marriage ceremonies

DNA Stick in your copy of the vows and try to write down what you think each one might mean. I (name) take you (name) to be my husband/ wife. To have and to old from this day forward. For better, for worse. For richer, for poorer. In sickness and in health. To love and to cherish. Till death us do part. According to God’s holy laws, and in the presence of God I make this vow.

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Marriage ceremonies- WJEC- Full Course- RE. Unit 3- Relationships.


Page 1: Marriage ceremonies


• Stick in your copy of the vows and try to write down what you think each one might mean.

• I (name) take you (name) to be my husband/ wife.

• To have and to old from this day forward.

• For better, for worse.• For richer, for poorer.• In sickness and in health.• To love and to cherish.• Till death us do part.• According to God’s holy

laws, and in the presence of God I make this vow.

Page 2: Marriage ceremonies

Vow Meaning

…to have to hold… Marriage is a union for a couple

From this day forward… Married from this day forward

For better for worse… Married in good & bad times

For richer for poorer… Married regardless of wealth

In sickness and in health…Married regardless of mental & physical


To love and to cherish…Love is an essential part of this special


Till death do us part… Marriage is for life.

Page 3: Marriage ceremonies

Task- in silence... (In yesterdays notes.)

Read p20-21 and complete the tasks:

1. What does the graph tell you?

2. List three ways that families have changed.

3. Copy the spider-diagram. Add onto it 2 examples for each point.

Extension: ‘Family life is out of date.’ Do you agree? Give reasons for your answer.

Page 4: Marriage ceremonies

C/W Purpose of Marriage Date

Learning intentions:

• To examine the key features of Christian and Muslimweddings

• To assess the purpose of these key features

Success criteria:

• To have created a guidance leaflet for potential newly weds

• To be able to explainkey features.

Page 5: Marriage ceremonies

Purposes of Marriage

• Fill in the ranking sheet, • The purpose you think is most important goes at

in the outer ring the least important in the smallest ring.

• Extension: • Explain your reasons behind which ever option

you put as the most important.• Would a religious person agree with your

ranking? Why?

C/W Purpose of Marriage Date

Page 6: Marriage ceremonies

Procreation; men and women were created to have children.

Union; a loving partnership of living together.

Rearing children; nurturing children and making them feel secure

Pattern for society; family unit where support is given.

One flesh; sexual intimacy as an expression of love

Sacred; blessed by God.

Endless; a lifelong and faithful relationship

Some Purposes of marriage

Page 7: Marriage ceremonies

• Christians believe marriage is the ideal way for a man and a woman to live together in a lifelong relationship

• Marriage is a sacred union blessed by God.• Marriage is encouraged particularly to another

Christian because it is hoped the couple will have children who will be brought up in the Christian faith.

Why get married (Christian) – turn the notes below into a

mind map- do not simply copy!

Page 8: Marriage ceremonies

Features of a wedding

• Complete the features of a wedding sheet by matching the correct meaning or purpose to the correct feature of a wedding


• Highlight the features you think have a purely religious meaning.

Page 9: Marriage ceremonies


• Check your answers. • 1- E

• 2- G

• 3- B

• 4- K

• 5- I

• 6- F

• 7- A

• 8- D

• 9- L

• 10- J

• 11- D

• 12- C

Page 10: Marriage ceremonies

Christians are free to marry who they like, but most Christian would prefer children to be raised Christian.

The marriage is a religious event and should take place in a church

There is a public announcement made, so that any objections can be raised (for legal reasons)

Prayers are said asking for Gods blessing

There is the giving of rings

Page 11: Marriage ceremonies

• What’s the biggest decision you ever made? Did you ask anyone for advice?

Page 12: Marriage ceremonies

Muslims are free to marry outside of their religions, but it is preferred for a Muslim woman to marry a Muslim man.

Both the man and women are free to reject the other as forced marriage is forbidden in the Qu’ran

The marriage must be witnessed and can take place in any public or private place.

Families are involved to make sure the partner is suitable. Marriage is seen as a way of

continuing Muslim society.

Page 13: Marriage ceremonies

Text Hunt- link to homework!• Use the information on pages 24-25 to fill in this table. You will need to

find the key term, an explanation and an image to remind yourself.

Key term Explanation Picture


The Nikah


Page 14: Marriage ceremonies

The wedding planner

• You need to create a information leaflet for a new community faith centre,

• The leaflet will be about the details of Muslim and Christian weddings

• What to include:

• Details the ceremony (what happens , why it’s important)

• Guidance on why marriage is important

• Advice for people considering getting married.

Page 15: Marriage ceremonies

Question Practice: Homework.

• Explain the important features of a marriage ceremony in two different religious traditions (you must state the religious traditions you are referring to) 8 marks

Page 16: Marriage ceremonies


1 question from today’s lesson

2 things I learnt

3 key words.