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Marton Newsletter February 2018

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Marton Newsletter

February 2018

Marton contacts

Inside the village

Marton Parish Council Clerk Selina Turner 01788 310113 selinaturner [email protected]

Chair Michael Koch 01926 633177 [email protected]

Vice Chair Faye Chambers 01926 632114

Councillors David Fry 01926 632936

Roy Hitchman 01926 633165

Rob Lummis 01926 632777

Village Organisations Marton Newsletter (Editorial) Selina Turner 01788 310113

Marton Newsletter (Advertising) Sharon Edwards [email protected]

Playing Field Association Sarah Dodd [email protected]

Neighbourhood Watch Cath Malin

Village Hall Cate Cooke 01926 633788 [email protected]

Bingo Ann Landsbury 01926 633406

Cricket Club Alan Naylor 01926 633229

Marton Museum David Fry 01926 632936

Local History Andy Bolam 01926 634841

Marton Walkers Mike Johnson 01926 632960

Pig Club Andrew Cooke 01926 633788

Brownies Elizabeth Murray 01926 815466

Church Warden Janet Paget 01926 632509

Jenny Walsh 01926 632547

Dog Warden Andrea Jacques 01926 632799

Snow Warden Graham Wood 01926 632610 Website email: [email protected]

Join Marton group email and find out the news as it happens or circulate your requests or

offers. If you want to be added to the group contact: [email protected]

Marton Diary

Diary Dates

Marton Village Hall

Every Tuesday (During term


Brownies 6.15 - 7.15

Every Thursday

Target Fitness 7.00 - 8.00

Every Friday Fortnight

Bingo 7.30 - 9.00

NB Please note the deadline for the March Newsletter will be Sunday 18 February 2018.



2 Mobile Library 11.00

2 Bingo 19.30

4 Church: ‘In The Spirit’ 18.00

8 Retirees’ Tea 14.00

11 Church: Holy Communion 10.30

12 Graham Robson Presentation 19.30

16 Bingo 19.30

18 Church: All Age Family Worship 10.30

18 Litter Pick 10.00

22 Church: Coffee Morning 10.30

23 Mobile Library 11.00

25 Church: Holy Communion 10.30

25 Marton Walkers 11.00

25 Marton Cinema 20.00


2 Bingo 19.30

3 Progressive Dinner 19.00

4 Church: ‘In The Spirit, Napton 18.00

8 Retirees’ Tea 14.00

11 Church: Family Service 10.30

13 Marton Parish Council 19.30

16 Mobile Library 11.00

16 Bingo 19.30

18 Church: All Age Family Worship 10.30

22 Church: Coffee Morning 10.30

23 Bingo 19.30

25 Marton Walkers 10.00

25 Church: Holy Communion 10.30

26 Marton Local History Group 19.30

Marton News


Marton Christmas Greetings Generosity

We are grateful for all the money raised from payments for those Christmas Greetings included in the December Newsletter. Thanks to many donations in excess of the basic fee we managed a total of £145 which will help to keep the Newsletter going for another year.

Marton Bus Service

Messages on Marton group email recently revealed the existence of a new bus service to Southam and Leamington. The 64 will now use the stop at the Birdingbury Road junction. Buses are roughly every hour, from around 9.00am. For exact times see the website


Marton improvements to look forward to in 2018

At the recent parish council meeting it became apparent that a lot of improvements to aspects of village life that have been in the pipeline for some while will come to fruition in early 2018. Some will be outlined in a bit more detail elsewhere or in the parish council minutes (see pages 12-15). They include:

The installation of two defibrillators for easy access in the village.

The resurfacing of the main A423 through the village (see pages 3, 8-9)

The installation of new vehicle activated speed warning signs on the main road

Replacement kissing gate on the main road entrance to the playing fields

Replacement and additional grit bins with improved appearance.

Repairs and improvements to the museum

New replacement street lamp in High Street as part of the long term replacement of all Marton Street lamps with more efficient versions.

Join us on a Litter-Pick

10.00am Sunday 18 February By the Bus Shelter

A perfect time (weather permitting). with the road

closed. Pickers and bags provided.

Marton Parking

It has been a few years since this matter was last raised in the Newsletter. Car parking on the streets of Marton will always be a problem until the day when self driving taxis reduce the need for multi-car households.

For the moment, however, we are making a plea for as much care as possible to be taken when parking near the pinch points in the village. For example; near the North Street junctions, in Church Street - especially near the Village Hall and in parts of the High Street. As well as for conventional traffic, parking can cause additional difficulty for emergency vehicles.

