marcellin college randwick - mrs louise benson ... hsie • ms josie rune – english/drama...

AETERNA NON CADUCA The Eternal not the Transitory MARCELLIN COLLEGE RANDWICK 9 FEBRUARY 2018 | NO. 1 | [email protected] | Ph: (02) 9398 6355 | Fax: (02) 9398 9049 A very warm welcome to the 2018 school year. Unlike last year when we had soaring temperatures for the start of the year, we have been blessed with more temperate condions which have helped staff and students to begin the year more comfortably. We have already had our Swimming Carnival and Photo Day, and this week saw a very seled start to classes. I would like to take this opportunity to introduce our new staff for 2018 who have already seled in very well: Mrs Carmelina Eussen – Deputy Principal Mr Chris Ferry – Director of Learning Mrs Louise Benson – Hospitality/TAS Mr Frank Clarke – Mathemacs (First Term only) Ms Emer O’Leary – HSIE Ms Josie Rune – English/Drama (First Term only) Ms Marianne Walsh – Science Ms Bibi Sihavong – Hospitality Assistant Over the holiday break there has again been plenty of work done around the campus to ensure the College is in p top shape for the start of the year. Extra air condioning units have been installed in classrooms and workshops, other areas have been freshly painted, the Hospitality kitchens are currently being extended and refurbished and there have been some changes/upgrades made to The Marist Centre and Gymnasium. A lile over twelve months ago, the College published a document entled Communicaon Protocol Policy. It contains a list of expectaons for parents and staff around email communicaon. The document is available on the College website ( and I would encourage all parents and carers to read it. It can be accessed by clicking here (Home >About MCR >College Policies & Annual Reports). It is designed to assist in making email contact appropriate and helpful. I am more than happy to hear feedback and suggesons on the document if you would like to respond to anything in it. Two very important dates I would like to highlight in the first half of the Term focus on our parents. On Friday 23 February, a fortnight from today, all parents are invited to the Meet and Greet evening to be hosted in the College Courtyard. This is From the Headmaster always a great occasion – very lile formality and plenty of socializing. I would encourage all parents and carers to aend to meet and mix with other parents as well as College staff. Further details are provided on Page 5 of this newsleer. Prior to this funcon, all Year 7 parents will have the opportunity to meet their son’s Homeroom teacher and find out a lile bit more about the day to day program for Year 7 boys. For new parents to Marcellin, the Meet and Greet funcon will be complimentary for those who would like to aend. The second important date for parents and carers is Tuesday 6 March. This will be the first Parents and Friends meeng for the year. It will commence at 6:30 and it would be great to see a large number of parents aend – especially those new to Marcellin College. The P&F is a great forum for meeng other parents, meeng key staff, finding out more about the operaon of the College, formulang ideas, and most importantly, working in collaboraon with staff to support the educaon of your sons. As this will be the first meeng of the year for this group, a P&F Commiee for 2018 will be appointed. If you are interested in being part of this commiee, you can find out more details at the meeng. With best wishes for the start of the year. Mr John Hickey Headmaster P&F Meeting Tuesday, 6 March 2018 @6.30pm All welcome

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Page 1: MARCELLIN COLLEGE RANDWICK -   Mrs Louise Benson ... HSIE • Ms Josie Rune – English/Drama (First Term only) • Ms ... Director of Development & Communications Ms Jane Evans

AETERNA NON CADUCAThe Eternal not the Transitory


9 FEBRUARY 2018 | NO. 1 | [email protected] | Ph: (02) 9398 6355 | Fax: (02) 9398 9049

A very warm welcome to the 2018 school year. Unlike last year when we had soaring temperatures for the start of the year, we have been blessed with more temperate conditions which have helped staff and students to begin the year more comfortably. We have already had our Swimming Carnival and Photo Day, and this week saw a very settled start to classes.

I would like to take this opportunity to introduce our new staff for 2018 who have already settled in very well:

• Mrs Carmelina Eussen – Deputy Principal• Mr Chris Ferry – Director of Learning• Mrs Louise Benson – Hospitality/TAS• Mr Frank Clarke – Mathematics (First Term only)• Ms Emer O’Leary – HSIE• Ms Josie Rune – English/Drama (First Term only)• Ms Marianne Walsh – Science• Ms Bibi Sihavong – Hospitality Assistant

Over the holiday break there has again been plenty of work done around the campus to ensure the College is in tip top shape for the start of the year. Extra air conditioning units have been installed in classrooms and workshops, other areas have been freshly painted, the Hospitality kitchens are currently being extended and refurbished and there have been some changes/upgrades made to The Marist Centre and Gymnasium.

