marlboro democrat.(bennettsville, s.c.) 1885-02-25. · 2011. 4. 28. · "do thou groat liberty...

" Do thou Groat Liberty Inspire our Souls and make our lives in thy possession happy, or our Deaths Glorious in thy Just Defence." YOI.. XII. I1 111 -1- NO.-8. It Sloops hcnouth tho blinny hill An iu a tratapift drófpn;' Tho giant elms aro sr/roadlug still Abovo tho moadow stream. o' Beneath thoso loafy houghs. All day among tho scontou grass Tho crlokotsloap amt HI^IT, '. And g redo' ftna%ot4*'» .simUov,B paSsv S lilko swallows on rho wirig, How calmly lu.tho Bkoltorou.nook . Tho summer hours may go, %( X°thrlghJ ajv^-joyous as tho brook That ôlàgà!with'doop'nli)ii (low. O worldt with all thy cities' prldo', Thy plains andvyallpyP/groony Thou hast nbVi'n Wy bound'rles1 d\Ao , Bo swoot. so fair a scouo. f .'i I : '».. '. iMX, Gardiner! ly* fimifto, who. for ¡a of yJaitf JiMtMoh lo Caijj^rnik, activó inbftiV'í'iránciscó.-1 Tho following Incident occuri'cci some ten years ago in tho city of Philadelphia: benjamin Yardley a veteran detective of this city, was entertaining a follow doteotlve-no old boyhood *s friend, ?r i-i li *«J1 IV JJ'» S. Lili.»' fot Jamos-Gardj number, as a doteotivô Gardiner had como Bast, to spend tho Christmas^,(h^liday^s j among his old friends, and Benjamin Yardley was ono j of these Menus. tures on tho Tact flo Coast, Mv. Gft*$V ner'hlludbtl to ll'/.'slippery customer," named,- '^tyiwpy?.M-A'slnulh neat hud compactly, bu^.jfojl^'.y witjuti a parli- clo of'.'beam'on his face;'lió had tho feuUuesj ofi-a Woman iii every sonso, Gardiner said, and, from a habit ho fre¬ quently indulged in by uiastpiern dTng'| in feminine garments,ho was perfectly, at homo, .in ihcfemlp^yp. character ho I assumed ;-W^f V'; I Then lie eon. I, at will imitate tho feminine voice to .perfection, although ids n dural voice was a .deep,?baiitpno- even in speaking, N iuo years »gp.. ¡Gnrdiner> continued^ j'Stumpy" made a "grand haul I" by on termg tho promises of an Opulent lady, just beforo dawn-after tho lady )md returned from a ball-and, after ¿-¡tupií Vinç V(;V Witty chloroform robbed, her of all "lier dlamóhds, wíiioh she liad' ?worn üml Jii.uitt, and sucuriiig quite a suui of monoy besides, loft for parts unkuowii! By the i description thu lady-'gave of the biu'felar, it wan ..apparent that "Slumpy" was tho offender, and Gar diner was detailed to hunt him up. Tho slippery follow, however, left no trad behind lil ni whom ho left tho city, and from that day he was seen no moro )ii California. "Wind, reward was offered for his apprehension?" asked Yardley. "Five thousand dollars," waa tho reply. *v.¿ .o. fix "And tho fame "bf tho Jewels and money?" pursued tho veteran, in a thoiifditful tone. "Between, forty and fifty thousand." "lhup ho confederates, think you?" "It whs supposed not." "No female, eh?" "Not lo my knowledge, " ioplied Gardiner. Yardly fell into a train of thought and while thus om ployed, his compan¬ ion glanced over tho paper. Ile finished this and glancing at Yardley ho was surprised to lind his frlond, usually so lively, still thoughtful. "What is it, lion?" ho asked; "Solv¬ ing n problem?" "Possibly," was tho lacouic roply. ''Tell us all about it/'sutd tho other, in a ban'tbi lng tone! Yaixliy slowly raised ;his eyes to tho faeo of the speaker and said. "Gardmer, my boy, what' would-;you7 say if I were to toll you that I bollevo I could take you to tho residence of >«Htuinpy?" Tho California detective Jumped from his chair and eried I " You don't mean it?" "Ido." "And you wi)I lead me to,his hiding place?" pursued Gardiner, in an ani¬ mated tone. "To his place of residence-yea;..but ho does not hide, to all appearances," was the smiling roply, "What namo does ho go by?" "Nine years agp he called, himself ¡j Valisa Carolhlo Dorsey,' " said Yardley, ;. Iwith an aiuuöcd smile, Vbut at present l>ç ia Known as ¿We »wealthy Mre' Mon« ítóíítil*'] VMarrlcdH '\ piaren tl y so; at all events there is amn^lvlng with her representing.tho .JVlr Á^Vtágue.'" "OthtSwlHoa female in disguise,as a double gWl against dotcotlon?" ob- sorvod Garèhior, sententiously. "PosslblyA returned Yardley, "al¬ though I think Mr. Montague is in reality a man, A "Well, admiting all that, lie is of ho consequence," reparteed tho other, "it ls -''jSHuinpy' wo uro nitor. Will you jlnU'Ctduco ruo?" ho asked, facetiously. "Doos ho know your person?" hsked Yardley. "I think riot, " Gardiner replied, "Yot *to make sure I shall nesumo a , disguisewhoii tho introduction takes.'! plnco.>K V ; "Very well,'» said Ynrdloy, smiling again as an idea entered his tortile Drain. "You shall ho introduced, but ?riot byline* Vi have-a friend who will do that white I stand asido and observe tho effect," ?'. "What effcot?" "You shall soo." "But toll mo about the adyont of this most delectable 'Miss Cnrolino Dorsey," said .Gardiner, .yÜlíat waa my intention. It can he told in a fow momenta, so to spoak," .returned Yardley.". "She carné here representing that she caine.from Ireland with her paronls, both ol' whom died on tho passage and were buried at. sea. Sh o obtained a situation as chamhor- «tontfi ...Ult .. Wio.lrw.l.iliW riivtUl.. ACi iiiiiiu lin» »I fcyOpvvrv»«»»***, ty lilli j v/Il South Fiftconth Street wliôro,-, romained a year, then loft them with tho intention of going into tho trim¬ ming business with tho molloy sho hud saved out of hor earnings. She opened a store and stocked it well-so well, in fact, ns-to elicit tho surprise of hor lato employers, who sometimes called on her. Two years later she sold out at a bar- gabi, and. lived in retirement for two or three' years, when tho 'Wealthy Mr, Augustus Montnguo put in an appear¬ ance and wooed and won Miss Dor¬ sey.' " *lTho pair aro then really wealthy?'' Gtirdinor asked in au earnest tono. "»So (ino may judge by their manner of living," was lho reply. "Tho result,' undoubtedly, of that 'grand haul' of diamonds,' " the other remarked. "Quite possible" waa the grim rejoin¬ der. ?fWHoro do thoy live, and what aro their usual habits?" "Their residence is on West Groen street, and Mr. Montnguo dlvidos his timo by visiting tho brokers' offices on Tjiird street, aiuUabspnllng hlmsolf [or w period of thVe% or lour days ovory fortnight. Tlie lady seldom leaves tho house." "Possibly oh a plundering expedi¬ tion." observed tho California detec¬ tive, rotorring to Montague. ""Very likely," responded Yardloy. üb tho foliowiri« evening tho Mon¬ tague's gave a reception, ti nd Messrs. Gardiner, Yardley <& Co. wore there. The "Co.," was a quiet genteel young mau whom Yardley found extremely useful