marathon county park commission agenda › portals › 0 › departments... · 01/03/2016  ·...

MARATHON COUNTY PARK COMMISSION AGENDA Date Tuesday, March 1, 2016 Conference Room 3 Time 3:30pm 212 River Drive, Wausau, WI 54403 Gary Wyman (President), Gary Gisselman (Vice President) Commissioners: Connie Conrad, Jacob Langenhahn, Robert Mielke, David Nutting, John Durham Marathon County Mission Statement: Marathon County Government serves people by leading, coordinating, and providing county, regional, and statewide initiatives. It directly or in cooperation with other public and private partners provides services and creates opportunities that make Marathon County and the surrounding area a preferred place to live, work, visit, and do business. (Last updated: 12-20-05) Parks, Recreation and Forestry Department Mission Statement - To provide a park and forest recreation system that will meet the needs of our current and future generations, preserve and protect the County’s open space, water, historical, cultural, and natural resources; and provide recreation opportunities that are designed to enhance the County’s quality of life. Agenda Items: I. Call to Order II. Introductions – John Durham III. Public Comment Period – Not to Exceed 15 Minutes IV. Approve Minutes of the January 5, 2016 Park Commission Meeting Policy Discussion and Possible Action V. Sunny Vale Softball Complex Use Agreement - Discussion and Possible Action on the Use of the Softball Complex by the Wausau Area Softball Association VI. New Position Request - Discussion and Possible Action on Requesting a Full Time Management Position VII. Refill Request - Discussion and Possible Action on Refilling Operations Superintendent Customer Service Position VIII. Bluegill Bay Environmental Fund Grant Request - Discussion and Possible Action on Wausau Noon Rotary’s Bluegill Bay Park Fishing Pond Restoration Project Environmental Fund Grant Request IX. Mountain Bay Trail Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) - Discussion and Possible Action on Marathon County Entering Into a MOA With the State on Additional Trail Segment Education X. Bluegill Bay Challenge Grant - Report and Discussion on Marathon County Parks, Recreation and Forestry Department Challenge Grant Match to Wausau Noon Rotary’s Bluegill Bay Park Fishing Pond Restoration Project XI. Recreation Guide - Report on the New Marathon County Recreation Guide XII. Recreation Activity Report A. 2015 Campground Report B. Winter Recreation Activity Report XIII. Project Update XIV. Future Agenda Items XV. Next Meeting - April 5, 2016 at 3:30pm in Room 3, 212 River Drive, Wausau XVI. Adjournment Signed________________________________ Presiding Officer or His Designee FAXED TO DAILY HERALD THIS NOTICE POSTED AT THE COURTHOUSE (City Pages, Marshfield News, Midwest Radio Group) Date___________ Time___________ Date_____________ Time______________ By_____________________________ By___________________________________ Any person planning to attend this meeting who needs some type of special accommodation in order to participate should call the County Clerk’s Office at 715-261-1500 or e-mail [email protected] one business day before the meeting.

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Date Tuesday, March 1, 2016 Conference Room 3 Time 3:30pm 212 River Drive, Wausau, WI 54403

Gary Wyman (President), Gary Gisselman (Vice President) Commissioners: Connie Conrad, Jacob Langenhahn, Robert Mielke, David Nutting, John Durham Marathon County Mission Statement: Marathon County Government serves people by leading, coordinating, and providing county, regional, and statewide initiatives. It directly or in cooperation with other public and private partners provides services and creates opportunities that make Marathon County and the surrounding area a preferred place to live, work, visit, and do business. (Last updated: 12-20-05) Parks, Recreation and Forestry Department Mission Statement - To provide a park and forest recreation system that will meet the needs of our current and future generations, preserve and protect the County’s open space, water, historical, cultural, and natural resources; and provide recreation opportunities that are designed to enhance the County’s quality of life.

Agenda Items:

I. Call to Order

II. Introductions – John Durham

III. Public Comment Period – Not to Exceed 15 Minutes

IV. Approve Minutes of the January 5, 2016 Park Commission Meeting

Policy Discussion and Possible Action

V. Sunny Vale Softball Complex Use Agreement - Discussion and Possible Action on the Use of the Softball Complex by the Wausau Area Softball Association

VI. New Position Request - Discussion and Possible Action on Requesting a Full Time Management Position

VII. Refill Request - Discussion and Possible Action on Refilling Operations Superintendent Customer Service Position

VIII. Bluegill Bay Environmental Fund Grant Request - Discussion and Possible Action on Wausau Noon Rotary’s Bluegill Bay Park Fishing Pond Restoration Project Environmental Fund Grant Request

IX. Mountain Bay Trail Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) - Discussion and Possible Action on Marathon County Entering Into a MOA With the State on Additional Trail Segment


X. Bluegill Bay Challenge Grant - Report and Discussion on Marathon County Parks, Recreation and Forestry Department Challenge Grant Match to Wausau Noon Rotary’s Bluegill Bay Park Fishing Pond Restoration Project

XI. Recreation Guide - Report on the New Marathon County Recreation Guide

XII. Recreation Activity Report A. 2015 Campground Report

B. Winter Recreation Activity Report

XIII. Project Update

XIV. Future Agenda Items

XV. Next Meeting - April 5, 2016 at 3:30pm in Room 3, 212 River Drive, Wausau

XVI. Adjournment Signed________________________________ Presiding Officer or His Designee FAXED TO DAILY HERALD THIS NOTICE POSTED AT THE COURTHOUSE (City Pages, Marshfield News, Midwest Radio Group) Date___________ Time___________ Date_____________ Time______________ By_____________________________ By___________________________________ Any person planning to attend this meeting who needs some type of special accommodation in order to participate should call the County Clerk’s Office at 715-261-1500 or e-mail [email protected] one business day before the meeting.

