marketing metaphoria

presented by : Finding DEEP INSIGHTS FROM Consumers in order to have DEEP INSIGHT ABOUT Consumers by Navigating The Unconscious Mind of Your Customers What Consumers Can’t Tell You and Competitors Don’t Know The Latest & Hottest Marketing Research Approach!!! LIVE IN INDONESIA FIRST IN SOUTH EAST ASIA CONSULTING GROUP MARKETING METAPHORIA supported by : powered by : 6th November 2008 - Ritz Carlton Hotel - Pacific Place - Jakarta Indonesia

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Feel difficult to understand your consumers and can not understand what they think in their unconscious minds? so you can not develop good marketing strategies? find the solution at Marketing Metaphoria


presented by :

Finding DEEP INSIGHTS FROM Consumers in order to have DEEP INSIGHT ABOUT Consumers by Navigating The Unconscious Mind of Your Customers

What Consumers Can’t Tell You and Competitors Don’t Know

The Latest &

Hottest Marketing

Research Approach!!!






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6th November 2008 - Ritz Carlton Hotel - Pacific Place - Jakarta Indonesia

why traditional marketing research fails to understand consumers?

Do you know why 80% of new offerings fail ?• The pattern is : Customers say they want something, companies create it,

and once it’s available, customers don’t buy it

• Why ? It’s not because customers just don’t know what they want

• Customers do know, but marketing’s most overused tools (surveys, questionnaires, in-depth interview and focus groups) and conventional thinking don’t dig deeply enough to help them discover and express it

• They are much more about how to tell things to consumers than about helping them tell us about their internal state of mind

What Are Missing With The Traditional Marketing Research ?

Traditional marketing research methods (focus group, basic one-to-one interviews, surveys, questionnaire, or simple ethnography) used to gain customer understanding reveal only “surface level” insights about customers’ unmet needs, desired solutions, or sought-after benefits

In fact, these traditional methods are incapable of producing the deep, fundamental understanding of customers that managers need to guide their innovation decisions

surface-level VS deep

Do you know why there is a“Say-mean-gap” in Research

Do you know that human mind (consumer mind) operates on images, not words?! If we ask something to human (consumers), their brain answer with images, not words!

This is the biggest problem of current marketing research approach. Researchers ask questions, consumers answer by words. The gap occurs! Consumers have limited collection of words to tell what they have in mind. Worse-still, researchers misperceive the meaning of words expressed by consumers. Therefore, the best marketing research is understanding the unconscious mind of consumers which is images occur in their mind, not only word.

GAP 1 Researchers translate the meaning of



Consumers’ Mind Research Tools Researcher

brands should change their research methodunderstand what consumers have in mind,

not what they say!

Do You Know The Latest Marketing Research Methodology ?

Those brands already reduce the old marketing research activities and jumped to marketing metaphor to dig out deep insight

which has been used by most Fortune 500 companies and largest brand across all business sectors?

The New Marketing Research Approach that is Most Relevant Today!!!

Used in 22 countries in America, Asia, and Europe

Marketing Metaphoria

And now comes to Indonesia!!!

Conscious Processes

Unconscious Processes

Consumers Marketers

Most of what we know we don’t know that we know

Customers don’t know what they want

Customer even don’t know what they don’t want

Recent research shows that conventional methods of advertising, concept and product testing are limited to exploring surface level, “rationalized” beliefs and associations, or simple recall. They cannot dig down to the more fundamental, often unconscious, meanings and emotions that consumers co-create in response to communication content

How Customers Think

Gerald Zaltman is the Joseph C. Wilson Professor of Business Administration Emeritus at the Harvard Business School and a former member of the Executive Committee of Harvard University's Mind, Brain, and Behavior Interfaculty Initiative. He was previously Co-Director of The Mind of the Market Laboratory at HBS. He is a co-founder and senior partner in the research based consulting firm of Olson Zaltman Associates whose clients include some of the worldʼs most respected firms and brands. Professor Zaltman holds a Ph.D in sociology from The Johns Hopkins University, an M.B.A from the University of Chicago, and an A.B. in government from Bates College. Professor Zaltman held positions at Northwestern University and the University of Pittsburgh before joining Harvard University in 1991.

His research interests focus on customer behavior and marketing strategy. His book, How Customers Think: Essential Insights into the Mind of the Market (2003) has been translated into 15 languages. It has received several awards and has ranked among the top five selling business books in North America and Europe. His newest book, co-authored with Lindsay Zaltman, is Marketing Metaphoria: What Deep Metaphors Reveal about the Minds of Consumers (2008). This book addresses the deep metaphors or unconscious frames people use that influence their thinking and behavior.

