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Lymphatic Drainage Brushing - can be extremely beneficial to those who suffer from allergies, are preparing for surgery or post-op, suffer from edema, are consciously toning their bodies and losing weight, or just want to feel and look their very best by slowing the appearance of aging. People LOVE Facial Rejuvenation Lymphatic Brushing, then the tuning fork techniques on the face and neck. It is an ALL natural lymphatic system to encourage drainage from the face, neck and upper chest. Finally when the facial lymphatic drainage is complete, the tuning forks are used to allow the methodical connection and recharging of the facial acupressure points & meridians. Blockages resulting from emotional/physical stresses can be cleared. Energy flow is restored, resulting in facial well-being and beauty. LYMPHATIC CLINIC Using the two tuning forks of this set together can help to trigger the release of excess fat cells from your body while encouraging and stimulating the growth of muscle tissue. It is a well- known fact that muscle tissue burns more calories than fat tissues does, so an increase in muscle mass will increase the number of calories that your body burns-resulting in a possible weight reduction. Fat Cells: C#-295.8 Hz Muscle: E-824 Hz It is indeed one of best ways to smooth away those bumpy / lumpy parts on your legs. Not only does it buff away dead skin, but it's fantastic at boosting circulation and lymphatic drainage, and ultimately ridding the body of toxins. Your skin is an external organ that absorbs all kind of toxins that you come in contact with every single day. It is incredibly easy and only takes minutes, Note the few guidelines before we start: the type of brush and the direction you move it. There are four things you need to know about dry skin brushing How often: you can -- and should -- be doing daily, even twice a day. Your skin should be dry, so the ideal time

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Lymphatic Drainage Brushing - can be extremely beneficial to those who suffer from allergies, are preparing for surgery or post-op, suffer from edema, are consciously toning their bodies and losing weight, or just want to feel and look their very best by slowing the appearance of aging.

People LOVE Facial Rejuvenation Lymphatic Brushing, then the tuning fork techniques on the face and neck. It is an ALL natural lymphatic system to encourage drainage from the face, neck and upper chest.

Finally when the facial lymphatic drainage is complete, the tuning forks are used to allow the methodical connection and recharging of the facial acupressure points & meridians. Blockages resulting from emotional/physical stresses can be cleared. Energy flow is restored, resulting in facial well-being and beauty.


Using the two tuning forks of this set together can help to trigger the release of excess fat cells from your body while encouraging and stimulating the growth of muscle tissue. It is a well-known fact that muscle tissue burns more calories than fat tissues does, so an increase in muscle mass will increase the number of calories that your body burns-resulting in a possible weight reduction.

Fat Cells: C#-295.8 Hz

Muscle: E-824 Hz

It is indeed one of best ways to smooth away those bumpy / lumpy parts on your legs. Not only does it buff away dead skin, but it's fantastic at boosting circulation and lymphatic drainage, and ultimately ridding the body of toxins. Your skin is an external organ that absorbs all kind of toxins that you come in contact with every single day.

It is incredibly easy and only takes minutes, Note the few guidelines before we start: the type of brush and the direction you move it. There are four things you need to know about dry skin brushing

How often: you can -- and should -- be doing daily, even twice a day. Your skin should be dry, so the ideal time is in the shower before you turn on the water. REMEMBER- don't get the brush wet.

Direction: You should only brush towards the lymphatic drainage parts making long sweeps. Suggestion: do not do the back and forth, scrubbing and circular motions as you are not washing. Start at the bottoms of your feet, then tops moving up the legs on ALL sides, toward just above your legs about 3 inches; on your stomach, direct the brush counterclockwise. NEXT: gently continue to brush upwards towards the top of your breast bone, making sure you do your sides to up under your armpits.

Then do your hands and up your arms towards the armpits.

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Last for the brushing of the front of your body: brush from breast bone to under your arm pits to stimulate them to work. This is a gentle work so do not brush too hard: Skin should be stimulated and invigorated but not irritated or red. 

Next take the brush & continue up the back of your buttocks, lower back to upper back- UPWARDS ONLY. You need to continue till you can reach you’re your armpits.

Type of brush: The bristles should be natural, not synthetic, and preferably vegetable-derived. The bristles themselves should be somewhat stiff, though not too hard. Look for one that has an attachable handle for hard-to-reach spots, if necessary.

Benefits: In addition to sloughing away dry skin on areas like knees, elbows and ankles, body brushing promotes tighter skin, cell renewal and blood flow. This also helps the lymphatic system release toxins and aids digestion and kidney / liver function. You'll also notice a glowing, smooth complexion. It is one of the easiest, cheapest and most effective things we can do for promoting your overall health.



1st- is the lymphatic drainage of the upper body using the 2nd chakra – sacral / naval / Svadisthana / Mid-Luna or Synodic Planetary 5th / Synodic Moon- full moon / lymph fork of 210.42 & metronome of 98.

The placement: Just below the navel called Dan Tien & 3rd coccygeal- 2 Du-Mai-Meridian. This effects / stimulates sexual energy, supports erotic communication; Medicinal- regulation of menstruation- reproductive cycle, genitourinary system; testes; disturbances in the gland and lymph system; adrenals.

The color is orange for the person to be visualizing with eyes closed.

2nd- using the brushing method brush upwards from the second chakra towards the sternum in the middle of your chest then up to the top of the your breast bone.

3rd- just above the collar bone using only your fingers gently rub from the notch outwards 50 times.

4th- from the top of the collarbone rub gently upwards on your neck towards your ears.

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5th- from the atlas / axis (either side of where your spine goes into your head) do 50 finger stokes downwards.

