maryland society sons of the american revolution

Christopher J. Raborg, Editor MDSSAR 2012-2013 Yearbook pg. 1 Maryland Society Sons of the American Revolution 2012-2013 Yearbook B & O Railroad Museum 901 West Pratt St. Baltimore, MD The MDSSAR Yearbook is produced by the Society as a memorial of the events and activities of our organization.

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Christopher J. Raborg, Editor MDSSAR 2012-2013 Yearbook pg. 1

Maryland Society Sons of

the American Revolution

2012-2013 Yearbook

B & O Railroad Museum 901 West Pratt St. Baltimore, MD

The MDSSAR Yearbook is produced by

the Society as a memorial of the events

and activities of our organization.

Christopher J. Raborg, Editor MDSSAR 2012-2013 Yearbook pg. 2

MDSSAR 2012-2013 Annual Yearbook

Table of Contents

MDSSAR State Officers

President: C. Louis Raborg, Jr. 4

- State Officers 11

- Past Presidents 12

1st Vice President: J. Patrick Warner 13

2nd Vice President: Douglas Favorite 16

3rd Vice President: William Batton 17

Secretary: Gary R. Neal 18

- Meeting Minutes:

- June 9, 2012 19

- October 6, 2012 22

- January 12, 2013 26

- April 13, 2013 30

Treasurer: Barrett L. McKown 34

- Budget for 2013-2014 37

Registrar: Christos Christou, Jr. 38

- Approved New Members 38

- Approved New Supplementals 40

Historian: Christopher T. Smithson 41

Organizing Secretary: Edward A. Foreman, Jr.

Genealogist: Christos Christou, Jr. 42

Chancellor: Jean S. Fugett, Jr.

Chaplain: Rev. Partee J. Boliek, Jr. 43

Surgeon: Lee Crandall Park, MD

Webmaster: Christopher J. Raborg 44

National Trustee: Edward A. Foreman, Jr.

- Alternate National Trustee: Douglas B. Stuart

MDSSAR Chapters

#1 Sgt. Lawrence Everhart 46

- Richard L. Stup

#2 Gen. William Smallwood 58

- Keith E. Silliman

#3 Christian Ardinger

- Paul D. Banister

#4 Col. John Eager Howard 61

- Christos Christou, Jr.

#5 Col. Nicholas Ruxton Moore 63

- C. Louis Raborg, Jr.

#6 John Paul Jones

- John R. Harvey, Jr.

#7 Col. Henry Hollingsworth

- James Dearworth Sr., M.D.

#8 Col. Tench Tilghman 64

- Walter Coryell

#9 Col. Aquila Hall 67

- Christopher J. Raborg

#10 Charles Carroll of Carrollton

- David H. Embrey

#11 John Hanson 69

- Douglas B. Stuart

#12 Capt. John Smoot 71

- Raymond L. Jackson

#13 Westminster 73

- Dr. Cecil M. Massie, Sr.

#14 Thomas Stone 75

- David G. Langford

#15 Little Meadows

- Terry Grove

Christopher J. Raborg, Editor MDSSAR 2012-2013 Yearbook pg. 3

MDSSAR Committee Chairmen 79

American Flag R. Duane Tackitt 80

Americanism Lester A. Foster

Americanism Poster Contest C. Louis Raborg, Jr. 81

Annual Meeting* (1st Vice President)

Budget/Audit/Finance Lester A. Foster

Bylaws/Constitution Roger V. Buck

CAAH Fundraising William C. Batton

CAR/DAR/SAR Liaison Brooks Morton

Color Guard Commander David Embrey 82

Council of Past Presidents* (Immediate Past President)

Eagle Scouts Jon Streett

Executive Committee* (President)

George Washington Luncheon Carroll J. Collins

Knight Essay Contest C. Louis Raborg, Jr. 83

MD 400 Board of Trustees* (3rd Vice President)

Medals & Awards R. Duane Tackitt 84

Memorials & Graves Christopher T. Smithson

Newsletter Editor Vacant

Nominating Committee* (National Trustee)

Outreach Education Vacant

Patriots’ Ball David W. Hoover

ROTC/Outstanding Citizenship Awards George Satterthwaite, II

Rumbaugh Orations Contest Christopher Raborg 87

SAR Auto Tags Carroll J. Collins

Semi-Annual Meeting* (2nd Vice President)

Washington/Rochambeau Rev. Route Robert E. Reyes

Wreaths Across America George Satterthwaite II

Yearbook Editor Christopher J. Raborg

*The chairmen for these positions are designated by the Bylaws Articles II, III, and IV.

- MDSSAR Contact Information 88

Maryland Society Sons of the American Revolution

Christopher J. Raborg, Editor MDSSAR 2012-2013 Yearbook pg. 4

President C. Louis Raborg Jr. President C. Louis Raborg Jr. President C. Louis Raborg Jr.


Sons of the American Revolution

C. Louis Raborg Jr.

Presidents Report 2012-2013

The following pages are a summary of my activities representing our Society as state

president. My installation and term started at the B & O Railroad Museum. A choice I made not

only for its historical significance to the Railroading Industry, the city of Baltimore and it’s

connection to many of our Patriot ancestors but also to my own family who witnessed the lay-

ing of the cornerstone and were a part of the B & O’s history for over a century.

My goal was to support all of our chapters, either at a chapter event or meeting. Several

chapters, including Little Meadows, Thomas Stone, Aquila Hall, Gen. Smallwood and Sgt.

Everhart I visited several times. I also chose to help each chapter with a donation of a McCor-

mick spice basket, to raffle for funds for the chapter. After installing the new officers of the

Christian Ardinger chapter, I proposed a challenge to them and the rest of our chapters to sup-

port the city of Hagerstown construction of a statue in front of their historic courthouse of Lt.

Col. George Washington as he appeared in the Braddock expedition. When I had the time be-

tween our functions I made every attempt to support State Regent Linda Mister and the ladies

of the DAR. I enjoyed fulfilling my duties very much and received the most cordial welcome

from all of our members.

I wish to thank all of the state officers and chairman of the Maryland Society for their

hard work and dedication. I especially would like to thank Treasurer Barry McKown, Secretary

Gary Neal, Register Christos Christou, 1st VP Pat Warner, Trustee Dave Hoover and Webmas-

ter Christopher Raborg for the tremendous effort they put forth. The greatest honor I had repre-

senting our Society was as a Member of the Maryland Color guard, marching with my three

sons, Christopher, Samuel and Louis in Philadelphia with over a hundred other members of the

National Color Guard. I finally want to not only thank my sons for their support at our functions

and as members of our Color Guard but also my wife Becky, who was at my side at all of our

state events and many chapter and DAR events as well. My term as our President can be de-

scribed as a family affair for which I was most grateful for.

Respectfully submitted,

C. Louis Raborg Jr. 89th President MDSSAR

Christopher J. Raborg, Editor MDSSAR 2012-2013 Yearbook pg. 5

Christopher J. Raborg, Editor MDSSAR 2012-2013 Yearbook pg. 6

President C. Louis Raborg Jr. President C. Louis Raborg Jr. President C. Louis Raborg Jr.

Maryland Society, Sons of the American Revolution

C. Louis Raborg Jr. Presidents’ Report


Apr.13, 2012 Wreath Laying at Jefferson Memorial, Washington DC

With 2nd VP Pat Warner and Past President David Hoover

Apr. 14, 2012 Annual Meeting- B &O Railroad Museum, Baltimore, MD

Apr. 22, 2012 CAR National Installations- Crystal Marriott , Alexandria, VA

Apr. 23, 2012 Taught 4 classes on Maryland’s Role in the Revolution, Ring Factory

Elementary School, Harford Co.

Apr. 28, 2012 Grave Marking, John Eager Howard and Joshua Barney, Old St. Pauls

Cemetery, Baltimore, DAR-1812, John Eager Howard Chapter

May 5, 2012 Col. Aquila Hall Chapter meeting, Forest Hill

May 12, 2012 Old Defenders Day, Society of the War of 1812 in Maryland

May 14, 2012 Taught 4 classes on Maryland’s Role in the Revolution, West Towson

Elementary School, Baltimore Co.

May 18, 2012 Nicholas Ruxton Moore JROTC and Outstanding Citizenship Awards

Program, Towson Methodist Church

May 19, 2012 EXCOM meeting, Frederick County Library

May 19, 2012 150th Anniversary Frederick County Fair, Sgt. L:awrence Everhart

Chapter informational booth

May 20, 2012 John Hanson Chapter Meeting, Clinton, MD

May 25, 2012 Presented Patriot and Defender Awards with American Legion,

West Towson Elementary School

Christopher J. Raborg, Editor MDSSAR 2012-2013 Yearbook pg. 7

President C. Louis Raborg Jr. President C. Louis Raborg Jr. President C. Louis Raborg Jr.

