manifesting the means - law of attraction

Manifesting the Means When attempting to manifest your desires, it’s easy to get mixed up between what you really want and the means for obtaining what you really want. After all, that’s why so many of us focus on money, isn’t it? You don’t care about green paper! You want financial freedom, the ability to travel, and freedom from financial struggles. It’s important to focus on our desires and not the means, for the means themselves are more difficult to attract . When focusing on attracting our desires, the means will naturally occur to allow us to reach our goals. Let’s look at why. We think, generally, in a very logical fashion. We’re not used to jumping from A to C. We’re accustomed to moving through B. The problem is that when C is where we want to be, but we focus on attracting point B, we are not generating all of the emotional excitement and energy we could be using to attract our desire. Because of this, we have far more difficulty attaining our goal, and the process can be long and frustrating. Have you really tried visualizing loads of money? Doesn’t that get boring fast? It’s difficult to do! That’s because the act of holding money isn’t that interesting. However, sailing on our yacht while sipping martinis is a far more exciting visual, is it not? If you paint yourself laid back on the yacht, you naturally imply freedom from struggle. By focusing on your end result, and attempting to manifest it, you will naturally attract all of the money you need to do so! This could be a very swift process indeed. However, this isn’t what most of us do. We fall into the typical old trap. We try to manifest the money. The interesting thing about the Universe through Law of Attraction is that it can bring you anything you want. Regardless of how difficult it may seem, how impossible or how unlikely, you can have what you want! Since our minds are used to taking logical points, we are used to working our way from where we are to where we want to go. Listen up, because here’s the magic. Focus only on where you want to be in the end. Focus all of your attention, emotion, and visualizations on your end result. Sit and determine what it is that you

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Post on 05-Sep-2014




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Deliberate Creation practice


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Manifesting the Means

When attempting to manifest your desires, it’s easy to get mixed up between what you really want and the means for obtaining what you really want.  After all, that’s why so many of us focus on money, isn’t it?  You don’t care about green paper!  You want financial freedom, the ability to travel, and freedom from financial struggles.  It’s important to focus on our desires and not the means, for the means themselves are more difficult to attract.  When focusing on attracting our desires, the means will naturally occur to allow us to reach our goals.  Let’s look at why.

We think, generally, in a very logical fashion.  We’re not used to jumping from A to C.  We’re accustomed to moving through B.  The problem is that when C is where we want to be, but we focus on attracting point B, we are not generating all of the emotional excitement and energy we could be using to attract our desire.  Because of this, we have far more difficulty attaining our goal, and the process can be long and frustrating. 

Have you really tried visualizing loads of money?  Doesn’t that get boring fast?  It’s difficult to do!  That’s because the act of holding money isn’t that interesting.  However, sailing on our yacht while sipping martinis is a far more exciting visual, is it not?  If you paint yourself laid back on the yacht, you naturally imply freedom from struggle.  By focusing on your end result, and attempting to manifest it, you will naturally attract all of the money you need to do so!  This could be a very swift process indeed.  However, this isn’t what most of us do.  We fall into the typical old trap.  We try to manifest the money.

The interesting thing about the Universe through Law of Attraction is that it can bring you anything you want.  Regardless of how difficult it may seem, how impossible or how unlikely, you can have what you want!  Since our minds are used to taking logical points, we are used to working our way from where we are to where we want to go.  Listen up, because here’s the magic.  Focus only on where you want to be in the end.  Focus all of your attention, emotion, and visualizations on your end result.  Sit and determine what it is that you truly want first, so that you know that you are on track.  Don’t try to manifest the money – manifest the mansion!  Since the natural progression of our physical world demands that you buy a mansion with loads of money, guess what the Law of Attraction will bring to you?  A truck-load of money etc, of course.  The money, or the means in any case, is not important.  The means will be there.  You need to worry only about the ends.

Let the universe and the Law worry about the how’s.  You worry about the what’s and why’s.  By releasing the medium ground and allowing the Law to operate of its own accord, you free yourself of having to go slowly and painfully from point A to point B, then again from B to C.  If you visualize C, B will happen naturally.  Good luck and happy manifesting!

Magnetizing Your Desires

Do you want to learn more about using the Law of Attraction to magnetize your desires?  There is nothing more rewarding than watching your desires begin to

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manifest around you in your daily life.  Beginning a daily magnetizing routine will assist you in bringing your desires into being more consistently.

First, get a sheet of paper and divide it into four quadrants.  Label the top left “Big – Urgent”, the top right “Big – Soon”, the bottom left “Small – Urgent” and the bottom right “Small – Soon”.  Now you want to begin making a list of all of your most pressing desires, putting them in the right box.  “Big” and “Small” refer to the difficulty of the manifestation according to your expectations.  So you would probably think of manifesting a new car or a new house as a “Big” item, and manifesting an iPod or a television as a “Small” item.

The “Urgent” column is for things that cause you worry.  If you desperately need $500 in three days to pay your electric bill, that would be a “Small” and “Urgent” matter.  If you want to manifest a million dollars for a luxurious lifestyle, that would be a “Big”, “Soon” matter.  Don’t put anything in “Urgent” that isn’t truly urgent.

When you finish, you will likely find that you have a small number of items in the “Big – Urgent” column and a slightly bigger list in the “Small – Urgent” column.  The other two columns probably have quite a number of items listed.

What you need to do is begin working on the urgent items first, and then pick one or two of the non-urgent items to work on as well.  There will always be something urgent, but you still need to put in a little effort on the others so that you can bring them into being.  When you do your visualization work, put as much energy and emotion into the urgent items as possible, starting with the largest and working down to the smallest.  Use the energy left over from those to put into your non-urgent items.  That way you get to use some of the raw emotion from your urgent needs to channel into your less urgent (and therefore more difficult to charge with energy) desires.

Keep that list and work on it a little every day.  When something is manifested, cross it off of your list.  Revise your list about once every month, or even once every two weeks once you become good at attracting your desires.  Good luck, and happy manifesting!

Creating Reality

Impatience can be your worst enemy when utilizing the Law of Attraction for prosperity. 

Many who are waiting for the universe to manifest their requests start to doubt it and then muck up the whole system.

Instead, create the reality that your request to the universe is trying to manifest.

Instead of saying, "I am awaiting an increase of prosperity in my life," say "I am enjoying the prosperity that is already coming into my life."

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Changing just a few words has changed the entire meaning, feeling and impact of that statement from one of a person who is hopeful that they deserve a gift to one who knows they deserve a gift, knows it is coming and is just awaiting the arrival.

Making the manifestation of a desire become part of your life truth will speed up and solidify what you have asked the universe for.  It will also change how you respond to the world, and lead to a smoother delivery of your prosperity request.

If you are acting as if prosperity and success have already come to you, that mind power is already changing your psyche from that of a person seeking prosperity to one who has it.

When you encounter others, they will see you differently. Instead of seeing a person who is waiting for a change in their life and is just trudging along, they will see a person who is brighter, happier who seems to already have success and prosperity and is doing well.

They will treat you as more prosperous, and that in return will make you act more prosperous and successful, and the circle will continue until the created prosperity and the real prosperity delivery from the universe coincide. 

There will be no transition time to deal with this new success, as you have already been living as if this is part of your life, so it will feel natural.

By believing in your prosperity before it comes, you will let the universe know you are ready for it.   By living in prosperity before it comes, you will be prepared to enjoy it when it arrives.

Subconscious Resistance and the Law of Attraction

The subconscious mind is a powerful thing.  It stores everything we’ve ever experienced, filters what we now experience based upon our beliefs/thoughts, and in a lot of ways works to censor our reality.  In some ways this is good.  We do not need to be aware of every little thing that comes into our field of view, or every little conversation going on in the background.  However, it is all collected by our subconscious.  Our subconscious can determine how successful we are with the Law of Attraction.  Let’s take a look at how that works and how we can make it work in our favor.

If our subconscious wasn’t doing what it was doing, we could be prone to a lot of difficulty in keeping a steady, stable grip on reality.  Every little bit of information that comes our way could begin influencing how we see the world, and in a lot of cases that could be terrifying.  So our subconscious only accepts as a fact of reality those things which it is bombarded with over a period of time.  Many neuroscientists believe that this period of time can be averaged, and have chosen 21 days as the most common period of time needed to affect a permanent change in the subconscious.  In some cases it may be more, and in some it may be less, but 21 days is a good average. 

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In general, our subconscious flushes things away within three days.  New programming?  New beliefs?  Flushed away, through our dreams at night.  Many people have reported going in for hypnosis to curb a habit such as smoking, over-eating, etc.  These people claim that they did fine for the first couple of days, but then reverted to their habit.  Most likely, the subconscious flushed this new programming while they slept a couple of nights later, and now the new programming is gone.  This is why it is important to impress your desires on your subconscious repeatedly until they become part of your reality.

The power of the subconscious is such that once you have impressed something upon it fully, and it is accepted by your subconscious as a fact of reality, that thing will now become a reality in your experience.  Thus, by repeating hypnosis every few days over time, you will be able to maintain the new programming.  Many new hypnosis programs recommend daily use for at least 21 days.  This is also the case with intention work using the Law of Attraction.  Spend a little time each day focusing on your desires, so that you continually impress them into your subconscious.

Make a poster of things you want to manifest, and hang it somewhere in your home.  Whenever you see it, whether your take note or not, your subconscious will receive that information and it will be reinforced.  By hanging little notes and representational pictures around, you can begin attracting them into your life because of the power the subconscious has to make real that which it accepts as real.

Learn more about how the subconscious mind works so that you can learn how to make it work for you rather than against you.  There is no greater ally in learning to use the Law of Attraction, and you definitely need the subconscious playing for your team.  Best of luck, and happy manifesting!

The Law of Attraction and Relationships

It has been said that the Law of Attraction can manifest itself in matters of wealth, health, and happiness.  Part of the happiness is having fulfilling relationships.  These can be romantic love relationships or familial relationships or simple friendships.  The Law of Attraction affects them all. 

Whether you are trying to put the Law of Attraction to use in your life or not, it is always at work.  You are always putting out vibrations into the universe.  They are always collecting with like energies and coming back to you. 

The difference when you deliberately use the Law of Attraction is that you focus on the things you want.  Then, these positive things return to you.  What you give your attention to is what becomes important in your life. 

