managing white-collar work: an operations-oriented...

Managing White-Collar Work: An Operations-Oriented Survey Wallace J. Hopp Ross School of Business, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109, [email protected] Seyed M. R. Iravani Department of Industrial Engineering and Management Sciences, Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois 60208 [email protected] Fang Liu Management Science Group, Merrill Lynch, Global Wealth Management, Pennington, NJ 08534, [email protected] A lthough white-collar work is of vast importance to the economy, the operations management (OM) literature has focused largely on traditional blue-collar work. In an effort to stimulate more OM research into the design, control, and management of white-collar work systems, this paper provides a systematic review of disparate streams of research relevant to understanding white-collar work from an operations perspective. Our review classifies research according to its relevance to white-collar work at individual, team, and organizational levels. By examining the literature in the context of this framework, we identify gaps in our understanding of white-collar work that suggest promising research directions. Key words: white-collar work; operations management; survey History: Received: July 2006; Accepted: May 2008, after 2 revisions. 1. Introduction Operations management (OM) is concerned with the processes involved in delivering goods and services to customers (Hopp and Spearman 2000, Shim and Siegel 1999). At the core of many of these processes is the work of human beings. Indeed, the field of OM has its roots in the labor efficiency studies of Frederick W. Taylor and other champions of the Scientific Man- agement movement of the early 20thcentury. Because these early studies focused on the physical tasks in manufacturing, construction, and other industries, the OM field developed a tradition of studying what we colloquially call ‘‘blue-collar’’ work. The dramatic improvements in direct labor productivity over the past several decades suggest that this line of research has been highly effective. However, in recent years, the US economy has steadily shifted toward service and professional jobs that we associate with ‘‘white-collar’’ work (Spohrer and Maglio 2008). Workers in such jobs now constitute 34% of the workforce according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) (Davenport et al. 2002). Further- more, according to the BLS, workers in ‘‘management, business, and financial occupations’’ and in ‘‘profes- sional and related occupations’’ will increase by 14.4% and 21.2%, respectively, from 2004 to 2014, which ranks them as the third and first fastest growing occupation categories. 1 This trend suggests that future economic growth will depend much more on improv- ing productivity of white-collar work than on achieving further improvements in blue-collar work productivity. Despite the obvious importance of white-collar work to the economy, it is much less understood in an operations sense than is blue-collar work. Well-known principles of bottleneck behavior, task sequencing, line balancing, variability buffering, and many others (Askin and Goldberg 2002, Hopp and Spearman 2000) help us evaluate, improve, and design systems involving blue-collar work. But in systems where white-collar work predominates, in which tasks are less precisely defined and controlled than in blue-collar systems, we do not yet have prin- ciples for guiding operations decisions. Fundamental questions remain unanswered. For example: What is the bottleneck of a white-collar work system? What are appropriate measures of productivity? How do learning and collaboration affect performance? To an- swer these and many other questions, the OM field needs to expand its scope and methods to facilitate 1 PRODUCTION AND OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT Vol. 18, No. 1, January–February 2009, pp. 1–32 ISSN 1059-1478|EISSN 1937–5956|09|1801|0001 POMS DOI 10.3401/poms.1080.01002 r 2009 Production and Operations Management Society

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Page 1: Managing White-Collar Work: An Operations-Oriented · design, control, and management of white-collar work systems,

Managing White-Collar Work: An Operations-OrientedSurvey

Wallace J. HoppRoss School of Business, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109, [email protected]

Seyed M. R. IravaniDepartment of Industrial Engineering and Management Sciences, Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois 60208

[email protected]

Fang LiuManagement Science Group, Merrill Lynch, Global Wealth Management, Pennington, NJ 08534, [email protected]

Although white-collar work is of vast importance to the economy, the operations management (OM) literaturehas focused largely on traditional blue-collar work. In an effort to stimulate more OM research into the

design, control, and management of white-collar work systems, this paper provides a systematic review ofdisparate streams of research relevant to understanding white-collar work from an operations perspective. Ourreview classifies research according to its relevance to white-collar work at individual, team, and organizationallevels. By examining the literature in the context of this framework, we identify gaps in our understanding ofwhite-collar work that suggest promising research directions.

Key words: white-collar work; operations management; surveyHistory: Received: July 2006; Accepted: May 2008, after 2 revisions.

1. IntroductionOperations management (OM) is concerned with theprocesses involved in delivering goods and servicesto customers (Hopp and Spearman 2000, Shim andSiegel 1999). At the core of many of these processes isthe work of human beings. Indeed, the field of OMhas its roots in the labor efficiency studies of FrederickW. Taylor and other champions of the Scientific Man-agement movement of the early 20thcentury. Becausethese early studies focused on the physical tasks inmanufacturing, construction, and other industries, theOM field developed a tradition of studying whatwe colloquially call ‘‘blue-collar’’ work. The dramaticimprovements in direct labor productivity over thepast several decades suggest that this line of researchhas been highly effective.

However, in recent years, the US economy hassteadily shifted toward service and professional jobsthat we associate with ‘‘white-collar’’ work (Spohrerand Maglio 2008). Workers in such jobs now constitute34% of the workforce according to the Bureau ofLabor Statistics (BLS) (Davenport et al. 2002). Further-more, according to the BLS, workers in ‘‘management,business, and financial occupations’’ and in ‘‘profes-sional and related occupations’’ will increase by 14.4%

and 21.2%, respectively, from 2004 to 2014, whichranks them as the third and first fastest growingoccupation categories.1 This trend suggests that futureeconomic growth will depend much more on improv-ing productivity of white-collar work than onachieving further improvements in blue-collar workproductivity.

Despite the obvious importance of white-collarwork to the economy, it is much less understoodin an operations sense than is blue-collar work.Well-known principles of bottleneck behavior, tasksequencing, line balancing, variability buffering,and many others (Askin and Goldberg 2002, Hoppand Spearman 2000) help us evaluate, improve, anddesign systems involving blue-collar work. But insystems where white-collar work predominates, inwhich tasks are less precisely defined and controlledthan in blue-collar systems, we do not yet have prin-ciples for guiding operations decisions. Fundamentalquestions remain unanswered. For example: What isthe bottleneck of a white-collar work system? Whatare appropriate measures of productivity? How dolearning and collaboration affect performance? To an-swer these and many other questions, the OM fieldneeds to expand its scope and methods to facilitate


PRODUCTION AND OPERATIONS MANAGEMENTVol. 18, No. 1, January–February 2009, pp. 1–32ISSN 1059-1478|EISSN 1937–5956|09|1801|0001

POMSDOI 10.3401/poms.1080.01002

r 2009 Production and Operations Management Society

Page 2: Managing White-Collar Work: An Operations-Oriented · design, control, and management of white-collar work systems,

operations analyses of systems in which white-collarwork is an essential component.

A variety of fields, beyond OM, including Econom-ics, Sociology, Marketing, and Organizational Behavior,have produced streams of research relevant to white-collar work. While these have not focused on opera-tions issues directly, research in these fields has yieldeduseful insights that could be useful in operations con-texts. In this paper, we survey a wide range of researchthat offers promise for understanding the operations ofwhite-collar work. Our objectives are to bring togetherthese disparate threads, provide a framework for or-ganizing them, and identify needs and opportunitiesfor developing a science of white-collar work.

2. Definition of White-Collar WorkTo achieve these objectives we must first define whatwe mean by white-collar work. Historically, the term‘‘white collar’’ has been used loosely to refer tosalaried office workers, in contrast with hourly‘‘blue-collar’’ manual laborers (Shirai 1983).2 Otherdefinitions of white- and blue-collar work are basedon whether the worker performs manual work. Forexample, Prandy et al. (1982) used the term ‘‘whitecollar’’ to refer to non-manual labor, e.g., supervisors,clerks, professionals, and senior managers. Still otherdefinitions of white-collar work have focused on jobcategories. For example, Coates (1986) divided white-collar work into three categories: clerical, professional,and managerial. Because of the nature of the work,some scholars have equated white-collar workers withknowledge workers (McNamar 1973, Ramirez andNembhard 2004). In this vein, Stamp (1995) summa-rized eight important aspects of white-collar work: (1)surfacing and aligning values and vision, (2) thinkingstrategically, (3) focusing key resources, at the sametime maintaining flexibility, (4) managing priorities, (5)measuring performance, (6) accepting ownership, re-sponsibility, and accountability, (7) influencing, whilemaintaining interpersonal awareness, and (8) contin-ually improving people, products, and processes.

Although these definitions give a general sense ofwhat constitutes white-collar work and how it differsfrom blue-collar work, they do not provide a precise orconsistent statement that we can use to focus researchon the operations of white-collar work. For example,Coates (1986) classified clerical work, such as typing, aswhite-collar work. However, typing does not have anyof the eight features of white-collar work as defined inStamp (1995). Moreover, from an operations perspec-tive, typing has much more in common with machining(commonly thought of as ‘‘blue collar’’) than withmanagement (commonly thought of as ‘‘white collar’’).To study the operations aspects of white-collar work,we need a definition that distinguishes white- and blue-collar work in operationally meaningful ways.

To do this, it is important to recognize that allindividuals do many types of work. Indeed, someresearchers have argued that new technologies havetransformed work in such a way that traditionaldistinctions between white- and blue-collar workershave been rendered obsolete (Barley and Kunda2001, Zuboff 1988). Management practices, such asempowerment and self-directed teams, have giveneven the most basic physical workers decision makingresponsibility, while information technology (IT) hasgiven virtually every job an element of knowledgework. However, while it may no longer make sense toclassify workers as blue and white collar, we believethere remains a fundamental distinction between thetwo types of work at the task level. The routine, repet-itive, largely physical tasks that were the basis oftraditional blue-collar work are still essentially differ-ent from the non-routine, individual, heavilyknowledge-based tasks we associate with traditionalwhite-collar work. Consequently, we focus on thetasks involved in the work (e.g., financial consulting,operating machine tool) rather than on the workers(e.g., financial advisors, machine tool operators).

Viewed in this way, someone we customarily thinkof as blue-collar worker may perform white-collartasks (e.g., a machinist brainstorms methods forimproving the yield of his operation). Conversely,someone we normally think of as a white-collarworker may perform blue-collar tasks (e.g., a profes-sor makes her own photocopies). Hopp and Van Oyen(2004) defined a task as a process that brings togetherlabor, entities, and resources to accomplish a specifiedobjective. In this very general definition, labor refersto workers (e.g., machinist, doctor, cashier, banker).An entity represents the job being worked on (e.g.,part, patient, customer, financial transaction). Re-sources include anything used by labor to carry outthe activity of the task, such as equipment (e.g.,machines, computers), technology (e.g., algorithms,systems infrastructures), and intellectual property(e.g., books, reports, outside expertise).