Marton News

Newsbite Access issues: Resurfacing of the Main Road

As you will have probably seen by the yellow signs on the main road there will be some problems

regarding access to the village from Sunday 18 February. Hopefully this short term pain will be worth it for the benefit of having a much improved road surface (see pages 8-9 for details).

The parish council have been pressing for the road to be properly resurfaced since the inadequate, superficial surface dressing applied a few years ago. Since that time the road has cracked up in places and depressions have got worse. Drains and service hatches have also become insecure. All of which have worsened the noise from lorries for nearby residents. The standard of the finish to the surface by the southern entrance should give an idea of what a thorough resurfacing can achieve. We look forward to seeing such an improvement along the whole stretch of the road passing through the village.


Workshops and walk create a warm glow

The new year kicked off in great style with the Christmas Tree bonfire party, where almost 180 people made a magical parade of

lanterns, fairy lights and glow sticks up to the pig field. The fantastic turn-out was boosted no doubt by the extra activities organised for 2018, including a bush craft and bonfire skills workshop and two lantern making workshops.

The bushcraft was very ably provided by Long Itchington scout leaders and gave participants the opportunity to try a range of exciting new challenges, from making stick-twisted

dampers, to starting fires with flint steel strikers, to identifying the best trees for

Marton News


Marton Security

After some break-ins in Marton before and after Christmas we need to be especially vigilant. Apart from the normal precautions more needs to be done to secure outbuildings containing valuables.

The police property marking event in late November at the village Hall was followed up on Monday 22 January with a more general meeting where the police gave a presentation on Prevention of Rural Crime with a Q & A session afterwards.


campfire wood. Participants from toddler to teen had a fantastic time and accompanying adults appreciated being allowed to test the delicious potatoes, popcorn, calzone and s’mores they cooked on the open fire.

Resident artist Faye led lantern making workshops, providing simple instructions for pyramid lanterns and additional willow materials for those with unbounded creativity and ambition. The results from the 27 participants of all ages were stunning and led to a fish, a fox, a birdcage and a great array of decorated pyramids swinging along on the parade to the pig field. For the Retirees’ Tea workshop, fuelled by plentiful cake, window-sill size lanterns were made by about twenty of Marton’s more senior residents, who loved the colour-changing tea lights and came up with equally magical decoration ideas.

The belated Twelfth Night celebration at the pig field was no less inspiring, with a huge bonfire of Christmas trees, many of which had been robustly dragged through

mud all the way to Eathorpe Park. A biscuit lottery elected a King and Queen, who passed 24-hour laws about kissing (compulsory) and singing (banned) while their subjects toasted their good health or planned their revolutions over fortifying mulled wine. Once this ran out a return to the village hall bar was inevitable for most and a wonderful evening continued with great shared food and quality company.

The events were supported by a small Rugby Borough Arts Development grant and a host of fabulous volunteers who collected trees, prepared the field, served refreshments, baked biscuits, cleared up after workshops, delivered flyers etc etc… We salute you all.

Marton News

Bonfire Party


Foam party Marton-style

It was another bumper year for the Children’s Christmas Party, with more than 40 sugar-fuelled children, a cuddly handful of babies and a mass of grateful adults all taking the opportunity to let off steam on an overcast December afternoon.

The entertainer – Epic Em – totally lived up to his name and delivered a party to remember. With an astonishing amount of energy his

Marton News


Southam College Community

Education Centre

The College offers a varied

programme of courses,

daytime and evening, in

Southam and surrounding

villages. Subjects include

Creative Arts and Crafts,

Fitness and Wellbeing,

Languages, IT and Personal


Leaflets are available in many

local venues including

libraries, leisure centre and

shops and can be viewed on

their web page


(together with further

information about courses

and fees).

Some classes are

oversubscribed so please

contact Sue Hawthorn to

check availability and reserve

a place on 01926 810942 or

email [email protected]


music, games and banter with the children got everyone well and truly involved. The addition of a bubble machine and snow machine made it enormous fun, preparing Marton children well for any Ibiza-style foam parties in their future!

Thanks needs to be paid to the volunteers who organised and helped with the party and to the village hall committee, which subsidises the party to make it affordable at an otherwise pricey time of year for families. Thank you all.

Sheila Needle

I am very happy to report that Sheila seems to have settled well after the move to Aslockton Hall where she is well looked after and enjoying frequent visits from her family.

