march 5 at 5:00 pm argersinger duruflé20 the 2005 - 2006 season 1. a c. h o r u s o f. w. i n e, c....

20 The 2005 - 2006 Season A CHORUS OF WINE, CHEESE & SONG March 5 at 5:00 pm St. James’ Episcopal Church • Pullman sponsored by Palouse Chapter: Pacific NW Enological Society ALL ABOUT BACH May 5 th at 7:30PM St. Boniface Catholic Church • Uniontown May 7 th at 6:00PM St. Boniface Catholic Church • Uniontown sponsored by Edmund O. Schweitzer Threads n' Things tuxedo rentals sewing services custom formal wear alterations & mending 610 south main street Moscow. Idaho 83843 208 . 892 . 8710 David & Jennifer Fister owners-managers _________ 8:00 PM in the UI Auditorium Students: $8, Seniors, faculty & staff: $14, General: $18 Tickets on sale at UI Ticket Office, 885-7212 For more information: or [email protected] 3 Concert 2005-2006 featuring Special Guests Kelly Cornwall, organ Gavin Duncan, organ Nancy Grunewald, mezzo soprano Samantha Minker, cello Friday, JANUARY 27 at 7:30 PM, TRINITY LUTHERAN CHURCH, LEWISTON Saturday , JANUARY 28 at 7:30 PM, FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, MOSCOW & Argersinger Missa L’homme Armé Requiem Duruflé Sponsored by John T. Brewer, Sharon & Ted Nitz, & David Seamans Idaho Washington Concert Chorale Chamber Choir

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Page 1: March 5 at 5:00 pm Argersinger Duruflé20 The 2005 - 2006 Season 1. A C. h o r u s o f. W. i n e, C. h e e s e & s. o n g. March 5 . at . 5:00 pm . St. James’ Episcopal Church •

20 1The 2005 - 2006 Season

A Chorus of Wine, Cheese & songMarch 5 at 5:00 pm St. James’ Episcopal Church • Pullman

sponsored by Palouse Chapter: Pacific NW Enological Society

All About bACh May 5th at 7:30pm St. Boniface Catholic Church • Uniontown

May 7th at 6:00pm St. Boniface Catholic Church • Uniontown

sponsored by Edmund O. Schweitzer

Threads n' Things

tuxedo rentals

sewing services

custom formal wear

alterations & mending

610 south main street Moscow. Idaho 83843


David & Jennifer Fis t er

owner s-manager s


8:00 PM in theUI Auditorium

Students: $8, Seniors, faculty & staff: $14, General: $18Tickets on sale at UI Ticket Office, 885-7212

For more information: [email protected]

3Concert 2005-2006

featuring Special GuestsKelly Cornwall, organGavin Duncan, organ

Nancy Grunewald, mezzo sopranoSamantha Minker, cello

Friday, JAnuAry 27 at 7:30 pm, TriniTy LuTheran ChurCh, LewisTon

Saturday, JAnuAry 28 at 7:30 pm, FirsT presbyTerian ChurCh, mosCow

&ArgersingerMissa L’homme Armé


Sponsored by John T. Brewer, Sharon & Ted Nitz, & David Seamans

Idaho Washington Concert Chorale Chamber Choir

Page 2: March 5 at 5:00 pm Argersinger Duruflé20 The 2005 - 2006 Season 1. A C. h o r u s o f. W. i n e, C. h e e s e & s. o n g. March 5 . at . 5:00 pm . St. James’ Episcopal Church •

2 19

Missa l’homme armé Charles E. Argersinger(1992)

Glenn Petersen, cantorCynthia Langford, soprano Bill Dugger, tenorCheryl Blackburn, al to David Spencer, bass

I. Kyrie

Lord have mercy upon us. Christ have mercy upon us. Lord have mercy upon us.

II. Gloria

Glory be to God on high, And in earth peace to men of goodwill. We praise You, we bless You, We worship You, we glorify You. We give thanks to You for Your great glory. O Lord God, heavenly King. God the Father Almighty. O Lord, the only-begotten Son, Jesus Christ. O Lord God, Lamb of God, Son of the Father, Who takes away the sins of the world. Have mercy upon us, Who takes away the sins of the world, Receive our prayer; Who sits at the right hand of the Father, Have mercy upon us. For You only are holy. You only are the Lord. You only are most high. O Jesus Christ, with the Holy Spirit, In the glory of God the Father. Amen.