May 28, 2012 Marched with Color Guard in Memorial Day Parade, Washington, DC

May 30, 2012 Memorial Day Dedication, Elkton Cemetery, Cecil County

Col. Henry Hollingsworth Chapter

June 1, 2012 Presented Chapter and State award to Poster Contest winner Ava

Ormord, Ring Factory Elementary School

June 9, 2012 Board of Managers Meeting, Maryland Golf and Country Club

Belair, MD

June 9, 2012 Little Meadows Chapter Meeting, Perkins Restaurant, MeHenry, MD

June 14, 2012 Sgt. Lawrence Everhart Chapter Awards Reception, American Legion

Post 11. Frederick, MD

June 16, 2012 Star Spangled Sailabration, 1812 Society ride aboard Schooner Wolf,

Baltimore Harbor

June 24, 2012 Grave dedication Gen. Swearigen, Mt. Olivet Cemetery, Frederick

June 26, 2012 Thomas Stone Chapter Meeting, Charlotte Hall, MD

July 2, 2012 Visited Ft. Moultrie and Patriots Point, Charleston, South Carolina

July 4, 2012 4th of July Parade, Myrtle Beach, South Carolina

July 26-29, 2012 Informational table at the Harford County Farm Fair

Aug. 4, 2012 Joshua Barney Dedication, DAR,SAR 1812 Pittsburgh, PA

Aug. 10-12, 2012 Atlantic Middle States Conference, Newark, Delaware

Aug. 18, 2012 Hosted Col. Aquila Hall and Col. Nicholas Ruxton Moore joint chapter

meeting and cookout, Forest Hill

Aug. 25, 2012 Vice Presidents Dinner, Forest Hill

Sept. 6, 2012 Installed new Officers and member ,Gen. William Smallwood Chapter

Alfias Italian Restaurant Silver Spring, MD

Sept. 8, 2012 1812 Cavalcade, Ft. McHenry, Baltimore

Sept. 9, 2012 Excom meeting, 1st VP Pat Warner’s home, Silver Spring, MD

Sept. 15, 2012 225th Anniversary of the Constitution, Philadelphia, PA

National Color Guard

Sept. 19, 2012 Carrollton Manor Chapter DAR, Frederick, MD - Presentation Of

Christopher J. Raborg, Editor MDSSAR 2012-2013 Yearbook pg. 8

President C. Louis Raborg Jr. President C. Louis Raborg Jr. President C. Louis Raborg Jr.

DAR’s Historic Preservation Award to Bruce Champion

Sept. 22, 2012 Valley Forge Bus Trip, MDSSAR and guests

Sept. 27-30, 2012 Fall Trustees Meeting, Louisville, Kentucky

Oct. 5, 2012 National Association of Medical Examiners, Presentation

Of Colors, Color Guard, Hyatt Regency Baltimore Inner Harbor

Oct. 6, 2012 MDSSAR Semi-Annual Meeting Dutches Daughter, Frederick, MD

Oct. 11, 2012 Presented Bronze Good Citizenship award to Steven Parr for

Public service at McCormick and CCBC

Oct. 11, 2012 Installed Sgt. Lawrence Everhart Chapter Officers, Dutch’s

Daughter, Frederick, MD

Oct. 13, 2012 Installed new members Capt. John Smoot Chapter, Salisbury, MD

Oct. 12-14, 2012 Col. Aquila Hall Informational table set up and display, Jerusalem

Mills, Harford County

Oct. 15, 2012 Guest speaker St. Georges Society, Baltimore, MD

Oct. 17, 2012 Sgt. Everhart chapter's first fife and drum corps planning committee

meeting, Frederick Co. Historical Society

Oct. 18-19, 2012 March with National Color Guard, Battle of Yorktown Celebrations,

Yorktown, VA.

Oct. 22, 2012 1812 Society meeting, Edenwald , Towson

Oct. 23, 2012 Worked with new applicants , filling out applications for Harris family

and Ron Brasefield. 5 applications.

Oct. 24, 2012 Westminster chapter meeting, installation of new member, presentation

Of law enforcement and war service medals.

Oct. 25, 2012 French Monument Ceremony, Annapolis, Md.

Nov. 2, 2012 Presentation of Colors, cub scout troop, Roland Park

Nov. 8, 2012 Installation of Officers, Christian Ardinger Chapter,

28 South, Hagerstown, MD

Nov. 10, 2012 Veterans Day Luncheon, Nicholas Ruxton Moore Chapter,

Candle Light Inn, Catonsville, Md.

Christopher J. Raborg, Editor MDSSAR 2012-2013 Yearbook pg. 9

President C. Louis Raborg Jr. President C. Louis Raborg Jr. President C. Louis Raborg Jr.

Nov. 24, 2012 DC Society Powotawan Ball, Washington, DC

Dec. 1, 2012 Winter meeting, Little Meadows Chapter Meeting, Perkins Restaurant,

McHenry, MD

Dec. 2, 2012 Col. Henry Hollingsworth Chapter meeting, Hollingsworth Manor.

Elkton, MD

Dec. 6, 2012 Holiday Meeting, Col. Aquila Hall Chapter, Bellisimos Belair, MD

Dec. 7, 2012 Ratification Day Dinner, Delaware Society, Wilmington DE

Dec. 8, 2012 Patriots Ball, Crowne Plaza, Timonium MD

Dec. 9, 2012 CAR Holiday Party, DAR Chapter House, Roland Park,

Baltimore, MD

Dec. 15, 2012 Wreaths Across America, Cheltenham Veterans Cemetery

Dec. 15, 2012 John Paul Jones Christmas Party, Rising Sun Inn, Crownsville

Jan. 13, 2013 BOM Maryland Club, Baltimore

Jan. 13, 2013 Jackson Day, 1812 Society, Maryland Club, Baltimore

Jan. 13, 2013 Presented Award at Eagle Scout Court of Honor to James Warshaw

Catonsville United Methodist Church

Jan. 20, 2013 John Hanson Chapter Holiday Party, Ft. Washington, MD

Jan. 26, 2013 Welcomed and presented new member Ron Brasefield with his

member certificate on behalf of the Col. Aquila Hall Chapter.

Feb. 6, 2013 Taught class on Maryland 400, John Carroll High

Feb. 9, 2013 Charles Carroll of Carrolton Presidents Day Luncheon,

Bare Bones, Ellicott City

Feb. 13, 2013 Taught students about the Maryland’s citizens soldiers Jerusalem Mills

Kingsville, MD

Feb. 23, 2013 George Washington Luncheon, Towson Golf and Country Club

Baltimore, County

Mar. 9, 2013 Col. Tench Tilghman Chapter meeting, Heron Point

Chestertown, MD

Mar. 9, 2013 CAR Annual conference, Baltimore Mariott Inner Harbor

Christopher J. Raborg, Editor MDSSAR 2012-2013 Yearbook pg. 10

President C. Louis Raborg Jr. President C. Louis Raborg Jr. President C. Louis Raborg Jr.

Mar .12, 2013 Taught students Maryland’s Role in the Revolution,

Ring Factory Elementary

Mar. 21, 2013 Presentation of the Colors, DAR Annual Conference.

Mar. 22, 2013 DAR Annual State Conference, Hunt Valley, MD

Mar. 23, 2013 Executive committee meeting, Bare Bones, Ellicott City

Apr. 6, 2013 Col. Thomas Stone, Marker Dedication, Hawthorn, MD

Apr. 6,2013 Chesapeake Campaign 1813 taking of the Queenstown, Thomas

Jefferson Queenstown, Md.

Apr. 7, 2013 Col. Nicholas Ruxton Moore Chapters Orations Presentation

Hunt Valley Inn

Apr. 7, 2013 Busch Society Annual Dinner, Presentation of the Colors

Apr. 13, 2013 Annual Meeting, Grey Rock Mansion, Baltimore, County

Faithfully submitted

C. Louis Raborg Jr.

President MDSSAR

Christopher J. Raborg, Editor MDSSAR 2012-2013 Yearbook pg. 11

MDSSAR State Officers and Board of ManagersMDSSAR State Officers and Board of ManagersMDSSAR State Officers and Board of Managers

State Officer Name Contact Information

President C. Louis Raborg, Jr. 410-879-2246 [email protected]

1st Vice President J. Patrick Warner 301-585-8629 [email protected]

2nd Vice President Douglas Favorite 301-271-0558 [email protected]

3rd Vice President William C. Batton 410-877-2455 [email protected]

Secretary Gary R. Neal 443-824-8103 [email protected]

Treasurer Barrett L. McKown 410-798-4531 [email protected]

Registrar Christos Christou, Jr. 410-574-5467 [email protected]

Historian Christopher T. Smithson 410-836-3433 [email protected]

Organizing Secretary Edward A. Foreman, Jr. 410-661-0139 [email protected]

Genealogist Christos Christou, Jr. 410-574-5467 [email protected]

Chancellor Jean S. Fugett, Jr. 410-945-7110 [email protected]

Chaplain Rev. Partee J Boliek, Jr. 410-592-3810

- Assistant Chaplain Lester A. Foster 410-282-0758 [email protected]

Surgeon Lee Crandall Park, M.D. 410-323-2435 [email protected]

Webmaster Christopher J. Raborg 410-879-2246 [email protected]

National Trustee Edward A. Foreman, Jr. 410-661-0139 [email protected]

Alt. National Trustee Douglas B. Stuart 301-292-5961 [email protected]

Board of Managers

Class of 2011 - 2014

Robert M. Caples

Robert E. Lyons

Christopher J. Raborg

Charles S. Schrodel, Jr.