Her new address for correspondence is c/o Andrew Needle Chatelain Cottage Main Street Whatton Notts, NG13 9EP

The Needle family would like to thank all those Martonians who have shown such kindness to Sheila and Clive over many years and especially in the last few difficult months.

Vicki Jones

Marton News



Marton News

A423 Road Closure Diversion Signposts



These details have ben supplied by W.C.C. to cover the closure of the A423 in the village from Sunday 18 February to Wednesday 7 March (see map opposite)

The closure is required to facilitate carriageway resurfacing works.

The Order will commence on 18 February 2018 and will last for a period of 18 months, or until the works are completed, whichever is the earlier. However, it is anticipated that the works will be completed by 7 March 2018.

Pedestrian access to and egress from properties and land situated adjacent to the length of road to be closed will be maintained at all times. Vehicular access will be maintained where possible.

The Council regrets any inconvenience that may be caused. The team dealing with this Temporary Traffic Order at Warwickshire County Council is County Highways North (Tel: 01926 412515).

Any enquiries relating to the works being undertaken may be directed to the contractor dealing with this matter is Paul Kelly for Balfour Beatty (Tel: 07837 319323 or 24hr 01675 467523).

Informal Tips For Being Prepared

Will probably need at least the fortnight projected.

Will start by the Wood Yard on the first Sunday.

Will start work at 9.00am and finish at 3.30pm each weekday,

Will continue every weekend from 8.00am - 5.00pm.

Depending on how far work has progressed north exit or south exit will be unavailable to villagers and signposted diversion routes need to be taken (see opposite page).

Allow for extra time

Tell contractors on the day if you have an urgent appointment if the work might block your entrance at that time.

Maybe move your car to an accessible point if resurfacing is approaching your exit and you need to use your car.

Marton News

A423 Road Closure


also came along to join in the fun. Our new

Vicar, Rev Jane Everitt, made her first visit to

the tea party and we hope to welcome her

to future events.

Plans for 2018 tea parties include a history

talk and a slide show of a villager’s visit to

Antarctica. All retirees in the village are

welcome to attend - please come along for a

Marton Events

Afternoon Tea

November’s Tea

The Marton Retirees’ tea

parties, which are held in the

War Memorial Hall at 2.00pm

on the second Thursday of the

month, continue to be well

attended. Thanks must go to

Mary Harrison for her

organisation and baking skills,

her band of helpers in the

kitchen and the sponsors which

make the events possible.

In December the tea party

turned into a Christmas outing,

when 24 retirees and

supporters visited the Fox and

Hen at Bascote Heath for a two

course meal, complete with

crackers. After the meal Mary

was presented with a potted

Azalea and a bottle of wine to

thank her for all her hard work

during the year.

The first event of 2018 saw the

retirees making willow

lanterns, led by Faye Chambers

with Sarah Coe. Toddler

George and baby Elizabeth 10

delicious range of sandwiches, home-make

cakes and cream scones, all served with

either tea or coffee - and all with no charge!

Marton Events

Graham’s Annual Talk


Summary of the

Minutes of Marton

Parish Council

Meeting held

7.30pm 9 January

2018 at Marton

Village Hall.

(NB Draft only- formal

approval of the

minutes will take place

at the next MPC



Parish Council Meeting

Posters to be

updated and

reinstalled into the


Concern has been

expressed with

regards parking in

Marton and the

access for emergency

vehicles in the event

of an emergency.

This has been raised

numerous times over

Marton Parish


the years and no resolution can be found.

A one way system has been explored

previously but would not change where

people park.

Data Protection – changes in the law from May

2018. To be added to the agenda. Training

to be identified.


Cllr Koch (Chair), Cllr Chambers (Vice Chair),

Cllr Fry, Cllr Hitchman, Cllr Lummis, Selina

Turner (Clerk) and one member of the



Crime Report – From police had been

distributed prior to the meeting. There has

been a burglary in Birdingbury Road

between Christmas and New Year. This will

appear in the next crime report.

Any other police issues

Police Property Marking Event – Feedback

has been very positive and the event was

well attended.

Village Meeting - The Rugby Rural South

Crime Prevention Team, will attend/

support a meeting in the village in the

evening 22 January 2018. Details to be

confirmed, to give crime prevention advice

and support. Advertising of this event to

take place in a number of ways.