A little over twelve months ago, the College published a document entitled Communication Protocol Policy. It contains a list of expectations for parents and staff around email communication. The document is available on the College website ( and I would encourage all parents and carers to read it. It can be accessed by clicking here (Home >About MCR >College Policies & Annual Reports). It is designed to assist in making email contact appropriate and helpful. I am more than happy to hear feedback and suggestions on the document if you would like to respond to anything in it.

Two very important dates I would like to highlight in the first half of the Term focus on our parents. On Friday 23 February, a fortnight from today, all parents are invited to the Meet and Greet evening to be hosted in the College Courtyard. This is

From the Headmaster

always a great occasion – very little formality and plenty of socializing. I would encourage all parents and carers to attend to meet and mix with other parents as well as College staff. Further details are provided on Page 5 of this newsletter. Prior to this function, all Year 7 parents will have the opportunity to meet their son’s Homeroom teacher and find out a little bit more about the day to day program for Year 7 boys. For new parents to Marcellin, the Meet and Greet function will be complimentary for those who would like to attend.

The second important date for parents and carers is Tuesday 6 March. This will be the first Parents and Friends meeting for the year. It will commence at 6:30 and it would be great to see a large number of parents attend – especially those new to Marcellin College. The P&F is a great forum for meeting other parents, meeting key staff, finding out more about the operation of the College, formulating ideas, and most importantly, working in collaboration with staff to support the education of your sons. As this will be the first meeting of the year for this group, a P&F Committee for 2018 will be appointed. If you are interested in being part of this committee, you can find out more details at the meeting.

With best wishes for the start of the year.

Mr John HickeyHeadmaster

P&F Meeting Tuesday, 6 March 2018


All welcome

Page 2: MARCELLIN COLLEGE RANDWICK -   Mrs Louise Benson ... HSIE • Ms Josie Rune – English/Drama (First Term only) • Ms ... Director of Development & Communications Ms Jane Evans


From the Deputy Principal

Thank you to all parents, staff and students who have made my welcome as Deputy Principal to Marcellin College so seamless. The enthusiasm and passion for learning has been evident in the initial conversations I have had with our students across Years 7- 12. They are a wonderful group of young men and I look forward to getting to know them all individually in the years to come. As Deputy Principal, I recognise how integral it is that we as a community put forth a strong vision that imbues the Catholic traditions of the College including the centrality of its Marist charism as an imperative. With this as our foundation, we collaboratively work hard to ensure that we develop a professional learning environment and pastoral care structure. We seek to offer our students consistency, responsibility and the opportunity to challenge them to reach their potential.

I spoke to all the students about the high standards and wonderful reputation that Marcellin College upholds, hence the importance of the following:

• Getting the simple things right: being organised, proper grooming, punctuality

• Being respectful: to others, to yourself and to your College

• Working hard: being the best you can be – reaching your own potential and setting goals

These three things help us build the paradigm for engagement and present us the opportunities, as a community, to constantly build strong relationships that evoke the key tenets of the Marist charism - presence, family spirit, simplicity and hard-work. The College theme for 2018 “go and bear much fruit, fruit that will last” provides students with a tangible goal to strive for. This simple phrase powerfully sets the tone for the journey that lies ahead.

CommunicationOur role as educators is demonstrated in our capacity to engage with our students, parents, friends and wider community. This is underpinned by an educational belief that collaborative critical thinking, innovation and creativity are at the heart of our College.

As the year progresses we will have many opportunities to be in contact with each other. There will be times when a phone call/email home will be required to be made/sent by a teacher and/ or yourself to work through any issues that may arise. We understand how important communication is and will endeavour to ensure that we are able to work together through issues as they present themselves in a professionally dignified way. We also understand that sometimes these issues can be stressful for parents. What is important is that parents, staff and students approach each matter with dignity and respect for each other. This is the foundation of a Marist community and it is my expectation that we endeavour to do so.

Whatever the members of a community do – working,

struggling for justice, serving society, praying or sharing meals and relaxation together –

“We are blessed with the gift of life and with companions for our mission and our life’s journey. We proclaim, not just what God has done for each one of us, but what God is doing for us together, as family and community.”

106 Water from the Rock (2007)

College Diary All students at the College have received a College diary. The diary is an official record of homework, study and lateness. It is also a form of communication between teachers and parents. The guidelines for the use of the College diary are below. We ask that all parents take the time to read the diary sign Pages 1, 28 and 31.