A task is defined by these three elements – labor,entities, and resources – as well as the processes thatdescribe how they are brought together. For ourpurposes, whether a task is classified as blue orwhite collar depends on how it is characterized alongtwo dimensions:

1. Intellectual vs. Physical: White-collar tasks involvesignificant use of knowledge in generating ideas,processes or solutions (Davenport and Prusak2002), while blue-collar tasks consist primarily ofphysical transformations or transactions. In theseterms, a data analysis task is intellectual becausethe worker must select and/or develop appro-priate models specific to each different case by

Hopp, Iravani and Liu:: Managing White-Collar Work2 Production and Operations Management 18(1), pp. 1–32, r 2009 Production and Operations Management Society

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drawing on his/her expertise, statistical knowl-edge, and prior experience. In contrast, movinga batch of parts from one machine to another ina factory is a physical task that does not requirea high level of knowledge. Note that it is thelack of an extensive knowledge component, morethan the presence of a large amount of physicallabor, that leads us to classify a task as ‘‘physical’’in nature. For instance, we regard the task of acashier ringing up groceries as physical, eventhough the amount of physical effort is not large,because the key steps (scanning items, baggingthem, and transferring money) are indeed phys-ical activities for which knowledge requirementsare low due to the simple and standardizednature of the work.

2. Creative vs. Routine: White-collar tasks often relyon generation of novel solutions or combinationof previously unrelated ideas (Davenport andPrusak 2002, Perry-Smith and Shalley 2003, Shal-ley 1995), while blue-collar tasks consist primarilyof repetitive application of known methods tofamiliar situations. For example, developing a newdrug is a creative task because researchers mustvisualize new solutions and experiment with un-familiar alternatives. In contrast, sewing garmentsis a routine task because it involves repetition ofthe same actions on each garment. In general, ifprocedures can be clearly specified in advance,then the task is routine. If procedures cannot bepre-specified, so that it falls to the worker to de-velop them, then the task is creative. This impliesthat tasks in the same domain may be classifieddifferently. For example, in surgery, hernia oper-ations may be routine, while advanced transplantoperations may be creative.

To provide a reasonable correspondence with the col-loquial use of the terms ‘‘blue collar’’ and ‘‘white collar,’’we define a blue-collar task to be one that is mainlyphysical and routine. Any task that is either highly in-tellectual or highly creative, we define as white collar.We illustrate this definition in Figure 1, with some ex-amples of types of work that involve tasks characterizedby different positions in this two-dimensional space.

It is important to point out that, under this defini-tion, there is no such thing as a pure blue-collar or purewhite-collar work (Ramirez and Nembhard 2004).

Virtually any type of work consists of some white-collar tasks and some blue-collar tasks. For example,driving a lift truck to move heavy parts from one partof the factory to another is generally considered to beblue-collar work. However, while the task of driving alift truck is mainly physical and routine, the drivermust sometimes use his creativity to figure out how toefficiently load and unload large items with irregularshapes. So we classify the task of driving parts frompoint A to point B as a blue-collar task, but classify thetask of finding a way to efficiently load and unloadnew or unusual parts as a white-collar task. Under ourdefinition, all workers, whether they are convention-ally thought of as white or blue collar, do both white-and blue-collar work (Drucker 1999). Because, as OMscholars, we are interested in the efficiency of oper-ations, we are more concerned with classifying andanalyzing tasks than with classifying people. Modelsof white-collar tasks are the foundation for developingan operations understanding of white-collar work.

The above definition raises the question of howwhite-collar work is related to service work. Onemight be tempted to classify all service work as white-collar work because it does not involve heavy physicalactivity. For example, the activities of a bank tellerconsist of tasks that do not involve significant work inthe physics sense. However, these tasks (e.g.,entering a transaction into the computer, countingout cash, etc.) are physical transactions that are nothighly knowledge intensive. So, as tasks they are moreaccurately classified as physical than intellectual.Moreover, they are also highly routine. Hence,in our framework, many of the tasks performed by abank teller qualify as blue-collar work. We feel thatthis is appropriate, because from an operations stand-point, the work of a bank teller has far more incommon with that of an assembly line worker than itdoes with that of a lawyer or consultant.

A second distinction that is worth making is thatbetween white-collar work and knowledge work(Davenport et al. 2002). In our definition, knowledgework is considered to be a subset of white-collar work,because highly knowledge-intensive tasks (e.g., legalanalysis) are classified as white collar. But there aretasks (e.g., sculpting, composing pop songs) that arecreative but not necessarily knowledge intensive.Therefore, knowledge work represents a large por-tion, but not all, of white-collar work. Note that weinclude creativity as part of our definition of white-collar work not because we believe that there are alarge number of tasks that are creative but not intel-lectual, but rather because creative behavior is distinctfrom intellectual behavior. The literature on creativity,and the management policies for stimulating it, isdifferent from the literature on knowledge-basedwork and the associated policies for promoting it.

BLUE COLLAR WORKshoveling, assembly

research, design painting, sculpting

Physical work Intellectual work

Creative work

Routine work consulting, legal services


Figure 1 White-Collar Work vs. Blue-Collar Work

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Hence, having a creativity dimension in our frame-work will help us identify existing research and futureresearch opportunities that are important to under-standing the operations of white-collar work.

Finally, we note that there is nothing absolute aboutour definitions of blue- and white-collar tasks, or eventhe terms themselves. Other scholars may be inclinedto refer to the type of work we are classifying as‘‘white collar’’ as ‘‘post-industrial’’ (Barley and Kunda2001) or ‘‘knowledge work’’ (Davenport 2005). Thelabels are not important, but the facts that (a) there is atype of work that differs significantly from traditionalproduction work and (b) this type of work has beenlargely ignored in the OM literature are important. Asfor our particular framework, we take solace in thefamiliar adage that ‘‘all models are wrong, but someare useful.’’ While we do not claim that our definitionof white-collar work is true in any rigorous sense, wedo contend that it can help OM scholars identifypromising research opportunities and results fromother fields that may be helpful in addressing them.

With our definition of white-collar work in hand, wefollow the standard OM approach used to model blue-collar work systems by starting with a simple structure,such as single-class job, single-server (e.g., simple pro-duce-to-order system) and extending the analysis tomore complex structures, such as multi-class, multiple-server systems. To do this, we state generic models atthe individual, group, and organization levels and usethese as the organizing framework for our summary ofresearch relevant to white-collar work. This allows usto compare and contrast issues in white- and blue-col-lar work systems in Sections 3, 4, and 5. By notingwhich aspects of the generic models have not been wellstudied in the literature, we are able to suggest prom-ising avenues of future research in Section 6. Wesummarize our overall conclusions in Section 7.

Before we begin our survey, we note that coveringall aspects of white-collar work systems, which couldinclude issues as diverse as public policy, education,urban development, etc., in a single paper is clearlyimpossible. To keep our scope manageable, we restrictour goals to: (1) identifying key streams of researchthat are relevant to an operations understandingof white-collar work, and (2) highlighting importantpapers within each stream that will help direct OMscholars to useful sources of literature for extendingOM research to address important aspects of white-collar work.

3. White-Collar Work at the IndividualLevel

The simplest context in which to study white-collarwork is that of a single person carrying out tasks

independently. Examples include a doctor treatinga patient, a scientist writing a research paper, and alawyer preparing a case. Although many studies inthe OM literature have addressed systems that in-volve individual work (Buzacott and Shanthikumar1993, Hopp and Spearman 2000), these often implic-itly combine workers with equipment by assuming‘‘workers are not a major factor,’’ ‘‘people (i.e., work-ers) are deterministic and predictable,’’ ‘‘workers arestationary,’’ and ‘‘workers are emotionless’’ (Boudreauet al. 2003). While such assumptions may be oversim-plifications in blue-collar settings, they are completelyunrealistic in white-collar systems because white-collar tasks involve knowledge and/or creativity, aswell as human characteristics like learning, emotion,and judgment. So representing these is a key step inmodeling white-collar work.

3.1. A Basic ModelTo provide a conceptual framework for representingindividual work, we return to the basic representationof a task in Hopp and Van Oyen (2004), which depictstasks in terms of labor, entities, and resources. Becausewe are talking about work at the level of an individ-ual, the labor in these systems consists of a singleworker. The entities are the logical triggers of tasks.These could be outside requests (e.g., demands fromthe boss, customer calls for service) or internallygenerated items (e.g., an idea for a research paper, aplan for improving a system). The resources couldinclude a broad range of physical (e.g., pen, paper,computer) and informational (e.g., books, web sites,personal knowledge, outside expertise) elements.Finally, a fourth element that describes an individualwork system is the set of processes that govern theinteractions among the labor, entities, and resources inorder to complete tasks. These could include sequenc-ing/scheduling rules, incentive policies, and a varietyof management directives. The outcome of the worksystem (e.g., a surgery, a consulting report) will havesome value that can be measured soon after comple-tion of a task (e.g., patient recovery status, customersatisfaction), plus possibly some latent value that can-not be measured until well after completion of a task(e.g., increased future effectiveness of members of thesurgical team, problem solving tools that may be use-ful in future consulting jobs). We illustrate thisindividual work system schematically in Figure 2.

Note that this model highlights both some similar-ities and some key differences between white- andblue-collar work systems. Similarities stem fromthe fact that both systems exhibit queueing behavior,in which entities pile up awaiting attention froma worker with finite capacity. This means that vari-ability and high utilization will cause congestion (see

Hopp, Iravani and Liu:: Managing White-Collar Work4 Production and Operations Management 18(1), pp. 1–32, r 2009 Production and Operations Management Society

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Hopp and Spearman 2000 for a discussion). But thereare important differences, including:

1. By our definition of white-collar work, the tasksthemselves are of an intellectual and/or creativenature. Workers must accumulate more domainknowledge to carry out white-collar tasks thanto perform blue-collar tasks. For example, a riskanalyst must master a body of knowledge inorder to understand, formulate, and analyze riskproblems. Moreover, white-collar tasks are rarelyidentical, which implies that creativity is oftenimportant in white-collar work. For example, inaddition to assessing risks in familiar settings, arisk analyst must evaluate new risk scenarios,which requires a certain amount of creativity.

2. White-collar work relies more heavily on knowl-edge-based resources than does blue-collar work(Drucker 1999). While blue-collar tasks may re-quire informational inputs (e.g., an instructionsheet showing how parts should be assembled),the standardized nature of the work implies thatthese inputs will be relatively simple. In contrast,white-collar tasks, which involve a higher levelof intellectual complexity, may rely on generalinformation that must be processed and synthe-sized by the worker. For instance, a lawyerpreparing a case may have to cull through a vastbacklog of precedents and select those relevant tothe case at hand.

3. Learning is slower and more central in white-collar systems than in blue-collar systems (Ryuet al. 2005). The complexity of the resources andthe novelty of the tasks mean that workers per-forming white-collar tasks often have more tolearn than workers performing blue-collar tasks.While some models of blue-collar work systemsinvolve learning (e.g., by representing workers asgrowing more productive over time), learningin white-collar systems may be correlated withother things beyond time in the position, such ascommunication patterns among individuals.

4. Measurement of output is more difficult inwhite-collar work systems than in blue-collarsystems (Drucker 1991, Salemme 1986). In blue-collar systems outputs are primarily physical(e.g., completed assemblies, cleaned hotel rooms,painted houses). As such, their value can bemeasured immediately upon completion of atask. For example, a machining operation couldgo directly to a test station where it is checked forquality, so that the value created by the machinistcould be measured as the rate of acceptable partsproduced per day. But in white-collar systems,outputs often have a knowledge component. Forexample, a consultant writes up an analysis of amanagement problem for a client. The value ofsuch outputs is more difficult to measure. Even ifclient satisfaction (measured via a survey) couldbe used as a quality measure for the direct de-liverables (i.e., the reports), there may be indirectvalue of the studies. For instance, a consultingjob may produce new knowledge that will bevaluable to the consulting firm in performingfuture jobs. These intangible knowledge outputsof white-collar work are particularly difficult tovalue economically until long after the task hasbeen completed.

