marine carbonate systems in the sarmatian of the central paratethys - the zsambek basin -...

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and Pannonian = Tortonian + Messinian (Rogl,1998b). Most of the Badenian deposits are

interpreted as fully marine, while the Sarmatiandeposits have traditionally been considered as brackish, transitional towards the freshwaterenvironments of the Pannonian (Papp, 1956;Papp  et al., 1974).

Numerous papers have been devoted to theSarmatian, but they mainly deal with the palaeon-tological and stratigraphic aspects, a notableexception being that by Kre zsek & Filipescu(2005) on the Transylvanian Basin where somesedimentological studies were conducted. TheSarmatian deposits of Austria, however, were

studied intensively and numerous papers havedocumented their lithology, stratigraphy, palae-ontology, palaeoecology and, more recently, geo-chemistry (Friebe, 1994; Harzhauser & Kowalke,2002; Kosi   et al., 2003; Harzhauser & Piller,2004a,b, 2007; Kova c   et al., 2004; Latal   et al.,2004; Piller & Harzhauser, 2005; Gross   et al.,2007b; Harzhauser et al., 2007; Piller et al., 2007;Schutz  et al., 2007).

In Hungary, much attention has been dedicatedto the palaeontological content (including the

 biostratigraphy) but sedimentological informationis relatively rare. Moreover, many of the papers

dealing with the Sarmatian are written in Hun-garian (some of them unpublished in theses orpreliminary reports) and thus are not easilyaccessible.

The best-exposed Sarmatian deposits of thePannonian Basin are located in the region aroundBudapest, especially near Zsa mbe k (Boda, 1974a)(Fig. 2). A number of key outcrops/sections werevisited in this basin and their study allows, forthe first time, a general reconstruction of thesedimentary organization. Information from theliterature and a comparison with data from

several boreholes drilled in the same region willalso improve the understanding of the sedimen-tary dynamics and palaeoceanography of theCentral Paratethys.


The Zsa mbe k Basin is located 30 km west of Budapest (Fig. 2). It is a Middle Miocene

Fig. 1.   Palaeogeographical map of the Mediterranean–Paratethys areaduring the Sarmatian showing thelocation of the studied basin (fromPopov et al., 2004).

Fig. 2.   Distribution of the Sarma-tian deposits in the Zsa mbe k Basinwith transport directions (after Ja m-

 bor, 1967, 1974; Fodor et al., 2000).

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semi-enclosed basin, 30 km long and 20 km wide,which opened to the west. The Miocene se-quences comprise Badenian to Pannonian depos-its (Ja mbor, 1967, 1969). The Sarmatiancarbonates crop out along a 2 to 5 km wide beltfringing the emerged lands or on shoals (Fig. 2).In the basin, underlying the Pannonian lacustrine

deposits, boreholes (Perba l, Ma ny and Budajen}o)revealed 80 to 180 m of marl-dominated se-quences, with some carbonate and evaporiteinterbeds in Budajen}o (Ja mbor, 1974; Gorog,1992).

The precise age of the Sarmatian limestones isuncertain. The biostratigraphy of the Sarmatianmarl-dominated deposits of the Zsa mbe k Basinwas established by Gorog (1992) who distin-guished three foraminiferal zones: the Elphidiumreginum   and the   Elphidium hauerinum   zones(Early Sarmatian) and the   Spirolina austriaca

zone (Late Sarmatian). This zonation correlateswell with other bio(eco)stratigraphic subdivisionsthat have been used in Hungary and more gener-ally in the Paratethys (Gorog, 1992). Thesesubdivisions are based on nannoplankton(Nagymarosy, 1982; Schutz  et al., 2007), diatoms(Hajo s, 1976, 1986), molluscs (Boda, 1971;Kojumdgieva   et al., 1989; Harzhauser & Piller,2004b; Gross  et al., 2007b) or ostracods (Zelenka,1990). Oolitic interbeds are reported from theEarly Sarmatian (Koza rd Formation) of this region(unpublished borehole logbooks, HungarianGeological Institute, Budapest) but the massive

carbonate deposits of the margins classically areattributed to the Late Sarmatian Tinnye Forma-tion (Boda, 1954, 1974c; Ja mbor, 1971; Fodoret al., 2000).


Research in the field was carried out on eightstratigraphic sections situated in six localities.These sections, exposed mostly in quarries, weremeasured and photographs taken. Seventy-eight

sediment samples were collected from the out-crops for petrographical and palaeontologicalanalyses. Additional observations and samplingwere made on two small outcrops near Budapest(Dio sd and Ra kos).

In the laboratory, loose sediment samples weresoaked in water-diluted hydrogen peroxide(about 30%) to facilitate disaggregation and werethen wet-sieved through strainers with meshes of five different sizes: 2, 1, 0.5, 0.25 and 0.125 mm.The residues were dried and studied with the aid

of a stereomicroscope to identify the genera orspecies present and estimate the number of individuals or fragments. Polished slabs and thinsections of indurated rock samples were preparedto document the lithological, biogenic and petro-graphic characteristics of the limestones. Corre-lations were later made between outcrops, and

 between outcrops and boreholes, on the basis of sedimentological and palaeontological character-istics.


From north to south, eight stratigraphic sectionswere studied. These include sections at Tinnye,Zsa mbe k, Pa ty, Biatorba gy, So sku t and Gyu ro (Fig. 2).

Tinnye village

This section (Fig. 3A) is located near the base-ment (metamorphic rocks) in the north-easternpart of the village. It comprises about 6 m of fine-grained and argillaceous sandstones with somescattered ooids in coarser-grained deposits. In thesandy beds near the base, the foraminifera(diverse and abundant miliolids, among themwell-preserved   Borelis   sp.) and the great abun-dance of ostracods ( Xestoleberis   sp.) pointtowards normal saline to even slightly hyper-saline conditions (van Morkhoven, 1963), proba-

 bly in lagoonal settings subjected to siliciclasticinputs. Small-scale hummocky cross-stratifica-tions (Ricci Lucchi, 1995) and ripple marks below sample 1 and accumulations of molluscs(Venerupis,  Ervilia,   Granulolabium) in sample 2suggest a protected shoreface setting. The pres-ence of  S. austriaca   in sample 2 indicates a LateSarmatian age. Sample 3 contains an assemblagesuggesting slightly brackish conditions: forami-nifera (predominantly   Ammonia beccarii   andElphidium macellum), ostracods (Aurila notataand   Hemicytheria omphalodes) and some charo-

phyte oogonia (van Morkhoven, 1963; Cernajsek,1972; Murray, 1991). At the top (samples 4 and 5)an oolitic limestone with red and green algae,gastropods (mostly   Granulolabium) and nube-culariid foraminifera is present.


