doctor, teacher, blogger, partner,

student, etc.

Because the roles we play daily determine

our commitments, responsibilities and

priorities, this means that they also shape

who we are and what we do on a daily

basis. This means that they shape our

values, goals and personal legend, which

will be discussed a little later.

It's important to point out that at times

our roles may not be aligned with our core

values or goals. As a result we will feel

unfulfilled, unsatisfied and unhappy with

certain aspects of our lives. In such

instances we must take time to question

our Roles and determine whether or not

changes need to be made.

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What are Your Roles in Life? Managing Roles, Goals &

Priorities (pdf) Valuing the Roles You Play Competencies for Performing

Life Roles Mind Map Your Roles & Goals Taking Inventory: About the

Roles We Play Roles We Play in the Game of

Life Using Life Roles to Organize

Your Budget Discover Yourself Beyond Life

Roles Discover Yourself Beyond Your

Life Roles The Wheel of Life: Finding

Balance in Your Life Life Roles, Values and Careers*

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Life Roles


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Whether we are consciously aware of it or

not, we are setting goals every single day.

Moreover, these goals are built upon

the foundational principles of

everything we have discussed thus

far as we have progressed through

the MasterMind Matrix.

To achieve success in any field of

endeavor requires us to aim for something

specific and tangible. These "targets" form

our goals, which subsequently shape all

our actions.

The process of setting goals is simple yet

can be quite involving. We must first

consider whether our goals are congruent

with our values, beliefs, lifestyle, etc. We

must determine whether they are

ecological; we must identify potential

obstacles and the resources we have on

hand to help us manage these challenges;

we must also take into consideration our

environment to make sure that it’s

supporting the achievement of our goals

in every way.

Conflicts in any of the above mentioned

areas can sabotage our progress and


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SMART Goal Setting The GROW Model Resource List

Keys to SMART Goal Setting GROW Your Goals the E-Z Way How to Set Goals The Danger of Setting Big Goals 25 Painless Ways to Free Up an

Hour a Day for Your Goals 5 Secrets of Setting Short-term

Goals 7 Silly Things People Do to Mess

Up Their Goals Do You Make these 9 Mistakes

When You Set Goals? How to Create a Vision Board &

How it is Useful How to Deal with Goals You Don't

Reach Goals! How to Get Everything

You Want Faster* The Magic Lamp: Goal Setting for

People Who Hate Setting Goals* What Are Your Goals: Powerful

Questions to Discover What You Want Out of Life*

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Goal Setting


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The idea of a Personal Legend was taken

from Paulo Coelho's bestselling book The

Alchemist. Although its interpretation has

been somewhat modified within the

context of the MasterMind Matrix.

A Personal Legend is simply your life's

spiritual purpose that is comprised of your

Mission and Vision.

A personal vision outlines what you would

like to achieve and contribute to the world

and others. A personal mission is your

code of conduct — a set of standards that

help you live your life roles. Moreover,

your personal mission outlines the type of

person that you would like to become.

If your current values, beliefs, self-

concept, actions, decision, behaviors, and

goals are aligned with your Personal

Legend, than you will live an extraordinary

fulfilling life. If on the other hand, any of

these conflicts with your Personal Legend,

than you will struggle to find purpose and

direction in life. The key is to work on

becoming not achieving.

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Personal Legend

3 Reasons Why You Should Unveil Your Purpose

The Short but Powerful Guide to Finding Your Passion

How to Discover Your Life Purpose in About 20 Minutes

How to Discover Your Life's Purpose: 7 Questions to Ask

How to Use Fear to Find Your Passion

The Easiest & Best Way to Define Your Life Purpose

A Guide to Finding Your Life Purpose

7 Ways to Travel the Road to Your Passion

Unveil Your Life Purpose eCourse

The Alchemist* The Power of Purpose: Find

Meaning, Live Longer* Life on Purpose: 6 Passages to

an Inspired Life*

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Personal Legend


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Everything we do on a daily basis is built

upon the principle of pain and pleasure. In

fact, this principle has a direct impact on

the goals we set and on the resulting

actions we take to achieve those goals.

Furthermore, the pain and pleasure

principle influences our habits, motivations

and the emotions we tend to experience

on a daily basis.

As a society we have been conditioned to

seek instant gratification, to take the easy

road, to experience short-term pleasure

and avoid short-term pain. This is where

the habit of procrastination comes into the

picture. We seek to avoid doing something

that will bring us pain, and as a result we

procrastinate and focus on something that

brings us short-term relief or fleeting


I think it's clear that if we approach life

from this perspective that it will be very

difficult to achieve our goals. We must

therefore learn to consciously control our

responses to pain and pleasure in a way

that works for us rather than against us.

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Pain & Pleasure Principle

A Brief Introduction to the Pleasure and Pain Principle

What is the Pleasure Principle? Pain or Pleasure? The Pain & Pleasure Principle Behavior Modification: The

Pain and Pleasure Principle How to Defeat Procrastination

Using the Pain & Pleasure Principle

The Panacea for Putting Things Off

The Pain & Pleasure Principle in Persuasion

Using Pain and Pleasure to Win the Sale

Instant vs. Delayed Gratification

Moving Beyond Instant Gratification

Awaken the Giant Within: How to Take Immediate Control of Your Destiny*

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Pain and Pleasure Principle


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It's absolutely critical that once goals have

been set in stone that we spend some

time piecing together an action plan to

help us achieve those goals.

Without a plan of action our goals will

remain only dreams and hopes for a

better future. With a plan of action our

goals become real, tangible and help us

clarify exactly what we need to do on a

monthly, weekly and daily basis to achieve

the outcomes we want.

One of the most effective ways to draw up

a plan of action is to utilize a process

known as reverse engineering. Here you

take a specific end goal you have set for

yourself and work backwards step-by-step

to the present moment. Throughout this

process you must take into consideration

the projects and tasks you completed, the

obstacles you overcame, and the

subsequent decisions you made and the

actions you took that helped you

overcome obstacles and complete


By the end of this exercise you will have

drawn up a comprehensive Plan of Action.

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Drawing Up Plan of Action

5 Simple Steps to Planning for Success

Goal Planning Template for Personal & Organizational Aims

Creating Your Life Plan Plan Your Life Effectively 5 Ways to Reverse Engineer

Your Life Reverse Engineer the Best Time

of Your Life Achieving Your Goals through

Reverse Engineering 9 Steps to Define Your Goal &

Devise a Plan to Get There Achieve Any Goal, Four Days at

a Time How to Design You Ideal Life How to Achieve Any Goal; Or,

the Art of Anticipating Obstacles

How to Make a Personal Development Plan

The RPM Life Planner

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Plan of Action


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Once you have laid out your plan of action

to achieve your goals, you must now take

time to organize your time effectively in a

way that will help you become more

productive throughout the day.

To begin with, identify how you are

spending your time at this very moment.

This is important because unless you know

where your time is going, you will never

really know how you could manage your

time more effectively.

Tracking time can be achieved by simply

recording what you are doing on a

notepad at 15 minute intervals. Or you

can utilize a time tracking software tool

such as Toggl for this very purpose.

Once you are clear about how you’re

spending your time throughout the day,

you can take the necessary steps to

manage it more effectively to help you

achieve your daily goals and objectives.

