marketing strategy first draft

Lending Square Marketing & Communication Plan

Upload: abdelhamid-beji

Post on 22-Jul-2016




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Page 1: Marketing strategy first draft

Lending Square Marketing & Communication Plan

Page 2: Marketing strategy first draft

Buyer Personas

Borrower profile:

A person that is 21 years old or more and is living in Ghana. She/he seeks for urgent money to fulfill a need and pay it back afterward. This person should be working or having a steady source of income and having a good credit history. He/she might need a loan for perso-nal needs(home improvement, education, pay a bill, repair a car, a gap money for wedding) Lending Square can lend him/her money after a three or two weeks procedure.In that sens Lending Square can fulfill his need in a fast and efficient manner.

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Buyer Personas

Lender profile:

A person aged 21 years old or more and resident in Ghana. That person wants to make benefits while seeking for human interactions and a social impact. Thi person should have a minimum revenue of 6 thousand Cedi (around 1500 USD) Thi person should have a bank account. This person can lend small amounts of money to borrowers on Lending Square and be repayed back afterwards. It can be a fast and efficient manner to make some benefits while having a social impact and intereacting with people.

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Attraction Phase:-Hearing about Lending Square-Information research

Approval Phase:-Account Creation-Background Check -Approval by LS

Matching Phase:-Waiting for lenders bid on market Place-Auction

Realization Phase:-Receiving the money

Follow Up Phase:-Paying back the money borrowed

From 24 up to 48 hours

From 3 up to 14 days

Borrower’s Touchpoints - Phases

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Customer Journey Canvas Borrowers




Lending Square

How can I get a loan?

Is there any alternative?

Is it the right option for me? Will it offer me

everything I need?

Lending Square should be available to respond to any inquiry and have all the information needed by the potential customer on its website. LS should, also, infrom its customer about

all the details of the procedure and the time its should take. Beside that, it should have a staff dedicted to customer feedback, inquiries, delays and potential issues.

What is the procedure?

Does it take a lot of time?

It seems complicated to do, will I have any help from

the staff?

How much would it take me to find

a loan?Will I get the

interest of any lender?

What if I do not get any bid from

lenders? What will

happen then?

Is the service really satisfying?Did I get what I

asked for?

I should be careful about my spendings

How and when should I repay

back the money?

I may have a delay on the payback

What if I woud not be able to payback the money due to an urgent matter?

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Attraction Phase:-Hearing about Lending Square-Information research

Approval Phase:-Account Creation-Background Check -Approval by LS

Matching Phase:-Browsing the market place-Bid for borrowers

Realization Phase:-Lend the money

Follow Up Phase:-Receive the money lended plus the interests

From 24 up to 48 hours

From 3 up to 14 days

Lender’s Touchpoints - Phases

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Customer Journey Canvas Borrowers




Lending Square

How much bene-fits could I make

out of it?Does it go with my values and goals?

Can I trust this platform?

Is it the right option for me?

Would I be able to help other


The service level provided to lenders should be high. In fact, it is the main source of money that would make the business suistain. That is why, LS should be really careful with all its len-

ders, so they would be able to lend their money again. A feedback system should be imple-mented with persons dedicated to respond to any request coming from the lenders. Lending Square should also involve its lenders in the matching process and make it easier for them by

informing them of any new borrower on the market place that goes with their interest and preferences. On a long term basis, an automated matching process should be implemented

with notifications.

How will I be able to lend

moneyDoes it take a lot

of time and efforts?

It seems complicated to do, will I have any help from

the staff?

Are borrowers trustworthy?

Can I really have an impact on


What If I do not find a borrower with a suitable interest rate for


Is the service really satisfying?Would I be able

to make benefits?

Should I worry about the pay


Can the bu-siness go in


What If there is a problem with a

lender? What if do not re-ceive my money in


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waiting for Salma :p


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Digital Marketing Strategy

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Digital Marketing StrategyCommunication Channels

As the most important social media used in Ghana, LS has to use it for its digital strategy due to the wide type of audiance present on it.

