manual total 01

r already: Come here! She came, and surprising cures came confuse your right. She retired soon these places that were not made for her, because these new priests could neither understand nor use. Sorry, she implores you again, it's you she needs, you know that the physical man down to the last spring. Listen to her so this time, fear of new remoteness. Think it's from France from the truths that are intended to enlighten men and make them better and more humans. Take therefore the altars of God and be your new ministers of his decrees. A discovery, as the great world be, when you want, deep within your temple, just to get out. You will be superior to all other men, because you will know more than them, you will calm the alarm will stop and the fears and pain, death itself, instead of following you, flee to your approach. You Profér falsehood to truth, darkness to light? Do you want to continue pay unnecessarily floods of human blood? If it's gold you want, the truth you give more than error, and tears you'll shed no more tears will be of despair, but those of joy. No doubt we have to die, but we may not die before the age of victim and assassinations; when will the nature reminded her she had made the creature crippled without you

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r already: Come here! She came, and surprising cures came confuse your right. She retired soon these places that were not made for her, because these new priests could neither understand nor use. Sorry, she implores you again, it's you she needs, you know that the physical man down to the last spring. Listen to her so this time, fear of new remoteness. Think it's from France from the truths that are intended to enlighten men and make them better and more humans.

Take therefore the altars of God and be your new ministers of his decrees. A discovery, as the great world be, when you want, deep within your temple, just to get out.

You will be superior to all other men, because you will know more than them, you will calm the alarm will stop and the fears and pain, death itself, instead of following you, flee to your approach.

You Profr falsehood to truth, darkness to light? Do you want to continue pay unnecessarily floods of human blood? If it's gold you want, the truth you give more than error, and tears you'll shed no more tears will be of despair, but those of joy.

No doubt we have to die, but we may not die before the age of victim and assassinations; when will the nature reminded her she had made the creature crippled without you have nothing to close the inevitable end, it will bend under the level without cursing and without blaspheme against God.

Why can not I, by stripping the thought that mass of people swarming in the great city, you show it as it is! Can you see traces of your instruments? See you these blisters, setons these, these cautery, these ulcers, those arms without muscles, the breasts emaciated, the skin pale and withered, these cancers, the pus out of the exit doors as such breasts that consumption devours? It plagued with sores, that other foaming at the mouth and rolling in the mud. These, still young, have no teeth, no hair, their eyes

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- 3 - barely distinguishable objects and must optics came to their rescue. Others have hernias, blockages scrofulous! ...

Is there such a body which has received some of your cruel attacks, and has in the blood some of your poisons? The air seems stale odor exhaled by the constant population entrusted to your care and your wisdom. But, without stripping this generation, do not you see these protuberances, these curved body, atrophied, diverted, these amputated limbs? So many diseases, you do know neither prevent nor cure, so do not enlighten your minds? Are these the signs of divine vengeance, or rather do you exist only to show men their nothingness and the impotence of your knowledge? God! Take pity on the human race that you made in your image! Send down a ray of your divine intelligence in the hearts of so many men that the evil genius inspired. Hear my supplicating voice, and if I can not recall at the touch of truth, deprives me what fire consumes me and the voice of my conscience, otherwise I'll believe you made me the most unfortunate all men!

Alas! I called in vain for better days, I ought not to see them! The time will come yet for the truth that I teach: the seeds are deposited in the hearts of some men. The future seems to me the thought, I enter, I see a science brighter than us light, because light will spread over the vast, the destiny of man is no longer a problem, and the art will keep the universal sanction. POTET baron.

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- 4 - PRELIMINARY Commonly give the name of animal magnetism to the occult influence that body organized exercise at a distance from one another. The medium or vehicle of this action is not a substance that can be weighed, measured, condensed, it is a force A vital, said fluid or agent magnetic that each organization holds, and that everything can be issued.

When, by special processes, we manage to accumulate in our bodies, she develops a series of phenomena, which are the same epithet. Endowed with properties eminently curative, it is capable of a reasoned application to the treatment of diseases.

Without seeking to discover which is due, without concern, with some authors, the whether, under other names, India, Egypt, Greece, the Roman world, the Arabs and the middle ages have possessed the knowledge, not to mention either of the obstacles Mesmer met with learned bodies, here are the facts clearly show that physical the existence of the agent that we are continuing the study. They are independent from all causes or foreign forces known to date.

1.Action for ChildrenThere is no sleeping child who, magnetized five or ten minutes at most, does not show enough change that occurs in the usual state of existence.

For this change in his way of being, here is how I do it: Puts me in a foot away from the person I want to impress, I move my hands successively over the whole surface of the body, without disturbing the covers and then, ceasing these movements or pass after a time set above, I approach a finger of a bare surface or covered, and without any contacts, I determined slight muscle contractions. Small twitches occur in the fingers, if that's the hand I operates, and often even the whole body participates in this beginning of magnetization.

If I run on the head strength in me I guess, sleep becomes more intense. I chose the chest as a point of experience, breathing becomes labored, and embarrassment began without contractions that I have mentioned cease to occur at times.

Greater emphasis on the total body surface area, a slight vibration, simulating low electrical discharges, are quick to occur visibly, openly, and the child is undoubtedly awakened by the commotion he feels.

If this is done, I let it fall back into its original state, five or ten paces, I set the same thing when I used the same methods.

Finally though, to destroy any uncertainty avoidance of doubt, I place myself between an arbitrary and the child, the effect is not altered. This force, and update, can not be challenged. Nevertheless see further evidence.

2.Men of ActionThe nervous system of a child may be impressed by agents of a low power, try on grown men placed in similar circumstances, that is to say in a state of natural sleep. A Physicists define force by reason of movement.

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- 5 - I find that there is still no one who does not feel, almost at the same time, the effects are absolutely identical, that is to say trismus of the muscles, shaking, in the gene breathing, deeper sleep, or sudden awakening, according actuated. I have rarely met any human being asleep without trying it on the action of magnetism, and, in more than one thousand such experiences I made in my life, the nervous phenomena has always appeared in the same way.

In drunkenness, fainting, where everything happens without the knowledge of the patient as in sleep, phenomena also occur in the same manner and with the same character. This does not yet, follow.

3.Action on AnimalsThe dog, cat, monkey and some other animals have been magnetized, either asleep or awake, we observe the same effect on them than on men in the above cases. The same horse, one might assume difficult to move because of its relative mass, is sensitive, and nervous system is moved after a moment.

I assumed that those who wish to ascertain the fact, trying to produce it themselves, will magnetize, or at least they know the results of experiments in which Mr. Marquis de Laroche Rochejaquelein engaged on this point.

4.Action on magnetizedOften, to ensure the reality of the magnetic sleep of people being told to be this state, I happened to run over them in my extremities without apparent purpose, but internally motivated by a desire to excite their nervous system. Well, they felt my action, warned me that I magntised, and felt tremors which, however, left doubt.

It was still absolutely the same when I turned back and chatting with people around them, I acted with the same intention, and that my will, I hunted in Apart from the driving force of my organs. Here, moreover, an experience that sums them all, I pull the report by Mr. Husson to Academy of Medicine.

It is mainly about Mr. Petit, aged thirty-two years, a teacher at Athis, that the movements twitches were determined with more precision by the approach of the hypnotist's fingers. Mr. Dupotet presented to the Commission on August 16, 1820, telling him that Mr. Small was very may come in sleepwalking, and that in this state, he, Mr. Dupotet, could, at hiswill, without the express by word, by the mere approach of his fingers, determine twitches apparent. He was asleep very quickly, and that is when the Commission, to prevent any suspicion of intelligence, handed Mr. Dupotet a note in silence instantly, and in which it had indicated in writing that she wanted the parties conceived when convulsion. Armed with this statement, he first directed his hand towards the wrist law, which went into convulsions, then he placed himself behind the magnetized, and directed his finger First on the left thigh, then to the left elbow and finally to the head. These three parts were almost immediately taken by convulsive movements.

Mr. Dupotet directed his leg to that of the magnetized one, fidgeted so he was on the to fall. Mr. Dupotet then applied his foot to the right elbow of Mr. Small, and elbow fidgeted and then he put his foot to the elbow and left hand, and convulsive movements very grew strong in all upper limbs.

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- 6 - One of the commissioners, Marc, with intent to prevent further any kind of hoax, put a blindfold, and experiments were repeated with a slight difference in the results! ... MM. Thillaye and Marc directed the fingers on various parts of body, and caused a few convulsive movements. And Mr. Little has always had, by the approach of the fingers, twitching, or because he or it has not been blindfolded. These demonstrations of the existence of magnetic force, again in another session for obey the wishes of the commissioners, took place in the same room of the Academy, Rue de Poitiers.