Argersinger & Duruflé

Thank you for joining us tonight! A reminder to please turn off all cell phones, pagers and recording devices and refrain from using flash photography during the performance. Please hold applause between movements.

Musical Alchemy, Inc. is recording our performance this evening. Friday night patrons: Please help us reduce our printing costs by recycling your programs

in the box provided as you leave the auditorium this evening.

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Page 3: March 5 at 5:00 pm Argersinger Duruflé20 The 2005 - 2006 Season 1. A C. h o r u s o f. W. i n e, C. h e e s e & s. o n g. March 5 . at . 5:00 pm . St. James’ Episcopal Church •

18 3Our Business Supporters Argersinger III. Credo

I believe in one God, the Father Almighty, maker of heaven and earth, And of all things visible and invisible. And in one Lord Jesus Christ, the only-begotten Son of God, And born of the Father before all ages. God of God; Light of Light, true God of true God; Begotten not made; consubstantial with the Father, By whom all things were made. Who for us men and for our salvation came down from heaven. And was incarnate by the Holy Spirit, Out of the Virgin Mary; and was made man. He was crucified also for us; He suffered under Pontius Pilate, and was buried. And the third day He rose again according to the scriptures; And ascended into heaven; And He shall come again with glory To judge both the living and the dead, Of whose Kingdom there shall be no end. And (I believe) in the Holy Spirit, the Lord and giver of life; Who proceeds from the Father and the Son; Who with the Father and the Son is worshipped and glorified. Who spake by the Prophet. And in one holy catholic and apostolic church. I confess one baptism for the remission of sins and I look for the resurrection of the dead, and the life of the world to come. Amen.

IV. Sanctus

Holy, holy, holy. Lord God of Hosts. Heaven and earth are full of Your glory.Hosanna in the highest. Blessed is He that comes in the name of the Lord.

Hosanna in the highest.

V. Agnus Dei

O Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world, have mercy upon us. O Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world, have mercy upon us. O lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world, grant us peace.


Page 4: March 5 at 5:00 pm Argersinger Duruflé20 The 2005 - 2006 Season 1. A C. h o r u s o f. W. i n e, C. h e e s e & s. o n g. March 5 . at . 5:00 pm . St. James’ Episcopal Church •

4 17DurufléRequiem, Opus 9 Maurice Duruflé

(1947) (1902–1986)Nancy Grunewald, mezzo soprano

Samantha Minter, cel loBill Dugger, Don Willows, Jim Reece, David Spencer

Heather Benson, Jill Price Freuden, Cynthia Langford, Kathy Spencer

I. IntroitEternal rest grant them, O Lord;And may perpetual light shine upon them.A hymn, O God, becometh Thee in Sion,and a vow shall be paid to Thee in Jerusalem.Hear my prayer; to Thee all flesh shall come.

II. KyrieLord, have mercy, Christ, have mercy, Lord, have mercy.

III. Domine Jesu ChristeO Lord Jesus Christ, King of Glory, Deliver the souls of all the faithful departed From the pains of hell and from the bottomless pit. Save them from the lion’s jaws, That hell may not engulf them,That they may not fall into darkness, But let Saint Michael the standard-bearer Lead them into the holy light Which Thou of old didst promise to Abraham and to his seed.Sacrifices and prayers of praise to Thee, O Lord, we offer. Do Thou receie them on behalf of those souls whom this day we commemorate. Grant them. O Lord, to pass from death unto life, Which Thou of old didst promise to Abraham and to his seed.

IV. SanctusHoly. holy, holy, Lord God of Sabaoth, Heaven and earth are full of Thy glory.Hosanna in the highest.

Blessed is he who cometh in the name of the Lord. Hosanna in the highest.

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Page 5: March 5 at 5:00 pm Argersinger Duruflé20 The 2005 - 2006 Season 1. A C. h o r u s o f. W. i n e, C. h e e s e & s. o n g. March 5 . at . 5:00 pm . St. James’ Episcopal Church •

16 5Our Business Supporters




V. Pie JesuBlessed Jesu, O Lord, grant them rest.Blessed Jesu, O Lord, grant them eternal rest.

VI. Agnus Dei O Lamb of God, that takest away the sins of the world, grant them rest.O Lamb of God, that takest away the sins of the world, grant them eternal rest.