The S}oreg quarry section (Fig. 3B) was consid-ered to be the type locality for the Late Sarmatian(= Bessarabian) Tinnye Formation (Boda,

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1974b,c). The foraminifera and molluscs of thisquarry were described briefly by Meznerics(1930). The sedimentary succession of this smallabandoned quarry consists of two units, from bottom to top as follows:

•  Unit A is formed of an oolitic grainstone, 2 mthick, with large-scale cross-bedding (Ricci Luc-chi, 1995) and cross-trough stratification. Non-skeletal grains are mainly concentric ooids,associated with some mixed concentric–radialooids. The grainstone also contains some oncoids,

micritic aggregates and oolitic lithoclasts. Skele-tal grains are benthonic foraminifera (dominantmiliolids), bivalves (Obsoletiforma,   Venerupis)and gastropods (abundant Potamides). This faciesis interpreted as deposited in an inner ramp ooid bar setting. Unit A is truncated by an erosionalsurface.

•   Unit B begins with a 0.3 m thick laminatedclayey layer intercalated with thin oolitic beds.Above this layer are 2 m of oolitic limestones. Thesilty layer contains well-preserved benthonicforaminifera, gastropods (such as  Granulolabium

bicinctum), bivalves and ostracods. Poorly diver-sified, the foraminifera are represented by domi-nant (90%) A. beccarii , Elphidium macellum  andElphidium obtusum. The ostracods are relativelydiverse (eight species), with numerous  Cyprideis pokorny  and  Euxinocythere sp. among them; theycharacterize the   Hemicytheridea hungarica– Leptocythere cejcensis   Assemblage zone of theuppermost Sarmatian (Zelenka, 1990). The faunalassociations suggest a warm-water brackishenvironment (van Morkhoven, 1963; Puri  et al.,

1969; Murray, 1991). The intercalated thin car- bonate beds are oolitic packstones containingmicritic fragments and nubeculariids. Micriticfragments or benthonic foraminifera form thenucleus in many ooids. The skeletal grains aremainly benthonic foraminifera (miliolids), gastro-pods and some bryozoans in a peloidal matrix.The faunal content and the sedimentologicalfeatures of the silty bed are typical of depositionin a relatively warm-water, normal or evenhypersaline lagoonal environment (Haig, 1988).

The overlying oolitic grainstones to packstonescontain an assemblage of peloids, rare proto-ooids, benthonic foraminifera (miliolids) andabundant molluscs (notably   Obsoletiforma,Sarmatimactra,   Venerupis,   Solen   and   Granulo-labium) which also indicates a lagoonal setting(Koutsoubas  et al., 2000).


This abandoned quarry, 8 m high, displays twosedimentary units separated by a well-defined

planar surface (Fig. 4):•   Unit A consists of oolitic grainstones orga-

nized in east/south-eastward prograding beds. Thegrainstones contain peloids, rare aggregates andproto-ooids, benthonic foraminifera, molluscs(rare   Venerupis,   Modiolus,   Mytilaster ,   Gibbulaand Potamides) and red algae, corresponding to aninner bar depositional environment.

•   Unit B consists of 6 m of bioclastic–ooliticlimestones containing proto-ooids, abundant

A   B

Fig. 3.   Sarmatian successions inthe Tinnye area: (A) Tinnye villagesection. (B) Tinnye-Perba l section.

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peloids, ostracods, benthonic foraminifera(among them   S. austriaca, nubeculariids, domi-nant miliolids and E. macellum) and fragments of serpulids, bryozoans and molluscs. The occur-rence of   S. austriaca   indicates a Late Sarmatian

age. Among the ostracods, very frequent  Xestole-beris  spp., together with the foraminiferal fauna,suggests marine to hypersaline conditions (vanMorkhoven, 1963). The bivalves are represented by numerous infaunal elements (Plicatiforma,Inaequicostata,   Obsoletiforma,   Ervilia,   Veneru- pis,   Tapes, etc.) and rare, bysally attached epi-

zoans (Modiolus   and   Musculus). Most of thegastropods are marine herbivores (Gibbula,Hydrobia,   Potamides   and   Granulolabium) butsome are carnivores (Acteocina) or scavengers(Duplicata) and a number of freshwater forms alsooccur (Valvata,   Gyraulus). Carbonate buildupsoccur within the grainstones as small lens-likemicrobial, red algal and serpulid bodies, deci-metre to metre long and decimetre high; they aresometimes associated with encrusting bryozoans belonging to three species (Cryptosula pallasiana,Conopeum reticulum and  Tubulipora sp.). Unit B

is interpreted as deposited in a lagoonal envi-ronment with possible salinity changes and sub-aerial exposure (calcrete and stalactitic cements:Fig. 5A and B).


This quarry (Me zes Hill quarry) reveals a sectionabout 150 m in width and 40 m in verticalthickness (Fig. 6). The lithofacies is composedlargely of graded bioclastic grainstones to rud-stones with abundant mollusc shells and red

algae, but lesser amounts of oolites. At the top,the facies is more micritic and contains nub-eculariid foraminifera.

Twelve south-west prograding units were iden-tified; they correspond to large-scale subaqueousdunes 3 to 5 m in thickness and at least severaltens of metres in width, limited by reactivationsurfaces. The internal beds of the dunes aresouth-westward dipping (5   to 15), indicating ageneral basinward progradation. The microfaciesanalysis of the dominant grainstones revealedconcentric proto-ooids, peloids, some aggregates,gastropods, bivalves and benthonic foraminifera(miliolids) (Fig. 7A and B). Detrital grains (quartz,micas and quartzite) are always present, dis-persed in the sediment. The morphology andcomposition of the dunes indicate an inner rampdepositional environment. Several hemispherical bioherms, about 50 cm thick and 1 m wide, areobservable on the quarry wall (Fig. 6); theyconsist almost exclusively of encrusting bryozoancolonies (Schizoporella unicornis) with minorquantities of serpulid tubes.

Fig. 4.   Zsa mbe k quarry section. Palaeosols correspondto calcrete structures.

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This natural section (K}ogomba section) is about25 m thick (Fig. 8). From bottom to top, itdisplays:

•  Sandy limestones with a rich fauna of fora-minifera, gastropods, bivalves (among thempectinids like Crassodoma multistriata indicatinga Badenian age) and echinoids (Strausz, 1923;Csepreghy-Meznerics, 1960). The most abundantconstituents identified in thin sections are micri-tized fragments, bivalves, red algae, diverse ben-thonic foraminifera, bryozoans and some ooids(concentric ooids and proto-ooids), indicating a

shoreface setting.•   The contact between the Badenian and the

Sarmatian is unclear because it occurs on thegrass slope (Fodor   et al., 2000). The Sarmatiandeposits are represented by about 10 m of bio-clastic–oolitic limestones with some gravels andcommon coquina beds. Metre-high and deca-metre-long, south-westward dipping, low-anglesubaqueous dunes were observed in these sedi-ments, indicating a basinward progradation. The bioclastic–oolitic limestones are grainstones topackstones with variable amounts of concentric

ooids, micritized ooids, proto-ooids, peloids, benthonic foraminifera and mollusc fragments.Detrital grains, such as quartz and feldspars, arealways present in minor quantities. Near the topof the section, two ‘pebbly’ layers were identified.The lower layer contains centimetre-size to deci-metre-size large nodules composed of serpulids,coralline algae and nubeculariids. The upperlayer is a conglomeratic bed with basement-derived fragments indicating a sequence bound-ary which separates an underlying Unit A and an


Fig. 5.   (A) Calcrete structure delineated by iron concentrations (Unit B, Zsa mbe k). (B) Dissolution cavities in nub-

eculariid-microbialite boundstones. The cavities are partly filled with: ‘1’ transparent calcite rimming the cavitywalls; ‘2’ iron-rich coating; ‘3’ stalactitic calcite; ‘4’ iron-rich coating (Unit B, Zsa mbe k).

