marcus miller's, - nys historic...

Plattsburgh Sentinel-»3 1 -Bromley & Smith's announcement i Local and Miscellaneous. Opening- and Closing: of malls. 6:30 A/M., 2 r ! M. , SIorrtoonTflle, aaranac, Bedford,' Mo West Platt&burgh and Claj s'chu'yler Falls Stage—Ai Bnrlington—Nortli by o-s morniQg train Moe la.-ao Arrival and Departure D. &H. O. Co.—Trains going sc a. M., and 6:25 p. M. Leavo at 10: Trains going north arrive at 5:05 Ansable Branch—Leave at 0:30 A - arriving at Ausable at 7:30 A. H. Beturning, leave Ansable at 8:30 A. and arrive at Plattsburgh &t 9:45 x 7:00. Beturning, leavo llooers at : OUateaugay R. K.—Leavo Plattsb NEW ADVEKTlSEifl Railroad Bonds for Sale—Goo. W. I Gash JPaid for Butter—J. B. Loucts Quarterly Report—Firet Notional I o your l)Oi —A new cu6tomsfla^'now floats form the top of tbe Custom House. —The iron doors for the new wing of Clinton —Ralph Waldo Emersou and son were among the arrivals at the Cumberland House last week. —Kev. Joseph Cook, the famous Boston preacher, IB stopping at Ti.", his nattvo place —Wednesday and Thursday were the longest days of the year. The sun rose at 4:23 and set —All old soldiers usinj; artificial limbs will be interested in a circular which we publish on our second page. —Strawberries and cream at Paul Smith's to- night. Miss Allen shipped her first bushel of berries this morniug. .—Remember, the Sentinel will be sent to address, commencing with last week, until after the election for 50 eta. —The census enumerators find it slow work collecting farm statistics. The work is not proving remunerative. —Venus will be in conjunction with the sun July 13, after which she will ehino in the west- —The regular butter and cheese trains over the O. & L. C. Eailroad every Tuesday number - between twenty and thirty care. —Oar village readers will bear in mind that the time of issuing the Sentinel will hereafter <• be 2 o'clock every Friday afternoon. —Work on the new pulp mill at Cadyville is ; progressing finely. They will probably begin grinding wood by the first of August. —The ladies of Trinity Church will hold a : strawberry and ice cream festival in Morgan's i store, Wednesday evening, June 30th. —The Fort William Henry Hotel, Lake 'Oeorge, now keeps a man in uniform, at Platts- tbnrgh, to act as agent for the house. —The New York State Temperance Society •Will hold a convention at Saratoga Springs, beginning August 1st, and lasting four days. —Copies of the Sentinel may be procured hereafter at the book store of C. W. Eagar. For sale also at Munro & Warren's as usual. - A much needed rain visited us Wodnesday night, and the countenances of our farmer friends are considerably brightened in conse- —Great attractions in dry goods at reduced prices at John B. Gilmore's, also full line of new millinery, carpets, &c. See new adver- - tisement. —BenJ. Norton, Esq., late of the firm of Norton & Biley, has accepted a position in New York city witli the Curtin Banking Co., No. 115 Broadway. —The excursion season was fairly inaugurated yesterday by the Old Plattsbnrgh Band and their friends making a trip to Basin Harbor en the steamer Vermont. —Found, on board the steamer Vermont, a Sam of money. The owner can have the same by calling on Capt. Eueblow, and paying for adTertising. —Henry Scriptore, formerly Warden at Clin- ton Prison, is now dolntr special "duty as an officer at the Delaware & Hudson depot at Saratoga Springs. —Diphtheria will soon be in order. See to your sink drains and any garbage left about your premises. This notice applies to the rich as well as the poor. —Thomas Waidron, who was Injured by a ;: premature explosion at Mlnevllle, on the 1st, is , nnder treatment at St. Peter's Hospital, Albany. steamer lettres the wharf at 7 o'clock, returns ; at 9, after which she will proceed as far south as Burlington, returning at 13 o'clock. —The latest and last assortment of thU eewon'g choice millinery goods, which will be eofci again at extremely lowprices, jost received at L. Frankfleld's 'Temple of Fashion. —The now Methodist Church at Fort Edward wsw dedicated op. the 17th. The Rev. Bishop R. &. ToeUr, D. D., preachedtothe morning, and the 8w. E. McChesney, of Albany, in the -Tho I'aliadhlvl tliluks tut) population: ( Malone village will reach 4,180. —Tbe prospefct la that the catnpluR fevi will rage worse than ever, Ibia eoasnn, after tt first of July. —The D. & II. <J. Co., nrc enlarging the rai )ad yard at this place for tho accommodatic of increasing business. —Conductor Mix, formerly ( ain of the N. Y. & C. railroad, is now runt a Saratoga special on the Saratoga division. —Tho enumerators find the population of tho village of Whitehall to be about 4,400, the population of tho town is 5.-100 in express —St. Pat The barge Hoc THE WATER FBEBBUBE BEGOI.ATOB. How It Works liTstTAibans. onse to a letter of inquiry, the Super- . of the St. Album Water Works writes THE HIGH SCHOOL COMMENCEMENT. Academy Hall was crowded laet PVPDIDS,' to .if ibSO Tl)c following Is tlie cla.-« GRADUATES OP 1880. Academic. Tlicodnm Hjtlo Morgan, Cnlherlne Mnlli om 00 to J50 1 pipes. To re sprat. Until the ot'f pit for atont eight ru th prea- William Lord Put ink Richardson. ply this: lore iban rks for iray with Tb don.ble l immedia alt i•unni :he capacity tc action in n£ back and pipes from Usbur^b, on Suuday rx Closing exercises in lh< rammar departments of ichools to-day. The row; e, S.T. D., bishop | 11 make his thir-] Trinity Church, ' inS, July 11th; In! •gh water works under full ting the supply. Siuce the eight inches in 43 hours. ernatlve, and that Is the Pressure Regulator. This n pressure sufficient for or- supply all the water need- media and he Plattsburgh lt wi are beauufully evergreens, and :qait themselves in ,upon lr educ r Tuesday while pt it midway Uctween vvas picked up in a- —A number of youn? rc ant is , open the hydranta sud- •e fulls right down to al- . regulator, as stated by 3, the prosauro will not fall trats : Suppose the preB- 6. Open tho hydrants and 11 not fall below 75. Seventy-five poundi any building In Platssbnrsh. What more dc you want ? The principle is very simple. Tht regulator operates automatically. Open a hy- drant in the village and instantly a valve opens at the regulator and lets In a flowof water euf- ficient to keep up the pressure. Close the hy- drant and Instantly the valve at tbe re^ulatoi closes correspondingly and Btops the volume ol water and thereby saves tho pipes. It is just ai li&h below tho programme, for refereu for tbe benefit of those not able to be pi Tho address by Judge Watson waa Academy Hall, was skillfully handled, 6 '.Science, Ancient and Mod i procession^ hnaded by St. Mary's Daml; under the auspice* of St. Mary's Church. After pa riding tho principal Btroete they will -—-~> * tBland Park, whero tho Declaration of Ind The daneo stand has Jnst had an awntn d during the day a cliauco to d •e'will've JivriTlr^Champlain Hall The follo'wfnK'pTiraoa are oiTorml: 1st, 30 he will miss a great de Boon return and taie char lque-6p. 27, No. 3. ( The Illusions Oration... Mualo-Tc iolln, O. H. HUDSON, 2d Violin, J. I. YKE .a.H.UnDSON. Violon cell o, 0. H. V: sntation of Diplomas by Hon. Wif. P. M President of tha Board of Education. t Glen's Falls, for A TKIGHTFUL STAGE AOOIDEMT. Nan —At the present t< Elizabethtow killing Pa rm of the Over and Te 2, Richard McEUigott nthe first degree on Shappy at Willsbon 3 of Elder Webster an Others. leu Last Saturday morning, eight passenger! 'he to-wit: Presiding Elder Webster and -wife an pe, their son Mr. W. B. Webeter, Mrs. Spencer, c 'ne .rort Uovington, and a Mrs. Chri3tenson an ids : three children, took O'Brien's four-horse coac j at Ausable Forks for Saranac Lake. Whe ni- ; about a mile beyond the Kogers' lower kilt ras ; from some -unexplained cause, the «tae;e ran o: ihe the side of a bridge, although the bridge wa The forwar mis- ) make s this gre: ceberg, and a th. He desired tc is gratitude for The University 000 paying interest. —The Grand Trunk Railway is do ower to prevent the grauticg of a ie company that proposes )f that city desii rreat monopoly. In the course of a speech by Ex-Alderman Stephens, before the railway committee, he said : "It costs as much toll on a freight car loaded crowing the Victoria •idge aft one-fourth the freight to New York. The Hudson River and Delaware and Hndson Railways are carrying fourth-class heary sight from New York to Rouses Point for $10 r car. The Grand Trunk Railway charges .t to Montreal, only forty-six -Lost, June 19th, between the residence of Z. G. PUtftand Plattebnrgh, a package enclosed In a newspaper. The finder will be liberally rewarded bj leaving the same at the Witherill House. —Nichols;.