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Time Management

44 Keys to Gaining More Time 6 Types of Time: Which Are

You Missing? 7 Tricks to Spice Up Your To-Do

List 7 Simple Time Management

Rules for the Super Busy 10 Ways to Save Time by

Spending Time 20 Tips for Batching to Save

Time and Cut Stress 20 Great Ways to Find More

Free Time 25 Painless Ways to Free Up an

Hour a Day for Your Goals 33 Time Management

Strategies The 25 Best Time Management

Tools & Techniques* Getting Things Done: The Art of

Stress Free Productivity* 60 Ways to Make the Most of

Your Day*

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Time Management


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To one extent or another we are all visual

thinkers—we envision what we want to

have, do, be and achieve in our minds-eye

before bringing it into physical reality.

More studies these days are unlocking

evidence suggesting that the imagination

may be more effective than we think in

helping us achieve our goals. In fact,

neural science is clearly showing us that

the brain simply cannot tell the difference

between what is real and what is only

imagined. This is very significant because

it suggests that if you focus and visualize

something for long enough, you will

effectively trick your brain into believing

that you already have this thing in your


Visualization won't automatically manifest

what you want most in your life, however

what it will do is stimulate the Reticular

Activating System in the brain, which

will help enhance your awareness of

opportunities, solutions and answers that

are associated and linked to what you are

imagining or visualizing in your mind.

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Visualization Tactics Overcoming Worry

Real or Imagined? The Brain Doesn't Know

The Power of Visualization 5 Weeks to Developing the

Magic of Visualization How to Visualize Clearly What

You Want What Could You Do in the

Future With Your Imagination Now?

How to Develop Your Visualization Skill

How to Best Use Visualization and Overcome Resistance and Fears in Goal Setting

The Secret to Riches Visualization (video)

Secret to You Visualization (video)

Creative Visualization* Creative Visualization

Workbook* Goal Visualization Software

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Visualization and Affirmations


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Sometimes we have everything going for

ourselves. We have super goals; we have

all the support we could ever ask for, we

have access to all the resources that we

require, and we have all the knowledge,

skills and experience that is necessary to

achieve the objectives we set. There's just

one BIG problem that will prevent us from

bringing our goals into reality, and that is

simply, a lack of motivation or desire.

There are a multitude of reasons why we

may not have the motivation we need to

attain our goals and objectives. For some

of us it comes down to fear, for others it's

debilitating habits, emotions and

behaviors, and yet for many other people

it could simply be boredom.

No matter what our reasons are, it's

important to remind ourselves that true

motivation stems from knowing "Why?".

When we have enough reasons to do

something we will quickly discover that we

have all the motivation we need to

achieve anything we set our minds to. Just

begin with "Why" and everything else will

fall into place.

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Staying Motivated

13 Motivation Techniques 15 Proven Tactics to Fire Up

Enthusiasm 22 of the Best Motivation

Videos Online Free 33 Ways to Get and Maintain

Your Motivation How to Get Motivated The Only Two Secrets to

Motivating Yourself You'll Need 8 Ways to Motivate Yourself Do You Use "Lack of

Motivation" as an Excuse? How Reward Can Backfire and

Reduce Motivation 21 Tips: How to Get Motivated 25 Ways to Motivate Yourself 100 Ways to Motivate Yourself:

Change Your Life Forever* Why We Do What We Do:

Understand Motivation* Drive: The Surprising Truth

About What Motivates Us*

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Staying Motivated


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The moment we set our goals, lay down

our plans, and make our decision to push

forward, is the moment that we step onto

the Path of Uncertainty.

When we reach the Path of Uncertainty we

have two choices — both of which are

riddled with uncertainty, and yet lead us

in completely opposite directions (details

of each of these paths will be explained at

a later time).

When we come to these crossroads, the

one thing that will effectively determine

which path we choose to take is simply a

set of questions that we tend to ask

ourselves. These questions will either take

us down the path towards freedom or

towards self-manufactured emotional

bondage. The choice is ours to make, and

in fact we make this choice every single

day, not realizing that it’s one of the most

significant choices that shapes our life and


Begin asking a set of different questions,

and the conscious shift you make will

begin shaping your life in a new direction.

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The Power of Choice Make the Right Choices How to Make the Right Choice The Road Not Taken: A Poem

by Robert Frost The Magic Art of Asking

Empowering Questions Ask Questions that are

Empowering Asking Empowering Questions Making the Commitment Commit to Your Goals The Commitment Wall Choices: Taking Control of Your

Life & Making it Matter* The Paradox of Choice: Why

More is Less* The Strategy Paradox: Why

Committing to Success Leads to Failure*

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Path of Uncertainty


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As we step onto the Path of Uncertainty

our natural psychological tendency is to

resist, to hold back and hold-onto what’s

most comfortable in our lives. For this

very reason we refrain from taking the

actions we need to take in order to

achieve our goals & objectives.

Our instincts tell us that Uncertainty is

dangerous, riddled with pitfalls and things

that could potentially harm us. For this

very reason we don't take action —

tending to hold onto our safety blankets.

It is said that the quality of our lives is

determined by the amount of uncertainty

we can comfortably deal with at any one

moment in time. This statement is

significant because it suggests that the

more uncertainty we can comfortably deal

with the higher the quality of life we will

experience. Therefore to attain your goals

you need to step outside your Comfort

Zone, at which time you will confront a

plethora of problems that you must

overcome. These problems are tied to

your goals and need to be resolved in

order for you to reach your destination.

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Comfort Zone Transforming Habits Overcoming Obstacles

The #1 Reason You Haven't Had More Success in Life

20 Ways to Stretch Yourself Beyond Your Comfort Zone

7 People Who Will Never Step Out of their Comfort Zone

How to Grow Outside Your Comfort Zone

How to Step Out of Your Comfort Zone

How to Feel Secure When Everything is Changing

Personal Growth: Comfort is Not an Option

Beyond Comfort Zone Break Out of Your Comfort

Zone to Achieve Success How to Break Out of Your

Comfort Zone 8 Reasons We Don't do Things

We Should and How to Break the Mould

Comfort Zone = Unproductive

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Comfort Zone


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When you venture onto the Path of Self

Destruction, you step into a vicious cycle

of stress, anxiety, doubt, fear and

emotional upheaval. You may very well

have big dreams for the future, however

they will unfortunately never be realized

because of your inability to manage the

self-sabotaging forces in your life.

Your decision to venture onto this path is

not made at the crossroads (discussed in

a previous section) but rather much

earlier on. In fact, your actions here are

directly influenced by everything we have

discussed thus far as we have progressed

along our journey through the MasterMind

Matrix. You will therefore NEVER truly

break free from this path unless you first

work through each individual segment of

the MasterMind Matrix leading up to the

Path of Uncertainty.

Finally, the more you tend to indulge in

these self-sabotaging forces, the more

likely your comfort zone will constrict—

forcing you to seek security, to resist

change, and to fall victim to your

emotional tendencies.

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Overcoming Fear Stress Management Raising Self-Esteem Self-Sabotage Patterns

Introduction to Self-Sabotage Top 7 Self-Sabotaging

Behaviors 12 Self-Defeating Behaviors Blueprint for Eliminating Self-

Defeating Behaviors Secrets of Defeating Self-

Defeating Behavior Self-Sabotage Patterns 7 Ways Your Own Expectations

Can Cause Self-Sabotage 8 Tips: How Stop Self-Sabotage Signs of Fear of Success and

Self-Sabotage Stress Management: 39

Essential Tips Get Out of Your Own Way:

Overcoming Self-Defeating Behavior*

Get Off Your "But": How to End Self-Sabotage and Stand Up for Yourself*

From Sabotage to Success*

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Self-Sabotage Forces


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As you progress along the Path of Self-

Destruction a plethora of things begin to

happen. First, you start to view your life

from a fear-based perspective. This

likewise forces you to hold negative

expectations about circumstances. As a

result your "focus" is limited and directed

onto your weaknesses, which cripples how

you view yourself, the world and others.