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WAUSAU, WI Regular Meeting Tuesday, January 5, 2016 212 River Drive, Wausau WI 3:30 pm Present: Connie Conrad, Gary Gisselman, Jacob Langenhahn, David Nutting, Gary Wyman Excused: Robert Mielke, one vacant position Staff Present: William Duncanson, Peter Knotek Posting of the Agenda: President Gary Wyman called the meeting to order. Official notice and the agenda for this meeting were posted publicly in accordance with the State statutes. No quorum was present. The following educational reports were given Public Comment Period: None East Bay Sports Complex – Report on; Wausau Area Youth Soccer Association Gift, Sponsorships, Water Rates, Advisory Committee – Fiorenza reported that the first year at the Complex was successful and planning for next year is underway. They had a busy first year with 800 youth and 200 adult players and 125,000 visitors. There were 2500 people per day at the complex on a regular basis in July and August. The Wausau Area Youth Soccer Association helped finish the championship field by gifting the complex around $18,000 to $20,000 in a scoreboard and sound system. Staff is looking for sponsorships and has some good leads for 2016. Staff is trying to recoup sixty to seventy percent of the $184,000 expenses. The water rates increased in April and this was a late and unplanned expense. Staff thought the water bill at the complex would be $19,000 and it was closer to $34,000. Duncanson discussed the Wausau water rate increases to non-metered water. Fiorenza said they will need to generate more revenue at the complex to cover that cost. Fiorenza said that the groups want to start an advisory committee. He thinks it would be worthwhile to have some people help guide the direction of the complex with as much use as it has. Gisselman questioned upcoming tournaments in 2016. Fiorenza said there will be a tournament the first weekend in May hopefully with one hundred teams. Fiorenza said the complex is loved to death at certain times of the year right now and he doesn’t know if it has much more capacity. But at other times of the year it could be used more. Duncanson said there will be a large lacrosse tournament and they have also been approached by a Hmong group for a sports festival that could draw from multi-state. Sports Authority Partnership – Report on Potential Facility Fee Agreement For Sports Authority Sponsored Events – Duncanson explained this proposal to create a partnership with Marathon County on a grant funded type plan was initiated by The Sports Authority because room tax dollars are now being managed by Convention and Visitor Bureau’s rather than local municipalities. The Sports Authority wanted to set up a process whereby the room tax dollars have an allocation process. It would be jointly worked together with them to pay for the activities they have such as the spring soccer tournament at the Sports Complex, multiple softball tournaments at the Sunny Vale Complex, and the Badger State Games cross-country races at Nine Mile. The Sports Authority had talked about potentially a grant from the County and also because they don’t know what the costs of creating an event would be in the first year they were wondering if there could potentially be a waiver of fees for that first year. Staff discussed the departments cost processes with the Sports Authority and they understand the department can’t waive fees on the front end, particularly unknown fees. The Sports Authority is looking at costs based on past activities and discussions will continue. Winter Activity Report – Report on Cross-Country Ski, Snowshoe, Snowbike, Snowmobile/ATV, Pond Hockey, Indoor Ice – Krueger reported that Nine Mile opened on December 29th. Tonight is the first night of free ski lessons where the department partners with the Nordic Ski Club. To date there have been 923 paid skiers and 131 paid snowshoers at Nine Mile. Krueger said the trails are in desperate need of snow. This weekend is the annual Snekkevik Ski Race. Duncanson said staff did a phenomenal job of grooming with the snow they had. Krueger reported that the fat tire bike trail at Sunny Vale opened this weekend and volunteers are also grooming trails at the Big Eau Pleine Park. He said that both indoor ice rinks at Marathon Park have been up and running well. The pond hockey event which is normally held at Sunny Vale has been moved to the infield at Marathon Park due to the unsafe ice conditions at the lake. Sylvan Tubing Hill has one of the two sets of runs open and the 400 Block ice rink is planned to be open day tomorrow. Duncanson said the snowmobile/ATV trails are not open and need another 6 to 8 inches of snow. Krueger also noted that