Keith E. Silliman

Class of 2010 - 2013

Christopher T. Smithson

Robert Achtmeyer

Joe Travers

Rick Stup

Class of 2012-2015

Michael A. Irish

Robert J. Ayres

Sheldon L. Shealer

Samuel L. Raborg

Clarence E. Lee

Christopher J. Raborg, Editor MDSSAR 2012-2013 Yearbook pg. 12

Past Presidents of the SocietyPast Presidents of the SocietyPast Presidents of the Society

1. Edward W. LeCompte 1889

2. Bradley T. Johnson 1890

3. Phillip D. Laird 1893

4. William R. Griffith 1894

5. Joseph L. Brent 1896

6. William R. Griffith 1899

7. Edwin Warfield 1900

8. James D. Iglehart 1903

9. Henry Stockbridge, Jr. 1906

10. George R. Gaither 1907

11. Yates Stirling 1909

12. Clinton L. Riggs 1910

13. George W. Hyde 1912

14. Lawrason Riggs 1914

15. John M. Reifsnider 1916

16. James E. Hancock 1918

17. James H. Preston 1919

18. Osborne I. Yellot 1921

19. Herbert B. Flowers 1922

20. Thomas Maynadier 1923

21. Henry F. Baker 1925

22. Ernest J. Clark 1927

23. Thiemann S. Offutt 1929

24. Greenbury R. Sappington 1931

25. Phillip S. Morgan 1933

26. Alexander Armstrong 1935

27. Lewis A. Rice 1937

28. Frederick M. Supplee 1939

29. Joseph N. Stockett 1941

30. Warren K. Magruder 1942

31. George W. S. Musgrave 1943

32. Clayton DeMarest, Jr. 1944

33. Howard W. Jackson 1945

34. Stanley D. Kolb 1946

35. George S. Robertson 1947

36. Ernest J. Clark, Jr. 1949

37. Charles W. Cole 1950

38. Chase Ridgely, Sr. 1951

39. Henry P. Hopkins 1953

40. Henry S. Shyrock 1954

41. Duane R. Rice 1955

42. Myron W. Hutchinson, Jr. 1956

43. George W. P. Whip 1956

44. Walter G. Parker 1957

45. Seeber K. Bodine 1958

46. Laurence P. Sangston 1960

47. Levi R. Dukes 1962

48. Claude B. Hellman 1963

49. Joseph X. Harris 1964

50. Harold E. Wilmoth 1966

51. J. King B.E. Seegar, Jr. 1968

52. Wilson K. Barnes, Sr. 1970

53. Virgil A. Halbert 1972

54. Warren A. Burdette 1974

55. Carl F. Bessent 1976

56. Clement D. Erhardt, Jr. 1978

57. James W. Wilson 1980

58. Richard C. Sclenker 1981

59. Earl M. Altizer 1982

60. Charles H. Williams 1983

61. W. King Barnes, Jr. 1984

62. Elmer M. Jackson, Jr. 1985

63. Granville W. Wehland 1986

64. Henry P. Laughlin 1987

65. Charles B. Slaughter 1988

66. Herbert L. Baer, Sr. 1989

67. Robert H. McIntire 1990

68. Barrett L. McKown 1991

69. James A. McCafferty 1992

70. Lester A. Foster, Jr. 1993

71. John H. Vandegriff 1994

72. John F. Burk, Jr. 1995

The Maryland Society of the Sons of the American Revolution was established on April 20, 1889 at Annapolis MD on the anniversary of the Battle of Lexington and Concord (April 19, 1775). Our National Society was organized on April 30, l889 --the 100th anniversary of the inaugu-ration of George Washington as our nation's first President under the new constitution. The National Society was chartered by an Act of the United States Congress on June 6, l906 signed by President Theodore Roosevelt who was a member of the SAR. The charter authorizes the grant-ing of charters to societies of the various states and territories and authorizes the state societies to charter chapters within their borders. The Soci-

ety membership now boasts the membership of 16 U.S. Presidents, Kings, Congressmen, Generals, and other professionals from all ranks of life.

73. William C. Austin, Jr. 1996

74. Raymond N. Zimmerman, Jr. 1997

75. L.E. Kielman 1998

76. Cecil M. Massie, Sr. 1999

77. William F. Wakefield 2000

78. M. Hall Worthington 2000

79. Ray R. Porter, Sr. 2002

80. James R. Dearworth 2003

81. Douglas B. Stuart 2004

82. Carroll J. Collins 2005

83. Christos Christou, Jr. 2006

84. Ernest L. Irish 2007

85. R. Duane Tackitt 2008

86. David W. Hoover 2009

87. Edward A. Foreman, Jr. 2010

88. Ivan V. Dooley, Jr. 2011

89. C. Louis Raborg, Jr. 2012

Christopher J. Raborg, Editor MDSSAR 2012-2013 Yearbook pg. 13

1st Vice President J. Patrick Warner1st Vice President J. Patrick Warner1st Vice President J. Patrick Warner

Maryland Society of the Sons of the American Revolution

Activity Report

2012 - 2013

During the 2012 – 2013 year of the Maryland Society, I attended and participated in the following



April 14th – Attended the Board of managers and Annual Meetings of the Maryland Society, B & O

Railroad Museum, Baltimore, Maryland.

May 19th- - Attended the meeting of the Executive Committee of the Maryland Society of the Sons of

the American Revolution, Frederick, Maryland.

May 19th - Visited the Sergeant Lawrence Everhart Chapter’s Membership Information Display at the

Frederick Fairgrounds, Frederick, Maryland.

June 7th – Attended the Quarterly Meeting of the General William Smallwood Chapter, Chevy Chase,


June 24th – Attended the Dedication Service at the Gravesite of General Joseph Swearingen, Mount

Olivet Cemetery, Frederick, Maryland.

July 4th – Represented the Maryland Society at the ceremony commemorating Elbridge Gerry, a signer

of the Declaration of Independence, Congressional Cemetery, Washington, DC.

July 4th - Represented the Maryland Society at the ceremony commemorating Mountjoy Bayly (1755 –

1836), captain of the 7th Maryland Infantry Regiment, Congressional Cemetery, Washington, DC.

July 4th – Represented the Maryland Society at the annual Bell Ringing Ceremony of the Ark and Dove

Society, C.A.R., Veterans’ Park, Bethesda, Maryland.

August 4th – Represented the Maryland Society at the unveiling of the John Hanson Statue Ceremony at

the Frederick County Courthouse and the reception after the event at the Weinberg Center, Frederick,


August 10th & 11th – Attended the annual Atlantic Middle States Meeting, Newark, Delaware.

August 18th – Attended the joint meeting of the Colonel Aquila Hall and Colonel Nicholas Ruxton

Moore Chapters, Forest Hill, Maryland.

August 25th – Attended the Maryland Society’s Vice Presidents’ Dinner at the home of President C.

Louis Raborg, Forest Hill, Maryland.

Christopher J. Raborg, Editor MDSSAR 2012-2013 Yearbook pg. 14

1st Vice President J. Patrick Warner1st Vice President J. Patrick Warner1st Vice President J. Patrick Warner

September 6th – Attended the Quarterly Meeting of the General William Smallwood Chapter, Chevy

Chase, Maryland.

September 22nd – Attended the MDSSAR trip to Valley Forge National Historical Site, Pennsylvania.

September 27th – 30th – Attended the NSSAR Fall Leadership Meeting, Louisville, Kentucky.

October 6th – Attended the Semi-annual Meeting of the Maryland Society, Dutch’s Daughter restaurant,

Frederick, Maryland.

October 9th – Served as a volunteer with members of the District of Columbia, S.A.R. at Operation An-

cestor Search at the Wounded Warrior Hospital at Bethesda Naval Medical Center, Bethesda, Maryland.

October 27th – Attended the District of Columbia Sons of the American Revolution’s annual Yorktown

Day Luncheon, Washington, DC.

November 10th – Attended the annual National Defense Luncheon of the Maryland Daughters of the

American Revolution at the Bethesda Marriott, Bethesda, Maryland.

December 2nd – Attended a meeting of the Colonel Henry Hollingsworth at Hollingsworth Manor His-

toric Site, Elkton, Maryland.

December 6th – Attended the Quarterly Meeting of the General William Smallwood Chapter, Chevy

Chase, Maryland.

December 8th – Attended the annual Patriots’ Ball of the Maryland Society at the Crowne Plaza Hotel,

Timonium, Maryland.

December 15th – Attended the Christmas Party of the John Paul Jones Chapter at the Rising Sun Tavern,

Crownsville, Maryland.

January 12th – Attended the Board of Managers meeting at the Maryland Club, Baltimore, Maryland.

February 9th – Attended the George Washington Birthday Luncheon meeting of the Charles Carroll of

Carrolton Chapter at Bare Bones restaurant in Ellicott City, Maryland.

February 11th – Attended a meeting of the Planning Committee of the Maryland Society’s Patriots’ Ball

at the Hilton Garden Inn, White Marsh, Maryland.

February 23rd – Attended the annual George Washington Birthday luncheon of the Maryland Society at

the Towson Golf & Country Club, Towson, Maryland.

February 28th – March 3rd – Attended the NSSAR Spring Leadership Meeting, Louisville, Kentucky.

Christopher J. Raborg, Editor MDSSAR 2012-2013 Yearbook pg. 15

1st Vice President J. Patrick Warner1st Vice President J. Patrick Warner1st Vice President J. Patrick Warner

March 7th - Attended the Quarterly Meeting of the General William Smallwood Chapter, Chevy Chase,


March 9th – Attended the Annual Meeting of the Maryland Society of the Children of the American

Revolution, Marriott Hotel at Inner Harbor, Baltimore, Maryland.

March 21st – Attended the Annual Meeting of the District of Columbia Society of the Sons of the Amer-

ican Revolution, Fort Myer, Virginia.

March 22nd – Attended the Annual Meeting of the Maryland Society of the Daughters of the American

Revolution, Turf Valley Inn, Timonium, Maryland.

March 23rd – Attended the meeting of the Executive Committee of the Maryland Society, Bare Bones

restaurant, Ellicott City, Maryland.

April 11th – Attended the Spring Leadership Meeting of the Sgt. Everhart Chapter, Dutch’s Daughter

restaurant, Frederick, Maryland.

April 13th – Participated in the Board of Managers and Annual Meetings of the Maryland Society, Grey

Rock Mansion, Pikesville, Maryland.