-Hull & Co, are running their forge at Cadyville to its faU capacity. This company has the largest and best stock of wood on their bank that they have bad in five years.' —A party of prominent railroad men from the Eastern States held a meeting at Ogdens- burgon the 18th on business connected with the traffic of their new through line from Og- deusburg to Boston. —-The Albany Journal^ taking the wordB "General Garfleld proceeded to the front," fur- nishes a lively campaign eong to the tune, •"Twas off the blue Canary tales." The words will be found on onr first page. —Messrs. Paul Qirard, President of St. Jean Baptiste Association, and Dr. J. H. LaRocqae, member, left Flattabnrgh last Tuesday evening for Quebec, as delegates to represent the soc Also, Mr. O. Fluett as delegate from the "Pro- tection Canadienne Society. —The annual commencement exercises of the Goddard Seminary, at Barre, Vt., took place this week. On Monday evening, Frank A. Broadwell, of Morrisormlle, N. Y., of the "'. Junior class, delivered an oration; subject, "Trifles." It was well received. —An exchange says the rascals are ever try- Ung to get the best of the farmers. The latest dodge Is that rascals are traveling the country as temperance missionaries. They get their umaaapecUDg vleUms to sign a pledge of total abstinence, and then the pledge turns out a note. —A partyof about a doeen left Plattsburgh Tuesday to attend the Baptist 8. 8. Convention at North Elba, Intending to drive through the celebrated Wilmington pass, nnder the shadow of old WhiUface, visit Lake Placid and Johi n tho D. & 11. Railroad irom the south arrives at S:00, and leaves for hero at 9:46 A. U. and &00v\*. . McEUlgott pleaded not guilty, i wheel going offfirst,th< 3 trial was postponed until December, j onally, striking on side and end, preclpita unsel, Ross & Ross, have applied to the j the passengers headlong into the forward ;ourt for an allowance with which to procure ; with such force that not one escaped without jxpert testimony as to the character of the gun-! bruises, while some were severely injured. Mi shot wound and the weapon used. Decision j Spencer's face and head were badly cut, ai ivas reserved on the application. some of her ribs injured if not broken. Mi —A rare opportunity is afforded for our citi- Webster's bruises were quite severe. Mi sens and their wives and families to visit the ; Christenson's little girl of about three years w ;elebrated Lyon Mountain region, next Wed- j quite badly hurt in the head. nesday. The excursion rates are very low, Fortunately the horses did not run ; tbe stage considering the distac niles to Lyon Mountain and return, liar fare is $3 00, the excursion rates icing only one fourth the regular rat lumber of tickets being limited, ther io uncomfortable crowding, and it very pleasant and easy tr —Madison University, Baptist educational 3 of t ceived a of the n titUtiOE other liberal endowment, and is ras righted, and the journey liles had scarcely been traveled when the orses took fright and ran away, going f< early a mile at terrific speed. The drive [eory McQuillan, was at the start thrown fro; is seat, striking upon the tongue, astride ( inch he remained during the frightful race, holdiog on the lines and vainly endeavoring to check the horses. Finally the leaders became «t independent Institutions of the ncially, in the State. At a recent if the board of directors, Mr. Samuel Colgate read a letter from his brother, James 3. Colgate, of New York, donating $50,000, one lalf to be appropriated to the Colgate Academy ind the other half to the University. He Raid that in a recent sea voyage, their vessel struck detached, and i ly escaped •ecognitlon stopped. This time the driver received s< injuries. Mr. W. B. Webster, who is a in student, dressed the wounds of the passe limited facilities would i The passengers, of course, could not be pr i to ride further. The driver was :haustion, and Mr. W. B. Webster c r's seat and rode with him to Fn Hotel. For from Ans this r< :e Rive it Montreal, while the people 3 from that passengers to French's, when they pro- cured other conveyances. •iver acted very strangely. He Is an old driver, and had a first-class reputation in profession. He showed cation, but fro appeared unac i that he hardly seemed to realiz< kites, $1: ig the V a Bridge the toll amounts to 810 accident at the railroad station at Dan- L, Saturday afternoon, became coneider- ibly magnified it respect couple engine nd the ind Plattsburgh. iply these : A careless hand at the got to regulate the switch below the 1 3.5 a natural sequence the engine :kson, a3 it started for Plattsburgh, itly off tho track, carrying; with it a jimmy cars loaded with ore. The was tipped over and smashed up some, engineer, Mr. P. F. Flaherty, received some bruises, but none so serious as to compel him i quit work. The careless switchman waa discharged on the spot The accident was such as is liable to happen at any depot, and is in no way attributable to any peculiarity or defect of the road. In fact, all things considered, we think the Plattsburgh and Chateaugay Railroad is mare than ordinarily safe. Few accidents happen on It, considering the large amount of business that It does. —Miss Addle Mallory, of Pittsburgh, and her Mrs. S. Molloy, of New York, have quite aa enterprise at Lake Placid. Having purchased a hundred or more acres at tie upper end of the lake, under the shadow of old VThiteface, Including the somewhat well knewn spet designated as "Echo Lodge," Miss Mallory Is making extensive improvements for tae accommodation of tourists and camping parties. Her plan is to supply furnished camps, in do their own cooking and supplies. To this end sue is building a large two story cabin, with doors opening from outside into each room on the lower fioor, so that parties will be entirely separate from each other. She will farnlsh beds, bedding, dishes and cooking facilities, and rent the rooms at a reasonable price. Mrs. Molloy Is afineartist, and will give her attention > making sketches and paintings of the scenery H. Finn, the retiring landlord, will remain in Chateaugay for the present. —The Chateaugay liecord says : ; "A member of the old 16th New York regiment, who lately returned from LeadvUle, says that a man stands for his life as a soldier in a< illets do icldeut occurred at the depot, at , on Thursday afternoon of last week, ie near proving fatal to Alexander Amo, of Ogdensburg, a brakeman on the way- freight moving east. He was descending from the top of a box car when he slipped and fell, his right foot coming directly under one of the wheels of the car, which ran over it crushing it badly. Dr. Farnsworth, who dressed the wound, says that the foot will probably have i be amputated. He was taken to his home i Ogdenaburg. THE 4TH IS PLATTSBPBaH. A Viait from the National Ouardi Guard Baud, accompanied by the 27th Separate Company of National Gnaids, of Malone, and large party of citizens, will visit Plattsburgh, n Saturday, July 3d, coming by boat from Rouses Point. It is estimated there will be a •arty of from five to eight hundred. They are expected to arrive here at 11:30 A. I., remaining until 6 P.M. This will be a decided benefit to Pittsburgh, and render the day pleasant and attractive to those who remain at home. The military dls- Jlay will be an important attraction. No little pains should bo taken to give our Malone neighbors a suitable reception and welcome. Who shall move in the matter ? I like a veteran, aired him- self at the depot yesterday, -'•"- " bound mail was waitini; hen. Prairie Jack or a Buffalo Bill, but he said that bis name was C. A. Palmer and that "I'm just three weeks out of LeadvUle and am now get- ting back to my old home at Port Henry as fast as I can; there's lots of money out in that coun- try, but, you bet your life, a mac must work like a mule for all he gets." Palmer wa» for- merly a brakeman on the Delaware and Hudson railroad, and three years ago left for Colorado. As the train moved out, Buckskin Palmer said he had enough of Lcadville, and that anybody could have the place, as he had got through with It—Saraiogian. PLATTSBUB&H TJGKPBBASOB LEAGUE. There will be a business meeting of the league at ttiuir rooms on Tuesday evening, " 1880, at 8 o'clock. A toil attendanc W. A. FtrLLBB, Secretary. after the i I horses ward Opera Hoi ie2Sth, by the fan 3y the census of 1870 i; Free Press thinks there —The steamers of the Champlain transporta- ,on company now stop at their new w r hich is fitted up In the most substantial er, and in every way for the accommod f the traveling public —The pic-nic season has fairly opened at asin Harbor. Two parties occupied Mr. Winans' grounds last week, and on Thursday the Pittsburgh Band had their annual ex< sioo to that place on the steamer Vermont. —Pickpockets had a carnival at Barlingt tst week, during tho army reunion. The day atckman at Shepard & Morse's found 1 _ole near their dry house no less than n pocket books, from which the money had b taken and the papers left, in several cases v sluable. —The Methodist declares that the bonndary ommittee of the General Conference, agaii fhose action the Methodists of Western Ver- aont revolt, should be ashamed of itself ; sine, .1 was a court, ita members were jurors, and the obnoxious vote was carried by these jurors pledging themselves to action before hearing " violence. A civil juryman is 3enttoprisor ich action, and the Methodist tninks thi :h delegates no less guilty. SEVENTY-SIXTH 00MJIEH0EMEUT Of tbe University of Vermont and State Agricultural College. ate o tely, a Mr. Ar o Loon Lake, happened to takt : along just in signs of iutoxi- the start at Ausable Forks, he antably dull, stupid or 6leepy, 10.00 A. M. Meetii at P&rloifof College 8t: 3.00 P.M. o r 1 "-—- Oratiom by tl "chigan. f.30r. it. Ji raal parade of tho Chateaugay