6th- now we reverse the procedure: upwards on rear of neck; downwards on neck; inwards above collar bone.

7th- gently slap yourself over the whole sternum- first with left hand, then right hand- 50 times.

8th & final- do gentle hand brushing from sternum to under arms- 50 times.



RE-WRITE WHAT IS BELOW / SEARCH OTHER FILES FOR PTS. add in kinesiology manual lymphatic pics /

add in foods to cleanse-

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1. Sternum2. Manubrium3. Body

4. Costal Cartilages5. Xiphoid Process

8 ways to boost your immune health

It is one of the most asked questions at CANCER active: How do I boost my immune system? People who want to prevent disease know that a strong immune system will give them better protection. People who have something wrong with them understand that their immune system has failed them.

There is no quick fix. The immune system is just that - a system. And different parts respond to different things.

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1. CLEAN UP YOUR LIVER:  is the organ of detoxification in the body and in cancer patients it becomes toxic. If it cannot clear away fats and cholesterol into the alimentary canal, the lymph system which carries your white immune cells becomes impaired and the immune response declines. In cancer: 

Fats and cholesterol ´clog it up´ anyway. There may be dead bacteria, microbes or even parasites. The cholesterol can collect around dead cells and form gallstones - there may be thousands of these particles, most only the

size of grains of sand. One US estimate was that 99.99 per cent of cancer patients had gallstones blocking the bile ducts so the liver could not excrete the toxins into the waste system properly.

Then there is the lactic acid from cancer cells. Plus the drugs from steroids to chemotherapy that must be detoxified. And then there may be lots of dead cancer cells.

So you need to ´unblock your liver. You can strengthen it anyway with:

Milk Thistle. (Silybum marianum seed)- has displayed remarkable healing properties for the liver. European research has shown that it is effective in treating cirrhosis, chronic hepatitis, and alcohol induced fatty liver. Milk Thistle extract actually has hepato-protective properties; it protects the liver cells from damage by environmental and internal toxins. This herb can be used as a liquid extract, tablet, or capsule in most cases. However, the more serious recovery case should consider the standardized extract.

Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale root). Dandelion is known throughout Europe as an excellent liver detoxifier and mild diuretic. It increases the flow of bile and encourages both the transformation and transportation of nutrients. It has been used historically to treat liver disorders, arthritis and gout.

Bupleurum (Radix Bupleurum). The Chinese herb Bupleurum has been used for 2,000 years to rehabilitate the liver. Traditionally, Bupleurum-based formulas are used for extended periods of time in cases of chronic hepatitis and other liver disorders. These classic formulas include Minor Bupleurum; Bupleurum and Paeony; and, Bupleurum and "Dragon Bone".

THEN THERE IS ALSO: Artichoke, magnesium and vitamin K

BUTT to clean it you either need a liver flush involving Epsom Salts and olive oil, or coffee enemas.

-Nutrients associated with detoxifying and strengthening the liver and digestive tract

Vitamin C. Vitamin C is considered to be one of the primary nutrients useful in the treatment of addiction. It helps to eliminate toxins from the body as well as lessen withdrawal symptoms. In 1977 and 1982 Libby and Stone reported that large doses of ascorbic acid combined with B vitamins and protein allowed heroin addicts to quit with minimal withdrawal symptoms- A dose of 10 grams daily prevented cravings from returning. The preferred form of C is buffered with calcium and magnesium or ester C.

Selenium This important antioxidant plays a role in the body's utilization of oxygen. Studies have shown that mice live longer without oxygen if they have been previously supplemented with selenium. Alcoholics, as well as patients with candidiasis, chronic fatigue syndrome, and ARC, have all shown low levels of selenium. In addition, heart disease and cancer are higher in people with diminished selenium levels. Selenium also has a role in detoxifying poisonous phenols, formaldehyde, acetaldehyde, hydrocarbons, and chlorine. Many people with allergic reactions to these substances have found relief through the use of selenium. However, selenium can be toxic in large amounts. A safe therapeutic dose is about 100 mcg daily. Green leafy vegetables and several herbs, such as American and Siberian Ginseng, have bio-available forms of selenium.

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Zinc The mineral zinc plays an important role in carbohydrate metabolism. If one uses excessive amounts of sugar, caffeine, drugs, or alcohol it is more than likely that a zinc deficiency will develop. Low zinc levels can cause liver deterioration and diminished functioning of the reproductive organs, immune system, and skin. Zinc picolinate is probably the most bio-available form, with a safe therapeutic dose between 15 - 20 mg, once or twice daily.

Chromium. The recovering addict may benefit from chromium, as it helps to regulate the blood sugar pattern. Many times, recovering addicts find that supplementation with chromium not only regulates their carbohydrate metabolism but also their desire for sweets. GTF chromium and chromium picolinate are considered the most bio-available. A dose of 100 mcg, two times daily is a good place to begin.

Acidophilus. Supplementation with acidophilus provides "friendly" intestinal flora which help to digest food and control pathogenic yeast, bacteria, viruses, and parasites. A standard dosage of two times daily, morning and evening, is usually sufficient.

2. DIET: The Rainbow Diet, which advocates eating foods with vibrant colors across the week is an important starting point. Several research studies have now shown that it is actually a better diet for diseases like heart, diabetes and cancer than that recommended by Health Authorities. It provides adequate levels of minerals while giving the body natural compounds from anthocyanins to carotenoids and sulphorapanes. Garlic, selenium, fish oils, carotenoids, salvestrols like resveratrol, the dark red anthocyanins of beetroot and cherries are all important

3  EXERCISE improves the immune system. It moves the lymph to take toxins away from cells, it oxygenates the blood, and it increases levels of happy endorphins and Human Growth Hormone, both of which can reduce levels of ´bad hormones´. Research shows that half an hour every day is the level you need - if you can manage it. It improves survival rates of some cancers by 50 per cent. It does not have to be strenuous. But you have to do it. Movement is essential as you have no ´heart´ to pump the immune sysatem for you. You have to do this for yourself.