Twitter has another audiance, a more edu-cated and more serious one. It can be used to attract another audiance using a some quick news and fact messages about LS

As a professional oriented social media, LinkedIn is widly used by businesses for B2B matters. LS can use it to attract more business profiles like lenders.

YouTube is a complementary tool for this set to be able to have a more dynamic and more attractive content.

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Digital Marketing StrategyFacebook

First important thing to do is to grow the page like in order to have more audiance. What to keep in mind that the number of likes on a page is not an important metric when assessing how the communication is working.

Key performance indicators

#Reach RateHow many people did see your posts

#Engagement RateHow many person

interacted with your brand online

-Share between 3 and 5 posts per day with a weekly planing in advance. -You may use a planning tool.-Always respond to message/comments as fast as you can you can create templates to avoid repetitive tasks.-Care about your audiance-If a person needs someone from the team for an in-quiry send redirect them to that person.-Try to share a high quality content and make people interact with you throw comments.-Post stories about your customers because it is powerful in attracting more audiance.

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Digital Marketing StrategyTwitter

Same thing as for Facebook you need to grow your page. Send invitations to your friends to follow it, try to have retweets to attract more followers. Keep in mind that the number of followers is not the most important metric.

Key performance indicators

#Reach RateHow many people did see your tweets

#Engagement RateHow many person

interacted with your brand online

-Share between 3 and 5 posts per day with a weekly planing in advance. -You may use a planning tool.-Always respond to message/comments as fast as you can you can create templates to avoid repetitive tasks.-If a person needs someone from the team for an in-quiry send redirect them to that person.-Try to share a high quality content and make people interact with you throw comments.-Try to find an equilibrium between funny facts and serious tweets.-Post stories about your customers.

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Digital Marketing StrategyUseful links and tools

Twitter guide by Simply


Twitter Tool for

LinkedIn Guide for



LinkedIn Tool for




Facebook Tool for analytics:Use the integrated tool of FB

Other useful

Planning and analytics tool for websites your links for twitter

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Digital Marketing StrategyContent Strategy

Type of content:Story telling is the most powerful content that you can share online with your au-diance. You can convey a story in different manners; short blog posts, long blog posts, infographics, photos, videos, video games... Since stories convey a lot of emotions, people feel related to them and your andiance will fell closer to your brand. Vary the mean used to convey the stories about your customers in order to create a more dyna-mic content.The three truths:-The information available online is growing, it will continue to rise forever creating a tidal wave of information.- Every person has 1440 in her/his day, not a minute more.- With the world becoming more complicated, to get the attention of a person you need to give her/him more than she/he asks.

Therefore, timing your content and knowing what are your audiance preferences is essential if you want your brand to be heard.

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Digital Marketing StrategyInbound Marketing Concept

Inbound marketing is the digital marketing widly used by most successful E-businesses.It is composed of 4 pillars. It was created by hubspot company.

Attract Convert

Close Showcase

This phase is about attracting stran-gers by high quality content (Stories for exp) through social media or blogs and send them to the webiste

This phase is about converting those stran-gers into leads (contact lists) by filling sur-veys. You use call-to-actions which can be the register here buttons on your website you have to made them attractive to the eyes of the website visitors.

You basically close the deal with the leads by calling them or sending them emails (followup) to convert them into customers.

Using a feedback system, you have to detect your satisfied customers (promoters) and ask them to write a testimonial about their experience with your brand. You will use that as your main attraction tool.

1 2

3 4

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Digital Marketing StrategyCommunication Message Borrowers

5 reasons why you should not borrow money from Lending Square

In order to attract more borrowers, we can use these messages to shock them and make them remember the brand:-You should not borrow money from Lending Square because it has low interest rate loans.-You should not borrow money from Lending Square because you will have your loan fast.-You should not borrow money from Lending Square because its ease of use and access.-You should not borrow money from Lending Square because you do not requirecollateral.You should not borrow money from Lending Square because you can customize your loan

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Borrowers’ Poster Examples