Fig. 6.   Pa ty quarry section. Upper part: sketch of thewestern part of the Pa ty quarry showing six super-imposed subaqueous dunes and a bryozoan buildup;lower part: field view of a bryozoan buildup (hammerfor scale is approximately 0.3 m long).

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overlying Unit B (Fig. 9). The conglomeratic bedis composed of reworked oolitic blocks, centi-metre to decimetre in diameter, and of isolatedsmaller dark quartzite pebbles. The oolitic blocksare encrusted by red algae (dominant), serpulids,nubeculariids and microbialites. These coatingsare a few centimetres thick and occur on allsurfaces of the blocks indicating that they were

episodically overturned (Fig. 10). Units A and Bwere deposited in an inner ramp or platformsetting, sometimes in lagoons. No index fossilwas found in these deposits.


So sku t is the most representative carbonate plat-form in the studied basin and is exposed alongthe banks of the Benta river. On the western flank,the So sku t quarry (ancient Roman quarry) isabout 250 m long and 20 m high (Fig. 11). Theoutcrop can be subdivided into two units sepa-rated by a major erosional surface identifiedacross the whole So sku t area:

•  Unit A can be subdivided into five sedimen-tary sub-units. The older sub-units are formed of grainstones and packstones with abundant pe-loids, part of them being identified as micritizedconcentric ooids, benthonic foraminifera (Elphi-dium, miliolids), bivalves (Venerupis,   Modiolusand   Sarmatimactra), gastropods (Potamides,

Gibbula  and  Clavatula) and serpulids (Fig. 12A).Among the gastropods, abundant and well-pre-served Mohrensternia suggest an Early Sarmatianage. The younger sub-units are composed of grainstones with concentric oolites, oolitic litho-clasts, proto-oncoids, bivalves and benthonicforaminifera (miliolids) (Fig. 12B). Detrital grains(mostly quartzite) are rare but always present. The

sub-units correspond to subaqueous dunes, sev-eral tens to hundreds of metres long, separated bylocal reactivation surfaces, sometimes delineated by greenish, sandy argillaceous beds. Sub-unit 1is a 20 m high dune with tabular foresets dipping20  towards the west. Sub-units 2 to 5 are metre-thick and their foresets dip 5  to 10  towards thesouth. Unit A thus is constituted of inner rampmaterial transported basinward in an outer rampsetting.

•   Unit B rests on the different sub-units of UnitA (no. 5 to the east and no.1 to the west; Fig. 11).

Unit B is composed of some 5 m of oolitic lime-stones with clinoforms prograding west/north-westward. The oolitic limestones are grainstoneswith peloids, micritized oolites, oncoidal litho-clasts, benthonic foraminifera (miliolids) andfragments of bivalve shells (Fig. 12C). Unit B alsodisplays a number of small cauliflower-like orcolumnar buildups made of abundant serpulidtubes and encrusting bryozoan colonies (mostlyS. unicornis). The buildups are associated withgastropod-rich wackestone beds. Unit B is inter-


Fig. 7.   (A) Recrystallized grainstone with aggregates ‘Ag’, nubeculariids ‘Nu’, ooids and proto-ooids on aggregates orquartz grains ‘Pr’ (Unit A, Pa ty). (B) Sandy oolitic grainstone with bivalve ‘B’ and gastropod ‘G’ fragments. Ooids areoften proto-ooids with nuclei composed of quartz grains ‘Pr’. (Unit A, Pa ty).

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preted as deposited in a lagoonal setting underhigh-energy conditions and basinward transportof material.

The erosional surface is characterized by acontinuous pebbly deposit that truncates Unit A.This horizon contains early-cemented limestone blocks of Unit A, from a centimetre to up to ametre across, embedded in the oolitic limestonesof Unit B (Fig. 11). The blocks generally arecoated with composite crusts composed mainly

of nubeculariids associated with red algae, ser-pulids and peloidal microbialite. This surfaceclearly is erosional as it transects several sub-units of Unit A, sometimes forming palaeocliffsseveral metres high. Direct evidence for subaerialerosion is not observed in the So sku t quarry, butearly lithification of the deposits of Unit A isdocumented by blocks of various sizes embeddedin Unit B, suggesting that subaerial erosionoccurred after the deposition of Unit A. Moreover,

Fig. 8.   Badenian–Sarmatiansuccession at Biatorba gy. Short-termand long-term sequences areshown on the right.

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the deposits of Unit B often display stalactiformcalcitic cements indicating meteoric vadosecementation (Fig. 5B).

On the eastern Calvary Hill above the village of So sku t a 35 m thick natural section was firststudied by Fodor  et al.   (2000) and is re-investi-gated in this study. It shows bioclastic and oolitic

limestones with some gravel beds (Fig. 13). Fodoret al. (2000) interpreted the depositional environ-ments as back-barrier lagoons to submarine slopeswith south-westward to southward transportdirections. The succession is composed of sixlithostratigraphic sub-units. Sub-unit 2 showsdome-shaped, decametre-long structures. Thetop of these structures is obscured by a levelerosional surface and younger beds often onlapthe bedding planes of older beds. Such dome-shaped structures are typical of spillover lobes(Ball, 1967), here transected perpendicularly to

the south-westward transport direction. Othersub-units are subaqueous dunes (e.g. sub-unit 3)or sub-horizontal deposits (e.g. within sub-units1, 4, 6). In the uppermost part of the section,subaqueous channels and isolated dunes occur(sub-unit 5). Petrographic investigations in sub-units 2 and 3 reveal a rather similar carbonatecomposition; they consist of grainstone withdiverse amounts of peloids, micritized concentricooids, micritic and oolitic lithoclasts, aggregates,rare proto-oncoids and radial ooids, bivalves,gastropods, ostracods, benthonic foraminifera(dominated by miliolids and elphidiids), some

 bryozoans, serpulids and, at the top, nubecular-

Fig. 9.   Outcrop photograph of the upper part of theBiatorba gy section. White arrows indicate encrustedoolitic blocks.

Fig. 10.   Detail of one of the encrusted oolitic blocksoccurring at the boundary between Unit A and B in the

Biatorba gy section.