Professor Zaltmanʼs work has been featured in The New York Times, Fortune Magazine, Forbes, US News & World Report, Time, Fast Company Magazine, American Demographics, and other major publications. Professor Zaltman is a consultant to corporations around the globe and frequent keynote speaker at major conferences. He holds three patents for market research tools including the patent on the use of neuroimaging in marketing. Another patent, ZMET, is used around the world by major firms and international agencies. It has been described by several writers as the most significant innovation in market research in more than two decades.

ZMET ApproachZMET (Zaltman Metaphor Elicitation Technique) is a patented research methodology developed by Professor Gerald Zaltman of the Harvard Business School and used exclusively by Olzon Zaltman Associates

ZMET is based on ideas derived from cognitive and clinical psychology, cognitive neuroscience, anthropology, and sociology

ZMET probes beneath the surface to reveal the unconscious thoughts and feelings that influence consumers’ decision making and associated actions that are missed by traditional research method

4 Important Principles of Mind That Are Used in ZMET 1. The unconscious mind “rules”

Scientists estimate that approximately 95% of thought occurs unconsciously, and influence on customers’ interpretations, decisions, and behaviors

Traditional research approaches focus on conscious beliefs and attitudes, whereas ZMET, by exploring unconscious meanings, helps customers reveal “what they don’t know they know”

2. Images are central “components” of mind

The human mind operates on images, not words. Direct questioning methods rely on words cannot tap into the deeper, unconscious meaning that underlie the words. That why ZMET leverage the power of images which will be more successful in revealing deep, unconscious insights about customers

3. Universal orientations are fundamental

Most marketers are focused on differences among customers that become the basis for market segments. At a fundamental level, however, people are more similar than different

In ZMET, we identified universal orientations called “deep metaphors” that structure and guide people’s thoughts, emotional responses, decisions, and behaviors

4. Metaphors are the key to unlocking the unconscious

Metaphoric thinking - how we understand one thing in terms of something else - is a key mental process that is responsible for much of our knowledge

4 Important Principles of Mind That Are Used in ZMET

Marketing Metaphoria Can Be Applied in Many Functions

Product development

Marketing communication strategy

Marketing strategy development

Brand positioning

Brand personality & essence

Brand rejuvenation

Product launching

In summary, through Marketing Metaphoria, companies better understand their customers and develop more effective marketing actions

• Develop research questions that speak to the unconscious brain

• Evoke valuable meaning through a customer’s metaphors -- and instill those images in brand communications

• Measure consumer reactions to marketing stimuli -- and alter advertising or positioning strategies accordingly

• Understand how consumer own minds work -- and how they can think in creative new ways

Communication Application

• Determining the relevance of positioning concepts

• Developing imagery for mood boards

• Evaluating message content

• Fie-tuning of animatics and rough cuts

• Selecting the most effective audio, text or visual cues

• Understanding product trial experience

• Evaluating new product concepts

• Determining meaning of flavors, colors, tactice attributes

• Evaluating package design

• Identifying meanings associated with logos or brand names

Product Application

Marketing Metaphoria Can Be Applied in Many Functions (cont’d)

Other Applications of Marketing Metaphoria • Uncovering how to teens and tweens feel about a

snack food brand

• Finding a unique positioning for a new vodka brand

• Improving the customer experience at a major fast-food chain

• Uncovering the motivations and barriers to using hearing aids

• Helping a financial institution understand the meaning of money to its clients

• Evaluating a radically new product concept among information technology managers

• Learning how physicians and patients view direct to consumer advertising

• Understanding the meaning (equity) of a soft drink brand for heavy and light drinkers in eight countries

• Positioning a new sport

• Determining which ad concepts have the most potential impact for a global brand

• Creating mood boards to convey desired emotional responses

• Understanding the various meanings of “fun”

• Comparing how women in Japan, France and US feel about shopping

• Understanding the role of microwave ovens in home cooking


Exhibit 2 presents an IP model of five stages and identifies various deep customer

insights ZMET can provide at each stage. Note that ZMET can address upstream issues, at the

very beginnings of the IP, such as understanding customers’ life context into which a new

product must fit. Midstream in the IP, ZMET also can identify deep design criteria that can

guide the design of new product characteristics. And, downstream, ZMET can uncover

customers’ deep emotional reactions to product concepts or actual product prototypes.

Exhibit 2: Applications of ZMET to the Innovation Process

Following, we illustrate the model by presenting six “case examples” that describe how firms

identified deep customer insights via the ZMET process and then leveraged those insights in

their IP.

