mass effect 3 x360 manual

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  • 7/27/2019 Mass Effect 3 X360 Manual


    Control SCheme


    Cck: 90 Cv tu


    Cck: nava

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    mapp Pw

    tap: mapp Pwh: Pw W


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    Squa Aack

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    Squaa 2 mv/Aack


    3mAnUAl1 Control SCheme

    2 Single PlAyer

    17 mUltiPlAyer

    26 tiPS And helP

  • 7/27/2019 Mass Effect 3 X360 Manual


    Single PlAyert ma mu

    The main menu cntains the llwing items the rst time yu lay.

    X New Game


    MultilayerX Dwnladable Cntent

    X Extras

    Ater yuve started a game, this menu will als include the Resume and Lad Game tins.

    Resume lads yur mst recently saved game.

    nw gaChse rm ur tins when starting a new game:

    ma Start resh with a new male character.

    Fa Start resh with a new emale character.

    ip me2 Caac Imrt Cmmander Sheard rm Mass EffectTM 2, maintaining yur ld

    characters level as well as the decisins yu made that imact

    Mass Effect 3s stry.

    ip me3 Caac Unlcks ater cmleting Mass EffectTM 3. This allws yu t start a new

    game while keeing yur Cmmander Sheards class, level, weans,

    and mdicatins intact.

    la gaAter starting a Mass EffectTM career, select LoAD GAME t cntinue yur game, relay rm an

    earlier save int, r switch t anther active career. Careers are created each time yu start a new

    game r imrt an ld ne. Within each career yu will nd:rsa mss Restart yur current missin.

    Ausav Resume yur game rm the latest checkint. Autsave is udated as

    yu rgress thrugh the game and crss checkints.

    Savs/Quck Savs Numbered saves are created when yu manually save the game.

    Yu can als resume yur game by selecting RESUME n the games ening screen. This will lad

    yur mst recently saved game.

    mupaSelect MULTIpLAYER t ght c missins with u t three riends.

    please see the multilayer sectin this manual r additinal instructins.

  • 7/27/2019 Mass Effect 3 X360 Manual


    exasThe Extras menu cntains the llwing:

    Accpss View medals yuve been awarded r accmlishing set gals.

    ops Set gamelay, cntrls, grahics, sund, and nline tins.

    Cs Watch the games credits.

    ga maua Read this manual!

    dwaab CSelect DoWNLoADABLE CoNTENT n the main menu t urchase new Mass Effect 3cntent.

    Sa a nw gat S S FaWith the discvery a netwrk ancient csmic relays in the 21st century, humanity was thrust int

    a universe teeming with alien lie. At its heart lay the Citadel, the galactic caital r all sace-aring

    races. It had nce been inhabited by a secies knwn as the prtheans, wh mysteriusly vanished

    50,000 years ag, leaving behind warnings a gdlike race machines that had destryed them.This enemy had a namethe Reaersand the warnings claimed they wuld return again t harvest

    rganic lie in a never-ending cycle destructin.

    one sldier chse t heed thse warnings. In 2183, Cmmander Sheard, catain the Alliance

    warshi Nrmandy, destryed the vanguard the next Reaer invasin in a erce battle r the

    Citadel. But Sheards victry was nly temrary. A vast Reaer armada remained, atiently waiting

    in the vids dark sace t launch their next attack.

    Tw years later, Sheard was mrtally wunded n a rutine missin. Cerberus, a r-human terrrist

    rganizatin, recvered and resurrected Sheard. Led by the shadwy Illusive Man, Cerberus

    recgnized that the Reaers wuld sn threaten humanity. Enlisting Sheards hel, alng with a

    clrul crew scientists, sldiers, and utlaws, the Nrmandy launched a suicide missin beynd

    the abled omega 4 relay t nce again cnrnt the Reaer menace. Yet even this triumh was nly

    a delaying actin in a much bigger wara war that was abut t engul the entire Milky Way

    me3 expc tpThere are three ways t lay Mass Effect 3. Yu must select ne the llwing tins when

    starting a new game, but yu can als adjust cmbat diculty and cnversatin mde in the tins

    menu ater starting a game.

    Ac m An exerience that cuses n cmbat. Cnversatins lay as

    cutscenes autmatically.

    r-Pa m The cre Mass Effectexerience with ull narrative chice and

    challenging cmbat.

    S m An exerience that cuses n narrative. Cmbat hels tell the stry but

    des nt er a signicant challenge.

  • 7/27/2019 Mass Effect 3 X360 Manual


  • 7/27/2019 Mass Effect 3 X360 Manual


    map muThe ma is accessible n the Nrmandy r Citadel t hel guide Sheard when nt n a critical

    missin. This tin will be grayed ut in the Missin Cmuter when in areas where a ma is

    nt available.

    press t access the ma while laying.

    ops muCustmize yur Mass Effect 3exerience in the otins menu.

    gapa Adjust diculty, aut level-u, suadmate wer use, autsaves, hints,

    and actin icns.

    naav Adjust cnversatin mde, subtitles, and ther tins.

    Cs Adjust and custmize hw yu cntrl the game.

    gapcs Adjust vide settings.

    Su Adjust music, sund eect, and dialg settings.

    o Adjust nline tins.

    o musThere are ur ther tins available n the Missin Cmuter.