5. While white-collar work systems may receivework from outside in a manner similar to blue-collar systems, they are much more likely to alsoinvolve self-generated work. This is becauseblue-collar tasks (e.g., assembling parts, sweep-ing a floor, ringing up an order on a cash register)generally address specific requests (e.g., cus-tomer orders). In contrast, because white-collartasks involve a higher degree of creativity, it iscommon for workers to define at least some oftheir own workload. Examples include a poetturning an idea into a poem and a consultantadding a task to a consulting job to address anissue that was revealed by previous work.

6. Workers tend to have more discretion overprocessing times in white-collar systems than inblue-collar systems (Hopp et al. 2007a). In blue-collar systems, tasks are well defined and socome with concrete completion criteria. A castingmust be machined to specified tolerances, a roommust be cleaned to stipulated standards, etc. Butin white-collar systems, where work is intellec-tually complex and/or nonstandard, detailedspecifications are difficult to provide. An engi-neer tasked with solving a design problem has ageneral idea of what constitutes an acceptablesolution. But he/she must use personal judg-ment to determine when the task is complete;this decision may depend on customer needs, aswell as the engineer’s backlog of other work.



Endogenous Entities

Exogenous Entities

Resources:information, technology,outside expertise, etc.



Entity flowInfo flowInteraction

Figure 2 A White-Collar Work System at the Individual Level

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Because the amount of time spent on a task isdiscretionary, system utilization is not exoge-nously determined in white-collar systems as itis in blue-collar systems. Hopp et al. (2007a)showed that this implies important differences inthe operating behavior of blue- and white-collarwork systems (see Section 3).

7. Incentives are more critical in white-collar sys-tems than in blue-collar systems (Eisenbergerand Armeli 1997). As we mentioned earlier,because white-collar tasks are intellectual andcreative in nature, workers are given moreautonomy over task processing. This greaterflexibility allows for a large variation in workperformance, which suggests that incentives canbe extremely important in motivating workerbehavior. Furthermore, a substantial amount ofjob satisfaction from white-collar work is gainedthrough non-pecuniary means, such as peerrecognition, task complexity, exposure to smartcolleagues, opportunity for self-advancement,etc. Hence, different types of incentives may beappropriate in white-collar work settings than inblue-collar settings. Finally, due to the difficultyof measuring performance objectively, white-collar incentive plans must often be based onsubjective measures of performance (e.g., staffevaluations).

Based on our definition of white-collar tasks and theabove discussion, some critical aspects of white-collartasks that are distinctive from blue-collar tasks are:creativity, discretion, learning, performance measures,incentives, and technology. In the following subsec-tions, we summarize streams of research that haveaddressed these elements.

3.2. CreativityCreativity generally refers to the ability to generatenovel ideas or solutions that are appropriate to thecontext (Amabile 1983a, 1996, Amabile et al. 1996,Barron and Harrington 1981). Early studies ofcreativity revealed the importance of individual char-acteristics, such as intelligence, broad interests, intu-ition, self-confidence, attraction to complexity, etc., tocreativity (Amabile 1983b, Barron and Harrington1981, Gough 1979, Woodman and Schoenfeldt 1989).More recent studies have emphasized the impact oftask processes and organizational and social environ-ments on creativity. One school of thought has arguedthat work contexts, such as task complexity, deadlines,goal orientations, perceived evaluations, and supervi-sory styles, affect worker motivation and thereforecreative performance (Chesbrough 2003, Oldham andCummings 1996, Shalley 1991, 1995, Shalley et al. 2000).Work from this stream of research suggests that in-

creasing job complexity and enhancing supportivesupervisory style can improve worker creativity(Oldham and Cummings 1996). Another school of re-searchers have focused on the process of creativity.Fleming and Marx (2006) argued that creativity is aprocess of combining existing ideas with new ones. Forexample, research is a creative process implemented bycombining existing disparate knowledge streams.MacCrimmon and Wagner (1994) examined creativeprocess through computer simulation. They proposeda creativity model in which the process of creativity canbe further divided into ‘‘problem structuring, ideageneration, and evaluation.’’ A more prevailing view ofcreativity is to treat creativity as a consequence of socialexchange behaviors. Because this view often is exam-ined in the context of organizations, we willextensively discuss it in Section 5.

From an operations standpoint, creativity in anindividual increases the likelihood of self-generatedwork. This may increase worker utilization, possiblybeyond 100%, which means prioritization is a funda-mental problem. Creativity may also increase thelikelihood of latent value, because ideas are creativework and ideas as outputs tend to pay delayed div-idends. However, while creativity is important atthe level of an individual, the operations implicationsof creativity are most pronounced at the team andorganization levels because this is where knowledgesharing and collaboration become issues. We will dis-cuss these in Sections 4 and 5.

3.3. DiscretionAnother core difference between white- and blue-collar work lies in discretion, i.e., a worker’s power tomake decisions regarding processing time, task qual-ity, task sequences, etc. Lack of prescribed detailedoperational rules requires workers to handle taskswith high degree of discretion. For example, a con-sultant may determine how much time to spendwriting a report based on his/her judgment of quality;a doctor may determine when to release a patientbased on the patient’s health condition. These discre-tionary decisions are important because spendingextra time and efforts may add value to the output byeither improving the quality (e.g., spending longertime may produce a better consulting report, Hopp etal. 2007a), increasing the quantity (e.g., a doctor maycharge more money for extra service, Debo et al. 2004),or both. Such discretion is less common in blue-collartasks than in white-collar tasks because blue-collarwork is generally straightforward and well defined.Spending extra time beyond a threshold requiredto complete the task does not significantly changethe output. In contrast, in the more complex settingof white-collar tasks, discretion is frequently reflectedin task selection, prioritization and scheduling,

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processing time, and output quality. The prevalence ofdiscretion in white-collar work makes it difficult toapply many results from blue-collar research to white-collar work systems because most of research on blue-collar work systems is built on the assumption thatworkers are inflexible or have very limited flexibility(Boudreau et al. 2003, Hopp et al. 2007a).

Because task completion criteria in white-collarwork settings cannot be specified precisely in mostcases, workers must rely on their own judgment todecide when a task is complete because task quality isgenerally nondecreasing in the amount of time spenton the task; this implies a speed vs. quality tradeoff.Workers must somehow negotiate this tradeoff, takinginto consideration the effect on future work. Hoppet al. (2007a) modeled this problem using an infinitehorizon dynamic program with an objective to maxi-mize value produced per unit time. They showed thatoptimal processing speed increases (and hence averagetask quality declines) as the number of customers wait-ing for service increases. Debo et al. (2004) also madethe connection between work load and discretionarytask completion in a capacitated monopoly servicesystem. They modeled the system as a single-serverqueue with profit as an increasing function of servicetime spent, and showed the optimal policy is to in-crease service speed as work load increases.

While discretionary behavior introduces new prob-lems to OM research, it also provides different insightsinto well-understood problems. A general principleof blue-collar work systems is that increasing workercapacity always reduces system congestion (i.e., thenumber of tasks waiting for labor attention). However,Hopp et al. (2007a) showed through simulation exper-iments that increasing worker capacity may result inhigher system congestion because it may be optimal touse extra capacity to improve task quality instead ofreducing congestion.

3.4. LearningLearning plays a critical role in white-collar work(Argote and Ingram 2000). Because scenarios faced inwhite-collar environments frequently evolve rapidly,workers must continually learn new things to performwell. Learning has been studied extensively in theform of ‘‘learning curves’’ in blue-collar settings(Arthur 1991, Cross 1983, Roth and Erev 1995, Suttonand Barto 1998). The core idea behind using learningcurves in production systems stems from the obser-vation that workers gain speed and quality throughrepetitive task processing. Hence, learning is essen-tially treated as a by-product of doing (i.e., learning-by-doing). Learning curve theory is well suited to blue-collar work systems because blue-collar work is moreroutine and stable over time than white-collar work.In white-collar settings, workers rely on ways other

than learning-by-doing to gain knowledge becauselearning in such circumstances is not simply a by-product of doing (Carrillo and Gaimon 2004, Ryu et al.2005). Existing literature has touched on different as-pects of learning, such as exploitation vs. exploration(Toubia 2006), timing decisions (Ryu et al. 2005), andmethods of learning (Pisano 1994, 1996).

Ryu et al. (2005) studied the interaction betweentiming and form of learning. They used a model thatmaximizes the total net profit of knowledge acquisi-tion within finite time periods, where net profit is thedifference between total payoff from knowledgeacquired and the cost incurred during the learn-ing process. The value of knowledge acquired is mea-sured as the product of knowledge depth andknowledge breadth. Total cost is measured by thecost incurred in the three distinct learning processes:learning-by-investment, learning-by-doing, and learn-ing-from-others. The optimization decision is how toallocate efforts among these three learning processes.Their results characterize the impact of seven envi-ronmental factors (discount rate of cost, discount rateof payoff, salvage value of knowledge, initial knowl-edge, number of group members, productivity oflearning-by-doing, and others’ knowledge) on learn-ing decisions and suggest an optimal strategy forthe timing and type of learning. Pisano (1994, 1996)examined the forms of learning through empiricalstudies. The author found that learning-by-doing andlearning-before-doing are effective ways of learning indifferent knowledge environments. ‘‘In environmentswhere prior knowledge is weak, high-fidelity feed-back requires experiments in the actual productionenvironment (‘learning-by-doing’). In contrast, whenreliable theoretical models and heuristics exist,laboratory experiments, simulation, and other formsof ‘learning-before-doing’ can be productively har-nessed’’ (Pisano 1994).

From an operations perspective, the essential issuewith respect to learning is how it affects performance.The research challenge therefore is to use insights likethose noted above to construct more sophisticatedalternatives to learning curves to model how learningalters performance over time. To be useful, such mod-els must link performance to the more basic elementsthat go into learning, such as those identified by Ryuet al. (2005).

3.5. Performance MeasuresA key challenge of studying white-collar work sys-tems is due to the difficulty of measuring workperformance (Davenport and Prusak 2002). In blue-collar work, worker utilization, task completion time,output quality, and quantity can be objectively mea-sured, and thus they can be used to specify a numberof quantitative performance measures for evaluating

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system performance, including utilization, through-put makespan, failure rate, etc. However, thesemetrics often do not translate directly to white-collarwork because the inputs are much harder to measure.For example, using the number of reports a consultantproduces within certain period of time (i.e., thethroughput) is hardly appropriate because the qual-ity and complexity of reports may vary greatly. Ingeneral because the white-collar tasks performed by asingle worker often differ significantly (e.g., a law-yer’s cases, a doctor’s patients, and a professor’sadvisees are all unique), it is difficult to establish uni-form metrics of productivity or quality. Finally, white-collar work often has latent value that can only bemeasured long after the task is completed. In suchcases, fair judgment of output quality upon task com-pletion is almost impossible.