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the cross-country ski trails at Sylvan Hill are not open because of the open springs. Duncanson discussed a fatality from a heart attack on the snowshoe trail at Nine Mile. Nutting and Langenhahn arrived at the meeting at 3:50 p.m. resulting in a quorum bring present. Motion by Nutting, second by Langenhahn to approve the November 3rd, 2015 regular meeting minutes. Motion carried by voice vote, no dissent. Personnel Management - Discussion and Possible Action on Filling a Vacant Full Time Position and Creating a New Full Time Position – Duncanson said Andy Hoppe has put in for retirement. He was with the department 38 years and was the number one groomer at Nine Mile. This position is an Equipment Operator II and needs to be replaced. There are some internal staff who would be able to fulfill that position. Commission approval is needed to fill the position and backfill any resulting openings. Motion by Conrad, second by Langenhahn to support filling the position and any resulting backfills. Motion carried by voice vote, no dissent. Duncanson said there is one other Park Maintenance Technician position that is funded fully by the City of Wausau. The need has been generated by new projects in the City like the expansion of Athletic Park, the east riverfront property, the enhancement of swimming pools, impacts of 400 Block which are all causing a whole variety of operating and maintenance needs. The City in their budget did not specifically approve the position but has approved the funding. The Employee Resources Committee had approved it initially and now is time to do the hire so staff wanted to bring it back and make sure everyone was fully informed on it. Motion by Gisselman, second by Nutting to approve the position. Motion carried by voice vote, no dissent. Park Commission Vacancy – Discussion and Possible Action on Filling a Vacancy on the Park Commission – Duncanson said there is a vacancy on Park Commission right now. He explained that the County Administrator recommends the filling of the vacancies to County Board. He explained there are three people appointed by the County Administrator, three people recommended by the Mayor to the County Administrator and one citizen member jointly agreed upon by the Mayor and County Administrator on the Park Commission. Duncanson wondered if the vacancy should be filled now with elections coming up in April. He questioned if all the current Commissioners were running again. Wyman said he was not running again. Langenhahn said he is running opposed. Wyman thought they may want to wait until after the elections since there may be a good amount of new people. Duncanson felt they may want to look for an experienced County Board member if there will be two new people on the Commission. Gisselman said if there was a current County Board member that was strong on parks and environment running without opposition they should look at them. Members recommended a couple County Board members they thought might be good to have on Park Commission. Gisselman and Mielke are running opposed on the City side. Duncanson noted that those Commissioners don’t have to be a City Council member to serve, they only have to be recommended by the Mayor of the City of Wausau. In the past there have been non-elected City representatives. The preference is to have people who sit on City Council and if possible who sit on City Council and County Board just because of the greater involvement and awareness. Project Update – Assistant Knotek reported on the following items: Bluegill Bay Fishing Pond Restoration Design work and permitting for the dredging and land spreading of spoils are generally complete. Noon Rotary, County Administrator and Park staff are currently applying for grants and fundraising. Knotek reported that grants were received from Greenheck Foundation, WPS Foundation, Harvey Nelson Foundation, and also the Community Foundation of North Central Wisconsin. Hmong-Laotian Courthouse Memorial Park staff is working with Mort McBain on the site engineering and landscaping for the new memorial scheduled to be installed in May 2016. Mission Lake Shoreline Restoration Parks is partnering with CPZ to apply for grants to design and construct native plant shoreline erosion controls along the east shoreline of Mission Lake Park. Future Agenda Items – Sunny Vale softball Next Meeting – Regular scheduled meeting on Tues., February 2, 2016 at 3:30 p.m. at 212 River Drive in Rm. 3. Adjournment – Motion by Langenhahn, second by Gisselman to adjourn at 4:20 p.m. Motion carried by voice vote, no dissent.

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MARATHON COUNTY PARK COMMISSION                                             March 1,  2016 


V.  Sunny Vale Softball Complex Use Agreement ‐ Discussion and Possible Action on the Use of the Softball Complex by the Wausau Area Softball Association 

 The Wausau Area Softball Association (WASA) collaborated with Marathon County to build the Sunny Vale Softball Complex and participated  in a number of  the  improvements since  then.   WASA has been  the primary  (virtually exclusive) user  for many years as the complex  is not open to general public use.   During this period the County maintained the facility and WASA managed their league play, operated some tournaments and ran the concession stand.  WASA paid fees for the use of the facility and the right to operate the concession.  Since the late 1980’s the facility use agreement has been based on  recovering 70% of  the annual  routine operating costs of  the  softball complex  other  than  field  lights which WASA  paid  for  directly  during  their  scheduled  season.    The  concession agreement was that WASA paid 10% of gross sales to the County plus paid for utilities and refuse.  In 2006 WASA had $4,328.54 of their annual fee waived by the Park Commission on a one time basis.  WASA’s membership had been falling rapidly and the PRF Department had reduced operational costs by using significantly more seasonal than full‐time labor at the complex.  Accordingly, a reduced annual fee of $24,500 was set for 2007.  In 2007 WASA paid ½ of the annual fee and less than ½ of the concession payment.  The Park Commission allowed the user fee debt to be carried into 2008.  WASA and the Commission agreed to review options for user fees.  WASA has not paid any fees since then.  From the late 80’s to 2007 WASA went from 225 teams and 3250 members to 134 teams and  850  members  despite  incorporating  the  Wausau  Area  Girls  Softball  Association  (WAGSA)  into  their membership in 2002.    In February 2015 Departmental staff  informed WASA  that  the softball complex would no  longer be available  to them without an updated user agreement being in force.  Serious discussions got underway in late fall of 2015.    REVISED USE AGREEMENT In early 2015 Department staff was working on user agreements and cost  recovery considerations  for both  the Eastbay Sports Complex and the Sunny Vale Softball Complex.   Changes  in the recent use of Sunny Vale made  it apparent  that  the old exclusive use  type agreement no  longer  fit and  that  the multiple user, multiple  revenue source model needed for the Eastbay Sports Complex was more appropriate. While WASA was still the largest user WAGSA had  split  from WASA,  the Sports Authority had become a  regular user with multiple  tournaments and there are other groups  that schedule games and  tournaments annually. As WASA was no  longer essentially  the only user, the fee system and user agreements had to be modified to equitably achieve the desired cost recovery from the current, broader range of users. Following are the basic principles of the new  fee systems at both the Eastbay Sports Complex and the Sunny Vale Softball Complex:  ‐ Commercial events will pay more than non‐commercial. ‐ Local users will pay less than non‐local. ‐ Youth will pay less than adults. ‐  Local  self  operated  leagues  with  significant  use  of  the  facilities  will  pay  less  than  non‐local  or  infrequent       users. In addition to the fee system the range of other revenue generating opportunities the County is willing to utilize to achieve the desired cost recovery has been expanded to include advertising and naming rights.  

