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Page 1: MARS - › wp-content › uploads › ... · NASA seeks to recruit able crew members for its phenomenal trip to Mars. The ground breaking expedition will see the


Page 2: MARS - › wp-content › uploads › ... · NASA seeks to recruit able crew members for its phenomenal trip to Mars. The ground breaking expedition will see the

Pupil and parent learning sheetWeek beginning: 29-06-20

This week's work for Year 7 English is about looking at an advertisement to Mars.By the end of topic, you should be able to: • Analyse the impact of persuasion in images and letters from the wartime era.• Locate and examine the areas of the world that are effected by inequality. • Identify the key parts of the world that are affected by negative persuasion.• Utilise persuasive techniques to create your own letter to go to a new place.

Your work this week will include the following activities: (You do not need to print any resources! You will need your book or lined paper to complete the tasks.)• Create a bank of vocabulary and describe an image.• Infer how it would feel to be on Mars. Describe the different aspects of the red planet.• Analyse and identify the key language used in a modelled Mars advert.• Write a letter of application to be part of an expedition to Mars.• Rebrand the advert to Mars. Build a creative alternative to boost more interest in journeying to


For extra help with English learning, you may also want to look at the following:

If you complete all your work to a high standard, you may also want to start thinking in more detail about linking all of the details about how it would feel to be on a mission to Mars. How would it feel to be accepted or rejected if you wanted to go to Mars? You need to write down adjectives that would describe your emotions about acceptance or rejection on a voyage to Mars.

Page 3: MARS - › wp-content › uploads › ... · NASA seeks to recruit able crew members for its phenomenal trip to Mars. The ground breaking expedition will see the

Recap task

‘Let us pick up our books and pens’

Which part(s) of thespeech had the greatestimpact on you and why?

Create a short responseto this question in yourbook or on a piece ofpaper. I want you toprovide your personalopinion of Malala’s speech.

Think about this criteria to help you answer the question.

Success criteria:1. Refer back through the

whole speech.2. Find some key statements

that support your opinion.3. Explain how Malala’s words

made you feel.

Page 4: MARS - › wp-content › uploads › ... · NASA seeks to recruit able crew members for its phenomenal trip to Mars. The ground breaking expedition will see the

Moving forwards…

On the next slide, you are going to see an image. This image is going to be fully revealed soon.

For now, I want you to just focus on describing it. We will look at persuasive writing again later in the week.

• On slide 6, is a grid of descriptive techniques.

• Copy this out on to a piece of paper or in your book.

• Fill in each technique box with 3 ideas to describe the image.

• There are some suggestions to get you started on slide 7.

Page 5: MARS - › wp-content › uploads › ... · NASA seeks to recruit able crew members for its phenomenal trip to Mars. The ground breaking expedition will see the
Page 6: MARS - › wp-content › uploads › ... · NASA seeks to recruit able crew members for its phenomenal trip to Mars. The ground breaking expedition will see the

Copy this grid into your books or on a piece of paper. Add three details per box. I will provide some examples on the next slide.

Page 7: MARS - › wp-content › uploads › ... · NASA seeks to recruit able crew members for its phenomenal trip to Mars. The ground breaking expedition will see the

Here is a grid of examples that I have created. Regardless of whether you know anything about this planet, I want you to describe it in a variety of different ways. I have provided you with one example of each technique. I want you to create three examples per technique.

Page 8: MARS - › wp-content › uploads › ... · NASA seeks to recruit able crew members for its phenomenal trip to Mars. The ground breaking expedition will see the

Why did I create this grid of words?

Using the vocabulary bank that you have created, I want you to focus on building five sentences to describe this image of Mars.

Write your sentences in your book or on a piece of paper.

Challenge yourself to build some articulate and complex sentences, but ensure that they all make sense.


How does this image make you feel?

Do you think it would be a nice place to visit?

Think about these questions.

Page 9: MARS - › wp-content › uploads › ... · NASA seeks to recruit able crew members for its phenomenal trip to Mars. The ground breaking expedition will see the


Using the images and/or the model example on the next couple of slides, create an account and infer what it would be like if you were standing on Mars.