Soon you begin to complicate matters —

making things harder and more difficult

than they should be, and as a result you

become overwhelmed and begin to

neglect personal responsibility. In

desperation you try to take shortcuts by

seeking instant gratification. This results

in you confronting life challenges head-on,

however because you are coming from a

position of weakness you are unable to

deal with these challenges effectively and

as a result you look for quick outcomes,

which you do not believe you can achieve.

And so you hope and plead that things will

turn out okay, but inside you know they

really won't because your past experience

teaches you that you are destined to fail

again and again.

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Vibrational Hierarchy

Taking Responsibility for Your Actions

Accept Responsibility for Your Actions

7 Timeless Thoughts on Taking Responsibility for Your Life

How Hidden Negative Expectations Can Sabotage Your Success

See How Easy You Can Shift Your Negative Expectations

Transforming Negative Expectations into Positive Expectations

The In2 Effect: How One Word Can Shift Your Perspective

Successful Change Starts with a Shift in Perspective

Self-Concept and Self-Sabotage Avoidance of Anxiety as Self-

Sabotage: How Running Away Can Bite You in the Behind

Beating Self-Sabotage

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Path of Destruction: Phase #1


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As you progress further along the Path of

Self-Destruction you reach the next phase

of your journey that triggers a chain

reaction of automatic responses that dig

you deeper into the pits of despair.

First, in a fleeting attempt to lift your

fragile spirits you point the finger at

everything and everyone but yourself. You

can't consciously accept the circumstances

you find yourself in, and you therefore

begin making excuses that make you feel

somewhat better. However, pointing

fingers at others and blaming your

circumstances on bad luck simply

intensifies the negative emotions building

up inside of you. You of course try to

justify these emotions by rationalizing

your experiences, however that just leads

to even more confusion.

All-in-all this experience teaches you new

skills of self-sabotage, it helps you gain

unique knowledge and understanding

about yourself, the world and others, and

it strengthens the neural pathways in the

brain, thereby strengthening your habits

of self-destruction.

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Seasons of Life A Life of Excuses

The Excuses Culture: Why We Protect Ourselves with Excuses

How to Make Excuses A Life of Excuses Making Excuses 4 Excuses that will Prevent You

from Succeeding How to Stop Making Excuses Being Extraordinary: Excuses

You Need to Stop 13 Ways to Stop Making

Excuses Have You Ever Used Excuses? 4

Ways to Stop How to Stop Making Excuses

and Start Making Changes Catch Yourself Making Excuses,

then do Something About it 13 Reasons to Stop

Complaining 87 Excuses for Not Doing

Homework ;) What's Your Excuse?*

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Path of Destruction: Phase #2


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Everything that has transpired thus far as

you have progressed along the Path of

Self-Destruction has shaped your

character and transformed the way you

view yourself, your world and others. In

fact, you are now starting to pick up

momentum in the wrong direction, as your

behaviors become deep rooted lifelong

habits that will be difficult to change.

You may at this stage offer a little

emotional resistance by becoming

consciously aware of the consequences of

your behaviors. A period of contemplation

follows, however unfortunately you are

still stuck in your limited patterns of

thinking and doing. You therefore wait for

the perfect moment to make changes. As

a result you procrastinate and thusly

resist the urge to move yourself forward.

You fail to move forward because there is

a lack of leverage, motivation, knowledge

and resources — all of which we have

already discussed. As a result you distract

yourself with food, sleep, television, etc.,

in order to gain some semblance of control

over your life.

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Overcoming Procrastination Overcoming Fear

Resistance to Change 5 Reasons Why People Resist

Change Five Myths About Change 6 Reasons Why People Don't

Change 50 Reasons Not to Change Leverage: Habitual Master The Seven Keys to Leverage Top 10 Reasons You Should

Stop Watching TV Turning Off Your TV Trash Your TV Television Addiction Blog Turning Television into a

Positive Activity 6 Keys to Develop the Action

Habit 7 Ways to Grow the Action

Habit Top 10 Ways to Get Back on

Track and Achieve the Success You Desire

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Momentum Spindle


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Habits are behaviors that we undertake

automatically without thinking or

consciously intending. They are instinctive

routines of behavior that are repeated

regularly over an extended period of time.

Habits help simplify our lives by boxing

things into manageable routines and

putting them on auto-pilot. This reduces

the mental clutter of having to think about

everything we do before we do it.

We are who we are because of the habits

that we allow ourselves to indulge in on a

daily basis — for better or worse.

Therefore in order to transform our lives

for the better, we must learn to acquire

new and better habits.

As you have progressed along the Path of

Self-Destruction, you have formed new

behaviors or strengthened old habits.

Either way, these new rituals are going to

keep hindering you from reaching your

goals and objectives until you begin today

to make new and more empowering

decisions that will free you from these

destructive patterns.

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Transforming Habits

50 Habits of Highly Successful People

What You Need to Know Before Starting a New Habit

6 Steps to Breaking Bad Habits 7 Keys to Turning Bad Habits

into Good Habits 5 Powerful Habits that will

Change Your Life Stop Repeating the Past 6 Immediate Fixes for Breaking

Bad Habits 6 Proven Ways to Make New

Habits Stick The Habit Change Cheat Sheet:

29 Ways to Ingrain a Behavior Habit Tracker: Joe's Goals Habit Tracker: Rootein Changing for Good: Overcome

Bad Habits* The Habit Change Workbook:

How to Break Bad Habits and Form Good Ones*

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Habits and Rituals


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Neural Linguistic Programming (NLP)

provides the learner with a set of

techniques and tools that help them

overcome fears and obstacles; make more

effective decisions, and achieve goals and

objectives with greater proficiency. More

importantly, NLP provides the learner with

a set of tools that allows them to model

excellence in any field of endeavor.

NLP also provides us with a deeper

understanding of how we organize our

thoughts, language and behavior, and the

resulting impact that this has on the

outcomes we achieve, or fail to achieve.

Each of the habits that we indulge in on a

daily basis follows a recipe or specific

strategy that plays out the same way

most of the time. In fact we also have

recipes for the emotions we experience,

the activities we partake in and the

decisions we make.

These recipes can be identified by looking

at the pattern of sensory cues we move

through while undertaking a certain type

of behavior or while experiencing a

specific emotion.

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Introduction to NLP What is NLP? What is Neural Linguistic

Programming? (video) NLP Strategies: The Mind-Body

Connection to Behavior Eliciting a Strategy Modalities and

Representational Systems NLP Eye Accessing Cues Eye Movement and NLP NLP Eye Patterns (video) Is the NLP "Eye Accessing Cues"

Model Really Valid? NLP T.O.T.E Model of Strategies NLP: The New Technology of

Achievement* The BIG Book of NLP

Techniques: 200+ Patterns* Mindworks: An Introduction to

NLP: Secretes Revealed*

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Strategies and Habitual Recipes


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In order to divert yourself off the Path of

Self-Destruction, you must make the

necessary changes that will help you move

beyond your limiting habits and patterns

of behavior. In fact change only occurs

through conscious awareness, which is the

moment you become aware of the

consequences of your patterns and decide

that you will no longer accept them.