 Departmental staff and WASA representatives have been meeting through late fall and early winter to develop a user agreement format that reflects the current use pattern, ensures the ability of our local self‐organized leagues to function smoothly, ensures the County's ability to effectively manage the facility, and equitably recovers costs from all users. Following are the primary features of the current draft agreement: ‐  By working with Department on scheduling  in advance and providing their  league schedule by May 1, WASA's schedule will have priority. 

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‐  The  facility  use  fee  will  be  based  on  the  lesser  of  a  per/game  fee  or  a  percentage  of  overall  use  on  a  WASA games/total games basis. The per game fee will be established as part of the user agreement based on anticipated  costs and usage  for  the upcoming  season. The percentage of overall use will be based on games actually played and actual routine operating costs as calculated at the end of the year. 

‐  The  field  light  fee  is  based  on  a  combination  of  annual WPS  charges  and  routine  annual  field  light  system maintenance costs. The per hour per  field  fee  is charged  to all complex users  in addition  to game  fees and  is billed in hundredths of hours. 

‐  Fees will be paid in two installments. The first is due August 15 for use through July 15. The second is due by Jan. 31 based on year end calculations. 

‐  WASA will have exclusive concession rights for their own scheduled activities and exclusive occupancy rights to the  concession  building  for  the  year.  They will  also  have  the  first  right  of  refusal  for  non‐WASA  activities. However, activities other than  local  leagues have the right to bring  in their own concessions  into the complex. WASA will not be charged a concession fee during their own scheduled activities. 

 The 2016 game fees recommended by Department staff are as follows: WAGSA                                                                $26 WASA                                                                  $29 County infrequent user (high school, etc.)    $32 Non‐county infrequent user                            $37 Tournaments (mostly non‐county teams)    $37 or negotiated  

 For a WASA member playing a 12 game  season and assuming 12 players per  team a $29/game  facility use  fee works out  to $2.42 per player per game or $29.00 per player per  season. Fees  for general public use of other County recreation facilities by adults include $3 for a session of indoor public skating, $3 to shoot at the shooting range, or $9 to XC ski or $4 to mountain bike for a day at Nine Mile. 

 The  desired  cost  recovery  for  the  softball  complex  has  been  70%  since  the  late  1980's.  The  County  has  cost recovery  direction  for  four  recreation  facilities.  The  cost  recovery  is  based  on  annual  routine  operating  costs. These costs include utilities, materials, supplies, labor, and supervision utilized to perform daily, weekly, seasonal, annual and regularly recurring maintenance. It does not include infrequent maintenance, vehicle and equipment, administrative, or capital costs. The cost  recovery direction  for  the Nine Mile  trails  (XC ski/snowshoe/mountain bike)  and  the Marathon  Park  ice  arenas  is  100%  individually.  The  cost  recovery direction  for  the new  Eastbay Sports Complex is to build the use and other revenue support to eventually reach 70%.  

Eastbay Sports Complex Fields                       2015    2016 2 Hour Game or Practice Fee per Field:   Student – Small Field            $18.00    $19.00   Student – Medium Field           $21.00    $22.00   Student – Large Field            $25.00    $26.00   Student – Championship Field        $25.00    $26.00   Adult – Large Field              $40.00    $41.00   Adult – Championship Field          $40.00    $41.00       


VI. New Position Request – Discussion and Possible Action on Requesting a Full Time Management position Staff  is  requesting  the  reinstatement  of  a  management  position  that  was  left  vacant  in  2011  when  a  field supervisor retired primarily for budget reasons. Since then our Department has had significant increases in facility, program,  and  administrative  responsibilities  for  both  the  City  and  County.  Facility  examples  include  3 reconstructed swimming pools with expanded facilities, $7 million in enhanced and expanded facilities at Athletic Park plus a new neighborhood park, the 15 field Eastbay Sports Complex, the Regal Beloit segment and Bridge to Winton segment of the River Edge trail, Whitewater Park seating and restroom additions, a new County Park at 

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Brokaw, two snowbike trails, and the 2016 construction of several million dollars of River Edge Trail facilities and a park in the East Riverfront Redevelopment plus the construction of mountain bike facilities at Sylvan Hill Park. The ever  growing  emphasis  on  sports  tourism  and  special  events  is  seen  in  the multiple  new  and  growing  events sponsored by  the  Sports Authority, Wausau  Events,  and  local  sports organizations  engenders  significant  event planning and administration, and additional facility preparation and maintenance. The  introduction and focus on organizational culture, documented  results, dashboarding,  leadership  training and performance based pay have added additional significant administrative workloads to all managers. In addition, we have much in the works that will  add professional workload  including pursuing  the  IMBA Ride Center designation by  acquiring  and  creating additional  facilities, Brokaw boat  launch, Rib River Bike Bridge, Mountain Bay Trail expansion, Eau Claire River Conservancy development, completing the River Edge Trail, supporting growing and new sports tourism activities and special events, etc..  To cover the responsibilities of the retiring supervisor we redistributed his duties mostly to  individuals who had more program and facility management responsibilities. This had followed previous elimination of lower level full time facility manager positions that were partially offset with seasonals. With additional workloads we have found ourselves  filling  gaps  based more  on  a  time  and  interest  basis.  The  end  result  is  that we  now  have  program managers  and  facility  managers  with  increased  supervisory  responsibilities  and  supervisors  with  increased program and facility management responsibility. Organizational structure has diminished and chain of command is blurred. Many individuals are working well outside of their position descriptions.  From an overall organizational standpoint, we are facing the retirement of several key management positions  in the next 4 or 5 years. We have two tasks to accomplish. 1.) Review and revise our management structure to better meet current and future needs. 2.) Create a succession plan that helps achieve the needed management structure changes. The first step is to get enough of the right skills in place to meet workload demands. We know that we are short on management hours. We also know that both the City and County have significant needs. What we are currently not  sure of  is how best  to balance our  facility management, program management,  and  supervisory workloads. Accordingly, staff is requesting the Commission to support a request for a new management position. The  specifics of  the position will be determined during  the position approval process with assistance  from  the Employee Resources Department.  