VII. Lux AeternaLet everlasting light shine on them, O Lord, with Thy Saints for ever:For Thou art merciful.Eternal rest grant them, O Lord;and may perpetual light shine upon them: For Thou art merciful.

VIII. Libera MeDeliver me, O Lord, from everlasting death On that dread day when the heavens and earth shall quake:When Thou shalt come to judge the world by fire.I am seized with trembling and am afraid Until the day of reckoning shall arrive and the wrath to come,When the heavens and earth shall quake.That day, a day of wrath, calamity and misery, A great and exceedingly bitter day,When Thou shalt come to judge the world by fire.Eternal rest grant them, O Lord, And may perpetual light shine upon them.

IX. In ParadisumMay the angels receive thee in paradise,At thy coming may the martyrs receive thee, And bring thee into the Holy city Jerusalem.May the choir of angels receive theeAnd with Lazarus, once a beggar,May thou have eternal rest.


Singing with the Chorale is fun!IWCC is an auditioned choir of community members from

around the Palouse.

Auditions for the 2006-2007 Season will be held in August, 2006. If you are interested in joining us, please contact: Janice O’Toole

509.229.3654, [email protected]

Sing with Us!

Page 6: March 5 at 5:00 pm Argersinger Duruflé20 The 2005 - 2006 Season 1. A C. h o r u s o f. W. i n e, C. h e e s e & s. o n g. March 5 . at . 5:00 pm . St. James’ Episcopal Church •

6 15Program Notes

As did more than thirty Renaissance composers, Charles Argersinger used the famous secular,

anonymous theme, l’homme armé, as a scaffolding to underlay the structure of the Ordinary of the Mass. L’homme armé (Armed Man) is the theme that unifies the five-movement overall design. The distinctive 14th-century device known as a Landini cadence also recurs throughout the mass as a basic building block bringing with it its intrinsic Lydian modal character. Modest dissonances and their resolutions are used as focal points of expression in reinforcing the meaning of the text.

The premiere of Missa l’homme armé by a university choir was obstructed by the American Civil Liberties Union for an alleged violation of the constitutional separation of church and state. The firestorm of publicity in television reports and over twenty newspaper articles eventually drew the attention of the national press when Nat Hentoff wrote in the 22 August 1992 Washington Post that the ACLU had in this case “built a wall of separation higher than even Thomas Jefferson could have imagined.”

Charles Argersinger

The musical career of Maurice Duruflé (1902-1986) began in the cathedral school at Rouen

and continued after 1919 in Paris, where he studied organ with Charles Tournemire and Louis Vierne, then at the Paris Conservatoire with Eugéne Gigout. He completed

his conservatory studies and earned top honors in organ playing, improvisation, harmony, fugue, piano accompaniment and composition. His principal teacher of composition was Paul Dukas (L’Apprenti Sorcier [The Sorcerer’s Apprentice]). In 1930 Duruflé assumed responsibility for his own Parisian organ

in Saint-Etienne-du-Mont and in 1944 he also became professor of harmony at the Paris Conservatoire, a post he occupied until his retirement in 1969.

He composed throughout his career, but from the early 1920s until the late 1960s he produced no more than a dozen works – all of them so extremely well crafted that, in spite of the small size of his oeuvre, he must be regarded as an important composer. One of Duruflé’s typical traits was to combine Gregorian melody with brilliant modal harmonies or to surround it with polyphony, with stylistic links with Fauré, Debussy, Ravel and Dukas, resulting in a warm and individual synthesis. His works are characterized by formal balance, rich harmonies and virtuoso, refined instrumentation. In 1947 the original version of Duruflé’s Requiem, Opus 9, for full orchestra and organ was performed. Two other versions followed, one only with organ, then in 1961, for a reduced orchestra and organ. The mass comprises nine movements and, in the manner of Fauré, places greater emphasis on the hope of reconciliation than on the normal doomsday trombones of the Requiem Mass. The Dies irae movement – traditionally a central part of a Requiem – is omitted. While the Duruflé Requiem does not lack contrasts and dramatic passages, it avoids the theatrical effects found, for example in the Berlioz Requiem.