The Rapporteur, leaving aside any regard to vision, says this about them:

While Mr. Petit was a second part of stake in somnambulism, Mr. Dupotet on the invitation of Mr. Ribes, walked behind his hand on his elbow above the contraction observed took place again. Then, on the proposal of Mr. Bourdois, he magnetized by behind, and still a foot away, with intent to arouse. The ardor that sleepwalking was fought this action to the game, and that was, without waking, and it bothered him annoyed. He rose several times by hand behind his head as if in pain. He finally fell in a slumber appeared to be a natural sleep light enough, and someone who spoken in this state, he awoke with a start. Shortly after, Mr. Dupotet, always behind him, and at some distance, plunged to back into the magnetic sleep, and experiences anew. Mr. Dupotet, wishing that there remained no shadow of doubt about the nature of a physical action exerted at will on sleepwalkers, proposed to put to Mr. Small so many bands that we would like and act on him in this state. He covered, indeed, figure to the nostrils of many ties, we dabbed with gloves the cavity formed by the prominence of the nose, and covered the whole of a black-tie shaped sail down to the neck. Then they began again, and every way, testing action at a distance, and the same movements are manifested in the parts to which the hand or foot were headed.

5.Reality of the above effectDo I not been deceived by my imagination? My senses did they deceived? No, because I then, at any time before the most incredulous, as well as in the silence and far from all, reproduce the same physical effects. The authorities of denying science magnetism before me, and fear of being wrong, I have often to doubt for a moment, the results of my own experience I then began again with more confidence, and the same neural events came from enlighten my mind again. I have consistently heard from these experiences, I have varied the time, places, subjects and nature, always constant when we know the request by the same causes which make action in itself, has been pleased, in all cases, to reproduce the same phenomena. All are real and the product of a particular cause. They place on healthy humans as the sick man, and the best condition they occur in the same way, it's natural sleep.

Do you understand, sleep? condition that destroys, annihilates him only all the explanations we have tried to give the cause of these unusual phenomena, such that imagination, boredom caused by the monotony of gestures, erethism of the skin, animal heat, imitation, etc. .. If you followed carefully, you saw that in the cases I just detailed, none of these causes can not be admitted without breaking the reason. But we many other facts in this book will be filled.

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- 7 - 6.Action on healthy peopleIf I take a healthy individual, awake, and I submit it to the influence of the same processes, regardless of his physical strength or weakness, here, leaving aside whether the phenomena curious attraction and sleepwalking that we will find further changes physiological suffer his being.

First, the pulse increases strength and frequency, or decreases in the same ratios, despite the rest of the body, because I guess the patient sitting. The pulses do not stay the same degree, the heat varies, the eyes become bright, glassy sensitivity is excited, and it often occurs profuse sweating, as also a great prostration of strength, and the body obeys the laws of gravity. To these phenomena often join those we observed in beings sleeping, sometimes they acquire an extraordinary development, and that in

An example is the aforementioned report by Mr. Husson, the Academy.

Does unbelief prevent the manifestation of these phenomena? I never in my life held account of the moral disposition on the part of those I magntisais. I have always regarded as ridiculous, because, in my opinion, denying the magnetism is to deny the light at noonday.

We note only that in these cases, the effects vary somewhat in intensity and time, because that the individual is awake, his imagination working, it is under conditions where the body can not consistently obey the action of an agent will often thwarted by a powerful, because finally there is not passivity, and that magnetism must obey the orders of most agents of nature, which man has, to some extent, the ability to thwart and often paralyzing effects.

7.Profound effects and lateIs beings who feel absolutely nothing? I do not think so because, having made experiments on very many people of all countries and all temperaments, as much as I could see, when magnetized assured to have nothing felt it was in the For a man who, having drunk a dose of wine that has not disturbed the reason, it argues that liquid does not gray.

Magnetism is never in vain introduced into the body: there always produces an effect. If you are dealing with a magnetized in good faith and able to observe, saying they have nothing felt few effects or accusing obscure, vague, do not degauss. He arrives outside of your insomnia or sleeping more pronounced than usual, sometimes also an enhancement of sensitivity. Copious secretions and unusual from elsewhere attest the action of magnetism, and even without that the physiologist could see a lot of effects resulting from a cause slight in appearance. The hypnotist, meanwhile, can see the increased workload mdicateur. I have seen and appear almost suddenly, as a result of my experiences, skin conditions that were waiting, perhaps, to manifest, that greater tone, a exciting feeling.

The Archives of the Society of Magnetic Cambrai contain a remarkable example of the fact I say. "I magntisais, says the observer, a child, after having made a few passes, it rose on the diseased part of the buttons that disappeared after the session. So it was during several days, and this effect can not be attributed to other causes than magnetism.

I saw the same fact occur on some of the children I had magnetized during sleep to experiment. But I must say, these conditions were all benign. The measles, smallpox itself, have also appeared, and it is only the frequent repetition of this curious

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- 8 - phenomenon that made me believe, though, in principle, parents should be noticed that the magnetism was the cause of the sudden development of these conditions and had expressed to me. But that's not all we have many more facts to reveal to you in pursuing this study.

8.Experiments on patientsTaking a patient to chance, because there is no question of treating diseases, but the role that magnetism plays as a physical agent on the sick, we'll put under your eyes all observed phenomena, as if we saw them on a single and later we will try to say what is proper to each. Let us first say that it is not easy to see when the magnetic action is smooth and temperate, when exercised by a weak, when it finally is for a disease Chronic ancient or very serious acute condition.

I.In chronicMild heat, breathing more pronounced, more animated eyes, feeling of well being unusual, pandiculation, yawning, awakening old sorrows, calm of those present, who sometimes exalted, but it is the most rarely need to cough up if there is any alteration of the chest available for sleep, urination, if a emunctory, the patient feels tingling, itching, if there was fracture of the members, or any solution continuity, it can be seen in this place a singular work, something that reminds him of the inconvenience which these parties were registered, and there endured the pain. Sometimes the skin becomes moist, the ends burning, abundant saliva in others cases, the need to drink that the patient experiences.

Sometimes the magnetization increases evil and puts the individual in an acute state, it is the most positive symptoms.

Everything stops soon, and the patient, who preoperatively felt no symptoms that we describe, falls back into its usual state, until a new magnetization is practiced.

II.In acuteHere the analysis is hard to do the effects vary enormously, depending on the type of disease, severity of symptoms, the remedies already taken, and when you choose to act: for evil often changes in the turmoil of the body, where nothing is peaceful, where each body part more or less, although in some cases it is reached in only one serious organ. But what I regard as one of the greatest benefits of magnetism, and which will be considered well then, what is the property he has to stop suddenly diseases secondary or sympathetic. I hasten to say, for I have seen so many times this result, my belief is entire, complete, and will never need more evidence.

Here is the description of effects which can be determined. If circulation is accelerated, the pulse small, irregular, traffic is moderate, the pulse becomes fuller, less common, were it only for a moment. Dry skin ceases to be, but for a moment too. If there is vomiting, they can stop; sleep can also come when the patient did not feel any symptoms, but if not sleepwalking, he stop when your forces are reduced. I feel how difficult it is to follow a similar description. It should be here more than elsewhere, learn to distinguish what is the product of the disease and work mdicateur naturally occurring

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- 9 - made in the body than your agent, when the effects of the latter coincide with the all, and are often dominated by more powerful.

Also, for clarity, precision, we will let the disease be characterized, and take with a name. Clear of abstraction, our work will be provided in the field facts.

First example. - We know that magnetism has been rarely used in the early serious illnesses that is far in the end, and when there was no more hope, we triedthe use of this curative means. I did it myself a few times in my life could precede any doctor.

In a case of ataxic fever, where the disease had traveled all periods, I magntised for my education, to try, here is what happened.

The patient was unconscious, his limbs were of extreme stiffness, he was in the fourteenth day of his illness. These alarming symptoms had occurred as a result of a delusion several days and considerable bleeding. The tongue, teeth, lips were covered with a kind of buffy coat, which extended into the throat. Breathing complainer and was common, glassy eyes, and eyelids drooped over. If the need for drinking was felt, it was quite impossible to meet because of the coating that filled the mouth and back of mouth. I magnetized the patient with no hope of cure, as I said, to experiment. And what was my surprise! His eyes became mobile he regained consciousness, we saw him move his hand, put it to his lips, with her snatch fingers thick mucus which covered her mouth. He asked for a drink, they gave him, and liquid passed. Half an hour was enough magnetization to produce these phenomena. I magnetised this patient only once, who died three days later.

