maple leaf informational flyer

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  • 7/30/2019 Maple Leaf Informational Flyer


    The REAL

    story about

    teaching atMaple Leaf.

    lorem ipsum dolor sit ametQuisque vel justo eget felis sollicitudin adipiscing. Ut enim lorem,

    lacinia eget, tristique quis, feugiat eget, turpis. In hac habitasse

    platea dictumst. Morbi non dui ac risus sollicitudin auctor.

    Maple Leaf CLAIMS vs. REALITY

    This information is based on various experiences at the Tianjin TEDA Maple Leaf Campus in China.

    Claim: Free flight TO and FROM China!REALITY: If you only stay 1 year, you pay your own way home.

    Claim: Just like teaching in BC!REALITY: No technology, No resources, No supplies. Abusive

    administration, no employment standards followed. Intimidation

    tactics and threats daily. Teachers can be fired with no notice, no

    just cause, and no severance.

    Claim: Teachers live on campus! Its only $250-$350!REALITY: No BC teachers allowed to live on campus. Upon arrival

    you are forced into a 12-month lease on an overpriced apartment

    costing $500 or more.

    Claim: Excellent Health Insurance!REALITY: Fake insurance, hospitals demand thousands $$ upfront in

    order for you to receive treatment. Only valid 9am 5pm!

    Claim: BC curriculum standards!REALITY: Blatant grade-inflation! Teachers forced to disregard the

    British Columbia Eight Standards of Teaching.

    For more information visit:

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