In the literature, there have been a number of effortsto devise simple measures for output evaluation. Gill-son et al. (2005) measured latent performance ofservice technicians by copy machine reliability, whichis defined as the average number of copies a machinecan make between two customer service calls. Love-man and O’Connell (1995) described how Booz Allenand Hamilton (BA&H) measures partners’ perfor-mance in multiple dimensions to motivate them tobalance their efforts between sales and client service.The company measures non-partners performance viapeer review. Several studies have measured the latentvalue of academic research publications via delayedrecognition in terms of citations (Almeida and Kogut1999, Fleming 2001, Fleming and Marx 2006, Toubia2006). Fleming (2001) and Fleming and Marx (2006)used the total number of citations each patent receivesby other patents within a certain period of time as ameasure of research performance. Toubia (2006) usedthe number of times an idea is mentioned in later dis-cussions as a proxy for performance of idea generation.

Because individuals rarely work entirely alone,individual performance measures are sometimesdesigned to incorporate interactions with peers. Forexample, Christensen and Baird (1998) discussed thecase of BA&H who track the number of times a reportin their electronic warehousing and delivery system(i.e., Knowledge-On-Line [KOL]) is downloaded anduse this to reward the author. Lee and Ahn (2007)compared the role of individual-based and team-based reward systems in promoting knowledge shar-ing. Using analytical models, they showed that anindividual-based reward system is more effective thana team-based reward system provided that it is de-signed to be dependent on the amount and quality ofthe shared knowledge.

Ramirez and Nembhard (2004) provided an excel-lent overview of the literature on productivitymeasurement in knowledge work. They presented a

taxonomy, conceptual models, and methodologiesaddressing 13 dimensions of performance, including‘‘quantity, economic factors, timeliness, autonomy,quality, innovation/creativity, customer satisfaction,project success, efficiency, effectiveness, responsibil-ity/importance of work, KW’s (i.e., knowledgeworker’s) perception of productivity, and absentee-ism.’’ This review reveals that, while researchers havemade some progress in approximating or measuringwhite-collar productivity, there has been relatively lit-tle effort devoted to building general system levelmodels based on specific performance measure. Fur-thermore, as Ramirez and Nembhard (2004) pointedout we still lack methodologies that integrate andcover multiple performance dimensions. Because per-formance measures are fundamental to OM modelingand analysis, this is a clear research need.

3.6. IncentivesWorker incentives have long been a central issue inOM. From the piece work systems of the ScientificManagement era to the supply chain contracts of thepresent day, OM researchers have studied the impactof individual motivation on overall system perfor-mance. In white-collar systems, with their high levelof worker autonomy and indirect performance mea-surement, incentives are particularly important andchallenging. More specifically, incentives must moti-vate learning and creativity, direct discretionarydecision making, and enhance adoption and applica-tion of new technologies.

Because white-collar work is creative and knowl-edge intensive, incentives for aligning workers’behaviors with organizational goals should focuson motivating creativity and learning behaviors. Re-search has shown that means of motivation in white-collar work systems go far beyond financial incen-tives. Previous studies have revealed that taskcomplexity, deadlines, goal orientations, perceivedevaluations, and supervisory styles can all be used tomonitor worker behaviors (Chesbrough 2003, Oldhamand Cummings 1996, Shalley 1991, 1995, Shalley et al.2000, Thompson and Heron 2005). Researchers havealso shown that non-pecuniary rewards, such as re-ceipt of awards, honorary memberships, and peerrecognition, promote worker creativity in a significantmanner (Eisenberger and Armeli 1997, Laudel 2001).Furthermore, previous research has suggested thatrewards for creativity in previous tasks promote cre-ativity in later tasks and perceived reward for highperformance leads to higher perceived self-determi-nation and therefore better performance (Eisenbergerand Armeli 1997, Eisenberger and Rhoades 2001,Eisenberger and Shanock 2003).

A critical antecedent to good incentive design isaccurate measurement of performance. Although

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sales revenue is often used to measure the perfor-mance of sales managers, such an approximationcannot be readily generalized to many other typesof white-collar work, especially when the work doesnot translate directly into financial values and quan-tity and quality cannot be fairly judged due to thecomplex nature of the work (e.g., developing amarketing campaign). Moreover, the value of manytypes of white-collar work may only be partiallymeasurable upon completion. For example, the valueof a new product design may be fully understoodonly after the product has been on the market forsome time. Measurement of such latent value greatlycomplicates worker performance evaluation. As aresult, subjective performance measures (e.g., a man-ager’s rating) are frequently used as bases forincentive plan designs (Ishida 2006, MacLeod 2003).Economists have studied incentive plan based onsubjective performance measures in repeated games.MacLeod (2003) showed that, when an agent’s self-evaluation and the supervisor’s evaluation (which areboth subjective) are correlated, the optimal com-pensation is only dependent on the principal’s eval-uation, although the agent’s self-evaluation plays arole in the agent’s satisfaction. Subjective measurescan also moderate the weakness associated with ob-jective performance measures (Gibbs et al. 2004). In astudy of department managers in car dealerships,Gibbs et al. (2004) found that using subjective mea-sures in addition to objective measures positivelyaffects managers’ willingness to incur intangiblerisk, as well as managers’ job satisfaction. For morediscussion of subjective vs. objective measures, seeBommer et al. (1995).

Another important aspect of incentives in white-collar work settings is motivation in multi-tasking sit-uations. Workers in white-collar work settings oftenperform multiple or multi-dimensional tasks. In theseenvironments, it is important to use incentives todirect workers to allocate their efforts in a mannerconsistent with the goals of the organization. Datar etal. (2001) studied incentive plans that allocate workerefforts among multiple tasks using relative weightswhen neither efforts devoted to each task nor the totaleffort can be observed. Using a linear contract andnegative exponential utility structure, Holmstrom andMilgrom (1987) showed how optimal weights can bedetermined and their relationship to workers’ sensi-tivity to performance measures. Lal and Srinivasan(1993) studied incentive issues of a sales force en-gaged in selling multiple products. The authorsexamined the case where sales effort can be modifiedmultiple times within an accounting period depend-ing on the status of sales realization. Assuming thatsales history is known to both the salesperson and thefirm, the authors showed that ‘‘products with higher

sales effort effectiveness, lower marginal costs andlower uncertainty in the selling process should beaccompanied by a higher commission rate.’’ Felthamand Xie (1994) considered the case where a worker hasmultiple inter-correlated goals and imperfect perfor-mance measures. Using the multi-task frameworkintroduced in Holmstrom and Milgrom (1991), theauthors showed that performance measurement in amulti-tasking setting must consider both the expectedvalue of each task itself and the correlations amongthe tasks.

Instead of evaluating the impact of incentive on theabsolute value of performance, some researchers havestudied the incentive problem from a goal-settingperspective (Locke and Latham 1990, Seijts et al. 2004).Presence of goals have been found to positivelyaffect worker performance (Shalley 1991). Shalley(1995) studied the nature of the effect of goal settingon worker productivity and creativity via experimentsand concluded that the presence of creativity goalpromotes workers’ creativity but impedes theirproductivity in a complex work setting. Carrilloand Gaimon (2000, 2004) compared the impact ofdifferent goals on a manager’s decision to invest inknowledge acquisition. They investigated two typesof goals. The first was a target goal, which requires atarget to be met and imposes a cost for exceeding orfalling short of the target (i.e., a two-side goal). Theymade use of a model in which the cost is expressed asa function of the variance and showed that, whenthe perceived uncertainty is high, the decision makerwill allocate more resources to the behavior thatcauses less uncertainty. The second type of goal con-sidered by Carrill and Gaimon was a threshold goal.The objective is to achieve a result whose expectedvalue is no less than the desired goal (i.e., one-sidegoal). Their results suggested that when the decisionmaker perceives high uncertainty in the outcome fromher effort, she is more willing to pursue risky behav-iors under a threshold goal scheme than under atarget goal scheme. These results yield importantinsights for incentive goal design associated withknowledge acquisition. For additional literature re-lated to goal setting in work environments, see Berger(1972), Berger (1991), Mantrala et al. (1994), Locke andLatham (1990), Locke and Latham (2004), and Lockeand Plummer (2002).

Because most studies of incentives focus explicitlyon performance, they are well suited to operationsanalyses. The research challenge is to make use of thebehavioral insights (e.g., how the presence of multipletasks or task uncertainty affects workers’ responsesto incentives) within models of specific systems(e.g., product development environments involvingdesign engineers, supply chain networks involvingsalespersons).

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3.7. TechnologyTechnology is a primary resource in many typesof white- and blue-collar task processing. Often themotivation to use technology is to address tasks forwhich humans are not intrinsically well suited. Forexample, using automated machines to paint cars is aclassic use of technology in a blue-collar task, whileusing computers to run a simulation is a typical use oftechnology in a white-collar task. The computer rev-olution has dramatically expanded the range of white-collar tasks that can benefit from application of IT.Moreover, the Internet and various types of knowl-edge management systems have placed a vast amountof information at the disposal of knowledge workers(Zack and McKenney 1995). This has resulted in in-creased processing speed, improved average output,enhanced performance, and more consistent quality(Carrillo and Gaimon 2004, Dvorak et al. 1997, Ebeland Ulrich 1987). IT has also played an important rolein blue-collar work, but in such tasks technology isgenerally either embedded in the equipment itself(e.g., hardware and software needed to produce awindshield) or used to support established tasks (e.g.,computers used to store production data). In bothcases, the technology stays unchanged throughoutthe task; that is, no new technology is generated as aresult of the task. In contrast, in white-collar work,workers interact with technology in a profoundmanner (Dewett and Jones 2001). Technology im-provement (e.g., more advanced analysis tools) ornew technology (Fleming 2001) is often achieved.Furthermore, IT is also widely used to support deci-sion making and help generate more creativesolutions. MacCrimmon and Wagner (1994) showedthat using software to generate alternative managerialpolicies by making connections among problems andinternal and external environments leads to a greatervariety of alternatives and therefore potentially betterdecision making.

As technology assumes an ever greater role inwhite-collar work, new issues associated with tech-nology management (e.g., technology acquisition andimplementation) will continue to emerge (Gaimon1997, Napoleon and Gaimon 2004). A related chal-lenge is refining our understanding of the value ofoutput in an IT-enabled knowledge-sharing environ-ment (e.g., the value of contributions to a database orknowledge management system).

In OM studies, technology is typically viewed as anenabling resource. Computers in control systems,video conferencing in geographically separated col-laborative design systems, computers in knowledgemanagement systems, etc., are examples of technolo-gies that play important roles in the operations ofwhite-collar work systems. The above insights intohow workers interact with technology in complex

work environments may help OM researchers de-velop more realistic models of systems such as these.