Second example. - A young girl, belonging to a respectable family, was assigned a fever about the same. I saw her with her physician, Dr. Desprez, as he had said there was no hope, I tourmentai to magnetize that I leave her, and there and parents also consented. The fact noted above was repeated: she snatched the mucus from his mouth, which a moment before she was unconscious, she drank too, which had place over a long time. She felt strongly the parts on which we had applied the mustard blisters, although these earlier parts were completely insensitive. I left her in the situation I just described, but soon after she lost it again consciousness, and fell in the state where I had found her. I went again, the magnetized, and obtained the return of happy symptoms. Encouraged by this success, I left her more, and on the second day we had the greatest hope of saving by the way I was using. It finally healed. Long ago that, I lost sight of, but parents should have, like me, preserved the memory of the happy success of my efforts. As for the doctor, he was delighted, and proclaimed everywhere that this girl owed me her life.

Third example.-The Countess of R. .. had been suffering from a fever that his doctors named inflamed mucosa. Since at least sixty days not a single closet, despite all the remedies employed; not a moment's sleep, despite all the compositions soporeuses. The mouth was dry, ulcerated, and the language; distended abdomen, dry heat and acrid to the skin.

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- 10 - I magnetized in this state. Well, the night that followed, she had four hours of good sleep, and two stools in the morning. It was thought saved, as I hoped, but his doctors (there were five), have not been warned of the test I had done, believed that nature was only because of what welcome change, and wanted help. They administered two ounces of castor oil, and herbal tea to promote its effect. The well produced faded quickly, however I magnetised twice more, but it was therefore hopeless. I retired, and five or six days later, I learned that the patient was dead.

Here I confine my citations would be superfluous to multiply. These three examples suffice to show evidence of physical action that the agent has on the magnetic sick. Now for its curative action. But before tracing the rules of its application to treatment of diseases in general, and each of them in particular, it is essential to say what are the principles that govern us, our processes, our way of experiencing our method finally.

9.Experimental method of the authorWhen the patient can sit, we put on a seat, and put ourselves in front of him, without touching him/her: later we will know why. We stand, or if we sit, we are trying always to be on a seat a little higher than hers, so that arm movements that we do not become too strenuous. When the patient lies, we stand beside his bed, and committed to approach us as much as possible. These conditions are met, we pause a moment and we consider the patient. When we believe we have the tranquility, peace of mind desirable, we pay our hands, fingers slightly apart and without being strainednor stiff, to the patient's head and then, after nearly a straight line, we go down and to the pelvis, and repeat these movements 2 in an identical manner for a quarter an hour, in expectant carefully the phenomena that develop. Our thought is active, but still has a purpose: to enter the parts on which we move our ends (when an arm is tired, it is essential to use the other) the issuance of a fluid that we assume from the nerve centers, and follow the path of natural leaders, arms and fingers as a result. I say assume, though for us it or develop a hypothesis. Our desire is obviously a fluid in motion, it directs and descends in the direction of nerve fibers to the tip of the hands, crosses this boundary and will hit the body on which it is directed.

When the will does not know the deal, he is doing by irradiating an object to another which should, otherwise, he obeyed the direction it is printed, and produced what you require of him, but when what you want is in the realm of possibility.

We therefore as a physical machine, and acting under the properties that we have, we move on the three splanchnic cavities, skull, chest and abdomen, our senior members, as drivers of the agent whose brain seems to be the tank, taking care that acts of will accompany our movements. Make a comparison that makes our thinking more understandable. When you intend to lift a burden, you send, for your will, the strength necessary to your extremities, and it obeyed because if she did it carrying point, you could not. Similarly to magnetize. 2 Assists.

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- 11 - Effects including the development, more or less marked ordinarily follows any magnetization therefore appear due to the energy of our will, force, strength and issued duration of the action. We still intend that emissions of principle are regular, and our ever arms, our hands are in a state of contraction, they must have all their flexibility to perform their function without fatigue of drivers of the agent. If the effects that usually result from this practice did not occur promptly, we we rest a bit, because we noticed that the machine does human magnetic not in a continuous manner and according to our will, the strength that we require of it. After five or ten minutes of rest, we start the movements of our hands, As previously, for a further fifteen minutes, and we cease altogether, thinking that the patient's body is full of fluid that we assume to have issued. This practice so simple and easy to follow, seemingly harmless, yet provides the material the greatest results.

To make it more understandable yet, here, in another form, the processes magnetic Puysegur and Deleuze. This abstract will be sufficient to guide you. Everything lies in the first success then we walk resolutely, when it was discovered so the hidden strength, cause of all phenomena.

10.Catechism magntologiqueD. What do you magnetize? R. It is run on a patient at the place of his illness, or on sensitive parts of his body, the magnetic agent in order to cause heat, or any movement. D. Do you believe that magnetism can penetrate throughout the body of the patient? R. Yes and so he produced many phenomena. D. Consider how these effects? R. As a rapid tonic movement and acceleration of movement of all fluids. D. Magnetism is the art of speed and control the movement of body tonic our fellows? R. It is an art and a faculty. D. All men are capable of learning and practicing it? R. Undoubtedly, first by the energy of their strength and their will, and I can tell, their Health. D. Why will? R. It is that men are determined to do any act unless they have the will to do so. D. This is an action to magnetize? R. It is also an act of physical pounding something in a mortar, sawing wood, work in a profession where the composition of works that require strength and application, and finally as all acts that inspire a few reasons we will produce. D. If all men have the power to magnetize, how is it that they did not earlier discovery in them? 3 Assists.

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- 12 - R. Certifies all past men have enjoyed the most of their magnetic power. The fables, mysteries, religious ceremonies of ancient people left in the notice traces many, but probably forms, processes external to magnetize soon choked the spirit that was established. The rational use of this option once lost, ignorance, superstition and fanaticism have persistently persecuted men who, different times, announced to have recovered. D. Once convinced that one has the magnetic power in itself, is not it more than having the willingness to exercise it to produce effects? R. Yes, to produce any effects, it should not be more, but just to produce that good and never harmful, it must be a regular and consistent manner. D. What do you mean by a regular and consistent manner? R. A comparison you will understand: what is the effect of air on the wings of a windmill, that the mechanism moves, that this effect weakens or stops, the millstone slows or stops at time, the wind changes or becomes too violent, the mechanism of the mill soon disrupts. Our magnetic action, it is the wind that gives or rather accelerates tonic movement in the veins of a patient, we will is what gives our work and its management agent magnetic proper and necessary. D. One might therefore hurt by magnetizing? R. No doubt, if we magnetize a patient with no intention or no attention, it produces effects general aimless nature does not receive any indication, an impression is soon followed by a different impression, and it is then a consequence of disorder. There is only one way of magnetize useful, it is never to change or vary the direction of his will. D, however, with the firm and constant to provide the greatest possible good to a patient, not Could we not sometimes produce too much action on it? R. Yes, there may come a time when your agent too violently torment the bodies, he must first know the balance to all parties, then to open a way out. D. How? R. Using passes to the ends of the feet and by limiting the magnetization when the exalted sensibility became general. D. Although all men have more or less magnetic power, do you not believe however, that doctors would always use more discriminating than others? R. This is true only for some difficult cases that will be specified elsewhere in this treated, but with a little experience, all men can do good. Magnetism is agent of nature is aligned with all the forces within us and it increases medicating action which always tends to restore the balance organs in the game. D. It is not necessary to know neither the species nor the cause of diseases to be made to heal by magnetism? R. It is knowledge that nature seems not to require, it even seems that too great concern of mind, applied to the search for causes, diverts the forces magnetic moment by suspending issuance. D. You're talking agent, forces and fluid, are you sure this is not only thinking of magnetism that acts on matter? R. Assuming the action of a body on another body, we believe that an agent of great are subtle, but until now, no instrument has given the physical evidence, the effects cannot be explained without recourse to the hypothesis of an agent: we admit the existence a nervous fluid, but no matter which way to go because of the principles of all our intentions and our actions, every man who, with wise mind and compassionate heart, exercise