In order for the process of change to stick,

you must learn to manage your emotions

and fears. By failing to do this, you

effectively give up conscious control of the

choices and decisions you make as you

move forward into the future. Moreover,

you must consciously begin to transform

the limiting habits and rituals that are

directing your life.

Change happens the moment you make a

decision to leave your past and

subsequently build yourself a better

future. Along the way you must acquire

resources, effectively manage your

emotions, measure your progress and

modify your approach to changing

conditions and circumstances.

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Emotional Mastery Overcoming Fear Pain & Pleasure Acquired Resources

50 Ways to Start Fresh Why You Can't Change Your

Life Top Tips for Dealing with

Change When Thrust Upon You How to Change Your Life A Simple Guide to Making

Change that Stick 3 Shortcuts to Faster, Easier

Change 6 Reasons Why People Don't

Change, & What to do About it Five Myths About Change The Art of Changing Easily and

Gracefully How to Feel Secure When

Everything is Changing 50 Excuses not to Change Creating Your Resource List Steps for Overcoming Fear Reinvention: How to Make the

Rest of Your Life the Best of Your Life*

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Path of Transformation


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In order to successfully venture onto the

Path of Empowerment, we must first take

time to cultivate the psychological forces

that will help us get there.

You must begin by identifying your

purpose or personal legend. Your personal

legend is something that will get you out

of bed in the morning raring to go with

enthusiasm and passion. It’s something

that will bring a great deal of joy and

happiness into your life, and it’s

something that will help launch your

competitive spirit.

You will need to commit yourself towards

bringing your purpose into physical reality.

This will take initiative, discipline,

proactive action and ambition to get you

through the tough obstacles that you will

likely confront along your journey.

Moreover, it's equally important to

cultivate a light-hearted approach to life,

to forgive yourself for past mistakes and

transgressions, and to show compassion

for others as you move forward towards

your desired outcomes.

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Pursuit of Happiness How to be Funny

7 Easy Steps to Empowering Yourself

Understand the True Definition of Self-Discipline

Can You Learn to be Self-Disciplined?

6 Small Things You Can Do When You Lack Self-Discipline

12 Ways: Develop Enthusiasm 15 Ways to Fire Up Enthusiasm 8 Steps for Acting on

Inspiration A Guide to Happiness via Self-

Forgiveness Finding Happiness: 20 Ways to

Achieve Happiness in Life Pursuit of Happiness: 32 Keys

to Fulfillment Empowerment: The Art of

Creating Your Life as You Want it*

Empowerment takes More than a Minute*

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Empowerment Forces


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Once you are on the Path of

Empowerment an incredible force begin to

shape your life—helping you build the

momentum you need to attain your goals.

However, this “force" does require that

you follow certain rules and principles that

are clearly outlined within the MasterMind

Matrix. You must be very careful though,

as breaking any of these rules or

principles could halt your momentum, or

worse still, sabotage your journey towards

your desired outcomes.

The key here is to keep things simple yet

flexible. You must focus on taking

personal responsibility for all your

decisions and actions while building a

stable support system that will help you

work through the tough challenges that

await you along your journey.

Finally, one of the biggest mistakes that

people make while on the Path of

Empowerment is focusing on end

outcomes. Instead we must concentrate

entirely on the process of execution

above all else.

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Success Secrets Qualities of Success Murphy’s Law Law of Control Life Long Learning Coaching Mistakes Blueprint to Success

58 Habits that will Help You Succeed

The Most Powerful Weapon You Can Use to Drastically Improve Your Results in Life

Seven Steps to Success Why Some People Almost

Always Are Successful The Key to Success is Actually

Really Simple The One Minute Formula for

Success The 7 Spiritual Laws of Success 4 Things You Need to Succeed Success Requires Hard Work,

but Not All in One Day 66 Personal Excellence Tips 10 Signs of a Successful Person What if this is as Good as it

Gets? The Success Principles* Success is Not an Accident* Masters of Success*

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Path of Empowerment


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The MasterMind Matrix Toolkit outlines a

set of indispensable skills that become

ever so more important as you progress

along your journey towards the

attainment of your goals and objectives.

By working on yourself and by developing

each of these soft skills to a high level of

proficiency will increase your chances of

success, and help you obtain greater

clarity and fulfillment in your life. In fact,

the more proficient you are in each of

these skill areas, the better you will be

able to manage the problems and

challenges that life throws your way—from

a personal and professional perspective.

Furthermore, the foundations of a well-

balanced life are built upon a bedrock of a

solid set of skills that help to reinforce

your knowledge and experience in certain

areas that are critical to your success as

you strive towards your goals and


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Personal Influence Networking Skills Persuasion Skills Leadership Skills Public Speaking Skills Negotiation Skills Financial Skills Learning Skills

10 Skills You Need to Succeed at Almost Anything

21 Business Skills Needed to Succeed

7 Essential Tips for Developing Your Skills

10 Skills Everyone Should Have 27 Skills Your Child Needs to

Know that She's Not Getting in School

8 Essential Skills they Didn't Teach You at School

10 Essential Money Skills for a Bad Economy

Becoming a Person of Influence Negotiation through Tactical

Advantage The Psychology of Persuasion The Path of Extraordinary

Leadership Developing Smart Study Habits What are Soft Skills? Soft Skills Development Suite

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MasterMind Toolkit


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People spend a great part of their lives

focused on obtaining what it is they want

to have. There is however a flaw with this

type of behavior, which leads to great

disappointment and manifests in

unfulfilled dreams and desires. The flaw is

that we cannot HAVE before BEING.

When I coach clients we often cycle

through the goals that they would like to

achieve for that week or month. These

goals are tangible and concrete; however

they are also not the real objective that

this person is trying to work towards.

Instead, the real objective is the person

that they would like to become

resulting from this journey.

When we begin to focus on who we want

to become instead of focusing on the goal

itself, we begin to do things from a

perspective of development and growth,

rather than achievement. This doing leads

to the right kinds of actions that are

necessary to help us obtain what it is we

want in our lives, thusly triggering the

manifestation process.

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Laws of Manifestation Law of Belief Law of Cause & Effect Law of Control Magnetic Attraction

History of the Law of Attraction The Law of Attraction Law of Belief Law of Cause & Effect Law of Control Law of Magnetic Attraction Abraham Hicks Official Website The Secret Official Website Is the Law of Attraction a Con? The Law of Attraction vs.

Science Universal Law of Attraction

Myths: Truth vs. Hype Be Yourself, Law of Attraction

and Other Bad Pieces of Advice Skeptics: Law of Attraction Excuse Me Your Life is Now:

Master Law of Attraction* Law of Attraction: The Science

of Attracting More* Law of Attraction: The

Teachings of Abraham* The Secret Book*

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Manifestation Triangle


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No matter how thorough, disciplined,

committed and dedicated we are towards

attaining our objectives, we will often not

get the results we want. So why is that?

First of all we don't get what we want

because somewhere along the MasterMind

Matrix something is simply not aligned

with the bigger picture. It could be our

values, beliefs, self-concept, rules,

perceptual influencers, language,

questions, etc. This naturally leads to

setbacks and challenges that force us to

address all the points of weakness along

the MasterMind Matrix. In fact, these

points of weakness must be overcome,

otherwise we will continue to struggle and

face setbacks over and over again.