4. White-Collar Work at the Team LevelIn white-collar work settings, tasks often require col-lective actions by members of teams to achievedesignated goals. A team is a social system consist-ing of two or more people, ‘‘which is embedded in anorganization (context), whose members perceivethemselves as such and are perceived as membersby others (identity), and who collaborate on a com-mon task (teamwork)’’ (Hoegl and Proserpio 2004). Ateam can also be defined as ‘‘(1) a group of employeesthat is formally established, (2) which is assignedsome autonomy (with different intensities and withindifferent organizational areas), and (3) which per-forms tasks that require interdependence betweenmembers (also with different intensities and areas)’’(Rousseau and Jeppesen 2006). Representative exam-ples of teams engaged in white-collar work areproduct development teams, consulting teams, ad-ministrative teams, and information system teams(Janz et al. 1997). Teams can be differentiated fromorganizations by the degree of task interdependenceand the degree of reward interdependence. In anorganization, people have shared values in generaland receive bonuses that are correlated with thesuccess of the firm. But their actions are not closelyintegrated and their individual success (e.g., who getspromoted) is not highly correlated. In a group as-signed to a set of overlapping tasks (e.g., a productdevelopment team), members’ work is more closelyconnected, as are their rewards. In a team assigned toa very specific task, the work of individuals is soclosely connected as to be almost indistinguishable(e.g., a group of consultants produces a jointly writtenreport, an assembly team puts together a piece ofmachinery). When this is the case, rewards almosthave to be highly correlated (e.g., if the consultingreport is a success, the entire team benefits). Hence, itis critical for teams to ‘‘develop a sense of sharedcommitment and strive for synergy among members’’(Guzzo and Dickson 1996). For further discussion ofimportant issues related to team management, seeKozlowski and Ilgen (2006) and Bettenhausen (1991)for comprehensive reviews.

While team management in production environ-ments has been extensively studied by economists,sociologists, management specialists, and OM research-ers, much less effort has been devoted explicitly towhite-collar work systems. Because many white-collartasks are highly collaborative in nature (e.g., engineersdesigning a product or consultants performing astudy), a team focus is very important for white-collar work research.

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Because teams consist of individuals, white-collarwork in teams involves all the issues we discussedat the individual level. In the rest of this section, wefocus on the aspects of team work that are central to aframework for understanding white-collar work ingroups. To provide structure for this framework, webegin by introducing a basic model that captures themajor operational elements involved when groups ofpeople work together to carry out white-collar tasks.

4.1. A Basic ModelRepresenting white-collar work at the group levelrequires a model with the same basic elements as themodel at the individual level. Workers still receivetasks exogenously and endogenously generate self-work. They still make use of and contribute to thegrowth of resources. The workers still have finitecapacity, which leads to queueing dynamics. But, un-like the model at the individual level, we must nowaccount for interaction between team members andthe effect on system performance. Conceptually, teamperformance is determined jointly by the capabilitiesand efforts of individuals and the synergy betweenteam members. At a more detailed level, team effec-tiveness is influenced by interdependence (includingtask interdependence, goal interdependence, andreward interdependence) among team members, teambehavior (collaboration, trust), team learning, andincentives.

We depict the basic elements of white-collar work atthe team level in Figure 3. The main challenge ofmodeling white-collar work at this level is represent-ing the interactions between team members and theirinfluence on performance. While teams are commonin both blue- and white-collar work settings, the na-ture of interaction is different in the two types ofwork. In blue-collar work, teams collaborate on well-defined routine tasks without significant knowledgecontent or creativity requirements. This raises manyinteresting questions about how to match individualsto each other and to tasks over time (see Hopp and

Van Oyen 2004 for a discussion and literature survey).White-collar collaboration goes beyond these to in-clude knowledge sharing aspects of joint work.3

Specifically, in addition to issues related to white-col-lar work at the individual level, at the team level someimportant issues to consider include:

1. Interdependence among team members is morecomplex and essential in white-collar work thanin blue-collar work (Lengnickhall 1992, Wuchtyet al. 2007). Intra-team interdependence exists inboth blue- and white-collar work teams but indistinct forms. In blue-collar work teams, due tothe well-defined routine tasks, interdependenceamong team members is simple and explicit. Incontrast, in white-collar work teams, workersface complex and loosely defined tasks. Conse-quently, they rely on frequent interactions withother team members to gain necessary informa-tion and work-related knowledge. For example,engineers in design teams exhibit intense inter-action, which has been supported in recent yearsby the proliferation of CAD/CAM technology(Leonard-Barton et al. 1994). In general, interde-pendence in white-collar work involves muchmore complex and highly implicit activities, suchas knowledge sharing (Argote et al. 1990), thandoes blue-collar work. Consequently, it is criticalto understand and manage intra-team interde-pendence in order to achieve desirable teamperformance in white-collar work environments.

2. Behavioral issues, which are important in blue-collar work systems, are paramount, and morehighly varied, in white-collar work systems(Dirks 1999, Friedlander 1970). The knowledge-based processing involved in white-collar workcalls for a high degree of team synergy to facil-itate the collaborations needed in intellectual andcreative tasks. Trust, the glue of teamwork, is alsovital in white-collar work and therefore must beincorporated into OM studies.

3. Learning is even more critical for effective andefficient team work in knowledge-based white-collar work than in routine blue-collar work (Haas2006a, b). Unlike in blue-collar work teams, whereteam members mainly utilize each other’s labor, inwhite-collar work settings, team members alsorely on each other as repositories of knowledgeand information. Therefore, team structure, com-position, and processes significantly affectknowledge acquisition, dissemination, interpreta-tion, and integration in team work.

4. In white-collar work systems, it is particularlyimportant for team incentives to incorporate el-ements promoting creativity, knowledge sharing,and repeated collaborations (Guimera et al. 2005,




Entity flowInfo flowTeamInteraction

Resources:information, technology,outside expertise, etc.



Figure 3 A White-Collar Work System at the Team Level

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Uzzi and Spiro 2005). As we noted previously,the intellectual and creative aspects of white-collar work increase the difficulty in measuringwork performance objectively and forces incen-tive schemes to rely on subjective measures. Theincreased dependence on team members forknowledge, information, and creative ideas fur-ther reduces the feasibility of financial incentives.Consequently, effective incentive schemes mayrequire sophisticated psychological bases and arange of dimensions.

In the rest of this section, we summarize existingliterature related to interdependence, team behavior,learning, and team incentives.

4.2. InterdependenceIntra-team interdependence refers to the extent towhich an individual is affected by his/her team mem-bers. It plays important roles in predicting teamperformance (Janz et al. 1997, Van der Vegt and Jans-sen 2003). For example, team members may fostercreativity among each other (Uzzi and Spiro 2005).Interdependence can take various forms, such as taskinterdependence, goal interdependence, and rewardinterdependence (Campion et al. 1993). Task interde-pendence refers to the degree to which an individualdepends on other team members’ skills and effortsto carry out work effectively and efficiently (Campionet al. 1993, Van der Vegt and Janssen 2003, Wageman1995, Wageman and Baker 1997). It is a combinedresult of job design and intra-team interactions. Goalinterdependence refers to the degree to which theachievement of one’s goal depends on the goal achieve-ment of other team members (Campion et al. 1993,Weldon and Weingart 1993). Reward interdependencerefers to the extent to which one’s reward dependson other team members’ performance (Campion et al.1993, Wageman 1995, Wageman and Baker 1997).

The research literature has shown that variousforms of interdependence affect collaborative behav-iors and team performance in different ways. In somecases, they jointly affect performance. For instance,Van der Vegt and Janssen (2003) provided empiricalevidence of joint impact of task and goal interdepen-dence. Specifically, they found that, in heterogeneousteams, task interdependence has a strong and positiveimpact on innovative behaviors when perceived goalinterdependence is high, whereas such impact is notfound in homogeneous teams. In some other cases,task interdependence has been found to be a signifi-cant predictor of collaborative behaviors. Forexample, Van der Vegt and Van de Vliert (2005)showed in experiments that high skill dissimilarityincreases helping behavior in management teamswith high task interdependence. Wageman (1995)

and Wageman and Baker (1997) studied the interac-tion between task interdependence and reward inter-dependence. Wageman (1995) provided empiricalevidence that task interdependence promotes collab-oration whereas reward interdependence facilitatesmonitoring of worker effort. Wageman and Baker(1997) found in an analytical model that while bothtask interdependence and reward interdependenceaffect performance, increasing task interdependencerather than reward interdependence leads to increasedcollaboration. They also suggested that higher task in-terdependence should be accompanied by higherreward interdependence in order to achieve good teamperformance.

Researchers have used relatively simple measuresto represent interdependence. Van der Vegt and Vande Vliert (2005) measured task interdependence in alaboratory experiment setting by the percentage oftasks for which one has to exchange information orcooperate with others. The same type of measurementwas also used in Cheng (1983). Wageman and Baker(1997) modeled the degree of task interdependence ina two-worker team as a scalar between 0 and 1, with asmall number indicating one worker’s action has littleimpact on the other’s performance and a large numberindicating a huge impact. Each worker’s performancewas then modeled as the weighted average of his ownaction and the other worker’s cooperative action. In asimilar fashion, they represented the degree of rewardinterdependence by a scalar between 0 and 1. Finally,they modeled a worker’s reward as a weighted averageof his own performance and team performance, withthe degree of reward interdependence being theweight. While these simple representations help modeland study the impact of interdependence, our under-standing of how to measure interdependence in prac-tice is still very limited. Wageman (1995) providedsome examples of measuring interdependence empir-ically; more comprehensive understanding of thismanner is needed.

Both analytic and empirically based representationsof the influence of interdependence on team perfor-mance could be used in OM studies of white-collarwork systems involving teams.

4.3. CollaborationCollaboration is a main activity of all types of teams.A team’s collaborative processes may be affected bymany behavioral factors, including team members’attitudes, behavior, and emotions (Rousseau andJeppesen 2006), team members’ perception aboutother members’ competence (Kim 2003), and teammembers’ proximity over the duration of the task(Hoegl and Proserpio 2004, Hoegl et al. 2007). Rous-seau and Jeppesen (2006) reviewed the impact of threecategories of psychological factors – ‘‘attitudes, be-

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havior, and emotions’’ – on team performance. Theyconcluded that ‘‘team characteristics such as interde-pendence and team autonomy, and psychologicalvariables such as cohesion, commitment, proceduraljustice, and potency are generally positively associ-ated.’’ In addition to psychological factors, researchershave found that team members’ perception of othermembers’ competence has a significant impact onteam performance (Kim 2003). The reasoning behindthis observation is that perceived high competence ofother team members may make one feel his/her owncontribution is less important and therefore he/shemay devote less effort. Kim (2003) showed that theimpact of perceived competence of team membersis significant and contingent on the amount of taskinformation shared. That is, perceived high compe-tence leads to worse team performance when taskinformation is partially shared, but it leads to betterperformance when task information is fully shared.Finally, the proximity of team members has beenshown to have a strong association with team perfor-mance. For reviews of team collaboration, see Hoegland Proserpio (2004) and Hoegl et al. (2007).

These results provide avenues for incorporating be-havioral factors into OM models of team performance.

4.4. TrustCollaboration and team performance are often funda-mentally dependent on trust, such that an increase intrust can lead to more collaboration and better teamperformance (Lewicki et al. 1998, Nooteboom et al.1997, Sirdeshmukh et al. 2002, Urban et al. 2000). Thisis particularly true in white-collar work settings be-cause tasks are highly dependent, work processes andoutcomes are highly uncertain, and measurement oftask outcomes is ambiguous (Singh and Sirdeshmukh2000). Because team members cannot observe theirmates’ performance directly, they have no choice butto trust each other if they are to work together effec-tively. Because of this, research into the concept oftrust, impact of trust on team performance, and mod-eling of the dynamic nature of trust are highlyrelevant to the operations of white-collar work.