fire took placo on Wednesday of this —The ai epartmen reek. —Ladd's Hotel, at Chateaugay, ands on the loth lnsL Mr. L. H. emora, Is thi helrx W. arfare, thai eadville. Dis uJ work In thi L fortui :rin EX0UBSI0H TO 0HAZT LIKE AHD LY0H HotnnAur Next Wednesday, June 30tn. There will be an excursion from Pittsburgh ) Lyon Mountain and retnrn, nezt Wednesday, ane 80th, under the ansplce* of the Ladles' As- Bociation of the M. B. Chnrch, The train, including three first-class coaches and a baggage car, will leave Platteburgh at 7 A. M., arriving at Chazy Lake at 9 A. M., and Lyon Mountain at 9:30 A. M. All who prefer, can stop at Chazy Lake. Boats can be pro- cured at the landing, and those who desire can obtain a trout dinner at the Chazy Lake House. Beturning, tke train will leave Lyon Moun- tain at 8.00 p. if., Chazy Lake at 3.30, and ar- rive at PSattsburgh at 5:40. Tickets for the round trip, 75 cts. For sale i C. W. Hagar's and Dunham & Gilbert's. Aa the number of tickets is limited, those who de- sire to go ar« advised to purchase the da renlng previous. Should Wednesday prove stormy, tho ej si»n will take place the day following. Helen Bixby, had the closing exercises of their Kindergarten school in the store recently occu- pied by Draper & Hayes. It was prettily draped with flags and decorated with flowers and ferns, and with the dear, little, happy- faced children for the central figures lt was a flower garden Indeed. The parents and a friends of the children and school were delight- ed with the songs, plays and other exercises of the little ones. They showed improvement in various wayB. Though so full of pleasure to them, the school Is something more than aa entertainment. The children are learning rap- idly, and are fitting for the Intermediate De- ent of o We predict a l increased number of puplla f th Kid pp r the fall term of the Kindergarten, as proof of Miss Augustine's success as gardener. We hope, with the larger school, she may succeed In obtaining larger rooms for her energies, aad for the activities of her little people. GKATO POPSTHOF JULY OBLEBKATIOff Lt S a r a n a c , on Saturday, July 3d. Speakers from abroad are expected, and a ommittee on music has been chosen which we ohsider fully capable of furnishing a flrst-clais ntertainment. The Saranac Cornet Band will be in attendance. Dinner, Ice-cream and other refreshments will be served in the Academy Han and surrounding grounds. For programme of sports, eames, etc., see posters. Last but not least will be a grand display of -reworks. Come one, come all. Come every- body and get fall worth of your money in vlc- tuau and fan. BT OBDBB or COM. -The Fan opened for bt —After Jul ted that theStei trips between ; i the 28th. ie of the Alburghers rill be given at tl i Monday evenin. VIendelssohn Club < £.00 P. M. Comi ipany Drill, on Parade < _o ._ imni, at College Char iR of 2£&dic&l Alumni Assocla' - «"—t Ctmrch. Phi Beta Kappa Sool well a. Horr, M. C. fi 3f Perfected Butter Oolor, wn 4 Co., Bmrlington, Vt., should be pondered accepted by tie dairymen and farmers of thi State Taey will be wi«o if they keep clear of th» ibug potrdera, etc., and A. M. Exhibition ai the Art Gallery, etc. 0 A. M. Procession from the College. 0 A. M. Orations of Graduating Class, Master'i Oration, and Con/erring of Degrees. as bj Prof. Samuei W. dendelasohn Quintette The Central Vermont Railroad and Lais steamers ill carry for faro one way. Return CBrtiUcates can a obtained of tne Secretary of the Alumni. ON A BBIDAL T0UB. A bridal couple passed over tbe D. & H. C. o.'s road on Tuesday of last week, en route ) the White Mountains. They were from 'uscaloosa, Alabama, and at every stopping lace between Saratoga and Ticonderoga the ridegroom asked the conductor if that was the place. They took the boat on Lake Cham- plain as he was fearful of being carried by, and asked if his ticket had to be changed. He was made all sorts of fun of, but when he hauled out an old pocket book and asked the conduc- tor to change a $100 bill the fun stopped, as the purse was crammed full of money, and intro- ductions sought, but "old Alabam" would not give his name, and his newly made bride sec- onded the motion. The ladles and friends of the Valcour M. E. Church intend holding in Mr. Henry Gllliland's grove, opposite Bluff Point Light House, a Lawn Party, on the afternoon and evening of Thursday, July 1st Sapper, ice cream, straw- beries and other refreshments wUl be provided '~ abundance. BT OBDBB OF COM. STBAWBEBBI FESTIVAI* The Methodist Society *t Point An Roche will lold a Strawberry Festival at Oliver 1 ! Grove, lear tbe ice-houses, on Saturday afternoon, ruly 3d. All are Invited. Br OHDES OF COM. Local Correspondence. B0U8E8 POUT. —Four yachU are now owned by onr people, and re uen stouung across tha wat«». The Alabatrtt, .-•om Ogdecsburg, was purchased by parties In this place and brooght her. a few wwfafago. Tbe»- pteasnre boats contribute mnchtothe enjoyment o a A. Bishop, while on % vlttt at her uncle*, D. B. Frair, received a telegram from Cant. T.V.....7 o, Btewner Borieon, on lake George, to tlie mer poet u ooo* on board at once. This is season in. "*fa capacity on the Tjake Ctaorge jta, with tocresjed wage*, and giving foil satiafaeHm? to her employers. P B (H^^^ U ^^n'g^4tv 1 e < 11o5 j rooms of 1" " " gaged in hxrn severing arteries, veins a&d oords, and making ; severe gash. On* or two physicians were instant!; in attendance, and succeeded after four honrs o ,-._._.. —.. Jdoinga —me"ic»VutnpbytlieHewyork companies o: Steel's garden has badly waited, being only paefce -- lave been^recer"-— ~ " intb sides fortlfi dditional covert _ eek the sewing machine company now *0O machines per week is tha antly improving our _ straw. Bepairs have been lee-homes, and the south sides ... Sol by saw-dust and additional cov< street*, ana new d inac&tas co —Wfil SliBgsby has completed Msfieldwork as numerator at the D. s. census. —Divine services will be held on Island Park next Sunday {Champlain} at 3 and 5 p. M., by Bev. T. II. Preble and D.T. Taylor. All are invited U hear on , the signs of oar times. I —Bain is much needed. The h*y crop will be light and hsy dear. OCCASIONAL. LTOH MOrjHTAIK. Festival and Picuic. The members of St. Barnard Clinreh, of Lyon Mountain, will hold a festival and plcnio in the grove at that place on Saturday, July 17th. Dinner, ice cream, and otner refreshments wiUbe served. burghtoLyon r benefit of the DBB or COM. KEKLES'S BAY. JONB 21, 1SS0.—The Spring Hot, ..._ Ie Shade Cottage are open for boarders. They ave several guests at the Spring House. -Mr. Kellogg, of ™-—,-_ ,feck looking over " nice cottage on the >f Champlain, was on la Klbby Island. Ee has Island. He has a party of ' have a steam yacht, and M00E1 the night! :?Ugh??.fc qlU ° —Mr. H.' L. Taylor returned this week Wilbraham, Ma88., and will spend tlie sunimei —E. B.'Heading and wife, of Port Henry, spent s few days last week visiting friends in this vicinity, and were the guests of Bev. Q. 0. Thomas. Local Notices. 36 compared with them—W: of the most stubborn ltaic Belt Ce., marshal d their celebrated Electro-Volt id upon 80 daya trial. Speedy igthenlDg, and purifying than all other forma of or medicine, while free from the objectioi E.PIK U0M1 ly for a!J •s.Ly Mats dia 'those E. Pi jrpan painf ipUlet Why Will Ye Llnfferi in behalf of the community who are now d with Rheumatism, to say, "Why will ye 1 If the t ands til lesiroyed by complication of Liver and Kidn< complaints would give nature's remedy, Kidne* Wort, a trial they wonld ba speedily enred. It »c n both organs at the same time and therefore con letely fills th« bill for a perfect remsdy. If you ha-* lame back and disordered Kidneys nse ii at onc< e Dairymen. ig the gr*at 1 >rthy iperfc What ft D»c«. Kidney-Wort moves the bowels regularly, cleai ie blood, and radically cures kidney disease, gi el, piles, bilious headache, and pains which are CE disordered Liver and Kidneys. Thousands >«an cured—why should you not try It ? II right. I^"NETEE &Bk a Dyspeptic perBun wha ) eat, tint let him take a few doses of BAXT E.'.KE BITTEBS and his appetite will be Throat affections and bronchia: eved by the use of DOWNS' ELIX: should be kept in perfect cc Constipation, and aU similar diseases, yield readily to the effect of Baxter's Mandrake Bitters. Price cte. per bottle. Tryftand be oonvtocea. Dr. N. G. White's Pulmonary Elixir has no supe- rior as a Cough remedy. Price 05 aad 50 cent bottle. 2n VXQBTABliK SICILIAN SAIB BEKSW scientific combination of some of the most pe ful restorative agents in the vegetable kingdom. restore* gray hair to its original color. It makes tl scalp whiU and clean. It c B dandrnff and bu- t, aad faUing-oat of the hair. It furnishes th. nutritive principle by which the hair Is nonrisaed and supported. It makes the hair moist, soft and glossy, and is nnsnrpassed as a hair dressing. I economical preparation ever offered to s ita effects remain a long time, making only mended and used by eminent Medical men, and of- ficially endorsed by the State Asaayer of Massachu- setts. The popularity of Hall's Hair Benewer har increased witn the test of many years, both in thi. country and in foreign lands, and it is now knowi aad used in all the civilized iountrlee of the world. H IK.TIIS. In Plattiburgb, June 23,18SG, a son to Mr. [rs. J. B. DANDEOW. At Whallonaburgh, June 5,1880, a daughter to and Mrs. GEO. NILES. At Ironville, June 13,1880, a daughter to Mr. trs. WILL THOMPSON. 