About his Requiem, Duruflé said:

“This Requiem is entirely composed on Gregorian themes from the Requiem Mass. Sometimes the text has been respected as a whole, with no intervention from the orchestra, which plays a supporting role or comments on the proceedings, or sometimes I am inspired or even completely carried away, as for example in certain developments suggested by the Latin text, notably in the Domine Jesu Christe, the Sanctus or the Libera me.

Generally, I have above all sought to enter into the particular style of Gregorian melodies and have been compelled to reconcile as far as possible the Gregorian rhythm, as established by the Benedictines of Solesmes, with the requirements of modern barring. As far as the musical form of each of the movements of the Requiem is concerned, it is inspired by the form suggested in the liturgy…. It represents the idea of peace, of faith and of hope.”

Alain Cochard and St ig Jacobsson

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Page 7: March 5 at 5:00 pm Argersinger Duruflé20 The 2005 - 2006 Season 1. A C. h o r u s o f. W. i n e, C. h e e s e & s. o n g. March 5 . at . 5:00 pm . St. James’ Episcopal Church •

14 7Our Business Supporters

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Currently assistant professor of music at Washington State University, John Weiss earned a Bachelor of Music degree in music education

at Boston University’s School for the Arts, a Master of Fine Arts degree in choral conducting at the University of California, Irvine, and a Doctor of Musical Arts degree in choral conducting from the University of Arizona. Past choral groups under his direction have won numerous first prizes at state, regional and national competitions. He has been a guest clinician and conductor at MENC regional and state Conferences in Massachusetts, Vermont, and Oregon, and choral director for North American Music Ensembles’ 1991 European tour.

As a bass, Dr. Weiss was a Metropolitan Opera Regional Finalist and won First Prize in the Associazione Lirica Italo-Americana Mario Del Monaco Voice Competition. He has performed leading and supporting roles with Boston Lyric Opera, Indianapolis Opera, Ash Lawn-Highland Summer Festival, Raylynmor Opera, Commonwealth Opera, Longwood Opera, Vermont Opera, Oakland Opera, and Sacramento Opera, and also soloed for such organizations as the Harvard-Radcliffe Chorus, College of the Holy Cross Choirs, and the Oakland Chamber Orchestra and Oratorio Society. Some of his favorite roles include Leporello in Don Giovanni, Tevye in Fiddler on the Roof, Mustafa in L’italiana in Algeri, Alfie Doolittle in My Fair Lady, Sarastro in Die Zauberflöte, Colline in La Bohéme, Bartolo in Il Barbiere di Siviglia and Sir Joseph Porter in H.M.S. Pinafore. In May 2005, he sang the role of Sparafucile in Rigoletto with Granite State Opera in New Hampshire.

The University of Arizona nominated Dr. Weiss’ doctoral research, Operatically Trained Singers in the Collegiate Choral Rehearsal, for the Julius Herford Award sponsored by the

American Choral Directors Association. An article based on this research appeared in The Choral Journal, August 2002 and he presented his findings at the Second International Physiology and Acoustics of Singing Conference in Denver in October 2004. This spring, he will again present the same research at the Washington Music Educators Assoc. State Conference in Yakima, and at the American Choral Directors Association NW Division Convention in Portland.

John Weiss, Conductor

Nancy Grunewald, Mezzo Soprano

Nancy Grunewald, mezzo soprano, earned a bachelor of music

in vocal performance from Washington State University in Pullman, Washington. As a student she earned several music scholarships, and sang as alto soloist in Brueckner’s Te Deum, and Händel’s Messiah. She also appeared with the WSU chamber orchestra in a selection from Gluck’s Orfée, and with the WSU Symphony Orchestra as featured soloist in Mahler’s Lieder eines fahrenden Gesellen (Songs of a Wayfarer). She performed mezzo soprano roles with WSU’s Opera Theater, including the title role in Menotti’s The Old Maid and the Thief and Augusta Tabor in The Ballad of Baby Doe.

Reentering the performance sphere after raising a family, she has made appearances in Seattle and Port Townsend, Washington, and in a number of solo venues in eastern Washington and western Idaho, including soloing with the Washington-Idaho Concert Chorale in 2004. Among other recent programs, she has been a featured recitalist in Washington State University’s Library Atrium Concert Series.

