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(1) Home Don Bosco College, Maram, [email protected], [email protected] KNOW US Pages:- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Contents Don Bosco College, Maram, India, has brought out a newly well designed wall calendar with yearly planner for the academic year 2010 – 2011. Fast on the wheels of technology, hurry and worry hollow modern man runs from everywhere. The grandsons and daughters of the great Shakespeare, from the Department of English, Don Bosco College, Maram, Manipur, India, staged “Othello” on 20 th & 21 st November, 2010, at the College Campus. Othello Issue - 1 November 15.11.2010

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Monthly Digital Newsletter from Don Bosco College, Maram, Manipur, India


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Don Bosco College,, maramvoice@gmai l .com, pr [email protected]

KNOW USPages:- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1112 Contents

Don Bosco College, Maram, India, has brought out a newly well designed wall calendar with yearly planner for the academic year 2010 – 2011.

Fast on the wheels of technology, hurry and worry hollow modern man runs from everywhere. The grandsons and daughters of the great Shakespeare, from the Department of English, Don Bosco College, Maram, Manipur, India, staged “Othello” on 20th & 21st November, 2010, at the College Campus.


Issue - 1 November 15.11.2010

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Don Bosco College,, maramvoice@gmai l .com, pr [email protected]


3 College Week

Page No. 5

4 Jesus Youth Page No. 6

5 Mounteering & Treking

Page No. 7

6 A Dream Trip to ManaliPage No. 8

7 An educational tour to MumbaiPage No. 9

10 A tour to the City of Joy & AICUFPage No. 12

8 An Awsome Beauty of Dziiko ValleyPage No. 10

9 Discipleship Training Programme (DTP)Pge No. 11

Editorial Note We well know that none is born great. One becomes great only at the cause of daily living up of one’s life and facing the daily realities and challenges. Often this is echoed in the lives of great personalities. Venturingintoanyfield,callsforalifeofchallenge.Writingbooks, magazines, reporting etc are some of its challenges. In the light of this challenges or consideration, we undertake this venture as an opportunity of challenging self learning. It comes to you in the form of a digital newsletter, entitled “Maram Voice”, to share ourcontinuousflowofcollegenewsandinformation. We hope that this endeavour takes you and us to a brighter dream, vision, hope and a better promise.

(Left to right: Br. M.P. Philemon, M Chung, Br. Jacob Prajosh, Sr. KC Monica FMA & Amit Kumar)

Youth is that segment of society on which we build our hopes. - Don Bosco

2 From the desk of the Principal Page No. 4

1 ForwardPage No. 3

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Don Bosco College,, maramvoice@gmai l .com, pr [email protected]

ForewWrdTrue worth of a democracy is the right of the

people to information (RTI). True to this democratic value a section of our students of the college have taken up this task to share all the news and views that transpires in and around the college through their ‘Digital News Letter’.

College life, in particular, is so full of colour, drama and fervid intellectual pursuits that the news of them all will thrill and stimulate one and all.

These are by our budding journalists of the morrow who hone the technique of news-sharing and hope to cross the frontiers of Don Bosco College, Maram, with bagfuls of experience and expertise. It is an attempt at news gathering from which all of us stand to gain.

All Kudos, then, to the editorial board of the ‘Digital News Letter’ for initiating such a bold venture in the college. It is a small step but a long-felt need and a laudable effort that holds out much promise.

I would like to say right at its outset what Massilon, the famous French bishop and gifted orator, used to say, “ I don’t want people leaving my church saying what a wonderful sermon , what a wonderful preacher! I want them to go out saying, I will do something myself about it”.

What I wish is that while we appreciate and applaud this noble effort of the ’Digital News Letter’, we will all join hands and make of it a joint venture of the college and make it a success.

Rev (Dr.) Sebastian Pallissery, SDBRectorDon Bosco CollegeMaram-Manipur.

Home Page

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Don Bosco College,, maramvoice@gmai l .com, pr [email protected]

Greetings to all of you readers!

We are now in the period of post common wealth games that got concluded recently.Theuglypicturesoffinancial irregularitiesarebeingunearthed these days. I was particularly startled by the revelation that certain bills were even paid twice. Why? Common things, for that matter especially the public commodities are looted and destroyed in our country at will. The civic sense, sense of progress and accountability are being

traded for personal gains. A very few percentage of population really looks at common benefitandnationalpride.