Below, we divide our survey of the broad literatureon trust into descriptive studies of the nature of inter-personal trust and prescriptive-oriented research onthe operationalization of trust.

4.4.1. Interpersonal Trust. Interpersonal trust amongteam members can be defined as ‘‘the extent towhich a person is confident in, and willing to acton the basis of, the words, actions, and decisions ofanother’’ (McAllister 1995). As such, trust is a multi-dimensional construct that can be classified intobehavior-based trust and intention-based trust (Mayer1994). Behavior-based trust refers to the willingness to

rely on an exchange partner when that party cannot becontrolled or monitored. Intention-based trustmay further be classified into competence-based trustand benevolence-based trust. The former refers to theconfidence one party has in the other party’s capabilityand reliability (Lieberman 1981), while the latter refersto the confidence one party has in the other party’smotives and integrity (Mellinger 1956). Both behavior-and intention-based trust affect team synergy andperformance. These constructs of trust have beenstudied extensively in relational exchange andrelational marketing (Crosby et al. 1990, Doney andCannon 1997, Morgan and Hunt 1994).

Trust is both a predictor and a consequence ofinterpersonal relationships. Trust is a good predictorof individual behavior and performance. A higherdegree of trust leads to greater willingness to engagein risk-taking behaviors (Mayer et al. 1995). Trustalso predicts openness, communication, higher levelof effort, and reduced conflict within teams (Boss1978, Dirks 1999, Porter and Lilly 1996, Zand 1972).Hence, an appropriate level of trust implies bettergroup performance (Dirks 1999, Friedlander 1970).However, a high level of trust may also result inreluctance to allow mutual monitoring in self-man-aging teams, which may hurt team performancewhen individual autonomy is high (Langfred 2004).In addition to acting as a facilitator of team interaction,trust is also a consequence of teamwork. Empiricalstudies of multi-stage project teams have shown thattrust building is dependent on team performance andthat high-performing teams are better at developingand maintaining trust (Kanawattanachai and Yoo2002). The context and speed of trust building are in-fluenced by the reward structure (Ferrin and Dirks2003), as well as satisfaction and interpersonal factors,such as expertise and timeliness (Crosby et al. 1990,Morrman 1993) and the strength of interpersonal ties(Fleming and Marx 2006). Other issues related to trusthave been explored in the literature on relational ex-change and relational marketing (Doney and Cannon1997, Morgan and Hunt 1994).

4.4.2. Operationalizing Trust. From an OM per-spective, it is important to understand how trust canbe measured and incorporated into both analyticaland behavioral models. There have been somereviews of the existing literature on the measure-ment of trust (Dietz and Den Hartog 2006, Lewickiet al. 2006). Lewicki et al. (2006) examined the trustdevelopment from both behavioral and psychologicalperspectives (which are organized into four categoriesbased on research approaches, one for behavioral andthree for psychological) and answered three majorquestions in each of the categories: how is trustdefined and measured, at what level does trust begin,

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and what factors affect how trust level changesover time. Dietz and Den Hartog (2006) provide aframework for trust measurement and a contentanalysis of recent empirical measures of trust.

Although there have been many studies on mea-suring trust, analytic models that explicitlyincorporate trust are very limited. The existing liter-ature can be roughly categorized into two schools.One school views trust as unchanged in interactions.For instance, Hwang and Burgers (1997) treated trustas a key component between parties who may benefitfrom collaborations, but who are also at risk of beingtaken advantage of if the other party is non-collabo-rative. They modeled trust as a probability estimationof cooperation by the other party and assumed it re-mains unchanged throughout the process ofcollaborations. This enabled the authors to derivesome properties of trust in moderating collaborativedecision making. An alternative, and more prevalent,view of trust assumes trust to be dynamic and changewith interpersonal interactions (Castelfranchi et al.2003, Hopp et al. 2007b, Melaye and Demazeau 2005,Quercia et al. 2006). This second dynamic school ofthought about trust is of particular interest to OM re-searchers because operations policies, such as flexiblework practices and structured teams, may both affecttrust levels and be influenced by the nature of trustwithin the workforce.

Scholars from Computer Science have pioneeredthe study of trust dynamics. Castelfranchi et al. (2003)used a simulation model to study the interactionbetween trust and belief. They discussed the roleof different belief sources, such as direct experience,categorization, reasoning, and reputation in trust evo-lution. Melaye and Demazeau (2005) extended thestudy of belief and trust in a Bayesian framework. Theauthors examined the impact of direct experience ontrust evolution. In their model, trust level is inferredby the truster’s basic beliefs, which come from so-called belief sources. Using simulation, the authorsshowed the impact of positive and negative observa-tions on trust. They also demonstrated that trust mayerode in the absence of new experiences.

Although trust is rarely considered in OM studies,some scholars have begun to consider this issue. Forexample, Loch and Wu (2007) use an experimentalapproach to demonstrate that social preferences (i.e.,intrinsic concern for other parties, which is certainlyrelated to trust) systematically affect supply chaintransactions. In particular, such preferences promotecooperation, individual performance, and highersystem efficiency than would be predicted by a tra-ditional OM model of strictly self-interested parties.In a similar vein, but using an analytic approach,Hopp et al. (2007b) incorporated trust into a multi-period supply chain model by modeling trust as a

measure of how much a retailer relies on a salesper-son’s information in demand forecasting. Theyshowed that the retailer’s trust in the salespersonleads to improved supply chain performance underdifferent various assumptions about the salesper-son’s motives.

4.5. LearningWhite-collar tasks often involve knowledge-basedprocessing, which involves creation, transfer, storage,and utilization of internal and external knowledge.While utilization of internal knowledge is essential,acquisition and application of external knowledgealso play important roles in team performance. Ateam’s ability to acquire external knowledge isdependent on properties (e.g., position, tie strength)of the network in which teams are nodes and theirwork-related communication flows are network ties(Tsai 2001). However, because we will discuss the im-pact of these properties at the organization level inSection 5, we will focus on team-specific properties(e.g., structural diversity) in the following discussions.

External knowledge generally refers to task-relatedknowledge, know-how, information, and feedbackfrom outside the team boundary (Haas 2006a). Knowl-edge acquisition at the team level is affected by teamstructural diversity (i.e., how different team membersare with respect to their affiliations, roles, and posi-tions; Cummings 2004). As diversity increases, teamperformance due to external knowledge sharing in-creases because higher structural diversity enablesteams to be exposed to more unique external sources.Specialization and related work content also impactthe result of learning. Using experiments, Schillinget al. (2003) found that groups working on differentbut similar tasks over time learn much faster thangroups who either are working on specialized tasks oralternate between unrelated tasks. Teams that focuson learn-how instead of learn-what are prone toachieve more implementation successes (Tucker et al.2006). Knowledge acquisition is also affected byinterruptions, such as ‘‘encountering novelty, experi-encing failure, reaching a milestone, receiving anintervention, coping with a structural change, rede-signing the task, or changing authority’’ Zellmer-Bruhn (2003). By examining data on operational teamsin three firms in the pharmaceutical and medicalproducts industries, Zellmer-Bruhn (2003) found thatinterruptions enhance knowledge transfer, which inturn improves the acquisition of new team routines.The impact of external knowledge acquisition is con-tingent on the conditions of knowledge utilization(Haas 2006a). Haas (2006a) found that when teamconditions are favorable (e.g., when team memberscan devote more time to work than the minimum re-quirement, have more prior work experience, and

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have more collective control over critical decisions),knowledge acquisition enhances team performance interms of the quality of projects delivered to clients. SeeEdmondson (2006) for a comprehensive review ofteam learning.

As at the individual level, the key operational issueregarding learning at the team level is the impact onperformance. By characterizing how various behaviorsaffect learning, the above references provide indirectinsights into the factors that affect performance.

4.6. IncentivesJust as incentives are critical in promoting work effi-ciency at the individual level, incentives are vitalat the team level in white-collar work settings. Inaddition to the issues we discussed in the context ofindividual motivation, a core issue of incentives at theteam level is motivation of collaborative behaviorsamong team members. Specifically, an incentive planfor teams should address issues of team synergy,integrated creativity, and repeated collaborations.

Owing to the difficulty of output measurement inmost of white-collar work settings, incentive plansbased on subjective measures have also been studiedat the team level (Baiman and Rajan 1995, Rajan andReichelstein 2006). Baiman and Rajan (1995) showedthat a discretionary bonus incentive is effective ina two-agent setting. Rajan and Reichelstein (2006)studied a ‘‘bonus pool’’ plan (i.e., the team is informedof how the bonus will be divided based on the real-ization of noncontractable information). They showedthat it is optimal to use a discretionary bonus poolplan when performance can only be measured sub-jectively. Besides subjective performance measures,another important consideration of team incentivesis the impact of repeated interactions among teammembers. Che and Yoo (2001) studied incentives ina setting of repeated interactions and showed thata joint performance measure (i.e., one in which indi-vidual reward is dependent on the performanceof others) is desirable because it fosters peer moni-toring. Unlike Che and Yoo (2001), who assumed thatabsolute performance is contractible, Ishida (2006)studied the case where only subjective measures areavailable and relative team ranking is contractible,and demonstrated the optimality of incentives basedon relative performance measures (e.g., awards basedon team ranking). This line of research belongs to theliterature on relational contracts. For more informa-tion, please see Baker (1992) and Baker et al. (1994) forrelated literature.

Besides team incentives based on financial rewards,research has been devoted to understanding non-financial incentives. Guimera et al. (2005) showed aself-assembly mechanism helps teams gain creativity.Others have suggested that the opportunity of being

exposed to new collaborators promotes creative teamperformance (Uzzi and Spiro 2005). Fleming andMarx (2006) also implied that working with newpeople provides a level of stimulation not found insolitary work. By working with others, people maygain access to new materials or knowledge that isotherwise unavailable to them. As a result, peopleenhance their creativity by seeking out new collabo-rations. For a review of empirical evidence relatedto the performance of team-based incentives, seeDeMatteo et al. (1998).

It is worth mentioning that teams have traditionallybeen co-located, so that face-to-face interaction com-prises the major form of communication among teammembers (Zack and McKenney 1995). However, astechnology advances, new communication channels,such as phone, email, online discussion spaces, andteleconferencing, have made it possible for teammembers to collaborate at a distance. There is hugeliterature on virtual teams that studies issues relatedto these technologies and their impact on team per-formance. Constrained by the length of the paper, wedirect interested readers to Zack and McKenney(1995), Hoegl et al. (2007), and Martins et al. (2004)for more information on this subject.

Although there is a wealth of literature examiningtrust from various perspectives, there is so far littleunderstanding of how trust affects the operationalperformance of white-collar work systems. Hence, in-corporating insights and modeling techniques fromthe various streams of the trust literature into OMmodels and studies represents a promising area offuture research opportunity.