Fig. 11.   So sku t quarry section. Upper part: general sketch of the quarry. Lower left part: detailed field views of UnitsA and B; lower right part: erosional surface delineated by carbonate blocks (arrows).

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iids (Fig. 14). Typically, this association indicatesinner ramp to lagoonal deposits incorporated intothe dunes. The presence of sparse detrital grainsoriginated in a metamorphic basement, withquartz, quartzite, muscovite and mica-schist

grains is noticeable in all samples. In the lowerpart of the section, sample 6 contains numerouscharophyte oogonia, well-preserved gastropodshells, an ostracod fauna with dominant largeAurila   cf.   merita   and an assemblage of foramin-ifera (mainly Elphidium hauerinum, E. macellumand  E. aculeatum) indicative of the Early Sarma-

tian. In the uppermost part of the section, theoccurrence of    S. austriaca   indicates a LateSarmatian age. Neither buildups nor majorunconformity were observed in this section, thusthe different sub-units probably belong to a singlelithostratigraphic unit composed of super-imposed prograding–aggrading sub-units.

East of So sku t, near Budapest, two smallisolated Sarmatian outcrops were sampled atRa kos (a railway cut) and on a hillside at Dio sd(Fig. 2). Their deposits bear a strong resemblanceto the carbonates described above: they are com-

posed of grainstones and packstones and containmicritized concentric ooids, peloids, someaggregates, bryozoans, bivalves and benthonicforaminifera (miliolids, elphidiid and rare nube-culariids).


This ancient quarry (Szent Gyorgy Puszta quarry)was first studied by Ka tay (1983). Two units wereidentified on the outcropping 10 m high wall(Fig. 15). The erosive surface between units isirregular and weakly marked, sometimes even


•  Unit A, made of oolitic grainstone and occa-sional mollusc rudstone, comprises at least fourlarge-scale subaqueous dunes, separated byweakly pronounced erosion and reactivationsurfaces. Each dune is about 1 to 4 m thick and100 m long and progrades to the east/south-east.The molluscs are represented by abundant bivalves (mostly   Obsoletiforma   and   Venerupis, but also   Inaequicostata,   Sarmatimactra   andMusculus) and rarer gastropods (Duplicata,Gibbula and  Potamides). The frequent occurrenceof  S. austriaca (Fig. 16A and B) in the uppermostpart of Unit A (second dune) indicates a LateSarmatian age.

•  Unit B, 3 to 4 m thick, is formed mainly of oolitic grainstone and, near the top, containssmall hemispherical buildups (Fig. 15); they weredescribed by Ka tay (1983) as stromatolites, but arein fact made up principally of numerous stacked bryozoan crusts. The oolitic grainstones representeast/south-eastward prograding local conditions.




Fig. 12.   (A) Oolitic grainstone. Nuclei are micritic

grains, quartz grains or miliolids. Notice some aggre-gates ‘Ag’ (So sku t quarry, upper part of Unit A.). (B)Oolitic grainstone with miliolids ‘Mi’ and centimetre-large intraclast ‘In’ (So sku t quarry, Unit A). (C) Ooliticgrainstone with ooid intraclasts ‘In’.

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Sedimentary organization

In six of the investigated sections the sedimen-

tary organization is rather similar, with two mainunits separated by an erosional unconformity.Unit A generally comprises basinward prograd-ing subaqueous dunes and the overlying Unit Bis composed of lagoonal deposits. These con-stant features suggest that Units A and B aresimilar throughout the Zsa mbe k Basin. Thissuggestion is confirmed by stratigraphic studies:at the base, Unit A has been dated from the EarlySarmatian in the So sku t quarry and Calvary Hilland at the top from the Late Sarmatian in Gyu ro 

and Calvary Hill. Unit B belongs to the LateSarmatian   S. austriaca   zone in Tinnye Village,Tinnye-Perba l and Zsa mbe k quarry. The ero-sional surface is consequently a regional indexsurface (within the Late Sarmatian   S. austriacazone) that can be used for correlations. TheSarmatian carbonate deposits thus are composedof two main sequences above the Badeniandeposits (Fig. 8): an Early–Late SarmatianSequence A (= Unit A) and a Late SarmatianSequence B (= Unit B). The main erosionalsurface between Units A and B belongs to the

Late Sarmatian  S. austriaca  zone.The distribution of the studied Sarmatian car-

 bonates was mapped by Ja mbor (1967) and Fodoret al.   (2000). These carbonates surround theZsa mbe k Basin. To the west and the east theyrest on basement rocks, but their initial extensionis unknown because of subsequent erosion. Tothe south, the carbonates constitute a semi-isolated shoal. Observations presented in thispaper, together with those of Fodor  et al.  (2000),have been integrated into a sedimentary model(Fig. 17) which shows that the prevailing direc-

tions of transport in Sequence A vary stronglyfrom one place to another in the Zsa mbe k Basin.Large-scale subaqueous dunes, spillovers, sub-aqueous channels and oblique tabular beds indi-cate transport of material towards the centre of the basin, approximately perpendicular to theslope directions. Despite the suggestion that tidalcurrents may have been active in the CentralParatethys during the Sarmatian (Mandic  et al.,2008a,b), the action of tides in the investigatedarea was not recorded clearly: (i) no evidence

Fig. 13.   So sku t Calvary Hill section. Field view of the northern side of the Calvary Hill showing spillover lobes andsubaqueous channels.

Fig. 14.   Grainstone with molluscs ‘M’ and peloids ‘P’.Notice intensive recrystallization of sparite (CalvaryHill, Unit A, sub-unit 3).

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typical of tidal structures was found (argillaceous

drapings, reverse flow directions, tidal channels,etc.); and (ii) during the Sarmatian, the Paratethyswas almost isolated from the Mediterranean andconsequently was far from oceanic influences(Rogl, 1998b). The centripetal organization of sediment transport is thus better coupled withwind and wave action and eventual downslopegravity control.

The size and organization of the metre-scale todecametre-scale sedimentary structures and thecomposition of the deposits provide informationpermitting a broad estimate of the palaeobathy-

metric changes. The depth of formation of sub-aqueous dunes generally is estimated as four tofive times their maximum thickness (see reviewin Anastas  et al., 1997):

•   Sequence A. In Tinnye the dunes are 1 to 2 mthick; in Pa ty, Biatorba gy and Gyu ro  they reach 3to 5 m; and in So sku t they are about 10 m high.Consequently, the reconstructed organization of the outcrops is a ramp system with water depthsfrom a few metres in proximal areas to around 40to 50 m in distal zones. The presence of spilloversand the highest dunes in the So sku t area is

noticeable, further attesting to the presence of aslope deepening at the margin of the ramp. Thetop of Sequence A is a mostly flat, erosional sur-face, with locally reworked Sarmatian carbonate blocks and pebble-size basement rocks.