as a "spotter," and a "shadow¬ er," in his peeiihar line of business. His namo was Waller ltainsford, and ho was generally looked upon as a young gontleman of moans, inasmuch as ho dressed woll and went much into socioty. "Ho and Mrs. Montnguo wore quite intimate, and he It was who first sus¬ pected tho sex of that lady, anti so in¬ formed Mr. Yardley; boneo both of these publto olllcors kept, a pretty sharp eye on tho fictitious foumlo, and ulti¬ mately woro confirmed in their belief that Mrs. Montague was a man in dis¬ guise, but failed to discover his motive. Mr. Gardinor, however, furnished tho motivo, ai\d those three gontlomen now resolved to maleo a proper investigation of tho mattor. Any ono witnessing the introduction, not being awaro that tho spurious lady was a man, would npver for a moment have suspected such to bo tho case. Tlie sweeping bow she made would havo deceived any ono, almost, and the anillo that acöompanied it was moaí. brilliant and betwitchlng. Yardloy stopd In the shadow whoa tho parties Were introduced, and dis¬ tinctly saw tho lady give a porcpptiblo start when tho name of Mr. Gardiner of California, fell upon hor ears. "Wo hf*ve struck our gamo," was his mental observation, and ho was per¬ fectly cou oct, for Mrs. Montague sub¬ sequently, interrogated Walter ltains¬ ford very closoly in rororenco to tho gontleman. But that "Innocent,'^ quieted her alarm by Baying that homet tho gentleman at a hotel and hoing fortunato enough to render him a slight service nu Introduction followed, and they bocamo mutually, pleased with each other. Had tho. lady been aware of the real profession of Rainaford this explanation would not have satisfied her-abo would have regarded lt as a "a triado up Ho" tb Borve a purpose. But not for a mo mont auapeoting his avocation, tho answers ho gavo to her questions quieted hpr fears, and tho momentary alarm subsldod. If was. evldont that "Stingy" was acquainted with Dotootlvo Gnrdlnor by profession at least, if not acquainted With him personally. On tho following uày Gardiner obser¬ ved that ho waa "shadowed" by an ap¬ parent countryman, and shrewdly guoss- ed that "Stumpy" was tho omployer of tho follow. In order to completely hoodwink tho roguo, Gardiner protended to make a number of purchases in Market Btroet wholesalo houses, which fact was, of course, made known to Mrs. Montague, and was calculated to still further quiet hor fears. In tho meantime Mr. Montague left tho city on his 'periodical journeys, and was followed by Itainsford in disguise. Whon tho latter rotumod and reported to lils employer ho surprised him not a Utile; Mr. Montaguo Uko his reputed wife was a fraud. Ho was simply a big woman in disguise and was known by tho doml-ihondo of New York as "Big Ann" and1 was a woll known prostitute of Murray street in that city. Yardley did not apprise his friend of what he had discovered in reforonco to Mr. Montaguo, but rosolved to aid him in. securing the greater criminal-- "Stumpy" first, after which, if tho othor was found guilty of any crime to take bec also into custody. Gardiner concluded to tako tho ras- Cal dining''tho absonco of Montague; as if, eótdd " bo dono moro quiotly, and Yardley agreed with him, urglug him, however, to uso tho utmost caution slnco "Stumpy" was such a slippery customer. "I shall bo careful," replied Gardiner, with, a confident smile, as tho pair saun¬ tered out of Mr. Yardley's residence. "Goiidoum that follow," ho immedi¬ ately added, as ho saw his 'shadow,' sauntering leisurely along on tho oppo¬ site sido of the street, j "Ho is dangerous now," remarked Yardley, gravely. "Why soï" the other asked, "Because ho saw you with mo and will so report to "Stumpy," whoknowf my profession." "Ah." cried Gardiner iii real alarm. "I was not. aware of that; I must aol promptly or by Jingo ,Stumpy' will sill away." Gardiner crossed the street aftei taking leave of Yardley, and approach e.d- tho, Redwing .coi,)i' ¡:yma^ -vtyx ha; just a moment before parted with a boj with whom he had been conversing. ?'. "Can you tell mo where tho Mayor', olllco is?" ho asked of tho follow. "Nix forstay," was tho reply, am tho detective was positive that tin responso was derisively given. He resolved therofore to keep him ii viow until an ofilcor appeared and thei give him in chargo for an imaginar, offence so as io prevent him from com municatittg with "Stumpy." This was accomplished very noatl but the fellow appeared to take it cool) and offered no resistance on being ai rested; only when ho was led away h turned to Gardiner, and closing ono oy he remarked: "Now you think you've done it?" Tho detective stared at him, but bi yond that simple remark tho man spoil no moro. "Confound him, what did ho moan? Ga diner muttered, musingly, "ca there bo any significance in the words? Ho had tho warrant for "Stumpy's arrestin his pocket and rosolved to pin tho matter at onco. Ho hastened to seo Yardley ar together they proceeded to tho Moi taguo mansion. They were admltt( by tho servant who informed thor however, that madam was indispose and could not soe any visitors. "But our business is very urgent. Gardiner remarked, "and it is imper tlve that I seo tho lady." "*I will tell her so," was tho qui response, and tho girl loft tho parle Gardinor and Yardley quietly follow* her which she apparently did not o servo for she never turned her head sho proceeded up tho stairway. At the chain ber'door, howover, ' s turned and a look of surprise sprai into lier face. "Why do you follow mo?" sho askc "To see your .mistress," was t reply from Gardinor. "This is her chamber," rejoined t girl, "and you may enter if y ehoose," saying which Bho abrup loft them, and they hoard the frc door close as If she had left tho boo They opened tho door, some ono v lying in bed with their back turn toward thom, but by tho garment tl supposed it was a female-real or p tended. Gardiner hpproachod the bed and a hand on tho Hg uro'8 shoulder, tl uttered an exclamation, aud graspl tho occupant ho drew it forth and flu it op tho. iloor with a .muttered our It was a "d.ummy" and "Stumpy" 1 "skipped." A slippery customer indeed I "Woll said Yardley, with a emtlo at friendas look of dismay. "Go-ne but not forgotten," was tho gd tn reply t and they dopartod from- that houso In disgust. "Hpw will you proceed iioxt?'V asked Yardïoy. "Knowing my game as I do I shall just 'mhke up my mind to do. what ïl came East for-oiijoy inysolf with my'f old.friends and drop thief catehing ; tW while: ¡j :i Abd thus ended this adven turo which promised such grand results. j TIKI ViiBOlmulouH