THE COLLEGE DIARY GUIDELINES FOR STUDENTS1. The diary is an essential item of your personal equipment as a student at Marcellin College. It should be treated with respect. 2. Your personal daily activities of set homework, project

Above: New College Deputy Principal, Mrs Carmelina Eussen, with a group of Year 7 students during their Orientation Day on Tuesday, 30 January

Page 3: MARCELLIN COLLEGE RANDWICK -   Mrs Louise Benson ... HSIE • Ms Josie Rune – English/Drama (First Term only) • Ms ... Director of Development & Communications Ms Jane Evans

39 FEBRUARY 2018

Week 3Tue, 13 Feb Welcome to Year 7 & High Achievers’ Assembly 9.50amTue, 13 Feb Yr 11 Solidarity Evening 6.30pmWed, 14 Feb Ash Wednesday

Week 4Fri, 23 Feb Commencement MassFri, 23 Feb Year 7 Parent Meetings 5.30-6.00pmFri, 23 Feb Meet and Greet 6.00 - 8.00pm

Week 65 - 9 March Year 12 Half Yearly ExamsTue, 6 Mar P&F AGM @6.30pm

Week 712 - 16 March Year 12 Half Yearly ExamsWed, 14 Mar Open Day 3.00 - 6.00pm

Week 818 - 23 March Year 12 Retreat 2018

Week 9 Fri, 30 Mar Good Friday

Week 10 Mon, 2 Apr Easter MondayThu, 5 Apr Sports Photo Day

Week 11Wed, 11 Apr Year 12 Parent Teacher InterviewsFri, 13 Apr Term 1 Concludes

TERM 1 IMPORTANT DATES and assignment work, additional study and revision are required to be entered lesson by lesson. 3. You are required to have your diary in your possession at all classes.4. Students in Years 7 and 8 the diary must be signed every night. For all other students it is to be signed each week.5. You are personally responsible for obtaining your parent’s signature in your diary each weekend. 6. Your diary can be used as form of communication between teachers and parents. 7. Scribbling and tagging on any page or the tearing out of any page or section is not permitted. 8. The loss of the diary should be brought to the immediate attention of your Homeroom teacher.9. The cover of your diary is not to be written on or to have stickers placed upon it. 10. The diary is a direct means of expressing to parents any concerns or compliments about a student’s progress, homework performance, attitude, effort etc. 11. Homework must be written in the diary for all subjects.

Pope Francis’ message to young people captures the belief that Jesus Christ is the centre of our lives and at the very heart of our Catholic community. This is reflected in the values of faith, love and hope and how they are lived in the life of our College. Our ambition is that students, staff, parents and families collaborate and work together to build the future of our young men. Our values seek others to have a voice, to believe that they can make a difference to the world we live in. Our prayer in 2018 is that every person in our community is nourished and that we seek to be a light in the Faith, Learning and Wellbeing of all our community.

Mrs Carmelina EussenDeputy Principal

Page 4: MARCELLIN COLLEGE RANDWICK -   Mrs Louise Benson ... HSIE • Ms Josie Rune – English/Drama (First Term only) • Ms ... Director of Development & Communications Ms Jane Evans


2018 College Appointments

College Executive

Headmaster Mr John HickeyDeputy Principal Mrs Carmelina EussenDirector of Wellbeing Mr Paul Daley Director of Faith & Mission Mr Christopher ShieldsDirector of Development & Communications Ms Jane Evans Director of Learning Mr Christopher FerryAssistant to Director of Learning Mr Anthony Burke

Year Coordinators

Year 7 Mrs Hayley SpencerYear 8 Mr Luke MacNamara Year 9 Ms Sharon Moore Year 10 Mr Gabriele TurchiYear 11 Mrs Patricia Kratochvil Year 12 Mr Robert Capizzi

For all College appointments, please refer to your son’s diary (Page 10) or the College website

Welcome New Staff

Welcome Year 7 & all New Students

Mrs Louise BensonMr Frank Clarke

Mrs Carmelina EussenMr Chris Ferry

Ms Emer O’LearyMs Josie Rune

Ms Bibi Sihavong Ms Marianne Walsh

Loving God,

We welcome all our new students and ask that you to bless their journey here at Marcellin College. We ask you to refresh their souls, renew their spirit, and strengthen them to share the wonderful gifts you have given them. May they strive to be good christians and good citizens, and embody the characteristics of The Marcellin Graduate.