Secondly, we don't get what we want

because we are simply not yet ready or

haven't yet learned the lessons required

to achieve our goals. Take time to learn

from experience, to acquire a new skill, or

gain some valuable knowledge, and often

the challenges you face will wash away

like dirt on a rainy day.

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Overcoming Obstacles Resilient Willpower Never Give Up Seasons of Life

Never Give Up, Never Quit! 22 Reasons to Never Give Up Developing Resilient Willpower Why Most People Give Up and

Fail Rising Above Adversity: The

Amazing Story of Jean-Dominique Bauby

Never Give Up Without a Fight How to Keep Going When the

Going Gets Tough But They Did Not Give Up Weathering the Storm 8 Moves to Make When You

Want to Give Up Life Struggles: Who Would You

be Without them? Sylvester Stallone: The Real Life

Rocky Trump Never Give Up: Turning

Challenges into Success* Never Give Up* The Lance Armstrong Story*

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Overcoming Setbacks


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It's critical that no matter what our

circumstances or the conditions we find

ourselves in, that we always learn from

the experience. We must learn from both

our successes and failures, and from the

good as well as the supposedly bad things

that may overwhelm us as we progress

along our journey towards the attainment

of our goals and objectives.

CANI is a principle popularized by

Anthony Robbins. It stands for Constant

and Never-ending Improvement. It

suggests that we must make small

incremental improvements every single

day of our lives in the direction of our

goals. It also encourages us to constantly

keep moving forward, to accept outcomes

graciously, to learn from our experiences

and make the most of the opportunities

that come our way.

We are the by-product of a culmination of

experiences we have had over a lifetime.

And it is the knowledge we gain from

these experiences that will help us to

make the most of our future outcomes.

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Lifelong Learning

The 7 Keys to Becoming a More Effective Lifelong Learner

If I Stumble, If I Fall: 5 Tips When Failing

The Only Way You Should Ever Repeat Mistakes

15 Ways to Get Smarter and Wiser

Never Stop Learning & Growing Maintaining Lifelong Learning 11 Reasons Why You Aren't

Getting Results Continual Self-Development 10 Ways to fit Reading into a

Busy Schedule Best Learning Tools on the

Internet 100 Helpful Web Tools for

Every Kind of Learner 7 Life Lessons I learned from

Running a Marathon Tony Robbins CANI! The

System Explained

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Learning from Experience


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Here we temporarily divert our attention

to another segment of the MasterMind

Matrix that is intrinsically linked to the

way we learn and process information on

a daily basis.

Given the amount of information we are

exposed to daily, the skills that we must

master, and the knowledge that we must

acquire to keep ourselves competitive

within our industry or career path—

accelerated learning becomes an

absolutely critical and valuable skill that

will give us the added advantage we need

to help us accomplishing our goals and

objectives in rapid speed. In fact, this skill

is so critical to success in any field of

endeavor, that schools should be ashamed

that they are not teaching it to their


By taking the time to learn how to learn,

you will rapidly accelerate your

understanding and the pace at which you

absorb new information. This will lead to

greater clarity and proficiency, thusly

accelerating your momentum towards the

attainment of your goals and objectives.

Download MasterMind Matrix

7 Intelligences Effective Learning Accelerated Reading Multi-Sensory Learning Improving Memory How to Mind Map Mind Mapping Study Skills

9 Tactics to Rapid Learning that Most People Never Heard of

5 Things Smart Learners Do that Others Don't

How to Learn without Memorizing

How to Recall an Entire Book in 5 Minutes or Less

How to Learn Absolutely Anything and Everything

Maximize Brainpower: Program a Function Library for Your Mind

Build Your Brain Power with these 21 Resources

120 Ways to Boost Your Brain Power

The Accelerated Learning Handbook*

Accelerated Learning for the 21st Century*

Accelerated Learning Techniques*

Web Resources & Links

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Accelerated Learning


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MasterMind Matrix

At one of Jim Rohn’s seminars he

mentioned that our lives move through

cycles that parallel the seasons of the

earth. These seasons are constantly

shifting—moving us through different

stages of experience and awareness.

Summer is the season of celebration,

rewards and fulfilment. It is a time to

accomplish our goals and objectives.

Autumn is the season of mistakes,

problems and survival. It is a time where

we lose focus, get distracted and

experience the consequences of our


Winter is the season of planning,

hibernation and self-reflection. It is a time

to find inner peace, solitude and to plan

forward for the future.

Spring is the season for opportunity,

dynamic thinking and learning. It is a time

to develop new skills, habits and contacts.

Finally, remember that the direction of

your life is determined by your responses

to people, events and circumstances.

Don’t blame it on the seasons.

Download MasterMind Matrix

Seasons of Change

Seasons of Transformation The Five Phases or Seasons of

Life 50 Ways to Start Fresh Change Happens: What to do

When Circumstances Shift Unexpectedly

How to Change Your Life How to Stay Organized When

Life Throws You a Curveball The Seasons of Life: Parable of

the Pear Tree (video) People Come into Your Life for

a Reason (video) The Seasons of Life* Five Major Pieces of the Life


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Seasons of Transformation


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Once we begin to accept that life is a

changing collage of seasons, we start to

understand that we must now begin

modifying our approach and adapting to

our changing conditions and

circumstances. Only in this way will we be

able to achieve our goals and objectives.

Modifying our approach begins with our

thought process. Once we start thinking

differently about our circumstances we

begin gaining new insights and

understandings that we weren’t conscious

of before. This naturally leads to better

and more effective decisions, which

eventually reflects positively on our habits

and the results we get from our actions.

At the same time your thinking must be

flexible, adaptable and mouldable to the

changing conditions of your life. You must

learn to think critically, creatively and

develop the ability to solve problems

effectively and efficiently. Only by focusing

on these areas will you gain the necessary

insights you need to move forward along

your journey towards the attainment of

your goals and objectives.

Download MasterMind Matrix

Critical Thinking Problem Solving 6 Thinking Hats Creative Thinking Thinking BIG Creative Genius Resourcefulness

Becoming an Outstanding Critical Thinker

Awaken Your Problem Solver from Within

Unlocking Your Creative Genius Potential

The Habit of Thinking BIG 6 Thinking Hats: Solving Life’s

Complex Problems The Holigral Method for

Problems Solving (video) The Art of Complex Problem

Solving Einstein’s Secret to Amazing

Problem Solving Creative Problem Solving with

SCAMPER Deconstructing Creativity Idea Creation eBook Becoming a Problem Solving

Genius* Thinkertoys: A Handbook of


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IQ Matrix Maps

Modifying Approach


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MasterMind Matrix

Luck is often viewed as a mysterious

fortunate occurrence that blesses some

people and not others. However, if we dig

deep behind the science of luck we soon

realize that having luck is not so much

about chance but rather about choice. In

fact, it’s the daily choices we make that

determine how much luck we are likely to

experience over the course of our lives.

If you’ve followed the guidelines — as we

have journeyed through the MasterMind

Matrix — and incorporated many of the

ideas, techniques and strategies discussed

within this manual, than you are more

than well on your way towards attracting

the right people, circumstances,

information and events that will help you

to achieve your goals and objectives.

Others will call you lucky, but you will

know better.