Once something becomes important to you, you will develop an excitement about it.  That excitement will turn into a power that is greater than any you can drum up by simply repeating words about what you want.  The Law of Attraction works in relationships as well as it does in anything else. 

By deliberately using the Law of Attraction, you can find that special person you are looking for.  One step is to determine what it is you want from a mate.  Make a list. 

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Write down strengths you would like the person to have.  Write down joys you would like to share. 

Once you have a more concrete idea of what you want, the universe will bring you to your mate through the Law of Attraction.  This will happen through matching of frequencies.  You send out the frequency of what you want.  That vibration goes out and collects with other frequencies like it.  In other words, it matches. 

When your frequency is vibrating in concert with another frequency, it will only be a matter of time before you meet someone.  The Law of Attraction will be at work.  At this point, you should follow your hunches.  If you have the urge to do something on a different schedule than usual, then do it.  This may be how you find your mate. 

Just let the Law of Attraction do its work.  Continue to reaffirm in your mind the fact that the person you are looking for exists.  Believe that you will find that person.  Draw your attention and excitement to the subject.  Things will happen. 

Other relationships work on the theory of matching as well.  You put out energy towards a person in your life.  That energy can be for or against them.  Whatever energy you send them will match whatever energy in them that is like that frequency.  You will get the result you expect.  This is the Law of Attraction. 

If you are feeling down, the Law of Attraction will supply you with a companion in despair.  As the two of you spiral down, you will be better off if you decide to let the Law of Attraction work for you instead of against you.  Find ways that your frequencies can vibrate in harmony in a positive way.  This will strengthen and lengthen friendships like nothing else. 

Your relationships can develop into more than they ever were before.  Your friendships can be deeper.  You can live in harmony with your relatives.  Your love interests can become life-long partners.  The Law of Attraction can make it all come true. 

Are you impatient?

Are you impatient? Have faith in the Universe.

If you don’t see immediate results in the things you want, do you figure you are not going to get them then become frustrated? 

This could be creating obstacles in your use of the Law of Attraction. If you are using the law correctly, you will only have to ask for something from the universe once.  After that, you know throughout your being that the universe has heard your request and is working on it.  It could take time for the entire request to come to fruition, but you know that the process is underway. You feel secure that things are happening for you, and can move on to other things in your life, instead of second-guess if and when things will come to you.

To second-guess the universe is to doubt it, to doubt that the Law of Attraction is real, to doubt that it can work for you. All of that doubt can harm what you are asking

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for.  If you deep down start to convince yourself that since you haven’t seen results, it probably isn’t working, and therefore you won’t get what you are asking for, you are predestining yourself to be disappointed.

You are putting negative energy out into the universe, and negative energy is exactly what you will get back.

Instead, believe that the bigger requests you have made will take some time, and instead appreciate the little gifts the universe is giving you every day.  It could be getting the opportunity to spend some time with a good friend, having a little extra free time in your week to enjoy a movie you have wanted to see, or even just a great tasting meal. These are all little things that are pieces of the puzzle that make you have pleasurable days.

Think about the little things that make every day happier and appreciate they were in it. Be thankful that the universe saw fit to give you many small gifts, while also knowing that it is working to bring the larger things you have asked for.

If you want prosperity using the Law of Attraction...

If you want prosperity using the Law of Attraction, you need to know what it feels like to have it.

Part of the snag many people hit in getting the prosperity they want, is that they really don’t understand what it would be like to have abundance, and they can’t even begin to comprehend what things they could do if they were to be prosperous.

You need to teach yourself how to react. 

Treat yourself like a millionaire.

While you may say you can’t afford to treat yourself like a millionaire because you don’t have the money, there are ways to feel rich while still waiting for the riches to arrive.  Schedule a trip to an upscale mall.

Dig into the closet for the expensive outfit you wear on special occasions.  Add to it your nicest jewelry and all the accessories. And women, make sure your makeup and hair is done as well.

Once you have yourself looking like a million bucks, it’s time to act like a million bucks

If you can, have someone drive you to the mall and drop you at the door. If they will then come in with you and carry your items and be your personal assistant for the day, all the better.  If not, make sure you have a way to let them know to pick you up, and have them waiting at the curb when you are done with your trip.

When you walk into the mall, go to the more expensive stores.  No dollar stores, no sales signs.  You want riches, and wonderful things.  There may be a high-end clothing store which had items you coveted.  Go in and try on as many as you would

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like.  Once you are in the outfit, make sure to admire how you look. Take all the time you need getting comfortable with that image of yourself in the dressing room mirror.

Many malls have a higher end candy store, if this mall does go there.  Usually you may not consider paying $3-$5 for a piece of candy.  But today, you are not who you usually are, you are growing into a person who deserves the best.  Peruse the candy selection and ask the salesperson questions as you make a decision on which one you want.  Select what would be perfect for you, without any guilt.  Take small nibbles and enjoy the quality of the candy.

Make sure to also stop at the high-end jeweler.  Have them pull a piece out of the window for you to try on.  There should be no strange feeling about doing this; after all, you deserve these riches.  As the jewels hit your skin take some time admiring how they look on you in the mirror. Make sure to see your face, your clothing, and this beautiful jewelry in the mirror’s reflection. Remember this image. This is how you deserve to look and feel.

Once you begin to understand how it feels to be prosperous and teach your body that this feeling is ok, and what you deserve it, prosperity will start coming to you.

How Passion Energizes Law of Attraction

No matter what you do in life, doing it with passion and enthusiasm can immediately energize the Law of Attraction to work to your benefit.  Does it sound too good to be true?

Here are ten reasons why passion can energize the Law of Attraction in whatever you do:

•    Passion inspires you to take focused action.  Though action isn’t always necessary to receive positive outcomes, it sure does help!  When you take action, you are helping to bridge the gap between the spiritual and physical planes of existence.  Focused action can intensify and direct energy in powerful ways, which intensifies your results.

•    Passion encourages creative inspiration.  Have you ever received an amazing idea while you were feeling passionate and excited about something else?  Passion is a higher frequency vibration that will attract more high-frequency vibrations – like creativity and ingenuity.

•    Passion can inspire clarity and insight about the right path for you.  Though there really aren’t any “wrong” paths in life, there are certainly easier ones and more difficult ones!  The more passionate you feel about something, the more meaningful and important it will become.

•    Passion blots out fear and resistance.  How can you feel anxious when you’re feeling great about what you’re doing?  The more you focus on passion and enthusiasm for your activities, the less likely you are to experience fear or worry.

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•    Passion keeps you firmly in the present moment.  When you immerse yourself in what you’re doing at the moment, there is little chance of you worrying about the future or dwelling on the past.  This allows you to devote more of your focus to your current activities, which will allow you to better enjoy them, as well as intensify the results you get from them.

•    Passion provides a great escape from dissatisfaction.  Shifting your attention away from what you don’t want allows you to better focus on what you do want.  The more time you can devote to activities that make you feel passionate, the less time you will be dwelling on negative stuff – and attracting more of it!

•    Passion directs a stronger intensity of energy toward your desired outcome.  If you do something halfheartedly, you might receive watered-down results, but doing it with passion virtually guarantees that your results will be excellent.

•    Passion is an investment in more opportunities to feel passionate!  Remember that the more you focus on something you really enjoy you will begin to attract more things to really enjoy.  It also works the same for other emotions like joy, peace, love, and gratitude.

•    Passion can extend your endurance.  When you feel passionate about what you’re doing, you can easily get lost in it and accomplish much more than you would otherwise.  This can also create more expansive results than you would otherwise receive.

•    Passion can inspire quicker results in any endeavor.  Whether you’re focused on increasing your financial abundance or creating a work of art, you’ll be putting forth a strong intensity of emotion so your results will usually appear much more quickly than they would otherwise.

Remember, any strong emotion you express will emit powerful vibrations to the universe and eventually return to you in the same or similar form.  Since you want your results to be as positive as possible, try infusing whatever you do with passion and watch as it creates a continuous flow of joy and abundance in your life. 

Attracting Your Soul Mate With The Law of Attraction

Ever since beginning work with the Law of Attraction, I've found that more interest has been expressed on attracting a soul mate than even on attracting money.  Luckily, attracting a soul mate couldn't be easier, using the Law of Attraction.  There's no reason you can't attract that one special person who makes your heart thump, and who likewise feels the same about you.  Let's discuss how you can attract your soul mate using the Law of Attraction.

First and foremost, the trick to attracting a soul mate (or anything, actually) is consistently keeping an image of having what you desire.  So it is very important that once you begin working on attracting your soul mate, you keep at it every day.  This process may take days, weeks, or even months, but if you stop working towards it, you may not succeed, so it's important you are persistent. 

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Each day, spend a little time daydreaming (read: visualizing) about that special person.  Imagine the feeling of being with them, holding their hand, enjoying their company.  This should give you plenty of warm fuzzies, and those emotions are exactly what are working to attract this person into your life.  It's easiest if you don't specify a person when you do this, but if you must, then there's no reason you can't succeed at attracting a specific person. 

This is probably best accomplished during the times when you are most comfortable, such as in the morning or evening when you are in bed or even when you are in a nice, sudsy bubble bath.  Be careful, because this process can become addictive!  And the more addictive it becomes, the more you'll know you're doing it right.  Don't feel bad about it - if you fritter away endless hours daydreaming about being in love, that will only further empower your manifestation. 

If you break for a day or two, don't worry about it, just start again when you notice that you haven't been working on it.  Sometimes little things in life will come up and our habits will be broken - make sure you restart the pattern as soon as things calm down.

Also, make sure that you put yourself in places and situations where you can meet other people.  Go out to parties, hang out with friends, and find interesting things to do in places where you might meet someone new.  If you feel a whim to go somewhere that you hadn't originally planned, go!  Sometimes your intuition will guide you, but only if you follow it.  Once you begin this work, you will be attracting the right circumstances to meet your soul mate.

Finally, when you meet that special person, you will feel a click.  They'll feel it to - don't worry, things will be pretty effortless.  Love at first sight is possible, but the phrase is a bit misleading.  It's not sight that causes the love, but a soul recognition.  You and that special person will understand each other right away, and things will progress easily and naturally.  You will not have to work particularly hard at starting this relationship; it will be mutual.

