march 2014 newsletter, philippines -...

Lost Sheep Ministry News - March 2014-- The Great Commission: Matthew 28: 18 - 20 is a commission for all Christians to go out , make Disciples, and teach them to OBEY all that I have commanded you. LSM is dedicated to evangelizing the lost and making disciples of Christ that make Disciples of Christ according to II Timothy 2:2. Brothers Bob and Roy Mimms traveled to the Philippine Islands to perform follow-up ministry with those taught last November. They then traveled on to Vietnam, and Cambodia with a couple of days in Guam following up with new Christians and evangelism on their return trip. The following are edited notes provided to us while on this trip: Notes from Brother Bob: Santa Rosa, Philippine Islands: 5 am Friday Manila time, Wow, wow, wow, wow what a wonderful service we had last night at Jesus Christ Victorious Church with the young people. R.L. & Monett, one of the couples that Pastor Richard and I licensed to preach the gospel on our last trip, leads this group of young people. We watched the lesson on My Heart Christ’s Home and then spent some time meditating on it. We asked God for forgiveness for our messy rooms and yes some even transferring the deed of our lives to Christ. Then brother Roy preached on the Supremacy of Christ and the need to Page 1 of 13

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Lost Sheep Ministry News - March 2014--

The Great Commission: Matthew 28: 18 - 20 is a commission for all Christians to go out , make Disciples, and teach them to OBEY all that I have commanded you. LSM is dedicated to evangelizing the lost and making disciples of Christ that make Disciples of Christ according to II Timothy 2:2.

Brothers Bob and Roy Mimms traveled to the Philippine Islands to perform follow-up ministry with those taught last November. They then traveled on to Vietnam, and Cambodia with a couple of days in Guam following up with new Christians and evangelism on their return trip. The following are edited notes provided to us while on this trip:Notes from Brother Bob: Santa Rosa, Philippine Islands:

5 am Friday Manila time, Wow, wow, wow, wow what a wonderful service we had last night at Jesus Christ Victorious Church with the young people. R.L. & Monett, one of the couples that Pastor Richard and I licensed to preach the gospel on our last trip, leads this group of young people. We watched the lesson on My Heart Christ’s Home and then spent some time meditating on it. We asked God for forgiveness for our messy rooms and yes some even transferring the deed of our lives to Christ. Then brother Roy preached on the Supremacy of Christ and the need to saturate ourselves with the word of God. The world throws stuff at us because it’s under the domain of Satan. The only way to combat the world is “it is written”. Then we had a time of praise and worship and prayer. All I know is I went to bed at 10 PM and many were still enjoying Christian fellowship.

Saigon, Vietnam:Monday we had a small group meeting of pastors from

10 AM till 4 PM. We had a wonderful time of prayer, praise, preaching and testimonies. As I heard the testimonies over and over again I was amazed at the love

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of this God that we serve. Many came out of Buddhism and some Catholicism and some

from Buddhism to Catholic to “born again” Christianity.

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One lady who was converted from Buddhism read the New Testament in 30 days. She then was distraught as she realized her mother and other family members were going to hell. She spoke with her mother who said I don’t believe in what you say. If this Jesus is who you say he is then tell him to heal my mother who is old and very ill. Give her back her mind and I will believe. The lady said my Jesus will do it. She prayed and went to her grandma, anointed her with oil and believed the promises of God that by the stripes of Jesus her grandma would be healed. Well, guess what? God totally healed her grandmother physically and mentally. Now this lady’s whole family are Christians because of her witness and faith that God could and would heal her grandmother. Wow, that’ll preach.

I was somewhat surprised by the number of testimonies of men and women who were Buddhist. I thought there would be more coming from Catholicism but actually most of the testimonies were from Buddhists who had converted to Christianity.

Both Roy and I shared a message. Then we had a “foot washing” and Roy and I washed all their feet and then they washed our feet. After that we had a communion

service. A wonderful day serving the Lord. I met an American lady from California

who is here teaching English. She is a member of Calvary Chapel in Costa Mesa, CA. I enjoyed her sharing her love for the Vietnamese people. She is 71 years old and God is using her to teach English here in Ho Chi Minh (Saigon) city.