VII.  Refill Request – Discussion and Possible Action on Refilling Operations Superintendent Customer Service Position The  Parks Operations  Superintendent  of  Customer  Service,  Ken  Krueger, will  be  retiring  from  the Department effective April 29, 2016.  This request is to refill his position and backfill any subsequent positions that may arise from an internal candidate moving into the position 

 VIII.  Bluegill Bay Environmental Fund Grant Request – Discussion and Possible Action on Wausau Noon Rotary’s Bluegill 

Bay Park Fishing Pond Restoration Project Environmental Fund Grant Request Wausau Noon Rotary  is submitting an Environmental Fund grant to help  fund the Bluegill Bay Pond Restoration Project. The enclosed grant application details  the project,  its relationship  to County objectives and the  funding proposal. The current status of the project is that designs are complete, permits are in place, and bids have been received  that  fall  within  the  projected  budget.  Staff  recommends  that  the  Commission  support  the  grant application. 

 IX.  Mountain Bay Trail Memorandum of Agreement  (MOA) – Discussion  and Possible Action on Marathon County 

Entering Into a MOA With the State on Additional Trail Segment  Marathon County built and operates the existing Mountain‐Bay State Park Trail within Marathon County under the terms of a Memorandum Of Agreement (MOA) with the WDNR. As part of the State and County effort to extend the trail further into the metropolitan area the State acquired the former railroad corridor extending easterly from the Weston trailhead to Camp Phillips Road about 4 years ago. Staff has been working with the WDNR to extend the current MOA to this new property.  In 2013 during  initial  inventory of the property our staff  identified some significant  trespasses,  primarily  by  commercial  entities.  Since  then  we  have  been  assisting  the  WDNR  in documenting and resolving the trespasses. It has been a long, slow process getting the WDNR to get serious about 

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the problem. The  first, and most significant  trespass, Scott's Enterprises, has now  reached  the point where  the WDNR and County have met with the owner, Scott Habeck, and his attorney. The State and County positions have been explained and Mr. Habeck has been given  the opportunity  to propose  in writing how he would prefer  to resolve  the  trespass. The key aspect  to managing  this  land  is  that  it was acquired  through  the Federal Rails To Trails  rail  banking  program which  requires  the  former  railroad  property  to  remain  intact with  limited  physical modifications  so  it  can  easily be  returned  to  active  rail  service. Unfortunately, Mr. Habeck had  remodeled his buildings to utilize the State property which is only about 2 feet from his buildings. (See enclosure) Staff believes that  some  limited  accommodation  may  be  possible  that  would  address  emergency  exiting,  fire  access,  and building maintenance concerns without significantly infringing on the State Park property or negatively impacting the  long  term  land management or user experience. However,  staff  is concerned  that  the State may not be as stringent as they should be in protecting the overall integrity of the entire former rail corridor. As this is the first of a  number  of  trespasses  being  addressed  in  this  segment,  staff  believes  that  a  strong  precedent  must  be established. If this does not occur, we anticipate that trespasses will continue to take a disproportionate amount of County staff time and that our ability to effectively manage the trail and provide a quality user experience will be  reduced.  Accordingly,  staff  recommends  the  Commission  take  a  position  that  we  will  no  longer  support extending the current MOA to this new trail segment if the State does not act to fully resolve existing trespasses and prevent future trespasses.  

X.  Bluegill  Bay  Challenge  Grant  –  Report  and  Discussion  on  Marathon  County  Parks,  Recreation  and  Forestry Department Challenge Grant Match to Wausau Noon Rotary’s Bluegill Bay Park Fishing Pond Restoration Project  Marathon County Parks, Recreation and Forestry Department has received a request from Wausau Noon Rotary to access funding from the Challenge Grant maintained in the Parks operating budget for the Bluegill Bay Park pond.  See attached letter from Wausau Noon Rotary Club. 


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10 Year Sunny Vale Softball Complex Expense/Revenue Summary

WASA 10% WASA 10%

SVSC (772) Use Fee Concessions Concessions WAGSA High

Year Expenses 70% 5.5% Sales Tax with Tax WASA Pd Not Paid Remitted Not Remitted League School Use

2015 41,328.01$     28,929.61$      1,591.13$             30,520.74$    ‐$                30,520.74$       ‐$                   Unknown 952.00$    418.00$        

2014 55,758.80$     39,031.16$      2,146.71$             41,177.87$    ‐$                41,177.87$       ‐$                   Unknown 726.00$        

2013 40,943.69$     28,660.58$      1,576.33$             30,236.92$    ‐$                30,236.92$       ‐$                   Unknown ‐$              

2012 32,686.94$     22,880.86$      1,258.45$             24,139.31$    ‐$                24,139.31$       ‐$                   Unknown 640.00$        

2011 30,156.06$     21,109.24$      1,161.01$             22,270.25$    ‐$                22,270.25$       ‐$                   Unknown 382.50$        

2010 26,663.54$     18,664.48$      1,026.55$             19,691.02$    ‐$                19,691.02$       ‐$                   Unknown 220.00$        

2009 21,302.47$     14,911.73$      820.15$                15,731.87$    ‐$                15,731.87$       ‐$                   Unknown 160.00$        

2008 27,278.00$     18,099.15$      995.45$                19,094.60$    19,094.60$    0.00$                 ‐$                   Unknown 405.40$        

2007 24,500.00$    12,250.00$    12,250.00$       2,508.89$         3,537.55$           526.00$        

2006 4/4/07 Pk Comm Adj use fee down $4,328.54 28,657.08$    24,328.54$    See Note 6,536.54$         ‐$                   


4/4/07 Pk Comm Set '07 fee at $24500

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Date Received: ______________________


Marathon County Government serves people by leading, coordinating, and providing county, regional, and statewide initiatives. It directly or in cooperation with other public and private partners provides services and creates opportunities that make Marathon County and the surrounding area a preferred place to live, work, visit, and do business.