Stage 1. Identifying the deep emotional drivers of a desired behavior

We have argued that the IP should be as concerned with developing innovative meanings

that motivate potential customers to engage with a product as it is with creating new product

features. An example is provided by a ZMET study designed to identify the deep, unconscious

motivations driving alumni of a major university to donate significant amounts of money to the

























3 4 5

! Discover how customers understand their experiences and problems

! Understand the broad customer context in which product operates

! Identify customers’ unmet emotional needs and elaborate their meaning

! Learn how customers perceive the product category, including competitors’ positions

! Identify “own-able” meaning space (relative to competitive brands)

! Link brand to deep customer orientations, motivations, and emotions

! Design the brand personality and brand story

! Create customer-based positioning platforms and creative briefs to agencies

Product to Market 2

! Understand customers’ deep reactions to product concepts (verbal descriptions or visual boards)

! Determine user deep reactions to trial experiences with product prototypes

! Choose “the one” (or two) to pursue

Understand the “Meaning Domain” for

Product Innovation Evaluate New Product Ideas

Position the Brand

Conduct ZMET Research to….

Apply ZMET Insights to…

Conduct ZMET Research to…

Apply ZMET Insights to…

Conduct ZMET Research to…

Develop New Product Ideas

! Identify relevant customer-based decision criteria for new product ideation Deep metaphors Common themes Emotional benefits

! Generate innovation ideas that fit customer-based criteria

! Identify and develop further the best few ideas

Evaluate and Improve the Communication

! Understand customers’ surface and deep reactions to alternative executions (marketing communications, product design, packaging)

! Generate diagnostic information to guide improvements

Application of ZMET to the Innovation Process






: How to Connect Your Brand with Customers

through Marketing Metaphoria

: 6th November 2008

: RItz Carlton Hotel - Pacific Place - Jakarta

: Lindsay H. Zaltman

About The Speaker

is Managing Director of Olson Zatman Associates, a marketing research and consulting firm that focuses on uncovering consumers’ unconscious thoughts and motivations, and applying this knowledge to marketing strategy

He has successfully spearheaded global positioning, brand, and new product innovation work for companies across all business sectors

Lindsay is co-author of Marketing Metaphoria, How Customers Think, The Handbook of Marketing Research and has been cites in such publications as the New York Times, Fast Company, Business 2.0, Variety and the Journal of Business Research. He has lectured extensively at various Fortune 500 companies and conferences all around the world

Lindsay H. Zaltman

List of His Clients


FMCG and retail

Entertainment and Media


Manufacturing and Heavy Industry



List of His Clients

Praise for Marketing Metaphoria (cont’d)

“A huge challenge in marketing is to find positioning ideas that work globally. Marketing Metaphoria unlocks the door to the universal ideas that run our lives and is invaluable for those who aspire for their brands to have true meaning in people’s lives.”

- Keith Pardy, Senior Vice President, Nokia Strategic Marketing.

“In today’s market, companies cannot succeed without actionalbe insight into consumers’ mind: how they interpret stimulus, how they make decisions. That’s what makes Marketing Metaphoria a must-read. It sheds lihght on how to blend the science of the human condition with the discipline of brand management.”

- Mark Hendrix, Executive Vice President, Director of Corporate Marketing, The PNC Financial Services Group.

“You will never think the same again about what shapes consumer behavior, thanks to this eye-opening Marketing Metaphor.”

- Philip Kotler, S.C. Johnson & Son Distinguished Professor of International Marketing, Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University.

“With Marketing Metaphoria, the Zaltmans continue to challenge marketers to truly understand their customers at a deeper, more meaningful level. While acknowledging the complexity of this endeavor, they effectively use real-world examples to illustrate how the understanding of deep metaphors can be successfully applied to marketing strategy and execution. Their perspectives on segmentation and traditional interview methods are particularly refreshing in a field that has seen little innovation. The Zaltmans continue to excite and inspire me with Marketing Metaphoria”

- Marc White Sr., Insight Director, Global Marketing, AstraZenica Pharmaceuticals.

“Fascinating ! Marketing Metaphoria helps you understand why traditional research techniques have such a low batting average and provides a road map for understanding the true motivators of consumer action. It will surely help marketers overcome the ‘depth deficit’ in thinking and set them on their way to deeper thinking and deeper profits.”

- Michael Wendroff, Vice President, Marketing, Combe, Inc.

“After reading and understanding Marketing Metaphoria, you will understand consumers -- and yourself -- better than you have ever before.”

- Leonard Berry, M.B. Zale Chair in Retailing and Marketing Leadership, Mays Business School, Texas A&M University.

Praise for Marketing Metaphoria (cont’d)

for further information, please contact :

Zaenul Mutazin | 0817 166 167Business [email protected]

Investment Fee:US$ 350 per personUS$ 300 per person (early bird before 30 october 2008)

OfficeGrand ITC Permata Hijau. Sapphire 21-22Jl. Arteri Permata Hijau. Jakarta 12210Phone : +62 21 5366 4272-73Mobile : +62 812 1070 143