• Create a diary entry of your thoughts in your book or on a piece of paper.

• Utilise your vocabulary from the first task.

• You might need to develop your language based on the new information you have been given.

Use this to help you! A video of Mars - is also a modelled example of a diary entry and a few images of Mars on the next slide.

Page 10: MARS - › wp-content › uploads › ... · NASA seeks to recruit able crew members for its phenomenal trip to Mars. The ground breaking expedition will see the

NASA space mission to Mars

Dear diary,

I have just landed on the mysterious, mountainousplanet, Mars. Everywhere I look I see dust and rocks. Iam saddened by the lack of beauty. If only it was likeEarth. Earth. The place where I am from but forget howlucky I am to have it. Mars is a rocky, treacherousworld. It looks like a giant desert of despair. Nobody ishere apart from me and the crew. How can anyone livehere?

Model example for the task

Page 11: MARS - › wp-content › uploads › ... · NASA seeks to recruit able crew members for its phenomenal trip to Mars. The ground breaking expedition will see the
Page 12: MARS - › wp-content › uploads › ... · NASA seeks to recruit able crew members for its phenomenal trip to Mars. The ground breaking expedition will see the

Well done Year 7, you have completed the first part of this

week’s English work.

Make sure you take a break and then complete the second and third part of the work later in the week.

Page 13: MARS - › wp-content › uploads › ... · NASA seeks to recruit able crew members for its phenomenal trip to Mars. The ground breaking expedition will see the


In the last session, we focused on using different language to describe the landscape and feelings you have towards Mars.

Recall five words or phrases about Mars that you feel best describe the landscape and nature of the red planet. Write your ideas in your book or on paper.

1. 4.

2. 5.


Page 14: MARS - › wp-content › uploads › ... · NASA seeks to recruit able crew members for its phenomenal trip to Mars. The ground breaking expedition will see the

Your country needs you!

Do you have what it takes?

Could you be part of the

ground breaking Mars Mission?

Page 15: MARS - › wp-content › uploads › ... · NASA seeks to recruit able crew members for its phenomenal trip to Mars. The ground breaking expedition will see the


Dear candidate,

NASA seeks to recruit able crew members for its phenomenal trip to Mars. The ground

breaking expedition will see the five of the very best candidates go to Mars. In this mission,

you will be the initial humans to land of Mars and make history.

Small wages, dangerous conditions, safe return doubtful. Honour and recognition in case of


Yours sincerely,

NASA Space Team

Page 16: MARS - › wp-content › uploads › ... · NASA seeks to recruit able crew members for its phenomenal trip to Mars. The ground breaking expedition will see the

Task - Identify key vocabulary

NASA seeks to recruit ablecrew members for itsphenomenal trip to Mars. Theground breaking expeditionwill see the five of the verybest candidates go to Mars.In this mission, you will bethe initial humans to land ofMars and make history.

Small wages, dangerousconditions, safe returndoubtful. Honour andrecognition in case ofsuccess.

Using the advert to the right, identify some the different vocabulary examples that have been used to create this advert.

1. How is it persuasive?

2. What is attractive about this mission?

3. List at least three examples (if not more) of the following vocabulary–adjectives, nouns, verbs and any other techniques used in the grid from the last session.

Write your answers in your book or on a piece of paper.

Page 17: MARS - › wp-content › uploads › ... · NASA seeks to recruit able crew members for its phenomenal trip to Mars. The ground breaking expedition will see the

Plan your letter of application. Write your ideas in your book or on a piece of paper. You should consider:

1. What makes you a viable (worthwhile) candidate?

2. What skills, qualities and attributes do you have that make you a better applicant than others?

3. Why do you want to go?


Page 18: MARS - › wp-content › uploads › ... · NASA seeks to recruit able crew members for its phenomenal trip to Mars. The ground breaking expedition will see the

Task - Letter of ApplicationYou are now going to write your letter of application in your book or on a piece of paper.

Success Criteria:

1. Use carefully chosen persuasive techniques.

2. Consider your use of sentence types.

3. Use a thoughtful structure.

Page 19: MARS - › wp-content › uploads › ... · NASA seeks to recruit able crew members for its phenomenal trip to Mars. The ground breaking expedition will see the

Well done Year 7, you have completed the second part of this week’s English work.

