markit - get to know us!


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Post on 18-Mar-2016




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Want to know who we are, what we do, how we tick? Check out this brief briefing of all that is markit, your marketing dept.


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To provide brilliant, in-depth marketing solutions,moving you from

good togreatin acreative, fun, energetic atmosphere.

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Half of the team brings skills of trouble-shooting, research, marketing plans, strategies, promotional calendars, media buying, sales consulting and solutions to challenges that businesses face. Time is taken to get to know each client and their business in depth, and assistance is provided with implementation of all marketing efforts.

The other half of the marketing team are talented creative people who focus on customization for each of our clients. Their design work speaks to the target customer with a message that is meaningful and captivating to them. Their work can be in the form of graphic design, web design, video production, photography or creative writing.

:: a complete marketing department, consisting of a team of ten ::

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The most important aspect of our work is the on-going business relationships that are established between us and our clients, allowing evaluation of all marketing efforts to be done. This valuable information is used to determine future steps to help their business grow from good to great.

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• Acompletemarketingdepartment

• We’vebeenaroundfor

• Weworkwithabroadarrayofclients in many different industries. Our clients range from sole proprietors to manufacturing to government entities and more.

who are we?

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Nickie Froiland :: owns the jointTheboss-lady,andrespectfullyso–she’smorethanambitioustoputitfrankly,andreallyknowsherstuff.Withpilesofexperienceinconsumerunderstanding, marketing and sales, Nickie can do wonders for your business...shediditwiththisone!She’samasterofwordsandyourreferenceforsalesconsulting,andifthere’saproblem,shesolvesit.Pointblank.

Tammy Hester :: go-to galWithyearsintheindustry,andasaChamberofCommerceAmbassador,Tammyiswell-connected.She’sknownasthe“office-mom,”keepingthingsinorderandeveryonehappy,andactsasNickie’srighthand[wo]man. Think of her as your personal assistant. She does what is needed, when you need it.

Travis Lyne :: MG (marketing guy)Withadegreeinbusinessadministration(emphasisingmarketingandhumanresources)fromUW-Platteville,andafewcreditsawayfromhisMBA,Travisknowstheropes.He’sgreatatdrivingresultsthroughimplementation:thinkofhimastheoneinchargeofyour‘honey-do’list,ashemakessureallofyourmarketing‘chores’getdone.

Anne Potter :: MG (marketing gal)ShehasadegreeinmarketingfromTexasChristianUniversityandabackgroundofeventcoordinating–obviouslyAnne’sgotsomeexperience.She’sgreatatcommunicatingandboastssomewickedattentiontodetail.LikeTravis,shealsomakessureyourmarketing‘chores’aredoneinthebestinterestofyourcompany’sgoalsandresultsareachieved.

Julie Hedlund :: strategy galJuliebringssomuchexperiencetothetable,wedon’tevenknowhowtouseitall!She’sgotadegreeinBusinessAdministrationfromtheUniversityofNebraska-LincolnandanMBAfromCardinalStritchUniversity to begin with, but she knows anything and everything from product and brand development, to positioning and marketing strategy.

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Jacque Hahn :: solutions galWithaheckofarésumeworkinginavarietyofdifferentindustriesfromhealth care to business and economic development, Jacque knows what ittakestomakeyourbusinesssuccessful.She’sourmatch-makerandmarketing‘marriagecounselor,”determiningifwe’recompatibleand

what it takes to keep everyone happy.

Eric Froiland :: production guyEric’stheguytoturntowhenyouhavesomethingtosaytothemasses.He’stheexpertinvideoandaudioproduction,soifyou’vegotsomethingtoshoot,he’stheguytodoit.Ericcanhelpreachyourcustomersandgetresults.Themanreallyknowshisstuff,he’sbeendoingitforsolong,he

could do it in his sleep!

Whitney Bestor :: graphics galWhitney’sgotabachelor’singraphicdesignfromtheUofM,andyearsofexperienceinphotography,butshe’salsoskilledincreativewritingandsome“e-stuff.”Youcanseewhywecallherour“Jacklyn-of-all-trades.”


Sarah Miller :: graphics galSarah’sstillinhertwenties,yethastheskillsofadesignerwho’sbeen

at it for 50 years. She knows everything there is to know about the print business,andthensome.Withavisualcommunicationsdegreefrom

BrownCollegeandherinvolvementwithFuelRochester,Sarahisabletomake sure you deliver the right message while looking your best.

Skipp Boyenga :: web guyToosmartforhisowngood.Toogoodtoeveradmitit.He’stheguythat


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Do you think you have business challengesthatnooneunderstands?

Wehelpourclientsidentifychallengesand offer solutions to help improve their bottomline.

what do we do?

• HowdoIgrowmybusiness?• Whoismytargetcustomer?• Whatismycompetitiondoingor

sayingaboutme?• Whatismycompetitiondoingtogrow

theirbusiness?Howdoesthateffectme?• Whatmakesmybusinessdifferent?• Whydomycustomersbuyfromme?• HowdoIgetmycustomersto

understandthebenefitsofworkingwithme?• HowdoIprepareforbusinesssuccession?

questions we answer...

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sales & customer service


web design & other ‘e-stuff’


marketing strategy


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marketing strategy

don’tseesomethingyouwant?ask. we probably do it.

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• Wegettoknowyour business, your goals and how you want to getthere.It’sasifwe were actually employees.

• Thenwefocusonwhat your organization needs with regard to marketing to achieve the goals you have set for yourselves.

how we do what we do?

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Get in touch with us!

507.529.9000 | 320 s broadwayrochester, mn 55904

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Get in touch with us!

yourmarkit.com320 s broadwayrochester, mn 55904

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Questions? Call us. 507.529.9000

Or visit