march 2014 herbal csa newsletter.docx

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March 2014 Herbal CSA Newsletter - enjoy the musings of life on the mountain and what we have handcrafted and lovemade for the final month of the winter herbal CSA.


March 2014Sweet Herb Medicinals, LLC

This months share contains Calendula whip body crme, Corn meal cleanser with loofah sponge, burdock root honey & molasses, Lymph Lovin tea blend, goldenseal root powder, arugula and beet greens pesto, and an old-style apothecary bottle of Echinacea..To round out the Winter Herbal CSA season and in preparation for spring, we chose the Lymphatic system as our topic. The lymph system is such an important aspect to our overall health and vitality, for it helps moves toxins out of ones body. It is an integral part of the circulatory system that has a huge impact on our immune system. The lymphatic system is always moving lymph fluid towards the heart, but it does not have a pump like the heart muscle, so it needs alternate means of stimulation. In nurturing the lymph system, we find tinctures, teas, topical aids and dry brushing to benefit and encourage proper movement, assimilation and processing of blood and plasma. It is my hope you will find each of these specially made items easy to use, delicious, and beneficial for increasing the exuberance and essence of your entire, beautiful being. Deep peace to you now and in the coming months; I hope you will join me for another season of inspiration and lovemade botanical goodness. {Calendula} I often refer to this beautiful little blossom as sunshine. It nearly glows when infusing in a batch of sunflower or sweet almond oil. Calendula is an excellent Lymphatic System cleanser. It is cooling, calming, restorative, and nourishing. It helps to prevent muscle spasms, it encourages menstruation, and calendula may also reduce fever. With our skin being the largest organ of absorption, this calendula body whip crme is a moisturizing blend designed to steep your body from the outside in.Let your body, mind, and spirit slip into botanical bliss with our homegrown, lovemade, seasonally fresh 3Suspendisse interdum, nibh ac eleifend accumsan, mauris metus.Herbal CSAMarch 2014Winter NewsletterSweet Herb Medicinals, LLCArugula Pesto Because I make pesto often and I am always in search of a fun way to utilize plants that are delightful in many ways, I made for you an invigorating twist on a traditional recipe. Combining beet greens, lemon juice and arugula to the typical olive oil, pine nuts, olive oil and garlic ingredient list; we have a tangy, fresh twist. The item has not been canned, so please use it within 3 weeks or so, and enjoy it as you would any other pesto variety: over pasta, in eggs, as a spread or in a sauce. It also works nicely as a marinade for vegetables and chicken as well as a dipping sauce. :::: If you enjoy this and would like to recreate in your kitchen, here is an easy to follow recipe. Using a Cuisinart or blender, place 1-3 peeled garlic cloves, 2 cups washed, coarsely chopped arugula, 1 cup washed, coarsely beet greens, cup pine nuts (toasted if you prefer a little nuttier flavor) and just a splash of olive oil. Turn machine on, and drizzle approx. cup olive oil to the mixture. It will come together easily. Remove top, scrape sides of vessel, add a pinch of salt and pepper, if desired, and mix again for 1-2 minutes until smooth and creamy. Mangiare bene!Arugula is an excellent green for the lymph system as it encourages the release of toxins from the blood. It also increases circulation and helps to reduce the absorption of negative environmental contaminants. Eat your greens!{Echinacea} A powerful immune enhancing herb that lessens congestion and reduces swelling of the lymph system. Make a decoction using 2 teaspoons of dried Echinacea per cup of water. Bring to a boil, and simmer for 5 minutes. Drink 1 cup, three times a day.

Goldenseal In addition to having anti-inflammatory properties, goldenseal encourages lymphatic cleansing, Goldenseal is powerful medicine I recommend if you are using Goldenseal as a cleanser to use it for about 7 10 days. Most people believe Goldenseal tastes awful as it is very bitter, so many suggest a tinctured preparation. I, however, enjoy using the powder as it becomes so much versatile. Use 15 20 drops in a little water and get a chaser. For a tea: Stir powder into a cup of boiling water and let steep about 3 minutes) Drink 2 cups daily. Goldenseal is a very powerful anti-inflammatory, is high in berberine, contains bitter alkaloids, is anti-fungal, and anti-bacterial. You can simply use it on an open wound, and it works wonders applied topically to a cold sore (herpes simplex virus). It is on the endangered species list, so use it sparingly and always pick it from organically cultivated sources. For more info, visit A portion of every sale we earn is contributed to UpS.Burdock Honey & MolassesBurdock root has been used for ages to ease the distress of such symptoms including gout, GI tract concerns, stomach ailments, constipation, fever, fluid retention and other skin issues. It swiftly helps the kidneys to filter out impurities from the blood. Enjoy this electuary by the spoonful or mixed into sauce, soup, herbal tea, or any baked or cooked preparation. Blackstrap molasses is said to reduce swollen lymph nodes, and honey tastes great!

Lymph Lovin TeaHerbs specific for the lymphatic system comprises this blend. If you so desire, you may choose to add the infusion to your bath, and gently exfoliate with the provided loofah sponge. Otherwise, sipping the formula as a regular routine or as a special treatment will enhance your verve and energy level.If you are keen on the idea of a health maintenance practice, you may merge the use of the Cornmeal Scrub to the act of utilizing the infusion. Immersing and relaxing your body while sipping the tisane then followed by a gentle cornmeal scrub is fantastic way to kick start your circulation.Dry brushing is also a fantastic means of increasing flow for the lymph system. You would begin at the ankles, with gentle strokes, up the legs, always working towards the heart. This is the natural path of lymph. Then gently massage your stomach area and up to your arms, and shoulders. You may dry brush the face, however use a sponge specific for the face and neck. Feel the glow in these healing herbs and smile.