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- 13 - its magnetic power, will obtain the sweetest pleasures it is possible to taste because it will ease his fellows and produce works above all science school. D. What is the effect most desirable to obtain by magnetizing? R. All effects are also beneficial. One of the most satisfying is sleepwalking; but it is not more common, and patients, without going into this state, can also heal. D. Should we not always have the will to produce sleep? R. No, you should let it happen by itself; agent having in him a virtue, a property soporific, it will develop if the nature is needed. D. How otherwise can we recognize that a patient is likely to enter the state somnambulistic. R. When magnetizing a sick one realizes he feels numbness, where mild spasms, a slight alteration in the features, and he closes his eyes, he came to sleep in continuing the magnetization. D. What! There is nothing else to do to put a patient sleepwalking? R. No, you just have to wait time, because often it takes several operations similar, this kind of crisis rarely coming to an end at once. D. The magnetic state, ie, sleepwalking, he requires some cares? R. We must consider man in a state of somnambulism as being the most interesting exists in relation to its magnetizer is confidence he had in which you put in the case you know it master, it is only for his solo, you can enjoy your power ; The wrong in this state, will abuse his confidence is to do a dishonest action is last act in the opposite direction to that of his property, which must follow, therefore, an effect contrary to that which was first produced on him. The abuse of power carried too far can even become a criminal, that's why you should never let themselves be magnetized by the first came. Here is how lucid interviewee expressed a sleepwalker on magnetism. Do not waste of view that, in almost all cases, sleepwalkers reflect the opinion, belief of their hypnotists, but here he seems to have a perfect knowledge of magnetism. Magnetism. - The man carries in himself so much fluid that it takes to exist but it was not always enough to share it with others. This fluid is basic, lightweight, subtle white. When it comes to our bodies, and he is moved briskly, it becomes brilliant. Patients, when magnetized, the draw according to their different needs. This fluid is widespread throughout nature, but there is that man who knows how to use it: it is by virtue that his will is in action, and a lack of a more appropriate term, or may appointed under magnetic. The magnetizer must be collected, it is without distraction, only cared for him and magnetize the person he wants to employ a means of nature to act upon it- same. We need his soul rises to the highest degree of love of neighbor, not because he we have been commanded to love, but because all men are bound by reports indissoluble, and the human race form a body, that love arises from the nature of man. The hypnotist gives, by the movement of his hands, more growth to the fluid that emanates from him, and he acts on the fluid that it magnetizes, and shall provide a speed which, in the state natural, it is not clean.

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- 14 - The hypnotist must have no other purpose than to do well and relieve suffering. That the both are quiet and submissive to Providence. That the patient receives, as its will remain without action, he thinks of virtue which he expects help. To give the first report, it is necessary that the hypnotist is placed vis--vis the person magnetized, it takes the hands on the shoulders, it slides along the arm, and there maintain for a few moments, so that the fluid flows from one to another and put in harmony.

The hypnotist must take care of its conservation, his strengths, and keep his soul in a plate alone. Magnetism is suitable for almost all suffering beings, but its effects are more beneficial and quicker in some than in others.

It can affect people far away, but this is not possible unless he has been previously reported strongly established by immediate action.

Often during the magnetic cure of the evils that occur, without magnetism, would developed later, and which can be cured. If the hypnotist knows the kind of disease, he will lead the magnetism on the affected part, if he does not know initially, the magnetized him indicate soon, because he will not fail to feel some sensations to the place or seat evil.

It is impossible to give fixed rules about how we must magnetize: it depends circumstances and the type of disease, but it is important to distribute the fluid throughout the body, to cause a prompt and equal circulation.

11.Therapeutic applicationsHere I must extend further, as the purpose of this book is not only to establish material evidence that our agent is the real cause physical healings that produce, but also how to teach, how to do more than our predecessors. It is not a vain pride that makes me speak thus, no science remains stationary. We soon add to what we have discovered, but we are more clever than the magnetizers which earlier we presented the method. My desire is to illuminate the same time those who want to engage in the practice of magnetism and those who, by such pursuits, however, lack the necessary knowledge. To achieve this, I think the only rational course is to say what I observed in the diseases that I had to deal. In this way, those who want to imitate me, check what I advance, will be convinced by their own experience, therapeutic results following necessarily any regular magnetization. They will learn together and rule and employment, action and outcome. Their judgment will be exercised on the cause, purpose and means, as their opinion will form on the whole, I did not see fit to follow another course. Besides the the simplest effects occurring in the observation with the most complicated, I followed nature.

12.General ConsiderationsWe proved to the last show the reality of phenomena results from a force physical, existing in ourselves, it is at our disposal, and who, by acts of will, crossed our envelope, not by a continuous stream, but by way of successive waves, emissions that will make it more or less abundant, according to the energy of will and perfection of the instruments used in the transmission.

Every being has this force. The same children have an amount sufficient to act on grown men or animals.

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- 15 - Nature, this has not granted the privilege, but a law. Phenomena to develop and operate some cures, we have already said that it is not necessary to know the nature of magnetism. It is only when we want to advance the study of science, stop being magnetizing machines, and get the physical and moral out of the common line, as new knowledge is needed. The starting can do without. All men have not the capacity to understand, and knowledge imperfect are only fit to sow confusion in the ideas of hypnotists and people they magnetize. There are a novice to do, and it should last a while. So are there two sciences in magnetism? - No. There is an art and a science only. Physicians should have the science, and healthy men, willing heart and soul, with enough sensitivity to be moved at the sight of the sufferings of others, should only exercise the art magnetized, that is to say have a regular method, without which no rational application of magnetic force available to them can have place.

This force is useful to patients, they could have the intentions of the physician and indications that his special knowledge would enable him to give is to say, to be better understood, there should be an artist to draw the plan, and a workman who executes the work, providing the necessary materials: one, genius, who designs something, the other skill, which executes it.

Here are the reasons. It appears difficult cases where the observation of a lifetime is barely enough to find the ways to remove obstacles that nature and disease resist our efforts. Must sometimes force nature to reconsider his plans, and to resume work in his first sub- book. That cannot be done without a deep knowledge of human organization, laws governing the development of beings, from the ordinary diseases, and finally new properties which may be of the magnetic agent, creative thinking when he said: I want this to be done. But here everything is full of mysteries, and in this manual we do not want any further. The magnetism, that is to say the so-called agent, by itself having therapeutic properties par excellence, can, therefore, cure many diseases without the person who applied having to leave his role as an instrument of magnetization, that is those want to advance in this knowledge to read other writings, and to seek truths of a moral order that would be misplaced here.

When the magnetic force, in that similar to other agents of nature, has entered a healthy or unhealthy organization, it develops a series of significant events. As such, its application requires a methodical management.

It must be used carefully, knowing the precise moment to act and when it should stop.

Unfortunately, no author has hitherto traced to certain rules. It was not magnetized learn nothing if the time was right, and the duration of the magnetization was not according the patient's need, but according to the whim of the hypnotist.

We will try to fill this gap, preventing However we are far from knowing all the necessary conditions.

The art of magnetizing be perfected over time but in the meantime here's what we want of observation.

In all diseases with paroxysm or repetition, and they are many, the application of magnetism must precede access.

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- 16 - In intermittent fevers, for example, requires that the magnetization of two hours before at least the febrile, and in cases where you have only short moments, we must take advantage of little time left to you.

Rest assured that in these cases you will only little if you wait until the disorder has been fully developed. In this state there is little control left to magnetism because activity that exists in the circulation is hampering your efforts. Whereas if this excitement only to prepare, where materials that are at rest fever, you to disturb, for sure, the provisions, the combinations, so to speak. You advance or delay the invasion. This is not the first, you soon master of evil. In most nervous affections, and especially in epilepsy, hysteria, catalepsy, etc.., or you are not notified of the arrival of access, you must make them appear, and you can in many circumstances, as I will point out just now.

In all conditions where, by natural causes or sickly, the sensitivity is strongly excited by magnetism, it is infinitely small dose that you must do, I do except a case, where the patient himself, in somnambulism, urge you to continue. I saw some patients complain, rightly, of the inability of their hypnotists, who, in good faith, believed to do well, but acted too.

In desperate cases, fear not, walk, and life goes, give strength, five, six magnetization hours, if you can. Relax, then repeat, this way of salutary crises, well above the resources of nature alone, will perform under your efforts, and the life you have paid will link with the body of the one dying, terrified of disorders that she had unsuccessfully tried to destroy, abandon the struggle and left the home a fire inside secretly undermined and threatened ruin.

In all past illnesses in the chronic stage, a time sufficient for a magnetization period of time of at least ten hours. Ordinarily we left twenty-four hours, and observation proves that this is sufficient, but was leaving less apart, the work is mdicateur more sensitive and quicker healing.

In scrofulous affections and nodes, you can be too afraid to magnetize; it is a field that must warm cold, and when there are disorders such as white tumors, engorgement of the glands, etc.., etc.., you will do nothing with a few minutes of magnetization; is that it takes a month, and have a consistency foolproof.

Deletions in the rules, we must magnetize three or four days before the natural time foresee that women know very well and indicate, and, in the case of non-success, again the following month. In all cases of illness that you have to deal in women, menstrual flow should not prevent the continuation of treatment. Those who wrote the contrary were in error; often expected that time the nature and profile of this vehicle to reject materials flawed, that without the efforts that you have added to his, she could not expel the track.

The bleeding should only scare you, you should act only groping.

Prolonged emptiness of the stomach, as being too full, without preventing the action is unfavorable to the manifestation of overt effects.

13.How to magnetize in acute diseases?Your efforts will be powerful, extended, to be effective. It should direct your Action on the abdomen, the brain is magnetized and only secondarily the chest to hold your hand on or in front of the stomach as much as you can. Look, if you have any knowledge

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- 17 - medicine, the organ primarily affected, and point your fingers pointing to the surface when you have discovered.