SPONSORING GOVERNMENTAL UNIT: Marathon County Parks, Recreation and Forestry Department

PRIMARY CONTACT: Brad Karger TITLE: County Administrator

PHONE NUMBER: 715-261-1404 E-MAIL: [email protected]

PROJECT MANAGER: Peter Knotek TITLE: Parks, Recreation & Forestry Asst. Director

PHONE NUMBER: 715-261-1555 E-MAIL: [email protected]

PROJECT LOCATION: Bluegill Bay Park, Town of Rib Mountain, Marathon County, Wisconsin

Below is an outline of the project proposal:

1. PROJECT TITLE: Bluegill Bay Park Fishing Pond Restoration

2. DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT ACTIVITIES AND IMPROVEMENTS: Bluegill Bay Park is a 98 acre County Park located

in the Town of Rib Mountain, Wisconsin. The park contains an approximately 8.5 acre spring fed fishing pond

with an inlet and small outlet on Lake Wausau which is a reservoir on the Wisconsin River. Deterioration of the

pond and fishery has occurred over several decades and includes: excessive aquatic plant growth, summer algae

blooms, significant organic material deposition, and heavy metals in the sediment. Objectives of this project are

to improve the fishery, reduce the bloom of summer algae and improve the visual appearance of the pond.

Project activities and improvements include the dredging of 11,000 cubic yards of silt and sediment from the

western edge of the pond and land spreading the material at the former Park Department Nursery. The dredging

will increase the flow of clean ground water into the pond improving the overall water quality and reducing water

temperatures in the pond. Dredging will also reduce the growth of aquatic vegetation by increasing the depth of

the pond thereby reducing the amount of sunlight that reaches the pond floor and spurs vegetation growth.

Reducing the vegetation will make fishing more enjoyable and productive as fishing gear will not get entangled or

lost in the growth. Clearing sediment from the inlet and outlet culverts to improve flow through the pond and the

creation of natural fish habitat (cribs) to increase breeding opportunities will also improve the water quality and

the fishing experience.

The improvements proposed reflect the recommended alternatives for the pond restoration developed in the

2015 restoration study prepared by Montgomery Associate – Resource Solutions for Marathon County.

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It is anticipated the lifespan of this project should exceed 30 years. The major activity of the project is

dredging with the intent of increasing ground water flow into the pond and controlling aquatic vegetation through

sunlight deprivation. Historical data indicates little change in the depth of the pond since records were kept

starting in the 1970’s. The lack of change in the depth of the pond shows that the pond is not subject to heavy

sedimentation, and that the efforts should not be compromised by future sedimentation.

All applicable local, state and federal permits have been issued for this project including:

* Town of Rib Mountain Special Use Permit

* Marathon County Zoning Special Exemption Permit

* Wisconsin DNR Carriage Permit

* Wisconsin DNR Construction Stormwater Management Permit

* Wisconsin DNR Dredging Permit

* Wisconsin DNR Erosion Control Plan

* Army Corps of Engineers Dredging Permit

3. STATEMENT OF CONSISTENCY WITH COMPREHENSIVE PLAN(S): The Bluegill Bay fishing pond restoration is

consistent with several initiatives of the Marathon County Outdoor Recreation Plan (C.O.R.P.). Identified in the

Proposed Action Plan of the C.O.R.P. Improvements for Water Based Recreation include “Develop additional

water based recreational facilities on the Wisconsin River, Lake Wausau and Lake Dubay”. Within the

Improvement Program for Individual Park “dredging the lagoon” is an action plan item for Bluegill Bay Park.

Both of these action items indicated the Bluegill Bay Pond restoration is supported by comprehensive planning.


within its Vision Statement states that Marathon County “is proactive in enhancing health…”. The Bluegill Bay

project supports that vision.

Restoration of the Bluegill Bay Park Fishing Pond will ensure that this youth and family oriented recreation

resource is available to future generation as it has been for generations of previous Marathon County residents.

The value of this project reaches far beyond the activity of fishing, the true value is realized in the health,

behavioral and social impacts facilities such as the Bluegill Bay Fishing Pond afford to area residents as

highlighted below.

The National Recreation and Park Association has identified the results of quality out of school recreation

opportunities for participants, families, and the wider community and include:

1. Contribute to reducing juvenile delinquency

2. Contribute to increasing positive and reducing negative behaviors

3. Expose youth to less violence

4. Improve children’s educational performance and thus impact the quality of the future work force and the

national economy

5. Help decrease health care costs related to childhood obesity

6. Increase the economic contributions of young people to society when they become adults

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7. Help youth develop self-confidence, optimism, and initiative


Initial – Children and parents participate in activities together. Improvement of social and physical skills.

Intermediate – Improved family relationships and values.

Long-Term – Children experience the most fulfilling and nurturing relationship possible with their parents.

Performance Indicator – The quality of the family fishing experience will be documented utilizing verbal

surveys of participants at various times of the year by volunteers, recreation interns or park staff.

Initial – Fishing pond water quality increases.