    Sav Save yur rgress at yur current sitin. This will be grayed ut in areas

    where saving the game is nt ssible.

    la Lad a reviusly saved game.

    ma mu quit yur current game and return t Mass Effect 3s main menu.

    ga maua Read this manual!

    t Squa ScSelect SqUAD n the Missin

    Cmuter t review the wersavailable t Cmmander Sheard and

    suadmates. As yu level u and gain

    ints, yu can send them here t

    ugrade yur wers.

    Squaa PwsView the wers the suadmates

    currently active in yur arty by

    ressing r.

  • 7/27/2019 Mass Effect 3 X360 Manual


  • 7/27/2019 Mass Effect 3 X360 Manual


    t ga JuaSelect the Jurnal n the Missin

    Cmuter t check yur rgress,

    review yur missin summary and

    bjectives, and learn abut the

    Mass Effectuniverse.

    mss SuaReview yur current bjectives in the Missin Summary tab. Return t this screen when yu have

    rgtten what t d next.

    Cx esReview the galactic cdex t learn abut the Mass Effectuniverse, its ele, laces, technlgy,

    and histry.

    primary cdex entries are narrated. Secndary cdex entries are text-nly.

    t hUd

    The HUD, shrt r Heads-U Dislay, is the cllectin icns and status bars yu see n the edges the screen as yu lay the game. In Mass Effect 3, there are ve HUDs t kee an eye n.

    S BaMnitr yur shield level by checking the blue bar n the bttm the screen. When this bar is ull,

    shields revent the brunt an attack rm aecting yur health. As attacks are absrbed by the

    shield, it is reduced in strength. When the shield bar is deleted, incming attacks aect yur health

    bar instead.

    Shields take several secnds t recharge and regenerate. Any damage taken during this

    recharge erid sts the rcess. A shattered shield takes lnger t regenerate than a artially

    deleted shield.



    ha Ba

    S Ba

    A ica

  • 7/27/2019 Mass Effect 3 X360 Manual


  • 7/27/2019 Mass Effect 3 X360 Manual


    Swc WapsSwitch t the revius wean held by ressing and hlding .

    Wap WT bring u the Wean Wheel, ress and hld. This interace allws yu t chse weans rSheard and suadmates rm their inventries.

    The game auses while the Wean Wheel is en.

    PwsFr instructins n hw t use wers, lease see Powersin the single-layer sectin.

    mT errm a basic melee attack, ress while standing clse t an enemy.

    T errm a heavy melee attack, ress and hld while standing clse t an enemy. Each characteclass has a uniue heavy melee.

    T d melee cmbs, ress reeatedly while standing clse t an enemy.

    ST run, ress and hld while mving rward.

    evaT ddge attacks and rjectiles r t get ut cver uickly, mve using and ress.

    Cv UsUse cver bjects t hld ut against tugh enemies. Using cver is essential when laying n harder

    diculty levels.

    Accuracy is imrved when leaning ut cver t re. Heavy recil is als reduced.

    tak CvThere are three ways t enter cver.

    X Take cver by ressing while standing next t a cver nde.

    X Rll rward int cver by ressing while mving.

    X Strm/run int cver by hlding .

    Z Fp ut cver t re accurately by ressing and hlding t zm and then ressing t re.

    While zmed, a suerir targeting reticle aears n-screen.

    Pk FFire ver cver withut standing u by ressing .

    Swa tuMve rm ne cver st t adjacent cver n the let r right by hlding r at the edge cver and ressing.

  • 7/27/2019 Mass Effect 3 X360 Manual


  • 7/27/2019 Mass Effect 3 X360 Manual


    PwsPw WT bring u the pwer Wheel, ress and hld. This interace allws yu t select a secic werr Sheard and tw suadmates.

    The game auses while the pwer Wheel is en, allwing yu t target enemies. once yuve

    chsen a target, select a wer with , ress , and then release t dely the eect.Yu can ueue u ne wer r Sheard and ne r each suadmate while the pwer Wheel

    is en.

    Pw mapppwers can be maed t three uick-re buttns.

    By deault, Sheards class wer is initially maed t . T rema this, highlight anther wer inthe pwer Wheel and ress .

    T rema, highlight a wer and ress . T rema, highlight a wer and ress .

    Each suadmate has a wer maed t andby deault. T change this deault maing,

    select a dierent wer in the pwer Wheel and ress.

    Pw Cbspwer cmbs reuire a surce wer and a detnatr wer. Surce wers generally leave a

    lasting eect n an enemy (pull, Cry Blast, Reave, etc.). Detnatr wers generally deal high

    damage r rce (Carnage, Incinerate, War, etc.). Mst wers can be a surce, a detnatr, r

    bth, s exlre the many cmbinatins.

    pwer cmbs cme in ur tyes:

    Bc Cbs Trigger these by cmbining mre than ne bitic eect, such as liting an

    enemy with pull bere striking them with War. Bitic cmbs result in

    an exlsin that blasts nt just the target, but als the area arundthe target.

    ecc Cbs Trigger these by cmbining an electrical eect with a detnatr, such as

    electrcuting an enemy with overlad bere striking them with

    Cncussive Sht. Electric cmbs result in bnus damage t shields and

    a chance t stun undeended enemies.

    Fa Cbs Trigger these by cmbining a fame eect with a lethal detnatr, such

    as igniting an enemy with Incinerate bere nishing them with

    Carnage. Flame cmbs result in bnus damage t armr and a chance

    t light undeended enemies n re.

    C Cbs Trigger these by cmbining a reeze eect with a lethal detnatr, such asreezing an enemy with Cry Amm bere nishing them with Bitic

    Charge. Cry cmbs reeze undeended enemies and will chill the rest.