ol OrolilU Growing. In.the oaily days of our acquaintance with theso plants their high prices, and tlio extreme dlfilculty which apparently attended their cultivation, inado thein tho exclusivo property of tho very woallby fow. Now, however, we have increased our knowledge oC tho condi¬ tions under which they thrive m thoir nallvo habitats, and tho ease and rapid¬ ity" with which they can bo transferred is so- great that thousands of plants ar¬ rive in this country every month, and th U; i pi iee» h uv o been." reduced to such an ex tout as tb brhig them. Within the reach Of every one having a glass¬ house. '-uSTot that there aro not hlgh- priccd orchids ovon in thoso da\s. On tho contrary, any now species, or an extra good variety of an old and well- known species, is moro eagerly sought after than over, and numerous instinces occur every yoàr where amateurs aro lound who willingly givo fifty, eighty or a hundred guineas to become the happy possessor' of some special or u nilpie form. Novortholcss, for tho eoiii tort of thoso who aro about to com¬ mence tho fascinating pursuit of orchid growing, wo can assure thom that some nf tho most beautiful kinds in this grand family of plants aro thoso who are the îuosL reasonable in price. With the information brought us respecting orchids by thoso who have collected them in their wild state, coupled with rational treatment at home, thoso plants aie now found to bo as easily managed as any others. One great oojoption to o rc ii id-growing In tho earlier days was tho (enormous consumption pf fuel, whhjh had a rather forratdablo appear¬ ance on paper when tho cost was added #fVv!i3 cjHl,¿f- tho ysjuvv-, These woro,| thy days when, because* a plant carno- frfon tho lOast Indies or South America, it was supposed to require- as much heat as a cook's salamander-tho fact of tho vast mountain rauges of both h9inlspheres being densely clothed with verdure up to many thousand feet ele¬ vation hoing completely ignorod. This fact is now fully recognized, and it ls found that comparatively little oxponsc is lncurrc'll in keeping tlieso mountain plants supplied with sufficient boat. A UooK ot TravolH. Tho Biblo is in a groat dogroe a book of travels. Journeyings occupy a con¬ siderable space m tho divino records. "Got theo out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and from thy father's house, into a land that I will show theo," was ono of tho first revealed commands after the catastrophe of the delugo, and tho attempt to build the Tower of Habel. Xi> was directed to Abram, who became tho father of tho faithful; and, obedient to tho mandate, ho departed at once.- The following littto picturo ot foreign travel stands at tho head of numerous volumes, Includ¬ ing somo most popular in tho present day; "So Abram departed, as the Lord had spoken unto bira; and Lot went willi him; and Abram was 75 years old when ho departed out of Haran; and Abram took Sarai his wife, and Lot his brother's son, and all thoir sub¬ stance that they had gathorcd, and the souls that thoy had gotten in Haran, and they woiit forth to go into tho land of Canaan, and into the land of Can¬ aan thoy came. And Abram passed through tho land into tho place of Sic¬ hern, uuto the plain of Moveh." We can picturo the patriarch, far advanc¬ ed in life, dressed In primitive oriental costume, seated 911 tho baok of a pa¬ tient oamel, with his nephew and wife and other rotations accompanying him in long rotlnuo; the flocks and herds not far off with shepherds and drlvors, all with thoir lord aud master pursuing a divinely directo i jolírnoy to a distant land they had novor seen boforo. Thero was enterprise in tnis original expedi¬ tion, and curiosity and condor must have stirred tho bosom of this early bx- ploror ns lie trackod his Way over uri/* known lands, as his eye rpstod on plain* valloy, andmountaln, and as ho drew nigh to tho wooded hills of Northern Canaan, and passed tue shores of .thp kakoof Galileo, and saw a fortllo coun¬ try spread out boforo him undor tho hudowa of Ebal and Gorizom. Am, ifinlilonablo shapos in sofas and lounges aro much bfcpJUowcd, and oor- tamly nothing oan bo moro tohiptlhg than thoso sumptuous and luxurious pillowed rosting plaoos. bW April;<14t 185Yv tVnd liHö iiihavitcd much ofM li6r> mother's ^cleverness v ii.\ music ami.Soientifíc study, buii tlmîpub* lio only know her by .'sight;- hdr !protbjjji Cold faco appears photographed in OYory,. shop wiiyjow, ^ând u|s ;'].familiar .t.ç.al.l, 1Vind8or people, foy «ho drives, rides, and walks in ino iipniodiato neighbor¬ hood of tlie castle constantly, Bosorv- ed and proud In tempérament, stio' can .called;a .favorite,* yet many stories of her Allai, doyotedness are: told.- 8ho has the reputation of being the cloyorest member Of the royal, family ;; in fact, it is doubtful if there bo apy not answer'tho shrewd 'theological' rid¬ dles offered him'bv the' y&im'*' 'PríHessS fôr solution. ) V-/í"0.~* ....Pnncèltôm'y Maurice/of Battenberg,' whom* tho Princessis now about'ltf marry, is a. young, mau who may bo saul to hang upontho vorgo-or ragged edge, aa theyiwould say in,Broolily'A~f of Boynlty;: already, His ifather is Prince Alexander, .an nuncio , Of tho Grand Duke,Louis IV of Hesso. !: Mis mçtlior is the Countess Julie, a daughter of tiio late CouutMaurleo yon! Ilaouokoi a Polish nobleman, who; ,held, the , posir tiop of Muiiatorof jj War. boforo ^yfvee-, dom shrieked whoa ICosciuglto foll." Tho mariwgo between Prince Alexan¬ der aud tho Countess von Haqucko, liowever, is only a morganatic oho- such alliance seem to be moro favorpd in tho House than in any other Sover-, eign family of Germany, Thp mar- riago waa tho result of the intimacy which sprang from tho Countoss' posi¬ tion as maid of honor to tliö late Em¬ press of Itussia, who Was a sister of Prince Alexander. Prince Louis, onö of Prince Henry's brothers,'?' is - as has I been slated abovo, married to amiecodf j tho Princess Beatrice, and isa Lieuten¬ ant in tho British navy; another broth-1 $V, Prlut-f; Alexand?v, is tho .