Page 8: March 5 at 5:00 pm Argersinger Duruflé20 The 2005 - 2006 Season 1. A C. h o r u s o f. W. i n e, C. h e e s e & s. o n g. March 5 . at . 5:00 pm . St. James’ Episcopal Church •

8 13Gavin Duncan, Organ

Gavin Duncan is a junior at Eastern

Washington University, currently pursuing a bachelor’s degree in music education. In addition to serving as the organist for the EWU Symphonic and Chamber choirs and the Gonzaga University Gregorian Schola, Gavin is active in the Spokane community at large as director of music of the United Methodist Church of Cheney. As a singer, Gavin has performed on the stage as Pish-Tush in the EWU Department of Music and Theater’s production of Gilbert and Sullivan’s The Mikado, as well as singing in the chorus for Leonard Bernstein’s Candide and Puccini’s La Bohème. In January of 2005, Gavin traveled with the Gonzaga University Gregorian Schola to Los Angeles to sing at the national convention of the American Choral Director’s Association.

Kelly Cornwall, Organ

Kelly Cornwall, organ, began her formal

training in music at Washington State University in 2001 where she studied piano with Gerald Berthiaume and organ with Jill Schneider. Her interest in the organ grew and she decided to major in organ performance. In 2002, she began working as organist at Sacred Heart Catholic Church in Pullman. She is an active member of the American Guild of Organists (AGO) and has been a receipient of the Terry Jordan Memorial Award for three years in a row (2002-2004). In 2005, she was accepted into the International Summer School at Mount Royal College Organ Academy in Canada, where she studied with Simon Preston and David Higgs. Kelly has played for various groups around the Palouse, including the Washington-Idaho Concert Chorale, Idaho-Washington Symphony, the Children’s Missoula Theatre, and Suzuki violin recitals. At WSU, she has accompanied student recitals, summer musicals and currently plays for the University Singers, directed by John Weiss. Kelly enjoys going to school and after graduating in May, she and her husband, Adam, will become first time parents.

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Page 9: March 5 at 5:00 pm Argersinger Duruflé20 The 2005 - 2006 Season 1. A C. h o r u s o f. W. i n e, C. h e e s e & s. o n g. March 5 . at . 5:00 pm . St. James’ Episcopal Church •

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Up Town Hair & nail SalonSuzanne A. Robinson L.M.P., R.NLicensed Massage Practitioner, R.N.Nationally CertifiedAmerican Massage Therapy Association

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Bill Dugger, tenor, is a founding member of the Chorale, having sung

with its original precursor group, the Troy Community Choir, since the early 1970s. Born in Cottonwood, Bill grew up in Forest, Winchester, and Potlatch, Idaho. He reports that he cannot remember a time when he did not sing; in fact, Bill and his identical twin, Bob, were called on to sing “everywhere and everything” as youngsters. After attending the University of Idaho and the University of Oregon, where he majored in music education, Bill began a professional singing career that took him to Indianapolis, New York, and Chicago, among other places, singing with a contemporary Christian group and doing background and studio vocals. Bill also taught band, choir, and orchestra for thirty-five years in northern Idaho, retiring recently from the Lewiston School District. He now is the Director of Music for Lewiston First United Methodist Church; he also runs a music studio in his home and is partner is an internet wholesale music business, Meadowlark Melodies. Singing, Bill says, takes him out of himself, allowing him to “go other places and become something else.” As a core member of our tenor section, Bill has been an integral part of the many musical landscapes that the Chorale and Chamber Choir have traversed through the years, and we are very happy to have his company.

Chorale Member Profile

Join t he chorale & the Palouse Enological Society for an evening of Spanish wines,

local & imported cheeses, great music and our fabulous silent auction. Music provided by the chorale, special guest Chris Thompson, and cast members of Pullman Civic Theatre’s March

17-19 production of The King & I. Board members from the Enological Society will talk about the wines and will be available for questions.The door opens at 4:30 pm, so come early to find a seat and enjoy the starter wine before the entertainment & wine tasting begin at 5:00 pm.