Bikes on the Railway – Was voted as one of

the police priorities so should receive more


Marton Parish


Flood Alleviation – Cllr Fry

Flood Action Plan - Cllr Fry

had circulated a draft

copy to all prior to the


Flood Action meeting of

councillors to be

arranged separately to

finalise the document

and devise a telephone

cascade system. It was

thought that this should

be sooner rather than

later. Flood Wardens to

be identified.

Road Signs – Signs will not

be made available by

WCC until the above are

finalised and maybe not

even then.

Traffic Issues

A423 additional

developments – signs

have been put in place

with dates for the work

to commence. The online

diversion does not

appear to make sense,

MPC have had no 13

attention. Pictures of some offenders have

been given to the police. They have been

sent section notices, if caught again they

will have their bikes seized. Reports that

letters have been stolen from external

letterboxes in surrounding villages that may

lead to identity theft.


Not present at the meeting.

The action plan for the housing needs survey

had been sent by Cllr Crane. Cllr Koch’s

feedback was that it contained a lot of

general information but nothing specific to



Coventry Airport Proposal – No direct effect on

Marton. Monitor for changes/decisions.

R17/0985 – Marton Farm House – Listed

Building Consent for the replacement of

two front dormer windows – Approved,

remove from agenda.

R17/2078 – Top Farm, Long Itchington Road, -

Single-Storey Steel Framed Building to

House an Agricultural Facility for the

Hatching of day Old Chicks plus Associated

Plant and Ancillary Structures and Works to

Highway Access, Following the Demolition

of the Existing Agricultural Buildings. No

concerns raised.


agreed that MPC would take on the

ongoing maintenance. A number of

people have put themselves forward to

form a rota for the weekly checks.

Neighbourhood Watch – See village meeting

above. Continue to push for it to be on the

agenda of the next Dunchurch Meeting

Transparency Grant Fund – Clerk and Cllr

Koch have not had an opportunity to

come together.

Marton Housing Needs Survey – Cllr Koch.

See item 7.

Grit Bins – Agreed that MPC would support

with the purchase on an additional bin for

Chapel End. We are not allowed to buy

without Highways Department

permission. Once obtained a new bin will

be ordered along with a replacement bin

for the broken one in Church Street.


Progress on state of A423 – Cllr Hitchman

Surface – See 9b above.

Gully on Main Road – Nothing to report.

Drains – Nothing to report.

Hedges – Nothing to report.

Village Grass Cutting – Cllr Hitchman

reported that due to the reduction of

work in the area, Fairways will only

provide a fortnightly service. There is

Marton Parish


official notification at the


Update on VAS system –

there has been a change

in personnel at WCC.

Written quotes to be

obtained for cost. To

explore location further

in relation to lamp posts

and electricity supply.

Dog Fouling Issues – There

has been a reduction in

the number of concerns

received. The problem of

overflowing bins after

Christmas has now been


Defibrillator Fundraising –

The defibrillators have

now been purchased and

are in storage. In the

process of getting quotes

for them to be fitted.

Locations have been

agreed as one by the

village hall and one by

the notice board in

Birdingbury Road. They

are covered by MPC

insurance and it was


difficultly in finding other commercial

providers locally with the right

equipment. Agreed that we would

monitor progress. Cllr Hitchman to

update the cricket club.

Playing Field Committee issues - Cllr


General issues, no meeting has taken


Pavilion renovation update and grant

application –plans were requested.

Cllr Hitchman has previously given

these to the MPFA, we have no

additional plans.

Pavilion repairs - no update, quotes still

being obtained.

Kissing Gate Post Opposite the Elms -still

on the list for the new gate to be

installed, no time frame yet.

Street Lighting – Cllr Hitchman

Replacement Lamp for High Street – Cllr

Hitchman reported that the partshave

been ordered.

Marton Museum

Maintenance issues – Cllr Fry had

distributed quotes for the necessary

work prior to the meeting. The lower

of the two quotes were approved for

works to the roof and the lower of the

two quotes were

approved for the double

glazing work.

BUDGET 2018/2019

The precept request for

2018/2019 has been sent .



Review, and agree the

amended Risk Assessment,

Defibrillators now to be



13 March 2018

17 April 2018 – Village Meeting

8 May 2018

10 July 2018

11 September 2018

Marton Parish



Next Marton Parish

Council Meeting

7.30 Tuesday

13 March 2018

Marton Village Hall

Marton Village Hall

Village Hall Newsbites

Live & Local ‘Tanz’ Saturday 10 February 8.00 pm.

