mapping korail bosti: a gis case study

Mapping Korail Bosti: A case study in GIS Rebecca Stevenson Anjali Sarker July 18, 2013

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Mapping Korail Bosti:A case study in GIS

Rebecca StevensonAnjali Sarker

July 18, 2013

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What is this?Korail slum(you may have read

the title)

• Population: 40,000• Households: 11,000• 1.5 acres• 40 years old• Right outside of


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BRAC Manoshi map of Korail Slum(in 2007)

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BRAC Manoshi

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18 hours…

4 interns…

2 smartphones…

0 taka…

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Korail Slum community resources map

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Step 1: Design the questionnaire

• Split into 2 surveys

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Step 2: Collect and send the data

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TEAM: Rebecca Stevenson, Mahzabeen Mahfuz, Cyrus Khan, Mahmoud

• Engage Manoshi guide: Tapan Bhai• 18 hours over 3 weeks in the slum

• Divided hand-drawn map into sections• Stay together in a group for collection

Step 2: Collect and send the data

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TEAM: Raniya Shams, Anjali Sarker, Rebecca Stevenson, Farah Sarwar,

Mahzabeen Mahfuz

Step 3: Store and analyze the data

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Step 3: Store and analyze the data

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Questions raised by this digital survey map

• Why are the health clinics clustered together in one area?

• Why does bkash center 2:4 have twice as many daily customers as the others?

• Why do areas 3 and 4 have so few students, but twice as many community and political offices?

• Why are the most long-standing clinics the only two that also serve as schools?

In this case, questions are more relevant to us interns, who have no prior experience in the slum. In an area where BRAC has little knowledge, this particular survey would be more useful.

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Challenges of digital data collection• Usual data collection challenges

– Unique identifier– Appropriate questions– Informed survey source

• Specific to software– Design of survey

• Make sure answers must be saved

– Dependent on internet for geocode

• Specific to this project– Scheduling– Conditions– Buy-in and understanding of project goals

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Step 4: Data dissemination

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Challenges of digital data analysis, aggregation, and dissemination

• Data storage– Data correction impossible in ODK– Limitation on free data storage

• Data preparation– Multiple surveys made aggregation more time

consuming– Difficulties due to some unsaved answers

• Making sure people pay attention!

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Why go digital?Data collection

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Why go digital?Data Presentation

• Easily understood information

• Quickly understood information

• Standard framework for BRAC programs

• Community Engagement

Digital maps cannot replace paper maps, but can supplement them

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Why go digital?Data Presentation

Combined knowledge

Location specific management

Real time updates

Engage world community

Not just a map, but GIS

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Applications of digital mapsNew projects• Community resources• Infrastructure conditions• Health and sanitation conditions• Social society maps• Disaster/crisis managementMaintaining areas• Continually update location of schools in slum and how many

students still attending class• Infrastructure conditions• Health monitoring• Crime reporting• Election monitoring






Gender, Justice, and Diversity

Safe Migration

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One Billion RisingCrowd-mapping the world we want

Cheetah Camp, Mumbai. (External to BRAC)

100 social innovators across South Asia

SIL experience in GIS

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Technology and Software

• Open Data Kit – Accuracy 10 meters– Cheapest smartphone in Bangladesh: $55.80

(4,350 TK)• GPS tracking device – Accuracy 2-3 meters– $100-$500 (7,795-38,975 TK)

• Open Street Map– Online platform for sharing GIS

• Ushahidi – Platform for mobile surveying– Free and crowdsource

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Mapping methods

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Methods of data collection• BRAC field workers

• Crowd sourcing – Open Street Map

• Barefoot researchers – Pukar (India)– Research is a right

• Mobile phone carriers– Work with them to get geocode of non-

smartphones– Connect to mobile survey platforms

• Awaaz.De• Ushahidi

Pukar 2010 anthropometrics study

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Make digital mapping a habit