Next week we will be looking at writing a response to the successful or perhaps unsuccessful application you sent for the Mars mission.

To finish this week, have a go at rebranding and developing the advertisement for the Mars mission.

Page 20: MARS - › wp-content › uploads › ... · NASA seeks to recruit able crew members for its phenomenal trip to Mars. The ground breaking expedition will see the


Your letter of application has not been forgotten. It has been posted to NASA and you shall receive the response soon.


Regardless of whether you receive a place on the voyage or not, you are going to feel emotions.

On the next slide is a TASK for you to complete. You have been provided with examples to help you if you are unsure.

Page 21: MARS - › wp-content › uploads › ... · NASA seeks to recruit able crew members for its phenomenal trip to Mars. The ground breaking expedition will see the

TASK – Follow the instructions

Success criteria:1. Create a list of different

emotions.2. Rank the emotions from the

most to least effective.3. Attempt to match up the

antonyms of positive words with negative words.

Success criteria 1 Success criteria 2

Success criteria 3

Page 22: MARS - › wp-content › uploads › ... · NASA seeks to recruit able crew members for its phenomenal trip to Mars. The ground breaking expedition will see the

Let’s recap…

After your application letters to Mars were sent, NASA reviewed their advertisement for the mission to Mars. They concluded that it was time for a revamp of the language and presentation of the opportunity to journey to Mars.

You have been requested to develop and improve the advert for the Mars mission.

Think back to the way that you focused on gender roles in the Shackleton and Malala topics. You need to ensure that you link your learning from that into this advert.

Page 23: MARS - › wp-content › uploads › ... · NASA seeks to recruit able crew members for its phenomenal trip to Mars. The ground breaking expedition will see the

Use of persuasive technique

I want you to improve the advert (below in yellow) to develop the chances of more people being interested in the Mars mission. The persuasive techniques (in the white box) that you have been focusing on need to be recognised and used in your advert.

Can you spot any within the old version? If so, what have you found? Write them in your book or on a piece of paper.

NASA seeks to recruit able crew members for its phenomenal trip to Mars. The ground breaking expedition will see the five of the very best candidates go to Mars. In this mission, you will be the initial humans to land of Mars and make history.

Small wages, dangerous conditions, safe return doubtful. Honour and recognition in case of success.

• Alliteration

• Facts

• Opinions

• Rhetorical Questions

• Repetition

• Emotive Language

• Statistics

• Triplets

Page 24: MARS - › wp-content › uploads › ... · NASA seeks to recruit able crew members for its phenomenal trip to Mars. The ground breaking expedition will see the

Rebrand the advert to Mars

Advertisement Brief: You need to think of an interesting way to use persuasion and to attract men and women to apply for roles to Mars.

On the next two slides, there are planning sheets to help you. Copy them out and plan your advert.

Your advert can be created in three different ways

1. A visual advert

2. A spoken speech advert

3. An image based advert

Page 25: MARS - › wp-content › uploads › ... · NASA seeks to recruit able crew members for its phenomenal trip to Mars. The ground breaking expedition will see the
Page 26: MARS - › wp-content › uploads › ... · NASA seeks to recruit able crew members for its phenomenal trip to Mars. The ground breaking expedition will see the
Page 27: MARS - › wp-content › uploads › ... · NASA seeks to recruit able crew members for its phenomenal trip to Mars. The ground breaking expedition will see the

Your advert

Once you have created your advert, it would be amazing to see some evidence of the different ways that you have rebranded the NASA’s Mars mission.

Upload your videos, speeches and pictures of work to the learningfromhome address on the school website.

Page 28: MARS - › wp-content › uploads › ... · NASA seeks to recruit able crew members for its phenomenal trip to Mars. The ground breaking expedition will see the

• Send your pictures of your wonderful work to [email protected] the subject title ‘English Year 7 Home Learning – Mr Storey’

• Take a good break and we will see you next week to continue looking at ways to show persuasion.

• Keep reading everyone! I am currently focused on Casino Royale by Ian Fleming!

Well done you have completed the work for English this week!