manual secondary pre-internship 350...students will be in the schools for three weeks in total. 1....

Faculty of Education, University of Regina 2018 Winter Edition MANUAL SECONDARY PRE-INTERNSHIP

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Page 1: MANUAL SECONDARY PRE-INTERNSHIP 350...Students will be in the schools for three weeks in total. 1. Teaching Strategies, Methods, and Skills Expectations Students coming into pre-internship

Faculty of Education, University of Regina

2018 Winter Edition



Page 2: MANUAL SECONDARY PRE-INTERNSHIP 350...Students will be in the schools for three weeks in total. 1. Teaching Strategies, Methods, and Skills Expectations Students coming into pre-internship

Faculty of Education, University of Regina


Page 3: MANUAL SECONDARY PRE-INTERNSHIP 350...Students will be in the schools for three weeks in total. 1. Teaching Strategies, Methods, and Skills Expectations Students coming into pre-internship

Faculty of Education, University of Regina
























1. Teaching Strategies, Methods, and Skills Expectations

2. Expected Outcomes of the Pre-Internship Field Experience

3. General Expectations During Field Experiences

a. Expected Professional Conduct for Pre-Interns in Schools

b. Orientation to School (two-days)

c. First Week

d. Second and Third Week

4. Pre-Internship to Internship












1. The Role of the Pre-Intern

2. The Role of the Cooperating Teacher

3. The Role of the Faculty Advisor





C. Criminal Record Check & Duty to Report 8

ECS 350 Field Experience Profile & Cooperating Teacher Report (2)

Page 4: MANUAL SECONDARY PRE-INTERNSHIP 350...Students will be in the schools for three weeks in total. 1. Teaching Strategies, Methods, and Skills Expectations Students coming into pre-internship

Faculty of Education, University of Regina


Note: As part of the Faculty’s commitment to social justice, students are expected to demonstrate a commitment to Treaty Education as well as the adoption of culturally responsive and inclusive teaching practices aimed at closing the achievement gap between Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal students.

A. Knowledge

1. Further understanding of a broad range of instructional skills and teaching strategies

2. Further understanding of classroom management

3. Understanding of instructional skills and teaching strategies unique to the Major

4. Further understanding of learning and adolescent theory

5. Further understanding of group theory

6. Understanding of diversity in high schools

7. Understanding of high school organization

B. Skills

1. Development of instructional, management, and interpersonal skills through on-campus and classroom practica (as gleaned from ECS and subject area classes) 2. Further practice of the Professional Development Process 3. Development of group processes and effectiveness skills

4. Development of capability in the application of learning and adolescent theory

C. Personal

1. Further career decision-making

2. Further personalized reflection and integration of program components

3. Fostering of a professional attitude

4. Further development of a life-long professional development capability

NOTE: It is expected that all secondary teacher education students will show development in relation to each of the above goals to qualify for internship.


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Faculty of Education, University of Regina



A. Introduction An effective teacher in a secondary classroom is constantly concerned with designing and enacting appropriate learning experiences for the growth of students. The pre-internship semester stresses the interrelatedness of knowing, doing, and being. Theoretical knowledge and a repertoire of precise professional skills are required so that sophisticated, timely, and appropriate decisions can be made. The principle intent of this semester is integration, within the student, of the purposes and tasks of a secondary school teacher. Hence the approach is a holistic one that recognizes the complexity and interrelatedness of the components of planning for teaching, implementing of appropriate learning activities, and evaluating students learning. ECS 100 was an introduction to the role of schooling and the professional teacher; ECS 300 deepened that understanding and added capability in specific skills and strategies and acquisition of initial proficiency in planning, delivery, and evaluation of lessons; ECS 350 further develops the concept of the teacher by involving students in the commonplaces of teaching: teachers, students, curriculum and context. Subject area curriculum and instruction classes provide subject-specific instructional capability. Pre-internship, which has conceptual, skill, and personal goals, provides study and practice in the integration of the basic skills of teaching with a wide range of teaching strategies. It emphasizes complex, comprehensive processes. In so doing, it provides the opportunity for secondary pre-interns to prepare for the pre-internship and internship field experiences. At the same time, further opportunity is provided for the candidate to make career decisions. B. Knowledge of ECS 300 Materials Pre-interns will be making frequent reference to their learnings through ECS 300. It is expected that they will know and be able to use what they have studied and practiced. C. Knowledge of Major and Minor Course Materials Pre-interns will be expected to know pedagogical content knowledge and subject specific pedagogy, and to explore these approaches in their classroom practice.