Education has been labeled the new marketable commodity today. People are willing to spend substantial amount towards so called education, nay towards market acceptable certificates.Inthenameofeducation,theeducanthasbeenmadeacommodity.He/Shehas become a body without a soul. The real purpose and meaning of education has been squandered of for monetary gains. Is this the object of education? Are our temples of learning worth its name today? Where have we gone wrong? Gandhiji, the father of the nation once remarked “the soul of education is the total transformation of an individual.” Do our centres of learning keep this as our central point of attention? An educational institution needs to be portal of holistic transformation of the individual that walks in to learn, to live and to give knowledge and wisdom to the society in which one conducts himself or herself. A true education can become the panacea for today’s ailing society. It is Louis Kossuth who said, “It is on the sound education of the people that the security and destinyofeverynationchieflyrests.”

I take this opportunity to thank, appreciate and congratulate the editorial board of thefirste-newsletterofDonBoscoCollege,Maram,Manipur.Thishasbeenstudents’efforttoscaletherealmofjournalism.Ihopeandbelievethatthiseditionwillfindacceptanceamong all our supportive and ever encouraging readers all over the world.Wish you all happy days aheadYours sincerely,

PrincipalDon Bosco College, Maram, Manipur, India

From the desk of the Principal

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Don Bosco College,, maramvoice@gmai l .com, pr [email protected]

COLLEGE WEEK “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy”. Keeping this truth in mind the management of Don Bosco College, Maram set apart a week as “College Week” for the holistic growth of the students. It is a time for the students to discover and develop the talents in them apart from the bookish knowledge. The college week this year kicked off on 25 Sept. 2010 with a Marathon race. It was exciting to see more than 400 boys and girls running with their name tags.Theofficialinaugurationwasheldon 28 Sept. 2010 with Fr. Louis, the Parish Priest of Makhan as the Chief Guest. Each day was made special with a fascinating dress code like Jeans, painting of faces, Goggles, and Caps. Their creativity won them points for their teams. The week that was spent in building and promoting different talents, showing co-operation in team work among the organisers and the different groups. The week long rich learning experiences came to a closeon1October2010witha‘grantfinale’.

College Week

There are a thousand thoughts lying within a man that he does not know till he takes up a pen to write.”

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Don Bosco College,, maramvoice@gmai l .com, pr [email protected]

Jesus Youth (JY) is an International Catholic Movement with charismatic spirituality. It is an initiative of the young people,whoare inspiredby theHolySpiritin reaching out to other youth. It is also a missionary movement at the service of the Church. Jesus Youth aims at promoting an active Christian way of life for which the members seek to grow as faithful disciples of Christ through the SIX PILLARS of the movement. The first prayer meeting started inthe college on 18 August 2008 with just 15 members. Now we have more than 150 students in the group. The Jesus Youth is directly under the college management. We have a core team comprising of a pastor (priest in-charge of the spiritual growth), an animator, a full timer, a co-ordinator and other 6 members. Initiatives

are taken by them to organize weekly prayer meeting and other outreach programmes. The Core-Team and other members go to the following nearby villages and otherJYprayergroups-DonBoscoHigherSecondary School, Maram, Purul Parish, Ramlung, Kabinam and Maram centre. At present 40 JYs are preparing for JY Jubilee Conference in Kochin, Kerela. Twenty five (25) JYs are getting ready forevangelization mission to Arunachal Pradesh in coming December. The college is privileged to have 3 full timers till now and was able to send 8 full timers, for 18 and 19 batches. The mobilization for the 20 batch fulltimership is on. The prayer group is maintaining its international Record as the “BIGGEST PRAYER GROUP” in Jesus Youth Movement. -Bosco Janding Pao

English 2nd Year


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Don Bosco College,, maramvoice@gmai l .com, pr [email protected]