Respectfully submitted,

J. Patrick Warner

First Vice President

Maryland Society,

Sons of the American Revolution

Christopher J. Raborg, Editor MDSSAR 2012-2013 Yearbook pg. 16

2nd Vice President Douglas Favorite2nd Vice President Douglas Favorite2nd Vice President Douglas Favorite

Maryland Society, Sons of the American Revolution

2nd Vice Presidents Report

April 14, 2012 Annual Meeting-B&O Railroad Museum, Baltimore, MD

June 24, 2012 Grave Dedication, Mt. Olivet Cemetery, Frederick

August 2, 2012 Attended Westminster Chapter Mtg. Buttersburg Inn, Union Bridge, MD

August 10-12, 2012 Atlantic Middle States Conference, Newark, Del

August 25, 2012 Vice Presidents Dinner at President Raborg’s home

September 6, 2012 General Smallwood Chapter

September 9, 2012 Executive Committee meeting, 1st VP Pat Warners home

September 22, 2012 Valley Forge Bus Trip

October 6, 2012 MDSSAR Semi-Annual Mtg. Dutchs Daughter, Frederick, MD

October 11, 2012 Sgt. Lawrence Everhart Chap. Annual Mtg, Frederick, MD

October 17, 2012 Fife Drum Corps Organizational Mtg. Frederick, MD

December 1, 2012 Little Meadows Chapter Mtg., McHenry, MD

January 12, 2013 Board of Manager Mtg. Maryland Club, Baltimore, MD

February 23, 2013 George Washington Birthday Luncheon, Edgewater, MD

March 23, 2013 Executive Committee Meeting, Ellicott City, MD

April 11, 2013 Sgt. Lawrence Everhart Chap, Annual Mtg. Frederick, MD

Christopher J. Raborg, Editor MDSSAR 2012-2013 Yearbook pg. 17

3rd Vice President William Batton3rd Vice President William Batton3rd Vice President William Batton

William C. Batton, Esq.

Third Vice President

Maryland Society Sons of the American Revolution

During the 2012 – 2013 year I attended and participated in the following events:

April 14 - Attended the Board of managers and Annual Meetings of the Maryland Society, B & O

Railroad Museum, Baltimore, MD.

May 5 - Col. Aquila Hall Chapter meeting, Forest Hill, MD.

May 19 - EXCOM meeting, Frederick County Library.

June 9 - Board of Managers Meeting, Maryland Golf & Country Club, Bel Air MD.

August 18 - Attended the joint meeting of the Colonel Aquila Hall and Colonel Nicholas Ruxton

Moore Chapters, Forest Hill, MD.

August 25 - Attended the Maryland Society’s Vice Presidents’ Dinner at the home of President C.

Louis Raborg, Forest Hill, MD.

September 22 - Attended the MDSSAR trip to Valley Forge National Historical Site, PA.

December 2 - Attended a meeting of the Colonel Henry Hollingsworth at Hollingsworth Manor His-

toric Site, Elkton, MD.

December 6 - Holiday Meeting, Col. Aquila Hall Chapter, Belisimos, Bel Air, MD.

January 12 - Attended the Board of Managers meeting at the Maryland Club, Baltimore, MD.

January 12 - Jackson Day, 1812 Society, Maryland Club, Baltimore MD.

February 11 - Attended a meeting of the Planning Committee of the Maryland Society’s Patriots’

Ball at the Hilton Garden Inn, White Marsh, MD.

February 23 - Attended the annual George Washington Birthday luncheon of the Maryland Society

at the Towson Golf & Country Club, Towson, MD.

March 23 - Attended the meeting of the Executive Committee of the Maryland Society, Bare Bones

restaurant, Ellicott City, MD.

April 13 - Participated in the Board of Managers and Annual Meetings of the Maryland Society,

Grey Rock Mansion, Pikesville, MD.

Respectfully submitted,

William C. Batton, Esq.

Third Vice President, MDSSAR

Christopher J. Raborg, Editor MDSSAR 2012-2013 Yearbook pg. 18

Secretary Gary R. NealSecretary Gary R. NealSecretary Gary R. Neal

Secretary’s Report 2012-2013

Starting State Number: 4127 Ending State Number: 4194 New Numbers: 68

New Members: 66 Deaths: 10 New Dual Members: 2

New Supplementals: 30 Chapter Transfers: 1 Transfers Out: 9

Reinstatements: 37 Resigned: 3 Transfers In: 4

Dropped: 63 Total Members 769

04/14/12 Annual Meeting – Baltimore, MD

04/14/12 Sons of the American Colonists: Annual Dinner – Washington, DC

05/12/12 1812 Old Defender’s Day Celebration – Forest Hill, MD

05/18/12 Col. Nicholas Ruxton Moore: JROTC/Outstanding Student Awards – Towson, MD

05/19/12 XCOM Meeting – Frederick, MD

05/19/12 Sgt. Lawrence Everhart: Informational Table Support at Frederick County Fair Grounds –Frederick, MD

06/25/12 1812 Executive Meeting at Edenwald – Towson, MD

07/23/12 1812 Executive Meeting at Edenwald – Towson, MD

08/10-11/12 Atlantic Middle States Conference – Wilmington, DE

08/18/12 Nicholas Ruxton Moore and Aquila Hall: Joint Chapter Meeting – Forest Hill, MD

09/08/12 1812 Defender’s Day Cavalcade – Ft. McHenry Baltimore, MD

09/09/12 XCOM Meeting – Silver Spring, MD

09/22/12 Valley Forge Bus Trip

10/06/12 Semi-Annual Meeting – Frederick, MD

10/22/12 Executive Meeting at Edenwald – Towson, MD

11/10/12 Col. Nicholas Ruxton Moore – Catonsville, MD

11/26/12 Executive Meeting at Edenwald – Towson, MD

12/02/12 Col. Henry Hollingsworth– Essex, MD

12/08/12 Patriots’ Ball – Timonium, MD

01/12/13 BOM at the Maryland Club – Baltimore, MD

01/12/13 1812 Jackson Day Luncheon at the Maryland Club – Baltimore, MD

02/23/13 George Washington Luncheon – Phoenix, MD

02/25/13 Executive Meeting at Edenwald – Towson, MD

03/23/13 XCOM Meeting – Ellicott City, MD

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Meeting Minutes for June 9th, 2012Meeting Minutes for June 9th, 2012Meeting Minutes for June 9th, 2012

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Meeting Minutes for June 9th, 2012Meeting Minutes for June 9th, 2012Meeting Minutes for June 9th, 2012

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Meeting Minutes for June 9th, 2012Meeting Minutes for June 9th, 2012Meeting Minutes for June 9th, 2012

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Meeting Minutes for October 6, 2012Meeting Minutes for October 6, 2012Meeting Minutes for October 6, 2012

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Meeting Minutes for October 6, 2012Meeting Minutes for October 6, 2012Meeting Minutes for October 6, 2012

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Meeting Minutes for October 6, 2012Meeting Minutes for October 6, 2012Meeting Minutes for October 6, 2012

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Meeting Minutes for October 6, 2012Meeting Minutes for October 6, 2012Meeting Minutes for October 6, 2012

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Meeting Minutes for January 12th, 2013Meeting Minutes for January 12th, 2013Meeting Minutes for January 12th, 2013

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Meeting Minutes for January 12th, 2013Meeting Minutes for January 12th, 2013Meeting Minutes for January 12th, 2013

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Meeting Minutes for January 12th, 2013Meeting Minutes for January 12th, 2013Meeting Minutes for January 12th, 2013

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Meeting Minutes for January 12th, 2013Meeting Minutes for January 12th, 2013Meeting Minutes for January 12th, 2013

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Meeting Minutes for April 13th, 2013Meeting Minutes for April 13th, 2013Meeting Minutes for April 13th, 2013

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Meeting Minutes for April 13th, 2013Meeting Minutes for April 13th, 2013Meeting Minutes for April 13th, 2013

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Meeting Minutes for April 13th, 2013Meeting Minutes for April 13th, 2013Meeting Minutes for April 13th, 2013

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Meeting Minutes for April 13th, 2013Meeting Minutes for April 13th, 2013Meeting Minutes for April 13th, 2013

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Treasurer Barrett L. McKownTreasurer Barrett L. McKownTreasurer Barrett L. McKown

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Treasurer Barrett L. McKownTreasurer Barrett L. McKownTreasurer Barrett L. McKown

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Treasurer Barrett L. McKownTreasurer Barrett L. McKownTreasurer Barrett L. McKown

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Budget for 2013Budget for 2013Budget for 2013---201420142014

Christopher J. Raborg, Editor MDSSAR 2012-2013 Yearbook pg. 38

Registrar Christos Christou, Jr.Registrar Christos Christou, Jr.Registrar Christos Christou, Jr. ApplicationsApplicationsApplications

Christopher J. Raborg, Editor MDSSAR 2012-2013 Yearbook pg. 39

Registrar Christos Christou, Jr.Registrar Christos Christou, Jr.Registrar Christos Christou, Jr. ApplicationsApplicationsApplications

Christopher J. Raborg, Editor MDSSAR 2012-2013 Yearbook pg. 40

Registrar Christos Christou, Jr.Registrar Christos Christou, Jr.Registrar Christos Christou, Jr. SupplementalsSupplementalsSupplementals

Christopher J. Raborg, Editor MDSSAR 2012-2013 Yearbook pg. 41

Historian Christopher T. SmithsonHistorian Christopher T. SmithsonHistorian Christopher T. Smithson

Christopher J. Raborg, Editor MDSSAR 2012-2013 Yearbook pg. 42

Genealogist Christos Christou, Jr.Genealogist Christos Christou, Jr.Genealogist Christos Christou, Jr.