Remember to remain persistent and work on your visualization every day.  The more time, energy and emotion that goes into it, the more quickly you will attract your soul mate.

Money and Emotions

When working with the Law of Attraction to increase your financial abundance, you may become keenly aware of the ways your emotions are tied in with money.

Emotion has the power to drastically benefit your ability to attract more money, but it also has the power to effectively block your ability to do so.  Remember that your emotions are what determine the power or focus of the vibrations you emit to the universe.  If you focus your emotions in the right way, you will boost your ability to attract more money, but if you hold powerful emotions on the wrong end of the spectrum, it will block the abundance you wish to attract.

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To understand how this works, we have to look at two main considerations when it comes to money and emotions:

•    Emotional states that resist or block abundance.  These states are: fear, desperate need, anger, powerlessness or uncertainty.  If you desire more money but worry about your ability to handle it, you will resist it.  If you desperately need more money because of a severe state of lack, your very dependence upon it will push it away.  Believing that money will solve all of your problems is also a sure way to block it because you are placing an excessive amount of importance on money, when it’s not about the money at all.  Granted, money can make your life easier, but if your life is a mess besides not having enough money, it will still be a mess when you do have more money!

•    Emotional states that attract abundance.  On the opposite end of the spectrum are emotions that actually call forth greater abundance into your life.  They are:  optimism, gratitude, joy, passion, appreciation and hopefulness.  The first order of business in attracting more money is to first become grateful for what you already have.  Learn to appreciate the good things in your life, even if not everything is perfect.  When something good happens to you, take a few moments to reflect on it and be grateful for it.  At the same time, learn to embrace an optimistic view of the future.  Expect good things, and you will begin to attract them.  Expect plenty of opportunities to grow and develop as a person, opportunities to advance your career, and opportunities to attract more money.

As you shift your focus to lighter emotions like this, you begin to change the signal you send out to the universe.  When you combine this signal with focused action steps, you will notice a definite improvement in the tangible abundance you experience in your daily life.

It’s important to note that it may take time to see results, especially if you’ve been focusing more on those negative emotions for any length of time.  The tricky part is being able to focus on the positive emotions even if your circumstances aren’t the way you wish them to be . . . yet!  That “yet” is important, because you have to be willing to believe that things WILL change, even if they haven’t already.  However, keep at it and watch how your life transforms before your eyes.

Using Your Powerful Emotional Guidance System

At first, the Law of Attraction seems like a very difficult tool to use.  You need to change your thinking, become more positive, and remove negative thoughts that create negative things in your life.  But who has the time to monitor their every thought?  Not many of us, and luckily you don’t have to.  That’s where the power of the Emotional Guidance System comes into play.

Your emotions are far more powerful than you realize.  Your emotions, when backing thoughts, cause those thoughts to begin manifesting in reality.  Thoughts without emotion don’t tend to manifest.  But not only can you use your emotions, your excitement over your desires, to actually manifest them, but you can actually use your emotions to alter your entire thinking process.

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You see, your emotions are actually tools that indicate how your current thinking process is affecting your life.  When your current thoughts are attracting negative things to you, or things that you do not want, those thoughts feel bad.  You will feel anxious, unnerved, angry, or sad.  When you are feeling anything negative, you need to immediately become aware of what you are currently thinking about.  Then, stop that thought process and begin thinking about something that makes you feel good.  Think about your family or your friends or your spouse or your kids or even your favorite hobby or a pet.

When you are feeling good, it is an indicator that your thoughts are currently attracting things into your life that you desire.  The more you are attracting what you desire, the better you feel.  Likewise, when you consciously sit and visualize on what you desire and imagine having or experiencing it, you naturally begin to feel good.  That’s what makes this whole Law of Attraction practice work.  Positive thoughts + positive emotions = manifestation of positive outcome.

So rather than attempt to sit and monitor every thought that rolls through your mind, begin becoming aware of the patterns of your thinking.  You may note that you have a tendency to daydream about negative things, things that you fabricate in your mind seemingly out of nowhere.  These may be negative happenings, negative events, or negative interactions.  By taking note of your thoughts when your emotions begin turning negative, you will start to notice these patterns.  Then you can begin redirecting them more quickly until you no longer succumb to these patterns of thinking at all.

At the same time, you will find your patterns of positive thought.  Reinforce these, prolong them, and expand upon them.  The thoughts that make you feel good are the ones that attract your desires and stir up your emotions (for power).  Focus as much energy into these thoughts and thought patterns as possible every day.

Before long, you will begin to see a big change in your life, as your negative manifestations dwindle and your positive manifestations thrive.  This is the power of the Emotional Guidance System – to change your entire life for the better very quickly by helping you to get a handle on your own thought patterns.

Developing a Manifestation Schedule

When you begin using the Law of Attraction, it's easy to get sidetracked and distracted.  You might do your visualization exercises for a week or two religiously, then suddenly realize that a month has passed and you haven't done anything.  This is common, but it is important to break this bad habit so that you can begin enjoying the fruits of your desires.  A great way to begin gaining consistency is to develop a manifestation schedule.

First, you need to look at your daily life and iron out the patterns.  This block of time is your work; this block of time is your family; this block of time is your play.   Somewhere in your day, there will be a window.  If there's not, then you must create a window either first thing in the morning or last thing at night.  In any event, find that window (or create it) and mark it off in your mind.  This is your visualization time.  Keep in mind, weekends and weekdays can be as different as night and day.  You

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will probably need a different schedule for your weekend, and possibly even different schedules for Saturday and Sunday.

Once you have your windows of time marked in your mind, mark them on paper.  Put them on your calendar, in your appointment book, in your palm pilot, in Outlook, and write sticky notes to yourself to put around the house.  The most important thing is that you have daily reminders that your window of time is to be used for your Law of Attraction visualization exercises.  Once you have these constant reminders, you must remain disciplined and do your visualization exercises each day.  Keep in mind, if you dread the exercises and if they aren't fun and relaxing, then you're not doing them right.

And that's the second secret to keeping your manifestation schedule: doing the exercises right.  Your Law of Attraction visualization exercises aren't actually "exercises".  In fact, that labeling probably hurts rather than helps.  Exercises sound like work.  Visualization is play.  I want to make this as plain and simple as possible: Visualization = Daydreaming = Daydreaming = Visualization.  Remember when you were a kid and you would sit and daydream about that bike you wanted?  You need to remember how to daydream like a child.

Adults seem to think that daydreaming is wasteful and sometimes even shameful.  Time is money, right?  But daydreaming is what connects you to your imagination, and your imagination connects you deeply to your desires and emotions, and this combination of thoughts, desires and emotions is what manifests into your reality.  So by learning to daydream about what you desire, you will learn to attract it into your life.  I'm not talking about imagining what it will be like one day when you have money.  This is the wrong way to go about it (as any kid can tell you).  You need to imagine yourself having the money, the car, the dream job, the house, NOW.  Imagine that you already have what you want, and are enjoying it.  This is the part so many people get wrong.

By visualizing in the present rather than in the future, you manifest in the present.  What good is anything you want if you manifest it in the future?  What you manifest in that case is that you are going to have it someday.  Quick hint - someday never comes - it's always only today. 

Keep a regular, daily schedule with your Law of Attraction "work", and make sure you are enjoying it!  This is the secret to successful attraction.

Four secrets every winner knows.

1. Winners know they must overcome the short term mind set.

Winner know that in order to succeed in any field of Endeavour  it's essential to overcome the short term mind  set and focus on the long term benefits.

Winners don't give into the pursuit of short term pleasure to the detriment of their long term goals. Also winners don't try to avoid actions or tasks that involve short term pain or effort, but are crucial to their long term success.

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Would be athletes  must be willing to endure the short term pain of intensive training and give up the short term pleasure of spending time with their mates if they are to have a good chance at succeeding

Dieters must forego the short term pleasure of cream cakes and embrace the pain of regular exercise if they want to reach their goal weights.

What ever you want to achieve in life you must learn overcome the short term mindset by focusing intensely on the long term benefits.

2. Winner set goals

Winner know you have to set goals and targets to give yourself direction and focus, they know they must have  both major life shaping goals to give a destination  and short term goals to act as stepping stones.

Winners know that their major long term goals must be in place first and then their short term goals must be added as stepping stones needed to reach their final destinations. There's little point in setting short term goals if you don't know your final destination.

Winner know that if at any point they decide they have miscalculated or circumstances have changed and they would be happier with a different destination , they can change directions. They also know if you don't a have goal or destination you won't even know when you following the wrong path.

3. Winner know you must have a plan.

No architect worth his salt would ever attempt to build any sort of building without a detailed plan not even a shed or a dog kennel. So why do so many people go though life with no sort of plan.

Ever winner has followed a plan a set of instructions and sub goals all leading to the ultimate fulfillment of their major lifetime goals.  Ever winner researches his chosen field be it a business or a sport and gets all the facts, insider information, tip and techniques he needs.

Every winner learns the key skills they will require to implement their plan, every winner also knows that at times he will need a helping hand and cultivates a network of experts in his field.

Ever winner is however aware that they are the architect of their plans and they can redraw them if necessary adding and removing rooms to meet changing circumstances.

Every winner know that there's a time to stop planning and setting goals and start taking action. Without being reckless and after testing the waters, every winner has been willing to commit themselves to massive action in order to reach his goals.

4. Winners aren't quitters but they aren't stubborn fools either

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Winners aren't quitters they don't fold at the first obstacle and most winners have failed many times on the road to success. Winners just dust themselves off and have another go or try a different tack. They know persistence has its rewards.

Winners aren't quitters but there're not stubborn fools either. If they run into a brick wall they don't turn around and go home. Nor do they keep banging their head against the wall trying to break though, no they will give that wall 1 or 2 good bangs, because sometime a very solid looking wall crumbles to dust under a little pressure. If the wall stays standing they still won't quit they will try to find a way over, dig there way under or simply look for a door.

Winners don't quit but they don't stubbornly repeat the same nonproductive actions over and over again.

The power of focus.

To get thing done in life we must learn to focus. Focusing on the task at hand increases productivity and the quality of our results.