Page 5: MARCELLIN COLLEGE RANDWICK -   Mrs Louise Benson ... HSIE • Ms Josie Rune – English/Drama (First Term only) • Ms ... Director of Development & Communications Ms Jane Evans

59 FEBRUARY 2018


Meet & GreetParents and guardians of Marcellin College

are warmly invited to our annual Meet & Greet Evening.

This is a wonderful opportunity tomeet the College Executive, staff and other

parents in a relaxed and social environment.

FRIDAY, 23 FEBRUARY6.00 - 8.00PM


(finger food & alcoholic beverages provided)


(for catering purposes please book by 19 Feb)

Please note this is a parent only function

Page 6: MARCELLIN COLLEGE RANDWICK -   Mrs Louise Benson ... HSIE • Ms Josie Rune – English/Drama (First Term only) • Ms ... Director of Development & Communications Ms Jane Evans


Commencement Mass

Friday, 23 FebruaryThe Marist Centre @9.30am

All members of the Marcellin community are warmly invited


Student / Parent Information EveningTuesday, 13 February @6.30pm


A reminder to parents and guardians that if you need to enter the College grounds for any

reason, including a meeting with a teacher, you must sign in at the Front Office where you will be issued with a visitors pass. If you are picking your son up after school, he will need to meet

you outside the school gates.




There are a large number of items in the

Lost Property box. If your son needs an

item of clothing, please have him come

to the Front Office to see if anything

fits. We ask students to remember to

label all clothing.

The College onsite Uniform Shop has closed.

UNIFORM SUPPLIERS - TALEB - Ph: 9550 6366Click here for latest price list


Option 1: purchase online - Click here for Taleb Click here for ONLINE UNIFORM SHOPPING

Option 2: visit Taleb’s shop at 162-166 Victoria Rd, Marrickville.

Phone 9550 6366 for an appointment.


YEAR 7 2020 ENROLMENTSFor students who meet the eligibility

criteria as set by Sydney Catholic Schools, applications for Year 7 2020 are available

from the College Front Office until Friday, 13 April 2018. All families, regardless of whether they already have a boy at the

College, must apply during this period.


2018 Schools Fees were emailed and posted on 29 January. If you have not received your

statement or have any queries or unable to pay by the instalment due date, please contact the

Front Office on 9398 6355.

Page 7: MARCELLIN COLLEGE RANDWICK -   Mrs Louise Benson ... HSIE • Ms Josie Rune – English/Drama (First Term only) • Ms ... Director of Development & Communications Ms Jane Evans

79 FEBRUARY 2018




No registration required |195 alison road, randwick | PH: 9398 6355

a comprehensive catholic secondary school for boys

in the marist tradition



See Page 6 for

Year 7 2020 Enrolment


Page 8: MARCELLIN COLLEGE RANDWICK -   Mrs Louise Benson ... HSIE • Ms Josie Rune – English/Drama (First Term only) • Ms ... Director of Development & Communications Ms Jane Evans


From the Director of Learning

“For every minute spent in organising, an hour is earned.”Benjamin Franklin

Welcome to the 2018 Academic Year at Marcellin College. Whether 2018 is your son’s first year or his final year at Marcellin College, I would like to stress how important it is for all boys to start the year well with a determined focus towards their learning and a commitment to academic improvement. Successful learning is best achieved in an environment that is well-structured, where boys have strong and regimented study routine, with clear parameters and high expectations. The habits developed in these formative years will not only facilitate your son’s transition from year to year, but will help to underpin his academic achievement throughout his time at Marcellin College.

First and foremost, academic success requires an individual drive and commitment by the individual student towards improvement, which critically, must then be supported by effective structures both at school and at home. However, research suggests that one of the most important criteria for sustained academic success for boys is something that is often overlooked and taken for granted by adolescent males, that is quite simply the skill of organisation. Effective organisation is not only the foundation for academic success but is strongly linked to positive outcomes outside the classroom, both during these formative years and later in life.

Like all soft skills, organisation is something that needs to be continually practiced and built upon in order to achieve sustained success. Most notably, organisation is structural skill-set that all parents and guardians can work on with their sons in their quest for organisational improvement.

Making the decision to become more organised is the first step towards improvement. Some of the points below may provide a point of reference to use in conversations with your son as you prepare for the 2018 year.

• Use a diary and write things down at the end of every lesson.