Christopher J. Raborg, Editor MDSSAR 2012-2013 Yearbook pg. 43

Chaplain Rev. Partee BoliekChaplain Rev. Partee BoliekChaplain Rev. Partee Boliek

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Webmaster Christopher J. RaborgWebmaster Christopher J. RaborgWebmaster Christopher J. Raborg

Christopher J. Raborg, Editor MDSSAR 2012-2013 Yearbook pg. 45

Maryland SAR ChaptersMaryland SAR ChaptersMaryland SAR Chapters

# Chapter Name Date Organized Chapter President

1 Sgt. Lawrence Everhart (FR) 11/09/1920 Richard L. Stup

2 Gen. William Smallwood (MO) 09/13/1968 Keith E. Silliman

3 Christian Ardinger (WA) 05/22/1971 Paul D. Banister

4 Col. John Eager Howard (BC) 11/11/1972 Christos Christou, Jr.

5 Col. Nicholas Ruxton Moore (BA) 01/25/1972 C. Louis Raborg, Jr.

6 John Paul Jones (AA) 07/22/1972 John R. Harvey, Jr.

7 Col. Henry Hollingsworth (CE) 03/26/1973 James Dearworth, Sr., M.D.

8 Col. Tench Tilgman (CARO, KE,


05/01/1976 Walter Coryell

9 Col. Aquila Hall (HA) 11/06/1976 Christopher J. Raborg

10 Charles Carroll of Carrollton (HO) 03/01/1977 David H. Embrey

11 John Hanson 02/25/1979 Douglas B. Stuart

12 Capt. John Smoot (DO, SO, WI,


10/30/1982 Raymond L. Jackson

13 Westminster (CARR) 03/09/1985 Dr. Cecil M. Massie, Sr.

14 Thomas Stone (CH, CV, SM) 03/30/1991 David G. Langford

15 Little Meadows (AL, GA) 07/15/2000 Terry Grove

Christopher J. Raborg, Editor MDSSAR 2012-2013 Yearbook pg. 46

#1 #1 #1 --- Sgt. Lawrence Everhart ChapterSgt. Lawrence Everhart ChapterSgt. Lawrence Everhart Chapter

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#1 #1 #1 --- Sgt. Lawrence Everhart ChapterSgt. Lawrence Everhart ChapterSgt. Lawrence Everhart Chapter

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#1 #1 #1 --- Sgt. Lawrence Everhart ChapterSgt. Lawrence Everhart ChapterSgt. Lawrence Everhart Chapter

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#1 #1 #1 --- Sgt. Lawrence Everhart ChapterSgt. Lawrence Everhart ChapterSgt. Lawrence Everhart Chapter

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#1 #1 #1 --- Sgt. Lawrence Everhart ChapterSgt. Lawrence Everhart ChapterSgt. Lawrence Everhart Chapter

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#1 #1 #1 --- Sgt. Lawrence Everhart ChapterSgt. Lawrence Everhart ChapterSgt. Lawrence Everhart Chapter

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#1 #1 #1 --- Sgt. Lawrence Everhart ChapterSgt. Lawrence Everhart ChapterSgt. Lawrence Everhart Chapter

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#1 #1 #1 --- Sgt. Lawrence Everhart ChapterSgt. Lawrence Everhart ChapterSgt. Lawrence Everhart Chapter

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#1 #1 #1 --- Sgt. Lawrence Everhart ChapterSgt. Lawrence Everhart ChapterSgt. Lawrence Everhart Chapter

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#1 #1 #1 --- Sgt. Lawrence Everhart ChapterSgt. Lawrence Everhart ChapterSgt. Lawrence Everhart Chapter

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#1 #1 #1 --- Sgt. Lawrence Everhart ChapterSgt. Lawrence Everhart ChapterSgt. Lawrence Everhart Chapter

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#1 #1 #1 --- Sgt. Lawrence Everhart ChapterSgt. Lawrence Everhart ChapterSgt. Lawrence Everhart Chapter

Christopher J. Raborg, Editor MDSSAR 2012-2013 Yearbook pg. 58

#2 #2 #2 --- Gen. William Smallwood ChapterGen. William Smallwood ChapterGen. William Smallwood Chapter

General Smallwood Chapter 2013 Annual Report

Period from January 2012 through December 2012 Keith E. Silliman, President

The General William Smallwood Chapter held regular quarterly dinner meetings at Alfio’s Restaurant in

Chevy Chase, Maryland on the first Thursday of the last month of each calendar quarter.

The March meeting included the presentation of two Supplemental Ancestor Certificates to Tim McCa-

be. Outstanding Citizenship Certificates and Bronze Medals were presented to Greg Skolnik and David

Talbott, honoring their many years of service to the Boy Scouts and BSA Troop 1083.

Ivan Dooley, MDSSAR President, addressed the chapter with remarks about past and upcoming state

events. Joseph “Pat” Warner reviewed the status of the high school awards program which included

plans to award 15-18 Citizenship and NJROTC awards.

Bill Offutt, a Montgomery County Historian, was the speaker for the evening. He spoke on the History

of Montgomery County.

The General Smallwood Chapter organized and held their annual Memorial Day program at Woodmont

Triangle in Bethesda on Memorial Day. The speaker was Robert C. Plumb, a local historian and author.

Boy Scout Troop 439, Kensington, MD, presented the colors.

The June meeting included the presentation of 5 Supplemental Ancestor Certificates to Tim McCabe.

Keith Silliman presented a MD 400 Club Certificate to Bob Wilson who made a pledge in honor of his

ancestor. Joseph “Pat” Warner was recognized for his coordination of the high school JROTC and Out-

standing Citizenship awards, and Dan Zimmerman was recognized for his planning of the chapter’s

2012 Memorial Day celebration in Bethesda.

Election of chapter officers was held. Keith Silliman was elected President; Clarence Lee, Vice Presi-

dent; Bob Wilson, Treasurer; and Tim McCabe, Secretary.

The featured speaker was chapter member Meredith Shaw. He provided an overview of his career with

the CIA.

The September meeting included the new member installation of John C. Allen by Lou Raborg. Lou

Raborg also installed the chapter’s elected officers, President Keith Silliman, Vice President Clarence

Lee and Secretary Tim McCabe. Mr. Silliman presented 5 Supplemental Ancestor Certificates to Tim

Christopher J. Raborg, Editor MDSSAR 2012-2013 Yearbook pg. 59

#2 #2 #2 --- Gen. William Smallwood ChapterGen. William Smallwood ChapterGen. William Smallwood Chapter


Douglas Favorite spoke to members about activities of the Sgt. Everhart SAR chapter and the MDSSAR

semi-annual meeting to be held at Dutch’s Daughter restaurant in Frederick on October 6th. He also

asked for feedback from chapters about what the state officers are doing right and what they could do


R Duane Tackitt provided an overview of the recently held NSSAR National Congress in Phoenix, AZ.

He also provided an overview of the NSSAR Mid-Atlantic States meeting.

MDSSAR President Lou Raborg reviewed of some of the programs his Hartford County chapter had

accomplished. He showed a chart depicting all the patriots from Hartford County, MD from Mr. Henry

Peden’s book of Maryland Patriots. He expressed thanks to all the MDSSAR VPs for their efforts. He

encouraged chapters to seek out opportunities to talk about the Revolutionary War and MDSSAR at

children’s events and in schools.

A Flag award was made to Edwin H. Pewett, Jr.

The December meeting included reports from Katie Kraft, president of MDSC.A.R. She announced the

2013 efforts to assist military families in Maryland through their “Build a Bear” program. Leah Paire,

president of the Hungerford Resolves Society, reported on their 2012 activities of participating in the

Naturalization ceremony for 50 new US citizens in Beltsville, MD. In August they collected supplies

and gift cards for students returning to school, and they marched with the MDDAR in the Memorial Day

parade. Their theme for 2013 is “Helping Our Littlest Heroes” and focuses on the youngest family mem-

bers of our service families. Abigail Klein, president of the Ark & Dove Society, reported that their state

conference will be held in March. She attended the MDC.A.R. National Conference, participated in the

MDSAR Smallwood Chapter’s 2012 Memorial Day ceremony in Bethesda, conducted a bell-ringing

ceremony on the 4th of July at Veterans Park in Bethesda and their chapter visited the Saratoga Battle-

field. For 2013 they will support military servicemen and special projects by the Boy Scouts on Mary-

land’s Eastern Shore.

Brock Bierman, Chairman of the NSSAR Membership Committee, was the featured speaker. He dis-

cussed “Operation Reach” which partners NSSAR with to help increase membership na-

tionally. This effort involves free subscriptions to Ancestry’s online program for prospective new socie-

ty members as well as its specifically highlighting ancestors in an individual user’s lineage who already

have documentation available for use in proving one’s lineage. This program will initially start in Texas,

Virginia, DC and Maryland before expanding nationally.

Christopher J. Raborg, Editor MDSSAR 2012-2013 Yearbook pg. 60

#2 #2 #2 --- Gen. William Smallwood ChapterGen. William Smallwood ChapterGen. William Smallwood Chapter

Chapter member and MDSSAR 1st VP, Joseph “Pat” Warner, voiced his support for Operation Reach.

He also discussed the “Wounded Warrior” program where free Ancestry memberships are offered to

wounded servicemen to use in finding their Revolutionary War ancestors.

Members of the General Smallwood Chapter attended and participated in the MDSSAR Board of Man-

agers and Annual meetings.

Respectfully submitted April 9, 2013.

Keith E. Silliman


Christopher J. Raborg, Editor MDSSAR 2012-2013 Yearbook pg. 61

#4 #4 #4 --- Col. John Eager Howard ChapterCol. John Eager Howard ChapterCol. John Eager Howard Chapter

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#4 #4 #4 --- Col. John Eager Howard ChapterCol. John Eager Howard ChapterCol. John Eager Howard Chapter

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#5 #5 #5 --- Col. Nicholas Ruxton Moore ChapterCol. Nicholas Ruxton Moore ChapterCol. Nicholas Ruxton Moore Chapter

Christopher J. Raborg, Editor MDSSAR 2012-2013 Yearbook pg. 64

#8 #8 #8 --- Col. Tench Tilghman ChapterCol. Tench Tilghman ChapterCol. Tench Tilghman Chapter

ANNUAL REPORT 2012 - 2013


April 8, 2013

During the past year the chapter held meetings on its customary schedule.