Research shows that vegetables and fruit provide more immune boosting vitamins, antioxidants, minerals and natural compounds than are derived from synthetic vitamin and mineral supplements - providing you EAT WHOLE FOODS and that they are ORGANIC. Top natural food sources for the everyday antioxidants are: Vitamin E: 2 tablespoons of sunflower seeds (11 mgs); 20 almonds (8 mgs); 1 tablespoon wheat germ (3mgs); Vitamin C: 1 large red pepper (224 mgs); 100 gms raw broccoli (90 mgs) 150 gms papaya (90 mgs); 1 large orange (65 mgs); the new liposomal vitamin C compounds, whilst expensive, deliver far more of the compound into the blood stream than cheap synthetic products Beta-carotene/carotenoids: 1 cup carrot juice (24 mgs); 1 medium sweet potato (10.0 mgs) 5 dried apricots (6.2 mgs); 1 cup cherries (6.2 mgs); half cup cooked spinach (5.7 mgs); Zinc:  6 oysters (55 mgs), I medium steak (8 mgs); 4 tablespoons sunflower seeds 96mgs); serving of All Bran (4 mgs)Selenium: 4 cracked Brazil nuts (150 mcgs; 4 slices of whole meal bread (60 mcgs); 2 tablespoons sunflower seeds (15 mcgs); 1 free range egg (15 mcgs); 1 chicken breast (10 mcgs); Lycopene: Tomatoes, especially cooked tomatoes - 1 tin tomato soup (65 mgs); 5 tablespoons tomato paste (22 mgs); The major problem with trying to ´Eat your vitamins and minerals´ is that soil depletion has caused big losses. The US Government Senate has reviewed the matter three times and each time concluded that people should supplement. People whoi are ill are often simply deficient in minerals or natural compounds; Vitamin E  research with cancer uses levels of 200 mgs and both tocopherols and tocotrienols forms*- these levels are almost impossible to achieve through diet alone. Supplement with a natural vitamin E containing all 4 tocopherols and all 4 tocotrienols. Beta-carotene, vitamin A and carotenoids: As with vitamin E, many high street products do not contain the full spectrum of natural beta-carotene leaving out cis- or trans- variants. Chlorella is a natural food source that delivers higher levels of beta-carotene than carrots pound for pound! Minerals are important ´helpers´: Zinc: 15 mgs per day, Selenium: 200 mcgs per day should be considered as corrective

But this, standard way of boosting your immune system will only get you so far. The breakthrough in very recent times has been the discovery of natural compounds like flavenoids and phenols in plants, which are many, many times more powerful as antioxidants than ´bog standard´ vitamin supplements. In the 2012 report on the PIVOT vitamin study in America Grape seed extract was a clear winner. It is an OPC, and many people use Pine Bark Extract as well or instead arguing that it is an even stronger immune booster.  If you are thinking of buying Grape Seed Extract, click here to see what the Natural Selection has in store.

These will increase the volume of certain of your white cells. Here herbs can do an even better job: Turmeric (curcumin), Echinacea and cat´s claw are powerful immune boosters. But recent research has shown what Medical Herbalists have known all along. Getting a strong immune build up is worthless if your white cells cannot identify the rogue cells. This is particularly important in cancer where cancer cells can hide from the immune system. Herbs such as Astragalus not only boost the

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immune system ´volume´, but can promote this response. The next scientific breakthrough has been the discovery of the importance of polysaccharides in booth boosting the levels of T-and B- lymphocytes, cytokines, interleukin and Natural Killer cells AND getting this cellular communication process going. Medicinal mushrooms (Shiitake, Reishi, cordyceps) have been used in the Far East in this way for years. Polysaccharides are easy to find in nature, providing you have a healthy diet - for example, apples, pears, whole brown rice, onions, garlic and so on. Aloe vera contains polysaccharides and there are cancer ´treatments´ containing the polysaccharide D-Mannose but they are expensive and of questionable delivery. MGN-3 (Biobran) has extensive research to support its claims that it can boost the immune system best of all of the above. Again it is expensive but you may well find it worth the money.

5. ACTIVATE YOUR IMMUNE SYSTEM. It seems that boosting the volume of the white cells AND getting them to recognize a rogue cell still isn´t enough. 2011 research showed that the first thing your T-cells do before they attack a rogue cell is pick up a vitamin D molecule to ´activate´ them. Vitamin K plays some part in improving this process but this is not perfectly clear as yet,

6 CUT OUT FATS AND GLUCOSE FROM YOUR DIET. I have told you that cholesterol and fat can ´clog up´ (it´s a biochemical term!) your liver and lymph. People reach for a fruit smoothie on their supermarket shelf and do not realize how the glucose ´hit´ hammers their immune system about 30 minutes after drinking it. Cut out all glucose - it damages your immune system and cancer cells love it. People with the highest levels of blood glucose develop more cancers and survive least.

7 GET YOUR SLEEP in a darkened room. One of the most powerful antioxidants is also a hormone and known to be a powerful immune system booster. That is Melatonin. You cannot buy it in the UK although there are natural herbal equivalents like Asphalia. You make melatonin about 90 minutes after falling asleep and it pushes you into a deeper sleep. But a darkened room, free from synthetic lighting and EMF´s is essential. You can supplement but 3 mgs of melatonin is the preferred maximum. Above 10 mgs can cause hallucinations.