•   Sequence B . Marine, lagoonal and brackishdeposits occur in Tinnye. In Biatorba gy, the sed-iments are marine lagoonal carbonates with smallnubeculariid–bryozoan buildups. In the Zsa m- be k, So sku t and Gyu ro  areas, the oolitic–peloidallimestones are associated with metre-sized nub-

eculariid–bryozoan–microbial buildups and some

calcrete levels (Figs 4 and 5A), indicating shallowlagoonal settings. Presence of decimetre-thick tometre-thick subaqueous dunes indicates a maxi-mum depth of a few metres. Sequence B is awidely extending, lagoonal carbonate platformcapping the underlying ramp system.

From the general sedimentary organizationproposed here, Sequence A is interpreted asdeposited during a sea-level highstand. Thedeposits of Sequence B are transgressive, butwere deposited mainly during a second high-stand, near the boundary with the Pannonian

deposits. Between these two sequences a sub-aerial exposure probably occurred, during whichthe top of Sequence A was eroded. The sea-leveldrop associated with the subaerial exposure wasof limited amplitude as the erosive event createdcomparatively low-relief structures of a fewmetres. A precise estimation of the time gaplinked to subaerial erosion is presently impossi- ble. Subaerial exposure occurred during the LateSarmatian S. austriaca  zone. This situation is notknown from other basins of the Central Parate-thys. For instance, in Austria, the main unconfo-

rmities are located at the base and at the top of theSarmatian deposits and another one was identi-fied between the Early and the Late Sarmatian(Harzhauser & Piller, 2007). In Austria, the LateSarmatian carbonate deposits of the  Prosononiongranosum   zone lasted about 500 kyr, between12Æ1 and 11.6 Ma (Harzhauser & Piller, 2004b).The Late Sarmatian unconformity of the Zsa mbe kBasin may be related to the minor unconformitythat occurred in Austria during the  P. granosumzone, between the deposits of the upper   Ervilia

Fig. 15.   Field view of part of theGyu ro  quarry showing Units A andB.

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mollusc zone and the   Sarmatimactra vitalianamollusc zone (Harzhauser & Piller, 2004b). How-ever, S. austriaca was found below and above theerosional unconformity, while in Austria thisforaminifera occurs only in the uppermost part of the carbonates, far above the unconformity. Con-sequently, a detailed correlation of the studied

sections with those from other basins is hazard-ous. In any case, the gap evidenced in the studied basin must not exceed a few hundreds kyr(duration of the Late Sarmatian), probably muchless.

Based on the study by Gorog (1992), a regionalcorrelation is proposed here between the ramp

carbonates and the neighbouring basinal deposits.The boreholes drilled in the Zsa mbe k Basinindicate that the Sarmatian deposits are 120 to180 m thick; they are composed mainly of sand-stones, clays and marls with some limestoneinterbeds. Sequence A is correlated with the EarlySarmatian deposits (E. reginum and E. hauerinumzones) and the lower part of the Late Sarmatian(S. austriaca zone). In the boreholes, these depos-its are interpreted as shallow-marine (with amaximum depth of about 100 m), with variationsin oxygenation and salinity and an upward

shallowing trend. Sequence B is correlated withthe uppermost Sarmatian deposits of the   S.austriaca  zone. These sediments, in the basin aswell as on the margins, were formed in warm,shallow-water marine lagoons. In the cores, the boundary between sequences A and B is difficultto locate as it probably corresponds to a deposi-tional surface. This observation indicates that therelative sea-level drop recorded on the marginswas limited to some tens of metres at maximum, before the subsequent marine transgression (Se-quence B); this is also in accordance with fieldobservations:

•  on the margins of the Zsa mbe k basin there isno major sedimentological change between Earlyand Late Sarmatian deposits, which are all rep-resented by oolites, coquina beds and bryozoan-rich buildups;

•   the erosive event between Units A and Bcreated comparatively low-relief structures of afew metres.

The Sarmatian carbonate platforms are wide-spread throughout the Paratethys: Austria, Roma-nia, Moldavia, Poland, Ukraine and Crimea

(Pisera, 1996). West of the Zsa mbe k Basin, theVienna Basin was studied intensively (Harzhaus-er & Piller, 2004a,b; Piller & Harzhauser, 2005;Harzhauser   et al., 2006; Gross   et al., 2007a;Schreilechner & Sachsenhofer, 2007; Sopkova et al., 2007). The Sarmatian deposits have beensubdivided into two main formations:

•   The Early Sarmatian Holic Formation, con-tinental in the north and changing into marinedeposits in the south. It is composed mainly of 



Fig. 16.   (A) Grainstone with peloids ‘P’, ooids ‘Oo’ and benthonic foraminifera ‘Mi’, miliolids; ‘Sp’,   Spirolinaaustriaca) (Gyu ro , Unit B). (B) Grainstone with peloids‘P’, ooids (Oo), miliolids ‘Mi’ and oncoids ‘On’ withintraclast nuclei (Gyu ro , Unit B).

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calcareous clays and marls, changing laterallyalong the margins into bryozoan–algal–micro- bialite buildups, limestones and conglomerates.

•  The Late Sarmatian Skalica Formation, withvarious lithologies such as marls, siltstones,sandstones, bioclastic limestones and ooliticlimestones (Kosi   et al., 2003) associated withstromatolitic and foraminiferal buildups.

The Sarmatian stage has been considered as theTB 2Æ5 third-order cycle of Haq   et al.   (1988), between 13Æ6 and 12Æ7 Ma (Vakarcs  et al., 1998).This age was revised by Harzhauser & Piller(2004b). These authors consider that the Sarma-tian stage was a third-order eustatic cycle, between 11Æ6 and 12Æ7 Ma (Cycle TB 2Æ6 of Haqet al., 1988). This third-order cycle can itself besubdivided into two fourth-order cycles (400 kyreccentricity components). In the proximal areas,Cycle LS-1 (E. reginum and  E. hauerinum  zones)comprises siliciclastic deposits and bryozoan–

serpulid buildups, whereas Cycle US-2 is com-posed of mixed siliciclastic–oolitic deposits withnubeculariid buildups. In the Zsa mbe k Basin thesituation is somewhat different: the proximalareas show abundant oolitic deposits from theLatest Badenian to the Latest Sarmatian. Thisstudy does not, however, document the upperand lower sequence boundaries of the Sarmatiandeposits. The abundant siliciclastic sediments of Austria are a result of the Alps and the Carpathi-ans being in the vicinity during their uplift

(Harzhauser & Piller, 2004b; Harzhauser   et al.,2006). Conversely, the Zsa mbe k Basin was farfrom the Alpine mountain belt and carbonatesedimentation consequently prevailed. In Austriaas well as in Hungary, the Sarmatian deposits areorganized in two major sedimentary cycles: thefirst is Early Sarmatian in age and the second isreferred to as the ‘uppermost Sarmatian’. With the

current state of knowledge, it is not possible toknow without doubt whether the cycles arestrictly coeval in both basins because of the lackof precise chronostratigraphic data, scarce infor-mation regarding the base and the top of thedeposits in the Zsa mbe k Basin and potentialtectonic control.