The first Live and local event of 2018. Tantz play Klezmer a musical tradition of the Ashkenazi Jews of Eastern Europe. (see page 18)

Great British Confit Charity Supper Saturday 24 February 7.00. With food supplied by Great British Confit the plan is to have supper where we all take our own cutlery, bread and salad for sharing.....the hot food is supplied in return for a donation to Macmillan Cancer Support. So numbers can be planned please let [email protected]

know that you plan to attend.

Marton Rural Cinema, Sunday 25 February. Victoria & Abdul 8.00pm (see opposite).

Village Inn Friday 23



Marton Cinema

Sunday 25 February 2018

Victoria & Abdul (PG-13) 7.30pm for 8.00pm

‘Abdul Karim arrives from India to participate in

Queen Victoria's golden jubilee. The young clerk is

surprised to find favour with the queen herself. As

Victoria questions the constrictions of her long-

held position, the two forge an unlikely and

devoted alliance that her household and inner

circle try to destroy. But she joyfully reclaims her


200 Club Winners

September - January

Marton Village Hall

200 Club Winners


Marton Village Hall

January Quiz Night

The village hall was packed

for a sell-out 2018 edition of

the fundraising quiz. The

final scores were

exceptionally close, with just

four points between the

winners and their closest

rivals, with team ‘Give Us A

Minute’ finally claiming the

top spot. There was even a

battle over last place,

although team ‘The Losers’

proved better at self-

knowledge than general

knowledge in the end. It was

a very enjoyable night and

thanks must go to quiz mater

Clare, assistant Adam, bar de

Courcy and all the caterers

and village hall volunteers

for providing such a quality

event. 18

Live & Local: TANTZ at

our Village Hall!

8.00 Saturday 10 February 2018

(Bar from 7.00)

Over the last few years, London based

klezmer/Balkan beats/gypsy jazz bohemians

Tantz have taken the UK world/roots music

scene apart with their full-on musical attack on

audiences across the length and breadth of this

nation. With incredible musical chops, an

energy not seen since punk rock's halcyon

days, there's something special about this band

that manages to touch almost everyone who

hears and sees them live, no matter what

music they're into.

Formed at the Leeds College of Music by

friends to play the music they all loved -

Marton Cricket Club

Following the village cricket

club AGM, we are pleased to

announce the following :

2018 Season MVCC


Chairperson - Kyrone Dodd

Vice Chairperson - Alan Naylor

Treasurer - Dan Liddle

Secretary - Neil Lawson

Fixtures Secretary - Loz


Team Captain - Loz Truslove

Vice Captain - select and

announce each game

Club Scorer - TBA

Webmaster - Sean Povey

Social Secretary and

Communications Officer -

Gareth Evans

Committee Support - Jay Singh

Grounds - Alan Naylor

Marton Events

Cricket Club News klezmer, gypsy jazz, Balkan music - at small

venues in the city, they soon built up a loyal

local following. A Tantz gig was not just a gig,

it was a party. As they ventured further afield

and word spread about them, the band's

sound evolved over the years into this roaring

blend of the traditional and the new that has

seen them working non-stop at all kinds of

events. World music festivals like WOMAD,

rock/electronic gatherings like Bestival and

Kendall Calling, club nights like Balkanarama

and Soul Rebels. They even played at the Brit

Awards After Party 2014. It is a 90 minute ride

of pure musical maelstrom that encompasses

thumping bass lines, frenetic violin fiddling,

drums and percussion, ska-punk chopped

guitar and stratospheric soaring clarinet solos

played so fast Charlie Parker would be proud

of them.

They describe their sound "frenzied hyper

klezmer", which gives you an idea but doesn't

even come close.

How can you miss it?

Tickets £9.00/Over 65 and Under 16 £7.00

Book with Cate Cooke: 01926 633788

[email protected]


Marton Groups

Roger Johnston

An Appreciation of His Life

The following was written by Roger’s son Simon.

Roger Johnston, aged 87, of 23 North Street died early in the morning of Sunday 17 December from cancer, in Walsgrave Hospital, Coventry.

Roger, son of Leslie Arthur and Elsie (Davy) Johnston, was born in Coventry, in 1930. From 1940 to 1946 he attended King Henry VIII School; during this period his education was disrupted by the war and in particular the blitz in April 1941, which damaged the school. After showing early promise in art, he won a full scholarship in 1947 to attend Birmingham School of Art, where he studied with the Royal Academician Fleetwood Walker. Roger secured a place at the Royal Academy Schools in London but was unable to attend due to his being called up for National Service in 1950. He subsequently became both an officer in the


Royal Artillery and a paratrooper. After serving in the Middle East, Roger taught first at Wolverhampton College of Art and then Warwickshire School of Art.