5:30 pm Tuesday 18 Feb 2014PTL! Another awesome day praying,

praising, preaching and fellowshipping with our brothers & sisters from Vietnam and our sister LaVonne from Costa Rica, CA. God has been really speaking to my heart about my inability to stand and praise God for more than an hour. Do I believe I can do all things through Christ as I preach? Folks, I am in a room of people REALLY – REALLY praising God. These are the ones we would probably call Jesus freaks in the U.S.A. Do we really praise, pray, preach and fellowship? I know where there is persecution the church flourishes but believe me when I say that Jesus Christ is alive and well here in this house church! They gave me a love offering for coming here to serve them. Almost 4 million piasters wow a 3.7 million offering. PTL! Of course I will invest that into ministry. I am asking the Holy Spirit where He would have me invest it in His kingdom work.

Tomorrow we will visit House of Grace Ministries. This ministry was recommended to me by Bob & Marty Wagner in Tulsa, OK. Then we have Thien arriving from Norway tomorrow and Pastora Ha from Philippines on Thursday. Roy and I have coffee, tea, rolls, peanut butter, jelly, oatmeal packets and microwave meals from home and Mac

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& Cheese. We are doing fine but we don’t have access to a microwave. Please keep praying as God really is using Roy & me to encourage His church here.

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7 am Thursday 20 Feb 14 I’m drinking from my saucer because my cup runneth over! We were picked up at the hotel by Thuy & LaVonne in a new Toyota car. It sat 6 comfortably and the air was cold. They Thuy, LaVonne, and Kha wanted to stop for breakfast. Roy and I had eaten oatmeal in our room so we just had coffee. I decided that it’s time to go fishing with Jesus. The owners of the restaurant we a couple in their mid-40’s and the lady spoke some English. I started a conversation with them. I soon realized I needed help so I called Thuy over since her English is good. We shared the gospel with this couple and together they prayed for Christ to forgive them and enter their hearts and give them a new life. I always like the “wet births” and the lady was crying. This was not the first time she heard the gospel but it was the day she responded to the Holy Spirit and received her salvation. Man, I was happy, happy, happy. I got all their information to prepare a Spiritual Birth Certificate for them. Can’t start the day off better than 2 souls in the boat!

We then visited House of Grace and its director Hoa Van Stone. Bob & Marty who I was introduced to by Pastor John Morgan of Sagemont Church in Houston gave me information on this ministry There were three children there as Pastor Stone is just starting. He is a product of an orphanage and was air lifted to Australia when he was 4 years old. President Gerald Ford had ordered this airlift of orphans before the end of the Vietnam War. Hoa was crippled with polio as a youth. He is in a wheel chair and his heart is big – big – big! I look forward to more opportunities to visit in the future. And now for the icing on the cake and it’s only lunch time. LaVonne who is a 71 year old English teacher from California asked me to visit a friend. Kim Ha Nguyen is a 36 year old college professor. She is ill with an undiagnosed disease which has a lot of the symptoms of dementia.

We prayed as we drove to the university in down town Ho Chi Minh. Kim Ha is a very gracious lady and met us and escorted us into her office. LaVonne had called her and told her that two American pastors our here in the city and she recommended that Kim Ha would allow us to come and pray for her healing. She agreed so I shared with her our belief system in Christianity that God could heal any disease. I explained to her that we are body, soul, & spirit and can be ill in any of these areas. I told her that unsaved man says to God “If you will heal me, I will believe”, but God says, “If you believe first, I will heal you.” Kim Ha I recommend to you that you allow God to heal you spiritually first. That you place your faith and trust in Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior. Oh, I forgot to mention that Kim Ha speaks and understands English fluently. With tears she cried out to God to save her soul. Then Roy and I prayed for her

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physical healing anointed her with oil and believed that God would destroy the disease in her body and heal her.

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Wow, what a wonderful emotional time of experiencing the presence of God’s Holy Spirit in the room. Folks, I believe that God healed her! LaVonne has been praying for Kim Ha to be saved for several years now. Oh, in tears Kim Ha mentioned to us that several times when she visited Sri Lanka that she went to church with a Christian friend. Prayers were rising up to heaven from her friend in Sri Lanka also. Folks, it don’t get any better than this serving God here on planet earth! We celebrated with a wonderful lunch at a French Restaurant.