Sediment composition

General featuresThe most significant characteristics of the studiedSarmatian deposits are: (i) the conspicuousabsence of pelagic fauna, especially planktonicforaminifera; (ii) the dominance of non-skeletalgrains (peloids, micritized ooids, proto-oncoidsand oncoids, aggregates and lithoclasts); (iii) thepresence in Sequence A of a shallow-water benthonic fauna containing a limited number of foraminiferal genera (mostly miliolids and elph-idiids) associated with bryozoans and relativelydiverse ostracods and molluscs; (iv) the presencein Sequence B of a rather similar association, but

Fig. 17.   Idealized reconstruction of the Sarmatian ramp (Unit A) and platform (Unit B) systems of the Zsa mbe kBasin. The succession in the basinal area is from Gorog (1992, simplified). Long-term sequences are shown in grey onthe left.

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with buildups composed of variable amounts of nubeculariids, bryozoans, microbialites, serpu-lids and red algae; (v) despite tropical to subtrop-ical conditions, as suggested by ooids, peloidsand foraminiferal assemblages (Boda, 1974b;Gorog, 1992; Harzhauser & Piller, 2007), herma-typic corals, molluscs typical of coral reef envi-ronments and echinoids are conspicuously absentand red algae and larger benthonic foraminiferaare rare (except  S. austriaca and Borelis sp.); and(vi) minor amounts of detrital material occur inall sections. These features indicate that thecarbonate factory was restricted to coastal

lagoons, shoals and inner ramp. The ensuingcarbonate grains were later transported andre-deposited towards the basin, onto the mid-ramp and the outer ramp.

According to Harzhauser & Piller (2007), theupper Sarmatian oolites are the only Mioceneoolites in the entire Central Paratethys. However,in the Zsa mbe k Basin oolites already occur in theLate Badenian, as demonstrated by the Biatorba gysection, and in the Early Sarmatian.

Skeletal content 

As in other Sarmatian basins, the organismsoccurring in the Zsa mbe k Basin are limited to asmall number of groups and species, but these areoften represented by numerous individuals. Cor-alline (Lithoporella   sp.,   Lithophyllum   sp.) anddasycladacean (Acicularia   spp.,   Cymopolia   sp.)calcareous algae are relatively common (Boda,1954, 1974c; Ka tay, 1983).

Sixty-three species of benthonic foraminiferahave been identified by Gorog (1992) in three boreholes. The most abundant groups in the

studied limestones are the miliolids, either as bioclasts or nuclei of oolites, and the nubecular-iids which may even form sediments (Boda,1979). Other genera (Elphidium,  Spirolina,  Rosa-lina   and   Ammonia) occur in variable amountsand   Borelis   shells are sometimes relativelynumerous (Boda, 1959, 1970).

Bivalves and gastropods are the dominantgroups of invertebrates, both in number of species(22 and 23, respectively) and volume (Boda,1959), and accumulations of mollusc shells oftenoccur within the bioclastic deposits. However, inthe mostly calcareous facies of the samples

studied, the relatively poor quality of preserva-tion (moulds) of these predominantly primaryaragonitic shells often precluded a more specificidentification.

The serpulid worms, although not diverse(three species), are often abundant (Boda, 1959).The same is true for the bryozoans (four species),occurring mostly in small buildups. The ostra-cods are relatively common and diverse (To th,2004, 2008). Rare fish remains (teeth and otoliths)have also been found.

BuildupsBuildups have been found in Sequences A and B.In Sequence A they are rare and were observedonly in the Pa ty and Gyu ro    sections. These buildups are dome-shaped with a flat base, abouta decimetre high and up to 1 m wide (Fig. 18);they are composed almost exclusively of theencrusting bryozoan   S. unicornis. Buildups arefrequent in Sequence B (Fig. 19); they essentiallydeveloped in the distal part of the platform. In theproximal areas, as in the Biatorba gy section, they

Fig. 18.  Bryozoan–serpulid buildup (Pa ty quarry). The upper crust is made only of calcareous red algae, whereas thelower part consists mostly of bryozoan colonies ‘B’ with a small number of serpulid tubes ‘Sp’, accompanied bymicrobialites and bioclasts.

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are limited to centimetre-wide to decimetre-widenodules or bindstones around pebbles. In thedistal parts, as in the Zsa mbe k, So sku t and Gyu ro sections, they generally form centimetre-thickcarpets and centimetre-thick to metre-thickdomes. The buildups are built predominantly byserpulid worms and bryozoans, although some of 

them are formed by serpulid tubes only. Corallinealgae and encrusting foraminifera (nubeculariids:Sinzowella novorossica) are sometimes associatedand the presence of microbialite is often observed(Fig. 20A to C). Three species of serpulid worms(Hydroides pectinata,   Spirorbis heliciformis   andSerpula gregalis) and one species of encrusting bryozoans (S. unicornis) generally make up the

 bulk of the framework. Together, these inverte- brates constitute mazes of tangled crusts leavingonly rare and tiny cavities (Figs 18 and 19). Threeother encrusting bryozoan species (Conopeumreticulum,  Cryptosula pallasiana and Tubuliporasp.) occasionally participate in the constructionprocess but they are never abundant. It has been

noted that species of  Schizoporella often developmultilamellar colonies thus forming small build-ups (e.g. in the present-day Mediterranean; Cocitoet al., 2000).

Carbonate buildups have often been reportedfrom the Sarmatian of the Paratethys basins of Austria, Ukraine, Poland, Romania and Moldavia(Andrusov, 1936; Buge & Calas, 1959; Ghiurca,1968; Kulichenko, 1972; Ghiurca & Stancu, 1974;Friebe, 1994; Pisera, 1996; Saint Martin &Pestrea, 1999; Boiko, 2001, 2004; Jasionowskiet al., 2002; Sholokhov & Tiunov, 2003;

Harzhauser & Piller, 2004a,b; Harzhauser   et al.,2006). The main framework builders are serpulidworms, bryozoans, coralline algae and microbialcrusts, along with subordinate encrusting nube-culariid foraminifera. The associated biota isusually fairly diverse, including bivalves, for-aminifera, ostracods and rare gastropods. The bioclastic material is also relatively abundant.Piller & Harzhauser (2005) distinguished twomain types of carbonate bioconstructions. TheLower Sarmatian (= Volhynian for the EasternParatethys) buildups are characterized mainly byabundant serpulid agglomerates, dense micro-

 bialitic masses, numerous Rissoidae (Mohrenster-nia) and oligospecific bivalve accumulations(Obsoletiforma,   Musculus, etc.). Buildups fromthe Upper Sarmatian beds (= Bessarabian forthe Eastern Paratethys) generally form smallhemispherical lenses or extensive crusts withnubeculariids, red algae and bryozoans, associ-ated with diversified mollusc shell accumula-tions. The carbonate buildups of the Zsa mbe kBasin are close to the second type.