^iaal-tov* erign of Bulgaria, f and is unmarried} I While there is still a fourth ({mi in tho j family, Princo Francis Joseph, who profosses to earn a livelihood as a sub- lieutenant in a Hessian regiment. All four of thom are clever, handsomo, and decent young mon, and it may bo that the Princess Beatrice will make a happy j marriage after all. Tho expectant hus- | band will bo löoketi after by tho Queen- mother, of courso, even if Parliament is not appealed to for a marriage sctt'io-1 mont, and if thoro is nothing bettor to J give her son-in-law that is to bo. tho Queen can command for him somo profitable sinecure Uko that of Bangor of ;\Vindsor; Park, which .hi held by .that j Other impecunious son-in-law of tho Queen, tho Prince Christian of Sohles- wig-hol8tein, husband of Beatrlco'solder sister Holeiia. THO Tootli Factory. j Tho domain Of tho dentist ia about to bo disputed. A groat diaoovory has been made which will.rovplutionizo tho Whole business and emancipate tbp suf¬ ferers. A factory has been established, I with plenty of capital tobabkit, for tho purposo of making artificial teeth by macliihory. All that any one who'Ja troubled with his teeth will havb to do Will be to get thom all pulledout < Then ho can pUrchaso a brand new,, machino mado sot and bo exempt from toothache all tho rest of his 'life. This is, of courso, nothnig now in tho making'and using of artificial teoth, but lt will-be oasily soon that the manufacture by maoliinory presenta great advantages. When tho making of watches by¡ma- ohinery was started thqr^ wore many protests that tho now way would novor bo as good as tho old. But tho exact¬ ness soon attained,1 and tho convonlonco of having the parts interchangeable, | brought about a revolution;.: and tho factory watohos now, rank aVovo îtlio hand-made. Tho same advantago will be had in the factory teeth. If ono sot gots brokon, or comos out, an exactly a)milar one can be ordoioct' frdm 'iho factory at very small cost; If tho plato gota crooked it can bo roplaced in tho mino way. All that will bo necessary will bo t;o glvo tho number of tho pjáte, and a now ono, precisely Uko tho old, will bo sent by rotum mail. ._fe? ?-. .?. wonlthy vnaii who obtuins bis wealth honp'atly and noon it rightly, la a grorçt Mossing to tho oornmiinifcy, UoHOlvo to bilge in iv little goading ovóry day, if it is but singlo sontenoo; if you gefn fifteen minutos a day, it will make itsolf foltat tho Cud of tho yo*r. LovO ia sunshine; bato ta shadow. -Montana has now moro than LQ00,« OOO cattle To hayôbe'alutlfuïimiv nnd Kofep it itt up' in sômo .'l)ccöining, surround', andWöiHlor1 th'iit' it '¿bte trépied, thin iÄ'^telÄäöö^''haven ; ^ft'uïy^'t Tlio hair ßhoüKl'bö^ loosened-' lyery hight boforb lotlrhig,' phbuld'v#f>- iombçil fredi fvbni all tangier with à; >ono comb; (vubbar combs have dono jnueh ito split midibrcak the banquear- * (y iiH ijav« too liso ; Ubji$i^¡^ for fi. ohg.^imo* bvuH.bliig from tho top to tho ! fory opdfj It io iwbll íor a lady who has a maid,' iq impoli b)o to bruah quos', laiii: if yory lquw. Thou braidedfast, ten tho onda with Hoft.çUkbraUi fo^tiuv jiigiit. /Tho scalp should bVkept' clean and healthy ; Wash qccaslpnally and have' tothp^^ tÍLÍea a'yeár aa well.Vr ? , (VöraVbraida, tako a ra\Y 0g'i¿ 'Mid utttf it! ]thbVo;Vghlyjiitd tho 'scalp (i^Uo^iftvat lt nibs lu bettor) thou vi, ift;çbV^^>ya-, tor with a littlo anHnouia.,)j?Oórt'bViitcd lu it,;w4ng ÇhpbjaWMp.^ , mv % tho Uro br in tho. min Upbil.,,dry. and.lhon comb 'outAU['Màmtf&iiti 1 ¡bráíding -f pro venta' ' iii iicli' j Briiir/l Î ñ ^1 jtioiKwiU » prevent1 }la>ïall ingrat 'andi |¿Wy tpi the,., root?. Ú %hp4 ^fashions for dressing childrpn^ hair aro m follows: Ringlets ara most fayor- Mlb.í'ór bableái ' Lítílb b'byil havb chris in bbb' back und ban'ga liv frdut, . tïÀm$ girls, bayo thôir thoiv bair wavr ed.and, filing down'.lvhp/back, with a chored ribbon to keep it in place. Sonio. pfouug gina, hitvb rovlvéd tíiri faslilóii bf light hair note, wMi largo moshesj iii1 iwhichthe hair falls loose and aa low aa tho middle of tho back. Thia j style, 'shows tho hair to groat adyantago,;aud>. ;-will probably meet with great approval. .Ij'rom 10 to 17 years of ago tho hair is worn.high''arid twisted on'tho top of thc head. " With this mothod of ar¬ rangement tho hair round hats have no elastics, BO aa not to conceal auy ¡part of the protty waves which tho hair fprms, whoa thus raised from tho nape of tho neck. Tho hat is fastened to thp hair l#u\ stool i>b.V .with a shejt o?' ibt'jihad'. ., A. AlnUosimy J<OK. VA largor quantity., of, mahogany te. bô'ing, received hero this year than any J ptnev varietyof fovtfgn Wóód¡»»'*'«'átó a Wbll-khown importer V'Veftbrtbr. i'ltis becoming fashionable to uso paa^^ jiogany in almost èvery kind of fauoy Riid ornamental' woodwork, aud- In tho manufacturo of furniture, and Pthov hi ti¬ llea ¡of ordinary use lt has takon to a groat oxtont tho placo of black walnut,; Thia fall especially tho partial failure bf/ (iii' sugar orbii has stimulated tiib 'mW menta' of mahogany frbnv ;Ciíbá!larid Mexico, from' 1 which) .places, tho wob'tf used in thia foqiínt-vyíP.rinpipallyLComos. Very littlo comos from South Amer- ( <u What does it bring in tho market ere?"' "^'ii ;$J h* "M«:ir ? «It is oho of tho1 most uricertaihcom- modltlos that wp imporb in respect to « price, and cargoes vary in valuo frpm.iM couts to 25 emits a foot, theso being tho { ordinary limita. Sometimes, howovor^ t a singlo log-will bring a huhdrbd thneB\ s rnuoh ns this. In Its ibugíi stat o'a og can only bo judged by Us exterior, Ind some'idea can bo? formed of <tUo quality of tho wood mid tho: pattern qfT? tho grain ip this way. .Its^commorpial vahío depends principally ppop i,t3 patr, torn. Exporta frcquoiitly o'xporlpnco groat difllculties in judging of tlio VaVáo"- qf à lôg'y and.tho''buyer 'ófton^otnW %%H big bónanza lá.íthlaiwayfrapstmnéiípeo'r tçdly- .I^ast, >yeok a-, lpg, >yás-.spld-..oií{f shipboard to,a pum for $00.., Wo gav<>, ldin |Ô0 for 'it a quarÊet' pf :'¡áii? hour afterward, and have smcè Vut; $3|ÔÔ6 worth of strips fíbm "this Blnglp log. Tho beauty of tliö pattehi 'was hbt dfa- co^orod t\\\ wo began tb put it. lt lo * nob very often, howoYer,. thAt. sp. valu- jblo a.prlxo ls drawnly, An Altelo»t rcoplo. 1 Bet weep, pamaspus and Jerusalem, iff.' à tvibo pf about 3,000 IIpbrewH. .whlon)' lias boon thoro probably einco tho bb- . ginning of tho Qhrla'^ri, ora; They havb neither blty nor town; thby llvb in camps» Tho templo ls >fépresonted! by a moro spaoious tent. They have novór a^dn^i^te^ ftipöng .tiioin a pqrapnvOf-.dltf- orent'vaco qr roligioiu, ,T»ioir ordinary iailguHge ls nbbrow._ In thoir rola-" tiona Svlth qthew tlioy spoak Arabian. TheaoTOiatlonajl^ fbw, fovtboy havo rcmahu/d like their prim*-'I ltlvp. vacos j pxpluslvoly tillo vs of tho Foil and wiVrilorii. They cultivate, tba,, ground armed from 'head to foot, al", ways ready tb defond thoiv portion, of earth, from which, with great dlulbuV- tyv they dorivo a moacro MUbstíi'nco. Thoy live on littlo, and aro cohibnfc to thus live iii thole nativo penneywhich tliey havo ocoupiod for cenluric.H