  • 7/27/2019 Mass Effect 3 X360 Manual


    Waps, ms, a ASwc WapsSwitch t the revius wean held by

    ressing and hlding.

    Wap Sc

    ScGain access t the wean selectin

    screen when starting a new missin,

    when icking u a new wean, r

    when Sheard uses a wrkbench. Use

    this screen t custmize the weans

    that Sheard and suadmates carry int battle.

    Wap SsReview the available wean slts n the let side the wean selectin screen. Yu can aly ne

    wean t each slt n the currently selected characters back.Suadmates can carry ne wean each tye. The slt number indicates hw many weans are

    available. Grayed-ut slts indicate that yu cannt eui additinal weans. Recently acuired

    weans are marked New.

    Wap SwcCycle between Sheard and suadmates with and t mdiy their wean selectin.

    Review the weans available by highlighting a slt, ressing , and then tggling/.

    Assign a wean t a slt by ressing again.

    Wap WMnitr the weight bar n the let side the screen t see hw much a character is carrying.

    overburden Sheard r a suadmate, and the characters wer cldwn rate slws dwn.

    Wap Saspresst tggle between the weans stats and descritin.

    Use the range markers n the stats bars t cmare the selected wean with the ne currently

    euied. The green bar shws the md bnus.

    m Wapspress n the main wean selectin screen t md weans.

    Wean mds can nly be accessed via the wean selectin screen when starting a missin r

    when accessing it rm a wrkbench. It cannt be accessed when nding a new wean.

    m SsEach wean has tw md slts and ve uniue mds. Any md can be laced in either slt.

    Each md imacts the stats and gamelay the wean, s chse careully.

    SasCheck the green extensins n the stats bar t see hw and hw much the mdicatin imrves

    the wean.

  • 7/27/2019 Mass Effect 3 X360 Manual


    A ScAccess the armr selectin screen by using the wean lcker in Nrmandys carg bay r in

    Sheards cabin.

    Use this screen t chse between uniue armr sets r t build armr ut ieces undn missins.

    A Cusza

    Custmize Sheards armr by cmbining u t ve ieces armr.Each iece has a secic eect that adds t Sheards verall cmbat eectiveness. This custmized

    armr can be tinted r atterned. Uniue armr sets cannt be tinted and atterned.

    A SasCheck the range markers n the armr stats bars r cmarisns between the selected and

    euied armr ieces. This will hel yu crat a werul custm set.

    gaax mapAccess the Galaxy Ma thrugh the central cnsle n Nrmandys CIC n the secnd deck. The

    ma shws the Nrmandys current galactic lcatin and is used t fy the shi t yur next missin.Exlre star systems t discver new lanets, asterids, derelict starshis, and ther lcatins.

    gaax VwFly between systems in Galaxy View

    with . Select yur destinatin andthen ress t enter the system.

    T return t Galaxy View rm a

    system, enter a mass relay. The

    Nrmandy uses the mass relays

    energy t travel, s n uelis exended.

    As yu discver new missins and new

    territry, fags aear belw the system

    names. Fr mre details n these

    missins, return t the game, g t the

    Missin Cmuter, and review yur missin bjectives in the games Jurnal.

    Ss VwFly the Nrmandy acrss a system

    with . press t enter a lanet rstatins rbit.The Nrmandy enters a system via

    Cluster r Galaxy View, usually by

    mass relay. Lcatins marked by

    green fags are art yur

    missins bjective.

    Land (r dck) the Nrmandy t begin

    a missin. other lcatins can be

    exlred t gather data.

    Traveling at less than FTL, the Nrmandy uses n uel while fying inside a system.

  • 7/27/2019 Mass Effect 3 X360 Manual


    Cus Vw

    Fly the Nrmandy thrugh a cluster

    with . press t enter a system.

    The Nrmandy enters Cluster View

    when fying utside a systems

    green brder.

    Cluster View erates much likeSystem View, excet that the

    Nrmandy is fying at FTL and uses

    uel. Be sure t ll u at a uel det

    bere using Cluster View.

    The Nrmandys uel gauge accunts

    r the return tri, s i yu run ut uel, the Nrmandy will autmatically return t a system that has

    a mass relay. Diing int yur emergency uel suly csts credits.

    mass ras

    Mass relays are used as the rimary means traversing the galaxy. When in a system with a massrelay, use t mve the Nrmandy in and then ress. This ens Galaxy View, where yu can

    jum the Nrmandy t ther systems.

    Fu dpsVisit a uel det t reuel bere ging n FTL missins where n surt is available.

    Reaers destry dets as they cnuer systems and clusters, s be careul bere embarking n

    a search-and-rescue missin. Salvage uel rm destryed dets in cnuered systems i yu

    get stranded.

    ScaThe Nrmandys stealth drive allws r inltratin systems that have been cnuered by theReaers. When inside a cnuered system, scan r ntable bjects within range such as salvage,

    artiacts, r survivrs.

    A ercentage in the crner the screen shws what ercentage bjects has been recvered in

    the system.

    press t use the Nrmandys scanner, but be wary alerting nearby Reaers.

    rapsReaers lurk n the utskirts cnuered systems and are alerted t the Nrmandys sitin i the

    scanning ulse is used t reuently r in clse rximity t their lcatin.I a Reaer becmes aware the Nrmandy, it gives chase. Escae thrugh a mass relay t survive

    this encunter. I yu want t return t the system, wait until yu have rst cmleted a missin.