Friday 11 am 21 Feb 2014Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Yep, that’s right we are in Cambodia. Yesterday

morning I got a call asking me if we wanted to go to Cambodia. With who? I asked, and the answer was with Thien, Kha, Jimmie, and Pastora Ha. Heck yeah, let’s go to Cambodia. They picked us up at our hotel and took us to Pastor Hoa’s home in downtown Ho Chi Minh where we would leave our luggage and pack lightly for the 3 day trip. Pastor Hoa's home is a Bible School so Roy and I spent about 1 hour with 13 students. We then took a cab to the bus station then a 6 hour ride on the bus with a stop at the border to clear immigration. I thought we might have a small problem in that our visa for Vietnam was a onetime entry. But we were assured we could go to the Vietnam embassy in Phnom Penh and purchase another. Any way it cost us $50 to get into Cambodia and this morning we got our new Vietnam visas for $160 for two, one for me and one for Roy. God has expanded my borders and I am really happy about that. We will meet with a group of believers tonight from several churches. Today at the Vietnam embassy I witnessed to several using the Evange-Cube. Jimmie, Pastora Ha, and I spoke with a couple of young ladies. They are much steeped in Buddhism but acknowledged they know very little about it. It’s a generational thing with them as they were born into a family that followed Buddhism. They were polite and attentive but did not choose to trust Christ as Lord and Savior. But I know we planted good gospel seed. Your prayers are producing eternal consequences!

Sunday morning 5:30 am We arrived at the church at about 4 PM on Friday and walked up a really dumpty street. This area is primarily illegal Vietnamese refugees living here. It's like a dump filled with people and garbage. We took pictures of the children and others and invited them to church that night. Not many came but we had a good group of children. I showed the Jesus Film for Children. Then when I preached I concluded my message by saying, "I want everyone to bow your heads, close your eyes and ask the Holy Spirit this question, 'Do I have a spiritual birthday?'” Your answer will come quickly. It’s either yes or no. To everyone’s surprise when I invited

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the one who raised his hand and said the Holy Spirit said no came forward it was a member of the church. A man in his 50’s I believe. Then I asked each of our team members to come and share.

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Then I would interrupt as the Holy Spirit would move me to do something. First I talked with the children, I asked them if any would like to become a child of God.

Eight little ones came forward and prayed. It was wonderful. Then others began to speak and again I interrupted. I stood before them and said the Holy Spirit has told me there is a young couple here and you lied about what the Holy Spirit told you. He told you NO, you don’t have a spiritual birthday. And then I pointed my finger right at them

and said, "You two are lying and God wants to save you today!" The young man grabbed his wife’s hand and they practically ran to the altar

to kneel and be saved. We then finished our 3 hour service by eating at different tables set up with fruit. There were 41 folks that were on a list that the pastor filled out for me. 11 of them were saved tonight, a good night fishing with Jesus in Cambodia. Thank you Lord.

Two Days in Guam on the way home:Pastors Bob and Roy returned to Ho Chi Mien then on

to Manila and Guam where they spent two days in Guam where Pastor Bob contacted Taitano to present her with her Spiritual Birth Certificate. She received Christ last November as he was returning to Houston.

Looking Back:Some final thoughts come to mind since arriving home

on Thursday morning at 8 A.M. These trips are long with long days but they are well worth the time and effort. We witnessed 74 souls come to Christ over the 24 day period. Guam, Philippines, Vietnam and Cambodia all produced fruit. But I do not under estimate the strengthening of the

believers by our many meetings with them. Church services in both the homes and church buildings and prayer meetings in the homes have a wonderful effect on our brothers and sisters in the faith. Proverbs 25:25 says like cold water to a thirsty soul, so

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is "good news from a far country." I believe that Roy and I had more than 40 meetings with church members in these four countries.