Roger was an accomplished rugby player for Nuneaton, Leamington and Warwickshire and was a lifelong supporter of the game with both the Old Coventrians and Old Leamingtonians, and was still refereeing games into his late 60s.

He had a long career teaching at Leamington College for Boys grammar school, where he became Head of the Art Department as well as running the school’s rugby teams. Roger also wrote a regular weekly column for the Coventry Evening Telegraph from 1973–75 called ‘Looking at Art’, covering Midlands exhibitions. He took early retirement from teaching in 1989, principally to assist his wife, Hazel (Dalton)

in sympathy with the scene. It’s an additive, cumulative layering process of building tone, form and depth, with occasional use of Chinese white for lighter foreground detail, grasses and so on, and some darker pen marks for detailing of definitive architectural or built forms such as walls. It becomes a fluid process of careful observation and instinctive mark-making.’

The calendar is available from with profits going to cancer care, particularly Macmillan Cancer Support, in memory of Roger’s wife, ceramic artist Hazel Johnston.

Marton Groups

Obituaries Johnston, an internationally known porcelain potter.

Throughout his career of teaching art, Roger also maintained a personal practice, working in his earlier days with oil paints, then watercolours and acrylics, as well as continuously sketching, often on holidays both in England and overseas. His preferred subject matter was English landscapes, mainly in Warwickshire, Cornwall and the Lake District, as well as railway scenes, a particular interest. He recently had an exhibition of watercolours at the Stour Gallery in Shipston, placing Roger’s work within the long tradition of English landscape watercolour painting. Roger is survived by his daughter Sarah and son Simon.

Roger’s Calendar

A short while before his death Roger published a calendar for 2018 featuring some of his paintings.

All works reproduced in the calendar were painted in situ, with no subsequent revisions or touch-ups. This fact can be seen most clearly in the ‘November’ image, painted on the Suffolk coast at Aldeburgh, where raindrops fell directly onto the watercolour whilst it was being painted, completing the naturalism of the scene in an unintentional but serendipitous manner – literally water and colour.

Roger has said of his working method: ‘With the watercolours I am working from back to front, from the far distance to the foreground. I am trying to capture the atmosphere of place, using mark-making that is


Eric Clarke

Sadly, Eric Clark of 25, Coventry Road, Marton passed away on 25 December 2017. The funeral took place in the south chapel at Oakley Wood crematorium on Thursday 18 January. Donations to RNLI.

Marton Heritage

Marton Local History

Marton Local History Group

We have gone to print before the January meeting when Susan Baria and her father are to give their second talk on the former occupants of her home, Marton Vicarage.

There will be no meeting in February as the Local History Group is on tour for 11.00am Monday 26 February at

Stoneleigh Abbey. We meet in the evening again on Monday 26 March to find out about how Marton ended up with its

Chapel. 22

Marton Nature: Graham


Seventy years ago the farmers of this county,

with the help of the Ministry of Agriculture

[now DEFRA], spent time and money

controlling the rabbit population; six adult

rabbits eat as much as one adult sheep and

increase their numbers rather more quickly.

However a disease called myxomatosis

arrived in Britain from Australia, by way of

France, and this decimated the rabbit

population. In this area the population

numbers have never reached their former

level, resulting in a lot less food for foxes.

This, together with the rapid rise in traffic on

our rural roads, has given us fewer foxes and

changes in their behaviour. There has been a

mass migration of foxes to the towns and

cities; here they have discovered that

we looked over towards the

Fosse Way and the solar farm

which is generating electricity

in the fields. The walk

continued through fields and

along footpaths which circled

back to the village where we

returned to the pub for a meal.

Marton Walks take place on

the final Sunday of the month.

We meet at a local pub and

walk a circuit of approximately

5 miles or 2

hours. A meal

or drink at the

pub afterwards

is optional. For

information on

where to meet

each month or

to join the

email list

please contact

[email protected]

or tel: 632960. You don’t have

to commit to any number of

walks – just come along when

you are available. The next

walk takes place on 24


Marton Heritage

Marton Walkers overturning wheelie bins is very fruitful.

The rabbit population has stabilised at a

new low level which is kept in check by

buzzard and red kite predation.

Nature will always win in the end.