Intermediate – Improved fish habitat and fishing productivity.

Long-Term – The uniqueness of Central WI/Marathon County is preserved (rural character, open spaces, non-

explosive growth, natural beauty, traditions, heritage, culture, water resources, diverse vegetation, wildlife, and

soils; and convenient geographic location to metropolitan areas and recreational opportunities).

Performance Indicator – The effectiveness of the project to improve water quality in the pond will be

measured utilizing water testing that will analyze dissolved oxygen, pH, chlorine concentrations nitrogen and

turbidity. These results will be compared to a similar analysis that was performed prior to the project.

6. SERVICE AREA OF THE PROJECT: Bluegill Bay Park is a 98 acre, scenic, water based park located in the Town of

Rib Mountain in central Marathon County. The primary service area for the park is the central County

metropolitan area. The secondary service area of the park is County wide.

7. FUNDING REQUEST*: Bluegill Bay Fishing Pond Restoration

A. Estimated Project Costs Feasibility Study (complete) $ 20,000 Design/Engineering (complete) $ 40,000 Construction (low bid + 6.3% contingency) $303,000 $363,000 B. Funding Sources B.A. Esther Greenheck Foundation $ 60,000 Marathon County Administrators Small Projects $ 40,000 Wausau Noon Rotary $ 25,000 Marathon County Parks Challenge Grant $ 20,000 Community Foundation of North Central Wisconsin $ 12,500 Harvey Nelson Charitable Trust $ 8,000 Wausau and Marathon County Park Foundation $ 5,000 Wisconsin Public Service Foundation $ 5,000 Texas Roadhouse Fishing Tournament $ 3,373 Marathon County Parks Engineering Budget $ 3,700 $182,573 C. Marathon County Environmental Impact Fund Request $181,663

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8. LETTERS OF SUPPORT FROM PARTNERS. (Specify Contributors vs. Supporters)


Signature of authorized representative of sponsoring governmental unit.

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From: Jon Daniels Sent: Wednesday, August 28, 2013 2:51 PM To: 'Bump, Cameron M - DNR'; Tomlinson, Lynne B - DNR ([email protected]) Cc: William Duncanson Subject: Scott's Enterprise Trespass  Hi Cameron & Lynn,  A few weeks ago I contacted the Village of Weston asking for information on improvements being made to the Scott’s Enterprises, Inc. property located at 4801 Ross Av., Weston.  Scott’s Enterprises is a subsidiary of Ringle Properties LLC, which is owned by Scott J. and Marcia S. Habeck, who reside at R5338 Sahara Dr., Ringle, WI  54471.  I have attached copies of some permits and drawings supplied by the Village at my request.  This information indicates Mr. Habeck was aware of the ROW.  The ROW is clearly shown on two drawings that accompanied his permit applications.  Below is a timeline developed from the information I have to date.  June 30, 2011; property sold by Larson Cooperative TVCS to Ringle Properties, LLC (a.k.a. Scott’s Enterprises, Inc.) August 11, 2011; issue date of building permit for overhead doors (attached) October 10, 2011; date on PDM Construction drawing that was submitted to the Village (attached – earliest drawing showing ROW) February 10, 2012; issue date of building permits for interior office area alterations (attached) August 17, 2012; date on building exterior drawing with overhead doors (attached) June 28, 2013; I first inspected the ROW along Scott’s property line and contacted Cameron that afternoon, and contacted Mr. Habeck by phone, identified the trespass issues and encouraged him to remove ASAP any items he had in the ROW  Two drawings; one submitted to the Village on October 10, 2011 and a later undated drawing from Marathon Technical Services “MTS” (attached), both show the former railroad ROW, now the Mountain‐Bay Trail ROW.  Both drawings were provided by Mr. Habeck to the Village for building permits. It is evident on both drawings the ROW extends EXTREMELY close to the SW building exterior.  The MTS drawing shows that “CONCRETE” and a new “EDGE OF PAVEMENT” were planned to extend well beyond the building and onto the ROW.  The south overhead door services a new loading dock for a cardboard recycling business that recently occupied the SE corner of the building.  This business is only one of a number of tenants now occupying the remodeled building.  In my opinion, Mr. Habeck has ignored the property boundary until I contacted him on June 28, 2013.  Based upon the facts presented here and my conversations with a Village official, I believe Mr. Habeck deliberately trespassed on the trail ROW.  Jon S. Daniels Chief Ranger Wausau & Marathon County Parks, Recreation, and Forestry Department 212 River Dr. Wausau, WI  54403 715‐261‐1557  

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Rotary Club of Wausau Club No. 2675 – District No. 6220

Chartered 1915 Oldest Club in District 6220

February 15, 2016 Peter Knotek Marathon County Parks Department 212 River Drive Wausau WI 54403 RE: BLUEGILL BAY POND RESTORATION PROJECT The Rotary Club of Wausau in celebration of its 100 year anniversary has provided community leadership for the restoration of the pond at Bluegill Bay County Park, as a service/education project. Rotary Clubs all over the world have a focus on water. In our 100th year, rather than focus on water in some other country or continent, we decided to look closer to home. Rotary Clubs also have a focus on youth development and we have learned that once restored the pond at Bluegill Bay County Park will be a fabulous site for youth fishing, all year long! The fishing pond is approximately 6.5 acres with a small inlet and outlet on Lake Wausau which is a reservoir on the Wisconsin River. Deterioration of the pond and fishery has occurred over several decades and includes:

excessive aquatic growth large summer algae growth heavy metals in the sediment

As things stand now, the pond is heavily fished by youth in the Spring, but by mid-summer the duckweed, floating vegetation and thick growth of rooted aquatic plan make the pond unattractive and unusable for fishing. We have learned that the pond can be restored and that it has some important assets:

Diverse population of young pan fish and sport fish. Aquatic vegetation is high-quality, providing valuable fish nursery habitat. Significant groundwater inflow which supports dissolved oxygen.