    Sac a rscuScanning a lanet can turn u distress signals. T begin a search-and-rescue missin, launch a rbe

    int the lanets rbit t nd the survivrs, and then g t that lcatin t rescue them.

  • 7/27/2019 Mass Effect 3 X360 Manual


    Kc CsIn Mass Effect 3, yu can use Kinects vice recgnitin t talk with characters, exlre areas, and

    issue rders t suadmates. Kinect resnds t dierent vice cmmands and hrases deending n

    the cntext. This sectin will hel yu get the mst ut the exerience.

    Bere yu lay, select KINECT TUNER rm the main menu t ensure yur Kinect is

    wrking rerly.

    expaExlratin cmmands are used t interact with in-game bjects like drs and items. The

    arriate cmmand will dislay when yu arach an bject r ersn. When the gray cmmand

    text turns white, yu can say the cmmand alud. I the crrect cmmand is heard, the micrhne

    icn will fash green. I Kinect des nt understand, it will fash red.

    Verbal cmmands during exlratin include: Use, oen, Byass, Activate, Deactivate, and

    Reactivate, as well as Surt, pick U, Examine, Warn, Salvage, and Talk.

    When nt in cmbat, cnversatins, r cutscenes, yu can save the game by saying: quick Save.

    CvsasWhen seaking with characters, a micrhne icn will aear in the middle the cnversatin hub,indicating yur rtunity t verbally rely. Read ut the resnse yud like t give, and Kinect will

    select it autmatically.

    Cba: C SpaIn cmbat, yu can use any Sheards wers by saying them alud. As an adet, r instance,

    say War during cmbat t use the wer. Yull knw the cmmand has registered when the

    micrhne icn in the t let crner the screen turns blue.

    In additin t wers, Kinect wrks with items like First Aid and grenades. T use the item, say: First

    Aid r Grenade.Yu can als switch weans by saying Switch Wean, Swa Wean, r by saying the

    wean tye.

    Kinect understands the llwing wean tyes:

    X Heavy pistl

    X Submachine Gun

    X Assault Rife

    X Shtgun

    X Snier Rife

    X GrenadeT use a grenade, yu can als say: Thrw Grenade. Fr a cmlete list cmmands t activate

    Sheards wers, see the Combat: Power Commandssectin.

    Cba: Ca SquaasSuadmates will take verbal rders rm yu in cmbat. T issue an rder t a suadmate, say:


    Yu can rder a suadmate, like James, t llw yu by saying: James: Fllw Me. The same

    wrks r Attack and Mve. Saying James: Attack will rder James r any ther suadmate yu

    seciy t attack the target currently in rnt yu. I yu say James: Mve, James will mve t the

    st yu are currently targeting.

  • 7/27/2019 Mass Effect 3 X360 Manual


    I yu dnt seciy a suadmate, and just say: Attack, Mve, r Fllw Me, bth suadmates will

    carry ut the rder. The same wrks r Cver Me.

    Yu can als rder suadmates t switch and swa weans, as well as use grenades. T d this,

    seciy which suadmate yu wish t carry ut the rder, llwed by the rder. Fr examle, James:

    Switch Wean will tell James t switch his wean. James: pistl will tell James t switch t his

    istl secically. James: Thrw Grenade will tell James t use a grenade.

    T hel a allen suadmate u, arach them and say: Revive.

    Cba: Pw CasSheard will use the llwing wers i yu say them alud t Kinect during cmbat, rvided they

    are knwn. T see the available wers r Sheard at any given time, cnsult the pwer Wheel by

    ressing and hlding.

    Ap Cluster Grenade, pull, Shckwave, Singularity, Thrw, War

    e Cmbat Drne, Cry Blast, Sabtage, Sentry Turret, overlad, Incinerate

    ifa Tactical Clak, Sticky Grenade, Disrutr Amm, Cry Amm,

    Incinerate, Sabtage

    S Thrw, Shckwave, War, Lit Grenade, overlad, Cry Blast

    S Adrenaline Rush, Cncussive Sht, Incendiary Amm, Disrutr Amm,

    Cry Amm, Frag Grenade

    Vaua Bitic Charge, Nva, Incendiary Amm, Cry Amm, pull, Shckwave

    Cba: Squaa PwsYu can rder a secic suadmate t use an available wer by saying their name llwed by

    the name the wer yu want them t use, i.e.: James Carnage.

    Fr a list available wers r each suadmate, cnsult the pwer Wheel by ressing and


    I a suadmate has the wer that yu say alud, he r she will use that wer bere Sheard, eveni yu dnt say his r her name. The excetin t this is amm wers like Cry and Incendiary. With

    these, yu must seciy the suadmate, r nly Sheard will use them.

    ra Acc SsEnglish seakers can chse between the llwing three regins based n their accent t hel

    Kinect better recgnize their cmmands.

    X Nrth America

    X United Kingdm

    XAustralia/New Zealand

    War is lud. I yure having diculty using a vice cmmand, try seaking u r slwing dwn yur

    rnunciatin the cmmand.

  • 7/27/2019 Mass Effect 3 X360 Manual



    gaax a WaT the right the multilayer menu tins is the Galaxy at War, which shws the status the

    Alliances ve theaters war. Mnitr each theaters readiness rating t eectively deend the Milky

    Way rm Reaer invasin.

    tas WaThe galaxy ma dislays ve theaters war. Hel deend these rnts as the Reaers invade the

    Milky Way.