Magnetization is usually little in extreme cases, it is only in the beginning that we can curb the symptoms by changing a few hours magnetization. But now you want to see more of that strange effects, you need prolonged, repeated even at short intervals, the use of magnetism. Be certain that regardless of the seriousness of the illness, if a crisis is possible, it will occur, and if nature has sought to produce and there is no managed, helped you, will seek again to get rid of what oppresses. Do not wait until there is gangrene of the intestines, organs that are destroyed or altered deep into the tissues which are: the evil done and is irreparable. The following examples are intended to be your guides, in similar cases. Unable to list all human infirmities in such a small writing, I chose diseases for which treatment may to some extent be taken for such diseases like.

I.Measles, scarlet fever, smallpox.In these conditions so numerous, and sometimes have a fatal termination if you can achieve results that exceed your expectations. When the march of these diseases languished, when eruptions are expected, or that, having shown, they seem to downshift instead of advancing, it is there you will find the efficacy of magnetism. Do not fear the fever, or heat that can occur and they are the result of work done by your efforts and the increased movement required. In those cases, your magnetization is simple: it must be general and brief; fifteen or twenty minutes each time and this application will not hurt anything treatment wise has indicated that a physician or followed in such cases. Same procedure in diseases known eruptive miliary fever, etc..

II.Inflammation of the brain.

What you can do in these severe cases is still immense. Your action diminishes, if not completely neutralized, the arrival of the fluid that irritation called on all sides. Passes to the mainstream, to the feet, along the midline. Place one hand flat on the forehead, the eyebrows rub lightly, then finish magnetization passes through your legs. Paralysis, absence of speech, stiffness of limbs, and even, in some cases, convulsions, ought not to prevent you from attempting recovery. Do you would save a patient in six, you can: is it not a result that should encourage you? In this group are included: meningitis, encephalitis, stroke, various degrees of stroke or stroke.

III.Inflammations of the digestive tract.This designation includes: gastritis, duodenitis, enteritis, gastroenteritis, diarrhea and acute dysentery.

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- 18 - Magnetic friction, that is to say your hand slightly wandered from place to place and slowly on their bellies, will reduce tenesmus and colic, and may prevent development of a disease that often leads to death and quickly. Come back often to these processes, do not leave the patient it is better. You might see be the magnetic sleep occur in a intermittent pain. Apply your hand, sometimes on the region of the bladder but the pressures are small. Touch the kidneys down to the sacrum.

To show that magnetism is not the exclusive patrimony of a few individuals, but it belongs to everyone, I'll take a few examples out of my practice. They justify my opinions, and show up the latest evidence that the agent has magnetic properties therapeutics that are its own property, and therefore beyond belief the hypnotist and his faith. The following fact is from a book entitled: From gastritis, by Dr. Besuchet. "During the winter of 1830, Ms. F. .., young woman of twenty-four, was seized with illness more intense inflammatory. All the viscera of the abdomen were the seat of inflammation given to the most violent degree that could be seen. Soon the unfortunate 20 symptoms characterized his condition became complicated by violent headaches, which were followed by a stroke of the most serious.

Madame F. .. was of a sanguine temperament very strong, sharp, impatient to a fault, and a character, therefore, very irritable, I did not need to say that medicine most active was employed by me early in the disease, but unfortunately without success; the repeated bleedings, many applications of leeches, baths, etc.., etc.., all in vain, or at least reached the point to stop the march of the disease. Professor Fouquier, called in consultation, his efforts with mine, but blistered thighs, he proposed, were obstinately rejected by the patient, it seemed possible to try to new bleeding, because of weakness where was the patient. We judged the case so serious that we announced to the family we planned a disaster like highly probable and next. I saw the patient three times a day, she declined significantly, and in the last days, we often ran hastily home, asking me to go quickly because it was believed at any moment she would perish.

One evening she was extremely ill, I wanted to see her one last time before going home me it was between ten and eleven o'clock, the day had been bad, the whole family, exhausted fatigue, took a little rest even care, struggling against sleep, watched half of his seat. My coming is disturbed person, and I approached my patient, who was without movement, I sat silently beside her, and gazed a few moments this interesting woman, whose death seemed already to seize. Her handsome face was barely illuminated by the glow a candle that was ending: it was the precursor of calm nothingness. The patient made a slight movement, I took her hand and informed him that I was near her, she recognized me, but did not speak. It occurred to me suddenly thought to magnetize, I know not how truth had This idea came to me, because there were indeed two years I had had occasion to renew magnetic experiments, and I should certainly never thought of proposing such a way in such circumstances. Finally, I magnetized, I can say, in the presence of God alone, for custody, glad to know me there, abandoned herself to sleep in a safe conscience, and my patient, certainly was in no state to deal with what I was doing. I therefore magnetised, and I magnetized with this confidence that solved gives a good intention. Twenty minutes elapsed during which the deepest silence reigned in the apartment, I had certainly not want to break it, I was scared, trying to ask my patient to destroy

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the hope that I began to take on seeing a soothing calm to seize her gradually.

I continued until fatigue forced me to stop for a rest my arms; Then I noticed that as the patient was flooded by a profuse sweat that covered her face and chest, but fearing to be wrong because of the darkness that enveloped us almost, I raised her hand across her forehead, and immediately she said in a voice barely articulate, "My God! What good, you make me ... "Then a little later:" What are you doing that makes me so good? "I admit that these words and how they were uttered produced on me a feeling of indescribable pleasure I replied: "Never mind any other thing you recover; you sweating which will be beneficial, you will be change clothes, and the night will be good, I hope. "I immediately woke the guard, which began in duty to give his patient the care she needed, and I retired, busy mind of what had happened.

The next day very early I ran to the sick; I found significantly better; she had a very confused recollection of the state it was found the day before, only it is I remembered seeing at night, and that I had given her or done something that had a lot of maintenance. "So I said, well you want me to continue? - Oh! No doubt, " she replied.

I was a little upset to magnetize in the presence of a third party, and I confess I regretted not find me in this respect, under the same conditions as before. There is magnetism in the something intellectual that makes you almost ashamed to lavish in the presence of people who do not understand, and indeed I cared very little whether the nurse should go report from house to house as I treat my patients by magnetism. However the desire to save my sick prevailed over the childish account of what might be said about me. I magnetized again in the presence of the guard, all dumbfounded, and the patient was soon to enter the state of complete somnambulism; few moments later, I asked and she assured me that I had saved her life, but told me she had me to do another bleeding. It was no use to her point out that it was extremely low, I was afraid to interrupt the salutary crisis which seemed to take place, she persisted, at least in the view that she needed bleeding.

Awoke, she had no knowledge of what she had said she only confirmed she felt much better, she knew by hearsay magnetism, but had never seen it practiced. But I dared not bleed at night, enjoying a time when there was unwelcome point, we made a new session, and again my patient is prescribed an bleeding, making me blame on what I had not yet run its prescription. The day had gone well enough, but the headache persisted with great intensity.

So I decided to do the bleeding that evening and the next day, the patient was so that everyone, around her, was surprised for a change so quick and so complete.

From that moment, nothing could stop the progress of convalescence and a return to health perfect, and Mrs. F. .., I have since lost sight of, if she has forgotten the physician must keep least some good memories of magnetism.

There are thousands of similar facts. They are all real, authentic, recorded, for the most in the various writings of hypnotists, I do not want to increase this volume. 4 This consideration is certainly the case that many doctors who would like perhaps to experiment magnetism did not dare, for fear of what people will say we, and even I admit that I often found myself stopped by this worldly fear, which is difficult to fully guarantee.

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- 20 - IV.Essential fevers.The complicated part of the pathology embraces continued fevers, and intermittent relapsing, designated by the names of too many incomprehensible: serious essential, inflammatory, bilious, mucous, adynamic, ataxic, typhoid, putrid, malignant, pernicious, hectic, etc.., etc.. I abbreviate the nomenclature boring. Here the signs vary with the intensity and the seat of evil. The march of magnetism is obscure the general confusion does not clearly distinguish the effects resulting from your share. It is only by a saturation that could be called experimental that it must proceed. We must look for the body that responds most quickly to the call that you make it.

Force is nearly annihilated medicating. Hope, however, for it is sufficient that the action of a single body returns to normal soon so that, gradually, you apaisiez the tumult forces in conflict. Remember above all that the life force that you give is flawed; she helps the patient's driving before it the putrid materials. Establish currents from head to feet, but as soon as you feel weak, take your rest in the air, because when you no longer have the strength, you take your turn the deleterious miasma which your share increased considerably expanded.