Page 10: March 5 at 5:00 pm Argersinger Duruflé20 The 2005 - 2006 Season 1. A C. h o r u s o f. W. i n e, C. h e e s e & s. o n g. March 5 . at . 5:00 pm . St. James’ Episcopal Church •

10 11

Soprano IJill Price Freuden Cynthia LangfordKathy SpencerJanice Willard

Soprano IIHeather BensonJeanne FairbanksMeredyth Goodwin Sharon Nitz

AltoCheryl Blackburn Judy HanleyMimi DimitrovskaJan Keller Maureen Miller

The Idaho-Washington Concert ChoraleBoard of DirectorsRichard DomeyReal Estate Agent, Pullman

Meredyth GoodwinChorale President

Janice O’TooleChorale Vice-President

Jan KellerChorale Treasurer

Glenn PetersenChorale Secretary

Janet BrandtChorale Member-at-Large

Sheila ConverseWSU Faculty

Barbara HayesCostume Designer, Lewiston

Gary PetersonChorale Member-at-Large

Rosemary Waldrop, Private Voice, Pullman

Lori WiestWSU Faculty, Pullman

Music Director &Principal ConductorJohn Weiss

AccompanistElena Panchenko

Rehearsal AccompanistKelly Cornwall

House ManagerSherry Caisley

Chorale LeadershipHeather BensonGraphic Designer

Cheryl BlackburnAdvertising Manager

Tom BrandtTenor Section Leader

Judy CampbellAlto Section Leader

Jill Price FreudenMarketing DirectorSoprano Section Leader

Jana JoyceDatabase Manager

Mary MaceyChorale Librarian

Ann NortonChorale Librarian

Laura McMichaelFront Door Manager

Kathy SpencerAudition Committee Accompanist

Gerd SteckelReceipts Treasurer

Steve SwannackBass Section LeaderRiser Crew Coordinator

Gordon ThomasWeb Master

Karen WeathermonPress Releases & Notecards

TenorJohn T. BrewerTom Brandt Bill Dugger Glenn Petersen Don Willows

BassAllen Alstad Jack Keller John JordanJim ReeceDavid Spencer Steve Swannack Gordon Thomas

The Chamber Choir


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District Governor

Palouse Enological SocietyPalouse View Dental CenterPets Are People, TooPrecision Engraving Gifts & AwardsPullman Family MedicinePullman Regional HospitalSam Dial JewelersSuzanne Robinson,

Uptown Hair SalonS&S Custom Cabinets, Inc.Taylor Engineering, Inc. 3rd & Main BistroThreads ‘n’ ThingsToday’s DentalWebster & Frey, P.L.L.C.Wheatberries Bake ShopWine Company of Moscow

Paul Dorpat & Jean SherrardAlbert & Ellen EngShirley EngerbretsonFirst United Methodist Church,

LewistonScott GleasonShaun FreudenJana JoyceDave LemitzKirstin MalmMaryann & Don MattesonMiho Nam

Sponsors, $1500 +Decagon Devices, Inc.Edmund O. SchweitzerJohn Brewer, Sharon & Ted

Nitz, and David Seamans

Benefactors, $500 +Best Western University Inn

Chamber Choir CarolingDavid & Kathy SpencerGordon & Dene ThomasRosemary & Barney Waldrop

Chorale DonorsSupporters, $250 +Ellen ThiemPaul Phelps & Paul Thomasson

Patrons, $100 +Kathy AndersonNance CeccarelliDiane Gillespie & Dick DomeyClive GayBarb & Howard HayesSandra Ristow

Other Chorale FriendsOur FamiliesOur Season Ticket HoldersAdelphia Cable, Palouse BulletinAmerican West Bank, Colton &

UniontownAthena DesignTroy BensonTecla BloodKeith & Betty BrandonChurchyard Inn Bed & Breakfast &

Kathy StillwellCity of ColtonSharon & Eugene Dixon

Marsha & Bob OlsenThe Owl Southway PharmacyPalouse Industries, Inc./Early

Learning Services/Young Children & Families of the Palouse

Jan PatrickJulie PomerenkJim ReeceSt. Boniface Church, UniontownSt. James’ Episcopal Church, PullmanCity of Uniontown & Police Dept.Uniontown Community Building

Esther Anderson-Spencer & G. Roger Spencer

John & Cheryl Weiss

Friends, $25 +Kurtzi AndersonMelinda BeasleySusan BohmLynn BrinckmeyerBarbara J. KirschnerRobert & Janice MillerJoan & Merton PubolsPaul Spencer & Susan Daniels