master public speaking

Master Public Speaking Part 1- Overcoming anxiety Part 4- 10 tips to deliver a great speech Part 2- Put together a compelling story Part 3- Optimize the design of your presentations Explore - Learn - Grow Do you know your Happiness Score? Get your Life Satisfaction Report. Free, no registration required. I Contact

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Master Public Speaking

Part 1- Overcoming anxietyPart 4- 10 tips to deliver a great speech

Part 2- Put together a compelling story

Part 3- Optimize the design of your presentations

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Public speaking and stage fright:the #1 fear of any workers

2Part 1- Overcoming anxiety

What is the sourceof anxiety?

* To be in the spotlight* To look unprepared* To appear ridiculous* To show our lack of experience* To face a difficult audience with unexpected questions

Overcoming anxiety come with hardwork: the right preparation, practice and presence on stage

3Part 1- Overcoming anxiety

1- Pull together a compelling story based on thoroughly researched facts and data (part 12)

2- Let your slides speak by themselves and tell your story. The right design and tips to develop a winning presentation (part 3)

3- Deliver with style and confidence. Follow the 10 successful tips described in part 4.

About the audience

4Part 2- Put together a compelling story

* People Think Faster Than Hear

* Have Short Attention Span

* Jump to Conclusions

* Are easily Distracted

Framing your audience:ask yourself the right questions:

5Part 2- Put together a compelling story

* What does your audience know about your presentations?* How many? Demographics? Beliefs and value?* Are they receptive/antagonistic?* Why did they come? Which personal objectives to they pursue? What is driving them?* Do they have a problem in common they are thrying to solve?* What do they expect?* What is your call for action? Inform only, approve, decide, ...

Clarify the purpose of your presentation

6Part 2- Put together a compelling story

* Inform* Inspire / Persuade

* Sell, convince* Entertain

* Introduce* Accept* Pay Tribute

* Seek approval* Reach a consensus, decide

The ABCD of your story - Outline example

7Part 2- Put together a compelling story

A- Intro* Typically: who are you, what is the main subject, what you want to achieve today, expected length* Safety, evacuation, mobile off* Start with a question engaging the audience

B- Develop central idea* Describe the problem you are solving, the central ideas, solution features and benefits* Articulate one clear message* Narrow into specific topics

The ABCD of your story - Outline example

8Part 2- Put together a compelling story

C- Collecting inputs & feedback* Open or close questions* Get instant feedback with text message poll like* Voting, post-it's, carousel, ...

D- Summary* Repeat your main message* Present next steps or call for action: buy, approve, next meeting, ...* Present references and supporting materials* Talk to the audience, collect verbal feedback as they exit

Structure your presentation to keep the audienceactively listening and engaged

9Part 2- Put together a compelling story

* Keep speech focused on message, do not digress

* Divide speech into compact segments, make sure that it flows logically

* Listen to audience question and feedback carefully: verbal and non-verbal signs

* Adapt to situation

* Plan for a minimum of 4 minutes per slide: less for a simple slide like a quote, much more if you expect questions or a dialogue

Find out exactly how you will presentThis will determine the font size, color scheme,

use of sound, flipcharts or not, ...

10Part 3- Optimize the design of your presentations

* Indoor/Outdoor, size and Shape of Room* Arrangement of Seating, distance from the screen* Projection equipment: test with your laptop, are the colors right?* Lighting* Acoustics: test the microphone and speakers* Wifi availability

Visualize your room,where you present,what will happen...

Use a consistent template

11Part 3- Optimize the design of your presentations

* Use a set font and color scheme.Different styles are disconcerting.Choose size 20 or more for readability

* Choose a clean font that is easy to read. Arial or Verdana are easier to read than Script or Comic .

* Make sure the audience to focus on what you present, not the way you present.

* Make sure that your pictures also follow a consistent style

Basic rules about the use of bullets, capital and italics

12Part 3- Optimize the design of your presentations

* Keep each bullet to one line, two at the most.* Limit the number of bullets in a screen to six* Use bullets to “cue” the audience in on what you want to say.

* Do not use all capital letters, except for emphasis* Avoid acronyms

Use Italics for* for “quotes ”* to highlight thoughts or ideas* For book, journal, or magazine titles

Things you should not do

13Part 4- 10 tips to deliver a great speech

* Read directly from notes* Read directly from screen* Turn back on audience* Slouch, hands in pockets* No um, ah, you know’s* Nervous gestures* Talk too fast, too quietly, incomprehensibly* Show a lack of confidence* Sit all the time* Hide behind the media

Deliver your speech with confidence,right from the start

14Part 4- 10 tips to deliver a great speech

What you should do:

* Maintain Eye contactOK to glance at notes, but furtively

* Use appropriate gestures and movement to add energy to your speech: move slowly around the room.

* Use the white board, put your thought into a picture

* Ask rhetorical questions to involve audience: are you OK? Can you hear me fine?

10 successful tips to control the room and deliver a successful presentation

15Part 4- 10 tips to deliver a great speech

1- Know the room- become familiar with the place of presentation

2- Know the audience- greet or chat with the audience beforehand. It’s easier to speak to friends than to strangers

3- Know your material-increased nervousness is due to un-preparedness

4- Relaxation- relax entire body by stretching and breathing so as to ease the tension, listen to music

10 successful tips to control the room and deliver a successful presentation

16Part 4- 10 tips to deliver a great speech

5- Visualize giving your speech-Visualize yourself giving your speech from start to finish. By visualizing yourself successful, you will be successful

6- People want you to succeed-the audience is there to see you succeed not to fail

7- Do not apologize-by mentioning your nervousness or apologizing, you will only be calling the audience’s attention to mistakes

Mind-mapping can be used as an effective visualization


10 successful tips to control the room and deliver a successful presentation

17Part 4- 10 tips to deliver a great speech

8- Concentrate on your message-not the medium. Focus on the message you are trying to convey and not on your anxieties

9- Turn nervousness into positive energy-nervousness increases adrenaline, transform it into vitality and enthusiasm

10- Gain experience-experience builds confidence, which is key to effective public speaking

Presentation Skills - Learn from the Best by Andy Harrington

18Part 4- 10 tips to deliver a great speech

Be conscious of the challenge, invest yourself with passion to pull together the best presentation, deliver

with energy and confidence

19In summary

* Recognize & acknowledge your fear* Channel your nervousness into a thorough research & preparation* Know your audience* Clarify your purpose* Polish your slides, formatting* Use powerful metrics and graphs* Practice and practice again* Alone, at home, with co-workers* Deliver with confidence* Apply the 10 successful tips

** Mark Lewis, "Podium Dreams",, 2010* Zakahi, Walter,. "Communication Education", West Virginia:Speech Communication Press, 1988

* Presentations by Donald R. Clark* Public speaking, Allyn and Bacon

* 10 tips for public speaking,* Public speaking: an exercise and illustration,* Better Public Speaking and Presentation - Mind Tools, * How To Conquer Public Speaking Fear,* Presentation Tips for Public Speaking,* Effective Public Speaking Skills,* Public Speaking Tips,* Public speaking,

Sources and References 20

Click on "Open speaker notes" in the menulocated at the bottom-left of this screen:

Slide Transcripts 21



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