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Faculty of Education, University of Regina



A. Overview

Pre-internship students who proceed to this semester have received a favourable report from the field experience, passed the class work for ECS 300, and achieved an overall satisfactory grade point average in Education and Arts and Science classes.

This is the first semester that students are placed in secondary classrooms, since the two first placements in their program have been at the elementary level or middle years level.

Students will be in the schools for three weeks in total.

1. Teaching Strategies, Methods, and Skills Expectations

Students coming into pre-internship have increased their formal knowledge and capability in basic and more sophisticated processes and procedures of teaching including:

1. basic communication and interpersonal skills

2. lesson planning

3. identifying learning objectives

4. developing meaningful learning experiences

5. providing set, development, and closure

6. basic classroom managment

7. questioning, explanations, and demonstrations

8. concept teaching

9. skill teaching

10. diversity in instructional strategies 11. differentiated instruction and assessment This semester students are expected to practice complex approaches to teaching that are presented in their courses such as:

1. integration of skills and strategies into unified lessons and mini-units

2. instructional strategies specific to the major and minor subject areas as well as to the needs of the students

3. unit planning

4. developing appropriate pedagogical relationships with high school students

5. directing and reflecting on their professional development.

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Faculty of Education, University of Regina


2. Expected Outcomes of the Pre-Internship Field Experience Pre-internship students will be expected to:

1. determine the roles of the secondary teacher in the classroom and in the school 2. develop from attending to the needs of self to the specific needs of the students 3. strengthen his/her self concept particularly relating to understanding and meeting

students' needs, professional growth, and personal expectations 4. develop and teach a series of lessons

5. practice basic classroom management skills

6. relate to students in a variety of situations

7. set professional goals that relate to self analysis and improvement

8. develop a good understanding of the high school curriculum in the student’s major and minor subject areas and be able to incorporate these learning outcomes into all aspects of day to day as well as long term unit planning

9. design a Professional Development Plan at the end of the pre-internship experience and establish expectations for the internship experience

It is also important for pre-interns to become aware of, understand, and be directed by the Saskatchewan Teachers' Federation Code of Ethics. Pre-interns are expected to act as responsible professionals in their teacher roles.

3. General Expectations During Field Experiences

a. Expected Professional Conduct for Pre-Interns in Schools

1. arrival time: Be in school 30 minutes before the school start time.

2. departure time: Allow time at the end of the day for post-conferencing.

3. dress: Clothing should reflect your role as a teacher.

4. staff room: (a) be sensitive to the fact that seating space may be limited and seating may need to be shared rather than monopolized; (b) remember to pay for coffee/refreshment if you use these; (c) check to see which cups are used for visitors-most teachers have their own mug, and you may wish to bring your own.

5. parking: Be sure not to park in someone else’s assigned parking stall. Park on the street until you find out if there is enough space for your car.

6. school rules: School rules such as: no cell phone use in the classroom, cross at the crosswalk, no chewing of gum, etc. should be observed by pre-interns who are models for pupil behaviour in the same way that regular teachers are. All school policies are

to be respected and adhered to at all times.

7. homework & planning: Plans including teaching and learing materials are to be completed before entering the classroom. All photocopying must be done prior to entering the classroom.

8. school property/materials: All school property/materials that are borrowed from the school or other teachers must be properly signed out and returned in a timely fashion. It is the sole responsibility of the pre-intern to replace any lost or damaged items.

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Faculty of Education, University of Regina


9. Digital identity management: Be careful with the images and information you or someone else shares about you on the web/ social media. Schools may refuse to work with you due to an unfavorable web presence of you and /or your activities.

b. Orientation to School (two days) Expectations of pre-interns for the first two days:

1. report to the Principal’s Office and meet the cooperating teacher(s)

2. become familiar with the physical layout, facilities and programs of the school

3. become familiar with the cooperating teacher’s classroom(s); obtain a copy of the classroom daily schedule and seating plan(s)

4. become familiar with the curricula and resources in major and minor subject areas.