    X Terminus Systems

    X Attican Traverse

    X Earth Systems Alliance Sace

    X Inner Cuncil Sace

    X outer Cuncil Sace

    rap ivas SausEach theater war has ne ur alerts, knwn as readiness ratings. Use these ratings t evaluate

    which theater mst needs yur teams hel in cuntering the Reaer invasin.

    r Critical: Immediate actin reuired t cunter the Reaer invasin.

    oa Urgent: Actin reuired t cunter the Reaer threat.

    yw Serius: Hel needed, but current rces are hlding the Reaers .

    g Stable but at Risk: Battle lines are hlding.

    The mre waves cmleted in a missin, the mre yu imrve the readiness ratings these war

    rnts. oten, a suad must run multile cuntermissins t imrve a theaters invasin status.

    Neglect a green r yellw theater r t lng, and the Reaers will start taking it back.

    FbassEach theater war has ne r mre cnfict znes, which are als knwn as rebases.

    T deend a theater, yu must chse a crresnding rebase when jining r creating a match. D

    this by changing the missins lcatin.

    Setting the lcatin t unknwn will give each layers character an exerience bnus +10% and

    will imrve the readiness rating all theaters by u t +5%. Chsing a secic rebase imrves

    the readiness rating its theater by +15% and imrves the rating all ther theaters by +2%.

    esInvading rces are made u Reaers, Cerberus, and Geth.I yu wish t deend a territry against a secic hstile rce, chse an enemy tye when jining r

    creating a missin.

    Setting the enemy t unknwn generates an enemy at randm and awards yur character a +15%

    exerience bnus.

    CasChse rm brnze, silver, and gld challenges when jining r creating a missin.

    Brnze challenges are intended r beginners, silver r intermediate layers, and gld is r exerts.

    The harder the diculty setting, the mre credits and exerience yur character earns.

  • 7/27/2019 Mass Effect 3 X360 Manual


    t mupa muAccess the multilayer menu by selecting MULTIpLAYER rm the games main menu.

    Quck macCnnect t an existing multilayer lbby r game in rgress. Be sure t have yur character set

    bere selecting qUICK MATCH.

    Ca nw macCreate a match with secic missin settings.

    CaacCustmize yur characters aearance and ugrade wers, weans, and missin euiment.

    labasReview yur N7 Rating t see hw yu rank against yur riends, yur cuntry, and the glbal

    Mass Effectmultilayer cmmunity.

    SSelect SToRE t urchase reinrcement acks t ugrade yur character and enhance yurmultilayer exerience.

    Reinrcements can be urchased with credits r with Micrstpints. Accumulate credits by

    cmleting bjectives during multilayer sessins.

    J Ca a gaCustmize u t ur game tins.

    X public/private Match


    X Enemy

    X Challenge

    taSet a missin t ublic r rivate when creating a custm game. Yu cannt chse a rivate missin

    when chsing qUICK MATCH rm the multilayer menu.

    private: only invited layers may jin.

    public: Any layer may jin. The match will ten be ulated by layers chsing quick Match.

    lcaEach theater war has ne r mre cnfict znes, which are als knwn as rebases.

    T deend a theater, yu must chse a crresnding rebase when jining r creating a match. D

    this by changing the missins lcatin.

    Setting the lcatin t unknwn will give each layers character an exerience bnus +10% and

    will imrve the readiness rating all theaters by u t +5%. Chsing a secic rebase imrves

    the readiness rating its theater by +15% and imrves the rating all ther theaters by +2%.

  • 7/27/2019 Mass Effect 3 X360 Manual


    eInvading rces are made u Reaers, Cerberus, and Geth.

    I yu wish t deend a territry against a secic hstile rce, chse an enemy tye when jining r

    creating a missin.

    Setting the enemy t unknwn generates an enemy at randm and awards yur character a +15%

    exerience bnus.

    CaChse rm brnze, silver, and gld challenges when jining r creating a missin.

    Brnze challenges are intended r beginners, silver r intermediate layers, and gld is r exerts.

    The harder the diculty setting, the mre credits and exerience yur character earns.

    hs maI a hsting layer leaves a game, a new hst is selected rm the suad, and the missin restarts

    rm the beginning the current wave.

    t msssMultilayer missins, r matches, are brken int 10 waves enemies (lus ne bnus wave) that

    increase in diculty as they hit yur sitin.

    mss objcvsDuring a missin, the team must cmlete secied bjectives t rceed t the next wave. Cmlete

    these bjectives within the alltted time t avid ailing the missin. objectives ccur n waves

    3, 6, and 10.

    There are three tyes missin bjectives:

    Assassa Take ut a number targeted enemies bere time runs ut

    hack Cature and hld a int in rder t hack critical data bere time runs utdvcs Enable r disable key devices in seuence bere time runs ut

    masSuads and cmbatants can earn medals r crdinated erts and individual actins. pints

    derived rm earning medals add t the teams exerience and t the missins scre.

    exac Ps

    Ater a missins tenth wave, the

    team must rally t an extractin int.

    Missin bnuses are based n the

    number teammates alive by the

    time the Alliance shuttle reaches the

    extractin int t retrieve the team.

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    mss SuaThe missin summary shwcases individual and team medals. The success the suad as a whle

    determines the exerience and credits earned, but individual accmlishments are als valuable.

    mupa lbbThe multilayer lbby is where yu wait

    r yur team t assemble bere gingn a missin.