5. White-Collar Work at theOrganization Level

An organization is a social system in which teams areembedded. As we noted in the previous section, anorganization differs from a team in that both thedegree of task interdependence and the degree ofreward interdependence are relatively low in organi-zations compared with those in teams. Formally, anorganization is made up of multiple individuals andteams. Therefore white-collar work in organizationsinvolves all of the issues noted above for individualsand teams, plus some additional ones. Many of theserevolve around communication because this is a muchmore complex activity at the organization level than atthe team level. In teams, shared tasks virtually forcecommunication. But in organizations, many differentkinds of communication, both formal and informal,occur. Understanding this communication, how itinfluences performance, and how it is related toorganizational structure and management policy arecentral concerns in white-collar workforce manage-

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ment. As in the previous sections on white-collarwork at the individual and team levels, we first de-scribe a generic model of a white-collar work systemat the organizational level and then use it to organizeour survey of related streams of research.

5.1. The Basic ModelBlue-collar production systems are frequently mod-eled as flow networks by OM researchers (Hopp andSpearman 2000). This provides a mechanism for link-ing individual process characteristics (e.g., batching,variability, outages, etc.) to system performancemetrics (e.g., throughput, cycle time, cost, quality,etc.). Because organizations performing white-collarwork also consist of individual processes (i.e., people)who coordinate to complete tasks, it is appealing toview them as flow networks as well.

Unfortunately, a straightforward translation of theproduction flow network models to white-collar worksettings is not appropriate due to the differences be-tween blue- and white-collar tasks we have discussedearlier. Non-routine intellectual work poses individu-als with situations in which they must seek out andacquire useful knowledge dispersed among subunitsin the organization (Hansen et al. 1999). Hence,in addition to the work flow, which is formal anddirect, there is information flowing among differentsubunits, which is often informal and complex(Huberman and Hogg 1995).

As shown in Figure 4, a typical organizationperforming white-collar work consists of multiplesubunits, each of which contains a team of one ormore workers. Subunits can perform their own tasks,as well as collaborate with other units on more com-plex tasks. When teams participate in complex taskprocessing, they are linked by either deterministic orprobabilistic job flows. These systems can therefore berepresented by stochastic networks similar to thoseused in blue-collar work modeling (Adler et al. 1995).When teams perform independent work in parallel,they can be treated as a single team. They can eithersolve the problem at hand or seek support from othersubunits (e.g., searching and acquiring knowledge) or

pass it on to another team perceived to be capable ofsolving the problem.

As shown in Figure 4, a white-collar work systemcan be viewed in modeling terms as a superimposednetwork in which informal networks of informationflow are combined with a task processing network.This suggests that the following issues are importantin studying white-collar work at the organizationlevel.

1. Organizational structures need to address issuescreated by the knowledge-based processing in-herent in most white-collar work (Gokpinar et al.2008). Because the intellectual and creative con-tent of tasks makes task coordination in white-collar work settings fundamentally different fromthat in blue-collar systems, proven methods fromblue-collar settings, which rely on standard oper-ating procedures and do not take knowledge andinformation as inputs, cannot be applied directlyto white-collar work systems. Consequently, weneed new coordination systems that integratethe knowledge and information elements into thetask processing framework.

2. New and more flexible systems are needed tocontrol the flow and assignment of work inwhite-collar settings (Turner and Makhija 2006).In blue-collar work systems, process control relieslargely on standardization and rigid structures(e.g., a pull system used to control a serial pro-duction line). However, these control systems aregenerally ill suited to control white-collar worksystems because the intellectual and creative con-tent of white-collar tasks calls for discretion andflexibility. Hence, white-collar work requiresmethods that recognize and enhance the creativeand intellectual components of white-collar work.

3. Organizational learning, which involves knowl-edge seeking and sharing, has become an in-creasingly important mechanism by which firmscan sustain a competitive advantage (Christen-sen and Baird 1998, Loveman and O’Connell1995). Furthermore, because knowledge-basedtask processing inherent in white-collar work ishighly dependent on knowledge and informa-tion input (Grant 1996), individuals and teamsfrequently rely on information and expertiselocated in and beyond the organization. A greatdeal of performance variation is due to a lack ofinformation and not being able to access externalexpertise in a timely fashion. While an organiza-tion may formally design its coordination systemand create an infrastructure to support organi-zational learning, knowledge seeking, andsharing largely occur through interactions thatare not defined by formal organizational struc-



us E





Entity flowInfo flowInteraction

Figure 4 A White-Collar Work System at the Organizational Level

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tures. Hence, understanding the operations ofwhite-collar work requires an understanding ofknowledge seeking and sharing via informalchannels.

In the remainder of this section, we review previousresearch related to the critical issues of structure,control systems, and learning.

5.2. StructureKnowledge-based task processing is embedded inestablished organizational structures and communi-cation patterns (Sosa et al. 2003). The most widelystudied organizational structures in white-collar workenvironments are hierarchical, modular, and networkstructures, as we discuss below.

5.2.1. Hierarchical Structures. Classic centralizedcoordination is characterized by hierarchical organi-zation structures, which have pyramidal forms. Manywhite-collar work systems are coordinated with suchstructures. For example, risk management in invest-ment banking is hierarchical, in which each unit of thefirm determines its portfolio of risk activities and theoverall level of risk is controlled by the risk managers(Vayanos 2003).

Garicano (2000) and Garicano and Rossi-Hansberg(2006) studied the optimal organizational structurein the situation where heterogeneous agents faceheterogeneous tasks. Heterogeneity among agents isdefined according to their different level of knowl-edge. An agent can handle a task only when herknowledge level exceeds that required for task pro-cessing. If an agent fails to solve a task, he/she maychoose to acquire knowledge at some cost or tosearch for help from other agents with a communi-cation cost represented by the reduced productiontime. Garicano (2000) showed that the optimal struc-ture for such organizations is a knowledge hierarchy,in which the knowledge of each level is non-over-lapping and the size of each level decreases as theknowledge level increases. Garicano and Rossi-Hansberg (2006) extended Garicano’s findings tocharacterize the organizational structure by positivesorting (i.e., ‘‘higher ability agents share their knowl-edge with higher ability subordinates’’) and skillstratification (i.e., ‘‘individuals are segmented by cog-nitive skills’’).

Motivated by portfolio formation in investmentbanks, Vayanos (2003) studied a hierarchical proce-dure of information processing when commu-nication must occur along hierarchical lines andlocal information processing by workers is perva-sive. Assuming aggregation incurs information loss,Vayanos (2003) showed that in this highly stylizedenvironment, the optimal organizational structure

has all workers have a single subordinate and allworkers but one work at their full capacity.

While these studies provide us valuable insightsinto organizing knowledge-based processing hierar-chies, they are limited in two aspects. First, they haveignored the interaction among workers at the samelevel in performing tasks. Second, and more impor-tantly, they do not account for the fact that smartpeople often ignore formal hierarchies because theyknow that centralized management frequently stiflesthinking and hinders diversity of ideas (Goffee andJones 2007).

While using rigid hierarchical structures as thebasis of operations models of organizational perfor-mance may be too unrealistic to be directly appli-cable to practice, such models may be useful asbaselines for comparison with more realistic struc-tures in order to gain insight into the importance oforganizational structure on operational performance.

5.2.2. Modular Structures. A modular organizationis a loosely coupled system consisting of elements thatindependently perform distinct functions (Pil andCohen 2006, Sanchez and Mahoney 1996) and is aneffective means of organizing complex and flexiblework systems (Baldwin and Clark 2000). Research hasfound that modularity enhances a firm’s capability byallowing greater processing flexibility, which im-proves its fitness in a dynamic environment (Pil andCohen 2006). For example, firms may provide a largervariety of product or services through recombinations(Thomke and Reinertsen 1998). Modularity alsopromotes a firm’s sustained competitive advantageby enabling it to adapt more quickly and act onopportunities more effectively (Pil and Cohen 2006).Because of these advantages, white-collar work isoften organized in modules. Product developmentteams are a prototypical example of such structure.But because modules can be formed and combined inmany ways, this leaves the question of what is the bestmodule structure for a given organization. Moreover,performing tasks assigned to modules often requireinteractions beyond the boundaries of individualmodules. Because of this, a common problem foundin modular organization is that they can limit theinterdependence among modules and thereby hinderinnovation (Fleming and Sorenson 2001). For anextensive discussion on modularity, see Sanchez andMahoney (1996).

5.2.3. Network Structure. In most white-collarwork systems ‘‘the critical input in production andprimary source of value is knowledge’’ (Grant 1996).Production requires coordination of individuals andteams possessing different expertise (Dewatripontand Tirole 2005, Grant 1996). Formal hierarchies and

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modular structures often fail to promote the timelycommunication and effective collaborations requiredfor good performance. As a result, informal networks(where nodes represent workers and links depict rela-tions among workers; Burt 2004, Cross and Borgatti2006, Cummings 2004) have been found embedded inmany organizations.

One form of network that has been found to char-acterize the communication/relation structure inmany white-collar settings is the small-work network(Watts and Strogatz 1998). For example, this struc-ture has been observed among actors and scientists(Uzzi and Dunlap 2005). Small-world networks arecharacterized by high clustering (i.e., the probabilitya friend’s friend is a friend) and small diameter (i.e.,the average minimum number of steps between anytwo nodes) (Watts 2004, Watts and Strogatz 1998,Uzzi and Spiro 2005). Clustering reflects local den-sity and diameter reflects separation (Uzzi and Spiro2005). The short average path length implies thatinformation may flow quickly between different clus-ters and therefore enhance creativity by allowingcombination of disparate knowledge. Meanwhile,high clustering allows local sharing and collaboration.See Watts (2004) for a review of the characteristics andapplications of small world networks.

To date, there have been few OM applications ofstructured networks, such as small world networks.A probable reason for this is that most social net-work studies do not include explicit performancemetrics. However, it is possible to use purelydescriptive network models (i.e., without a perfor-mance metric) in OM studies. For example, Iravaniet al. (2005, 2007) made use of structured networks,e.g., small world networks, to characterize the abilityof call center agent cross-training structures torespond effectively to variability in call arrival andcall process times.

However, most operations studies require modelswith explicit performance metrics. One way tointroduce performance into network analyses ofoperations systems is to use network measures asdependent variables in empirical studies. An exam-ple of this approach is the work of Gokpinar et al.(2008) who studied an organization engaged invehicle design. They used two related networks tocharacterize this white-collar work system: a productarchitecture network, which describes physical andlogical connections between vehicle subsystems,and an organization network, which describes com-munication among design engineers via a formalnotification and approval system. Using statisticalanalysis, the authors showed that engineers whoare highly central in the organization network areless likely to generate defective work than are non-central engineers, but are also slower in meeting task

deadlines (due to high utilization). They also com-pared the organization network and the productarchitecture network and found that the mismatches(for which they define a quantitative measure called‘‘coordination deficit’’) are significantly correlatedwith warranty repair problems. In a related study,Sosa et al. (2003) compared the product architectureand development organization networks for a com-mercial aircraft engine and identified factors thatmay prevent alignment of the two networks.

