market segmentation

Online class 1 CASE STUDY about Consumer Behavior or Market Segmentation.

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Page 1: Market segmentation

Online class 1

CASE STUDY about Consumer Behavior or Market Segmentation.

Page 2: Market segmentation

Market Segmentation—Man’s Fairness

The male fairness segment industry is pitched at around Rs. 250 crore and the industry is growing at a scorching 150 percent per year. The industry evidently has woken up to the fact that the metro-sexual and has a large appetite for beauty (the industry expression is "male grooming") products, particularly driven by a desire to look as fair as the fairer SEX.

ABC Company recently launched 'GROOM PLUS' the first men's fairness cream and claims that the market feedback is highly positive and encouraging. It is now planning an extension of "GROOM PLUS" to products like bleaches, shaving creams, Lotions etc. Hitherto men used fairness cream /bleach that were available in parlor packs. Subsequent research showed that men prefer bleach of their own with its own fragrance and specific skin type formulations, especially branded ones.

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• Suggest bases for segmentation of market for Groom Plus products

• Discuss the importance of packaging in marketing of the above Product range.

• Suggest a suitable Promotion Mix for creating awareness of the above range of products

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Question 1: Suggest bases for segmentation of market for groom plus products

• The bases for segmentation should be a mixture of Individual Marketing, niche marketing and Local marketing.

– Individual marketing is the extreme level of segmentation in which ABC can focus on individual customers.

– The niche marketing can be an effort to position the fairness products in a smaller urban market that have similar attributes and some specific unsatisfied needs.

– Local marketing can help expand the marketing beyond the boundaries of the Metro cities. The idea should be to offer customized fairness product to suit the Local markets.

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Question 2: Discuss the importance of packaging in marketing of the above product range

• We all know that packaging adds value to the

product in the form of easier Handling and secured usage.

• For a fairness product, an easy to use packaging which is secured and transparent are likely to have better sales.

• Packaging should also facilitate easier handling by the retailers and dealers. It should also be environment friendly as it would add to the good quality of the product and thus help in the easy salability and marketability of the product.

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Question 3: Suggest a suitable promotion mix for creating awareness of theabove range of products.

Selection of the right media like television, websites and lifestyle journals can be effective in case of fairness product.. Most visible display hoarding on the busy streets, health centers, gym , spa etc. can help promote the product.

Point of purchase displays such as window displays, wall displays, danglers,

balloons and of course innovations like sniff teasers that spreads the aroma of product can be an effective promotion mix.

Distribution of free samples to niche segments to encourage them try a new product.

Free gifts, coupons, scratch card scheme can incentivize the customers buy the

same product again.

Devising strategies through money refunds and rebates so that qualified Customers make repeat purchase. The method of refund should be Consistent and confidence boosting.

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Online Class 2

Coca-Cola Liquid & Linked

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“Stories spread value”

• Stories: – Stories comprise of content, experiences and conversations.

• • Spread:– To spread your stories, use owned, earned, shared and paid

media, in that order, with social at the heart. Social will make everything you do bigger.

• Value: – They will help in creating value that transcends that of your

own company.

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The strategy talks about

• Be share worthy – Everything that is created in the social world needs to have the ability to be shared further.

• Embrace your new sales force – Your customers are your new sales force. They can amplify your message.

• Listen, and then engage - Listening isn’t finished unless you engage. Use what you learn to connect with the customer.

• Think big, start small, scale fast – What you want to do is test, fail, learn and scale.

• Speed trumps perfection – As marketers we try to put up very perfect products, because we’re perfectionists.

• Play well – Today campaigns, collaborations and relationships are more complicated than ever before.

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Liquid and Linked' Is Key

Marketing force behind one of world's largest brands stresses fully leveraging media– Brands can't buy their way to greatness any more, said Wendy

Clark, Coca-Cola's head of integrated marketing and communications.

– But brands can follow her "liquid and linked" approach to cross-media marketing

– "A 'like' is important," she said. "A 'share' is more important. We have to hold ourselves accountable for creating content that is sharable."

– Ms. Clark also stressed the need for creativity in using owned media, citing Coca-Cola's use of increasingly smart vending machines, its fleet of delivery trucks and Coca-Cola cans themselves over the years.

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Tipp Experience: It is another viral stunt, which utilizes the digital strengths on multiple

layers in a smart wayTwelpforce:

marketing that isn’t marketing – It offers “real time pulse measurement thus keeping in sink the features of liquid and linked.

IKEA FB App: It opened a new store in Malmo and used Face book to spread the word.

Golf GT Mobile app: A free app in which you get to race the GTI around a track and post your

times on Twitter and Face book, Nike – Live Strong:

The communication objective of the campaign was to demonstrate the foundation’s integrity, competency and importance.

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Online Class 3

(An idea of a new product that can be marketed through IMC using

maximum possible tools)

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Executive Summary

• Energy Bar & Co. products are not just for athletes anymore. They are a nutritious, and surprisingly delicious, way to get vitamins and minerals into the body when there is no time to sit down and make a meal. White-collar workers ages 18-34 need to become aware of this fact and see Energy Bar products as helpful and healthy meal-replacements and not just as an athlete’s energy bar.

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Integrated Marketing

• In order to communicate the proposed concept, Energy Bar & Co. will invest in an integrated marketing campaign based around the concept of having energy to achieve and balanced, healthy and happy life. This campaign will help the brand achieve its goals and objectives.

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Integrated Marketing

• Strategy 1: Traditional MediaWe will use the traditional print

methods of newspapers and magazines as well as the use of radio to execute certain creative aspects of the campaign. According to Nielsen’s Women of Tomorrow survey, women with the average age of 30 are still extremely influenced by traditional media.

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Integrated Marketing

• Strategy 2: Social Media As a vital medium to our target demographic, social media will play a key role in our IMC plan. According to the Pew Research Center’s Internet & American Life Project Spring Tracking Survey (April 17 – May 19, 2013), 72% of adults use social networks. Women use it more than men at 74% and 70% respectively. Educated demographic are also more likely to use social sites.

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Integrated Marketing

• Strategy 3: Public Relations In addition to a strong social media presence, there will be heavy public relations efforts that will integrate the overarching theme. Energy Bar & Co. will be the energy bar those appeals to the health-conscious, but busy woman. Using the big idea and central messaging, all tactics and social media messaging will reflect: “Do Something Healthy Today.”

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Integrated Marketing

• Strategy 4: Events & PromotionsThere will be three major events and two major media campaigns. All events will be based around the Theme: “Healthy living all year around.” The goal of each event is to extend our brand and show examples of how beneficial Energy Bar & Co. is to the health-conscious consumer. Purchasing our product will encourage and motivate the consumer to “do something healthy today.”

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• The campaign will be evaluated qualitatively and quantitatively in monthly increments to adjust advertising amount and budget accordingly. Quantitative measurement will be achieved through actively checking sales forecasts with the actual sales as well as reviewing expenses weekly to ensure budget control.

• For our website, we will utilize Google Analytics to determine page views, unique views, the pages the most time was spent on, and other related actions.

• Finally, at the conclusion of the campaign, we will hold 5 focus groups for loyal customers that attended the VIP event.