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Page 1: Marlboro democrat.(Bennettsville, S.C.) 1885-02-25. · 2011. 4. 28. · "Do thou Groat Liberty Inspire our Souls and make our lives in thy possession happy, or our Deaths Glorious

" Do thou Groat Liberty Inspire our Souls and make our lives in thy possession happy, or our Deaths Glorious in thy Just Defence."

YOI.. XII.I1 111 -1- NO.-8.

It Sloops hcnouth tho blinny hillAn iu a tratapift drófpn;'

Tho giant elms aro sr/roadlug stillAbovo tho moadow stream.

o' Beneath thoso loafy houghs.All day among tho scontou grassTho crlokotsloap amt HI^IT, '.

And gredo' ftna%ot4*'» .simUov,B paSsv Slilko swallows on rho wirig,

How calmly lu.tho Bkoltorou.nook .

Tho summer hours may go,%( X°thrlghJ ajv^-joyous as tho brook

That ôlàgà!with'doop'nli)ii (low.O worldt with all thy cities' prldo',Thy plains andvyallpyP/groony

Thou hast nbVi'n Wy bound'rles1d\Ao ,

Bo swoot. so fair a scouo.

f .'i I : '».. '. iMX,

Gardiner! ly* fimifto, who. for ¡aof yJaitfJiMtMoh lo Caijj^rnik,activó inbftiV'í'iránciscó.-1

Tho following Incident occuri'cci someten years ago in tho city of Philadelphia:benjamin Yardley a veteran detectiveof this city, was entertaining a followdoteotlve-no old boyhood *s friend,

?r i-i li *«J1 IV JJ'» S. Lili.»' fotJamos-Gardjnumber,as a doteotivôGardiner had como Bast, to spend tho

Christmas^,(h^liday^s j among his oldfriends, and Benjamin Yardley was ono jof these Menus.

tures on tho Tact flo Coast, Mv. Gft*$Vner'hlludbtl to ll'/.'slippery customer,"named,- '^tyiwpy?.M-A'slnulh neat hudcompactly, bu^.jfojl^'.y witjuti a parli-clo of'.'beam'on his face;'lió had thofeuUuesj ofi-a Woman iii every sonso,Gardiner said, and, from a habit ho fre¬quently indulged in by uiastpierndTng'|in feminine garments,ho was perfectly,at homo, .in ihcfemlp^yp. character ho Iassumed;-W^f V'; IThen lie eon. I, at will imitate tho

feminine voice to .perfection, althoughids n dural voice was a .deep,?baiitpno-even in speaking,N iuo years »gp.. ¡Gnrdiner> continued^j'Stumpy" made a "grand haulI" by

ontermg tho promises of an Opulentlady, just beforo dawn-after tho lady)md returned from a ball-and, after¿-¡tupií Vinç V(;V Witty chloroform robbed,her of all "lier dlamóhds, wíiioh she liad'?worn üml Jii.uitt, and sucuriiig quite asuui of monoy besides, loft for partsunkuowii!By the i description thu lady-'gave of

the biu'felar, it wan ..apparent that"Slumpy" was tho offender, and Gardiner was detailed to hunt him up.Tho slippery follow, however, left notrad behind lil ni whom ho left tho city,and from that day he was seen no moro)ii California."Wind, reward was offered for his

apprehension?" asked Yardley."Five thousand dollars," waa tho

reply. *v.¿ .o. fix"And tho fame "bf tho Jewels andmoney?" pursued tho veteran, in athoiifditful tone.

"Between, forty and fifty thousand.""lhup ho confederates, think you?""It whs supposed not.""No female, eh?""Not lo my knowledge, " ioplied

Gardiner.Yardly fell into a train of thought

and while thus omployed, his compan¬ion glanced over tho paper. Ile finishedthis and glancing at Yardley ho wassurprised to lind his frlond, usually solively, still thoughtful."What is it, lion?" ho asked; "Solv¬

ing n problem?""Possibly," was tho lacouic roply.''Tell us all about it/'sutd tho other,

in a ban'tbi lng tone!Yaixliy slowly raised ;his eyes to tho

faeo of the speaker and said."Gardmer, my boy, what' would-;you7

say if I were to toll you that I bollevo Icould take you to tho residence of>«Htuinpy?"

Tho California detective Jumped fromhis chair and eried I"You don't mean it?""Ido.""And you wi)I lead me to,his hiding

place?" pursued Gardiner, in an ani¬mated tone."To his place of residence-yea;..but

ho does not hide, to all appearances,"was the smiling roply,"What namo does ho go by?""Nine years agp he called, himself¡j Valisa Carolhlo Dorsey,' " said Yardley,

;. Iwith an aiuuöcd smile, Vbut at presentl>ç ia Known as ¿We »wealthy Mre' Mon«ítóíítil*']VMarrlcdH'\piaren tly so; at all events there is

amn^lvlng with her representing.tho.JVlr Á^Vtágue.'""OthtSwlHoa female in disguise,as adouble gWl against dotcotlon?" ob-sorvod Garèhior, sententiously.

"PosslblyA returned Yardley, "al¬though I think Mr. Montague is inreality a man,A"Well, admiting all that, lie is of ho

consequence," reparteed tho other, "it

ls -''jSHuinpy' wo uro nitor. Will youjlnU'Ctduco ruo?" ho asked, facetiously."Doos ho know your person?" hsked

Yardley."I think riot, " Gardiner replied,"Yot *to make sure I shall nesumo a ,

disguisewhoii tho introduction takes.'!plnco.>K V ;

"Very well,'» said Ynrdloy, smilingagain as an idea entered his tortileDrain. "You shall ho introduced, but?riot byline* Vi have-a friend who willdo that white I stand asido and observetho effect," ?'."What effcot?""You shall soo.""But toll mo about the adyont of this

most delectable 'Miss Cnrolino Dorsey,"said .Gardiner,.yÜlíat waa my intention. It can hetold in a fow momenta, so to spoak,".returned Yardley.". "She carné hererepresenting that she caine.from Irelandwith her paronls, both ol' whom died ontho passage and were buried at. sea.Sho obtained a situation as chamhor-«tontfi ...Ult .. Wio.lrw.l.iliW riivtUl.. ACiiiiiiiu lin» »I fcyOpvvrv»«»»***, tylillij v/Il

South Fiftconth Street wliôro,-,romained a year, then loft them withtho intention of going into tho trim¬ming business with tho molloy sho hudsaved out of hor earnings.She opened a store and stocked it

well-so well, in fact, ns-to elicit thosurprise of hor lato employers, whosometimes called on her.Two years later she sold out at a bar-

gabi, and. lived in retirement for two orthree' years, when tho 'Wealthy Mr,Augustus Montnguo put in an appear¬ance and wooed and won Miss Dor¬sey.' "

*lTho pair aro then really wealthy?''Gtirdinor asked in au earnest tono."»So (ino may judge by their manner

of living," was lho reply."Tho result,' undoubtedly, of that

'grand haul' of diamonds,' " the otherremarked."Quite possible" waa the grim rejoin¬

der.?fWHoro do thoy live, and what aro

their usual habits?""Their residence is on West Groen

street, and Mr. Montnguo dlvidos histimo by visiting tho brokers' offices onTjiird street, aiuUabspnllng hlmsolf [orw period of thVe% or lour days ovoryfortnight. Tlie lady seldom leaves thohouse."

"Possibly oh a plundering expedi¬tion." observed tho California detec¬tive, rotorring to Montague.