1SAKKUGES In Wilmington, at the Congregational Parsonage, by Bev. Thomas Watson, May 21, 1380, JAMES II. SUITOR, of South Higbgate, Vt., and HATTIE h. EBB, of Wilmington. June IS, 1880, FHEBE, wifo of J. E. her 6I»t year. k city, June 15,1880, Mrs. SABAH ow of the lato Bear Admiral Theodo £t&ii^cx, wiuuw ui the latoKearAdmi Bailey, United Btates Navy, aged 78 yeare. Iu WillBboroagh, June 21, 1880, SOYAL KENT, At Ticouderoga, June 11, 1880, Mr. ALEX. OOOK, rmerly of Flattaburgh, agod 48 years. JJJ1IS0NH0N, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS TEAS, Canned Goods FINE GEOCEBIES, Bargains in Canned Goods. 81b. Can Tomatoes, $1.50 per doa. 2!b. Can Oorn, $2.00 per doz. Gallon Cant fresh Apple, 28c, per Can. Extra Fancy 31b. Can Peaches, at | 3 per dozen. SMITH BROTHERS HATTERS And Furriers, 67 MARGARET ST., Plattsburgh, N. Y. MEN'S FINE FURNISHING GOODS Clothing to Order SOLO FROM SAMPLE ADD MADE BT Jsssnu&Go., BroaflwayJ.Y. re can Special Attention to Large line of Men's, Yontlis' and Children's STRAW HATS ALSO, A F I L L LIIVD OF Fine Soft Felt Hats LATEST tVotwiOist! IN ALL STYLES urn i 11fft we are ' Uian in'' Scaso TEE SSD COLORS. Offering' Uicse former* MEN'S UNDER WEAR HOSIERY, OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. CHOICE NOVELTIES Iff Fancy Neck Wear, Flannel Shirts in all Colors FOE DUSTING, BOATING, &c. LARGE ASSORTMENT OF TRFNKi ASD VALISES. AT LOW PRICES. Spreaders and yielding Head Rest. Tbe Sprea free circulation of air. If yon wonld enjoy rt 1 ooffliortj buy tuo Peerless Hammock" of SMITH BROTHERS, PLATTSBCRCH, N. Y. At the New Store I C.W.Hagar's SCHOOL AGENCY WINSLOW'S BLOCK, l°™\ PLATTSBURGH,IU, lately ocenpied by t nd Telegraph Offices. especiallyfortoeSCHOOL A0EBf. l patronage and g Btore, in this beautiful Block, trill ourfrteivia as it is to ourselves, a w i l l snown ua in the past, will mutll l aa acccp- that tno g o o d w i l l shown ua in the past, will be oontim ed, and prove m u t u a l l y p l e a s a n t an profitable. Wo will be glad to se you all I WE SHALL CONTINUE TO MAKE ...... will inolude a ot. Miscellaneong Books, Statianery, an Art Department, Confectionery, Fruit Dejartasnt, &°., *o. OUB STOCK OF SCHOOL SUPPLIES r assortment at School Appara- g and Writing Charts, Globes, o&a, Slated Cloth and slated M^ .j , « d for Blackboard nae, Diamond ag by tie PC, Qt., or Gal.; Crayons, Era- , Inks, Pens, and Velvet Erasers. Also, is, Class Bells and Hand Bells. Boards of E d u c a t i o n , TruBtees, Teachers, Parent* and Scholars will find at the School Agen< Aoyt&iug tlifiy w&nt In tlio lino of Scliool Suppli@ and everything sold at tho lowest rates. All orders by mail attended to promptly and in satisfactory manner. PUBLISHING BOUSE OF THE "Teachers' Companion," , by Teachers, not only in this State, but also In nearly every State of our country. The June number will contain a fine illustration of " jrgh High School. i have not seen a copy of the Companioiij send ip for same. AN ASSORTMENT OF Choice Miscellaneous Books Consisting of Historical Works, Educational and Jcientlflo Works, Books of Travel, Poems, Historical Jtories for the Young. Miscellaneous Story Books ~- "•- Young, all selected with care. umbers of " 1 0 0 Cliolce Selections' Baker's Beading Club Series, Dialogue Books, Speakers, Dime Dialogues and Bpeakftts, large as- sortment ; Baker's and Spencer's Vlays. suitable for Fublio and Private Entertainment*. Also, Dissected assort- DEPOSITORY OF Clinton County Bible Society. B assortment of Bibles and Testaments in old ^ne^il^v^r^J.^, 1 "" 68 Sr ° ART DEPARTMENT. h wa» commenced duri ued and copies f P winter, will be continued, and c nting. Card and Holly-Wood ets, Plaques, Bristol Board, A re»eion Paper, &c, tc. Also, ' G f A uring Panel l rank's Gens of American Scenery, rang's Imporials, P r a n g ' H H o u q u e t t t and UrouioCsriH. We have the finest collection f Ghromo Cards ever brought into Northern New ork. Afln*assortment of Pearl Shells kept con- intly on band. A beautiful assortment o? largt hromos for sale at low prices, choioe, Ohromos to at, as copies for oil painting. Terms raasauable. I0SFECTI0NEEY DEPARTMEIVT, Includes a choice assortment of Cand!es,/re«A and of best quality, Nuts, Oranges, L e n t — " « ? ^ - - - Figs, io., 4o. Sold at low rates. WISStOW'S BLOCK, ODSTOM HOUSE SQUABE, IEARIT OPPOSITE THE PBST-DFFieE. Ordor» by Mail Solicited. k published in tna United Stataa f urniglied lo rotes. 11Bflp&otfpl\yt MANUFACTURE ALL THEIR OWN Ready Made CLOTHING. GIYEPIECES —WITH— EVERY GARMENT, AND SELL CHEAPER THAN ANY OTHER STORE IN NORTHERN NEW YORK. We Offer this Coming Week Five Hundred Pants OF OPR OWN MiNBFAOTPRE, —AT THE— flitmn Low Price of $1.00. 1880. OPENING 1880 -qyxaE— SPRING TRADE - OF - Carpets, Oil Cloths, MARCUS MILLER'S, 72 Margaret St., Plattaburgh, M E DOOR W I T H If 8ABT A BBt BMG STHL BJLAOK AHD COLORED Dress anfl Mmi Sis, A HEAVY STOCK. BLACK OASHMEEE a Specialty, WCaU early while toe st " MABCCS 50 doz. Straw Hats, AT 10 CENTS EiCB. 25 DOZEN Fancy Striped Sock; AT 10 CENTS A PAIR. 4 0 doz. Silk Scarfs, The Latest and Nicest Styles, AT 50 CENTS EACH. We will Open this Day the Largest and Best Line of White S Fancy Vests, Dusters and Erer Shown in Tewa« Do not Buy a Straw Hat Be- fore You Examine our Line. We Sell them Lower than Than any other Store. Do not Leave Town before Tea Call and Examine these Cus- tom-Fitting Suits of Oar Own Manufacture* Oar males have more than doubled this season. Why ! Because we Bare the Job- rs' profit, and are selling them at a leBs price than you oan buy poorly made Garments of other dealers. We i heavy investments in Cloths before the rise, and are atill selling at old price BUY Oar Own Made Clothing. YOU WILL ALWAYS BE HAPPY, For your Mother, Wife, Staters and Coutilns will not be Bothered gewinff on Buttons and We Sell Goods Low, And at Strictly One Price* All Goods are Plainly Marked. Do not Forget when Wa Live. Wm. Cane & Sons, The Popular Clothiers, Opp. the Cumberland House, PLATTSBURGB, I. T. The ONLY 8TRICTLT •RE-HU€S» CLOTIWftSWEBISTOtBf. FOR THE SPRING1TRADE! I. & D. MILLERS Cor. Margaret St, and Custom House Square, OPENINa OF A NEW LINE OF SPRING GOODS comprising all the latest Novelties of the seasoi ^^HaTing received the largest and best selected sto< DRY AND FANCY GOODS NOTIONS, HOSIERY, Gloves, Corsets. &c. CASSIITIEKES, TWEE; —AND— DOMESTIC GOODS, ill kinds, ever before shown- in this vicinity. Hav- ing purchased onr stock at a great sacrifice we wlJ offer them at the lowest cash prices. Thanifol for past favors, and hoping to receive i liberal patronage in the future, we renuiin, Sespectfully, I. Sc D. M1IJLER. Spring Styles! Latest Designs Millinery, Millinery Tho Largest Assortment of Spring Novelties ever Brought to this Town. Miles of Ribbons EVEBX SHADE AND PATTEEN. FEATHERS IN UNLIMITED NUMBEES. Bonnets of Every Shape I OALL ATTENTION TOMY COMPLETE STOCK OF SPBING GOODS AS BEING THE LARGEST AND BEST SELECTED Ever SUowu In this Region, EXPERIENCED TRIMMERS ARE EMPLOYED. MARCUS CANE Opp, Cumberland House. Plattaburgh, April 15th, 18S0. 95 FOR SALE AND TO LET. JEBEIPTOBI SAL1 OF Valuable Real Estate. nds belonging to the offered for sale to olog The house and grounds Edward Floryar* now offer _._ street," in the rtUaae of Phittabnrgh,* withinfireor ten miantes wall: of any of tha bnsinew portions of the village. The lot ia about 75 feet front os Broad street and about 300 feet deep. On it is a large 2% story brick dwelling, with high kitchen basement, and good shed and Targe barn. Abnndanoe of fruit grows *a the lot. Goodfwaste drain and aU necessary onvenienees. This la a bargain. Apply for terms to 300 CHAS. H. MOOSE, 11 Clinton St. For Sale on tlte Saranac River. aranac Lake and heavily tim Also, Lot 330, Befege* Tract, »BedL Ot2^HoiDv»rt as tbe Ellis (Jtotiaw Also! Lot!,80 and 81, ifanl's Patent, several building lots in Olintonville. AJUthis property wiUbe sold at a great bargain to _ .j -.esented to »ny one wishing engage is the lumber basineaa or any other branch mannfacturing. It will be sold in lota to gutt Plattsburgh Greenhouses. foUowingTeryUbenloffei: ^ T O PLANTS,petttOMB. 10 CABBAGE " ioo.... OA0UFLOWSB " .,• .... . CKLKEr iXAKTS, tranapUnWd, One ttr^n SS 0 le " ttD6 " ^ P» » Conch Shells^ Extraordinary Trade OFBSBSO IH OTHER LUKES OF GOODS ! . OTJB 8TO0E is aowaxa ra STAPLE AJWI> FAJKTCTSf Groceries, BOOTS AND SHOES. 0A1.1 CO ALII COIL Harrwell & Myers COA Ever Brought into this Market Parties aealrlng to pmchs«6 siould rtttd latitei*. ordersrtonce. »' Sewing Machines CHEAPER THAN EVER. ? D, S. Robinson's, ^^"o^t, and ean beiongbi at the toOtm,- ' | BhiSBT » ylK»a-ayjgair > ar .1 H.H.SHERMAN, Agt., HAS REMOVED TO BIS OLD 8OOM8,. No. 68 Margaret St., EKS, SHOEIOAKBI LASTS, &C. a and see for yourself. Popular Histories AT VERT LOW PRICES I Pure Paris Green! SOWLES & EDWARDS', 55 Margaret StreetF . \ . 1 PITTSBURGH, N, X, NEW MEAT MARKET I FA8SETT& WEBER, NO. 16 RIVER ST., Canal Boat Timber ; Sawn to Order. \ Shearer ift Brown. '' POINT ST. CHARLES, •ORTREit, - GOVERNMENT SALE.