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I have decided to sponsor a student from China at the Bible College in Antipolo, Philippines. LSM will provide monthly support to prepare this student to return and minister in China next year upon completion of her education. I am awaiting information about her from the President of the college and will include it in a future newsletter. We have another conference for Vietnamese pastors in the Philippines in July which I will be attending. Also, I have been invited to travel to Atlanta, Georgia to a Vietnamese church on the 6th of July. And while I was in Vietnam on February 23 I received an invitation to travel to London England and speak at Hope Prayer Conference 2014 in April. So the Lord has continued to expand my borders! Please know that your prayers and financial support are the fuels that allow us to keep laboring in God's harvest field!

Notes from our International friends Elmo and Anna Macalintal in the Philippine Islands: Elmo & Anna were married March 8, 1986 at San Pedro

Laguna Philippines and God gave them one daughter; Christine

Elmo received Jesus Christ in 1992 in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the following year Anna received Jesus in the Philippines. Elmo, was baptized in Jeddah Saudi Arabia and Anna was baptized in Ho Chi Min city Vietnam. They are affiliated with Jesus Christ Victorious Church (JCVC) in Santa

Rosa, Philippines. They were licensed to preach as LSM Evangelists in the Philippines in November 2013.

As of now, me and Anna just finished our daily prayer and devotion, and we pray about my planning to go again in my native hometown Batangas province for the second time since I arrive here from Singapore. Tomorrow, me and Anna are going to bro Arvie's house to pray and to coordinate about these in God's will.

Thank you for the supply of Bibles from Lost Sheep Ministries. We are in the process of distributing these Bibles to 3 churches; JCVC in Binan under Pastor Armie, JCVC Santa Rosa under Pastora Ha and Full Life Community Center International under Pastor Dindo Borroso

Kamikaze for Christ: Our Monday Night Bible studies are going so well. I had no idea what God was doing when He told me to teach the Names of God. We are experiencing a closer relationship with God and finding ourselves broken and much more intimate with Him in our quiet times. On Wednesday mornings at 10 AM I am teaching the Armor of God at Project Hope in San Leon, Texas. It is so precious to see those who are recovery from addictions learning how to walk in victory every day. It is an honor to be a witness to the transformation in their lives. As always we are praying for open doors and expanded borders. There is no greater joy than to walk in the fullness of our

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purpose in the Kingdom. The Kamikaze for Christ women are willing to go wherever God sends us! We are in the Word, praying and have willing hearts. Please keep us in your prayers.

Recommended Reading: What Shall This Man Do by Watchman Nee. Watchman Nee skillfully identifies why missionaries, evangelists, preachers, and teachers fail to be fruitful in Kingdom work. He writes on page 188, "We shall be of little use to the Church in China, or anywhere else for that matter, if all we can do is preach the Gospel and edify in a general way. This is expected of every Christian, but Chinese believers will look in us for something more, something specific. Nor shall we satisfy their need with a special teaching or doctrine, however excellent, but only, I repeat, with a knowledge of the Lord that characterizes us because it is peculiarly our own. We complain sometimes that people are not hungry for the Word, but believe me, if we had something distinctive to give them, they would be. Are we, by our presence, creating in people a hunger for God? People become hungry when they see men and women filled with the Spirit, full of love, not just preaching, or dispensing a general knowledge, but ministering spiritual riches that bear the marks of personal dealings with Him. Yes, there is something wrong with us if we are not hunger-creators."

Our present plans are to visit the following countries with the Gospel of Christ during 2014: Australia England Nicaragua Brazil Mexico

Philippines - Vietnam - Cambodia China Canada Nigeria Pakistan

Lost Sheep Ministries (LSM) was founded in February of 1992 by Evangelist Bob Gibson. Our primary goal is to demonstrate our obedience to the Great Commandment by our obedience to the Great Commission. Brother Bob may be reached at brobobatlsm This monthly newsletter will be forwarded by email only. Email addresses may be removed or added to distribution by notifying John Overton at [email protected]. Our website is at this URL -

Tax Deductable Donations to LSM:Lost Sheep Ministries is a 501(c) non-profit organization. Donations may be made to LSM, 2951 Marina Bay Drive, Suite 130-144, League City, TX 77573. Please designate if your gift is for a specific ministry else it will be used for general expenses.

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