5. interview the principal or designate if possible, possible topics include: nature of the community served by the school, school philosophy, policies and rules, special programs, extra-curricular activities, and long-term planning.

6. interview the cooperating teacher, possible topics include: role of the high school teacher, nature and purposes of high school education, curriculum in major, minor subject areas, adaptations needed in the classroom, and current issues for high school teachers

7. visit with the librarian, counselor, learning resource teacher and other school personnel.

8. learn about high school students and their interests: observing, interviewing, and helping with seat work, etc.

9. assist the teacher(s) as appropriate

10. make preliminary plans with the cooperating teacher(s) for your three week block

c. First Week

Appropriate activities for the pre-intern:

1. teach a minimum of four lessons—each lesson should be carefully planned and contain a data sheet; make arrangements with a peer or your cooperating teacher regarding conferencing and data collection using the data sheet.

2. assist cooperating teacher with routines, lessons, materials preparation, corrections, extra-curricular activities, etc.

3. assist individual and small groups of students

4. plan for the entire three-week block (including a series of 4-6 lessons in your major subject area)--this is important because you will have time to adequately

prepare the lessons before the block.

d. Second and Third Week

Appropriate activities for the pre-intern:

1. should teach an equivalent of two lessons per day--teach a series of lessons in one subject area and lessons in other areas

Page 9: MANUAL SECONDARY PRE-INTERNSHIP 350...Students will be in the schools for three weeks in total. 1. Teaching Strategies, Methods, and Skills Expectations Students coming into pre-internship

Faculty of Education, University of Regina


2. practice/explore as many of the professional goals and themes of ECS 300 and ECS 350 as possible

3. continue to assist the cooperating teacher as appropriate

4. continue to reflect about the nature of high school students, organizations, curricula, issues, etc.

5. continue to discover the operation of programs in your high school and participate in extra-curricular activities, staff meetings, and STF activities

6. discuss your personal professional development with your cooperating teacher at the conclusion of the three-week block and go over your "Field Experience Profile" with him or her

7. at the end of the 3rd week obtain a copy of the completed and signed Profile and return it to your ECS instructor. It is the student’s responsibility to collect the evaluation from the coop. Ususally, the evaluation is provided on the last day of your pre-internship. If not, the student must return to pick it up. Your ECS instructor will collect all the evaluations and return them to the Office of Student Services (ED 355). Profiles will be stored in the student’s professional file.

8. copy the profile and include it in your portfolio.

4. Pre-Internship to Internship

University classes and school experiences are intended to prepare students for internship. Pre-interns will have moved from separate and specific study of isolated individual targets, to the ability to include more complex themes into their teaching in a more integrated, holistic way. A deeper and more complex understanding of teaching should have resulted. Students should now be more able to plan on a long-term unified basis. The foundation for life-long professional development should have been laid through their use of and reflection on the professional development process. B. Roles

Role of the Pre-Intern

1. Plan thoroughly for school experiences. Give the cooperating teacher copies of teaching and professional development plans, including data collection sheets.

2. Teach individually each week, share teaching in other area(s) with your partner and conduct routine classroom activities.

3. Conduct the Professional Development Process with the cooperating teacher, and your teaching partner for each formal and shared lesson or activity in the classroom; this includes thorough pre-conferences, careful data collection and thorough post-conferences. Spend careful time talking with the cooperating teacher and teaching partner about issues and ideas that arise from classroom experiences. Develop new targets, and new ideas about adolescents and teaching. Provide feedback for teaching whenever requested by your teaching partner or your cooperating teacher.

Page 10: MANUAL SECONDARY PRE-INTERNSHIP 350...Students will be in the schools for three weeks in total. 1. Teaching Strategies, Methods, and Skills Expectations Students coming into pre-internship

Faculty of Education, University of Regina


Role of the Cooperating Teacher

1. During the initial orientation visit, the teacher should: provide orientation to the school, the school staff and classroom(s) discuss the first-week school experience to determine expected activities

and number, subject, and perhaps topics, of lessons to be taught familiarize the student with the curriculum and resource materials used in

the student's major area

2. During lessons presented by pre-intern the teacher should: pre-conference with the students to become familiar with the lesson plan

and the specific professional learning goal. collect data on the lesson using a data collection instrument designed by

the student post-conference with the student so that he/she is able to analyse the data

and plan for future changes in instruction and lessons

3. To communicate with the Faculty of Education, the teacher should: notify the faculty advisor assigned to your school if there are problems,

concerns, or if you want to discuss any aspect of the student's development

4. For effective communication with pre-interns, the teacher should: provide some time to talk about the high school experience with

cooperating teachers. Students need exposure to current issues; the nature of adolescence, the school, the community, and related issues, because they are introduced to the high school environment and context for the first time as a pre-service teacher.