""Very likely," responded Yardloy.üb tho foliowiri« evening tho Mon¬

tague's gave a reception, tind Messrs.Gardiner, Yardley <& Co. wore there.The "Co.," was a quiet genteel youngmau whom Yardley found extremelyuseful as a "spotter," and a "shadow¬er," in his peeiihar line of business.His namo was Waller ltainsford, andho was generally looked upon as a younggontleman of moans, inasmuch as hodressed woll and went much intosocioty."Ho and Mrs. Montnguo wore quite

intimate, and he It was who first sus¬pected tho sex of that lady, anti so in¬formed Mr. Yardley; boneo both ofthese publto olllcors kept, a pretty sharpeye on tho fictitious foumlo, and ulti¬mately woro confirmed in their beliefthat Mrs. Montague was a man in dis¬guise, but failed to discover his motive.Mr. Gardinor, however, furnished thomotivo, ai\d those three gontlomen nowresolved to maleo a proper investigationof tho mattor.Any ono witnessing the introduction,

not being awaro that tho spurious ladywas a man, would npver for a momenthave suspected such to bo tho case.Tlie sweeping bow she made wouldhavo deceived any ono, almost, and theanillo that acöompanied it was moaí.brilliant and betwitchlng.Yardloy stopd In the shadow whoa

tho parties Were introduced, and dis¬tinctly saw tho lady give a porcpptiblostart when tho name of Mr. Gardinerof California, fell upon hor ears."Wo hf*ve struck our gamo," was his

mental observation, and ho was per¬fectly cou oct, for Mrs. Montague sub¬sequently, interrogated Walter ltains¬ford very closoly in rororenco to thogontleman. But that "Innocent,'^quieted her alarm by Baying that homettho gentleman at a hotel and hoingfortunato enough to render him a slightservice nu Introduction followed, andthey bocamo mutually, pleased with eachother.Had tho. lady been aware of the real

profession of Rainaford this explanationwould not have satisfied her-abo wouldhave regarded lt as a "a triado up Ho"tb Borve a purpose. But not for amo mont auapeoting his avocation, thoanswers ho gavo to her questionsquieted hpr fears, and tho momentaryalarm subsldod.

If was. evldont that "Stingy" wasacquainted with Dotootlvo Gnrdlnor byprofession at least, if not acquaintedWith him personally.

On tho following uày Gardiner obser¬ved that ho waa "shadowed" by an ap¬parent countryman, and shrewdly guoss-ed that "Stumpy" was tho omployer oftho follow.

In order to completely hoodwink thoroguo, Gardiner protended to make anumber of purchases in Market Btroetwholesalo houses, which fact was, ofcourse, made known to Mrs. Montague,and was calculated to still further quiethor fears.

In tho meantime Mr. Montague lefttho city on his 'periodical journeys, andwas followed by Itainsford in disguise.Whon tho latter rotumod and reportedto lils employer ho surprised him not aUtile; Mr. Montaguo Uko his reputedwife was a fraud. Ho was simply a bigwoman in disguise and was known bytho doml-ihondo of New York as "BigAnn" and1 was a woll known prostituteof Murray street in that city.Yardley did not apprise his friend of

what he had discovered in reforonco toMr. Montaguo, but rosolved to aid himin. securing the greater criminal--"Stumpy" first, after which, if thoothor was found guilty of any crime totake bec also into custody.Gardiner concluded to tako tho ras-

Cal dining''tho absonco of Montague; asif, eótdd " bo dono moro quiotly, andYardley agreed with him, urglug him,however, to uso tho utmost cautionslnco "Stumpy" was such a slipperycustomer.

"I shall bo careful," replied Gardiner,with, a confident smile, as tho pair saun¬tered out of Mr. Yardley's residence."Goiidoum that follow," ho immedi¬

ately added, as ho saw his 'shadow,'sauntering leisurely along on tho oppo¬site sido of the street, j"Ho is dangerous now," remarked

Yardley, gravely."Why soï" the other asked,"Because ho saw you with mo and

will so report to "Stumpy," whoknowfmy profession.""Ah." cried Gardiner iii real alarm.

"I was not. aware of that; I must aolpromptly or by Jingo ,Stumpy' will sillaway."Gardiner crossed the street aftei

taking leave of Yardley, and approache.d- tho, Redwing .coi,)i' ¡:yma^ -vtyx ha;just a moment before parted with a bojwith whom he had been conversing. ?'."Can you tell mo where tho Mayor',

olllco is?" ho asked of tho follow."Nix forstay," was tho reply, am

tho detective was positive that tinresponso was derisively given.He resolved therofore to keep him ii

viow until an ofilcor appeared and theigive him in chargo for an imaginar,offence so as io prevent him from communicatittg with "Stumpy."This was accomplished very noatl

but the fellow appeared to take it cool)and offered no resistance on being airested; only when ho was led away hturned to Gardiner, and closing ono oyhe remarked:"Now you think you've done it?"Tho detective stared at him, but bi

yond that simple remark tho man spoilno moro."Confound him, what did ho moan?

Ga diner muttered, musingly, "cathere bo any significance in the words?Ho had tho warrant for "Stumpy's

arrest in his pocket and rosolved to pintho matter at onco.Ho hastened to seo Yardley ar

together they proceeded to tho Moitaguo mansion. They were admltt(by tho servant who informed thorhowever, that madam was indisposeand could not soe any visitors."But our business is very urgent.Gardiner remarked, "and it is imper

tlve that I seo tho lady.""*I will tell her so," was tho qui

response, and tho girl loft tho parleGardinor and Yardley quietly follow*her which she apparently did not oservo for she never turned her headsho proceeded up tho stairway.At the chainber'door, howover, ' s

turned and a look of surprise spraiinto lier face."Why do you follow mo?" sho askc"To see your .mistress," was t

reply from Gardinor."This is her chamber," rejoined t

girl, "and you may enter if yehoose," saying which Bho abruploft them, and they hoard the frcdoor close as If she had left tho booThey opened tho door, some ono v

lying in bed with their back turntoward thom, but by tho garment tlsupposed it was a female-real or ptended.Gardiner hpproachod the bed and 1¡

a hand on tho Hguro'8 shoulder, tluttered an exclamation, aud graspltho occupant ho drew it forth and fluit op tho. iloor with a .muttered ourIt was a "d.ummy" and "Stumpy" 1"skipped."A slippery customer indeed I "Woll

said Yardley, with a emtlo atfriendas look of dismay.