    This chater reviews the tins yu

    can adjust while waiting r a match

    t start.

    mss SsReview the data n the t-let the

    screen t see the missins lcatin,

    the enemy yu will be ghting, and the

    challenge level.I yuve created the missin, select MISSIoN SETTINGS t change these tins bere the

    match starts.

    rs dason the right side the screen is a list layers currently waiting r the match t start. This list gives

    a uick verview each layers class and class-level.

    Review a layers N7 Rating t get a general sense hw exerienced they are. Review the Rster

    Details t get a breakdwn each layer-characters wers, weans, mds, and euiment. Yu

    can als vte t kick a layer rm the lbby n this screen.

    n7 raThe N7 rating r yur character and ther layers is seen t the right the N7 lg.

    Yur N7 rating is the accumulated character-levels yuve earned r each class character. The

    nly way t ush yur N7 rating ast 120 is by rmting yur suads. (A rating 120 reresents all

    classes maximized t level 20.)

    raSelect READY when yure ready t start a match. The missin begins when all layers in the lbby

    are ready.

    PwsSelect poWERS t unlck and evlve wers. A Level U indicatr aears when yu have

    cllected enugh ints t send n wers.

    See Navigating Powersand Purchasing and Evolving Powersin the single-layer sectin r

    instructins n navigating this screen and unlcking/evlving wers.

    WapsSelect WEApoNS t change yur characters inventry weans.

    See Weapons, Mods, and Armorin the single-layer sectin r instructins n hw t use and

    custmize weans.

  • 7/27/2019 Mass Effect 3 X360 Manual


    AppaacSelect AppEARANCE t custmize the aearance yur character.

    equpSelect EqUIpMENT t review the sulies yuve acuired. Yu can als aly amm, wean, and

    armr bnuses n this screen.

    SSelect SToRE t urchase reinrcement acks t ugrade yur character and enhance yurmultilayer exerience.

    Reinrcements can be urchased with credits r with Micrst pints. Accumulate credits by

    cmleting bjectives during multilayer sessins.

    Ca CaacSelect CHARACTER t change characters. Yu can chse between varius secies within each

    the six classes characters.

    See Character Screenr mre details.

    iv FsSelect INVITE FRIENDS t invite layers yuve added t yur riends list r have recently

    layed against.

    Pa CaTalk t ther layers using vice chat. A micrhne icn next t a layers name indicates their vice

    chat is enabled.

    ex lbb

    Select EXIT LoBBY t return t the multilayer menu and the Galaxy at War.

    Caac ScUse the Character screen t change character class, unlck class kits, and rmte characters.

    The rst time yu launch the multilayer game, yu are jumed t this screen t chse yur initial

    character class.

    CasssView all available classes and their unlcked kits n the Character screen.

    Select a new class t see its en kits and available actins. Each classs level is dislayed, and that

    level alies t all kits assciated with the class.

    KsKits are used t adjust the aearance, gamelay style, and wers a class. Unlck uniue kits by

    urchasing reinrcement acks rm the stre.

    Unlcked kits that havent been delyed are marked NEW.

    Delyed kits that have unsent talent ints are marked LEVEL Up.

    Lcked kits are marked LoCKED.

  • 7/27/2019 Mass Effect 3 X360 Manual


    P a CassWhen a class reaches level 20, the layer may chse t rmte and send the class t their

    single-layer Galaxy at War.

    prmting a class t the Galaxy at War resets its level t 1 but als increases the layers N7

    leaderbard scre by 10. only yur characters level is reset. Weans, mds, and cnsumables

    are ket.

    rc PacksReinrcement acks cntain weans, mds, kit trainers, and euiment.

    Buy reinrcement acks t build yur cllectin gear.

    Wapspurchase reinrcement acks t nd wean-unlcks r all classes and characters. purchase

    additinal acks t ugrade yur wean level t a maximum 10.

    Reinrced weans are lighter, deal mre damage, and have greater heat caacity.

    msMd reinrcements can be used by any character that has a wean a matching md-tye. Mdscan be used t ugrade yur md-level t a maximum 5. Find these mds in reinrcement acks.

    ta KsUse training kits t grant a ne-time exerience bst that increases a character classs master level.

    Find training kits in reinrcement acks.

    equpBere a missin starts, select an emty euiment slt and chse a single-use item rm a

    characters inventry.

    There are three tyes euimentamm, armr, and wean ugradesthat bst yur character

    r a single missin.

    SuppsEvery character carries these standard sulies int a missin:

    Cba mss lauc Take ut hardened targets with this ne-sht missile launcher.

    ta Cp Pack Rell yur thermal clis and grenade suly during a missin.

    m-g Revive yursel when incaacitated in cmbat.

    ops Suvva Pack Fully restre health and shields.

    A character can bring a limited number sulies n a missin, but caacity ugrades are available(see the next sectin).

    Capac UpasIncrease the number suly items yur character can carry int a missin by cllecting

    caacity ugrades.

    rspcSend resec items t reset a characters talent ints in the pwers screen.

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    Basc CsThis chater cvers basic cmbat cntrls and is intended r layers new t the Mass Effectseries.

    mvMve by using.

    Caa CMve t lk arund.

    t AHld t accurately aim yur wean.

    F a raT re a wean, ress . T relad, ress .

    Swc WapsSwitch t the revius wean held by ressing and hlding.

    PwsFr instructins n hw t use wers, lease review Powersin the single-layer sectin.

    mT errm a basic melee attack, ress while standing clse t an enemy.