5. Final Evaluation—Collect evidence and documentation and complete final evaluation.

The Role of the Faculty Advisor This individual must: 1. provide a communication channel between the school and the Faculty of


2. visit as many pre-interns in the specific subject area as is possible (because of placements in staff groups, pre-interns in a specific subject area may be placed in a wide geographic area)

3. monitor the development of the pre-intern by reviewing the logbook, observing lessons, and engaging in discussions with the cooperating teachers and the pre-


4. document any/all concerns that arise in the field

5. complete the final evaluation related to the faculty advisor and sign the Profile.

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Faculty of Education, University of Regina


Criminal Record Check & Duty to Report

NOTE: All pre-interns must respect our policy below related to Criminal Record Checks and the

Duty to Report. Before commencing your pre-internship, ensure you have an up-to-date

Criminal Record Check and Vulnerable Sector Search that you will need to provide to

school authorities.

Policy Students accepted into the Faculty of Education, either on a part-time or full-time basis, will

be required to obtain a Criminal Record Check (CRC) and Vulnerable Sector Search

(VSS) before going into any schools or community organizations during the various stages

of their program for the required field experience and volunteer components of their

program. This requirement has been established by the policies of our partnering school

boards and community organizations. It applies to students who go out into schools for the

first time and to all subsequent placements in schools and community organizations

throughout the students’ programs. Students may be required to provide a CRC and VSS

for each experience in a different school or community organization. This will depend on

the governing and relevant policy of each school board or community organization.

Students are responsible for the costs associated with obtaining the necessary CRC and

VSS each time the documentation is required.

If during your time as a pre-intern, full-time or part-time student in the Faculty of Education

at the University of Regina, and subsequent to becoming a pre-intern, part-time or full-time

education student, a criminal charge is brought against you or you are convicted of a

criminal offence such that there would be a change in your CRC, you are required

immediately, and no later than 48 hours after you first become aware of the charge or

conviction, to report this information to:

a) your cooperating teacher by phone at the contact number you have for your

cooperating teacher, followed immediately by written confirmation via e-mail at

the cooperating teacher’s email address; and

b) the principal, or his or her delegate, of the school in which you are involved, by

phone to the school’s telephone number, followed immediately by written

confirmation via e-mail to the principal, or his or her delegate, at such email

address as is provided by the principal or his or her delegate.

If a criminal charge is brought against you or you are convicted of a criminal offence such

that there would be a change in your CRC, there may be adverse consequences to your

status as a pre-intern, part-time or full-time student in the Faculty of Education which may

ultimately result in you not being able to complete the field component of your teacher

education program. This will depend upon the nature and circumstances of the charge or

conviction. This, in turn, could potentially jeopardize your ability to complete successfully

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Faculty of Education, University of Regina


your degree program in the Faculty of Education. The ultimate determination of whether

the student with a positive CRC can be allowed to perform or continue his or her teacher

education in the field will be made exclusively by the hosting school board and/or

community organization.

Failure to report any criminal conviction and/or outstanding charges that have occurred

since the date of the original CRC and VSS may be grounds for immediate dismissal from

the field placement, either in a school or community organization. This will depend upon

the governing school board’s or community organization’s policy.

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Faculty of Education, University of Regina


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Faculty of Education, University of Regina




Not Satisfactory

PLANNING Evidence of: detailed lesson plans (with component parts) that engage students

understanding how sequential lessons are linked

CONTENT Evidence of: knowledge of subject area content

organization of content for instruction

lessons appropriate for grade level

INSTRUCTION Evidence of: use of a variety of instructional methods that involve students in learning

adapting teaching to student differences (e.g., learning style, culture, ability, gender, exceptionality)

attending to concepts, skills, processes, attitudes & values development

use of a variety of assessment strategies


withitness in dealing with unexpected issues

use of a variety of classroom management techniques

understanding that classroom management is linked to planning for instruction

implementation of appropriate routines & procedures

promoting a positive classroom environment


appropriate verbal communication skills

appropriate non-verbal communication skills

appropriate written skills

establishing &/or enforcing appropriate routines



Not Satisfactory


ECS 350 Field Experience Profile & Cooperating Teacher’s Report

Student Name: First: Last: SID: Cooperating Teacher: School/Grade:

ECS Section: Faculty Advisor: Date:

For each criteria, please check the box that best describes the pre-intern’s performance at this time.