On 16 to 20 October 2010, mountaineering and trekking programme was organized by the Manipur Mountaineering and Trekking Association (MMTA) at Lamdan village Loktak Project with a view of challenging the present youth and young students to respect, love, and know the importance and values of nature. It was lead by Ibungo Chaoubi. Miss Jian, lecturer of Dept. of Zoology along with 40 (forty) students attended the programme. Many students and youth from various ethnic communities also participated in the programme. The adventurous programme included activities like artificial

•What is a politician’s two-hour speech really look like? Well, the man gave a tremendous speech. The audience was moved... to the exit.•“What bad manners you have, Johny. Didn’t they teach you to say ‘Good morning’ in the school?” scolded a neighbour. “No, I attend evening school.”•Looking at his answer paper, Johny found only 5 marks. So, he asked the teacher: “Sir, are these marks out of 100 or out of 50?” “They are out of pity,” replied the teacher.

10 Dec. Selection Exam of Degree First Year17 Dec. Winter Vacation Begins4 Jan. MU Exam for the Degree First Year12 Jan. College re-opens

Hold on… Laugh a while… but stay tuned College News

rock climbing, crossing bridge, crawling of snake, monkey climb, climbing trees, boating, swimming and firing.Therewereother activities such as social work, time for entertainment and recreation. The students of Don Bosco College, Maram, experienced a great joy in the mountaineering expedition organised by MMTA.


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Don Bosco College,, maramvoice@gmai l .com, pr [email protected]

Our country is gifted with a variety of people and beautiful places, with a variety of ideas and different environment. Travelling and observing different places increase the depth of knowledge and sense of relaxation. Our dream trip to Manali started on 7 October 2010. For some of us it was the first experience and so it was a veryexciting one too. We reached Delhi on 10 October 2010 by 9.30 am. We were tired after two full days of journey and we headed towards our hotel and decided to explore the Capital City by afternoon on the same day. Our next programme was to witness the Common Wealth Games which was the most exciting experience for all of us. We also visited places like Qutab Minar, Lotus Temple etc.

In the evening of the same day, we left for Shimla and then for Manali, the long awaited place. We enjoyed the snow capped mountains as we travelled along the winding road that took us to the foot of the hills of Manali. After a short rest we started discovering the new land. To climb up the mountain the only means of transport in Manali were the horses. Besides horse ride, we had great time playing with the ice and taking many pictures. These fascinating experiences created many unforgetful memories which are permanently pasted in our minds to recapture and cherish in the days to come. -3rd year students Dept. of History.


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Don Bosco College,, maramvoice@gmai l .com, pr [email protected]

As part of the study programme of the college, the Dept. of Political Science went for an educational tour to India’s commercial capital, Mumbai from 5 to 18 October 2010. The happy group of 34 students were accompanied by two lecturers of the department. The tour was an adventure and a learningexperienceformanyandthefirst-of-its-kind for quite a few of us. The exciting places of our visit worth mentioning here are -theGatewayofIndia,theTajHotelwith23floors,Detectivebuildingwhichisbuiltunderthe water, the Raymond luxurious boat of 40 crore, the Prince of Wales Museum, Worldsealink,HangingGarden,Filmstars’

bungalows, Marine Drive, Gorai beach etc. just to mention a few. A visit to the ‘Essel World’ and ‘Water Kingdom’ Asia’s largest water park gave us the opportunity to let the ‘children’ in us come alive and we played various games to our hearts’ content. The mesmerizing view of the island called ‘Elephanta Cave’ is another unforgettable experience. A day was set aside for shopping wherein each one grabbed the chance to go to the Lifestyle Shopping Mall and it was only when our bags were full that we realized the day was done. On 19 October we saw ourselves safely back home after a never-to-forget educational tour. - 3rd year students

Dept. of Political Science


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Don Bosco College,, maramvoice@gmai l .com, pr [email protected]

