martinez christian ignite

MISTAKE..? Slide 1: Hook/attention grabber. Brief stories/facts about well known successful celebrities who have made bad decisions and recovered from them.

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Christian Martinez Ignite Presentation PDF


Page 1: Martinez Christian Ignite


• Slide 1: Hook/attention grabber. Brief stories/facts about well known successful celebrities who have made bad decisions and recovered from them. !

Page 2: Martinez Christian Ignite

Or Big Break..?

• Slide 2: Hook/attention grabber. Brief stories/facts about well known successful celebrities who have made bad decisions and recovered from them. !

Page 3: Martinez Christian Ignite


• Slide 3: The Big Idea (pages 78-79). Bad decisions can still move our lives in an overall positive direction. This holds true in that we learn from our mistakes, bad decisions make us a better person by forming our character, and there is always a second chance to get back on a positive road.

Page 4: Martinez Christian Ignite

Should your mistake have the last word,

Or should you?

• Slide 4: What’s in it for your audience? Explain why your topic is important or worth discussing. Bad decisions can lead to an unfulfilled unhappy life that affects everyone around us in a negative way. This is worth discussing because everyone needs to know that a bad decision is not the end, and negative circumstances never have the last word and can be turned into something good. !

Page 5: Martinez Christian Ignite

Take it from someone who has been there.

Or see what these guys have to say..

• Slide 5: Why should your audience listen to you? Explain your ethos (personal experience, expertise, and credibility).The audience should check out my presentation because the research is credible, and a lot of good things have come out of extremely bad decisions I have made in my personal life. !

Page 6: Martinez Christian Ignite See that mistake in a new way.

• Slide 6: Call to Adventure (pages 38-39) Hopelessness, depression, and unhealthy behaviors can be defeated if we decide to actively see the good that is around us and how bad decisions are working to good in our life if we decide to keep trying to live the best life we can. !

Page 7: Martinez Christian Ignite

We learn from our mistake.

Always a second chance.

Forms our character.

• Slide 7: Preview the three main points that will support your big idea 1) Showcasing that we learn from our mistakes. 2) Raising awareness that mistakes make us a better person by forming our character. 3) Showcasing there’s always a second chance to get back on a positive road. !

Page 8: Martinez Christian Ignite

We learn from our mistakes.1.

• Slide 8: Introduce and set up Supporting Point One We learn from our mistakes.

Page 9: Martinez Christian Ignite

Can distort our choices.

Anxiety, Stress, and Fear

• Slide 9: Factual or emotional evidence: Anxiety, stress, and fear can distort our choices (factual evidence from New York Times publication; logos) !

Page 10: Martinez Christian Ignite

I dropped out of school

And graduating from Full Sail

I joined the fire department

• Slide 10: Factual or emotional evidence: Personal story about how a bad decision I made turned out to be one of the greatest decisions I could have made (emotional evidence; ethos; pathos) !

Page 11: Martinez Christian Ignite

It forms our character.


• Slide 11: Introduce and set up Supporting Point Two: Mistakes make us a better person by forming our character.

Page 12: Martinez Christian Ignite

Value of our actions = Odds x Gain

• Slide 12: Factual or emotional evidence: Daniel Bernoulli came up with an equation that states that the expected value of any our actions that is the goodness we can count on getting, is the product of two things, the odds that this action will allow us to gain something, and value of that gain to us (factual evidence from Dan Gilbert’s TED presentation; logos). !

Page 13: Martinez Christian Ignite

Make a decision to move on.

Don’t let it get the best of you.

It won’t happen automatically.

• Slide 13: Factual or emotional evidence: How bad decisions work for good (factual evidence from Joel Osteen; logos, pathos). “You must make a decision that you are going to move on. It wont happen automatically. You will have to rise up and say, ‘I don’t care how hard this is, I don’t care how disappointed I am, I’m not going to let this get the best of me. I’m moving on with my life.”

Page 14: Martinez Christian Ignite

There is always a second chance.


• Slide 14: Introduce and set up Supporting Point Three: There is always a second chance to get back on a positive road.

Page 15: Martinez Christian Ignite

Try looking at things

from a different perspective.

• Slide 15: Factual or emotional evidence: One avenue that offer an opportunity to see your mistakes in a new light is adopting the mentality of Christianity (factual evidence from Joel Osteen; logos). “You may not understand everything you are going through right now. But hold your head up high, knowing that God is in control and he has a great plan and purpose for your life.” !

Page 16: Martinez Christian Ignite

I now live in San Diego, California

• Slide 16: Factual or emotional evidence: Personal story of how I got a second chance from my personal mistakes (emotional evidence; ethos; pathos). !

Page 17: Martinez Christian Ignite

Tell someone in your own home..

how a mistake has made you a better person.

• Slide 17: Call to Action (pages 42-43) Tell someone in your own house how a mistake you made in the past has made you a better person. !

Page 18: Martinez Christian Ignite

We learn from our mistake.

Always a second chance.

Forms our character.

• Slide 18: Summarize the main points 1) Showcasing that we learn from our mistakes. 2) Raising awareness that mistakes make us a better person by forming our character. 3) Showcasing there’s always a second chance to get back on a positive road.. !

Page 19: Martinez Christian Ignite


• Slide 19: Restate big idea: Bad decisions can still move our lives in an overall positive direction. This holds true in that we learn from our mistakes, bad decisions make us a better person by forming our character, and there is always a second chance to get back on a positive road. !

Page 20: Martinez Christian Ignite

Now it’s your turn.

• Slide 20: Clincher/new bliss (page 44) Telling at least one person in your own house that bad decisions can work out for good, even more that you thought possible. Changing the idea that your mistakes in life, weren’t really mistakes at all because of who you are today, can change your entire life and affect those around you positively. !