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Page 1: MARCUS MILLER'S, - NYS Historic Sentinel-»1 -Bromle3 & Smith'y s announcement i Local and

Plattsburgh Sentinel-»31 -Bromley & Smith's announcement i

Local and Miscellaneous.

Opening- and Closing: of malls.

6:30 A/M., 2 r ! M., SIorrtoonTflle,aaranac, Bedford,' Mo

West Platt&burgh and Claj

s'chu'yler Falls Stage—Ai

Bnrlington—Nortli by o-smorniQg train


Arrival and DepartureD. & H. O. Co.—Trains going sc

a. M., and 6:25 p. M. Leavo at 10:

Trains going north arrive at 5:05

Ansable Branch—Leave at 0:30 A- arriving at Ausable at 7:30 A. H.

Beturning, leave Ansable at 8:30 A.and arrive at Plattsburgh &t 9:45 x

7:00. Beturning, leavo llooers at :

OUateaugay R. K.—Leavo Plattsb

N E W A D V E K T l S E i f l

Railroad Bonds for Sale—Goo. W. IGash JPaid for Butter—J. B. LouctsQuarterly Report—Firet Notional I

o your l)Oi

—A new cu6toms fla^' now floats form the topof tbe Custom House.

—The iron doors for the new wing of Clinton

—Ralph Waldo Emersou and son were amongthe arrivals at the Cumberland House last week.

—Kev. Joseph Cook, the famous Bostonpreacher, IB stopping at Ti.", his nattvo place

—Wednesday and Thursday were the longestdays of the year. The sun rose at 4:23 and set

—All old soldiers usinj; artificial limbs will beinterested in a circular which we publish onour second page.

—Strawberries and cream at Paul Smith's to-night. Miss Allen shipped her first bushel ofberries this morniug.

.—Remember, the Sentinel will be sent toaddress, commencing with last week, until afterthe election for 50 eta.

—The census enumerators find it slow workcollecting farm statistics. The work is notproving remunerative.

—Venus will be in conjunction with the sunJuly 13, after which she will ehino in the west-

—The regular butter and cheese trains overthe O. & L. C. Eailroad every Tuesday number

- between twenty and thirty care.—Oar village readers will bear in mind that

• the time of issuing the Sentinel will hereafter<• be 2 o'clock every Friday afternoon.

—Work on the new pulp mill at Cadyville is; progressing finely. They will probably begin• grinding wood by the first of August.

—The ladies of Trinity Church will hold a: strawberry and ice cream festival in Morgan'si store, Wednesday evening, June 30th.

—The Fort William Henry Hotel, Lake'Oeorge, now keeps a man in uniform, at Platts-tbnrgh, to act as agent for the house.

—The New York State Temperance Society•Will hold a convention at Saratoga Springs,beginning August 1st, and lasting four days.

—Copies of the Sentinel may be procuredhereafter at the book store of C. W. Eagar.For sale also at Munro & Warren's as usual.

-A much needed rain visited us Wodnesdaynight, and the countenances of our farmerfriends are considerably brightened in conse-

—Great attractions in dry goods at reducedprices at John B. Gilmore's, also full line ofnew millinery, carpets, &c. See new adver-

- tisement.—BenJ. Norton, Esq., late of the firm of

Norton & Biley, has accepted a position inNew York city witli the Curtin Banking Co.,No. 115 Broadway.

—The excursion season was fairly inauguratedyesterday by the Old Plattsbnrgh Band andtheir friends making a trip to Basin Harbor enthe steamer Vermont.

—Found, on board the steamer Vermont, aSam of money. The owner can have the sameby calling on Capt. Eueblow, and paying foradTertising.

—Henry Scriptore, formerly Warden at Clin-ton Prison, is now dolntr special "duty as anofficer at the Delaware & Hudson depot atSaratoga Springs.

—Diphtheria will soon be in order. See toyour sink drains and any garbage left aboutyour premises. This notice applies to the richas well as the poor.

—Thomas Waidron, who was Injured by a;: premature explosion at Mlnevllle, on the 1st, is, nnder treatment at St. Peter's Hospital, Albany.

steamer lettres the wharf at 7 o'clock, returns; at 9, after which she will proceed as far south asBurlington, returning at 13 o'clock.

—The latest and last assortment of thUeewon'g choice millinery goods, which will beeofci again at extremely low prices, jost receivedat L. Frankfleld's 'Temple of Fashion.

—The now Methodist Church at Fort Edwardwsw dedicated op. the 17th. The Rev. BishopR. &. ToeUr, D. D., preached to the morning,and the 8w. E. McChesney, of Albany, in the

-Tho I'aliadhlvl tliluks tut) population: (Malone village will reach 4,180.

—Tbe prospefct la that the catnpluR feviwill rage worse than ever, Ibia eoasnn, after ttfirst of July.

—The D. & II. <J. Co., nrc enlarging the rai)ad yard at this place for tho accommodatic

of increasing business.—Conductor Mix, formerly (ain of the N. Y. & C. railroad, is now runt

a Saratoga special on the Saratoga division.—Tho enumerators find the population of tho

village of Whitehall to be about 4,400,the population of tho town is 5.-100 in


—St. Pat

The barge



H o w It W o r k s l iTs tTAibans .

onse to a letter of inquiry, the Super-. of the St. Album Water Works writes

THE HIGH SCHOOL COMMENCEMENT.Academy Hall was crowded laet PVPDIDS,' to

.if ibSO Tl)c following Is tlie cla.-«GRADUATES OP 1880.

Academic.Tlicodnm Hjtlo Morgan, Cnlherlne Mnlli

om 00 to J501 pipes. To re

sprat. Until the ot'fpit for atont eight ru

th prea- William Lord Put ink Richardson.

ply this:lore ibanrks foriray with

Tbdon.ble limmediaalt i•unni

:he capacitytc action inn£ back andpipes from

Usbur^b, on Suuday rx

— Closing exercises in lh<rammar departments of

ichools to-day. The row;

e, S.T. D., bishop |11 make his thir-]

Trinity Church, 'inS, July 11th; In!

•gh water works under fullting the supply. Siuce the

• eight inches in 43 hours.ernatlve, and that Is thePressure Regulator. This

n pressure sufficient for or-supply all the water need-

media a n d

he Plattsburgh l t w i

are beauufullyevergreens, and

:qait themselves in,upon lr educ

r Tuesday while ptit midway Uctweenvvas picked up in a-

—A number of youn? rc

ant is, open the hydranta sud-•e fulls right down to al-

. regulator, as stated by3, the prosauro will not falltrats : Suppose the preB-6. Open tho hydrants and

11 not fall below 75. Seventy-five poundi

any building In Platssbnrsh. What more dcyou want ? The principle is very simple. Thtregulator operates automatically. Open a hy-drant in the village and instantly a valve opensat the regulator and lets In a flow of water euf-ficient to keep up the pressure. Close the hy-drant and Instantly the valve at tbe re^ulatoicloses correspondingly and Btops the volume olwater and thereby saves tho pipes. It is just ai

li&h below tho programme, for refereufor tbe benefit of those not able to be pi

Tho address by Judge Watson waa

Academy Hall, was skillfully handled, 6

'.Science, Ancient and Mod

i procession^ hnaded by St. Mary's Daml;under the auspice* of St. Mary's Church. After pariding tho principal Btroete they will -—-~> *tBland Park, whero tho Declaration of Ind

The daneo stand has Jnst had an awntnd during the day a cliauco to d

•e'will've JivriTlr^Champlain Hall

The follo'wfnK'pTiraoa are oiTorml: 1st,

30 he will miss a great deBoon return and taie char

lque-6p. 27, No. 3. (The Illusions



iolln, O. H. HUDSON, 2d Violin, J. I. YKE.a.H.UnDSON. Violon cell o, 0. H. V:sntation of Diplomas by Hon. Wif. P. M

President of tha Board of Education.


N a n

—At the present t<Elizabethtow

killing Pa

rm of the Over and Te2, Richard McEUigottnthe first degree on

Shappy at Willsbon

3 of E lde r Webster a nOthe r s .

leu Last Saturday morning, eight passenger!'he to-wit: Presiding Elder Webster and -wife anpe, their son Mr. W. B. Webeter, Mrs. Spencer, c'ne .rort Uovington, and a Mrs. Chri3tenson anids : three children, took O'Brien's four-horse coac

j at Ausable Forks for Saranac Lake. Wheni- ; about a mile beyond the Kogers' lower kiltras ; from some -unexplained cause, the «tae;e ran o:ihe the side of a bridge, although the bridge wa

The forwarmis-

) make s• this gre:

ceberg, and ath. He desired tcis gratitude for

The University000 paying interest.