Enter you what I said of desperate cases, intermittent fevers, above, in section General rules; meditate examples I cited at the beginning of this work, on the action of magnetism in acute diseases, and if you want more information, see the facts in my other writings, you'll find analogies that can guide you in severe cases that arise in your observation. V.Cholera.Dr. Foissac, page 531 of its Report, cites the following cases: 1 Dr. Douin, about ten years in excruciating neuralgia, which forced him to to seventy grains of opium a day, was for thirty-six hours in the grip of all blue horrors of cholera. I joined for the treatment, MM. Louyer-Villermay and Piron, its doctors. To combat greenish vomiting, accompanied by intense anxiety to epigastric region, I chose that moment to magnetize the patient. He could not fairly be rented This salutary influence: "How relieves me your hand! he said wherever it is worn, all pain disappear, I feel an inexpressible well-being. "

2 The Count of Monte ..., witness, in his childhood, the wonders of Buzancy, was struck by an attack of cholera brought to a very high degree, on the night of April 13 to 14. I did not neglect any means that medicine advised in such cases, but I was hoping especially in magnetism, that I employed sometimes rubbing hands with the members for to remember the heat, sometimes making breaths on the region of 23 hearts for reviving the vitality of that organ. Finally, after several hours of anguish and suffering, danger disappeared, and the next day M. Fouquier, the consulting, said he had just attended a convalescence. This recovery was long, no doubt, but half an hour of magnetism a day of much shortened duration, and the Comte de Mont ... recovered perfect health.

3 I was called on July 14, for a girl aged eleven, who had been taken cholera. Within minutes the pulse had stopped beating; skin was freezing cold and offered this bluish coloring which characterized the most severe cases, vomiting they wardrobes one another without interruption of all suffering, the more unbearable was an unquenchable thirst. Leeches, ice and external stimuli, I joined a magnetism at all times, sometimes by warming the hands of the sick in mine,

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- 21 - sometimes gently rubbing the area of the heart and stomach. After noon, a little life returned to the extremities; vomiting subsided, and traffic is restored. The evening, having published a hiccup, I performed a few passes, and immediately the hiccup vanished.

This disease, which had raised concerns for two days followed by the most unfortunate, heals almost no recovery. To avoid repetition, I pass on the results I obtained when this cruel epidemic raging in Paris, referring those who are really anxious to learn the relationship I noted in my essay on the philosophical teaching of magnetism. The magnetic action must be sustained long and focus on the stomach and intestines. The analogy offered by typhoid symptoms, camp fever, yellow fever, made me think Fortunately they could be influenced in the same way, but it is only a opinion that I submit to the observation of those who witness the ravages of these pests, if they willing to experiment.


In these conditions so painful, so common, so easy to recognize, magnetism, more than any other remedy, is called to give outstanding service. Already many cures have been place where medicine had failed completely. Fever must not prevent or delay the use of magnetism. The exasperation of the pain is often suddenly subsided, but there are certain cases where the magnetism generates; then it is critical that, and announced that the materials, because of the disease, will change place, which is a favorable sign. When these conditions are hereditary, they reappear. But if you have the happiness to reach them by your action, crises are less then frequent, as also less painful, and yield more readily to the use of magnetism. The report prepared by a magnetic magnetization of five to ten minutes, you direct your fingers pointing in the direction of the nerves that are affected or on the joint that is the seat of the disease, and you get your hands slowly, as if you wanted to attract some something towards the ends. Then you pick a general magnetization to return again at the seat of the disease. And do not worry at all, I repeat, the pain that you have thus created. All this applies to joint and muscle rheumatism, whatever acuity. One can, in these diseases, see the most curious physical phenomena. From a distance it may, by pointing a finger on a painful area, to develop a sensitivity so prodigious, a body of some sort between you and the patient can not prevent you feel.

VII.Hernias.The following observation is due to Dr. Baudot, which is beginning its magnetic: A woman thirty-four years, in which one could recognize two hernias, one thigh, the size of a chicken egg, and that seemed choked, and the other umbilical, the size of a fist, and which I attributed these symptoms, also presented by the patient: pulse barely sensitive, pale face, cold extremities, retching and vomiting up failure the day before, this lady had several vomiting, which provided the material few streaks of blood.

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- 22 - In this deplorable condition, this lady was magnetised about three quarters of an hour: a soft sleep broke during that time; awake, appeared no more vomiting, hernias had returned. The only patient complained of heaviness in the arms of the rest, while presented the most satisfactory balance. The next day, his well-being was confirmed: she assured me she did not feel anything from his cruel disease, etc.. ..... I see that this treatment produced a deep impression on me. Doubt after such a fact seem a blind skepticism and preserve is displaying contempt for the more formal experience, the mother of all our truths. Baudot, MD. P. Here is a more recent, and we have printed in the Journal of magnetism, in-8, t. 3, Page 433: To Mr. Hbert Garnay. Here, my dear friend, a curious observation. Mr. Dupotet we once said: "I am sure that magnetism reduce strangulated hernias. "I, who was strong (think! A prosector of anatomy, it is strong by nature, by predestination); So, my very strong, I opened his eyes, and allows me to smile in petto, and doubt full force of my understanding, and I even forgive this excess majestically mesmeric, saying he forgot his anatomy. But, my dear, here comes correct me for the future. One of my parents, Edme Flogny, aged fifty-six years, residing in Merey (Yonne), was hernia for thirty years, without ever being bothered, although he had no bandage. It Two weeks ago, this good man was busy picking up debris from thatched thrown to the ground by workers who discovered his house, which kept him occupied continuously curved, genitals pendants.

Probably the ordinary intestinal loop caused a portion near, which distended the bag hernia out of habit, and inflammation. At midnight they came to pick me up. I found the patient pale, barely breathing; point stool frequent vomiting. If he had been allowed to fool me on the facies, I had thought about Cholera: think! We were in the middle of an epidemic! I am going to examine the abdomen, the patient objects. "What the hell, I said, you're not a woman! " I discovered the power and I see a huge tumor (15 percent. Long, 20 in circumference). "But it's a hernia! I cried; that do were you saying now? - Oh! Cousin, you see, it is hidden, these infirmities that! " And I had great difficulty in making him understand that this infirmity was very common in our time, and there was nothing dishonorable for him. Finally I examine the vomiting. Already materials stercoral! I tried the taxis, one, two, three times, no success. And certainly I was good enough to school to say that while there was more hope that in the Lancet. I immediately sent for a colleague, to perform the operation. The accident followed another in a frightful manner. It was four o'clock in the morning ; I expected. Suddenly a bright idea, fateful rises in my brain: the words of Mr. Dupotet. - Here is my hand on the tumor, without movement, without pressure, just applied. Note This is important. Five minutes, ten minutes, fifteen minutes is a long time in magnetism, in a similar perplexity. - Nothing. - Twenty minutes, twenty-five minutes, my man is tormented ... and nothing. Vomiting had ceased, and colic calm down ...

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- 23 - Suddenly the sweat rises to my forehead: "all my phrnes, and diaphragms were mtaphrnes incornifistibuler to stretch and suspended in the pouch of my mind 5 "What had happened. I'd just feel a vermicular movement like a scrotum cooled and then some thing to slip on hand very gently: it was that the intestinal loop was acting up, and be allowed to return honestly to his lodging. "That's it! "I cried the sick and a saddle snoring immediately, he can retain his bed floods. I was shocked. I can not help laughing in my appropriately by reporting this fact, my surprise was terrible ... I value my expression. "Back? I said with a deep sigh, he will therefore always right, that old sorcerer magician. "I still make my speech, to understand how disappointed I was, who wanted me just now a magnificent operation, and had been innocent enough to make me a puff. I was petrified. But how the devil! The magnetism he reduced the hernia? But I thought the surgery safe from attacks Mesmer .... And here I am remembering any history of hernia. I remember one house of the Hotel Dieu, having a patient etherized for a final attempt at taxis, felt like returning to the intestine itself at the first pressure, and he explained this fact by the relaxation of tissues including the white ring is formed. The magnetism would have loosened the ligaments: this is not the first time he refocuses with ether. But how is it the intestine returned alone, without pressure? It is a fact that medical violent purgative determined only the start of hernias, yet that there was this cathartic? He awoke simply peristalsis, and the handle returned to free imprisoned. Here is my case: magnetism, Lull, par excellence, has changed his role he has awakened, invigorated, revived. On the one hand, he released the ligaments on the other, he reminded his place down the intestine. On one stone: I thrisais and purgeais, and this simplice manu. But the rest, I thought it could not be otherwise. We heal tetanus; the hernia is admitted as a partial tetanus: so .... And now my prodigy became simple as violet tea. This observation is very serious, we expect very little, as I know, but could not give it to you in other words, my dear: it would lose its natural. Medicine and Surgery beaten by magnetism, under the same cloak, it is admirable! Nothing funny as then to my face: my doubt punished, my little pride offended, it was strange! A, my dear friend, Confess me to the master, whose heart was ever so debonair to me, I bow forever before his prodigious experience, with perfect contrition. The Bible said it well: In antiquis is sapientia and multo tempore patientia 6 . Yours, heart. " E.-V. Light.

VIII.Diseases of the bladder.I lived, writes Dr. B. ..., a provincial town, when I was called to give care of a girl of about twenty years, strong, and a sanguine temperament well pronounced. It was then as a servant in one of my parents, I learned this patient for about four months that its rules were adopted in part as a result of the imprudence she had committed to set foot in cold water at the month. 5 Rabelais, III, 35. 6 Job XII, 12.

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- 24 - The first day I visited, I found it affected a fairly acute ophthalmia, accompanied other symptoms of inflammation in different parts of the head was burning epigastrium, and pressure was developing pain; the rest, thirst, pulse hard, full and frequent; appetite no. To these symptoms I thought I recognized a gastrointestinal acute encephalitis accompanied by ophthalmia, which induced me to practice the same day, a bleeding arm more than three pallets; I put Then the patient to a strict diet, as well as the use of emollient fomentations and drinks;

Finally, I made a poultice applied to the eyes and the abdominal area. The next day the symptoms had decreased significantly on the side of the brain, ophthalmia was much calmer, but gastritis was making progress and was complicated by enteritis. The lower movement woke rather sharp pain in the pit of the stomach and the mouth was dry and more urgent thirst. I proposed the application of leeches to the abdomen, but the patient, frightened of the great weakness that had caused, she said, bleeding from the day before, would not consent, so I confined myself to prescribe the strictest diet, continue to use emollients, and I ordered more enemas similar to remedy a obstipation. This treatment was too little energy to stop its progress in a inflammation as well characterized, the disease continued its progress; irritation brought especially on the small intestines, where it gave rise to colic rather sharp, and there spread onto the bladder. Inflammation of this organ (cystitis) occasioned, as he almost always happens in these cases, urinary retention, yet the disease was the seventh days of its invasion and the period of decline, to speak the language pathologists: the urinary retention continued despite the use of poultices and fomentations over the hypogastrium. For three days the patient had not issued a single drop of urine, and for several nights she did not sleep, experiencing continual desire to urinate, and despite the most violent efforts, could not manage to meet that need. The bladder was beginning to form a tumor sensitive enough in the sub-pubic region; in the end, I could see that the probe that could remedy this problem, we must, without delay, stop, to prevent much more serious. I therefore proposed to use my sick, but her modesty was outraged ; I insisted, I did everything to determine: vain! She always answered, in the delirium certainly a virtue misplaced: "I would rather die than let me explore. " In perplexity where I was, it occurred to me to try the action of magnetism against ischuria this alarming. Filled with this idea, I realize without delay with my ill I am facing the same pain I apply a hand on the region of the bladder, in intended to relieve the sick, pray I let my hand and applied for a few moments. I then magnetized with the full force of my will. Throughout the operation, which patient does not doubt in any way, needs to urinate more alive than ever were felt: the bladder itself seemed to shrink under his hand. I continued my work as well magnetic about twenty minutes, after which I invited my patient to try to urinate, this she did, to his astonishment, with relative ease. The flow of urine brought a very prompt relief to the discomfort qu'entretenait necessarily ischuria. The day after this success magnetic, I left the province, therefore I stopped to give my care to this patient, but since I had the satisfaction to learn that his convalescence and his complete recovery had not been long overdue. Proceed according to this account in the vesical catarrh, chronic nephritis, diabetes, etc..

IX.Spontaneous bleeding.

Some essential bleeding, I can not specify, yield very quickly and it is other hand, where the magnetism is as exciting, and effective responses are

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- 25 - which may occur due to organic disorders, you should fear it is quite otherwise. It was only trembling, I must admit, I sometimes experienced in these severe cases. I was careful to keep a finger on an artery, and when traffic was taking development, I ceased. Ensure successful completion of hypnotists in all cases; me, no. Maybe they are endowed properties that I have not. It is essential not to confuse hemoptysis or sometimes we succeed completely, and symptomatic haemorrhages, which also stops, but then come back for sure whether the body affected is not cured. In the absence of accurate data, we must magnetize with the utmost caution in losses uterus, for the reason that magnetism, usually exciting menstruation, may in this case, become quite contrary. Kidney and bladder Hematuria, hematemesis may be happily changed.

X.Rabies, snake bites.

Magnetism acting primarily on the sensitivity, we must expect to succeed in these horrible diseases. Twice in my life I found myself in the presence of hydrophobic, and I was went to them with the intention of trying, but was prevented by a custom absurd: representatives of the medical profession had already taken the patient huge doses of opium. It there was nothing more to do for me: it had killed the sensitivity, that is to say, the reactive force; Finally they were poisoned. However, on the one I produced moments of extraordinary calm. It is therefore to try before all things. With savages, who do not possess the sublime knowledge of medical schools, we practice, in cases of bites of the most venomous snakes, a true magnetization. They longitudinally and slightly rub the patient for hours, until swelling decreases and an abundant perspiration is established. Therefore they look at the saved as dying, and never make mistakes in their forecasts. Why did we not succeed well in hydrophobia? A virus of any kind, introduced in traffic, if we manage to break it, must lose its activity, and violence of its disastrous effects weaken. I am aware that magnetism, more than any other means, may make this result. When, therefore, does one try the rational use?

XI.How in chronic conditions.

Seek to increase vitality, this got, produce crises, I do not want to talk about convulsions, but motion in fluids. The patient must be placed in the state acute, that is to say in the arrangement where the disease, showing all its gravity, called the rescue powerful medicine. I can not hope to be understood here that a very small number of men. It is a curious work that similar magnetizations: we must, to explain its effects, see the review yet, when we conceive the possibility of a sort of rejuvenation, caused by the expulsion, often molecular, heterogeneous materials staying in the organization. It is conceivable how moods indolent, inactive, often of great tenuity, and playing on agency other than the role of a foreign body inert, however, acquire suddenly by

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of vital currents, the new physical and chemical properties, and can be evicted. The foundations of this truth thrown by the way, follow the procedures. For eight or ten days you use the method outright, you are not seeking the development of no effect, you give up even those that arise, without looking the increase or decrease. When you think that the whole body was covered by the magnetism, you change the process, you run the magnetization preferably on the seat evil, it is well known, otherwise, the region where you suppose. You have to developing heat, pain itself, and fear nothing new symptoms appear. Remember that they have formerly existed, and the patient tells you he has already felt. Continue. You have to stop in one case, where the work mdicateur is too great, when fever develops, when finally there is too much suffering these cases are rare. We must then measure your magnetism to maintain the movement impressed; well then see where leading the loose materials and follow them if they cover a body whose play is essential, give strength and life to this body, together you will support the efforts being made at the headquarters of evil. Rest assured that emunctory which shall be used for eviction will be revealed to you; the skin by perspiration, kidneys by secretions; chest may even, in some cases, through evictions slimy, viscous sputum, play the same role, it also occurs wardrobes more frequent and abundant. Thus I saw, after several years of existence, disappearing bone-pains that were the result of venereal virus inoculation and the administration of preparations mercurial. The work was obvious: the plates occurred at coppery skin, bladder, quiet until then, became painful, the kidneys also, but sleep had reappeared; the warm bed, so unbearable before the magnetization is inconvenienced longer patient. Work singular took place in the bones, which had increased in size; the urine is loaded and served as a vehicle for the expulsion of the forces that had detached medicating. The patient finally healed. I also saw the white swelling, congestion of the glands after solving the seat of pain caused by critical magnetism. It occurred a diarrhea, diarrhea serious, which brought a sharp drop in the volume, and finally the complete resolution of these bottlenecks took place after two or three recurrences of these happy symptoms. Paralysis of limbs and even the optic nerves had ceased after crises; of as deafness, but in small numbers. You could always follow the progress and realize the critical work that was taking place. Nature, strengthened, helped, did not conceal its operations: the eye exercised less could see them. Sometimes one or a few magnetizations, that resulted to put the disease in its acute state, the effects diminish, and the reaction that you have sought to operate and you had started does not continue; you can not even reproduce the feeling of the first effects. If nature refuses to follow you and assist you, the patient is incurable by your processes. But before declaring that this is so, you must repeat your attempts, for nature is often lazy and needs to be stimulated. These cases arise especially when you dealing with patients who have exhausted all resources, those on which the art was all his trials, looking, like you, the necessary reactions. By depleting the resources were as tired bodies, the principle that ensured their preservation was tired, and it no longer meets new calls that you make it. Here, however, singular phenomenon, he realizes that it is his

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- 27 - Similarly, it is a friend, a brother, which came in his field and he does not rebel against him, not seek to push, as he did for the agent contrary, a physician has misguided have introduced into the circulation. But often this principle of conservation is not enough powerful assist your efforts, and leaves do then, and it is you alone that says the repair of the machine and he keeps what he has strength to maintain the movement and life, for sometimes it is even enough for the job at all times. When you have managed to bring enough wealth, and can assist you, it binds with you, becomes your aid, and if the disease is curable, he took over the management of works. He eagerly awaits the time when you must come and give materials essential, he stops his work if you do not come, and the patient experiences the anxiety of a need who is not satisfied. These two forces, although different forces dead, like electricity, galvanism, the magnet or mineral magnetism, etc.., etc.., are intelligent and they combine to work together. And animal magnetism did not flee the body where you dropped it, and there remains, at otherwise, to serve the operations of life. The hypnotist, here, already needs to know his tool as it can, unknowingly thwart the nature in wanting to help. Furthermore, we will develop our ideas on this truth.