A seagrass originated material? 

Present-day seagrasses are common shallow-water components on the continental platformof most oceans. These marine phanerogams occurin a wide range of coastal environments, intemperate to warm waters. Most species arestenohaline, whereas others are either euryhaline,euhaline or polyhaline (Larkum & den Hartog,1989; Jernakoff   et al., 1996). The existence of seagrasses in the fossil record is, however, diffi-cult to prove because of the scarcity of directevidence. Nevertheless, their former presence can

Fig. 19.   Bryozoan buildup. The limestone is mademostly of encrusting bryozoans ‘B’, the other constitu-ents are bioclasts and miliolids (Tunde rkert, Pa ty S;

 J. Boda’s collection, Eotvos University, Budapest).

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sometimes be deduced from the occurrence of characteristic organisms such as calcareous algae,foraminifera, molluscs and ostracods (Brasier,

1975; Beavington-Penney   et al., 2004; James &Bone, 2007; Moissette et al., 2007b).

Although the buildup-forming Sarmatian nube-culariids (Fig. 20B and C) are not seagrass indi-cators, the cosmopolitan encrusting miliolidNubecularia is a common epiphytic foraminifera,especially in the Mediterranean and around Aus-tralia (Langer, 1993; James & Bone, 2007; Mois-sette   et al., 2007b). The modern   Nubecularialucifuga is most prolific in seagrass beds at depthsshallower than 10 m (Cann  et al., 1988, 2002). Inthe material studied, frequent hooked and ring-

like forms (Fig. 21) of the fossil endemic encrust-ing nubeculariid   S. novorossica   suggest thatseagrasses may have been present (Friebe, 1994;Beavington-Penney   et al., 2004). Specimens de-tached from their macrophyte substrates aresometimes accumulated in rock-forming quantitythroughout the Paratethys (Gillet & Derville, 1931;Papp, 1974; Boda, 1979). It is possible to con-clude, based on common occurrences of thisnubeculariid, that seagrass communities wereubiquitous members of the shallow-water Sarma-tian ecosystem.

Another typical epiphyte on seagrass leaves isthe larger, disc-shaped, sessile foraminifera  Sori-tes   (Wright & Murray, 1972) found in Sarmatianmarls west of the Zsa mbe k Basin (Korecz-Laky,1966). Although elphidiids, miliolids and cibi-cidids (Gorog, 1992) do not live exclusively onseagrass leaves, their presence in the studiedsediments is also indirect evidence of a fossilseagrass community (Semeniuk, 2001). The abun-dance of small grazer gastropods such as  Gibbulaand   Hydrobia   (mostly feeding on diatom films)




Fig. 20.   (A) Boundstone with serpulids ‘Sp’ encrustedfirst by  Sinzowella  (nubeculariid, ‘Nu’) then by red al-gae ‘Ra’. Note the presence of mixed radial–concentricooids ‘Oo’ and of miliolids ‘Mi’ in the matrix (Zsa mbe k,Unit B). (B) Boundstone with nubeculariids ‘Nu’ anddark microbialite ‘Mb’ (Zsa mbe k, Unit B). (C) Bound-stone with microbialite ‘Mb’, bryozoans ‘B’ and nube-culariids ‘Nu’ (E rd, Unit B; J. Boda’s collection, EotvosUniversity, Budapest).

Fig. 21.   Hook-like structure formed by nubeculariids‘Nu’, ‘B’: bryozoan (J. Boda’s collection, Eotvos Uni-versity, Budapest).

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may also be used as indicators for the existence of seaweeds or seagrasses (Mazzella & Russo, 1989; Jernakoff  et al., 1996). In addition, the occurrencein the studied material of frequent epiphyticostracod genera like   Loxoconcha,   Xestoleberisand Aurila may suggest the existence of seagrass-es in the Sarmatian sea (Puri   et al., 1969; Iryu

et al., 1995; Saint Martin et al., 2000; Stone et al.,2000). The presence of seagrass meadows in theregion may have played an important role in thestabilization of ooid shoals (Hine, 1977).


Even if oolitic deposits are associated generallywith a sparse flora and fauna (Ball, 1967; Halleyet al., 1977; Hine, 1977; Burchette   et al., 1990;Ginsburg, 2005), prevailing conditions are nor-mal marine and a typical tropical biota can be

found in lateral equivalents (e.g. in the PersianGulf: Evans, 1966; Gischler & Lomando, 2005).In the Zsa mbe k Basin this biota is either uncom-mon or absent, implying that anomalous envi-ronmental conditions may have been present.Factors likely to influence carbonate productionin sea water include oxygen availability, tem-perature, alkalinity, salinity, nutrient levels andlight intensity (Mutti & Hallock, 2003; Halfaret al., 2006).

Few data concerning sea water temperaturesand alkalinity are available for the studied basin.An elevated alkalinity was proposed by Pisera

(1996) to explain the widespread development of microbial buildups during the Sarmatian. Basedon geochemical investigations, temperatures of about 15 C were estimated for the Early Sarma-tian and between 15 and 21C for the LateSarmatian. Tropical conditions correspond to amean annual temperature of at least 22 C andsubtropical temperatures generally range between18 and 22 C (Mutti & Hallock, 2003). Neverthe-less, in Recent analogues, such as for example thePersian Gulf, temperatures were recorded in the13 to 32 C interval and salinity fluctuates

 between 37&  and 42.5&   (Gischler & Lomando,1997). In the Gulf of California coral reefs developin areas where temperatures range from 18 to31 C, with average salinities of 35.25& and lowchlorophyll   a   levels (Halfar  et al., 2006). In theTengelic-2 borehole of Central Hungary, palyno-logical investigations concluded that a progres-sive cooling occurred during the Sarmatian, withmean annual temperatures decreasing fromaround 20 C in the Badenian to 16C in theSarmatian and mean annual precipitations drop-

ping from about 1550 to 1100 mm year)1 (Jime-nez-Moreno   et al., 2005). These results are inaccordance with the study of Erdei  et al.   (2007)on fossil plant assemblages. This informationsuggests that sea water temperatures during theSarmatian were around the lowest limit for coralgrowth, in accordance with a palaeolatitudinal

position around 45  N (Popov   et al., 2004).According to Tucker (1985) and Piller & Harzha-user (2002), the development of calcrete crustsindicates a semi-arid climate.