—The Grand Trunk Railway is doower to prevent the grauticg of aie company that proposes

)f that city desiirreat monopoly. In the course of a speech byEx-Alderman Stephens, before the railwaycommittee, he said : "It costs as much toll ona freight car loaded crowing the Victoria

•idge aft one-fourth the freight to New York.The Hudson River and Delaware and HndsonRailways are carrying fourth-class heary

sight from New York to Rouses Point for $10r car. The Grand Trunk Railway charges

.t to Montreal, only forty-six

-Lost, June 19th, between the residence ofZ. G. PUtftand Plattebnrgh, a package enclosedIn a newspaper. The finder will be liberallyrewarded bj leaving the same at the WitherillHouse.

—Nichols;.-Hull & Co, are running theirforge at Cadyville to its faU capacity. Thiscompany has the largest and best stock ofwood on their bank that they have bad in fiveyears.'

—A party of prominent railroad men fromthe Eastern States held a meeting at Ogdens-burgon the 18th on business connected withthe traffic of their new through line from Og-deusburg to Boston.—-The Albany Journal^ taking the wordB

"General Garfleld proceeded to the front," fur-nishes a lively campaign eong to the tune,•"Twas off the blue Canary tales." The wordswill be found on onr first page.

—Messrs. Paul Qirard, President of St. JeanBaptiste Association, and Dr. J. H. LaRocqae,member, left Flattabnrgh last Tuesday eveningfor Quebec, as delegates to represent the socAlso, Mr. O. Fluett as delegate from the "Pro-tection Canadienne Society.

—The annual commencement exercises of theGoddard Seminary, at Barre, Vt., took placethis week. On Monday evening, Frank A.Broadwell, of Morrisormlle, N. Y., of the

"'. Junior class, delivered an oration; subject,"Trifles." It was well received.

—An exchange says the rascals are ever try-Ung to get the best of the farmers. The latestdodge Is that rascals are traveling the countryas temperance missionaries. They get their

umaaapecUDg vleUms to sign a pledge of totalabstinence, and then the pledge turns outa note.

—A partyof about a doeen left PlattsburghTuesday to attend the Baptist 8. 8. Conventionat North Elba, Intending to drive through thecelebrated Wilmington pass, nnder the shadowof old WhiUface, visit Lake Placid and Johi

n tho D. & 11. Railroad

irom the south arrives at S:00, and leaves for

hero at 9:46 A. U. and &00 v\*. .

McEUlgott pleaded not guilty, i wheel going off first, th<3 trial was postponed until December, j onally, striking on side and end, preclpitaunsel, Ross & Ross, have applied to the j the passengers headlong into the forward

;ourt for an allowance with which to procure ; with such force that not one escaped withoutjxpert testimony as to the character of the gun-! bruises, while some were severely injured. Mishot wound and the weapon used. Decision j Spencer's face and head were badly cut, aiivas reserved on the application. some of her ribs injured if not broken. Mi

—A rare opportunity is afforded for our citi- Webster's bruises were quite severe. Misens and their wives and families to visit the ; Christenson's little girl of about three years w;elebrated Lyon Mountain region, next Wed- j quite badly hurt in the head.nesday. The excursion rates are very low, Fortunately the horses did not run ; tbe stageconsidering the distacniles to Lyon Mountain and return,liar fare is $3 00, the excursion ratesicing only one fourth the regular ratlumber of tickets being limited, therio uncomfortable crowding, and it

very pleasant and easy tr—Madison University,

Baptist educational3 of t

ceived aof the n


other liberal endowment, and is

ras righted, and the journeyliles had scarcely been traveled when theorses took fright and ran away, going f<early a mile at terrific speed. The drive[eory McQuillan, was at the start thrown fro;is seat, striking upon the tongue, astride (inch he remained during the frightful race,

holdiog on the lines and vainly endeavoring tocheck the horses. Finally the leaders became

«t independent Institutions of thencially, in the State. At a recentif the board of directors, Mr. Samuel

Colgate read a letter from his brother, James3. Colgate, of New York, donating $50,000, onelalf to be appropriated to the Colgate Academyind the other half to the University. He Raidthat in a recent sea voyage, their vessel struck

detached, and i

ly escaped•ecognitlon

stopped. This time the driver received s<injuries. Mr. W. B. Webster, who is a instudent, dressed the wounds of the passe

limited facilities would iThe passengers, of course, could not be pr

i to ride further. The driver was:haustion, and Mr. W. B. Webster c

r's seat and rode with him to Fn

Hotel. Forfrom Ansthis r<

:e Rive it Montreal, while the people3 from that

passengers to French's, when they pro-cured other conveyances.

•iver acted very strangely. He Is anold driver, and had a first-class reputation in

profession. He showedcation, but froappeared unac

i that he hardly seemed to realiz<

kites, $1:ig the V a Bridge the toll amounts to 810

accident at the railroad station at Dan-L, Saturday afternoon, became coneider-

ibly magnified it respect

coupleenginend the

ind Plattsburgh.iply these : A careless hand at thegot to regulate the switch below the1 3.5 a natural sequence the engine:kson, a3 it started for Plattsburgh,itly off tho track, carrying; with it ajimmy cars loaded with ore. The

was tipped over and smashed up some,engineer, Mr. P. F. Flaherty, received somebruises, but none so serious as to compel him

i quit work. The careless switchman waadischarged on the spot The accident was suchas is liable to happen at any depot, and is in noway attributable to any peculiarity or defect ofthe road. In fact, all things considered, wethink the Plattsburgh and Chateaugay Railroadis mare than ordinarily safe. Few accidentshappen on It, considering the large amount ofbusiness that It does.

—Miss Addle Mallory, of Pittsburgh, and herMrs. S. Molloy, of New York, have

quite aa enterprise at Lake Placid.Having purchased a hundred or more acres attie upper end of the lake, under the shadow ofold VThiteface, Including the somewhat wellknewn spet designated as "Echo Lodge," MissMallory Is making extensive improvements fortae accommodation of tourists and campingparties. Her plan is to supply furnished camps,

in do their own cooking andsupplies. To this end sue is

building a large two story cabin, with doorsopening from outside into each room on thelower fioor, so that parties will be entirelyseparate from each other. She will farnlshbeds, bedding, dishes and cooking facilities, andrent the rooms at a reasonable price. Mrs.Molloy Is a fine artist, and will give her attention

> making sketches and paintings of the scenery

H. Finn, the retiring landlord, will remain inChateaugay for the present.

—The Chateaugay liecord says : ; "A memberof the old 16th New York regiment, who latelyreturned from LeadvUle, says that a man stands

for his life as a soldier in a<

illets do

icldeut occurred at the depot, at, on Thursday afternoon of last week,ie near proving fatal to Alexander

Amo, of Ogdensburg, a brakeman on the way-freight moving east. He was descending fromthe top of a box car when he slipped and fell,his right foot coming directly under one of thewheels of the car, which ran over it crushing itbadly. Dr. Farnsworth, who dressed thewound, says that the foot will probably have

i be amputated. He was taken to his homei Ogdenaburg.


A Viait f rom t h e N a t i o n a l O u a r d i

Guard Baud, accompanied by the 27th SeparateCompany of National Gnaids, of Malone, and

large party of citizens, will visit Plattsburgh,n Saturday, July 3d, coming by boat from

Rouses Point. It is estimated there will be a•arty of from five to eight hundred.They are expected to arrive here at 11:30 A.

I., remaining until 6 P .M.This will be a decided benefit to Pittsburgh,

and render the day pleasant and attractive tothose who remain at home. The military dls-Jlay will be an important attraction.

No little pains should bo taken to give ourMalone neighbors a suitable reception andwelcome. Who shall move in the matter ?

I like a veteran, aired him-self at the depot yesterday, - ' • " - "bound mail was waitini; hen.Prairie Jack or a Buffalo Bill, but he said thatbis name was C. A. Palmer and that "I'm justthree weeks out of LeadvUle and am now get-ting back to my old home at Port Henry as fastas I can; there's lots of money out in that coun-try, but, you bet your life, a mac must worklike a mule for all he gets." Palmer wa» for-merly a brakeman on the Delaware and Hudsonrailroad, and three years ago left for Colorado.As the train moved out, Buckskin Palmer saidhe had enough of Lcadville, and that anybodycould have the place, as he had got throughwith It—Saraiogian.

PLATTSBUB&H TJGKPBBASOB LEAGUE.There will be a business meeting of the

league at ttiuir rooms on Tuesday evening," 1880, at 8 o'clock. A toil attendanc

W. A. FtrLLBB, Secretary.

after the i I horses

ward Opera Hoiie2Sth, by the fan

3y the census of 1870 i;Free Press thinks there

—The steamers of the Champlain transporta-,on company now stop at their new wrhich is fitted up In the most substantialer, and in every way for the accommodf the traveling public—The pic-nic season has fairly opened atasin Harbor. Two parties occupied Mr.

Winans' grounds last week, and on Thursdaythe Pittsburgh Band had their annual ex<sioo to that place on the steamer Vermont.

—Pickpockets had a carnival at Barlingttst week, during tho army reunion. The dayatckman at Shepard & Morse's found 1

_ole near their dry house no less than npocket books, from which the money had btaken and the papers left, in several cases vsluable.

—The Methodist declares that the bonndaryommittee of the General Conference, agaiifhose action the Methodists of Western Ver-aont revolt, should be ashamed of itself ; sine,

.1 was a court, ita members were jurors, and theobnoxious vote was carried by these jurorspledging themselves to action before hearing" violence. A civil juryman is 3ent to prisor

ich action, and the Methodist tninks thi:h delegates no less guilty.

