marine operations ship design group

Upload: jorge-cipriano

Post on 13-Jan-2016




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Marine Operations Ship Design GroupDPAutomation


  • Marine Opera*ons Ship design group Ship mo*on models

    Stability calcula*ons Wave-induced mo*on

    analysis Seakeeping Operability

    Propulsion Main propulsors Thrusters

    Manoeuvering Standard manoeuvering tests Rudder models

    Marine opera*ons LiAing opera*ons

    Light liA Heavy liA

    Hydrodynamic models Wire/cable/pipe Submerged object

    Through splash zone and seabed proximity

    DNV RP Marine Opera*ons Planning of marine

    opera*ons Weather windows Short term sta*s*cs Long term sta*s*cs

  • Stability calcula+ons




    1 rad

    GZ = GM ( i rad)


    GZ2() Effect of additional load, either AH wire or crane load. Reduced stability

  • Stability model Crane simulator

  • Wave-induced mo*on Seakeeping Operability Predic*on

    Vessel data Hull lines Loading condi*on

    Wave spectrum Model spectrum

    (e.g. JONSWAP) Long-crested or short-crested

    Sea-keeping criteria Wave scaRer diagram

    Vessel mo*on characteris*cs Various headings Various speeds

    Response spectrum Boundaries for operability Operability of vessel


    Specied by the user

  • Propeller models

    Generic models Propulsion Thrusters

  • Computa*onal Fluid Dynamics

    Detailed understanding of the ow condi*ons

    Wake ow

  • Mo+on stability deni+ons Straight line stability or Dynamic stability

    Direc+onal stability or Course stability Posi+onal mo+on stability or Path stability


  • Rudder forces

  • LiA and drag increase with increasing rudder angle

    Why does a rudder stall?

    Rudder Forces

  • Bulbous prole High stall High drag

    Slim prole Low stall Low drag

    Prole Shape

    Propulsion eciency


  • Installa*on of anchors

    The AHV carries the anchor

    The AHV pulls the mooring line away from the rig

    May need assistance from another vessel to lower the anchor on loca*on

  • Anchorhandling operations Rig move

  • Catenary equations Drag force model submerged wire

  • Dynamics in liAing opera*ons The various phases during a liAing opera*ons

    LiA-o (snatch loads) Through splash zone (slamming) Sea bed proximity eects

    Light liAing opera*ons Sta*c congura*on Dynamics ver*cal and horizontal Heave compensa*on Hydrodynamics coecients for subsea modules

    Heavy liAing opera*ons Mul*body dynamics

    Calcula*on details can be found in DNV RP-H103 Modelling and analysis of marine opera+ons

  • Heavy liEs: Coupled dynamics, No heave compensa*on, Mul*body dynamics W > 1000 tonnes

    Light liEs: Dynamics of vessel marginally aected of weight of load, Heave compensa*on possible, W < 100 tonnes

  • Five phases of crane opera*ons Some possible problems