Focusing on our work as an employee will increase our value to the boss and result in increased job security and promotion.

If we work for ourselves focusing on the task at hand means we get more done and either enjoy a shorter working day or earn more money.

Focusing on our family will bring about a more loving and rewarding relationship with our loved ones. I could go on but I am sure you get the picture.

Focus is a matter of motivation it's easy to stay focused when driving a sports car at speed you have motivation if you don't focus you crash and die.

A lion stalking a zebra on the African savannah is a picture of concentration and focus because it's motivated by hunger.

It's not so easy to stay focused when the prize or danger is not clear or is too far in the distance. It's not easy to stay focused at work when your motivation is to get promoted sometime in the future.

So to stay focused the prize or danger must be clear in our minds we must have a goal and this goal must have a deadline. Your goal must be constructed as a plan. For example I will stay focused and disciplined at work and within 6 month I will get promoted.

That's of course a very simple plan and to motivate yourself on a day to day basis you should have sub goals constructed around specific project or tasks.

As we all know even with a goal and a clear reward in sight it's not always easy to stay focused in order to keep on track you need to use the twin powers of pain and pleasure. Everything we do in life is to avoid pain or gain pleasure.

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To keep focused you must associate either great pain with not reaching your goal or great pleasure in achieving it. If you want to focus on your health and change your unhealthy eating patterns, associating the pain of dying and not seeing your grandchildren growing up, would be great motivator.

If your goal is to get promoted at work. Concentrating on the extra money you will earn and picturing the great holiday you can enjoy with your fatter pay packets will do the trick.

The most powerful way of staying focused on any task is to be clear in your mind of both the pleasure reaching your goals will bring and also the painful results of failure.

List in your mind or better still on paper all pleasurable results staying focused and reaching your goal will bring into your life. Don't just do this intellectually use your emotions and actual feel the pleasure.

Then do exactly the same with the other great motivator pain.  Some people are more motivated by the prospect of pleasure and others by the threat of pain. When you know what motivates you, you can use that knowledge to keep yourself focused.

Spending and Law of Attraction

When you don’t have a lot of money, spending it seems like a reckless move.  Most of us have a natural reaction to lack; we hang onto what we have a little tighter.  However, where the Law of Attraction is concerned such a move will actually increase the intensity of our lack because it creates a blockage in the flow of energy through our lives.  This can affect not only our financial resources, but every other area of our lives.

Before you whip out the credit card and hit the shopping mall, let’s explore a few important points about spending and the Law of Attraction:

Why does restriction cause more lack?  If we think of this universe as one with finite resources, we can see the wisdom in carefully controlling how much we use.  There is only a limited amount of resources available, so excessive usage will deplete the supply.  However, the Law of Attraction teaches us that our own perception of limited resources is what results in depletion.  When we begin to hoard or hold back the use of resources we have, it blocks the flow of energy and creates stagnation.  Stagnation will continue to pollute any new energy that manages to trickle in, which only strengthens the cycle of lack.  If we instead learn how to work with what we have, we could easily expand it into more.

How do we better work with what we have?  Though restricting the resources we have perpetuates the cycle of lack, spending more than we have will also create problems.  The last thing you should do is use a credit card when you don’t have cash available, because you are setting up an energy deficit that will begin to eat away at not only the resources you have now, but any resources you may have coming in the near future!  Instead, make it a point to spend only what you can afford to spend right now, and spend it wisely.  Purchase something that will bring greater joy and gratitude into your life, or even better – use your money in ways that can

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attract more money.  Invest it in programs that will give you a greater return than a typical savings account, or consider starting a small business to create another opening for abundance to enter your life.

When it comes right down to it, it’s not about money; it’s about feeling wealthy.  Abundance and lack are nothing more than opposite views of the same concept.  Your belief that you don’t have enough money is what strengthens the reality.  A focus on lack can cause you to become blinded to what you do have.  However, if you choose to see your current resources as an opportunity to attract more, you will feel more prosperous and encourage a continuous flow of money through your life.

By refusing to spend at all, you are in effect telling the universe that you don’t have “enough” – and the universe will take you at your word.  If you instead find ways to make your money work for you without restricting the flow of it into your life, you will affirm to the universe that there is more than enough to go around – and there will be.

Attracting Wealth with the Law of Attraction

Many people were inspired to learn about the Law of Attraction from the movie The Secret or by watching the teachers from The Secret on Oprah.  Attracting money is quite possibly the most common desire, and yet it is one of the most difficult to do.  However, the basic problems in attracting money are easy to get around.  Once these problems are circumvented, attracting money is a breeze!

The biggest problem with attracting money is that most people desperately need the money and choose money as their first manifestation goal.  However, due to the need for money and the constant habitual negative thinking surrounding money (“how will I ever pay that bill?”, “oh no, my power is going to be shut off”, ”I’ll never pay off this student loan”), any attraction dealing with money is likely to be offset by daily negative thoughts and feelings.  This causes a negative attraction which can offset or even completely cancel out your attempts to attract money.

Manifestation and attraction works when you take a positive, light-hearted and playful approach.  Patience and detachment are the keys to successful manifesting.  Since money is such a charged subject, it is difficult for people to detach themselves from their attraction attempts long enough for the money to manifest.  Meanwhile they continue thinking their daily thoughts (“I can’t afford these gas prices!”, “I wish I could afford a vacation”, “I’m not paid enough”) and these thoughts bring about negative feelings towards money that push their desires away.

The way to break around this is to start smaller, and focus on things other than money.  Begin by attempting to manifest something simple, like a red rose.  Beware, depending on what you visualize, you may get a real rose or you may end up with a box of tissue that sports a big red rose on the side.  Be as precise as you can in your imaginings, and always place yourself in the picture.  See yourself holding a rose, or whatever little desire you are attempting to manifest.

Once you manifest your first little thing, repeat this process two or three times.  Each time, what you will find is that your desires are manifesting, and that will add faith to

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your process.  When you turn back to manifesting money, begin by picking a smaller amount that you can believe in.  Five hundred dollars, a thousand dollars, anything so long as you can seriously believe that you can attain that money.  Keep a detached and playful mindset – this will bring your manifestation into your life more quickly.  As you succeed more and more, your faith will build, and your manifestations will happen faster.  Also you will develop a true realization that you are able to manifest your desires, and then you can begin working on attracting larger amounts of money while knowing all along that you will succeed.  As faith develops and begins developing into absolute knowns for you, your entire life will lighten up and you will feel the magic that is in the universe around you.

Best of luck and may you attract your every desire!

Visualization and the Law of Attraction

The old adage, `You don't need to be a rocket scientist' actually does apply to quantum physics! Your thoughts are things! Does that information stagger your consciousness? Your thoughts are actually creating your life! You, as the owner of your thoughts, feelings, emotions, are designing your reality every moment, awake or not. What you experience on a daily basis is a mirror reflection of that which you are focused on.

You do not need to travel to a high mountain in India to receive enlightenment, it already exists in your conceptual self. What you will need to do is discover for yourself the vehicle that most easily enables you to  visualize your dreams, and ultimately causes them to be manifested in reality. There are numerous tools available for your visualization needs. Power wheels, victory boards, and even a simple river rock can all help you deliberately direct your positive energy towards the life you desire.

The power wheel resembles a pizza, if you will, with a circle in the middle. In that circle you write down, or place a picture of, the desire you will be manifesting into actuality. Around the circle, in the `slices' write down descriptions, or place more pictures of people who are already experiencing this specific type of success. Don't generalize! If you are envisioning a home with a rock fireplace in the 1500 square foot master bedroom, do not allow your energy to wander vaguely! The Law of Attraction is extremely precise, as is any absolute truth, and it will not give you exactly what you want if your thoughts are less than concentrated. As you dwell devotedly on your power wheel be thankful for the home that will be, as if it already is. Imagine yourself decorating the home, entertaining in it, and especially experiencing the tranquility that only creating your own personal sanctuary can bring.

A victory board will generally be less structured than the power wheel, but with equally influential results. Purchase a poster board, or a bulletin board. Write extremely descriptive plans regarding your goal, and post these, along with photos or drawn images that coincide with your intentions. This visualizing tool is very similar to the power wheel in concept, but just as there are many different dreams, there must exist different tools that enable your positive energy to be funneled in the right direction, also. It is not important which tool you avail, it only matters that you have

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one, and you are faithful to the concentration of your emotions towards that ultimate objective.

How can a lowly river rock help you achieve wildly ambitious aspirations? Quite simply, you carry it with you consistently, and whenever you feel it in your pocket, remember to visualize your dream. Anything that keeps you focused, keeps you energized, and helps to maintain your joyful expectancy is worthy of your efforts as you discover for yourself which tool or tools work best for you. There is no right or wrong way to call the Law of Attraction into action on your behalf, there is only doing it, and beginning today!

Editor’s note:

Periodically we feature an issue of Dr. Asoka K. Selvarajah’s newsletter, Aspire to Wisdom. In this case, we are grateful to Dr. Selvarajah for allowing us to share with you an article that recently appeared. We begin with his own introduction to the article, followed by the article itself. Finally, at the bottom of the piece, is information on how to visit Dr. Selvarajah’s site as well as that of Dr. Anthony, the author of this article.

Dr. Asoka Selvarajah writes:

"A month or two ago, I did a 6-week audio course by a prosperity teacher by the name of Dr. Robert Anthony. I have to tell you, it made a massive impact on me. Dr. Anthony explains the principles of manifesting what you desire (whether that be money, joy, better health or whatever) better than almost anyone I can think of.

Better still, his approach weaves metaphysical thought with the down to earth practicalities of getting what you want from life. So, I asked him to please let me some of his material that I could share with you in the ezine.

He graciously agreed, and so I have pleasure in offering you his profound "The Secret Of Doing Without Doing." Also, I would definitely recommend that you check out his amazing 6-week "Know How To Be Rich". This is the one I was just telling you about. It comes with my very highest recommendation.

Even if you think you've heard it all before, this course will definitely change the way you look at manifesting wealth or indeed anything. Enjoy the article and I hope it changes the way you think about what you attract into your life and how!

Regards, Asoka Selvarajah

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The Secret of Doing Without Doingby Dr. Robert Anthony

One of the mistaken certainties or misconceptions most people operate under is that you get what you want in life by what you DO, or through the actions you take. Most people believe that the DOING or action part is what makes things happen. However, this causes you to create in reverse.