Luck isn’t a mystical and misunderstood

element of life. Instead, it’s a science

that’s built upon our thoughts, values,

beliefs, habits, language, questions,

attitude, perspectives, traits and actions.

Download MasterMind Matrix

The Luck Factor

The Luck Factor: Attracting Good Fortune

How to Have Good Luck The Luck Factor Manual How to Create Your Own Good

Luck: 4 Timeless Tips How to Make Your Own Luck,

Even on Friday the 13th How to be Lucky How to Create Your Own Luck How to Make Yourself Lucky How to be in the Right Place at

the Right Time More Often 7 Strategies for Good Luck A Simple Tip to Get Good Luck 7 Ways to Make Your Own

Good Luck How to Create Good Luck The Luck Factor: The Four

Essential Principles* The Luck Factor: Why Some

People Are Luckier* How to Attract Good Luck*

Web Resources & Links

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The Luck Factor


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MasterMind Matrix

Everything we have discussed thus far

along this journey through the MasterMind

Matrix is possible because of our brain. It

is the central hub that directs what we do,

when we do it and how we do things.

Within the MasterMind Matrix the

conscious brain stands out like a beacon

that connects all the other pieces of the

psychological puzzle.

The main function of the conscious brain is

to take information from the environment

and compare it with previous knowledge

and experience—effectively directing our

daily decisions and actions.

The brain attempts to look for associations

that are familiar with past experience and

projects this new information into

conscious awareness.

The brain’s other main function revolves

around the short and long-term memory


Download MasterMind Matrix

Brain Power

An Introduction to the Brain The Human Brain Medulla Oblongata Hypothalamus Thalamus Cerebellum Midbrain Tectum Pallium Hippocampus Basal Ganglia Olfactory Bulb Premotor Cortex Frontal Lobe Parietal Lobe Occipital Lobe Temporal Lobe Limbic Lobe Insular Cortex Lateralization of the Brain The Brain that Changes Itself* The Mind and the Brain:


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Conscious Brain


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MasterMind Matrix

The Inner Mind—otherwise known as the

unconscious or subconscious mind—is a

permanent experience recorder. It records

absolutely every stimulus picked up by the

five senses and stores them away into its

memory storage bank. Furthermore, it

also keeps record of our habitual

responses to events and circumstances.

The main function of the mind is to

associate our current experience of reality

with past conditioned responses and

memories in order to maintain consistency

with habitual patterns of behavior —

moving us towards pleasure and away

from pain.

The mind ensures that your decisions,

behaviors and actions are always

consistent with underlying thoughts,

values, needs, beliefs, wants,

emotions, etc.

Because of its pre-programmed desire to

maintain consistency, we struggle to

overcome pre-conditioned patterns of

behavior that have been ingrained into our

psyche over a lifetime.

Download MasterMind Matrix

Brain Power

An Introduction to the Unconscious Mind

The Unconscious Mind The Unconscious Mind PDF

Report The Subconscious Mind and

the Keys to its Power How to Use Your Subconscious

to Change Your Life Dr Joseph Murphy: The Power

of Your Subconscious Mind Who’s Minding the Mind? The Subconscious Mind:

Insights from Viktor Frankl The Genie Within: Your

Subconscious Mind — How it Works & How to Use It*

Mind Magic Techniques for Transforming Your Life*

The Power of Your Subconscious Mind*

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Inner Mind


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MasterMind Matrix

The Nervous System is the central hub

that sorts all information filtering through

the five senses. Its purpose is to delete,

distort and generalize experience, thusly

helping us to make sense of the world

around us. It is the seat of consciousness

and mental activity that filters perceptual

experience in a way that reinforces

structures of reality that match existing

beliefs, expectations and habits.

The nervous system has a direct influence

over the emotional mind—otherwise

known as the limbic system. This is the

seat of all our emotional experiences.

When the limbic system is stimulated, it

triggers the pituitary gland which controls

hormonal fluctuations. Consequently

emotions are experienced within the body

as a result of our interpretations of

reality—not actual reality. This can

likewise trigger a stress response thereby

raising blood pressure and heart rate


Download MasterMind Matrix

Emotional Mastery

Introduction to the Nervous System

Central Nervous System Peripheral Nervous System Autonomic Nervous System The Limbic System Amygdala Pituitary Gland Mind & Body Connection: How

Your Emotions Affect Your Health

The Center of Emotions The Emotional Brain: The

Mysterious Underpinnings of Emotional Life*

Descartes' Error: Emotion, Reason, and the Human Brain*

The Feeling of What Happens: Body & Emotion in the Making of Consciousness*

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Nervous System


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The Reticular Activation System (RAS)

was first introduced by Anthony Robbins

in his bestselling book Awaken the Giant

Within. It shouldn’t be confused with the

part of the brain known as the Reticular

Activating System, however they are


The RAS is a filter that is applied to the

staggering amount of data that gets

picked up by the five senses of sight,

sound, touch, taste and smell. This filter

works 24/7, and it’s the only thing that’s

keeping us from being overwhelmed by

the massive amount of stimuli passing

through our sensory organs.

The RAS determines what we consciously

decide to give our attention to at any

moment in time—while the remainder of

the data gets filtered out and transferred

to the unconscious parts of the brain.

When we set concrete goals we indicate to

our RAS that anything associated with

these goals is important to us. As a result

our RAS goes to work bringing to our

attention data and opportunities to help us

achieve our goals.

Download MasterMind Matrix

Multi-Sensory Skills

Introduction to the Reticular Activating System

Your Automatic Goal Seeking Mechanism

Goals & Your Reticular Activating System

A Video Tour of the Reticular Activating System

Reticular Activating System: If You Don’t Have it Your Game is Off

Triggering Your Brain to Bring Your Dreams & Visions to You Scientifically

A Forum Discussion About the Reticular Activation System

The Secret Behind the Secret Awaken the Giant Within: How

to Take Immediate Control of Your Mental, Emotional, Physical & Financial Destiny*

Web Resources & Links

IQ Matrix Maps

Reticular Activation System


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MasterMind Matrix

Our habits develop over time as neuron

networks are established in our brain. In

fact, 85% of our behavior occurs at an

unconscious level of awareness—resulting

from neuron patterns that were formed

over a lifetime of thinking, deciding and

repeating the same behavior over again.

The formation of these networks is

absolutely critical and necessary because

they allow us to operate on auto-pilot —

not needing to think about every single

thing that we do throughout the day.

However, the drawback is that sometimes

these behaviors are not in our best

interest, and as a result we struggle to

achieve our goals and objectives.

Oftentimes our willingness to change our

behavior conflicts with the way our neuron

patterns have been conditioned over time.

This leads to self-sabotage patterns that

affect how we frame our reality. As a

result our perspectives shift and we

continue to struggle to get what we want

most out of life.

Answer: Begin by transforming your


Download MasterMind Matrix

Neurons & the Brain

An Introduction to the Neuron Motor Neuron Synapse Dendrite Axon Cell Nucleus Action Potential Mind Power News Brain Science Based Learning Brain Rules: 12 Principles for

Surviving & Thriving at Work, Home & School

Brain Apples: The Brain Training Academy

Synaptic Self: How Our Brains Become Who We Are*

Neuroscience: Exploring the Brain*

Principles of Neural Science* From Neurons to Self-

Consciousness: How the Brain Generates the Mind*

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Neuron Pattern Formation


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MasterMind Matrix

The human body is a metabolic product of

experience representing captured

memories that you have had about

yourself over a lifetime. It’s an expression

of ideas, feelings, emotions and thoughts.