8 LAUGH People who laugh a lot have stronger immune systems; go and buy some old funny videos. People who have good sex lives have stronger immune systems - no comment. People who meditate have stronger immune systems.



THEM AS THEY READ.Hand out to a person: have them read one paragraph each & pass it on to the next.


Manual lymphatic brushing was pioneered by Danish Drs. Emil Vodder and Estrid Vodder in the 1930s for the treatment of chronic sinusitis and other immune disorders. While working on the French Riviera treating patients with chronic colds, the Vodders noticed these patients had swollen lymph nodes. In the 1930s, it was considered taboo to tamper with the lymphatic system due to the medical profession's poor understanding of this system. The Vodders were not deterred by this and, in 1932, began to study the lymph system, developing careful hand movements to cause lymph movement. In 1936, after four years of research, they introduced this technique in Paris, France.

BLB is now recognized as a primary tool in lymphedema management. Therapists can today receive certification through special classes conducted by various organizations specializing in MLD, or through a complete lymphedema treatment certification course. Scientific studies show mixed results regarding the efficacy of the method in treating lymphedema and

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further studies are needed. A 2009 meta-analysis of studies in the area of sports medicine and rehabilitation showed best evidence of effectiveness for Manual lymphatic drainage treatment to "enzyme serum levels associated with acute skeletal muscle cell damage as well as reduction of edema [swelling] around broken bones." A 2013 systematic review of manual lymphatic drainage with regard to breast cancer related lymphedema found no clear support for the effectiveness of the intervention in either preventing limb edema in at-risk women or treating women for the condition.

Lymph's LifeAs a vital component of the body's immune function, the lymphatic system is comprised of several organs (thymus, tonsils, spleen, adenoids), hundreds of lymph nodes, and a multitude of vessels that run throughout the body similar to our circulatory system of veins and arteries. These lymphatic vessels carry a clear fluid, known as lymph, that circulates around the body's tissues, absorbing fluid, waste products, dead cells, bacteria, viruses, fats, and proteins from the tissue as it goes, while also giving passage to immune cells as they're needed.

Lymph nodes are found throughout the body -- including most notably the neck, armpits, and groin -- and have the job of filtering the lymph fluid and removing damaging elements they've picked up along the way, such as bacteria and cancer cells. When the lymph nodes detect these foreign elements in the fluid, they begin producing additional infection-fighting white blood cells, and become enlarged in the process, hence a swollen gland.

If the system gets overtaxed because of ill health, surgery, stress, or poor diet, it can get sluggish and not do its job as efficiently. As a major player in the body's immune process, it makes sense that by waking up the lymphatic system you dramatically improve your chances for staying healthy.

A Massage That's Barely There With lymph massage, the system gets a wake-up call through delicate means. Lymph massage is extremely gentle and slow, not just as an aspect of its healing nature, but by necessity. "Most of the lymphatic vessels are just below the skin and are stimulated by .5 to 8 ounces of pressure per square inch," French says. That light, slow pressure mimics the pulse and rhythm of the lymphatic system itself and gets the vessels to respond as they should. Each stroke slightly moves the skin in the direction of the lymphatic flow to encourage the drainage of fluid and waste.

The delicate nature of each stroke as it carefully glides across the skin can sometimes make it feel as if nothing is happening, especially for those who are used to deep bodywork. But it's exactly that noninvasive quality of lymph massage that makes it work. "The results can be profound," French says.

Depending what your complaints are, the focus of a lymph massage for general immune stimulation is typically on the upper body, including the face, neck, and arms. The massage always has fluid moving toward a healthy lymph node, and while most therapists don't work directly on the breast, they do address the tissue surrounding the breast.

If your primary complaint is swelling, scar tissue, or inflammation, therapy should focus on the part of the body where that occurs. For anyone wanting to address issues of musculature, as well as lymph, French recommends 20-30 minutes of deep tissue massage, followed by 20-30 minutes of lymph massage.

After your lymph massage, it's important to drink plenty of water as things get moving again. French says it's possible you could feel some mild, flu-like symptoms, depending on how toxic your body is (i.e., what environmental pollutants you've been exposed to, what sort of diet you've been following, what types of medications you're taking, and how much sugar or alcohol you consume). While most people come out of a typical lymph massage feeling nothing but relaxed, French says if you do feel a little off-kilter afterward, the best solution is to "drink plenty of water, watch your salt intake, and get up and move." Movement, she says, creates a greater lymphatic response and will hurry the process along.

Today or Year-RoundDuring the often-stressful holidays and the viral barrage of the cold and flu season, French says it's especially important to pay attention to your body. If you're feeling tired or run-down, she recommends getting a lymph massage. It will help charge your batteries, so to speak, and prep the immune system for the road ahead.

French also advises her clients to consider a good lymphatic work over when the seasons change. Two to three sessions, preferably all in one week, but at least over a few week's time, is what the body needs to recharge itself, she says.

On a year-round basis, lymph massage is a good treatment for edema (or swelling), any kind of inflammation (such as

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tendonitis), or a recent injury (like an ankle sprain), and is really helpful with sinus conditions and a general sense of congestion. "It also helps to reduce scar tissue and stimulate the circulation and production of white blood cells," she says.

But this work might even have greater opportunities for those who want to explore them. "Lymph massage can get you moving on a deeper level," French says. It's not only relaxing, but very hypnotic, she explains. Mimicking the natural pulsation of the lymph system, lymph massage can create a sensation not unlike listening to the ebb and flow of the ocean's waters. "It's like feeling the waves flow over you," she says. "Like being bathed in the ocean."