Let me explain. The reason we put a lot of emphasis on action is because we do not understand the power of our thought. If you analyze it, 90% of most people's actions are spent trying to compensate for inappropriate thought. The Chinese philosopher Lao-tsu said that, "In the practice of the Way, every day something is dropped. Less and less do you need to force things until finally you arrive at *non action* When nothing is done, nothing is left undone".

What he is talking about is *doing without doing* The problem is that most of us are preoccupied with "doing". Unfortunately most of our doing usually involves struggle. In the western world we are conditioned to be action-oriented, so we place a tremendous value on doing. We are so busy doing that we do not realize that all this "doingness" causes us to create in a reverse fashion. Most of our actions are out of fear, worry or doubt because we believe nothing will get done unless we DO something. In other words, we are trying to force our desire into manifestation through action. If your decision to DO is dominant, then you will not focus on what you want to BE in the present moment. This causes you to miscreate because BEING is the first and most important step in the creative process.

Here is the secret. It is not your action that makes things happen, it is your intent. You can reduce the need for action to a very minimum by allowing yourself to focus on what you desire until you feel the positive energy begin to move within you. This energy is not based on doubt, fear, anxiety, worry or need. If you focus on what you want instead of what you don't want, you will know when it is time to take action. And when you do, it will be effortless. Doors open and the entire universe will conspire to assist you in your desire.

Put simply, you should take no action on anything until you have visualized your desire and made it real enough in your mind that your next action (step), whatever it is, seems like the most logical step. How can you know the next logical step? Here is the test that you can give to yourself before taking any action. If you focus on what you desire and still feel overwhelmed or anxious, then you are not ready for any action. You know you are ready when it feels like the next logical step is effortless. There is no effort, no strain, and no pain. What we want to do is to use the leverage of energy, the same leverage of energy that creates everything in the universe.

However, we are so caught up in the reality of WHAT IS, that we feel we must create everything through mental effort and physical activity. Have you ever seen people who seem to have all the wonderful things in their life without much effort? It almost seems like they have an advantage over everyone else. Then you see the people who work the hardest usually have the least. That doesn't seem fair does it? But

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that's the way the universe works.

Unfortunately, those who work the hardest usually have the least because they haven't learned the leverage of aligning their energy. They are going about creating their lives the hard way. They are trying to use their actions to create what they want. We have also been programmed that in order to have what we desire we must work hard. How many times have you heard - "No pain, no gain." The implication is that if you want to make something of yourself, you must work hard. The message is clear - if you are not hurting or struggling, you are not moving forward.

But here is the truth - anytime you are struggling you are miscreating. Anytime you feel pain or struggle, your magnetic point of attraction is directed to that which you do not want, rather than to that which you desire. Read it again! Actions are necessary, but they are the last component of the creation processes. Actions cannot be used effectively to initiate results, because initiation is the function of BEING, then thought, then action.

Remember, the creation of anything is through your vibration. Everything vibrates, and it is by that vibration that we harmonize and attract experiences to ourselves. So before you act or do anything, first ask yourself, how am I vibrating? How do you tell? You tell by how you FEEL. Your feelings show you your vibration. How you feel determines what you attract. When you use the process of creating by only focusing on what you want instead of what you don't want, you will see that the universe will provide a different set of circumstances for you that requires much less action. This puts you in a state of "doing without doing" or action without effort.

Manifesting the Means

When attempting to manifest your desires, it’s easy to get mixed up between what you really want and the means for obtaining what you really want.  After all, that’s why so many of us focus on money, isn’t it?  You don’t care about green paper!  You want financial freedom, the ability to travel, and freedom from financial struggles.  It’s important to focus on your desires and not the means, for the means themselves are more difficult to attract.  When focusing on attracting our desires, the means will naturally occur to allow us to reach our goals.  Let’s look at why.

We think, generally, in a very logical fashion.  We’re not used to jumping from A to C.  We’re accustomed to moving through B.  The problem is that when C is where we want to be, but we focus on attracting point B, we are not generating all of the emotional excitement and energy we could be using to attract our desire.  Because of this, we have far more difficulty attaining our goal, and the process can be long and frustrating. 

Have you really tried visualizing loads of money?  Doesn’t that get boring fast?  It’s difficult to do!  That’s because the act of holding money isn’t that interesting. 

However, sailing on Your yacht while sipping mango juice is a far more exciting visual.

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By focusing on your end result, and manifesting it, you will naturally attract all of the money you need to do so! 

This could be a very swift process indeed.  However, this isn’t what most of us do.  We fall into the typical old trap.  We try to manifest the money.

The interesting thing about the Law of Attraction is that it can bring you anything you want.  Regardless of how difficult it may seem, how impossible or how unlikely, you can have what you want!  Since our minds are used to taking logical points, we are used to working our way from where we are to where we want to go.  Listen up, because here’s the magic. 

Focus only on where you want to be in the end.  Focus all of your attention, emotion, and visualizations on your end result.  Sit and determine what it is that you truly want first, so that you know that you are on track. 

Don’t try to manifest the money – manifest the mansion, manifest the essence of the trip to Kenya!  Since the natural progression of our physical world demands that you buy a mansion with a butt-load of money, guess what the Law of Attraction will bring to you?  A butt-load of money, of course.  The money, or the means in any case, is not important.  The means will be there.  You need to worry only about the ends.

Let the universe and the Law worry about the how’s.  You worry about the what’s.  By releasing the medium ground and allowing the Law to operate of its own accord, you free yourself of having to go slowly and painfully from point A to point B, then again from B to C.  If you visualize C, B will happen naturally.  Good luck and happy manifesting!

Help! I Can't Attract Jack!

Public knowledge of the Law of Attraction has opened new worlds for everyone.  It is easy for anyone to learn how to attract the things they want into their lives.  Some of you, however, may be feeling that you are having more difficulty in seeing any progress.  Don’t worry, let’s go over a few things you should work on in order to begin seeing success in your attractions.

First of all, are you doubting yourself?  Do you doubt that what you desire can be attracted to you?  Having doubt isn’t the real issue, but negative thinking is.  If you are placing worry, stress or lots of negative thought around what you are trying to attract, then you are working against yourself.  “Oh, I can’t really have that.  It would be nice, but I don’t deserve it” or “it’s not really possible” or “it hasn’t happened yet, why should it now?”  This type of thinking can run in the background of your day, lending more and more energy in the manifestation of your desire not manifesting.  Very counterproductive, but easily fixed.  Whenever you catch yourself becoming negative, stop and turn your thoughts to something else entirely. 

Secondly, are you telling everybody what you are trying to do?  Other people’s expectations and opinions about what you are doing may be affecting the outcome.  You may be catching subtle clues that they expect you to fail, and therefore set up a

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situation in which you do fail.  Maybe some of them actually put a lot of negative thinking against what you are working on.  In any event, keep your efforts to yourself.  You have enough to deal with just learning to get out of your own way!

Finally, are you focusing on your desires, or are you actually guilty of focusing on a stair step towards your desire?  If you are trying to manifest money, you are very likely guilty of this.  Money is meaningless. 

Freedom of time, energy, and the ability to have whatever you want, whenever you want, wherever you want is a true desire.  Money is the means by which that desire may be met.  Make sure you are focusing on the freedom of time or freedom from stress rather than on the money. 

Also make sure that you are visualizing positives rather than negatives.  Do not work on “I do not want to work any more”, as this only affirms that you will continue working. 

Instead, work on “My time is completely free and belongs entirely to me; I enjoy my freedom of time.” 

The Law of Attraction can’t distinguish a negative from a positive, and will give you whatever you focus on.  If you focus on not wanting something, you are still focusing on that something, and you will get it.

If you begin working with the steps given above, you will find that the Law of Attraction is working for you.  Finally, you can begin to experience the success you had hoped for.  Good luck, and happy manifesting!

The Outer Illusion - The Inner Reality

Look at the world around you.  Look at the circumstances, the events, and the people in your life.  All of this is nothing more than a projection of your inner being.  The outside world is an illusion.  A big, beautiful, complex illusion, but an illusion nonetheless.  In this illusion you can see, smell, taste, hear, and feel.  You can feel excruciating pain, indescribable ecstasy, and just about anything in between.  The illusion is as real as you want it to be.  It won’t stop just because you recognize it as an illusion.

Ironically, the reality is within you, not outside of you.  All of the pain, pleasure, joy, love and everything else you can imagine is within your very being.  You’ve always heard people say, “The answers are within you”, right?  Well, they truly are!  After birth, we spend most of our time acclimating to this external environment in which we seem to live.  No wonder it is so difficult to perceive our internal realities – we have focused for years exclusively on the external.  We look for our answers outside of ourselves, in books, people, and events.  Little do we realize that the external events and information that we come across is being generated from within ourselves.

But what value comes from recognizing the external world as illusion and acknowledging the internal world?  The external world, at least to the extent of our current understanding, is very real.  Every day we see, smell, hear, taste, and feel all

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of the sensations that our external world has to offer.  We can touch the objects and feel them, how can that not be real?  And more so, if it isn’t real, does it even matter?  We seem to be stuck in this reality anyway.

The important thing is to realize that everything comes from within.  All of the answers you need are within you.  You will continue living in the world of maya, but learning to access your inner being is of utmost importance.  Instead of seeking, seeking, seeking outside of yourself, you need to learn to meditate deeply.  You need to learn to shut off your mind, which is little more than a very noisy distraction that keeps you cemented firmly in the physical illusion.  Once you are able to quiet that beast, you will begin to experience your internal universe, which is full of far more wonder than even the external.  You can find the answers to all of your questions, the answers to your very desires, inside yourself.  You can receive guidance, advice, and instruction. 

That’s the part that is important – learning to turn within.  Your external life will be greatly enhanced as you connect to your inner reality, as the external reality is nothing but a projection of your inner worlds.  Learn to still your mind, look within, and re-connect with your true spirit, which is infinite, all-knowing and all-permeating.  You can also begin to see the external world more as it truly is, and the infinite possibilities will become more apparent.  The more you recognize the illusory nature of the external world, the less you will feel bound by the supposedly unbendable laws of nature.  Good luck and happy inner seeking!