Once restored this pond will be a place in an urban area for parents and grandparents to take youth to share positive, happy experiences. A design for the pond restoration has been completed. That design focuses on dredging to deepen the pond in certain areas and to draw more groundwater into the pond. The result will

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Mr. Peter Knotek February 15, 2016 Page 2 be cleaner water and cooler temperatures to better support fish habitat and to reduce the aquatic growth. This design has been reviewed and approved by the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources. As you can see a lot of work has already been done in support of this community project. Additionally, many community groups have contributed to the project financially:

B.A. and Ester Greenheck Foundation $60,000 Marathon County $40,000 Rotary Club of Wausau $25,000 Wisconsin Public Service Foundation $ 5,000 Parks Foundation $ 5,000 Community Foundation of North Central Wisconsin $12,500 Harvey Nelson Foundation $ 5,000 Total $152,500

Also, we are hoping to get a matching grant from the County’s Environmental Impact Fund. We are getting close to putting all the pieces in place to start construction. Very soon we will know the results of the construction requests for proposals and the project costs. If we get the matching grant from the Environmental Impact Fund, we can get the construction done in 2016! Why would we want to wait? This is going to be such a great resource to our community!

Brad Karger Project Chair Rotary Club of Wausau c: Jean Tehan Michael Beck

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Marathon County Parks 2015 Annual Campground Report 

By Ken Krueger 

Operations Superintendent Customer Service 

  The warm spring weather allowed us to open all of Marathon County campgrounds on Friday April 24th one week earlier than the normally scheduled May 1st opening. The on‐line reservation system became active, starting Friday, May 1, 2015 as scheduled. In all there were 3,611 camping permits issued in 2015 an increase of 18 % over last season. These permits break down as follows 1,941 were self‐registration permits, (drive up), 1,069 were on –line reservations, and 601 were staff assisted advance reservations.  


The average length of stay based on the type of camping permit is as follows;  

  Self‐Registration  Advance (Staff Assisted)  On‐Line 

BEP South  1.98 nights  2.77 nights  2.56 nights 

BEP West  2.05 nights  2.88 nights  2.61 nights 

Eau Claire Dells  1.92 nights  2.29 nights  2.46 nights 

Marathon Park  1.58 nights  3.32 nights  2.97 nights 

 Camping increased at all of Marathon County campgrounds in 2015; the largest percentage increase was at the Marathon Park. This is mostly likely due to the campgrounds not having the water line issues it had in 2014, and the campground was able to open as scheduled on April 24th.    




Type of Camping Permit

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  The most popular type of camping unit at Marathon County Parks, based on the self‐registration permits was the Travel Trailer, followed by the tent and Motor Home. Tents being the most popular at the Eau Claire Dells, Motor homes the most popular at Marathon Park, and Travel Trailers the most popular at the Big Eau Pleine Park.  

     Electrical costs associated with the campgrounds; (includes the A Frame and Dells Cabin)   Big Eau Pleine South    $2,379.74   Big Eau Pleine West    $5,819.87   Eau Claire Dells    $970.56   Marathon Park    $2,277.98           $11,448.15   







2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015

Number of Perm



Campground Comparison

BEP Dells Marathon






Type of Camping Unit

M.Home T.Trailer Tent Pick up Camper 5th Wheel  Other

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 Receipts from electrical fees;   Big Eau Pleine South    $2,600.00   Big Eau Pleine West    $5,196.00 

Eau Claire Dells    $2,100.00 Marathon Park    $3,180.00         $13,076.00 

 Campers have raised concerns about electrical service at the Dell’s campground not meeting their needs. Each campsite should have its own electrical pedestal with a minimum of a 30 amp electrical service available.   There is also a request to have a dump station installed at the Dells campground.  The requests heard most often regarding the Big Eau Pleine Campground is for a shower facility, better cell phone /satellite reception, and upgrading the electrical to 50 amp service on each campsite instead of the present 30 amp service per campsite.  Expenses associated with camping   Administration      $9,837.99   Labor FTE        $409.33   Labor LTE        $29,486.24   Campground Licenses     $792.23   Credit Card Transaction Fees    $2,743.53 

Supplies        $2,389.62 Firewood        $15,700.00 Utilities        $11,448.15           $72,807.09 

Revenues Camping fees (Acct. 5835) includes firewood sales      $138,980.69 

Big Eau Pliene    $88,607.04 Eau Claire Dells  $26,748.90 Marathon Park  $23,624.75 

 Campground Reservation fees (Acct. 5917)        $16,338.16   Big Eau Pleine    $11,137.03   Eau Claire Dells  $3,203.03   Marathon Park  $1,998.10  Other Misc. Revenue (Acct. 8400) (Dump Station)      $4,981.00   Big Eau Pleine    $3,157.70 

Marathon Park  $1,823.30  Total revenues associated with camping were $160,299.85 

Page 27: MARATHON COUNTY PARK COMMISSION AGENDA › Portals › 0 › Departments... · 01/03/2016  · MARATHON COUNTY PARK COMMISSION AGENDA Date Tuesday, March 1, 2016 Conference Room 3



Bluegill Bay Fishing Pond Restoration The project bid on February 15. Strong interest resulted in eight bids. The low bid was A-1 Excavating, Bloomer WI. The bid will be awarded pending approval of funding.