This simply means that you create and

recreate your body daily on the cellular

level as a result of your thoughts and

emotional experiences.

Did you know that a vast percentage of

your body regenerates itself over a period

of 12 months? And over the span of 7 to

10 years, every cell has been renewed.

The human body is made up of 500 billion

cells that are made up of matter

containing molecules and atoms which are

nothing more than fluctuations of energy,

information and intelligence. These atoms

move at lightning speed around 99.9%

empty space (or dark energy and matter).

Every cell within your body mirrors your

emotional experiences and thought

processes, which leads to changes at a

cellular level, thusly affecting your health

and well-being.

Download MasterMind Matrix

Mind, Body & Spirit

How Your Mind Affects Your Health

Negative Thoughts ‘Make U ill How Your Thoughts Can Affect

Your Health Hypnotherapy Used to Block

Out Pain During Operation Positive Expectations Greatly

Reduce Pain Optimism Helps Reduce Cancer

Pain & Fatigue Optimists Enjoy Better Health

& Live Longer What is an Atom? What are Electrons? What are Protons? What is an Atomic Nucleus? The Body Regenerates Every

Seven Year: Say What? How the Mind Can Heal Your


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The Human Body Connection


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MasterMind Matrix

Getting good quality sleep and

maintaining high levels of energy

throughout the day are key ingredients of

an active, productive and creative life. In

fact these are prerequisites of success in

any field of endeavor.

When it comes to getting quality sleep we

must be very vigilant of our environment.

It must promote sleep through proper

ventilation, correct temperature levels,

while minimizing sound and light sources.

We must also be vigilant of the type of

food we choose to eat and when we

choose to eat it. Finally, we must also pay

attention to our evening routines, because

certain activities can help promote better

sleep, while other activities can hinder it.

Secondly, it’s equally important to

enhance our levels of energy throughout

the day. This begins by making sensible

nutritional choices and cultivating a

mindset that moves us away from limiting

emotions and patterns of behavior.

Furthermore, we must stay active both

physically and mentally during the day in

order to maintain peak energy levels.

Download MasterMind Matrix

Get Better Sleep Abundant Energy Creative Genius

A Better Night’s Sleep: 37 Essential Strategies

The 5 Benefits of Being an Early Riser

18 Ways to Get a Good Night’s Sleep

12 Tips for Getting a Good Night’s Sleep

The Ultimate Guide to Getting Great Sleep

Trouble Sleeping? 10 Rules to Sleep Properly

Top 10 Sleep Myths Busted Creating Abundant Energy 8 Tips for Boosting Your Energy

Right Now! The 4 Worst Energy Zappers in

Your Life How You Too Can be an

Energiser Bunny for 24 Hours… Creative Genius Mindset No More Sleepless Nights* Say Good Night to Insomnia*

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Sleep and Energy Cycles


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MasterMind Matrix

Here we get into the realm of unseen

reality. This is a topic that’s difficult to

write about because there is little scientific

evidence to back it up. But I’ll do my best

to briefly describe how it is intertwined

into the MasterMind Matrix.

There is a unified field that connects all of

us. Some people call this field “God” while

others see it as a source of energy or

Infinite Intelligence. This Infinite

Intelligence is a knowledge bank of

collective information that’s accumulated

over eons. It draws to each person

opportunities for growth that are

consistent with pre-programmed patterns

of behavior — teaching lessons that we

must learn to prepare us for the

achievement of our Personal Legend.

As we go about our day we are exposed to

people, events and circumstances that are

brought forth into our lives via this

collective source of intelligence. They are

there to help us learn the lessons we must

master in order to overcome the obstacles

that will assist us to fulfil our Personal


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Personal Legend

What is “Infinite Intelligence” & How Can You Make it Work for You? There isn’t much information about this topic that I could find. Sources were taken from books that I have read. I will therefore direct you to author’s website for further study.

Abraham Hicks Dr. Wayne W. Dyer Louise Hay The Secret The Amazing Power of

Deliberate Intent: Living the Art of Allowing*

Conversation with God: An Uncommon Dialogue – Book 1*

The Complete Conversation with God Book 1, 2 and 3*

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Unseen Reality


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This is a topic that doesn’t have much

scientific evidence to back it up. However,

I wanted the MasterMind Matrix to be a

comprehensive representation of

interconnecting elements of the physical,

psychological and spiritual worlds. Only

then would we really be able to begin to

understand the bigger picture that helps

explain why things are the way they are.

We are more than just a body; we are an

energetic being that is connected to

everything that is on a sub-atomic level of

existence. This is very important, because

our connection to all that is signifies that

we are also able to influence things that

seem to be outside of our reach or control.

Hence, we step into the world of

extrasensory perception, which takes

place at a spiritual level of existence.

Each of us has a Soul which is a mirror

replica of the physical body that exists in

time and space. We also have a Spirit

which is our true state of being. Our Spirit

is all-knowing and eternal, existing

beyond space and time.

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Mind, Body & Spirit

7 Levels of the Human Aura The Human Aura Learn How to See Auras Etheric Body Astral Body Astral Projection Mental Body Causal Body Causal Plane Chakras Clairvoyance Extrasensory Perception Wheels of Light: Chakras, Auras

& Healing Energy of the Body* The Subtle Body: An

Encyclopedia of Your Energetic Anatomy*

Hands of Light: A Guide to Healing through the Human Energy Field*

Sixth Sense: Including the Secrets of the Etheric Subtle Body*

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Spirit and Soul


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MasterMind Matrix

Life is built upon foundational laws that

govern our existence. Some laws are quite

obvious to us these days. For instance the

laws of physics are widely accepted and

rarely questioned. However, there are a

set of other laws that also govern our

lives. These laws are less understood, but

equally as influential in the way they

define our perception of reality.

The Universal Laws listed within the

graphic to the left are intertwined

comprehensively into the fabric of the

MasterMind Matrix—governing every

aspect of our psychological existence.

They are all metaphysical in nature;

however science is slowly beginning to

unlock the hidden mysteries that these

laws bring forth into our lives.

When we begin to understand and align

ourselves with these Universal Laws, we

start to move into a state of effortless

momentum—allowing us to bring our

goals and objectives into physical reality.

Whether you accept these laws or not is

irrelevant. It’s how you use them that

makes all the difference.

Download MasterMind Matrix

Law of Belief Cause & Effect Law of Attraction The Manifestation Process Law of Control

Law of Belief Law of Cause & Effect Law of Control Law of Magnetic Attraction Murphy’s Law The Seasons of Transformation The Luck Factor The 12 Universal Laws & 21

Sub-laws The 20 Primary Universal Laws The 3 Immutable Universal

Laws Universal Laws: Your Guide to

Mastering the Law of Attraction

The 100 Absolutely Unbreakable Laws of Business Success*

Law of Attraction: The Science of Attracting More of What You Want*

Ask & it is Given: Learning to Manifest Your Desires*

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Universal Laws


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MasterMind Matrix

The MasterMind Matrix is built upon the

foundational principles of life coaching,

which are of critical importance as we

begin moving through the chart.

For this reason, the first few segments of

the MasterMind Matrix break-down the

coaching process in detail — helping both

coach and client to pinpoint the obstacles

and challenges that lay ahead.

During the 1st life coaching session it's

important to provide my clients with a

little background information about the life

coaching process. I would therefore

outline the purpose of coaching, while also

going through the different roles and

expectation associated with coaching.