The Law of Attraction: Money in the Making

When using the Law of Attraction, what could be a more common goal than to attract money?  Money buys things we enjoy, money can buy us time, and ultimately money can buy us freedom.  They say money can’t buy happiness, but money can provide almost all of the elements that constitute happiness.  With freedom of time and freedom of finances comes the freedom of choice.  Isn’t that what makes most of us truly happy?  Having the freedom of choice to do what we want when we want.

And so, using the Law of Attraction, you can attract all of the wealth and abundance into your life that you deserve.  Now remember that money is a means, and that the money itself isn’t all that exciting.  When visualizing, visualize yourself with the ends, not the means.  Visualize yourself flying to the Bahamas, or playing on the beach.  Visualize yourself skydiving, surfing, or doing whatever it is you would do if you had the time and money to do what you wanted.  Feel free to visualize yourself buying whatever you want.  Make sure that in your visualization, money is never a problem.

By focusing more on the ends (freedom of time, freedom of choice) and allowing the means to simply be a no-problem part of your mental movie, you will begin attracting those freedoms.  Since those freedoms require money, you will naturally attract money.  Keep an eye out for any signs the universe sends you, as it may be necessary for you to take action where appropriate.  Once you put the energy out there and the universe begins working for you, you need to remain alert!

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The universe and your subconscious mind are intimately linked.  You need to send clear messages to both that you value money and that money is important to you.  That means reaching over to pick up pennies in the parking lot, etc.  Otherwise, be it a penny or thousand dollar bill, you are sending a message to your subconscious and the universe that you don’t need/want/value money.  It has been said that Bill Gates will stop to pick up a dollar on the sidewalk.  That was meant to be a display of his greed, but in fact what that story illustrates is his wealth-centric state of mind.  Similar things have been said of Donald Trump.  What a shame it would be to be in the same boat with two wealthy fellows such as those!

Finally, once you have placed your order of wealth to the universe, relax but remain ever alert.  Sometimes it seems by the very act of remaining alert, the universe is able to meet your desires more quickly.  Otherwise you may miss the opportunities.  Take each moment in your daily life as a personal message from the universe to you, and watch for anything out of the ordinary that may contain the seed for your desire to become manifest.  Good luck!

Attracting More Options in Life

Sometimes in the course of life, we become so accustomed to our beliefs, expectations, and thought patterns that we begin to feel like we’re trapped in a never-ending cycle.  At these times, what we need are more options, but also these are the times it’s most difficult to see other possibilities.  Luckily, the Law of Attraction can assist you in finding more options for your life.

The first thing you need to do is to send out your intent stating that you will no longer accept things as they are, and you desire new things.  New experiences, new people, new places, and new habits.  State this emphatically aloud.  The more frustrated you are, the more emotion will pack into your words.  This is all energy going out into the universe.

There is no visualization needed in this exercise.  To attract new things, stating your intent is more than enough.  However, you must alter yourself in your daily life for a short while.  The way that you do this is to be ever alert for something new.  You know what’s typical in your daily life, and what is not.  The universe will send you a clue or a message in the form of something different; something new.  Keep your eyes peeled for a day or two - it won’t take long.

When you first note something new and strange, it may seem to have no value for you as far as something you can use in your daily life.  This was merely a clue, however, and your job is to ponder it.  Think very clearly about this clue.  Why did it happen?  Where did it come from?  What did it mean?  How does it relate to your life?  As your subconscious processes the clue, your conscious will begin to get an inkling.  It will slowly dawn on you, and then the answer will be so obvious you’ll wonder how you missed it.

That clue may give you a new direction, or may suggest a new hobby.  It may involve new people or new places and new things.  If you are still not clear on what to do with this clue, simply state your intention to the universe again and remain aware. 

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You can do this until you receive a message from the universe that you can understand completely.  At that point, you will have the answer you are looking for.

You may find yourself observing other people.  This is natural when you are in a more observant state.  Ask yourself, why are you observing this particular person at this moment?  What are they doing?  What are they saying?  What message is in this experience for me?

Before long, you will be very adept and processing clues from the universe, and will find that the natural flow of life offers you endless opportunities to explore new things.  The purpose of this exercise is merely to open you up and give you a nudge on your way to discovering more of the endless options available to you in your human experience.

Overcoming Negative Thoughts

When starting out with the Law of Attraction, you may notice that your mind has some ugly thoughts it likes to contribute to your efforts.  Almost all of us have one of these voices in our head: “That will never work.  You can’t do that.  That’s not good enough.  It will never happen.”  Likewise, we all have a voice in our head that encourages us.  “Alright!  That was awesome!  I rock!”  In some of us one or the other may be dominant, or even apparently missing.  If your negative voice is missing, you’re lucky!

If you truly take note, you will notice that the negative voice is quite different from the positive voice.  Not only are they different voices, differing in tone, pitch, and volume.  They will also be in different parts of your head.  The negative voice may be behind your left ear, and the positive voice may come from lower in your head.  Take note of where these voices speak from.

NLP, or Neuro Linguistic Programming, teaches us that we can change these voices by becoming aware of them and then making alterations.  The next time you hear the encouraging voice, by all means, turn up the volume!  When you hear the negative voice, there are a few tricks you can try.  Change the voice into a lower pitch and make it softer.  Give it a sexy ring.  “THAT’S NEVER GOING TO WORK!” is very different sounding from “mmm, that will never work” in a seductive tone.  Turn the volume on this voice down a little.

You may be laughing, but it really is that simple!  These voices are mental constructions we have created.  They reflect different beliefs we have that may or may not serve us.  By adding power to your positive voices and turning your negative ones into something you can laugh at, you change the impact both have on you.

You can try moving the voices around.  This may or may not work, depending on the person.  You can even mute the negative voices and give the positive ones a megaphone.  When you take control of your own thinking processes and mental habits in this way, you change the way that your thinking affects your reality.  By toning down any negative voices, you take away their impact at affecting your mood, your feelings, or your manifestation attempts. 

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After all, who can manifest their desires while a drill sergeant yells “THIS IS STUPID!” from behind you?  Turn that drill sergeant into a mime.  Oh, and don’t form any mental pictures.  That’ll show em!

By becoming more aware of your thought processes and the different voices you use within your own mind, you can tweak your thoughts so that manifesting your desires is much easier.  But that’s not where the benefits end.  How much better will your entire life be when the voice of failure is forever gone from within you?

Empowering Your Visualizations With Meditation

Did you know that you could have far more success with the Law of Attraction if you learned just a little bit about meditation?  Would it be worth it to you to find yourself becoming more and more successful with your manifestation efforts?  All you need is a small amount of time each day for a week or two, and you can learn to meditate.  When visualizing from a meditative state, you will get vastly greater results.

First of all, this simple meditation I am describing is little more than learning to consciously enter a light trance.  In a light trance, your brainwaves slow down to alpha levels, your body slows down a bit and relaxes greatly, and your conscious and subconscious minds merge ever so slightly more so than in your normal waking state.  Being in this state will allow you to have more success with the Law of Attraction than you may be used to.  So beware, learning to visualize from a state of trance might just change your life for the better!

In fact, it has been proven that many creative people move into an alpha state when they are being creative, be that by writing, playing music, painting, etc.  Getting into an alpha state is not difficult.  It’s something that happens to you many times each day.  Whenever you “zone out” or “get into the zone” or were “entirely focused on what you were doing”, you were most likely in an alpha state.  The trick is to learn to move voluntarily into that state and to use it in a productive manner.

The cool thing about altered states is that once you learn to go into them and practice a little, you will be able to put yourself into them almost immediately.  Begin by relaxing your body, part by part, for about 10 minutes.  Relax your toes, relax your feet, relax your legs.  Relax your stomach, relax your chest, relax your neck.  Relax your upper arms, lower arms, and hands.  Relax your facial muscles.  Feel yourself becoming more and more relaxed.

At a certain point in relaxation, you will feel a very subtle shift as your body and mind slow down.  You will feel very pleasant, and very relaxed.  This is the alpha state.  You can reach this state with eyes open or shut, but you may want to practice with your eyes shut so that your senses’ ability to distract you is minimized. 

Practice entering this state for a few days, and before long you will find yourself able to move into it at will.  When you are in this state, many activities will be enhanced.  Creative activities, like art or music or writing, are greatly stimulated in this state.  More important to us right now though, visualization for manifestation is enhanced.  By using the alpha state, your manifestation efforts will yield fruit more rapidly than

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when you attempt to visualize in your usual, hectic waking state of mind.  Give it a try and log your results.  You will find that the difference is enormous!

Making Change By Taking Responsibility

The Law of Attraction states that we all create our own reality using the power of our minds.  This is happening all the time, whether we are aware of it or not.  Becoming aware of it and learning to use this awesome power is the purpose of the many teachings available on the subject.  However, there is one prerequisite that is really quite important in gaining true control over your life.  You must take responsibility for everything, both the good and the bad.

It doesn’t take much goading to get someone to accept responsibility for the good things that have happened in their life.  When you begin asking people to accept responsibility for the bad, you begin to find resistance.  None of us want to feel that we have been to blame for everything.  This goes far beyond a blame game though.  The game of life is a huge canvas and we are the artists.  In order to take control of our brushes, we must first recognize the things we have painted as our own.

You will eventually find this to be true in a literal sense, but for now you don’t need to truly feel this.  Just accept it.  Accept the new belief that you are responsible for everything in your life, and that you have the power to change it.   You have the power to add more good things to your life while letting the bad things drop away.  You do not have this power until you take responsibility however, so adopt this belief on a try-before-you-buy basis (also known as: suspend your disbelief), and you will find within a brief amount of time that it is true for you.

When you take responsibility, you regain all of your power.  No longer will other people or events in your present or past hold any power over you.  You will be in control.  When you adopt this attitude, your visualization exercises will yield far greater results.  Every effort you make to manifest a desire will be empowered tenfold.  Any feelings of being a victim will disappear and you will feel your true strength returning to you.  Do not allow others to tell you any different - they don’t know any better themselves.  Things are possible from this frame of mind that others could never imagine.