When the Body Fights BackWhen the lymphatic system is especially compromised, as in the presence of cancer or after it's been disrupted by surgery, it can slow to a near negligible pace. This is when a swelling of the lymph passages occurs, known as lymphedema, creating a painful, potentially debilitating condition. One of the most common causes for lymphedema is undergoing a mastectomy, where breast tissue and/or lymph nodes under the arm are removed. Of the women having this operation, up to 15 percent are likely to get lymphedema. But it's not just mastectomies where lymphedema is showing up.

According to the National Lymphedema Network, if lymph nodes are removed, there is always a risk of developing lymphedema, anywhere from hours after the surgery to 20 years later. Even when there's been no surgery, lymphedema can come into play if there have been radiation treatments. Like surgery, radiation therapy creates scar tissue that stalls the normal flow of lymphatic fluids through the body.

Lymph massage has shown to be effective for lymphedema, especially when caught early. When significant scar tissue has started to form as a result of chronic swelling, the work can take a much longer time, but is still effective.

If you are a post-surgery patient, be mindful of the signs of lymphedema -- tightness in the skin, a feeling of "fullness" in the affected area, and persistent swelling. It's important to report these symptoms to your healthcare provider and even seek out a second opinion. Unlike the protocol in Europe, where it's the third most prescribed health treatment, lymph massage, and lymphedema itself, are not always discussed between U.S. physicians and their patients. If you are at risk and your doctor doesn't bring it up, it's important you start the conversation.

In addition to lymphatic massage, combined approaches for lymphedema include the use of compression garments, bandaging, diet control, skin care, and condition-appropriate exercise. Many therapists like to send their lymphedema clients home with the knowledge of how to administer this massage for themselves. "For long-term problems like chronic edema or scar tissue, clients can learn to self-treat," French says, allowing the work to keep going between sessions.

If you, or someone you know, is dealing with the debilitating effects of postsurgical lymphedema, lymph massage is something to be considered. Talk it over with your doctor, and see if your massage therapist can offer this work or refer you to a colleague.

Whether it be to alleviate the more serious effects of postsurgery lymphedema, or simply to give the lymphatic system a good kick start as flu season approaches, consider a lymph massage. Feel what it is to be "lighter," to be "opened," to be awash in the waves of healthy lymph, and have things moving again.

Karrie Osborn is contributing editor to Body Sense magazine.

EDEMA Each cell is nourished by the nutrients, oxygen and proteins that flow across the walls of capillaries into the interstitial fluid. There is a dynamic balance between the forces that help those nutrients to first exit the capillaries, and then get reabsorbed back into the blood stream. Proteins play a big part in this transfer because they have a tendency to draw water to themselves. This means that the proper amounts of protein on both sides of the capillary wall are vital to keep the tissues balanced. If there are too many proteins within the interstitial spaces, fluid will start to accumulate, causing edema. The lymph system’s role of removing proteins is vital to keeping edema down. If the lymph system becomes sluggish, or is damaged by surgical removal of lymph nodes, edema can develop. This type of edema is called lymphostatic edema- or a high protein edema. Lymphatic drainage can be helpful in reducing this type of edema because the cause is a reduced functioning of the lymph system.

Other causes of edema can be a chemical imbalance in the body caused by liver disease, diabetes, or a variety of other ailments. This type of edema is called lymphodynamic edema, and requires other forms of therapy due to the fact that it is a chemical imbalance. (Kasseroller, R., Compendium of Dr. Vodder's Manual Lymph Drainage, Haug, Heidelberg, 1998)

Lymphatic drainage massage is a great ally in any massage therapist's tool kit. By being able to address the lymph system directly, client's immune system function can be significantly increased. When we have a strong immune system, we are happy, balanced and whole. Lymphatic drainage massage can go where Deep Tissue and Swedish cannot- into swollen areas. The paradox is that such a superficial technique has such a deep impact.- Sean Riehl

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Drink plenty of water after a lymph drainage brushing to help flush out toxins. Stay away from salt and alcohol after a lymph brushing, as they inhibit the body's ability to flush out toxins. Ask the instructor for the best bath especifically for you to take & how often.

Contraindications for Lymphatic Drainage Massage

While it doesn’t feel invasive or deep, LDM can have a profound effect on the body because of its function within the immune system and its use of the circulatory system. If you have any of these conditions or problems, consult your physician before performing this on yourself:

1. Fever, acute infection, early onset inflammatory disease. You need to wait until the acute phase is over and the fever is broken.

2. Circulatory system problems, especially thrombosis and phlebitis. If there is any risk of embolism of phlebitis, do not use LDM and see your physician immediately. Thrombosis and phlebitis are two conditions that can lead to free floating blood clots. Usually people with these conditions will be in a hospital on blood thinners. If you are working in a hospital setting, do not work on these patients. In your practice, one indication of a possible femoral thrombosis is when the client has pain in one leg and a sudden swelling and bluish discoloration of the skin. People who are bedridden have a greater likelihood of developing thrombosis in the legs.

3. Major heart problems / Cardiac issues such as heart disease, acute angina pectoris or coronary thrombosis (heart attack). Using LDM increases the fluid load on the heart, and compromised cardiac systems should not be subjected to LDM. If the heart is not fully functioning the edema can be lymphodynamic, due to lack of venous return. Putting more fluid into the heart would only stress it more, worsening the condition.

4. Active bleeding, internal or external. DO NOT do if person is on blood thinners as they have had a stroke or heart problems.