• Use a calendar. Google Calendar is free and is linked to your school email account. Add your assessment to the calendar and set reminders at least 2 weeks before the due date. Students can share their calendar with their parents.

• Download your assessment calendar from the College website. Add important dates to the above mentioned calendar.

• Pack your bag the night before.• Get enough sleep - this is critical to your organisation!

Go to bed earlier and set your alarm 15 minutes before you need to get up.

• A study plan or timetable is a good way to stay organised at home and is also a good way for parents and guardians to stay in touch with routine. The most effective way to create a study plan that is sustainable is to add your non-negotiables to the plan before you start. Study time is flexible and can be adapted to suit your routine, but it simply won’t if study is neglected altogether.

“Research suggests that one of the most important criteria for sustained academic success

for boys is ... quite simply the skill of organisation.”

If you would like help getting your son organised, or would like to discuss a personalised study plan, please contact your son’s Homeroom teacher in the first instance.

Best wishes for the academic year ahead.

Mr Chris Ferry Director of Learning

A study timetable is ideal for students to be organised and for parents/guardians to stay in touch with routine

Page 9: MARCELLIN COLLEGE RANDWICK -   Mrs Louise Benson ... HSIE • Ms Josie Rune – English/Drama (First Term only) • Ms ... Director of Development & Communications Ms Jane Evans

99 FEBRUARY 2018

College Theme 2018

Page 10: MARCELLIN COLLEGE RANDWICK -   Mrs Louise Benson ... HSIE • Ms Josie Rune – English/Drama (First Term only) • Ms ... Director of Development & Communications Ms Jane Evans


The Five Marist Values

PresenceWe educate above all through being present to young people in ways that show that

we care for them personally. We make time for them beyond merely professional contacts, getting to know each one individually. We seek to establish relationships

with them, which create a climate for learning in an educational setting, for passing on values, and for personal growth.


Our simplicity expresses itself primarily by saying what we believe, and showing that we believe what we say. Such simplicity is the fruit of a unity of mind and heart,

of character and action, which derives ultimately from our being honest before ourselves and before our God. To simplicity we link humility and modesty,

making the “three violets” of our Marist tradition:

Family Spirit

Father Champagnat’s great desire and legacy is that we relate to each other and to the young people in our care as the members of a loving family would intuitively do.

We seek to make this a reality even in our more complex educational works.

Love of Work

Marcellin Champagnat was a man of work, a sworn enemy of laziness. Through our example, young people learn that work is a powerful means of self-fulfilment,

of giving purpose and meaning to life, and of contributing to the general economic, social and cultural well-being.

In the Way of Mary

Mary is for us the perfect model of the Marist educator, as she was for Marcellin. As woman and layperson, Jesus' first follower, she inspires our personal faith. As educator of Jesus at Nazareth, she inspires our pedagogical approach.

We inspire our students to imitate her tenderness, strength, and constancy in faith, and to turn to her often in prayer.

Source: In the Footsteps of Marcellin Champagnat: A Vision for Marist Education Today. International Commission for Marist Education (1995-98)

Page 11: MARCELLIN COLLEGE RANDWICK -   Mrs Louise Benson ... HSIE • Ms Josie Rune – English/Drama (First Term only) • Ms ... Director of Development & Communications Ms Jane Evans

119 FEBRUARY 2018




MORE BAND 6• 95 BAND 6 IN TOTAL Headmaster Mr John Hickey with

College Captain Ewan Uncles (ATAR 98.45 - all BAND 6 results) 195 Alison Rd, Randwick | | (02) 9398 6355


Music Tuition 2018

Music tuition will resume in Week 3, and all ensembles will commence rehearsals in Week 4 this term. I would also like to remind all parents that if your son has been having lessons and wishes to DISCONTINUE for 2018, the tutor must be notified by email, or you can notify me via email: [email protected]

Miss Daniela Gamma - Music Coordinator

We acknowledge the traditional owners and custodians of the land on which we stand. We walk on a land once occupied

by the Gadigal people of the Eora Nation. May we continue to love and

respect the land as they have.