    T errm a heavy melee attack, ress and hld while standing clse t an enemy. Each characteclass has a uniue heavy melee.

    T d melee cmbs, ress reeatedly while standing clse t an enemy.

    ST run, ress and hld while mving rward.

    evaT ddge attacks and rjectiles r t get ut cver uickly, mve using and ress .

    Cv UsUse cver bjects t hld ut against

    tugh enemies. Using cver is essential

    when laying n harder diculty levels.

    Accuracy is imrved when leaning ut cver t re. Heavy recil is

    als reduced.

  • 7/27/2019 Mass Effect 3 X360 Manual


    tak CvThere are three ways t enter cver.

    X Take cver by ressing while standing next t a cver nde.

    X Rll rward int cver by ressing while mving.

    X Strm/run int cver by hlding .

    Z Fp ut cver t re accurately by ressing and hlding t zm and then ressing t re.While zmed, a suerir targeting reticle aears n-screen.

    Pk FFire ver cver withut standing u by ressing .

    Swa tuMve rm ne cver st t adjacent cver n the let r right by hlding r at the edge cver and ressing.

    n-d Cv tuRund a crner in cver by standing at the edge a cver-bject and ressing r.

    VauVault ver lw cver by hlding and ressing .

    Alternatively, uick-vault by ressing twice while araching lw cver. This can als be dnewhile strming t hurdle ver cver.

    Cv SpStrm rward ut cver by hlding while standing at the edge cver and then ressingand hlding .

    Cv KInstantly kill enemies standing n the ther side a shared iece lw cver by mving acrss rm

    them and ressing and hlding .

    Sa mAttack enemies arund the edges cver by standing at the edge and ressing .

    t hUd

    The HUD, shrt r Heads-U Dislay, is the cllectin icns and status bars yu see n the edges

    the screen as yu lay the game.

    ha Ba

    S Ba

    A ica

  • 7/27/2019 Mass Effect 3 X360 Manual


    S BaMnitr yur shield level by checking the blue bar n the bttm the screen. When this bar is ull,

    shields revent the brunt an attack rm aecting yur health. As attacks are absrbed by the

    shield, it is reduced in strength. When the shield bar is deleted, incming attacks aect yur health

    bar instead.

    Shields take several secnds t recharge and regenerate. Any damage taken during this

    recharge erid sts the rcess. A shattered shield takes lnger t regenerate than a artially

    deleted shield.

    ha BaHealth is reresented by the red bar brken int ve segments thats tucked underneath the blue

    shield bar n the bttm the screen.

    When yu are attacked while the shield bar is deleted, the rightmst red segment the health bar

    starts turning gray. only First Aid can regenerate a ully deleted bar health. A health segment that

    is nly artially reduced will regenerate n its wn i yu can get t cver and avid urther damage.

    Yu die i yu lse all ve health segments!

    Pw Cw icaSme wers reuire energy t use. The time it takes bere yu can use a wer again is called

    cldwn. Cldwn erids vary, deending n the wer.

    When cldwn is in eect, tw red semicircles aear n either side the targeting reticle at the

    center the screen. Cldwn time can be judged by the distance between the tw semicircles.

    When these cme tgether and merge, cldwn is cmlete, and yu can use wers again.

    A icaWeans use heat-sink technlgy t enable raid, devastating rewer. When a clis wrth heat

    accumulates in the sink, it is ejected rm the wean. Running ut heat sinks is eectively the

    same as running ut amm.

    Kee track yu heat-sink inventry n the bttm-let the screen. The bttm number indicates

    hw many shts the current heat sink has let, and the t number shws yu the ttal number

    shts the entire inventry heat sinks has let. When a wean runs ut sinks, N Amm will

    dislay just belw the targeting reticle, and yull have t nd new cylinders r the wean r switch

    t an already-laded wean.

    SuppsThe current number sulies yu are carrying are shwn n the let side the screen.

    press t use cbra rcket launchers.presst use s survival acks.

    press t use medi-gel

    press t use thermal cli acks.

  • 7/27/2019 Mass Effect 3 X360 Manual


    tiPS And helP

    Cba tpsCmbat tis rm Mass Effect 3s gamelay team.

    Cbus ds Cerberus uses mbile deenses. Find and destry the rtable generatrs

    that wer their shield ylns and cver ndes.Cba rs Use cmbat rlls t get uickly in and ut cver.

    hass Headshts infict suerir damage n mst targets.

    hav m Heavy melee is an eective attack against unarmred r

    unshielded enemies.

    h gu Watch ut r nents n higher grund! Elevated enemies can sht

    yu even in cver.

    Ba e Reaer trs rtect themselves by delying barrier generatrs called

    Barrier Engines. Target these rst.

    Suppss Ss Kee ring and unleashing wers t revent enemy shields

    rm regenerating.

    Squa Bus Suadmates d mre damage when rdered t attack a secic target.

    Squa Cfua Chsing the right suad t cmlement Sheards strengths and

    weaknesses is key. Exeriment with suad cnguratins.

    e tpsEnemy tis rm Mass Effect 3s gamelay team.

    Aas The Atlas is a hulking death machine with werul armr, shields, and

    weans. Shatter the cany t exse the ilt.

    Bas St a Banshee when she becmes charged by damaging her while she usesbitic jums t clse in.

    Bu Dnt let a Brute get clse! Brutes are vicius nents that can instantly

    kill yu.

    Caba Cannibals rm armred lating by reclaiming allen Cannibals and Husks.