The annual July 4 celebration held in conjunction with the Queen Anne’s County Historical So-

ciety and the General Perry Benson Chapter of the DAR at Wye Plantation celebrated the con-

tributions to our state and country of William Paca, one of Maryland’s four signers of the Dec-

laration of Independence. Following the flag presentation, Compatriot Tewes placed our chap-

ter’s wreath at Paca’s grave. The playing of taps was followed by the tolling of the bell by

Compatriot Paul Long. The keynote speaker was retired Queen Anne County Judge Sause who

presented historical contributions by the county citizenry to the American Revolution War and

the War of 1812.

Our November meeting was held at the Heron Point retirement community in Chestertown on

the 11th of that month. Eight members and one guest were in attendance.

President Coryell opened the meeting with a moment of silent prayer for our late Compatriot

Reece Corey.

President Coryell announced that this meeting was designated as the annual MDSSAR Officer

visitation, but last-minute changes precluded their attendance.

American Flag Award: The chapter officers will address this award, to be completed by the

March 2013 chapter meeting.

Membership: President Coryell will call former members who were dropped from the roster

this past year.

Heroism, Law Enforcement, Fire Safety Awards: President Coryell appealed to the attendees to

submit candidates for these awards based, not only on merit, but also for individual recognition

within these community service organizations. Further, he requested that all members eligible

for the War Service Medal should be submitted to him.

Junior ROTC Award: Secretary Gregory presented this award at Easton High School in May


Boy Scout Merit Badge: VP Cleaver noted to all that the BSA have a merit badge for research-

ing family genealogy.

Christopher J. Raborg, Editor MDSSAR 2012-2013 Yearbook pg. 65

#8 #8 #8 --- Col. Tench Tilghman ChapterCol. Tench Tilghman ChapterCol. Tench Tilghman Chapter

Knight Essay and Oratory Competitions: Compatriots Woodhull and Gregory will make inquir-

ies to local schools.

2013-14 Chapter Officer Slate was nominated for election at the March 2013 meeting. Note,

this slate is the current 2012-13 officers:

President Walter Coryell [email protected]

Vice President Bob Cleaver [email protected]

Treasurer Mark Freestate [email protected]

Secretary Conway Gregory [email protected]

President Coryell closed the meeting with a presentation on the value and recognition of Veter-

ans Day as it relates to the Maryland 400 in the American Revolution, the Maryland Militia at

the Battle of North Point and Fort McHenry in the War of 1812, and the 29th Division in World

War II.

Our March meeting was held at the Heron Point retirement community in Chestertown on the

11th of that month.

President Coryell opened the meeting with eight members in attendance. For the Chapter’s an-

nual State Officers’ Visitation, he introduced State President Louis Raborg and his wife, who

presented his state report and advanced many activities of the chapters and the State Society.

He noted that has partnered with NSSAR to facilitate membership applications.

Compatriot Tim McCabe is the MDSSAR director of this program and his contact information

is on the MDSSAR web site.

President Coryell reported that both combat and peacetime military medals are available to

qualified chapter members and nominations should be directed to him. He telephoned 20 non-

participating chapter members to solicit suggestions to enhance meeting attendance, yielding

some suggestions. President Coryell has attended two membership recruitment seminars held in

the Easton Library by the Gen. Perry Benson Chapter of the NSDAR. He closed his presenta-

tion with a tribute to the Maryland 400.

American Flag Award: The Heron Point Retirement Community received the award on March


2013-2014 Chapter Officer Election by Acclimation:

President Walter Coryell [email protected]

Vice President Bob Cleaver [email protected]

Treasurer Mark Freestate [email protected]

Secretary Conway Gregory [email protected]

Christopher J. Raborg, Editor MDSSAR 2012-2013 Yearbook pg. 66

#8 #8 #8 --- Col. Tench Tilghman ChapterCol. Tench Tilghman ChapterCol. Tench Tilghman Chapter

MDSSAR President Raborg conducted the officer installations.

Summer Event: Date: July 4, 2013 11:00 AM

Location: William Paca Gravesite, Carmichael, Maryland

Activities include, in conjunction with the Queen Anne’s Co. Historic Society and Gen. Perry

Benson Chapter of the NSDAR, the Boy Scout American Flag History presentation and a guest

speaker followed by an ice cream social. This chapter will participate in laying wreaths during

the celebration memorial.

Next Luncheon Meeting: Date: November 2013, Veterans Day celebration

Location: Heron Point, Chestertown, Md.

Time: 11:00 Chapter business meeting with MDSSAR 3rd VP

Respectively submitted,

Conway Gregory, Secretary

Christopher J. Raborg, Editor MDSSAR 2012-2013 Yearbook pg. 67

#9 #9 #9 --- Col. Aquila Hall ChapterCol. Aquila Hall ChapterCol. Aquila Hall Chapter

Col. Aquila Hall Chapter Annual Report

The Col. Aquila Hall Chapter had another fulfilling year of patriotic service.

With many of our members holding state offices and committee chair positions, Col.

Aquila Hall was very active and supportive of the state presidency of our very own

Lou Raborg. We had 3 meetings this year, and we will be holding our last meeting af-

ter the Annual meeting, on April 27th.

Our first meeting was held on May 5th. One of the main points of the meeting

was to go over the Harford County Patriot Project, which was proposed by past presi-

dent Bill Batton during his term. The goal was to come up with a digital list of revolu-

tionary war patriots from Harford County and publish the list in the local newspaper

(The Aegis). This project had 2 major goals in mind: the first was to get the SAR out into

the public; the second was to ensure that this list was published online, so that those

interested in joining the SAR, or even those just doing some of their own genealogical

research, would be able to use it as a starting point. Chapter President Chris Raborg

undertook the project and entered in about 2800 names into the final list, which was

printed in the July 4th edition of The Aegis.

Christopher J. Raborg, Editor MDSSAR 2012-2013 Yearbook pg. 68

#9 #9 #9 --- Col. Aquila Hall ChapterCol. Aquila Hall ChapterCol. Aquila Hall Chapter

Aquila Hall also decided to open up an informational tent for the entirety of the

Harford County Farm Fair (July 26-29), to showcase the history of Maryland in the

American Revolution, as well as endorsing our educational programs and the SAR in

general. Dave Hoover, Chris Smithson, King Barnes, as well as the Raborg family all

helped run the tent.

On August 18th, another joint chapter meeting for Col. Aquila Hall and Col.

Nicholas Ruxton Moore was held at President Raborg’s home. McCormick Spice bas-

kets were raffled again this year, and overall the meeting was a great success – every-

one had a great time and enjoyed each other’s company. From October 12-14, Col. Aq-

uila Hall set up another informational display at Jerusalem Mills Historic Site, in


On December 6th, we held our Holiday Dinner Meeting at Bellissimo’s Restau-

rant in Bel Air, MD. On January 26th, President Raborg welcomed new member, Ron

Brasefield into the chapter, and presented him with his new member certificate. Aquila

Hall was also fortunate to have a Knight Essay contest entry, from Sam Raborg, about

one of our founding fathers, Paul Revere. Sam’s essay went on to win 1st place at the

state level!

We plan on regrouping for the new year at our April 27th meeting, so that we

can have another active summer.

Respectfully submitted,

Chris Raborg, President

Christopher J. Raborg, Editor MDSSAR 2012-2013 Yearbook pg. 69

#11#11#11--- John Hanson ChapterJohn Hanson ChapterJohn Hanson Chapter

Christopher J. Raborg, Editor MDSSAR 2012-2013 Yearbook pg. 70

#11 #11 #11 --- John Hanson ChapterJohn Hanson ChapterJohn Hanson Chapter

Above: Chapter President

Doug Stuart presents a Flag

Award to Silesia Carryout.

January 2013.

Below: Chapter President

Doug Stuart presents an Eagle

Scout Award to a local scout

and his family.

Christopher J. Raborg, Editor MDSSAR 2012-2013 Yearbook pg. 71

#12 #12 #12 --- Cpt. John Smoot ChapterCpt. John Smoot ChapterCpt. John Smoot Chapter

Christopher J. Raborg, Editor MDSSAR 2012-2013 Yearbook pg. 72

#12 #12 #12 --- Cpt. John Smoot ChapterCpt. John Smoot ChapterCpt. John Smoot Chapter

Christopher J. Raborg, Editor MDSSAR 2012-2013 Yearbook pg. 73

#13 #13 #13 --- Westminster ChapterWestminster ChapterWestminster Chapter


Annual Report of the Westminster Chapter, MDSSAR for the year 2012

Greetings to the Maryland Society, Sons of the American Revolution and all of the Maryland

Chapters and members at large.

The Chapter members continue to participate in one or more of the activities of the Sons

of the American Revolution at the state and local level during 2012. For the past 12 years the

Westminster Chapter has marched under their chapter banner in the annual Memorial Day Pa-

rade in Westminster, Maryland. The first parade and service were celebrated on 30 May 1868

when Mary Bostwick Shellman gathered school children to march through Westminster to the

town cemetery to adorn graves of Union soldiers with a flower. At the service following each

year's parade, a wreath from the chapter is presented in Westminster Cemetery. Additionally, in

support of our goals to reach out to the community and as part of the Memorial Day activities

we prepared a display within the Westminster public library of SAR information along with

American Revolution artifacts. We received favorable feedback and comments from library


The Westminster Chapter held two business/dinner meetings and one business meeting

in 2012.