Page 12: MARCELLIN COLLEGE RANDWICK -   Mrs Louise Benson ... HSIE • Ms Josie Rune – English/Drama (First Term only) • Ms ... Director of Development & Communications Ms Jane Evans


Dear Parents and Guardians, This year, Marcellin College has subscribed all Year 7-10 students to a literacy website called WordFlyers. This interactive English program is designed to build students’ essential literacy and higher-order thinking skills. A new school year and new subjects often brings some learning challenges for students. This can be especially the case for our Year 7s. So that our students can learn to the best of their ability, it is important that they acquire and practise literacy skills, such as punctuation, grammar and spelling. To access WordFlyers at home on desktops, laptops and tablets, simply visit and click on ‘Student’ to log in. Your child has their own unique login and password to access WordFlyers at home. Please feel free to browse the site with your child. If you have any questions about the program or problems accessing it at home, please contact me using the details below. Kind regards, Mr Chris KitchingmanAssistant English [email protected]

The Marcellin Graduate #4. An Achiever

Page 13: MARCELLIN COLLEGE RANDWICK -   Mrs Louise Benson ... HSIE • Ms Josie Rune – English/Drama (First Term only) • Ms ... Director of Development & Communications Ms Jane Evans

139 FEBRUARY 2018

Debating and Public Speaking 2018

I would like to invite students to trial for the College’s Public Speaking, Debating and Oratory teams which will represent the College in the Catholic Schools Debating Association (CSDA) competitions and The Marist Oratory Competition for 2018. Many ex-students of the College have remarked to me that nothing better prepared them for their life beyond school than their participation in Public Speaking, Debating or Oratory.

PUBLIC SPEAKING – TERM 1In Term 1, the focus is public speaking. The CSDA Public Speaking competition is an inter-school event which comprises of three rounds. The first round takes place on Friday, 2 March (Week 5) at a venue to be announced next week. For this competition, two students from each Year speak for 3-8 minutes (depending on their year age) on a subject they have selected from a list and prepared in advance. The speeches are delivered before a small audience of parents; students being rewarded for engaging and insightful performances. The winners then go through to a Zone Final (9 March) and a Regional Final (16 March) in which speakers are permitted to improve upon their original speeches or change their subject entirely if they so choose.Trials for Public Speaking will be held during Week 3: Yrs 11/12 - Monday lunchtime, Yrs 9/10 - Tuesday lunchtime and Yrs7/8 - Wednesday lunchtime in Room 63. Students will be reminded of the room number for the trials via the Homeroom Notices.

For the trial, students are asked to prepare a 1 minute speech (using palm cards) on one of the subjects on the topic list overleaf. Regrettably, we can choose only two students for each year for this competition. This, however, should not deter students from all classes from trialling, as the College greatly values students who “give it a go”.

Public Speaking TimesYears 7 & 8 Warning Bell: 3 mins Final Bell: 4 minsYear 9 Warning Bell: 4 mins Final Bell: 5 minsYear 10 Warning Bell: 5 mins Final Bell: 6 minsSenior Warning Bell: 6 mins Final Bell: 8 mins

The following are this year’s Public Speaking topics:· Select, don’t settle· With me in charge…· It gets better· Just make it work!· It’s all just a little bit of history repeating· Be not afraid

DEBATING – TERMS 2 & 3The CSDA Debating Competition takes place in Terms 2 and 3, with trials taking place towards the end of Term 1. Fixtures take place on Friday evenings, with students usually staying back after school to attend. We often ask parents of team members to support these events and to collect their students from school (for home fixtures) or the host school unless a mini bus has previously been provided to bring the boys back to Randwick. There are six preliminary rounds and a school has to win five of the matches to progress to the knock-out stages.

ORATORY – TERM 4In Term 4 there is a further opportunity for talented public speakers to participate in The Marist Oratory Competition, a one off speaking event with one student from each year representing the College against other Sydney Marist Schools. The season concludes here at the College with the Students vs Ex-students Debate, a chance for the senior team to take on the Old Boys in a more relaxed setting.

Marcellin has achieved continued success over many years, producing CSDA champions in Public Speaking, Debating and in Marist Oratory. Last year, Harry Joils placed first in the Year 7 Public Speaking Competition, while the Year 9 Debating team came second out of sixty teams.

More information will be provided regarding venues and timing for both Public Speaking and Debating in due course. In the meantime, if you have any questions, please feel free either to consult the CSDA website or to contact me, at [email protected]

I am looking forward to the new season and to meeting you at one of the public speaking/debating events. Yours sincerely

Mr Ben Rice Debating and Public Speaking Coordinator

Page 14: MARCELLIN COLLEGE RANDWICK -   Mrs Louise Benson ... HSIE • Ms Josie Rune – English/Drama (First Term only) • Ms ... Director of Development & Communications Ms Jane Evans


From The Sports Coordinator

The 2018 sporting year has begun and is already in full swing. Welcome back to our returning parents and greetings to all new parents.