Most importantly, whenever you encounter something in your daily life that you do not like, you can consciously acknowledge it, recognize it, and choose to create something different next time.  You can literally begin watching the things in your life that you do not like fade back into the background while more and more of your desires move to the front.  This changing of perception is the shift in reality you are looking for.  Good luck!

Creating a Private Space for Manifesting

It can be difficult to find the time and place for daily visualization.  Between your job, your friends, your partner, and your kids (or any applicable combo thereof) you may find that you don’t have the time (or perhaps just the private space) to conduct Law of Attraction visualizations.  Perhaps there are some times/places you haven’t thought about, though.

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1) The Bath/Shower - this is an excellent time to work on your manifestations.  Think about the bath or shower.  One common cliché is that people sing in the shower.  Why, instead of singing, couldn’t you visualize?  Water is very powerful and contains wonderful healing energy.  This energy also can assist you in your visualization process.  By cleansing your energy as you are visualizing, your intent will be clearer and more powerful.  Plus, most of us aren’t bothered too often when taking our morning bath.

2) Your Lunch Break - sure, it’s nice to eat out a time or two each week, but you can easily turn 20 minutes of your lunch break into a great visualization session.  Find somewhere that you won’t be bugged.  This could even be outside as you walk laps around your building.  Use this time twice a week to visualize your desires.

3) Your Smoke Break - I know, these are often social events.  However, think about how many times each day you smoke (this of course is only for smokers).  Could you not cut one smoke break away from everyone else?  Non smokers at work, could you not cut a 15 minute break for yourself as well?

4) Bedtime - Often the quietest time of day for a parent is the small window of time between the children going to bed and the parents going to bed.  Perhaps there is a window in here for you to visualize?  Or perhaps you could do it as you lay down, after you’ve told your spouse good night.  There are no rules against visualizing with your eyes closed, you know...

The point here is that there are many small time slots throughout the day where you can slide a 10-15 minute visualization session in without being distracted.  Sometimes we need to stop and really think about when we are going to work on manifesting our desires.  If you never cut out time to work on your desires, how will you see them met?  Remember, your desires being fulfilled will not only be a blessing to you, but also to everyone you care about.  So for their sake as much as your own, find a time, mark it off, and enjoy the fun of visualizing!

Overcoming Manifestation Problems - Linguistics and Submodalities

The Law of Attraction states that what you focus on, think and believe will be attracted into your life.  Sometimes it is still difficult to manifest your desires.  Our world, as we perceive it, is not reality.  It is merely a representation of reality formed by the senses.  We define this reality and the elements in it using language. 

There are some important points to note when discussing language and the Law of Attraction.  First and foremost, when you “want” something, you lack it.  This is a common way of expressing a desire, and yet by use of the language alone, prohibits it from manifesting.  So long as you “want” something, you will not have it.  This has to do more with the literal ways in which the subconscious processes language.  This is also why visualizing having what you want in the present is so important. 

Next, note the language you use to describe your visualizations.  Because visualizing is just imagining, it will be different in each person.  Note the sensory words you use: I “see” a beautiful house; I “feel” that I am free; I “hear” the birds chirping.  Each of these demonstrates a different sensory clue.  Do your mental

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pictures work primarily as visuals?  Kinesthetics?  Sounds?  These are the three most common primary senses.

Now, using some tricks from NLP (Neuro-Linguistic-Programming), let’s take your visualizations and make them stronger.  This will empower your manifestation efforts greatly!  Using what is known as submodalities, you can make your visualizations far more effective than ever before.  You can also mix these across all senses to really power charge your imagination. 

When you are visualizing a movie or pictures, treat the movie/pictures as a TV screen in front of you.  Make the screen bigger.  Bring it closer to you.  Turn up the brightness knob.  Turn up the volume.  Allow feelings to get stronger.  What?  Did nobody ever tell you you could do these things?  It’s your mind; you should be able to work it any way you like.

The magic of using submodalities in NLP is that you can begin to elicit far more powerful feelings from your mental pictures.  And as you know, the feelings are the energy

When The Law of Attraction Becomes Frustrating...

Sometimes it seems the Law of Attraction isn’t working.  Perhaps it seems it isn’t working fast enough.  Perhaps it seems it isn’t working at all.  Frustration is a signal that something you are doing isn’t working.  Your actions and your desires are not in alignment.  Sometimes this is as simple as working on your patience.  Other times, you are actually sabotaging your manifestation efforts without realizing it.  Let’s look at a few causes of frustration and how to correct them.

Your word is one of your most powerful tools.  Think about it.  Words are thought, solidified into sound waves, moved from the realm of faster-than-light vibration down to the speed of sound.  Every word you speak is a manifestation in and of itself.  There are two ways this might affect you.  First of all, do not speak to others about your manifestation goals.  You may set up a subconscious resistance if you feel that person disapproves.  Their energy may interact with your efforts.  Either way, the result will probably not be helpful, so why chat about it?

Secondly, make sure that you only speak words that back your true goals.  Don’t work to be rich and then say haphazardly to a coworker the next day, “I’ll probably grow old and die at this desk!”  If you are not congruent with your visualizations, thoughts and words, you will have more difficulty manifesting your desires.  Congruence is important to your subconscious mind and the universe, because you are sending messages out in all forms of communication. 

Finally, is the time you spend visualizing fun?  If it’s not, you aren’t doing it right!  If it’s not fun, you are not lending the energy needed for manifestation to your desires.  Kick back, relax, and daydream like you’re a child!  Have fun with it.  The whole idea is that you experience the feelings of having your desire, such that the universe bends to accommodate these feelings.  You won’t feel in love for long before someone pops up for you to be in love with.  You won’t feel wealthy for long before money will begin to flow to you.  You won’t feel healthy and happy long before health

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and happiness follow you.  You must create the emotional state of being there first, then allow the things to come after.  The things you think are needed to create these feelings are not - that’s what the point of visualization is.

When you have the emotion, the energy, the beliefs and the expectations, the reality MUST follow.  If you mix any of these up, you will be muddying the water.  That’s not to say you will not succeed, just that it will take longer and be harder.  There’s no point in struggling needlessly.  If you are frustrated with the Law of Attraction, stop for a few days.  Think about a way you can approach your desires in a more exciting, enjoyable way.  Then execute that plan.

When You’re Having Trouble Visualizing...

Sometimes, when learning to visualize, you may experience difficulties.  There are many reasons for this, none of which (I guarantee you) are that you just can’t visualize well.  Visualization is a skill that all humans possess and have perfected before even learning to talk.  Here are some helpful hints to think about.

First of all, most of us visualize externally.  We visualize with our eyes open all the time.  Think about the last time someone asked you a question.  You had to access the answer in your mind.  Depending upon the question, you most likely shifted your eyes up and to the left, or just up, or possibly even to the right.  Are you aware that you’re doing that?  Are you aware that everyone in the world is?

We humans visualize almost everything we think about.  A person with a photographic memory is merely someone who is able to visualize a clearer picture.  There are some tricks you can learn to help you to sharpen your picture and make visualizing a snap.

First off, because most visualization occurs externally, you must become consciously aware that the limits of the room are not the limits of your mind.  If you are making a large mental picture and you are in a small room, you may simply feel you can not visualize.  In fact, you only need to become aware of the fact that you are boxing your visualization into spacial reality, when this is not necessary for mental pictures.  You can visualize right through the wall, but so many of us don’t. 

Secondly, you can zoom your mental pictures in and out.  If they are too close, zoom out.  If too far, zoom in.  You can pull them closer to you and push them away.  You can make them larger or make them smaller.  You can turn up the brightness or make the picture darker.  You have control over all of these things, and you didn’t even know it!  Why didn’t they teach you this in school?

As you play with learning to get your mental pictures and mental movies set up the way you like, you will find even more cool things.  Mental pictures of something you belief or know firmly may appear on one side, and pictures of things you are unsure about may appear on another.  What happens if you take something you are unsure about and move that picture to the “sure” area?  What happens if you take a limiting belief and move it to the “unsure” area?  These are powerful maneuvers that drastically affect consciousness and thought patterns.  You can literally repattern your thoughts overnight with these techniques.

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Try playing around with these.  If you have trouble visualizing in a small room and can’t seem to break the spacial bounds, move to a larger room.  If you can’t see the mental picture well, make it bigger and brighter.  In NLP these are called submodalities, and they are incredibly useful in conjunction with the Law of Attraction.  You should now have all the tools you need to have success with visualization.  Happy daydreaming!

When Will You Share the Law of Attraction?

Isn't it great to try  a new restaurant and find it to be terrific? You can barely wait to tell others of your big discovery. How about while shopping, when you `stumble across' an immense sale, and get on your cell phone to alert your friends? Well, first of all, if you are at all familiar with the Law of Attraction, and universal power, you realize we don't `stumble over' anything, but the phrase makes a worthy point here, so we'll allow it. If these, and numerous other little delight make news in our circle, than why are you holding back on sharing the biggest `secret' of your life.

It surely isn't because you are concerned the power will run out if too many people are in on it, you are aware the Law of Attraction holds infinite power and always has. Surely it isn't because you don't want any competition for  the specific blessings you are focusing on, again, there is no limit to the amount of positive energy the Law of Attraction can send out.

What then causes you to contain your greatest discovery ever? Do you believe that some individuals may think of you differently if they knew you are `into' that power of positive thinking `thing'? As we honestly examine that possibility, let us first look at some of the people who made the Law of Attraction their foundation for daily living.

From the late 1910s to 1920s Napoleon Hill, best known now for his classic work, `Think and Grow Rich' first published in 1937, interviewed 500 of the most successful people in America, asking some of the most thought provoking and provocative questions revealing the most and persuasive concepts of accomplishments at that time, and many still to date.

Dale Carnegie, himself an astonishingly successful man, had commissioned Hill for this research, with the idea that with all the combined wisdom and experiences Hill would discover, there could be gleaned a formula for creating wealth.

