manners of life

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Post on 03-Jun-2018




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  • 8/13/2019 Manners of life


    Necessity of Good Akhlaq

    The Holy Prophet (S) has said:"I have bee set by Allah to teach people !ood aers"The above hadith sho#s $s ho# iportat !ood Akhlaq (aers) is cosidered

    i Isla%A perso oce cae to the Holy Prophet (S) ad said that there #as a #oa#ho observed fast d$ri! daytie ad spet her i!hts i prayers& b$t she #asill'aered ad h$rt her ei!hbo$rs #ith her to!$e%The Holy Prophet (S) said that the old #oa #as #orthless ad that she #o$ldbe oe of the iates of hellThe above icidet tells $s that yo$r !ood deeds do ot co$t for $ch if yo$rAkhlaq is bad%Ia afar as'Sadiq (A) has said that soeoe #ith !ood Akhlaq !ets the saetha#aab as soeoe #ho fast d$ri! daytie ad pray at i!ht%The Holy Prophet (S) ad o$r Holy Ias (A) aa!ed to covert a lot of people

    to *$slis thro$!h their !ood Akhlaq%+eeber that #he yo$ are behavi! badly o$t i p$blic& people #ill ot saylook at that boy,!irl behavi! badly% People #ill say look at that *$sli behavi!badly% -o$ are therefore ot oly letti! yo$rself ad yo$r parets do# b$t alsoIsla%.$r /0th Ia has left all of $s as the caretakers of Isla1

    *ANN2+S .3 4+IN5ING

    6he driki! do ot !$lp it do# at oce& b$t sip it i three parts& starti! the

    driki! #ith:

    ad stoppi! the driki! #ith :

    Say 7isillah drik& stop& say Alhad$lillah& Say 7isillah drik& stop& say

    Alhad$lillah& Say 7isillah drik& stop& say Alhad$lillah%

    6he driki! #ater reeber Ia H$sai (A) ad his faily& ad their thirst i


    6he yo$ fiished driki!& ask Allah to sed His blessi!s o Ia H$sai (A)&

    his faily ad copaios& ad c$rse o his $rderers ad eeies%

    Try ot to drik fro a !lass that has a crack% If yo$ do& do ot drik fro the side

    that has the crack& or sho$ld yo$ drik fro the hadle side%

    4$ri! the day drik stadi! $p ad at i!ht drik sitti! do#% 4o ot drik too

    $ch%Nothi! is better to drik tha #ater% All creat$res of Allah drik #ater to s$rvive%

    Allah says i the Holy 8$ra i S$ra Al'Abiya& verse 9:

    "6e ade eyery livi! thi! fro #ater%;;

  • 8/13/2019 Manners of life


    *ANN2+S .3 TA

  • 8/13/2019 Manners of life


    +2SP2?T 3.+ .TH2+S

    Allah says i the Holy 8$ra i S$ra Al'H$=$rat verse //:

    ". yo$ #ho believe& let ot (a !ro$p of) people la$!h at aother (to scor) #ho

    ay be better tha they are@"

    Isla teaches $s that yo$ sho$ld respect other people ad ot thik yo$ are

    better tha the as oly Allah ca be the =$d!e of that%

    .e day #he the Holy Prophet (S) #as sitti! aloe i the osq$e% A a

    approached hi% The Holy Prophet (S) iediately oved aside%

    The a asked the Prophet (S) #hy he had oved aside #he there #as so $ch

    roo for hi to seat e>t to the Prophet (S) as the #hole osq$e #as epty%

    The Prophet (S) replied that a *$sli has a ri!ht o a other *$sli that #he he

    #ats to sit ear hi the first sho$ld ove aside as a #ay of respect%

    Ne>t tie yo$ are at osq$e savi! that space for yo$r fried ad soeoe else

    #ats to sit there& reeber that that perso has a ri!ht o yo$ for yo$ to ove

    aside ad ake space for the%All h$a'bei!s are eq$al%

    No atter #hat colo$r yo$ are%

    No atter #here yo$ are fro%

    No atter ho# rich yo$ are (ho# ice yo$r clothes are)%

    No atter if yo$ look differet (defect i yo$r body)%

    2ach has the ri!ht of respect fro the other%

    The Holy Prophet (S) has said :

    " 4o ot despise ad belittle ay *$sli& beca$se a *$sli ho# ever sall he

    ay be& is !reat i the eyes of Allah%"

    (Aecdote fro the life of the Holy Prophet (S))%

  • 8/13/2019 Manners of life


    SA7+ ' PATI2N?2

    Allah says i the Holy 8$ra& S$ra Al'7aqara& verse /9 :

    "@Ideed Allah is #ith those #ho have Sabr%" (0:/9)

    I the above ayat #e are told that if #e have sabr (patiece) the Allah is there

    #ith $s& ad #e ko# that if Allah is #ith $s the #e have othi! to #orry abo$t%

    The Holy Prophet (S) has said: Sabr is i three parts:

    Sabr i ties of hardship ' #he soethi! !oes #ro! for yo$%

    Sabr i re!ards to obediece ' perfori! all the 6a=ibaat correctly%

    Sabr i re!ards to disobediece ' ot coitti! ay Haraa acts

    The perfect e>aple of Sabr is the life of Prophet Ayy$b (A)% He #as blessed #ith

    so $ch (health& childre& #ealth& lad ad sheep)& the Shaita asked Allah for

    po#er over Prophet Ayy$bs (A) affairs sayi! that #hile Prophet Ayy$b (A) had

    all these blessi!s he #o$ld reai !ratef$l b$t if they #ere take a#ay the he

    #o$ld t$r a#ay fro Allah%

    Shaita the destroyed all of Prophet Ayy$bs (A) aials ad property ad#orse of all& he killed his childre as #ell%

    The he ca$sed Prophet Ayy$b (A) to !et a horrible disease& ad his people

    forced hi to leave his to#%

    2ve #ith all this hardship Prophet Ayy$b (A) reaied faithf$l to Allah& prayi!

    ad thaki! Hi for everythi!%

    Not oly did he have Sabr b$t also Sh$kr (thakf$less)%

    The Holy Prophet (S) has said that faith is divided ito t#o halves& oe half is

    patiece (Sabr) ad the other half is thaks!ivi! (Sh$kr)%

    The above hadith tells $s that to have tr$e faith i Isla ot oly sho$ld #e be

    patiet b$t also thakf$l% So e>t tie #he soethi! bad happes to yo$ otoly sho$ld yo$ be patiet b$t also thak Allah beca$se Allah ko#s best%

    .ce a !ro$p of people cae to o$r Bth Ia& Ia Ali Cai$l Abidee (A) ad

    said that they #ere his Shias%

    Ia (A) asked the #hat they did #he they !ot soethi! ice% They replied

    #e say "Alhad$lillah"%

    Ia (A) asked the #hat they did #he soethi! ice #as take a#ay fro

    the% They replied that they !ot $pset the they #o$ld coe to ters #ith it%

    Ia (A) asked #hat they did if they did ot !et aythi!% They replied that they

    did othi!%

    Ia (A) replied that these #ere ot the actios of his Shia% These actios #ere

    the sae as the actios of the do!s of *adia:

    6he the do!s #ere !ive soethi! they #o$ld #a! their tails i Sh$kr


    6he soethi! #as take a#ay fro the they #o$ld bark a little (coplaii!)

    ad the #alk a#ay% 6he they !ot othi! they did othi!%

  • 8/13/2019 Manners of life


    *ANN2+S .3 T+AD2