During the October business meeting Sgt. Keith Benfer, Westminster Maryland Police Depart-

ment, provided an overview of the “Shop with a cop” program. This program originated as a

way to give deserving children an opportunity to purchase Christmas gifts for their family

members. The children are teamed with a police department employee to select gifts for the

holiday season. The program also gives children the opportunity to meet and spend time with

police officers in a positive and non-confrontational environment. Lou Raborg, President Mar-

yland State Sons of the American Revolution, presented Sgt. Benfer with the Law Enforcement

Commendation. The highlights of our business/dinner meeting included the induction of two

new members into the Westminster chapter; the presentation of flag certificates, and the award-

ing of a War Service medal in recognition of military service. Also we presented Outstanding

Citizenship Certificates and Pins to a graduating senior of all the high schools in Carroll County

as well as a silver medal to a cadet at McDaniel College and two Jr. ROTC medals in the Car-

roll County Schools. The chapter website has been updated with the recent accomplishment of

the chapter as well as the recent publication of the chapter’s newsletter.

During the business part of our meeting the following items were discussed:

Eagle Scout Program

Essay Contest

Citizenship Program

Christopher J. Raborg, Editor MDSSAR 2012-2013 Yearbook pg. 74

#13 #13 #13 --- Westminster ChapterWestminster ChapterWestminster Chapter

Memorial Day Parade

Medals and Awards

Grave marking of Revolutionary Patriots.

Flag Certificates

Election of the Westminster Chapter Officers for the year 2013

President Dr. Cecil M. Massie

Vice President James F. Engler Sr.

Secretary Charles R. Hedges

Treasurer Leonard P. Easton

Registrar Jim Haines

Chaplin Dr. Charles Wolfe

Web Master James F. Engler, Sr.

We wish to thank all of the officers and members of the MDSSAR for their support during the

year 2012.

Respectfully Submitted

Charles R. Hedges, Secretary

Christopher J. Raborg, Editor MDSSAR 2012-2013 Yearbook pg. 75

#14 #14 #14 --- Thomas Stone ChapterThomas Stone ChapterThomas Stone Chapter

Thomas Stone Chapter Maryland Society, Sons of the American Revolution

President’s Report of Activity

April 1, 2012 - March 31, 2013

Chapter officers for this time period: President Dave Langford V.P. Charles County Kirk Bowie V.P. St. Mary’s County Joe Gardner V.P. Calvert County Rich Fleming Chancellor Ron Gibson Secretary Tim Dyson Registrar Neal Johnson Treasurer Jim McCrary Historian Mike Mazzeo Chaplain Brandon Martin ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Webmaster Jay Martin* *not a SAR member Highlights of the activities of the Chapter during the year include: Chapter Color Guard- The Color Guard continued to be active in southern Maryland. During the past year, activity of the Color Guard included: Our continued participation in the George Washington Portrait Program, by helping with fund raising for the portraits, and then formally presenting the portraits at the elementary schools in Charles and St. Mary’s Counties in our uniforms. July 4 grave marking and life fire demonstration at the home of Thomas Stone “Havre de Ven-ture”. The Color Guard was again involved with the National Park Service in planning the event. The guest speaker was Scott Hill, the Supervisory Ranger for the site. In December, the Color Guard again participated in the Wreaths Across America program at the Cheltenham Veterans Cemetery in Prince Georges County. State SAR President, Lou Raborg, joined us.

Christopher J. Raborg, Editor MDSSAR 2012-2013 Yearbook pg. 76

#14 #14 #14 --- Thomas Stone ChapterThomas Stone ChapterThomas Stone Chapter

On February 19th, the Color Guard participated in a program for the children called “Travel Through Time” at Leonardtown Elementary School. The PTA, in thanks for our participation, sent us a check for $275, to be used to purchase another portrait for St. Mary’s County. In the past year, we have added another member to our Color Guard, Compatriot Joe Gard-ner. The George Washington Portrait Program- The Chapter continued its support of this program to place portraits of George Washington in all the elementary schools of St. Mary’s and Charles Counties. We have been very successful as of this report. In St. Mary’s County, all public elementary schools now have a portrait, and the Color Guard have placed 10 of these. At one school the Superintendent of Schools attended with local press coverage. We also have a portrait purchased for a parochial school in St. Mary’s County and will be pre-senting it within the next 4 weeks. In Charles County, the Color Guard has placed 11 portraits and have plans for another one in the next 4 weeks. There are only 6 schools left without a portrait, and we have recently re-ceived a donation for one of these. Several local newspaper stories about this program has raised the awareness of the SAR in the tri-county region. This program has been truly a “win-win program” for the community, the SAR and the children. In both counties, some of the schools had previously received a portrait through a grant pro-gram with Mt. Vernon. However, the Chapter and its Color Guard have placed the majority of portraits in the schools here. General Meetings- The spring General Membership Meeting was held on May 5, 2012 at the Prime Street Grill, in White Plains, MD. Our guest speaker was an executive from the Mt. Vernon organization, Mr. Stephen McLeod. Highlights of the meeting included the induction of officers that were voted on at the previous fall meeting. At this time the VP for Calvert County position was still open. Color Guard Coordinator Charles Boone reported that the Color Guard had made 26 appear-ances since its founding three years ago. Six members where awarded bronze medals for their level of participation.

Christopher J. Raborg, Editor MDSSAR 2012-2013 Yearbook pg. 77

#14 #14 #14 --- Thomas Stone ChapterThomas Stone ChapterThomas Stone Chapter

The membership voted to support a Chapter Website, and a Webmaster was named. Charles Boone was recognized for his service as a Past President and Joe Gardner was recog-nized for his service in the Korean War. Our summer General Membership Meeting was held on July 28 at the Outback Steak House, California, MD. Guest speaker was Dr. Robert James. During this meeting Rich Fleming volunteered to be acting VP for Calvert County. The Fall/Winter General Membership Meeting was held on December 1, at the Greene Turtle Restaurant, Prince Frederick, MD. The Guest speaker was Kirsti Uunila. At this meeting we vot-ed on our officer slate for the coming year, including Rich Fleming as VP for Calvert County. This slate is what is named on the first page of the report. Board meetings- A first board meeting of the “Chapter year” was held on June 26, 2012 and we were honored to have the State SAR President, Lou Raborg, attend. Lou shared with us his vision for the SAR as well as donated an item for us to raffle. The second board meeting was on September 4th. At this meeting the slate of officers for the coming year was proposed by the nominations committee. David Langford agreed to serve one more year, to make a total of three years as President. All the other Officers also agreed to stay in their current positions. We also discussed the new website for the Chapter, The third board meeting was on December 11th. At this meeting we voted to donate money to the National SAR for the Foundation Project. We donated $250, which will entitle us to get a special flag streamer. The foundation’s fundraising objective is for a new library and museum in Louisville. The fourth board meeting was on February 4th. At this meeting we discussed “Operation Reach” at the state and local level, re-instituting the flag certificate program, and also the ap-peal for funds for the Washington Monument to be placed in Hagerstown.

Grave Markings- On October, members of the Chapter participated in a grave marking ceremony for departed member Harold Cooksey, of Charles County. There was a large turnout of family members for this affair and they were very appreciative of the SAR for doing this.

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#14 #14 #14 --- Thomas Stone ChapterThomas Stone ChapterThomas Stone Chapter

July 4th observance- Previously mentioned under Color Guard Report. The SAR has become an integral part of this annual affair at the Thomas Stone NHS, attended by the public. Wreaths Across America- The Color Guard again has been a regular participant in this ceremony each December at Chel-tenham. Flag Certificate- Two individuals in southern Maryland were indentified in March 2013 to be worthy of receiv-ing a certificate, and will be honored in April or May. Knight Essay Contest- Three essays were submitted, and after review one was selected as the chapter winner and sent on to State. The student and a guest will be invited to our Spring General Meeting, to read the essay. JROTC- The Chapter continues to support all the JROTC units in the public high schools of the three counties. As of July, 2012, we had presented medals to 12 units in this area. The Chapter Out-standing JROTC cadet Award went to a young man from a high school in Calvert County. The current JROTC coordinator is Fred Scott. Mainly the Vice Presidents or other current and former officers do presentations. Most of the presentations of the Bronze Medals and Certificates take place in the spring, and the Chapter has an outstanding record of participation in these ceremonies in last year. Other activities- Compatriot Jim Berry showed initiative in noting that the State road sign near La Plata about Thomas Stone and his Estate (NHS) was in poor condition. He contacted the State and they responded with refurbishing the sign. A special ceremony is planned for April 6th to recognize the refurbishment of the sign, with local Charles County Commissioners being invited. Our chapter continues to support the History Day Fair in Charles and Calvert Counties. We do-nate $50 to the individual student who is awarded this in each county.

Christopher J. Raborg, Editor MDSSAR 2012-2013 Yearbook pg. 79

Committee ChairmenCommittee ChairmenCommittee Chairmen

Committee Name Committee Chairman

American Flag R. Duane Tackitt

Americanism Lester A. Foster

Americanism Poster Contest C. Louis Raborg, Jr.

Annual Meeting* (1st Vice President)

Budget/Audit/Finance Lester A. Foster

Bylaws/Constitution Edward A. Foreman, Jr.

CAAH Fundraising William C. Batton

CAR/DAR/SAR Liaison Brooks Morton

Color Guard Commander David H. Embrey

Council of Past Presidents* (Immediate Past President)

Eagle Scouts Jon Streett

Executive Committee* (President)

George Washington Luncheon Carroll J. Collins

Knight Essay Contest C. Louis Raborg, Jr.

MD 400 Board of Trustees* (3rd Vice President)

Medals & Awards R. Duane Tackitt

Memorials & Graves Christopher T. Smithson

Newsletter Editor Vacant

Nominating Committee* (National Trustee)

Outreach Education Vacant

Patriots’ Ball David W. Hoover

ROTC/Outstanding Citizenship Awards George Satterthwaite, II

Rumbaugh Orations Contest Christopher Raborg

SAR Auto Tags Carroll J. Collins

Semi-Annual Meeting* (2nd Vice President)

Washington/Rochambeau Rev. Route Robert E. Reyes

Yearbook Editor Christopher J. Raborg

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American Flag American Flag American Flag R. Duane TackittR. Duane TackittR. Duane Tackitt

Christopher J. Raborg, Editor MDSSAR 2012-2013 Yearbook pg. 81

Americanism Poster ContestAmericanism Poster ContestAmericanism Poster Contest C. Louis Raborg, Jr.C. Louis Raborg, Jr.C. Louis Raborg, Jr.

Christopher J. Raborg, Editor MDSSAR 2012-2013 Yearbook pg. 82

Color GuardColor GuardColor Guard David H. EmbreyDavid H. EmbreyDavid H. Embrey

Color Guard Annual Report

Saturday Feb 18 George Washington Luncheon SAR

Monday Feb 20 GW Luncheon, 11:30 Ft. Myers DC SAR,DAR CAR

Sunday Mar 11 Baltimore Chapter 120 Birthday Bash, 2:00 DAR

Saturday Mar 17 Battle of Guilford Court House NSSAR

Greensboro, NC

Sunday Mar 18 Hereditary Order of the Signers of the Bush Declaration, 4:30

Thursday Mar 22 MSSDAR Annual Congress, 7:00, MSSDAR

arrive at 6:00

Saturday Apr 14 Annual Meeting, 1:00, arrive 12:30 MDSSAR

Saturday April 28 Grave Marking- John Eager Howard, 11:00 DAR

Monday May 28 National Memorial Day Parade, NSSAR

Washington DC, 2:00

Saturday June 2 Grave Marking Mary Carroll Caton, DAR

a true Daughter of Charles Carroll, 11:00

Sunday June 3 Grey Rock Mansion, Col. Howard Chapter MDSSAR

Sunday June 24 Dedication of Grave Marker, General Joseph MDSSAR

Swearigen, 3:00

Saturday August 4 Joshua Barney Grave Marking Pittsburgh, PA SAR and DAR

Fri/Sat Aug 10-11 AMS Conference, Newark Delaware AMS/NSSAR

Hilton Christiana (186 miles)

Fri/Sat Sept 14-15 Constitution Week 2012, Philadelphia, PA NSSAR

Friday Oct 5 The National Association of Medical

Examiners (NAME) annual meeting in Baltimore

Saturday Dec 8 Patriots Ball ,Crown Plaza, Timonium MD MDSSAR

Present Colors- Flags Musket & Fife and Drum

Saturday Feb 23 George Washington Luncheon MDSSAR

Thursday Mar 21 MSSDAR Annual Conference DAR

Sunday Apr 7 Annual Meeting of the HOSBD

Saturday Apr 13 Annual Meeting MDSSAR

Christopher J. Raborg, Editor MDSSAR 2012-2013 Yearbook pg. 83

Knight Essay ContestKnight Essay ContestKnight Essay Contest C. Louis Raborg, Jr.C. Louis Raborg, Jr.C. Louis Raborg, Jr.

Christopher J. Raborg, Editor MDSSAR 2012-2013 Yearbook pg. 84

Medals and AwardsMedals and AwardsMedals and Awards R. Duane TackittR. Duane TackittR. Duane Tackitt

State Medal of Distinguished Service

David Hoover

Patriot Medal

Gary R. Neil

J. Patrick Warner

Meritorious Service Medal

Charles L. Bishop (C)

Paul J. Offutt (C)

W. Jerome Offutt (C)

Luther D. Parrack, Jr. (C)

Christopher J. Raborg (S)

William L. Robertson (C)

George Satterthwaite, II (S)

Silver Good Citizenship

George D. Deleplaine Jr. (C)

Douglas C. Favorite (C)

Cornelius R. Fay III (C)

Carl R. Harbaugh (C)

Bronze Good Citizenship Medal

William C. Batton (S)

Daniel Klein (C)

Fred Stenton (C)

Jonathan T. Streett (S)

War Service Medals

Gary Leroy Brohawn, USA (Desert Storm)

Michael B. Crow, USMC (Vietnam)

Robert Edwin Crumbaugh, Jr. WWII)

Michael David Harbaugh, USMC (Vietnam)

Richard Charles Manning, USN (WWII)

Steven Wayne McDonald, USA (Southwest Asia)

Matthew Scott Moyer, USAF (Global War on Terrorism)

Arthur Petruccelli, USAF (Global War on Terrorism)

Zachary Robert Sanders, USMC (Afghanistan)

Military Service Medals

Charles F. Bowers, Jr., USA

Marion D. Carmack, Jr., MDNG

Walter Thomas Coryell, USA

Norman Marshall Covert, USA

George Birley Delaplaine, Jr., USN

Robert Gerald Jacobs, USA

Eugene Ralph Moyer, USN

William G. Nemith, USA

James Kenneth Palmisano, USN

Donald Edward Sanders, USMC

George L. Sherwood, Jr., USA

Ansel G. Shircliffe, USAF

Roger S. Whiteford, III, USA

Maryland Society Sons of the American Revolution

2013 Awards

May 1, 2012-April 30, 2013

May 1, 2013

Christopher J. Raborg, Editor MDSSAR 2012-2013 Yearbook pg. 85

Medals and AwardsMedals and AwardsMedals and Awards R. Duane TackittR. Duane TackittR. Duane Tackitt

MD400 Distinguished Service Medals

SGT Devlon Anderson

SSG Sonja Christian)

CSM David C. Corkran Jr. (Ret)

COL Wayne Johnson (Ret)

MAJ Robert J. Marchanti, II

MSgt Olen D. Smith, III

Service to Veterans Medal

Franklin R. Joy ©

Maryland 400 Program ($100 Level)

Richard K. Biddle William A. Carpenter (2 Certificates)

Robert N. Cleaver Walter T.F. Coryell George N. Crawford, Sr. Robert Wynter Davies Donald A. Deering George B. Delaplaine, Jr. (2 Certificates)

Robert A. Dietrich William O. Disney, Sr. Edward A. Foreman Randall D. Grimsley Kenneth Day Hershberger

Mark Leroy Hoke Gordon M. Holland Ernest L. Irish John W. Kerrigan Charles L. Lafayette, II David G. Langford Clarence Edward Lee Ronald L. O. Maher, III Robert J. T. Maher Tilghman Mc Cabe, Jr. Cardinal Theodore E. Mc Carrick (5 Certificates)

Robert E. Phillips Steven R. Piper George Satterthwaite, II

Clifford L. Sayre, Jr. Sheldon L. Shealer, Jr. William P. Smithson Orlando W. Springs Roy S. Stavely, III John A. Trimmer John H. Vandegriff Joseph P. Warner Charles Joseph Wells

SAR Daughters of Liberty Medal

Elizabeth A. Deering, ©

SAR Medal of Appreciation

Jeanne Harris Brasefield (S)

Susan Brown (S)

Elizabeth A. Derring OLC (C)

Ann C. Meilleur (C)

Linda Mistler (S)

Martha Washington

Kay Barnes (C)

Susan Fannoney (S)

Jan Gatton Kalmus (S)

Rebekah Raborg (S)

Susan Young Smith (S)

Julia Willams (S)

State Past-President Pin/Certificate

C. Louis Raborg, Jr

Chapter Past-President Pin/Certificate check with Chapter

James G. Ballard, Jr.

Christopher J. Raborg, Editor MDSSAR 2012-2013 Yearbook pg. 86

Medals and AwardsMedals and AwardsMedals and Awards R. Duane TackittR. Duane TackittR. Duane Tackitt

William C. Batton

Charles L. Bishop

Robert C. Cleaver

J. Russell Fugett

Luther D. Parrack, Jr.

Bronze Color Guard Medal

Andrew L. Bass (C)

Charles L. Bishop (C)

Norman M. Covert (C)

Donald A. Deering (C)

George E. Lewis, Jr. (C)

Christopher J. Raborg (S)

Samuel L. Raborg (S)

Louis P.M. Raborg (S)

Richard L. Stup (C)

Charles L. Schrodel (C)

CAR-SAR Bronze Medal of Appreciation

Katherine M. Kraft (S)

Law Enforcement Commendation Medal

SGT Keith Benfer (Westminster)

Chief Gregory L. Eyler (Sgt. Lawrence Everhart)

Trooper First Class Andrew T. Farrell (Little Meadows Chapter)

Carl R. Harbaugh (Sgt Lawrence Everhart)

SAR 50 Year Pin

W. King Barnes, Jr.

Richard K. Biddle

John B. Breckeneridge

George B. Delaplaine, Jr.

William J. Offutt

(S) State Level (C) Chapter Level

Medals and Awards Committee:

R. Duane Tackitt, Chairman

Rick Stup

James Engler

Douglas Favorite

William C. Batton

Respectfully submitted:

R. Duane Tackitt, CAPT, MSC, USN (Ret)

Chairman, Awards Committee

Christopher J. Raborg, Editor MDSSAR 2012-2013 Yearbook pg. 87

Rumbaugh Orations ContestRumbaugh Orations ContestRumbaugh Orations Contest Christopher J. RaborgChristopher J. RaborgChristopher J. Raborg

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MDSSAR Contact Information for upcoming 2013MDSSAR Contact Information for upcoming 2013MDSSAR Contact Information for upcoming 2013---2014 year2014 year2014 year

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MDSSAR Contact Information for upcoming 2013MDSSAR Contact Information for upcoming 2013MDSSAR Contact Information for upcoming 2013---2014 year2014 year2014 year