SEVENTY-SIXTH 00MJIEH0EMEUTOf t be Unive r s i ty of Vermont a n d

State A g r i c u l t u r a l College.

ate o

tely, a Mr. Aro Loon Lake, happened to takt

: along just in

signs of iutoxi-the start at Ausable Forks, heantably dull, stupid or 6leepy,

10.00 A. M. Meetii

at P&rloifof College 8t:3.00 P.M. or 1 "-—-

Oratiom by tl"chigan.

f.30r. it. Ji

raal parade of tho Chateaugay firetook placo on Wednesday of this

—The aiepartmenreek.—Ladd's Hotel, at Chateaugay,

ands on the loth lnsL Mr. L. H.

emora, Is thi helrx W.

arfare, thaieadville. DisuJ work In thi

L fortui :rin


HotnnAurNext Wednesday , J u n e 30tn .

There will be an excursion from Pittsburgh) Lyon Mountain and retnrn, nezt Wednesday,ane 80th, under the ansplce* of the Ladles' As-

Bociation of the M. B. Chnrch,The train, including three first-class coaches

and a baggage car, will leave Platteburgh at 7A. M., arriving at Chazy Lake at 9 A. M., andLyon Mountain at 9:30 A. M. All who prefer,can stop at Chazy Lake. Boats can be pro-cured at the landing, and those who desire canobtain a trout dinner at the Chazy Lake House.

Beturning, tke train will leave Lyon Moun-tain at 8.00 p. if., Chazy Lake at 3.30, and ar-rive at PSattsburgh at 5:40.

Tickets for the round trip, 75 cts. For sale iC. W. Hagar's and Dunham & Gilbert's. Aathe number of tickets is limited, those who de-sire to go ar« advised to purchase the da

renlng previous.Should Wednesday prove stormy, tho ej

si»n will take place the day following.

Helen Bixby, had the closing exercises of theirKindergarten school in the store recently occu-pied by Draper & Hayes. It was prettilydraped with flags and decorated with flowersand ferns, and with the dear, little, happy-faced children for the central figures lt was aflower garden Indeed. The parents and afriends of the children and school were delight-ed with the songs, plays and other exercises ofthe little ones. They showed improvement invarious wayB. Though so full of pleasure tothem, the school Is something more than aaentertainment. The children are learning rap-idly, and are fitting for the Intermediate De-

ent of oWe predict a

lincreased number of pupllaf th Kid

p pr the fall term of the Kindergarten, as proof

of Miss Augustine's success as gardener. Wehope, with the larger school, she may succeedIn obtaining larger rooms for her energies, aadfor the activities of her little people.


Lt S a r a n a c , o n S a t u r d a y , J u l y 3d.Speakers from abroad are expected, and a

ommittee on music has been chosen which weohsider fully capable of furnishing a flrst-claisntertainment. The Saranac Cornet Band will

be in attendance. Dinner, Ice-cream and otherrefreshments will be served in the AcademyHan and surrounding grounds. For programmeof sports, eames, etc., see posters.

Last but not least will be a grand display of-reworks. Come one, come all. Come every-body and get fall worth of your money in vlc-tuau and fan. BT OBDBB or COM.

- T h e Fanopened for bt

—After Jul

ted that theSteitrips between ;i the 28th.

ie of the Alburghers

rill be given at tli Monday evenin.VIendelssohn Club <

£.00 P. M. Comi

ipany Drill, on Parade <

_o ._ imni, at College ChariR of 2£&dic&l Alumni Assocla'- «"—t Ctmrch.

Phi Beta Kappa Soolwell a. Horr, M. C. fi

3f Perfected Butter Oolor,wn 4 Co., Bmrlington, Vt., should be ponderedaccepted by t ie dairymen and farmers of thi

State Taey will be wi«o if they keep clear of th»ibug potrdera, etc., and

A. M. Exhibition ai the Art Gallery, etc.0 A. M. Procession from the College.0 A. M. Orations of Graduating Class, Master'i

Oration, and Con/erring of Degrees.

as b j Prof. Samuei W.

dendelasohn Quintette

The Central Vermont Railroad and Lais steamersill carry for faro one way. Return CBrtiUcates cana obtained of tne Secretary of the Alumni.

ON A BBIDAL T0UB.A bridal couple passed over tbe D. & H. C.o.'s road on Tuesday of last week, en route) the White Mountains. They were from'uscaloosa, Alabama, and at every stoppinglace between Saratoga and Ticonderoga theridegroom asked the conductor if that was

the place. They took the boat on Lake Cham-plain as he was fearful of being carried by, andasked if his ticket had to be changed. He wasmade all sorts of fun of, but when he hauledout an old pocket book and asked the conduc-tor to change a $100 bill the fun stopped, as thepurse was crammed full of money, and intro-ductions sought, but "old Alabam" would notgive his name, and his newly made bride sec-onded the motion.

The ladles and friends of the Valcour M. E.Church intend holding in Mr. Henry Gllliland'sgrove, opposite Bluff Point Light House, aLawn Party, on the afternoon and evening ofThursday, July 1st Sapper, ice cream, straw-beries and other refreshments wUl be provided'~ abundance. BT OBDBB OF COM.

STBAWBEBBI FESTIVAI*The Methodist Society *t Point An Roche will

lold a Strawberry Festival at Oliver1! Grove,lear tbe ice-houses, on Saturday afternoon,ruly 3d. All are Invited.


Local Correspondence.

B0U8E8 POUT.—Four yachU are now owned by onr people, andre uen stouung across tha wat«». The Alabatrtt,

.-•om Ogdecsburg, was purchased by parties In thisplace and brooght her. a few wwfafago. Tbe»-pteasnre boats contribute mnch to the enjoyment o

a A. Bishop, while on % vlttt at heruncle*, D. B. Frair, received a telegram from Cant.T.V.....7 o, B t e w n e r Borieon, on lake George, to t l i e

mer poet u ooo* on board at once. This isseason in. "*fa capacity on the Tjake Ctaorge

jta, with tocresjed wage*, and giving foilsatiafaeHm? to her employers. P B


j rooms of 1" " "gaged in hxrnsevering arteries, veins a&d oords, and making ;severe gash. On* or two physicians were instant!;in attendance, and succeeded after four honrs o

, - . _ . _ . . —.. Jdoinga

—me"ic»VutnpbytlieHewyork companies o:Steel's garden has badly waited, being only paefce

- - lave been^recer"-— ~ "intb sides fortlfidditional covert _

eek the sewing machine companynow *0O machines per week is tha

antly improving our

_ straw. Bepairs have beenlee-homes, and the south sides . . .Sol by saw-dust and additional cov<

street*, ana new d

inac&tas co

—Wfil SliBgsby has completed Ms field work asnumerator at the D. s. census.—Divine services will be held on Island Park next

Sunday {Champlain} at 3 and 5 p. M., by Bev. T. II.Preble and D.T. Taylor. All are invited U hear on ,the signs of oar times. I

—Bain is much needed. The h*y crop will belight and hsy dear. OCCASIONAL.


F e s t i v a l a n d P i c u i c .The members of St. Barnard Clinreh, of Lyon

Mountain, will hold a festival and plcnio in thegrove at that place on Saturday, July 17th. Dinner,ice cream, and otner refreshments wiU be served.

burgh to Lyonr benefit of the


KEKLES'S BAY.JONB 21, 1SS0.—The Spring Hot, ..._

Ie Shade Cottage are open for boarders. Theyave several guests at the Spring House.-Mr. Kellogg, of ™ - — , - _

,feck looking over "nice cottage on the

>f Champlain, was on laKlbby Island. Ee hasIsland. He has a party of

' have a steam yacht, and


the night!


° —Mr. H.' L. Taylor returned this weekWilbraham, Ma88., and will spend tlie sunimei

—E. B.'Heading and wife, of Port Henry, spent sfew days last week visiting friends in this vicinity,and were the guests of Bev. Q. 0. Thomas.

Local Notices.

36 compared with them—W:

of the most stubborn

l t a i c B e l t C e . , m a r s h a ld their celebrated Electro-Voltid upon 80 daya trial. Speedy

igthenlDg, and purifying than all other forma ofor medicine, while free from the objectioi



ly for a!J




E. Pijrpan



W h y W i l l Ye Llnf fe r i

in behalf of the community who are nowd with Rheumatism, to say, "Why will ye 1

If the t ands tillesiroyed by complication of Liver and Kidn<

complaints would give nature's remedy, Kidne*Wort, a trial they wonld ba speedily enred. It »cn both organs at the same time and therefore conletely fills th« bill for a perfect remsdy. If you ha-*lame back and disordered Kidneys nse ii at onc<

e D a i r y m e n .

ig the gr*at 1>rthy


W h a t f t D»c«.Kidney-Wort moves the bowels regularly, cleaiie blood, and radically cures kidney disease, gi

el, piles, bilious headache, and pains which are CEdisordered Liver and Kidneys. Thousands>«an cured—why should you not try It ?

II right.

I ^ " N E T E E &Bk a Dyspeptic perBun wha) eat, tint let him take a few doses of BAXTE.'.KE BITTEBS and his appetite will be

Throat affections and bronchia:eved by the use of DOWNS' ELIX:

should be kept in perfect cc

Constipation, and aU similar diseases, yield readilyto the effect of Baxter's Mandrake Bitters. Pricecte. per bottle. Try ft and be oonvtocea.

Dr. N. G. White's Pulmonary Elixir has no supe-rior as a Cough remedy. Price 05 aad 50 centbottle. 2n


scientific combination of some of the most peful restorative agents in the vegetable kingdom.restore* gray hair to its original color. It makes tlscalp whiU and clean. It c B dandrnff and bu-

t, aad faUing-oat of the hair. It furnishes th.nutritive principle by which the hair Is nonrisaedand supported. It makes the hair moist, soft andglossy, and is nnsnrpassed as a hair dressing. I

economical preparation ever offered tos ita effects remain a long time, making only

mended and used by eminent Medical men, and of-ficially endorsed by the State Asaayer of Massachu-setts. The popularity of Hall's Hair Benewer harincreased witn the test of many years, both in and in foreign lands, and it is now knowiaad used in all the civilized iountrlee of the world.