Page 15: MANUAL SECONDARY PRE-INTERNSHIP 350...Students will be in the schools for three weeks in total. 1. Teaching Strategies, Methods, and Skills Expectations Students coming into pre-internship

Faculty of Education, University of Regina


developing positive relationships with students

relating to other teachers & adults in a professional manner



making plans for future improvements in professional practice

exhibiting organizational skills

understanding & discussion of strengths & weaknesses of a teaching experience in a balanced manner

engaging in the professional development process (e.g., sets targets/goals, solicits feedback, reflects on teaching)

commitment to teaching

OVERALL RATING: Satisfactory Unsatisfactory

Cooperating Teacher’s Comments

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Faculty of Education, University of Regina


Student’s Comments (required): Please attach additional pages as required.

Faculty Advisor’s Comments

Cooperating Teacher’s Signature: Faculty Advisor’s Signature: Student’s Signature: ECS 350 Instructor’s Signature:

Faculty Advisor Cooperating Teacher

Recommend that this student proceed to internship.

Do not recommend that this student proceed to internship

Recommend that this student proceed to internship.

Do not recommend that this student proceed to internship

Overall Rating: Please check one:

Page 17: MANUAL SECONDARY PRE-INTERNSHIP 350...Students will be in the schools for three weeks in total. 1. Teaching Strategies, Methods, and Skills Expectations Students coming into pre-internship

Faculty of Education, University of Regina


Page 18: MANUAL SECONDARY PRE-INTERNSHIP 350...Students will be in the schools for three weeks in total. 1. Teaching Strategies, Methods, and Skills Expectations Students coming into pre-internship

Faculty of Education, University of Regina


ECS 350 Field Experience Profile & Cooperating Teacher’s Report

Student Name: First: Last: SID: Cooperating Teacher: School/Grade:

ECS Section: Faculty Advisor: Date:

For each criteria, please check the box that best describes the pre-intern’s performance at this time.



Not Satisfactory

PLANNING Evidence of: detailed lesson plans (with component parts) that engage students

understanding how sequential lessons are linked

CONTENT Evidence of: knowledge of subject area content

organization of content for instruction

lessons appropriate for grade level

INSTRUCTION Evidence of: use of a variety of instructional methods that involve students in learning

adapting teaching to student differences (e.g., learning style, culture, ability, gender, exceptionality)

attending to concepts, skills, processes, attitudes & values development

use of a variety of assessment strategies


withitness in dealing with unexpected issues

use of a variety of classroom management techniques

understanding that classroom management is linked to planning for instruction

implementation of appropriate routines & procedures

promoting a positive classroom environment


appropriate verbal communication skills

appropriate non-verbal communication skills

appropriate written skills

establishing &/or enforcing appropriate routines



Not Satisfactory


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Faculty of Education, University of Regina


developing positive relationships with students

relating to other teachers & adults in a professional manner



making plans for future improvements in professional practice

exhibiting organizational skills

understanding & discussion of strengths & weaknesses of a teaching experience in a balanced manner

engaging in the professional development process (e.g., sets, targets/goals, solicits feedback, reflects on teaching)

commitment to teaching

OVERALL RATING: Satisfactory Unsatisfactory

Cooperating Teacher’s Comments

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Faculty of Education, University of Regina


Student’s Comments (required): Please attach additional pages as required.

Faculty Advisor’s Comments

Cooperating Teacher’s Signature: Faculty Advisor’s Signature: Student’s Signature: ECS 350 Instructor’s Signature:

Faculty Advisor Cooperating Teacher

Recommend that this student proceed to internship.

Do not recommend that this student proceed to internship

Recommend that this student proceed to internship.

Do not recommend that this student proceed to internship

Overall Rating: Please check one: