mapeh what is music and its objectives

What is music ?

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What is music?

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The word derives from Greek μουσική (mousike), "(art) of the Muses". Music is an art form in which the medium is sound. Common elements of music are pitch (which governs melody and harmony), rhythm (and its associated concepts tempo, meter, and articulation), dynamics, and the sonic qualities of timbre and texture.

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An often-cited definition of music, coined by Edgard Varèse, is that it is "organized sound" (Goldman 1961, 133). The fifteenth edition of the Encyclopedia Britannica 

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describes that "while there are no sounds that can be described as inherently unmusical, musicians in each culture have tended to restrict the range of sounds they will admit."

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Objectives of music education1. Develop a love and appreciation of music

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2. Sing, play or listen intelligently according to the individual interest and ability

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3. Develop the emotional nature of the learner

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4. Develop a desire for the worthy and beautiful in the learner’s lives

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Music must contribute to the realization of the major purposes of all education. It is the function of schools, colleges, and universities engaged in the teaching of music to help the learner:

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1. Develop a sound body, normal mental attitudes and emotional reactions.

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2. Understand social relationships and participate in them in sound ways conducive to the progress of society.

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3. Develop in the learner, his potentialities to the optimum.

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4.Cultivate habits of critical and constructive thinking.

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5. Appreciate and wish to participate in worthwhile activities.

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6. Acquire command of the common knowledge and fundamental skills. essential to effective and useful living.

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Opportunity for music education

Music should be a part of the cultural experiences of all children and people so that they maybe prepared to choose for themselves the place they will give music in their lives.

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The music scheme is not designed primarily for the purpose of discovering talents and providing those gifted children with appropriate training.

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All forms of musical experience- singing, both to the singing and listening area, instrumental music-playing instruments and music appreciation should be introduced early in the education process of experience.

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Caution and care must be taken on too early specialization which may drive the slow learner to frustration and lose interest, before

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sufficient time for exploration has been made. This may seem like jumping in at deep blue sea when one is just learning to swim.

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In the case of music, this result not only lose appreciative listeners to it, but also in denying the fuller enjoyment, solace

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and exaltations which music may unravel throughout life; for great and vast is the musical enjoyment that lies beyond

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