    Shting these lates deals n damage t the Cannibal until they are blwn .

    Cu Centurins dely smke screens t cnceal their mvement. See thrugh this

    by euiing a snier rife with certain sce mds.

    e pick engineers bere they set u armred turrets r reair a

    damaged Atlas.

    g hu A claked Geth Hunter mves thrugh the eld virtually undetected, allwingthem t fank with werul lasma-shtguns. Take ut their shields t disable

    their claking ability.

    g P Use Sabtage n a Geth prime t hack its drnes and turrets.

    g P Geth pyrs have famethrwers that burn enemies at clse range. Target their

    uel tanks and use overlad and Sabtage.

    guaa Guardian shields blck wers, shts, and melee. T kill a Guardian, stagger

    them with Thrw r Cncussive Sht r use pull t tear away their shields.

    Flanking them als wrks.

  • 7/27/2019 Mass Effect 3 X360 Manual


    maau Marauders bu Husks and Cannibals by giving them armred lating. Take ut

    the Marauder rst.

    nss The Nemesis is a nimble nent armed with a werul snier rife. Take

    cver when yu st red laser sights hning in n yur sitin.

    Pa Destry a phantms swrd t remve its melee abilities. phantms are agile

    cmbatants, s kee ressure n them.

    rava When a Ravagers sac breaks, Swarmers are released. Swarmers are weak,

    but a gru them can kill r kee shields rm regenerating.

    Pws tpspwer tis rm Mass Effect 3s gamelay team.

    A PcUse hard-hitting weans against armred nents. Incendiary and armr-iercing amm

    als hel.

    Bas & SsShields and barriers rtect against health damage. Shields aear as blue, and barriers are urle.

    haSheards current health bar will regenerate, but already-deleted segments can nly be restred by

    using First Aid rm the pwer Wheel.

    Passv PwsThe last tw wer ugrades in a tree are assive skills that imrve cmbat, weight caacity, and

    paragn and Renegade bnuses.

    Pw Cbspwer cmbs reuire a surce wer and a detnatr wer. Surce wers generally leave alasting eect n an enemy (pull, Cry Blast, Reave, etc.). Detnatr wers generally deal high

    damage r rce (Carnage, Incinerate, War, etc.). Mst wers can be a surce, a detnatr, r

    bth, s exlre the many cmbinatins.

    pwer cmbs cme in ur tyes:

    Bc Cbs Trigger these by cmbining mre than ne bitic eect, such as liting an enemy

    with pull bere striking them with War. Bitic cmbs result in an exlsin

    that blasts nt just the target, but als the area arund the target.

    ecc Cbs Trigger these by cmbining an electrical eect with a detnatr, such as

    electrcuting an enemy with overlad bere striking them with CncussiveSht. Electric cmbs result in bnus damage t shields and a chance t stun

    undeended enemies.

    Fa Cbs Trigger these by cmbining a fame eect with a lethal detnatr, such as

    igniting an enemy with Incinerate bere nishing them with Carnage. Flame

    cmbs result in bnus damage t armr and a chance t light undeended

    enemies n re.

    C Cbs Trigger these by cmbining a reeze eect with a lethal detnatr, such as

    reezing an enemy with Cry Amm bere nishing them with Bitic Charge.

    Cry cmbs reeze undeended enemies and will chill the rest.

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    rvvUse the First Aid wer t resuscitate a allen suadmate rm a distance. This cnsumes medi-gel.

    Mve t yur cmrade t resuscitate them withut using medi-gel.

    Sa: Bas & SsUse raid-re weans and Disrutr Amm t bring dwn shields and barriers. St shields rm

    regenerating by decimating them with overlad, Shield Drain, r Disrutr Amm.

    Sa: CbusTarget Cerberus generatrs with overlad r Sabtage t crile their deenses. I yu take a

    Cerberus sitin, reair the shields t use them yursel.

    Sa: gGeth rely heavily n their shields and are therere vulnerable t overlad, Shield Drain, Sabtage,

    and Disrutr Amm.

    W Capac

    Carrying t many weans will increase cldwn, eectively slwing dwn hw ten yu canuse wers.

    Wap tpsWean tis rm Mass Effect 3s gamelay team.

    A Pc Use hard-hitting weans against armred nents. Incendiary and

    armr-iercing amm als hels.

    Bas & Ss Shields and barriers rtect against health damage. Shields aear as

    blue, and barriers are urle.

    Cv Pc The Widw, Black Widw, and Javelin weans can re thrugh enemies

    and light cver. Md ther weans, like the Mattck and Claymre, taly this devastating eect.

    F Cv Weans are mre accurate when red rm cver.

    F ras Test ut yur weans n the Citadels ring range, lcated by the

    Sectre ces.

    ova Weans have thermal clis t revent verheating. Clis use a universal

    design, s retrieve cmatible clis rm cmbat areas and allen enemies.

    ruc rc pwerul weans recil and are dicult t aim. Fire rm cver and aly

    certain mds t steady yur hand.

    ta Cps Sent thermal clis are ejected t cl weans. Run ut clis, and yucant re.

    Wap Baac Its gd ractice t eui ne slw, heavy wean and ne raid-ring

    wean t deal with dierent deenses.

    Wap ms pwerul weans tend t have decreased thermal-cli caacities. Md

    yur wean t imrve its eciency.

    W Capac Carrying t many weans will increase cldwn, eectively slwing

    dwn hw ten yu can use wers.

  • 7/27/2019 Mass Effect 3 X360 Manual


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