Graham will be giving his annual update on

Marton wildlife in the village hall on the

second Monday in February. This will

include reference to a new initiative which

is the development of audio-visual teaching

material for primary schools; awareness of

nature at an early age is a subject that he

feels strongly about. (see page11)

Marton Walkers

In November the Marton Walking Group

met at the White Lion in Radford Semele.

The walk started by heading down Lewis

Road where the group joined a footpath at

the bottom of the lane which led to a

disused farmstead. Passing a friendly bull 23

An Introduction to our new Priest-in-Charge – Reverend

Jane Everitt

Rev Jane Everitt was licensed and installed as the new Priest-in-Charge in the Benefice of Holy Trinity Long Itchington and St Esprit Marton on Monday 8 January. The service marked the beginning of a new phase of ministry, both for minister and people. It was a joyful service and one from which all were left with a high sense of anticipation of God’s blessing on the years ahead, and was rightly a service of both celebration and of dignity. Thank you to all those who attended

to welcome Jane to

Marton Church


serving Marton.

The Diocese of Coventry has in recent years understood its mission in terms of three themes: Worshipping God, Making New Disciples and Transforming Communities. The service was shaped with these themes in mind and the journey and inspiration was shared by the Right Reverend John Stroyan, the Bishop of Warwick, the clergy and the congregation.

Jane, born in Nuneaton has arrived at Long Itchington and Marton via a roundabout route. She first felt called to test her vocation when living in Fleetwood on the Fylde Coast. Then having been accepted for ordination training in 2008, she attended St John's theological college for two years in Nottingham, returning to Blackburn Diocese in 2010 and was ordained Deacon. Jane was priested in 2011 while serving her curacy title in the United Benefice of Poulton, Carlton and Singleton, just outside Blackpool. Having completed her curacy, Jane's first incumbency took her to Launceston in Cornwall, where she took up the role at team rector. Now,

New Vicar Jane & the bishop

Marton Church


Thank you to everyone who decorated the church and helped with our Christmas events and services.

Particular thanks to Sarah Dodd for organising the much enjoyed nativity tableau and to the children who took part.

We also wish to thank David Doggett who kindly donated the splendid nativity set displayed on the Lady Chapel altar and Debbie Woodbridge for inspiring Marton to get involved in the village Advent windows.

Thank you to all who donated goods and food for Carriers of Hope and The Southam Foodbank during Advent – both organisations have sent their thanks for our


after nearly four years in a busy parish, she is returning to a CV postcode.

Jane is married to Tim and they have two children; daughter Hannah lives in Southampton and is married to Revd Dom Jones, and son Joe lives in Chorley with Rowena and their children Isabella aged 5 and Harrison aged 4 months. Jane's role as Priest-in-charge of Holy Trinity Long Itchington and St Esprit Marton is a part time post, which will allow her not only to follow God's call on her life and walk with the local community, but also to have more time to spend with her family. Both Jane and Tim are also looking forward to village life and becoming part of the community.

Jane’s regular working days are Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Sunday and she can be reached at The Vicarage, Leamington Road, Long Itchington, CV47 9PL. Telephone number (01926) 717909, email: [email protected].

You did not choose me but I chose you. And I appointed you to go and bear fruit, fruit that will last. John 15:16

Church Information

Cleaning & Service

February - Barbara & Judith

March - Audrey & Arthur Spring Clean Thursday 29 February


February - Barbara & Judith

March - No flowers in Lent

Church News

Marton Church


ongoing support and reiterated the increasing need in this area. In particular, the donations we took on “snow Monday” were hugely appreciated as the stores had been emptied already that day. We will continue to take any donations left in the church to both Carriers of Hope and The Foodbank.


(As explained on page 24) Our new priest-in -charge, Rev Jane Everitt was licensed on 8

January by the Bishop of Warwick, the Right Reverend John Stroyan. We are very grateful to Rev Rob Rogers for so generously supporting us throughout the interregnum and delighted that he will continue to regularly lead services here.


Please note that from February there will be a change to our regular pattern of services. It is planned that

we will hold a service of 26

Holy Communion on the second and fourth Sundays of the month and our more informal All Age Family Service will move to the third Sunday of the month, all at 10.30am. Rev Jane Everitt and Rev Rob Rogers will be sharing the service commitments. The first Sunday will continue to be the evening Deanery ”In the Spirit”, a lay led service, either in Marton or Napton at 6.00pm as per the events diary. Any fifth Sundays will be joint services at Holy Trinity Long Itchington.

PROGRESSIVE DINNER – Saturday 3 March 2018

Thank you everyone for your continued support of this very enjoyable and important fund raising event.