Only ooids and peloids were formed, as duringthe Holocene, in limited settings like the warmtemperate waters of the Mediterranean coast of Egypt (El-Sammak & Tucker, 2002), Tunisia,Libya (Fabricius & Berdau, 1970) and Greece(Richter, 1976; Milan et al., 2007). The conditionsgenerally required for the formation of ooids,especially tangential ones, are calcium carbonate

supersaturation and sea water agitation (Davieset al., 1978; Hearty et al., 2006). Seasonal changesfrom saline to hypersaline conditions and in-creased water energy produced by restriction of flow through narrow passages between shoals canalso favour the formation of ooids (Hearty  et al.,2006; Pedley et al., 2007; Cadjenovic  et al., 2008).In the outcrops studied, lagoonal settings withtemporally and spatially fluctuating salinities areindicated by ostracod and foraminiferal associa-tions but these are restricted to Sequence B insome of the sections. In the boreholes of theZsa mbe k Basin, salinities of 18&   to 25&   were

inferred by Gorog (1992) or calculated between15&   and 43&. Even though the Sarmatiandeposits classically are regarded as formed in brackish-water environments (Papp, 1956; Boda,1974a; Gorog, 1992), both sedimentary and bio-logical compositions (Spirolina,   Borelis, bryozo-ans,   Cnestocythere, etc.) indicate dominantmarine conditions, as also demonstrated for theVienna Basin by Harzhauser & Piller (2007) or forthe whole Paratethyan area by Pisera (1996).Fluctuating salinities reveal the evolution of acomplex oceanographic domain. Evidence for

marine influx during the Sarmatian comes fromfrequent diatomite deposits containing richassemblages of marine diatoms and silicoflagel-lates in Austria (Schutz   et al., 2007), Croatia(Galovic   & Bajraktarevic , 2006), Romania (SaintMartin & Saint Martin, 2005) and Hungary (Hajo s& Reha kova , 1974; Hajo s, 1976, 1986). Episodes of relative isolation alternate with periods of oce-anic incursions.

The preserved biological content, among whichis scarce red algae, together with the absence of 

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corals and echinoids also suggests nutrient-richwaters, generally considered as detrimental toskeletal-dominated carbonate platform develop-ment (Hallock & Schlager, 1986; Mutti & Hallock,2003; Chazottes et al., 2008). Indeed, opportunis-tic foraminifera (miliolids, Elphidium, nubecular-iids) and suspension-feeding invertebrates are

dominant, with molluscs such as  Modiolus  (Offi-cer   et al., 1982; Peterson & Heck, 1999, 2001)associated with bryozoans and serpulid worms.This nutrient-rich water hypothesis is in accordwith the: (i) presence of constant continent-derived siliciclastics in the carbonate sediments;(ii) semi-enclosed character of the basin, isolatedfrom the open sea, thus favouring the accumula-tion of nutrients originating from the hinterland;(iii) poorly diversified fauna found in the materialfrom boreholes drilled in the central part of the basin (Ja mbor, 1974; Gorog, 1992), suggesting that

the whole water column (0 to 100 m deep) wasaffected by the same trophic conditions; (iv)elevated precipitations (Jimenez-Moreno   et al.,2005); (v) frequent occurrence of sponge spicules(Schutz et al., 2007), diatoms and silicoflagellates(Hajo s & Reha kova , 1974; Hajo s, 1976, 1986;Galovic    & Bajraktarevic , 2006; Schutz   et al.,2007) and alginite levels (Bohn-Havas, 1983), allindicative of enhanced primary productivity; (vi)abundance of organic-rich facies in several bore-holes of the region; and (vii) frequent microbialcrusts in many buildups. Nevertheless, othertypical features of nutrient-rich waters, such as

macroalgae or bioeroders, have not been found(Mutti & Hallock, 2003; Halfar   et al., 2006;Chazottes  et al., 2008).

It has also been suggested that widespreadooids (together with microbialites) may be aresponse to biological mass extinction events(Calner, 2005). In the Paratethys, the normal-marine Badenian deposits contain a diverse faunaand flora (Harzhauser & Piller, 2007; Moissetteet al., 2007a). A sharp transition to the Sarmatiandeposits that display a strongly impoverishedfauna and flora is seen above (Boda, 1974a; Gorog,

1992; Harzhauser & Piller, 2007). The impover-ished marine fauna and flora of the Sarmatianmay thus be explained by a combination of several factors: a global sea water cooling, apronounced isolation from the Mediterranean,promoting the accumulation of nutrients in shal-low and semi-enclosed basins, and variable salin-ity conditions (from brackish to hypersaline). Insuch a setting, oolitic production could develop because of calcium carbonate supersaturation,sufficient warm sea water temperatures and wave

agitation, but not the distinctive tropical tosubtropical faunal and floral assemblages.


The Sarmatian deposits of the proximal areas of 

the Zsa mbe k Basin are composed of carbonateswith a minor amount of siliciclastics. This featureis unique, as in other basins of the CentralParatethys carbonates developed only during theLate Sarmatian. The dominant components arenon-skeletal grains and ubiquitous molluscs and benthonic foraminifera. These carbonate rocks areorganized into two major depositional sequencesseparated by a regional erosional surface:

•  An Early to Late Sarmatian sequence (Elphi-dium reginum,  Elphidium hauerinum  and lowerpart of the   Spirolina austriaca  zones) composed

of aggrading–prograding ooid and bioclastic sub-aqueous dunes, deposited on a low-angle ramp;the material was issued mainly from lagoons andinner ramp zones, then redistributed from themid-ramp to the basin; rare bryozoan buildupsalso occur.

•  A Late Sarmatian sequence (upper part of theSpirolina austriaca zone) composed of progradingooid deposits with abundant serpulid–microbial– bryozoan–nubeculariid buildups, deposited inlagoonal settings with fluctuating salinity; windsand waves controlled the sedimentation.

Even if the palaeoenvironmental conditionshave changed in detail through time in theZsa mbe k Basin, the prevailing conditions duringthe deposition of the Sarmatian carbonates weresupersaturation in carbonate content, wave agita-tion, warm temperate sea waters, fluctuatingsalinities, possible nutrient concentrations lead-ing to mesotrophic to eutrophic conditions andperhaps high alkalinity. The ‘abnormal’ marineconditions leading to such peculiar carbonatedeposits during the Sarmatian are coeval with adramatic isolation of the Paratethys from the

Indian Ocean and the Mediterranean.


The field research connected with this study wasfunded by common grants from the French CNRS/Hungarian Academy of Sciences, from the FrenchMinistry of Foreign Affairs/Hungarian Ministry of Education and from the Hantken Foundation,Budapest. At the University of Lyon, UMR 5125,

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Paula Desvignes prepared most of the loosematerial for this study. At the Natural HistoryMuseum of Paris, UMR 5143, thin sections weremade by Michel Lemoine. During fieldwork,Simona Saint Martin helped us collect some of the palaeontological specimens. Mathias Harzha-user, an anonymous reviewer and Sedimentology

editors David J. Mallinson and Peter K. Swart arethanked for their constructive comments on anearlier version of this paper.


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Manuscript received 2 June 2008; revision accepted 19 January 2009

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2009 Th A th J l il ti 2009 I t ti l A i ti f S di t l i t S di t l