"Go-ne but not forgotten," was thogdtn reply t and they dopartod from-that houso In disgust."Hpw will you proceed iioxt?'V askedYardïoy."Knowing my game as I do I shall

just 'mhke up my mind to do. what ïlcame East for-oiijoy inysolf with my'fold.friends and drop thief catehing ; tWwhile: ¡j : iAbd thus ended this adventuro which

promised such grand results. jTIKI ViiBOlmulouH ol OrolilU Growing.In.the oaily days of our acquaintance

with theso plants their high prices, andtlio extreme dlfilculty which apparentlyattended their cultivation, inado theintho exclusivo property of tho verywoallby fow. Now, however, we haveincreased our knowledge oC tho condi¬tions under which they thrive m thoirnallvo habitats, and tho ease and rapid¬ity"with which they can bo transferredis so- great that thousands of plants ar¬rive in this country every month, andth U; i pi iee» huvo been." reduced to suchan ex tout as tb brhig them. Within thereach Of every one having a glass¬house. '-uSTot that there aro not hlgh-priccd orchids ovon in thoso da\s. Ontho contrary, any now species, or anextra good variety of an old and well-known species, is moro eagerly soughtafter than over, and numerous instincesoccur every yoàr where amateurs arolound who willingly givo fifty, eightyor a hundred guineas to become thehappy possessor' of some special oru nilpie form. Novortholcss, for thoeoiii tort of thoso who aro about to com¬mence tho fascinating pursuit of orchidgrowing, wo can assure thom that somenf tho most beautiful kinds in thisgrand family of plants aro thoso whoare the îuosL reasonable in price. Withthe information brought us respectingorchids by thoso who have collectedthem in their wild state, coupled withrational treatment at home, thoso plantsaie now found to bo as easily managedas any others. One great oojoption too rc iiid-growing In tho earlier days wastho (enormous consumption pf fuel,whhjh had a rather forratdablo appear¬ance on paper when tho cost was added#fVv!i3 cjHl,¿f- tho ysjuvv-, These woro,|thy days when, because* a plant carno-frfon tho lOast Indies or South America,it was supposed to require- as muchheat as a cook's salamander-tho factof tho vast mountain rauges of bothh9inlspheres being densely clothed withverdure up to many thousand feet ele¬vation hoing completely ignorod. Thisfact is now fully recognized, and it lsfound that comparatively little oxponscis lncurrc'll in keeping tlieso mountainplants supplied with sufficient boat.

A UooK ot TravolH.

Tho Biblo is in a groat dogroe a bookof travels. Journeyings occupy a con¬siderable space m tho divino records."Got theo out of thy country, and fromthy kindred, and from thy father'shouse, into a land that I will showtheo," was ono of tho first revealedcommands after the catastrophe of thedelugo, and tho attempt to build theTower of Habel. Xi> was directed toAbram, who became tho father of thofaithful; and, obedient to tho mandate,ho departed at once.- The followinglittto picturo ot foreign travel stands attho head of numerous volumes, Includ¬ing somo most popular in tho presentday; "So Abram departed, as the Lordhad spoken unto bira; and Lot wentwilli him; and Abram was 75 years oldwhen ho departed out of Haran; andAbram took Sarai his wife, and Lothis brother's son, and all thoir sub¬stance that they had gathorcd, and thesouls that thoy had gotten in Haran,and they woiit forth to go into tho landof Canaan, and into the land of Can¬aan thoy came. And Abram passedthrough tho land into tho place of Sic¬hern, uuto the plain of Moveh." Wecan picturo the patriarch, far advanc¬ed in life, dressed In primitive orientalcostume, seated 911 tho baok of a pa¬tient oamel, with his nephew and wifeand other rotations accompanying himin long rotlnuo; the flocks and herdsnot far off with shepherds and drlvors,all with thoir lord aud master pursuinga divinely directo i jolírnoy to a distantland they had novor seen boforo. Therowas enterprise in tnis original expedi¬tion, and curiosity and condor musthave stirred tho bosom of this early bx-ploror ns lie trackod his Way over uri/*known lands, as his eye rpstod on plain*valloy, andmountaln, and as ho drewnigh to tho wooded hills of NorthernCanaan, and passed tue shores of .thpkakoof Galileo, and saw a fortllo coun¬try spread out boforo him undor thohudowa of Ebal and Gorizom.

Am, ifinlilonablo shapos in sofas andlounges aro much bfcpJUowcd, and oor-tamly nothing oan bo moro tohiptlhgthan thoso sumptuous and luxuriouspillowed rosting plaoos.

bW April;<14t 185Yv tVnd liHö iiihavitcdmuch ofM li6r> mother's ^cleverness v ii.\music ami.Soientifíc study, buii tlmîpub*lio only know her by .'sight;- hdr !protbjjjiCold faco appears photographed in OYory,.shop wiiyjow, ^ând u|s;'].familiar .t.ç.al.l,1Vind8or people, foy «ho drives, rides,and walks in ino iipniodiato neighbor¬hood of tlie castle constantly, Bosorv-ed and proud In tempérament, stio' .called;a .favorite,* yet manystories of her Allai, doyotedness are: told.-8ho has the reputation of being thecloyorest member Of the royal, family ;;in fact, it is doubtful if there bo apy

not answer'tho shrewd 'theological' rid¬dles offered him'bv the' y&im'*' 'PríHessSfôr solution. ) V-/í"0.~*....Pnncèltôm'yMaurice/of Battenberg,'whom* tho Princessis now about'ltf

marry, is a. young, mau who may bosaul to hang upontho vorgo-or raggededge, aa theyiwould say in,Broolily'A~fof Boynlty;: already, His ifather isPrince Alexander, .an nuncio , Of thoGrand Duke,Louis IV of Hesso. !: Mismçtlior is the Countess Julie, a daughterof tiio lateCouutMaurleo yon!Ilaouokoia Polish nobleman, who; ,held, the , posirtiop of Muiiatorof jj War. boforo ^yfvee-,dom shrieked whoa ICosciuglto foll."Tho mariwgo between Prince Alexan¬der aud tho Countess von Haqucko,liowever, is only a morganatic oho-such alliance seem to be moro favorpdin tho House than in any other Sover-,eign family of Germany, Thp mar-riago waa tho result of the intimacywhich sprang from tho Countoss' posi¬tion as maid of honor to tliö late Em¬press of Itussia, who Was a sister ofPrince Alexander. Prince Louis, onöof Prince Henry's brothers,'?' is - as has Ibeen slated abovo, married to amiecodf jtho Princess Beatrice, and isa Lieuten¬ant in tho British navy; another broth-1$V, Prlut-f; Alexand?v, is tho .^iaal-tov*erign of Bulgaria, f and is unmarried} IWhile there is still a fourth ({mi in tho jfamily, Princo Francis Joseph, whoprofosses to earn a livelihood as a sub-lieutenant in a Hessian regiment. Allfour of thom are clever, handsomo, anddecent young mon, and it may bo thatthe Princess Beatrice will make a happy jmarriage after all. Tho expectant hus- |band will bo löoketi after by tho Queen-mother, of courso, even if Parliamentis not appealed to for a marriage sctt'io-1mont, and if thoro is nothing bettor to Jgive her son-in-law that is to bo. thoQueen can command for him somoprofitable sinecure Uko that of Bangorof ;\Vindsor; Park, which .hi held by .that jOther impecunious son-in-law of thoQueen, tho Prince Christian of Sohles-wig-hol8tein, husband of Beatrlco'soldersister Holeiia.