U121st Place Cooper Blacklock 60 Points2nd Place Shea Cronin 46 Points3rd Place Tremayne Perenara 34 Points

U131st Place Toby Doyle 60 Points2nd Place Ethan Garcia 40 Points3rd Place Flynn Jackson 28 Points

U141st Place Samuel Walsh 44 Points2nd Place Thomas Hetherington 40 Points3rd Place Warren Laing 32 Points

U151st Place Jake Andrews 60 Points2nd Place Presley Jackson 47 Points3rd Place Anthony Sinapi 31 Points

U161st Place Marcus Littlejohn 54 Points1st Place Ryan Wilkes 54 Points3rd Place Blair McRae 42 Points

OPENS1st Place Alejandro Belmont-Camacho 60 Points2nd Place Luke Porter-Daly 34 Points3rd Place Jack Rheinberger 32 Points


1196 pts



1167 pts


1161 pts



1140 pts

Marcellin College Swimming CarnivalThe 95th Marcellin College Swimming Carnival was held last Friday 2nd February at Botany Aquatic Centre. It was great to see all boys enter the day in fantastic spirit and willing to get involved in all activities. The carnival was a rotational in nature with age groups moving through various activities including Water Soccer, Tug ‘o’ War, Mixed Games and Swimming in the 50m Freestyle and Breaststroke.

Congratulations to Keeghan Burke and Bowen House who were again victorious claiming their 4th consecutive Swimming title. The carnival was one of the closest seen in recent memory with Anselm, Fallon and Ignatius all in with a chance heading into the relays. The support each House showed their swimmers was fantastic and I thank all the House Captains for the effort and inspiration on the day.

I would like to thank the Marcellin staff for their work on the day as well as the many parents who came along to support their sons. A big thank you to the parents who were able to give Mrs Ivancic and Ms Greenwood a hand in distributing staff lunches, not to mention the delicious baked treats that were brought along as well.


We are very proud of all the achievements of our students, and acknowledge their success in events outside of school via our Special Achievements Noticeboard. Parents can contact their son’s

Year Coordinator with the details of the achievements for publication.

Page 15: MARCELLIN COLLEGE RANDWICK -   Mrs Louise Benson ... HSIE • Ms Josie Rune – English/Drama (First Term only) • Ms ... Director of Development & Communications Ms Jane Evans

159 FEBRUARY 2018

MCC Sport The final round of the MCC Summer season was held on Thursday with Marist College Kogarah our opponents. It was a successful day for the College with victories in 8/11 matches. Semi-Finals have been brought forward a week and will now be played next Thursday 15th February. Congratulations to the following teams on progressing to the finals:

• U/14’s Basketball• U/15’s Basketball• B Grade Basketball• A Grade Basketball• U/14’s Cricket• U/16’s Cricket • A Grade Cricket• U/14’s Touch Football• U/15’s Touch Football• B Grade Touch Football • Tennis Squad

More details on match times and venues will be communicated to the College community early next week through the College website. A special mention must go to the U/15’s Basketball, B Grade Basketball, A Grade Basketball, U/14’s Cricket and A Grade Cricket on securing the minor premiership in their respective divisions. Results from Round 7 V Marist College Kogarah:

The final round of the MCC Summer season was held on Thursday with Marist College Kogarah our opponents. It was a successful day for the College with victories in 8/11 matches. Semi-Finals have been brought forward a week and will now be played next Thursday 15th February. Congratulations to the following teams on progressing to the finals:

U/14’s Basketball U/15’s Basketball

B Grade Basketball A Grade Basketball

U/14’s Touch Football U/15’s Touch Football

B Grade Touch Football

U/14’s Cricket U/16’s Cricket

A Grade Cricket

Tennis Squad

More details on match times and venues will be communicated to the College community early next week through the College website. A special mention must go to the U/15’s Basketball, B Grade Basketball, A Grade Basketball, U/14’s Cricket and A Grade Cricket on securing the minor premiership in their respective divisions.

Results from Round 7 V Marist College Kogarah:

TOUCH FOOTBALL Rd 7 V Kogarah U/14’s U/15’s B Grade A Grade Result 9-3 Win 3-2 Loss 10-1 Win 10-0 Win Man of the Match Ben McInnes Adam Beer Bailey Lam Kyle Wilson

BASKETBALL Rd 6 V Ashfield U/14’s U/15’s B Grade A Grade Result 60-22 Loss 60-18 Win 45-29 Win 65-50 Win Man of the Match Dominik Subota Ignatius Mitchell Joshua Bowen Thomas Giles

CRICKET Round 7 V Kogarah U/14’s U/16’s A Grade Result Randwick 0/125 def.