In addition to this, it's important to

identify any barriers that may interfere

with the coaching process. And finally it’s

paramount that one establishes strong

levels of rapport with the client.

Download MasterMind Matrix

1st Life Coaching Session

What is Coaching? Video: What is Life Coaching? Coachville: Tools for Coaches Coach U International Coaching

Federation International Coaching

Academy The Coaching Institute Life Coaching Institute Become a Coach* 10 Super Coaches Share their

Secrets* Getting Your first 50 Life

Coaching Clients* Start Your Own Life Coaching

Business* Explode Your Life Coaching

Practice* How to Get 95% of Your Clients

from the Internet* The Wheels of Life Coaching


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1st Life Coaching Session


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One of the first tasks on a life coach's

agenda is to address their client's


A client often chooses to hire a life coach

because they seek assistance with

overcoming a personal problem, challenge

or setback.

For this very reason it’s important for a

life coach to obtain the client's story, to

get a deeper insight and understanding

into their concerns, while also attending to

their strengths, perceptions and attitudes.

One of the most effective techniques to

use at this stage of coaching is to ask the

client to create a metaphor that

represents their problems. This metaphor

will help them to develop confidence while

encouraging creativity and solution

oriented thinking.

It’s also critical here to help the client

identify the resources they have that could

assist them to overcome their concerns.

The map outlines this process in detail. Download MasterMind Matrix

Addressing Client Concerns

Life Coaching for Problem Habits

Using Metaphors with Coaching

The Power of a Good Yarn Less is More... The Art of Clean

Language Using Metaphors: Article

Collection Tales for Coaching: Using

Stories & Metaphors* Tales for Change: Using Stories

to Develop People* More Magic of Metaphor for

Leaders & Motivators* Freedom Tools: For

Overcoming Life's Tough Problems*

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Addressing Client Concerns


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It's difficult for a life coach to help a client

achieve their goals and objectives if they

do not understand a client's current


The two IQ Matrix Maps under the

spotlight here help a life coach to identify

several very important key critical factors

that will naturally lay down the

foundations for future coaching sessions.

Firstly, a life coach needs to identify the

obstacles that may be preventing their

client from moving forward. In addition,

they also need to pinpoint the client's

failure strategy—what they are doing that

is not getting them the results they want.

Finally, a life coach should also identify a

client's behavior patterns, their success

strategy, (what they are doing that is

helping them get what they want) and

analyse their client's learning style, which

will help with setting tasks and objectives.

Download MasterMind Matrix

Identifying Reality Evaluating Reality

Getting Started in Personal & Executive Coaching*

Becoming a Professional Coach: Lessons from the Institute of Life Coach Training*

Co-Active Coaching: New Skills for Coaching People Towards Success in Work & Life*

The Coaching Starter Kit: Everything You Need to Launch & Expand Your Coaching Practice*

Becoming a Life Coach: A Complete Workbook for Therapists*

Coach Anyone About Anything: How to Help People Succeed in Business & Life*

The Life Coaching Handbook: Everything You Need to Know to be an Effective Life Coach*

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IQ Matrix Maps

Identifying and Evaluating Reality


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MasterMind Matrix

Throughout this eBook I’ve attempted to cover

a lot of ground in small manageable chunks in

order to keep things as simple as possible.

However, I do hope that you have found the

accompanying web resources, books and

videos to be of great value in helping you dig

deeper into each of these areas.

There is so much more that could’ve been

said, in fact I have literally only skimmed

through the major chunks of the MasterMind

Matrix without delving into the details.

However, if you enjoyed this journey and

would like to continue to dig even deeper into

each of these topics than I encourage you to

subscribe to the MasterMind Matrix blog.

There I will dig further and more

comprehensively into each segment of the

chart in great detail.

As of May 2011 the site isn’t yet active.

However, if you subscribe via RSS or email,

you will be notified when it launches officially

sometime later this year.

Continue reading on the next page for my

special bonus offer.

Concluding Thoughts


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I would like to personally thank you for

taking the time to read the MasterMind

Matrix eBook. I hope it was valuable and


In order to improve the eBook in the

future I would like to ask you if you could

provide me with your honest feedback via

email or by posting your feedback about

the eBook at the IQ Matrix Page on


Or feel free to tweet your feedback via

Twitter using the #iqmatrix hashtag.

Once again, I appreciate your ongoing

support and I hope to connect with you on

Twitter, Facebook or at in

the future.

I would love to hear your feedback…

If you haven’t purchased the MasterMind Matrix chart, I would like to provide you a special offer.

As a bonus for providing me with your feedback, I would like to offer you an extra incentive to purchase a high resolution printable pdf copy of the chart. Therefore once you make your purchase, I will add another 2 bonus IQ Matrix maps of your choice ($14.00 value) at no extra cost.

To take advantage of this offer simply send me an email [email protected] after you have made your purchase informing me about this offer and list the 2 additional maps you would like me to email you.

For those who have already purchased the chart, I am happy to offer you the same opportunity. Simply email through your order number, your name, the email address you used to purchase the chart and the 2 maps you would like me to email.



twitter: @IQmatrix

MasterMind Matrix

Adam Sicinski is a qualified life skills coach and

works as a visual thinking consultant. In 2008

he founded IQ Matrix a visual thinking

company specializing in the production of mind

maps and visual thinking aids designed to help

people boost their productivity, raise their

levels of creativity and gain the most from

their natural talents and raw ability.

Over a period of many years Adam collected

and collated a wide variety of information

about cognitive psychology, neuro-linguistic

programming and other related approaches.

This information was used to piece together an

all-encompassing chart known as the

MasterMind Matrix that helps explain why we

do the things we do on a daily basis. This chart

forms the basis and foundations of all the work

that goes into creating each IQ Matrix map.

About Author


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MasterMind Matrix

Over the years I’ve created a number of freely

downloadable IQ Matrix maps that are

available from the IQ Matrix blog. There are

over 25 maps available for instant download

on the free downloads page. More maps will be

added to this page in the future.

Here is a list of some of the maps you will find

on this page:

Overcome self-sabotage patterns

Developing resilient willpower

Overcoming life’s obstacles and


Setting goals using the GROW Model

The Seasons of Transformation

(image on right)

Thinking BIG to achieve your goals

Creating a life resource list

The Luck Factor: Improving your

good fortune

The qualities of success

Murphy’s Law: Be prepared for


Kicking the habit of making excuses

The physiology of excellence

And more…

Download Free IQ Matrix Maps


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Become an IQ Matrix Lifetime Member and

receive instant access to all current and future

IQ Matrix pdf posters and MasterMind Matrix

chart updates forever!

There are currently over 100 IQ Matrix maps

that are part of the Lifetime Membership with

more being added throughout the year.

Each IQ Matrix map is designed to help you in

all areas of your life including school, career,

business, sports, health and more. Visit the IQ

Matrix Lifetime Membership page for more

information about what’s included.

IQ Matrix posters are also available in topic

bundles that include

Lifetime Achiever

Academic Genius

Career Success

Wealth Creator

Emotional Mastery

Effective Thinker

Life Coaching

Basketball MVP

Feel free to click any of the above links for

further information about what’s included

within each bundle package.

IQ Matrix Lifetime Membership


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Thank you for


Don’t forget to download 25+ FREE IQ

Matrix Maps at the IQ Matrix Blog.