H IK.TIIS.In Plattiburgb, June 23,18SG, a son to Mr.[rs. J. B. DANDEOW.At Whallonaburgh, June 5,1880, a daughter to

and Mrs. GEO. NILES.At Ironville, June 13,1880, a daughter to Mr.trs. WILL THOMPSON.


In Wilmington, at the Congregational Parsonage,by Bev. Thomas Watson, May 21, 1380, JAMES II.SUITOR, of South Higbgate, Vt., and HATTIE h.

EBB, of Wilmington.

June IS, 1880, FHEBE, wifo of J. E.her 6I»t year.

k city, June 15,1880, Mrs. SABAHow of the lato Bear Admiral Theodo£t&ii^cx, wiuuw ui the latoKearAdmi

Bailey, United Btates Navy, aged 78 yeare.Iu WillBboroagh, June 21, 1880, SOYAL KENT,

At Ticouderoga, June 11, 1880, Mr. ALEX. OOOK,rmerly of Flattaburgh, agod 48 years.


TEAS,Canned Goods


Bargains in Canned Goods.81b. Can Tomatoes, $1.50 per doa.2!b. Can Oorn, $2.00 per doz.Gallon Cant fresh Apple, 28c, per Can.Extra Fancy 31b. Can Peaches, at | 3 per dozen.


And Furriers,67 MARGARET ST.,

P la t tsburgh, N. Y.






Jsssnu&Go., can Special Attention to

Large line of Men's, Yontlis'and Children's


Fine Soft Felt Hats





urn i 11 ff twe are 'Uian in ' '




Offering' Uicseformer*






Fancy Neck Wear,

Flannel Shirts in all Colors




Spreaders and yielding Head Rest. Tbe Sprea

free circulation of air. If yon wonld enjoy rt1 ooffliortj buy tuo Peerless Hammock" of


At the New Store I




l a t e ly ocenpied by tn d T e l e g r a p h Offices.

especially for toe SCHOOL A0EBf.

l patronage and g

Btore, in this beautiful Block, trillourfrteivia as it is to ourselves, aw i l l snown ua in the past, will

m u t l l l

aa acccp-that tno

good w i l l shown ua in the past, will be oontimed, and prove m u t u a l l y p l e a s a n t a nprofitable. Wo will be glad to seyou all I


...... will inolude a ot.Miscellaneong Books, Statianery, an Art Department,Confectionery, Fruit Dejartasnt, &°., *o.



r assortment at School Appara-g and Writing Charts, Globes,o&a, Slated Cloth and slated M^

.j , « d for Blackboard nae, Diamondag by t ie PC, Qt., or Gal.; Crayons, Era-, Inks, Pens, and Velvet Erasers. Also,is, Class Bells and Hand Bells.

B o a r d s o f E d u c a t i o n , TruBtees, Teachers,Parent* and Scholars will find at the School Agen<Aoyt&iug tlifiy w&nt In tlio lino of Scliool Suppli@and everything sold at tho lowest rates.

All orders by mail attended to promptly and insatisfactory manner.


"Teachers' Companion,"

, by Teachers, not only in thisState, but also In nearly every State of our country.The June number will contain a fine illustration of

" • jrgh High School.i have not seen a copy of the Companioiij sendip for same.


Choice Miscellaneous Books

Consisting of Historical Works, Educational andJcientlflo Works, Books of Travel, Poems, HistoricalJtories for the Young. Miscellaneous Story Books~- "•- Young, all selected with care.

umbers of " 1 0 0 C l i o l c e S e l e c t i o n s 'Baker's Beading Club Series, Dialogue Books,

Speakers, Dime Dialogues and Bpeakftts, large as-sortment ; Baker's and Spencer's Vlays. suitable forFublio and Private Entertainment*. Also, Dissected



Clinton County Bible Society.B assortment of Bibles and Testaments in

old ^ne^il^v^r^J.^,1""6 8 Sr°

ART DEPARTMENT.h wa» commenced duriued and copies f Pwinter, will be continued, and c

nting. Card and Holly-Woodets, Plaques, Bristol Board, Are»eion Paper, &c, t c . Also,

' G f A



rank's Gens of American Scenery,rang's Imporials, P r a n g ' H H o u q u e t t t a n dU r o u i o C s r i H . We have the finest collectionf Ghromo Cards ever brought into Northern Nework. A fln* assortment of Pearl Shells kept con-intly on band. A beautiful assortment o? largthromos for sale at low prices, choioe, Ohromos toat, as copies for oil painting. Terms raasauable.

I0SFECTI0NEEY DEPARTMEIVT,Includes a choice assortment of Cand!es,/re«A and

of best quality, Nuts, Oranges, L e n t — " « ? ^ - - -Figs, io . , 4o. Sold at low rates.


Ordor» by Mail Solicited.k published in tna United Stataa f urnigliedlo rotes. 11Bflp&otfpl\yt



Ready Made






We Offer this Coming Week

Five Hundred Pants



flitmn Low Price of $1.00.

1880. OPENING 1880-qyxaE—


Carpets, Oil Cloths,

MARCUS MILLER'S,72 Margaret St., Plattaburgh,



Dress anfl Mmi Sis,


BLACK OASHMEEE a Specialty,WCaU early while toe st


50 doz. Straw Hats,AT 10 CENTS EiCB.


Fancy Striped Sock;AT 10 CENTS A PAIR.

4 0 doz. Silk Scarfs,The Latest and Nicest Styles,


We will Open this Day the

Largest and Best Line of

White S Fancy Vests,Dusters and

Erer Shown in Tewa«

Do not Buy a Straw Hat Be-

fore You Examine our Line.

We Sell them Lower than

Than any other Store.

Do not Leave Town before Tea

Call and Examine these Cus-

tom-Fitting Suits of Oar

Own Manufacture*

Oar males have more than doubled thisseason. Why ! Because we Bare the Job-

rs' profit, and are selling them at aleBs price than you oan buy poorly madeGarments of other dealers. We iheavy investments in Cloths before therise, and are atill selling at old price


Oar Own Made Clothing.


For your Mother, Wife, Staters andCoutilns will not be Bothered

gewinff on Buttons and

We Sell Goods Low,

And at Strictly One Price*

All Goods are Plainly Marked.

Do not Forget w h e n Wa Live.

Wm. Cane & Sons,The Popular Clothiers,

Opp. the Cumberland House,




I. & D. MILLERSCor. Margaret St, and Custom


SPRING GOODScomprising all the latest Novelties of the seasoi^^HaTing received the largest and best selected sto<



Gloves, Corsets. &c.CASSIITIEKES, TWEE;


DOMESTIC GOODS,ill kinds, ever before shown- in this vicinity. Hav-

ing purchased onr stock at a great sacrifice we wlJoffer them at the lowest cash prices.

Thanifol for past favors, and hoping to receive iliberal patronage in the future, we renuiin,

Sespectfully, I . Sc D. M1IJLER.

Spring Styles!Latest Designs

Millinery, MillineryTho Largest Assortment of Spring

Novelties ever Brought tothis Town.

Miles of Ribbons




Bonnets of Every Shape




Ever SUowu In this Region,


MARCUS CANEOpp, Cumberland House.

Plattaburgh, April 15th, 18S0. 95



Valuable Real Estate.nds belonging to theoffered for sale to olog

The house and groundsEdward Floryar* now offer _._

street," in the rtUaae of Phittabnrgh,* within fire orten miantes wall: of any of tha bnsinew portions ofthe village. The lot ia about 75 feet front os Broadstreet and about 300 feet deep. On it is a large 2%story brick dwelling, with high kitchen basement,and good shed and Targe barn. Abnndanoe of fruitgrows *a the lot. Goodfwaste drain and aU necessaryonvenienees. This la a bargain. Apply for terms to300 CHAS. H. MOOSE, 11 Clinton St.

For Sale on tlte Saranac River.

aranac Lake and 1« heavily timAlso, Lot 330, Befege* Tract,» B e d L O t 2 ^ H o i D v » r t

as tbe Ellis


Also! Lot! No. re, 80 and 81, ifanl's Patent,several building lots in Olintonville.

AJU this property wiUbe sold at a great bargain to

_ .j „ -.esented to »ny one wishingengage is the lumber basineaa or any other branchmannfacturing. It will be sold in lota to gutt

Plattsburgh Greenhouses.

foUowingTeryUbenloffei:^ T O PLANTS,petttOMB. 10

CABBAGE " p» ioo....OA0UFLOWSB " . , • . . . . .CKLKEr iXAKTS, tranapUnWd, One ttr^n

S S 0 l e" t t D 6 " ^ P» »

Conch Shells^

Extraordinary Trade



. OTJB 8TO0E is aowaxa ra





Harrwell & Myers

COAEver Brought into this Market

Parties aealrlng to pmchs«6 siould rtttd la titei* .

ordersrtonce. » '

Sewing MachinesCHEAPER THAN EVER. ?

D, S. Robinson's,

^ ^ " o ^ t , and ean beiongbi at the toOtm,- ' |BhiSBT »

ylK»a-ayjgair>ar .1


No. 68 Margaret St.,


a and see for yourself.

Popular HistoriesAT VERT LOW PRICES I

Pure Paris Green!


55 Margaret StreetF . \

. 1P I T T S B U R G H , N, X,




Canal Boat Timber ;Sawn to Order. \

Shearer ift Brown. ''POINT ST. CHARLES, •ORTREit, - '