5. Active malignant cancers, undiagnosed lumps, or tumors whose origins have not been determined by your physician.

6. High risk pregnancy or late term pregnancy with complications

What to Expect

While you may start feeling the fluid move relatively quickly, this may not remove all of your congestion and it may take several sessions to get things moving.   Some signs that it’s moving the fluid: feeling a change in pressure in your head, ears draining, nose starting to run, tickle in the back of your throat, needing to swallow as drainage starts to flow, ears popping or sound changes volume.   This method helps about 75% of the people who come into my office with congestion from allergies or colds.  Try it out and see if it works for you.


1. Just above collarbone on each side just massage gently2. From just below ears, use full hand and massage downwards3. Rear of neck, just below atlas axis, massage downwards4. With two fingers on either side of the ears massage downwards5. Re-do neck downwards6. Ears- downwards7. Throat- downwards8. Collarbone- downwards9. Breastbone: using diagram: Manubrium; main body; costal cartileges; xiphoid process.

10. Breastbone: on either side of the main body, between the cartiledge’s you will find a comfortable placement for your thumb & index fingers. Gently massage in circular motion clockwise on either side. There will be six placements.

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ALTERNATIVE: If you use the tuning fork on the top then lowest part of the breast bone, THEN on the cartildges it will go faster AS THE BONES VIBRATE AND SPREAD THE TONE THROUGHOUT.




2nd CHAKRA- SACRAL / NAVAL/ Svadisthana Mid-Luna or Synodic/ Planetary 5th/ Synodic Moon- full moon/ LYMPH

Orange / G# / Tempo 98.6 bpm / 96.6 bpm; Placement: Just below the navel called Dan Tien & 3rd coccygeal- 2 Du-Mai-Meridian; Synodic Moon Color- orange; Effects-stimulates sexual energy, supports erotic communication; Medicinal- regulation of menstruation- reproductive cycle,

genitourinary system; testes; disturbances in the gland and lymph system; adrenals. 9Hz & 210.42Hz

Qi Gong machine 8.0 - Past life regression; More Lymphocytes, DNA repair; Associated with Base/ Muladhara chakra (Color=Red) (Body Parts=Adrenals, Spinal Column, Kidneys) (Effects=Physical energy, will to live)(Note=C)

With lymph TF: mond, synodisc- 210.421. Lymphatic points: LYMPHAGES- SP-92. THEN EITHER SIDE OF THE COLLARBONE/ THROAT/ NECK; THEN EARS AS ABOVE WITH FORK. 3. 3RD- do the breastbone, just below the collarbone. For each “hole” on either side of the breastbone.4. 4TH do not forget to do the thymus- the lump at the top of the breastbone.








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a. Stress:

AL-J, Fen, thyme, four, LH

b. Taio-He cleanse, SP-1, LBS 11, psyllium, natures three, marshmallow-pepsin; Lymphomax

Joya. Respiratoryb. Intestinalc. Lymphatic /


a. Lungs, sinuses b. Large intestine c. Lymphatic



The regular method is to massage the points. Another way is for a meridian a point is touched & held as either end point of the same meridian is touched and held until a clear pulsing is produced; thus balancing is done.

Below is a chart that shows the endpoints are best, as either end point may be used and would be just as effective. Note: E P for each side could be held at the same time cutting down on the amount of time needed to gain the same effect. Asking the person to hold his hands in prayer position, lets you do both EP’s at the same time. On the feet, only the

spleen EP’s are used with the person bending the knees to allow you to do the toes at the same time with the mid back NL area.

With the NL’s certain ones are more effective. NOTE: always test as sometimes a person or problem may need a different NL. Simply ask “should I use the standard NL’s , “then are the best to be used in this case?”. There are also

cases when touching a single place will suffice for more then one meridian. Once you get used to the system you will find that NL corrections are fast & simple for either psychological or other conditions.



END POINT NLGB-1 outer canthus Right chest, just beneath breast same as liver.

LIVER-14 chest, mid front Right chest, beneath breast- same as GBBL-1 inner canthus Mid back, L-2 level- same as K, LI

K -27 chest, clavicle sternum Mid back, L-1 level same as B, LILI-1 index finger, medial Mid lower back, LI /L-4 area same as B / K

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Lu- 11 thumb medial SternumST-1 below eye Left chest, beneath breast

SP-1 big toes, medial Mid back, T-7 / 8TW-1 ring finger medial Mid back T-10 & 12

CX-9 Pubic boneSI-1 Mid back T-8 & 11

H-9 little finger medial Mid back T-2 & 3GV-28 upper gum, middle Chest, T-2 & 3

CV-24 lower lip, middle Base of skull

Tuning forks: 210.42; BRAIN- ALPHA- 8.0- 12

PLACEMENT: SP-3- Taibai- Great White- Stream-Shu; LU-9, LI-4 & LI-6

ORGAN- FAT CELLS- 295.80 C# Using the 8th Chakra to clear issues that may be carried as body weight would be the recommended first approach to weight loss; Next use with muscle- 324; Using a ratio of 3 activations of the muscle tuning fork to one activation of the fat cell tuning fork, the muscle and fat cells are stimulated and reminded of their healthy vibration.