XII.Called incurable diseases.

It is so natural to seek relief when suffering that, though science has said it there is no remedy, we must forgive even the senseless attempts that patients are almost always. The hypnotists are not more guilty than patients seeking to produce a relief, sometimes a cure, where medical science has recognized its impotence. Nature capable of both pathways that are still unknown, something so mysterious supports its operations, we can never absolutely rule and say: This is impossible. Without miracles to bring our readers, without telling them about what could happen in some cases, a major physical or moral cause, without trying to finally introduce the magnetism as a panacea, however, we must assure them that is true, namely that in hopeless cases, the nature of magnetism helped, has sometimes triumphed completely. Abandoning all cases that seem supernatural, we only talk about what can be subject to the judgment of reason, and is obviously the result of some cause purely physical. But here he has many issues to resolve. What is this physical cause? What is this magnetism, as agent of phenomena? Where is he? How can it bind with the force medicating used to keep us? Is it a body that prevents the action so powerful, that the finally isolated 7 ? Alas! All of this is science, and we are not wise. This is the physicist, the physiologist above all, to consider these things and we teach them. Now we are magnetizer, nothing more. 7 I have not found that to reach this goal in an absolute manner. The superimposed paper, cardboard, for example, is the only body that appeared to me to deflect the magnetic currents, which nonetheless end up there way through.

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- 28 - Later we will try to explain the nature of magnetism, though this spot frightens us and we have not been devolved. If we fail to suit our desires and according to the importance of the subject, we should not accuse us, because, in advance, we warn of our powerlessness. Let us therefore, as we can not resolve the difficulties that arise here, and let us go on our description. Assuming for a moment that we were put in the hands of an electrical or galvanic, and we know we use it skillfully, would we have to say: The agent that we use comes from a particular source, it follows a particular law, etc.., Etc.. ? No. It would suffice that we were informed of its strength and extent of the phenomena it produces. The doctor who is asking these questions: How is it that the juice of poppy asleep? How is it the nitre on the kidneys? How an emetic causes he vomiting? Stammers in his answers, because, whatever his ability, his sagacity, he employs agents of a great power without knowing precisely what their nature and mode of action. We consider the case of this doctor, and, no longer seeking, we provoke, as him the appearance of phenomena that can not come without the use of the means that nature has made our disposal. And we say to those who want to imitate us: do so; do this, act according to what experience has indicated positive, and will not think the just to explain. Do not forget that gravity existed before Newton, and the magnet will attract iron long time, perhaps before we know by what mystery he can. Be cautious if you allow yourself to explain the phenomena magnetic products because you will find it very learned men who prove your explanation is wrong, and, in doing so, reject or succeed in defeating the fact itself, which is absurd, yet very common. But back to the incurable evils. Diseases have, in general, an obscure beginning. These are often small causes, agents of low power that determine the long Its biggest changes, the The most significant disturbances. The doctor as clairvoyant, sagacity the most practiced only not always perceive them as they begin to disturb the performance of duties. The patients themselves do not stop when they experience discomfort, often they do are not careful. The disorder increases, so we act on that? On what? Because, in most cases, the cause is unknown. I say this only because I noticed that in chronic conditions that we have the happiness to heal, to go away, evil follows exactly the path he took to arrive at to threaten life. So we see clearly, or that nature was powerless, or although his forces were diverted, and we did not know or have given him the power which missing, or the right in its differences. The actual cause is then allowed to see. There is a whole new system of medicine to do here, it is true that the magnetic agent warns, straightens when nature goes astray and deviate to its laws. All diseases, either by their nature, idiosyncrasy of the patient or the impotence of art, become incurable, I have drawn some general rules of conduct rules specific, varying with each case are left to the wisdom of each. The use of magnetism in these treatments does not exclude the ordinary remedies, but we must leave the choice of the sleeper when you were fortunate enough to induce sleep lucid.

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- 29 - The books are full of the magnetism of such examples, the most authentic is that of miss Lahaye, abandoned by all teachers and most distinguished members of the Faculty of Paris. I started treating this patient to the recommendation of Broussais who a few days before his death, advised the magnetism as a last resort. With also treated this subject 8 with the development that has a remarkable case, I however, bring back to the end of this volume without fear of duplication. Moreover, forproof that I am not alone in making these things, that the magnetic power is a gift that God has distributed to all, it is good that I will introduce you to other hypnotists achieved results. Listen, then writes, as of December 18, 1840, Dr. Charpignon, of Orleans, to Dr. Frapart: This is an example to follow. Dr. Georget said that medicine sleepwalking was the most perfect. You have supported this view with the greatest success in difficult instances, I will tell you, on this, which just happened to me recently. A young lady .... twenty-three years, after treatment by four doctors, me sent for, here's how I found: puffiness general dropsy of the belly; cough dry, frequent access by time of five minutes, and repeating at intervals of two to three minutes: very great difficulty of breathing, acute pain throughout the chest, especially the left side; heartbeats precipitates, deaf, but steady hand. It was impossible to seek some indication by auscultation, the expected frequency of cough, it occurred in syncope two or three times within twenty-four hours, they lasted two, four and five hours ; Stomach held no drink. This state was the same for nearly a month, but the cough and palpitations were many years date. What I had to do in such circumstances, it was not to torment the dying by a new medication, for death seemed not to have to delay; family, moreover, there expected the first syncope. What would I have tried after the thousand means used by those who had preceded me? ... The patient, who had heard of magnetism only recently day, implored me to sleep, because this is what she desired above all, for few moments of rest. After long struggling with myself, I decided to meet, at the risk of being accused of wanting to raise the dead ... Five minutes are barely passed the cough is stopped and miss Rose seems to sleep. I talk to her, she does not answer me. Later, she stirs it intends to mark. After an hour of sleep, I wake; but all accidents immediately reappear. But the night passed without access. Magnetism instantly causes sleep, and soon the patient can hear me, then answer me .... It is sleepwalker! "Where do you suffer most? "She takes my hand and places it in the heart .... " So this is your pain? What is it? - Blood .... and there are many three spoonfuls. There is liquid ... It is between the tip of the heart and the floor (between the diaphragm and the end of pericardium). - Is this all because of your illness? - No, my belly is too much trouble, but I do not see. "After ten minutes of silence, she said spontaneously," You see these leeches? - Where? - Here in my heart. - Count them. - I see ten; they go far to relieve myself, tomorrow I will have more than heartbeats, more coughing. - Will you be awake? - Yes, only half, I have to sleep through the night without I feel leeches and blood that will flow until the morning. " 8 Dupotet Essay on the philosophical teaching of magnetism, 1 vol. p. 120 and following.

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- 30 - This intention was for me an order, I did run the prescription, and the next cough and palpitations had disappeared. New magnetization: miss Rose sees more blood the heart, but she sees in her womb a great abundance of water, then his stomach is distended with mucus, its membranes are dotted with blood. These disorders afflict it. All Suddenly she said: "These waters will go, because there are four things to make up a herbal tea. This, what is flax seed and chervil; it, asparagus root, the other root, I do not not know the name ... and you? I saw nothing, and I could not say what those small pieces of black root ... O learned doctor! You make me a tea with it, and you will pass over the hands like me, because it comes out something like sunlight penetrating in a room. - How is it that you have leeches yesterday so soon cured, when you had been so many times unnecessarily? - No doubt I put in often but never to the place it was .... My cough came as a lump I had in the chest, right .... It's a ball of clotted blood mixed with humor, as big as a walnut; it is not in the lung, it is the fabric between it and separating it from the other .... This ball has much melted by your magnetism; tomorrow I spit blood and mood. " It came, indeed, an expectoration of mucus mixed with clotted blood; the urine was very abundant, slimy and foul during the first days. In the twelfth, the sleepwalker assured no longer see anything ill in it, and his words were, moreover, confirmed by all that the eye could see. Convalescence was straightforward,