The Nativity Tableau

Walsh, The Cottage, North Street, 632547 or [email protected]


As in previous years we will decorate the church with lilies as part of our Easter celebrations. Donations of £2 per lily are very welcome and should be given to our Churchwarden /Treasurer, Jenny Walsh.


Our regular coffee mornings are on the fourth Thursday of the month from 10.30am in church. Everyone is very welcome at this friendly community event, with cake and chat. Don’t be shy… it’s not just for churchgoers nor is it ladies only!

Save the date: Thursdays 22 February and 22 March.

Marton Church

News Please contact Colin and Megan Oliver 4, North Street, telephone 01926 633326 or email [email protected] with any queries regarding the evening.

The form for the 2018 Marton Progressive

Dinner is enclosed (or can be obtained from

Megan or Colin Oliver). For those who've been

part of it before, please fill in the form and

return it to Megan and Colin. For those who

haven't, ring for a chat or drop in, then please

fill the form in and return it to us! It's a

thoroughly enjoyable evening and it is NOT a

cookery competition. Early replies would be

appreciated as we've not done the organising

before and it may take a while to get our

heads around all the logistics!

ALPHA 2018

We are pleased to announce that an Alpha course will be running at 7.30pm on Thursday evenings in the Green Man pub in Long Itchington, with puddings or cheese and biscuits.

Exploring is good. We’re built for it. But for all our searching – it’s rare to find time to think, and talk, about the big questions of life; about faith and reason and God and meaning. Alpha is a series of sessions exploring the Christian faith. It runs all around the globe, and everyone's welcome, even if you have attended sessions previously.

For further information contact Jenny or Joe


Marton Adverts


Marton Adverts

Local Display

Local Pub


Marton Adverts

Marton Adverts


Marton Adverts Local Display

20 Birdingbury Road Marton Rugby

Warwickshire CV23 9RY

Tel: 01926 633363

Karen’s Ironing

Friendly, fast & reliable Collection & delivery service available

Local Pub


Marton Adverts


Marton Adverts Local Display



Marton Adverts

Local Display


Marton Adverts

Local Display

Marton Adverts

Local Display

Marton Adverts


Marton Adverts

Local Display

Local Display


Marton Adverts

Marton Extra

Marton Heritage

Ann’s Marton Archives

(Marton life from the past as uncovered by Ann


14 January 1899 - Rugby Advertiser


Joyce Wells of Marton was fined 5s 6d. costs for having no mussel or collar with an inscription of the owners name of the dog in question.

P C Neal of Marton stated the facts.

(Cover picture courtesy of Michael)


27 January 1957 - Rugby Advertiser


A special joint branch meeting of the National Union of Agricultural Workers was held at Marton on Saturday.

A cheque for £1,500 was presented to Mr Ayres, who is Chairman of Marton branch, for compensation to an injury to his hand whilst working.

Babysitters List

Please contact the people below if you need a babysit-

ter (negotiate price with the individuals). If you wish to

offer your services as a babysitter (£1 for the year)

contact Faye on 632114.

Kalen Barnfather: 01926 633122 William Hillier: 01926 632412

Milly Koch: 07711 623142

Megan Lummis: 07557 942393

NB This list is for village use and only and includes only village babysitters

Don’t Forget to join us on a

Litter-Pick 10.00am Sunday 18 February

By the Bus Shelter

This is perfect time (weather permitting). As it is

the first day the road closed for resurfacing so it

will be a safe and healthy experience.

Pickers and bags provided.

Marton Contacts

Outside the village

Emergency Contacts Gas: 0800 111 999

Water: 0800 7834444

Electricity: 0800 0568090

Floodline: 0845 988 1188

NHS Direct: 111

Rugby Borough Council 01788 533533

Warwickshire County Council 01926 410410


Borough Councillor Emma Crane 07956895529

County Councillor Howard Roberts 01788 519603

[email protected]

Member of Parliament Jeremy Wright (Conservative) 01926 853650 [email protected]

Warwickshire Police County Headquarters 01926 415000

Rugby Police Station 01788 541111

Rugby Rural South – Safer Neighbourhood Team

Sergeant Sarah Masters 01788 853851

[email protected] 01788 541111

Voicemail: ext 10909

Police Officer Paula Haden 01788 853851 [email protected] 01788 541111 Voicemail: ext 11534 Police Community Support Officer 01788 853851 Kamila Shilton [email protected] Rugby Anti-Social Behaviour Wardens 0800 096 8800