THO Tootli Factory. jTho domain Of tho dentist ia about to

bo disputed. A groat diaoovory hasbeen made which will.rovplutionizo thoWhole business and emancipate tbp suf¬ferers. A factory has been established, Iwith plenty of capital tobabkit, for thopurposo of making artificial teeth bymacliihory. All that any one who'Jatroubled with his teeth will havb to doWill be to get thom all pulledout < Thenho can pUrchaso a brand new,, machinomado sot and bo exempt from toothacheall tho rest of his 'life. This is, ofcourso, nothnig now in tho making'andusing of artificial teoth, but lt will-beoasily soon that the manufacture bymaoliinory presenta great advantages.When tho making of watches by¡ma-ohinery was started thqr^ wore manyprotests that tho now way would novorbo as good as tho old. But tho exact¬ness soon attained,1 and tho convonloncoof having the parts interchangeable, |brought about a revolution;.: and thofactory watohos now, rank aVovo îtliohand-made. Tho same advantago willbe had in the factory teeth. If ono sotgots brokon, or comos out, an exactlya)milar one can be ordoioct' frdm 'ihofactory at very small cost; If tho platogota crooked it can bo roplaced in thomino way. All that will bo necessarywill bo t;o glvo tho number of tho pjáte,and a now ono, precisely Uko tho old,will bo sent by rotum mail.

._fe??-. .?.

wonlthy vnaii who obtuins bis wealthhonp'atly and noon it rightly, la a grorçtMossing to tho oornmiinifcy,UoHOlvo to bilge in iv little goadingovóry day, if it is but singlo sontenoo;if you gefn fifteen minutos a day, it willmake itsolf foltat tho Cud of tho yo*r.LovO ia sunshine; bato ta shadow.-Montana has now moro than LQ00,«OOO cattle

To hayôbe'alutlfuïimiv nnd Kofep it itt

up' in sômo .'l)ccöining,surround', andWöiHlor1 th'iit' it '¿btetrépied, thin iÄ'^telÄäöö^''haven ;^ft'uïy^'t Tlio hair ßhoüKl'bö^ loosened-'lyery hight boforb lotlrhig,' phbuld'v#f>-iombçil fredi fvbni all tangier with à;>ono comb; (vubbar combs have donojnueh ito split midibrcak the banquear- *(y iiH ijav« too liso ;Ubji$i^¡^ for fi.ohg.^imo* bvuH.bliig from tho top to tho !fory opdfj It io iwbll íor a lady who hasa maid,' iq impoli b)o to bruah quos',laiii: if yory lquw. Thou braidedfast,ten tho onda with Hoft.çUkbraUi fo^tiuvjiigiit. /Tho scalp should bVkept' cleanand healthy ; Wash qccaslpnally and have'tothp^^tÍLÍea a'yeár aa well.Vr ? ,

(VöraVbraida, tako a ra\Y 0g'i¿ 'Mid utttf it!]thbVo;Vghlyjiitd tho 'scalp (i^Uo^iftvatlt nibs lu bettor) thou vi, ift;çbV^^>ya-,tor with a littlo anHnouia.,)j?Oórt'bViitcdlu it,;w4ng ÇhpbjaWMp.^ ,mv% tho Uro br in tho. min Upbil.,,dry.and.lhon comb 'outAU['Màmtf&iiti 1

¡bráíding -fproventa' ' iiiiicli' j Briii r/l Îñ^1jtioiKwiU » prevent1 }la>ïallingrat 'andi|¿Wy tpi the,., root?.Ú %hp4^fashions for dressing childrpn^ hair arom follows: Ringlets ara most fayor-Mlb.í'ór bableái ' Lítílb b'byil havb chrisin bbb' back und ban'ga liv frdut,. tïÀm$ girls, bayo thôir thoiv bair wavred.and, filing down'.lvhp/back, with achored ribbon to keep it in place. Sonio.pfouug gina, hitvb rovlvéd tíiri faslilóii bflight hair note, wMi largo moshesj iii1iwhichthe hair falls loose and aa lowaa tho middle of tho back. Thia j style,'shows tho hair to groat adyantago,;aud>.;-will probably meet with great approval..Ij'rom 10 to 17 years of ago tho hair isworn.high''arid twisted on'tho top ofthc head. " With this mothod of ar¬rangement tho hair round hats have noelastics, BO aa not to conceal auy ¡partof the protty waves which tho hair fprms,whoa thus raised from tho nape of thoneck. Tho hat is fastened to thp hairl#u\ stool i>b.V .with a shejt o?' ibt'jihad'.

., A. AlnUosimy J<OK.

VA largor quantity., of, mahogany te.bô'ing, received hero this year than any Jptnev varietyof fovtfgn Wóód¡»»'*'«'átó aWbll-khown importer tö V'Veftbrtbr.i'ltis becoming fashionable to uso paa^^jiogany in almost èvery kind of fauoyRiid ornamental' woodwork, aud- In thomanufacturo of furniture,and Pthov hi ti¬llea ¡of ordinary use lt has takon to agroat oxtont tho placo of black walnut,;Thia fall especially tho partial failure bf/(iii' sugar orbii has stimulated tiib'mWmenta' of mahogany frbnv ;Ciíbá!laridMexico, from' 1which) .places, tho wob'tfused in thia foqiínt-vyíP.rinpipallyLComos.Very littlo comos from South Amer-

( <uWhat does it bring in tho marketere?"' "^'ii ;$J h* "M«:ir? «It is oho of tho1 most uricertaihcom-

modltlos that wp imporb in respect to «

price, and cargoes vary in valuo frpm.iMcouts to 25 emits a foot, theso being tho {ordinary limita. Sometimes, howovor^ ta singlo log-will bring a huhdrbd thneB\s rnuoh ns this. In Its ibugíi stat o'aog can only bo judged by Us exterior,Ind some'idea can bo? formed of<tUoquality of tho wood mid tho: pattern qfT?tho grain ip this way. .Its^commorpialvahío depends principally ppop i,t3 patr,torn. Exporta frcquoiitly o'xporlpncogroat difllculties in judging of tlio VaVáo"-qf à lôg'y and.tho''buyer 'ófton^otnW %%Hbig bónanza lá.íthlaiwayfrapstmnéiípeo'rtçdly- .I^ast, >yeok a-, lpg, >yás-.spld-..oií{fshipboard to,a pum for $00.., Wo gav<>,ld in |Ô0 for 'it a quarÊet' pf :'¡áii?hourafterward, and have smcè Vut; $3|ÔÔ6worth of strips fíbm "this Blnglp log.Tho beauty of tliö pattehi 'was hbt dfa-co^orod t\\\ wo began tb put it. lt lo *

nob very often, howoYer,. thAt. sp. valu-jblo a.prlxo ls drawnly,

An Altelo»t rcoplo.1Betweep, pamaspus and Jerusalem, iff.'à tvibo pf about 3,000 IIpbrewH. .whlon)'lias boon thoro probably einco tho bb- .

ginning of tho Qhrla'^ri, ora; Theyhavb neither blty nor town; thby llvb incamps» Tho templo ls >fépresonted! bya moro spaoious tent. They have novóra^dn^i^te^ ftipöng .tiioin a pqrapnvOf-.dltf-orent'vaco qr roligioiu, ,T»ioir ordinaryiailguHge ls nbbrow._ In thoir rola-"tiona Svlth qthew tlioy spoak Arabian.TheaoTOiatlonajl f̂bw,fovtboy havo rcmahu/d like their prim*-'Iltlvp. vacosj pxpluslvoly tillovs of thoFoil and wiVrilorii. They cultivate, tba,,ground armed from 'head to foot, al",ways ready tb defond thoiv portion, ofearth, from which, with great dlulbuV-tyv they dorivo a moacro MUbstíi'nco.Thoy live on littlo, and aro cohibnfc tothus live iii thole nativo penneywhichtliey havo ocoupiod for cenluric.H