8th Chakra to clear issues that may be carried as body weight would be the recommended first approach to weight loss; Soul Star, Soul Purpose or link to the Divine. Placement: located about 6 to 10 inches above your head. If you raise your arms straight above your head, 8th Chakra is located between your two wrists. Place vibrating 8th Chakra tuning fork in that area and it can help clear that chakra, making clear your Soul Purpose and re-establishing your connection with the Divine. It can help in visualizing your material goals and can help manifest them.

weight loss: ORGAN- MUSCLES- 324- E / Using the 8th Chakra Tuning 272 hz. 6- 8 inches above the head, to clear issues that may be carried as body weight would be the

recommended first approach to weight loss; use with cellulite (fat) 295.80; Using a ratio of 3 activations of the muscle tuning fork to one activation of the 295.80 fat cell tuning fork, the

muscle and fat cells are stimulated and reminded of their healthy vibration; GB-20- 164.30HZ / E-120 CYCLES




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The lymph system is the body's drainage system. It is composed of a network of vessels and small structures called lymph nodes. The lymph vessels convey excess fluid collected from all over the body back into the blood circulation. Along the way, however, these fluids are forced to percolate through the lymph nodes so that they can be filtered. Harmful organisms are trapped and destroyed by the specialized white blood cells, called lymphocytes, that are present in these nodes. Lymphocytes are also added to the lymph that flows out of nodes and back to the bloodstream.


Antibodies are manufactured by the lymph system. Antibodies are specialized proteins that the body produces in response to invasion by a foreign substance. The process of antibody formation begins when an antigen stimulates specialized lymphocytes, called B cells, into action. Antibodies then counteract invading antigens by combining with the antigen to render it harmless to the body.

Some antibodies coat the harmful organisms so that the body's scavenger cells can recognize and destroy them more easily. The antibody molecule combines with the antigen molecule by matching combining sites; they fit together like the pieces of a jigsaw puzzle. Other antibodies that neutralize toxins produced by bacteria are called antitoxins.

During periods of active antibody production, lymph nodes often enlarge and become tender to the touch. For example, a vaccination (injection of a natural or artificial antigen to stimulate the body to produce protective antibodies) in the arm can cause swelling of the nodes in the armpit, while mononucleosis causes enlargement of nodes that can be felt under the skin of the armpits, groin, and neck. The spleen (an organ located in the upper left part of the abdomen) is also important in the production of antibodies.

The lymphatic system is a system of capillaries, vessels, nodes and other organs that transport a fluid called lymph from the tissues as it returns to the bloodstream. The lymphatic tissue of these organs filters and cleans the lymph of any debris, abnormal cells, or pathogens. The lymphatic system also transports fatty acids from the intestines to the circulatory system.

Immune and Lymphatic System Anatomy

Red Bone Marrow and LeukocytesRed bone marrow is a highly vascular tissue found in the spaces between trabeculae of spongy bone. It is mostly found in the ends of long bones and in the flat bones of the body. Red bone marrow is a hematopoietic tissue containing many stem cells that produce blood cells. All of the leukocytes, or white blood cells, of the immune system are produced by red bone marrow. Leukocytes can be further broken down into 2 groups based upon the type of stem cells that produces them: myeloid stem cells and lymphoid stem cells.  

Myeloid stem cells produce monocytes and the granular leukocytes—eosinophils, basophils, and neutrophils.  

Monocytes. Monocytes are agranular leukocytes that can form 2 types of cells: macrophages and dendritic cells. 1. Macrophages. Monocytes respond slowly to infection and once present at the site of infection, develop into macrophages.

Macrophages are phagocytes able to consume pathogens, destroyed cells, and debris by phagocytosis. As such, they have a role in both preventing infection as well as cleaning up the aftermath of an infection.

2. Dendritic cells. Monocytes also develop into dendritic cells in healthy tissues of the skin and mucous membranes. Dendritic cells are responsible for the detection of pathogenic antigens which are used to activate T cells and B cells.

Granular Leukocytes

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1. Eosinophils. Eosinophils are granular leukocytes that reduce allergic inflammation and help the body fight off parasites.2. Basophils. Basophils are granular leukocytes that trigger inflammation by releasing the chemicals heparin and histamine.

Basophils are active in producing inflammation during allergic reactions and parasitic infections.3. Neutrophils. Neutrophils are granular leukocytes that act as the first responders to the site of an infection. Neutrophils use

chemotaxis to detect chemicals produced by infectious agents and quickly move to the site of infection. Once there, neutrophils ingest the pathogens via phagocytosis and release chemicals to trap and kill the pathogens.

Lymphoid stem cells produce T lymphocytes and B lymphocytes.

T lymphocytes. T lymphocytes, also commonly known as T cells, are cells involved in fighting specific pathogens in the body. T cells may act as helpers of other immune cells or attack pathogens directly. After an infection, memory T cells persist in the body to provide a faster reaction to subsequent infection by pathogens expressing the same antigen.

B lymphocytes. B lymphocytes, also commonly known as B cells, are also cells involved in fighting specific pathogens in the body. Once B cells have been activated by contact with a pathogen, they form plasma cells that produce antibodies. Antibodies then neutralize the pathogens until other immune cells can destroy them. After an infection, memory B cells persist in the body to quickly produce antibodies to subsequent infection by pathogens expressing the same antigen.

The lymphatic system is part of the circulatory system, comprising a network of lymphatic vessels that carry a clear fluid called lymph (from Latin lympha meaning water)[1]) directionally towards the heart. The lymphatic system was first described in the seventeenth century independently by Olaus Rudbeck and Thomas Bartholin. Unlike the cardiovascular system the lymphatic system is not a closed system. The circulatory system processes an average of 20 litres of blood per day through capillary filtration which removes plasma while leaving the blood cells. Roughly 17 litres of the filtered plasma get reabsorbed directly into the blood vessels, while the remaining 3 litres are left behind in the interstitial fluid. One of the main functions of the lymph system is to provide an accessory route for these excess 3 litres per day to get returned to the blood.[2]