During his research,  Hill interviewed many of the most famous people of that time, including Thomas Edison, Alexander Graham Bell, George Eastman, Henry Ford, Elmer Gates, John D. Rockefeller, Charles M. Schwab, F.W. Woolworth, William Wrigley Jr., John Wanamaker, William Jennings Bryan, Theodore Roosevelt, William H. Taft, Woodrow Wilson, Charles Allen Ward and Jennings Randolph. The project lasted over two decades, during which time Hill became an advisor to Dale Carnegie. All this extensive research lead to one central idea, one truth. The mind is an unimaginable power source, and used correctly will cause that which you concentrate your energies on to come to pass. Now, with company the likes of the afore mentioned, will you still hesitate to share the secret to your success! Tell someone today about the Law of Attraction, and how it has enhanced your life. Perhaps you too, if you desire, can create your own Master Mind group! 

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How Does The Law of Attraction Work?

Have you always been the type of individual who had to know the `how' of things? Congratulations, people like you are constantly coming up with inventions to improve the world for those of us who are content to know that something does work, and not why! The simplest example is electricity, I have no real idea how it works, however I certainly do appreciate and use it daily. The Law of Attraction is very much like electricity, in that many of the people who are using it daily have no real conception of the power behind it.

Think back to your high school science class. Remember learning that energy, in any of it's many forms, can not be destroyed. Also, energy, in and of itself, has no propensity for perceiving `good or evil' it simply `is'. Without getting too deep into the atoms, and molecular level of energy, suffice to say that the Law of Attraction is a law of nature, as real as gravity, and whether you choose to acknowledge it or not, and put it to good use in your life, or not, it will not cease to be real. Does the Law of Attraction mix science and spirituality too much for your taste? Well, consider the words of Carl Sagan, arguably one of the greatest scientific minds of the twentieth century, on this subject: `Science is not only compatible with spirituality; it is a profound source of spirituality.'.

In the 1960s and 1970s, there was a conciseness of the `vibes' one was giving off. Good vibes meant you were in tune with nature and your fellow man. Bad vibes, on the other hand, was a sign you were out of balance, uptight, and not with it. Even the Beach Boys, wildly popular singing group of that era, were in tune to the power of the vibes, as their song, Good Vibrations  showed. Our own emotions, either positive or negative, are the energy that fuel our vibrations. The Law of Attraction responds to our own energy, our moods and emotions, and simply mirrors them back to us, in a sense. Responding to our vibrations, the Law of Attraction gives us back what we are putting out, and multiplies it. Attitudes of gratitude, contentment, joy, pride, and peace, will be returned to us in greater degrees, however, unfortunately, the reverse is just as true. Send out bad vibes, anger, ingratitude, resentment, hatred, and so on, and that is what you will be receiving back, again, in even greater force than you put out. It is vitally important for you to be aware of the vibrations you are sending out. Dwell on things that please, excite and inspire you, and give no room in your mind for the negative.

Think of your heart and mind as a dinner plate. There is a buffet, and you can go through as often as you like, however you must eat everything you place on your plate each time you pass through. Are you likely to choose spoiled, sour and foul smelling foods, or will you choose the sweet, tender, and freshest things available from the abundance? The latter I hope! Well, that is how our hearts and minds are, there is only room for so much, so please don't waste space, and therefore energy, on that which brings no pleasure. As you begin to be more aware of your own vibrations, and how to consistently adjust them towards the positive, you will invite the power of the Law of Attraction to perform mighty acts of  benefit in your life.

The Law of Attraction in Your Power Circle

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A circle of power, as it relates to the Law of Attraction, is a group of like minded individuals, who have purposed in their hearts, along with you, to meet regularly to join forces in your directional focus towards positive power and energy. The number in your circle may vary, and only you can decide what the ideal number may be. The Bible tells us that where two or more are gathered, God is there among them. The number 3 is often looked upon as a powerful number, as is the number 7. You may choose to not even set a fixed number, and may be open to fluctuations in your circle. The masters of this principle, however, do show a significant increase in focus and energy among those groups who decide to be committed to each other, at least for a season.

Set a time and day for regular meetings of the master minds in your group. People at or above your level of understanding of the Law of Attraction. Be strict about promptness, and attendance. If a member is chronically late, or absent, considering asking them to step down from their position in your circle, as the negativity that could breed is potentially very damaging to the positive energy you are looking to build upon.

Make every effort to free your meeting place from distractions. Play some instrumental music, or other CD you find empowering, such as ocean sounds. Light a candle. Lower the lights, and place a `Please do not knock, or ring door bell' on your front door. Now that the setting is arranged, as the host of the power circle, it is your responsibility to prepare your heart prior to your partners arriving. Give your self enough time to decompress from whatever your day has brought. Ask your Higher Power to help you clear your mind, and protect this time you have set aside. Be especially careful to notice if there is any area of your heart cast in darkness. Unforgiveness, bitterness, ungratefulness. These negative feelings, and any others, will hamper your ability to reach higher ground spiritually, and therefore your positive connection to the Law of Attraction will be diminished, also.

Begin the power circle session by asking of your group to discern for themselves any negativity they may have carried with them to the meeting and as it is brought to mind, dealt with. Practice accountability in the circle, gently encouraging each other to be constantly striving for balance in all areas of life.

Be aware that the forming of a circle physically when you meet is very empowering. The circle symbolizes completion, continual movement, and is representative of eternity, having no visible beginning or end. As part of the discipline you are learning, your consciousness will begin immediately to be altered towards relaxation and deeper focus, as you assume your positions around the circle. Your mind leaves the worrisome and mundane, and allows serenity to give way to an expectant joy.

Begin your circle time with a deep, cleansing breathe, and then, after a moment, one by one, verbally express your thankfulness for all that the Law of Attraction is doing for you. Understand the power of the Law of Attraction stands outside of our limited concept of time, so when you are purposely communicating with it, you, also, must be grateful for all that was, is and will be, in the present tense.

As each participant speaks their thankfulness for the successes to come, their partners around the circle will affirm and edify the positive statements being made.

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Each time you gather, these simple acts will become more enriching to each member of the circle, and as victories within the partner's lives are shared and celebrated the power of your circle with grow dramatically. 

Suspending Disbelief Forever

It is difficult to get started with the Law of Attraction.  Although mentally we may be very attracted to the idea of manifesting our own reality, these simple teachings fly opposite to everything we have learned and experienced before in our lives.  Many people “try” the Law of Attraction, find that it doesn’t work for them, and then denounce it as a scam.  The sad fact is that these people never really truly believed it was possible, and didn’t give it a fair chance.  Their failure with the Law of Attraction was attracted to them in order to verify their belief that it was a lie.  That’s the tricky thing about the Law of Attraction – it will bring you whatever you want, even if it gets in your way.

So how do you truly give the Law of Attraction a chance?  It starts by suspending your disbelief.  You have to really, truly accept the fact that it is at the very least possible that there is something to this “Law of Attraction” mumbo jumbo.  It helps to start with a certain disposition.  If you wish it were true, but know deep down that obviously it can’t be, then this is perfect for you.  That’s how I got my start years ago.  I wanted it to be true but just “knew” it wasn’t.  I decided to do what I’m recommending to you, and I’m so glad I did!

Suspend your disbelief – go ahead and agree to allow yourself to believe something “crazy” for awhile.  Really give it a try.  Just do it!  Practice visualizing your desires and your success without feeling any shame in doing so.  Start thinking and believing that you can have anything you want, without feeling like a flake!  The beauty of this is, if your heart is really in it, and you really want it to work, it will!   Now the thing that was “crazy”, that you wish could have been true but wasn’t, really is true for you.  But you have to truly take a leap into it, which means setting your old beliefs aside.

It’s amazing how old beliefs can control us.  They can give us a sureness – an absolute certainty deep within our gut that we know what is true.  The problem with the Law of Attraction is that it always is working, whether we believe it or not.   So while you were living in your old belief system, the Law of Attraction was quietly at work behind the scenes, bringing you experiences and circumstances that further proved what you already believed at the time.  When you suspend your disbelief, you give yourself permission to truly try something else, and that is where you will find the truth – that the Law of Attraction will prove to you whatever you believe, even if it’s the opposite of what you believed last. 

By taking the leap, you will find yourself taking control of your life, enjoying your new abundance, and reawakening to the magic and beauty of life.  By suspending your disbelief temporarily, you will actually be suspending it forever.  You don’t have to believe that going in though, just give it a try!  You won’t regret it.

Your Future With the Law of Attraction

Page 35: Manifesting the Means - Law of Attraction

Alan Kay, computer scientist, researcher and visionary has this view on the future: "The best way to predict the future is to invent it." What a terrific insight into the Law of Attraction! Consider also this quote from Jim Bishop, historical writer, on this issue: "The future is not a result of choices among alternative paths offered by the present, but a place that is created--created first in the mind and will, created next in activity. The future is not some place we are going to, but one we are creating."

Both of these weighty statements offer great dimension to the Law of Attraction and your personal responsibility to harness it's power for your desired results. Do you recognize once you are aware of the Law of Attraction, and it's  both reflective and magnifying influence on your life, then you can no longer wonder why things happen or do not? You now must take up the gauntlet and travel forward towards a future created by, and for, yourself. This removes the victim mentality that too many beleaguer themselves with. No longer will you be able to place blame when things do no not turn out your way. You will have to admit, as least to yourself, that you were not focused enough on the positive to receive it.

Your tomorrow is the manifestation of today's thoughts and emotions. Remember that when you begin to give any ground to negativity in your heart. Take inventory of your thoughts  and feelings and keep only those that are beneficial to your objectives. Do not allocate any emotional recourses to negativity. Significant progress can be achieved in this area if you consistently strive for it. Harmony can be attained, a re-engineering can be processed though your inner being, allowing only that which empowers to receive nurturing and energy. Once you have implemented the techniques necessary to maintain a calm and clear thought process, your manifest destiny is as close as your imagination. Conceive, believe, receive and achieve. This must be your mantra!

"You are the embodiment of the information you choose to accept and act upon. To change your circumstances you need to change your thinking and subsequent actions." This quote comes from Adlin Sinclair, businessman, motivational speaker and humanitarian. Align your actions with the future that is yours. The future belongs to you, what that future will entail, is for you to decide, and act upon. Be resolute in your plans and sort through all the complexities of your daily life, seeking to only process those pieces of information that fit into your future. The clearer you keep your thoughts, the more centrally focused they are, the more positive energy you will have available to create your future, as you have designed it. I pray your path will be clear, bright, and filled with pleasures untold.

Remember to be aware of the language that you use in manifesting.  Want for nothing; experience everything.