On 23 Oct’ 10 NSS Unit–I along with programme Co-ordinator and a lecture, Sr. Arpita and Sr. Bindu, made a trip to Dzükou valley after seeking God’s blessing from the Principal of the college. The adventurous journey began with the climbing of the steepest mountain. A very high range of the mountain was felt in the bodies of all the adventurers. As we moved towards the valley, we were fascinated by the geographical features of the place, mountains, valleys, flowing streams andtrees which welcomed us with its amazing beauty. After 5 hours of sloping journey down the mountain we reached Dzükou Valley to capture the awesome beauty of God. It is hard to fathom the beauty felt at the sight of the valley. Valley consists of many hillocks covered with different species of plants thoughitwasnotseasonoftheflower,wecould imagine what it would be with the bed of flowers.We all explored the beauty by

walking through it and also taking shelter in the caves. We also had the pleasure of cooking the meal in the heart of the nature and enjoyed different games conducted as part of the trip. We also made a study on the nature and evaluated the uniqueness of the nature and studied the importance of flora and fauna. Sr. Bindu commentedand explained on the importance of floraand fauna and to be eco-friendly with the nature. After the short session the group was asked to collect different species in order to identify the number of plants grown there. To their amazing greatness they found out 108 or more types of plants grown there. The group also had the great joy of exploring the beauty and wonders of nature in this amazing, beautiful and unique valley called Dzükou Valley meaning Cold Water Valley. -By Sr. Bindu


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Don Bosco College,, maramvoice@gmai l .com, pr [email protected]

The Jesus Youth National Team,India in collaboration with the North-East Regional Team conducted a weeklong Discipleship Training Programme (DTP) at Siloam, Shillong from 18 to 24 October 2010. There were 28 key leaders of Jesus Youth from the region.TherewerefiveofourJesusYouthLeaders from the College attended the programme and came back fully challenged and strengthened to follow the footsteps of themaster as His faithful disciple, and tomake more disciples. The programme consisted of seven major modules, in which two days were occupied with spiritual Retreat animated by Rev. Fr. Tom Palackal, Professor of SacredHeartTheologicalCollegeShillongand Mr. Dony Peter Co-ordinator of Jesus youth South East Asia. Sessions on

Paradigm Shift, Discipleship, and Servant Leader were taken up by Mr. Subin Jacob, Mr. Vinod, Mr. Siljo Thomas of the National Team. Sessions on Christian Leadership and Mary & Discipleship were animated by Fr. Shaji Stephen, Animator of Jesus Youth Shillong and Fr. Roy, Asst. Director of Siloam. Apart from these major sessions Rev. Fr. Chitur, Fr. George and Fr. Devasia had the real joy of sharing their challenging missionary experiences which inspired and challenged the young minds. The participants also had the opportunity of interacting with Most Rev. Dominic Jala, Archbishop of Shillong for an hour during which many doubts about the church, tradition,Bibleetcwereclearified. - N. Samuel Baite B.A. 3 English


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Don Bosco College,, maramvoice@gmai l .com, pr [email protected]

The eight days from 21 to 29 October 2010 were days of excitement, discovery, learning and adventure for the Dept. of Science. 39 students accompanied by 3 lecturers toured Kolkata, the City of Joy. The group with great enthusiasm travelled around the City for three days making a deeper study and exploring into the world of knowledge. They first wentto the tomb of Blessed Mother Teresa of Kolkata, where they felt an awesome and peaceful experience. The Howrah bridge,Victoria Memorial, M.P. Birla Planetarium, Indian Museum, Indian Botanical Garden, Science City etc. were the few places they visited. One of the amazing places is Nico

Park where the young found themselves at the site of amusement. The experience will definitelyremaininourmemoriesforalongtime to come. -Kago Tabiyo – Botany 3rd year


The All India Catholic University Federation (AICUF) is an international movement of Catholic University students. The AICUF stands for the service and liberation of people irrespective of caste, gender, language or religion. Its members therefore commit themselves to building a just society. The movement functions at the national, state, regional and unit levels. Don Bosco College, Maram is one of its units. There are 80 AICUF members in the

college at present and they are making their presence felt by rendering various voluntary services in the college. One such service is the free tuition given in every evening for the neighbourhood children. Prize incentives are given to those students who show greater interest in their studies. The members under the guidance of the unitAnimatorandofficebearershavetheirregular meeting on every Tuesday. -Sr. Deepa FCC


Don Bosco College,

E-mail: [email protected], [email protected]: 03871-265204, 9612127655, 9436027982

Editors: Br. Phileomon, Br. Jacob Prajosh, Sr. Monica & M Chung, Layout Design: Amit Kumar