The other main function is that of defense in the immune system. Lymph is very similar to blood plasma but contains lymphocytes and other white blood cells. It also contains waste products and debris of cells together with bacteria and protein. Associated organs composed of lymphoid tissue are the sites of lymphocyte production. Lymphocytes are concentrated in the lymph nodes. The spleen and the thymus are also lymphoid organs of the immune system. The tonsils are lymphoid organs that are also associated with the digestive system. Lymphoid tissues contain lymphocytes, and also contain other types of cells for support.[3] The system also includes all the structures dedicated to the circulation and production of lymphocytes (the primary cellular component of lymph), which also includes the bone marrow, and the lymphoid tissue associated with the digestive system.[4]

The blood does not come into direct contact with the parenchymal cells and tissues in the body, but constituents of the blood first exit the microvascular exchange blood vessels to become interstitial fluid, which comes into contact with the parenchymal cells of the body. Lymph is the fluid that is formed when interstitial fluid enters the initial lymphatic vessels of the lymphatic system. The lymph is then moved along the lymphatic vessel network by either intrinsic contractions of the lymphatic passages or by extrinsic compression of the lymphatic vessels via external tissue forces (e.g. the contractions of skeletal muscles), or by lymph hearts in some animals. The organization of lymph nodes and drainage follows the organization of the body into external and internal regions; therefore, the lymphatic drainage of the head, limbs, and body cavity walls follows an external route, and the lymphatic drainage of the thorax, abdomen, and pelvic cavities follows an internal route.[5] Eventually,

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the lymph vessels empty into the lymphatic ducts, which drain into one of the two subclavian veins (near the junctions of the subclavian veins with the internal jugular veins).

The lymphatic system consists of lymphatic organs, a conducting network of lymphatic vessels, and the circulating lymph.

Lymphoid tissue is divided into primary, secondary, or tertiary depending on the stage of lymphocyte development involved. The tertiary lymphoid tissue typically contains far fewer lymphocytes, and assumes an immune role only when challenged with antigens that result in inflammation. It achieves this by importing the lymphocytes from blood and lymph.[6])

The thymus and the bone marrow constitute the primary lymphoid organs involved in the production and early selection of lymphocyte tissues. Bone marrow is responsible for the creation of both T-cells, and the production and maturation of B-cells. From the bone marrow B-cells immediately join the blood system and travel to secondary lymphoid organs in search of pathogens. T-cells on the other hand travel from the bone marrow to the thymus where they are allowed to develop further. Mature T-cells join B-cells in search of pathogens. The other 95% of T-cells begin a process of apoptosis (cell suicide).

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Cancer of the lymphatic system can be primary or secondary. Lymphoma refers to cancer that arises from lymphatic tissue. Lymphoid leukemias and lymphomas are now considered to be tumors of the same type of cell lineage. They are called "leukemia" when in the blood or marrow and "lymphoma" when in lymphatic tissue. They are grouped together under the name "lymphoid malignancy".[12]

Lymphoma is generally considered as Hodgkin's lymphoma and Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. Hodgkin's lymphoma is characterised by a particular type of cell, called a Reed–Sternberg cell, visible under microscope. It is associated with past infection with the Epstein-Barr Virus, and generally causes a painless "rubbery" lymphadenopathy. It is staged, using Ann Arbor staging. Chemotherapy generally involves the ABVD and may also involved radiotherapy. [13] Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma is a cancer characterised by increased proliferation of B-cells or T-cells, generally occurs in an older age group than Hodgkin's lymphoma, It is treated according to whether it is high-grade or low-grade, and carries a poorer prognosis than Hodgkin's lymphoma. [13]

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Lymphangiosarcoma is a malignant soft tissue tumor, whereas lymphangioma is a benign tumor occurring frequently in association with Turner syndrome. Lymphangioleiomyomatosis is a benign tumor of the smooth muscles of the lymphatics that occurs in the lungs.

How to Cleanse the Lymph System

Clean up your diet to cleanse your lymphatic system. A healthy diet produces less waste for your lymph system to clean up, reducing your chances of congestion.

Avoid processed foods that are high in salt, sugar and preservatives.

Replace simple sugars and carbohydrates with whole grains, complex carbohydrates and fruit.

Identify any food allergies you may have and avoid eating those foods.

Drink 6 to 8 glasses of filtered or distilled / purified water daily. Your body needs to be well hydrated to keep your lymph system operating properly.

Practice deep breathing from your diaphragm and through your nose to keep your lymph fluids moving.

Get regular physical exercise. Jumping up and down on a trampoline or playing jump rope for 5 minutes a day is great for your lymph system. Other moderate exercise, such as walking and stretching, is also helpful if done regularly

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Relax in a sauna or steam bath and let your body sweat out toxins to cleanse your system. OR do specific detox baths; lymphatic cleansers from Moss nutrition.

Wear clothing that fits properly. Tight clothing restricts your lymph system and contributes to blockage. For the same reason, women should avoid under-wire bras and try to wear no bra for at least 12 hours each day.

Deal with stress, depression and other emotional issues. Just like a congested lymph system can lead to emotional problems, so can the reverse occur.

Consider alternative therapies. Insert a/p points for clearing here

Acupuncture has been found to do wonders for keeping our lymph system flowing. OR use tuning forks on meridian points for lymphatic’s.

Regular treatment from a massage therapist who is familiar with lymph drainage massage is a great way to keep your entire body healthy and your lymph system running smoothly.

Do a detox and colon cleanse treatment following manufacturer’s instructions.

Choose one that is supported by liver enzymes to ease the burden on your liver and kidneys, and to decrease the pressure they place on your spleen.

Next do a parasite cleanse- place outline here

If you are under a doctor's care for any medical conditions, you should check with her before doing a detox and


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