Kogarah 8/102


Randwick 9/135 def. Kogarah 10/39

Man of the Match Hamish Morrison Hayden Fox

TENNIS Rd 7 V Kogarah Result 59-59 Draw Man of the Match Marcus Italiano

The College Swimming squad has been selected and will begin training on Monday in the lead up to the MCC Carnival on March 22nd. In the coming weeks there will also be opportunities for boys to be involved in Golf, Squash and Cross County representation. Information on all these sports will be provided to the students via the daily notices.

Internal Sport

MCR Swimming SquadThe College Swimming squad has been selected and will begin training this Monday in the lead up to the MCC Carnival on Thursday, March 22nd.

Golf, Squash & Cross CountryIn the coming weeks there will also be opportunities for boys to be involved in Golf, Squash and Cross County representation. Information on all these sports will be provided to the students via the daily notices.

Internal SportThe U/12’s, U/13’s, U/14’s and U/15’s competed in Cross Country trials on Thursday with a second trial to be held in the coming weeks to include students tied up in MCC Representative duty. Year 7 (Coral Sea Park), Year 8 (Yarra Bay) and Year 9 (Marcellin Fields/Frenchman’s Bay) will move to sport rotations from next Thursday through to the end of the term while Year 10, 11 and 12 have begun their Free Choice Sports.

Mr James O’SheaSports Coordinator



Page 16: MARCELLIN COLLEGE RANDWICK -   Mrs Louise Benson ... HSIE • Ms Josie Rune – English/Drama (First Term only) • Ms ... Director of Development & Communications Ms Jane Evans


Careers / VET

Welcome back! As the New Year gets underway, I would like to draw your attention to a few important items on the Careers/VET calendar at Marcellin College. For any Careers matters, boys can see me at the College or I can be reached via email at [email protected]

GENERALUSQ Get Writing PrizeOpens 19 February. Are you the next J K Rowling? Can you write a short story or poetry? If you are a high school student in Years 7-12 with a passion for writing poetry or short stories this competition is for you! Enter to win some great prizes including membership to Express Media - the peak organisation for young Australian writers, mentoring by USQ staff or students, writer's toolboxes, QBD vouchers and more.

UNIProspective medical & dental students need to sit UMAT Test date 25 July. The Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER), is again administering the Undergraduate Medicine and Health Sciences Admission Test (UMAT) has opened registrations for UMAT. Senior students are likely to need to sit this exam if applying for dentistry or medicine in 2019.

Join us at our Feb Info Nights and learn how UTS Insearch can provide students a pathway to UTS 8 and 22 February. 5.30pm to 7.30pm. UTS Insearch, 187 Thomas Street, Sydney. Are you looking for an alternative way to UTS? Discover how our diploma programs can offer a pathway to 2nd year study at UTS. Meet Program Managers, current students and apply on the night.

COLLEGESVideo Game and Animation Work Experience at AIE The Academy of Interactive Entertainment Work Experience Program is now open for 2018. If you are a student in year 10, 11 or 12 who is interested in Game Design, Game Art & Animation, 3D Animation and VFX or Game Programming and would like to learn practical skills and what it's like to work in this area, please ask your Careers Adviser to call AIE Sydney on 02 8514 8800 or online at

First Aid, White Card, RSA & RCG First Aid training, CPR, White Card, RSA & RCG training on campus anywhere in NSW. Call (02) 4382 3055, email [email protected] or visit our website at:

TAFEOver 1000 Apprenticeships & Traineeships now available Group Training Organisations (GTOs) have over 1,000 open apprenticeships and traineeships across the Sydney Metro and Regional areas. Many targeting school leavers. For more information and to contact a local GTO visit or

Mr Nicolas LeeCareers and VET Coordinator

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Mr Nicolas LeeCareers and VET Coordinator

Page 18: MARCELLIN COLLEGE RANDWICK -   Mrs Louise Benson ... HSIE • Ms Josie Rune – English/Drama (First Term only) • Ms ... Director of Development & Communications Ms Jane Evans


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Page 20: MARCELLIN COLLEGE RANDWICK -   Mrs Louise Benson ... HSIE • Ms Josie Rune – English/Drama (First Term only) • Ms ... Director of Development & Communications Ms Jane Evans