Other authors have sought insight into the impactof network structure on performance by using ana-lytic models. One approach is to characterize howworker interactions influence the evolution of net-work structure. For example, Huberman and Hogg(1995) studied the dynamics of network structure us-ing a hint model. Hints are ideas that have potentialvalue to the receiver and are shared among workers.Under their model, in each period workers, whoperform a multi-step task, choose either to workalone or use a hint sent by others. The value of a hintis dependent on both the content of the hint andhow fresh it is to the receiver. Network links changeas the interaction pattern alters. Nasrallah and Levitt(2001) used a similar framework of hint sharing toexamine how timely access affects the probability ofsuccessful interaction. These studies are particularlyrelevant to the OM field because their use of a flowrepresentation makes them analogous to the flowmodels prevalent in production and supply chainresearch.

Many other researchers have examined the forma-tion and evolution of organizational networks thatresult from decentralized decision making. Ratherthan pursuing a dynamic view of the network struc-ture, those works have focused on understandingthe stable network structure in equilibrium (Bala andGoyal 2000a, b, Galeotti and Goyal 2007, Galeotti etal. 2006, Jackson 2008, Jackson and Watts 2002, Jack-son and Wolinsky 1996, Watts 2004). These studiesgenerally model a set of individuals (players), whomake decisions concerning link formation by weigh-ing the tradeoff between the cost and the benefit ofmaking a connection. Networks form and evolve as aresult of individuals exploiting their network posi-tion; that is, local decisions lead to globally emergentbehavior. Common features of these models are: (1)individuals are heterogenous; (2) link formation iscostly; and (3) an individual’s benefits from a con-nection depends on both the connections of oneselfand the connections made by others (Goyal 2007).The results from these studies generally describe thenetwork structure that arises and contrast this emer-gent network structure with a socially desirablestructure. See Jackson (2004) and Goyal (2007) for areview.

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Because these network models of organizationstructure, communication, and collaboration arewell-suited to quantitative analysis and compatiblewith other network modeling approaches commonlyused in the OM field (e.g., network flow models ofproduction systems and supply chains), we believethere is great potential for integrating such modelsinto modeling and analysis of operations systems.We discuss possible directions for modeling researchon white-collar work systems that combine workand information flows in Section 6.

5.3. Control SystemsControl systems are mechanisms that clearly specifythe appropriate methods, behaviors, and outcomes ofthe system (Turner and Makhija 2006). They generallytake one of two forms: process-based control andoutcome-based control. Process control, often basedon work standardization, is widely used in blue-collarwork systems to achieve superior performance.Although some authors have argued that appropri-ately designed process control can be applied toachieve good performance in some white-collar set-tings (Nidumolu and Subramani 2003, Turner andMakhija 2006), many white-collar systems are bettersuited to outcome-based control.

The applicability of process control in white-collarsystems depends on the tradeoff between standard-ization and discretion in processing. Standardizationrefers to uniform definition of processing methodsand/or performance criteria, while discretion in-volves the flexibility in making decisions or beingevaluated based on different standards (Nidumoluand Subramani 2003). Nidumolu and Subramani(2003) examined the role of standardization anddecentralization in controlling both white-collar workprocesses and performance. By studying softwaredevelopment firms, the authors found that combin-ing standardization in performance measures acrossprojects and decentralization in work processesenhances performance. In essence, their approachmade it possible to exploit the efficiency of processcontrol, without entirely sacrificing innovation tostandardization.

The effectiveness of process control in white-collarsettings also depends on the features of the knowl-edge (e.g., codifiability, completeness, diversity)involved in the tasks (Turner and Makhija 2006). Cod-ifiability refers to the fact that knowledge can bebroken down into small and easily understood pieces.When knowledge is highly codifiable, it is relativelyeasy to break the process and therefore is possibleto implement more standardization that facilitateprocess control. Completeness refers to the degreeto which knowledge necessary for task processing isavailable to the worker. When knowledge is complete,

which indicates less uncertainty involved in taskprocessing, a more standardized approach is recom-mended. Diversity refers to the breadth andrelatedness of knowledge. When knowledge is lessdiversified, more standardization may be applied toprocess control. In situations where knowledge isnon-codifiable, incomplete, or highly diversified, pro-cess control may be infeasible and hence outcomecontrol may be the only option.

Another factor that differentiates control systemsin white-collar work systems from those in blue-collarsystems is information. Because white-collar task pro-cessing relies heavily on information, knowledge ofinformation location, direction, and its integrationwith entity flows is necessary for designing effectivecontrol systems. Unlike in blue-collar work systems,where information flow is sequential (i.e., it flows in apredetermined sequence), information flow in white-collar work systems can be sequential or reciprocal (i.e.,it flows back and forth and follows no predeterminedsequence) (Egelhoff 1991). Consequently, a control sys-tem for a white-collar work system requires moresophisticated information management for storing andsharing formal information, as well as a greater degreeof flexibility to allow use of informal information.

The conventional tools of OM are most applicable tosystems for which process control is appropriate.Hence, the above studies provide guidance on thetypes of white-collar work systems that may benefitfrom both flow-oriented process control and classicOM policies for increasing capacity, reducing conges-tion, and improving quality.

5.4. LearningLearning is a critical aspect of organization compe-tence. Because white-collar workers often encounterproblems that can only be solved with support fromothers in the organization, the ability to learn (i.e.,seek information and share knowledge) is almostalways vital to white-collar work performance. Forexample, Burt (2004) showed that a supply chainmanager may be able to produce more good ideas ifshe shares information and knowledge with othersupply chain managers. Huston and Sakkab (2006)found that R&D workers at Proctor&Gamble are ableto greatly improve their performance by actively shar-ing information. These knowledge seeking andsharing behaviors are represented in the basic modelof Figure 4 as an informal network of informationalflow superimposed on a formal task processing net-work. The entities that flow through the informalnetwork are work-related knowledge and informationwhose presence may facilitate task processing.Although knowledge seeking and sharing behaviorshave become critical to worker performance, there hasbeen little work in the OM community examining

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such behaviors. Hence, we treat seeking and sharingas two distinct procedures and discuss the impact ofvarious factors on these procedures.

Aspects of learning through information seekinghas been studied in the literature under the names ofexploitation and exploration. Exploitation seeks gradualaddition of knowledge and leads to a marginal butcertain contribution, while exploration aims to acquirebroader and deeper knowledge, and therefore offers amuch less certain contribution (Levinthal and March1993, Toubia 2006). Neither form of learning is with-out risk. Individuals who are mainly involved inexploitation may fail to acquire needed knowledge,whereas individuals who are exclusively involved inexploration may suffer from obsolescence (Levinthaland March 1993). Hence, maintaining a balancebetween exploitation and exploration is critical foreffective learning. Toubia (2006) studied idea gener-ation with a two-period two-armed bandit model(Bellman 1961) and showed that the choice of strategy(exploitation vs. exploration) is contingent on both thecertainty of search and the degree of innovativenessrequired in the idea.

To discuss knowledge seeking and sharing, we mustfirst distinguish between the different types of knowl-edge. Based on the difficulty of being codified (Argoteand Ingram 2000), knowledge can be classified intotwo types: tacit and explicit. Tacit knowledge refers toknowledge that is hard or even impossible to codifyand therefore is difficult to share through systematicmeans (Nonaka 1994, Zander and Kogut 1995). Incontrast, explicit knowledge is codifiable and can beeasily transferred via ‘‘formal and systematic lan-guage’’ (Nonaka 1994, Zander and Kogut 1995). Withthese distinctions in mind, we now survey the litera-ture related to knowledge seeking and sharing.

5.4.1. Knowledge Seeking. Information or knowl-edge seeking refers to the activities of locating usefulinformation or knowledge sources (Hansen 1999,Morten et al. 2005). The efficiency of knowledgeseeking within the organization is affected by the in-formal networks embedded in formal organizationalstructures, the networks within teams, and compe-tition within the organization. Examples of suchnetworks are the awareness network (in which a direc-tional tie represents the former has specific knowledgeabout the latter), the information network (in which adirectional tie represents the former seeks help fromthe latter), and the collaboration network (in which anon-directional tie represents joint work) (Cross andCummings 2004). The most important properties ofnetworks associated with knowledge seeking arenetwork structure (i.e., node position, number of ties,etc.) and tie strength (i.e., the frequency and intensity ofinteraction). A larger number of direct connections

implies a higher likelihood of locating the rightknowledge source and a higher absorptive capacity(i.e., the common knowledge base necessary forabsorbing new knowledge) due to past interactions(Hansen et al. 2005) and therefore incurs a lower searchcost. However, most research has found that nodeposition, rather than the number of direct ties, is a moresignificant predictor of searching efficiency. Individualswho occupy positions characterized as ‘‘structuralholes’’ or ‘‘brokerage positions’’ are more likely to beexposed to new information and thereby gain timelyaccess to new knowledge more quickly and morefrequently (Burt 1992, 2004, Tsai 2001). Besides networkstructure, tie strength is another important factoraffecting search efficiency. Weak ties, referring todistant and less frequent relationships, are efficient forknowledge seeking because ‘‘they provide access tonovel information by bridging otherwise disconnectedgroups and individuals in an organization’’ (Hansen1999). In contrast, strong ties may impede seeking outnew information because people who share strong tiestend to have common friends or tend to have largelyoverlapped knowledge pools (Granovetter 1978,Reagans and McEvily 2003). Hansen et al. (2005)showed that higher network intensity (i.e., the numberof established ties divided by the total number ofpossible ties) within new product development teamsleads to less knowledge seeking from outside the teams.They also showed that greater competition amongteams leads to higher sharing cost measured by timespent in communicating and gathering new knowledge.

In addition to understanding knowledge seekingbehaviors through empirical or behavioral studies,researchers have also modeled knowledge seekingusing analytical models, some of which make use ofmethodologies used to model blue-collar work sys-tem (e.g., queueing theory). These models provideuseful insights into issues, such as task and expertisematching, helping and idea utilization, and effi-ciency of interaction. For instance, Guimera et al.(2002b) modeled an organization in which heteroge-neous tasks and expertise are initially mismatchedand tasks need to be delivered to workers withmatching expertise. This process is completed viasearching and transferring. In their model, the cost ofsearch is proportional to the average distance a tasktravels before it reaches its destination. In a queueingframework, assuming a task may travel through allpossible paths, the authors showed that the conges-tion (i.e., total task arrival rate) at each node isproportional to the betweenness of the worker (i.e.,total number of possible paths a worker occupies) inthe informal networks. Guimera et al. (2002a) con-sidered the same type of organization andincorporated quality of channel into the originalmodel. They modeled the quality of the network tie

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as the geometric average of the capability (a de-creasing function of number of tasks currently atthe worker) of the sender and receiver, with higherchannel quality indicating faster speed. Their resultsalso characterized the relation between network con-gestion and network structure.

Because these analytic models represent informa-tion seeking via flow and queueing frameworks,they are compatible with the flow network approachto modeling task processing that is common inthe OM field. As such, they may suggest ways ofextending conventional OM models to include orga-nizational learning via knowledge search.

5.4.2. Knowledge Sharing. Knowledge sharing isaffected by many factors: the properties of knowledge(i.e., tacitness) (Hansen et al. 1999), the strength ofthe ties through which knowledge is transferred(Granovetter 1978), absorptive capacity of the recip-ients (i.e., ‘‘prior related knowledge and diversity ofbackgrounds’’) (Cohen and Levinthal 1990), mobilityof the worker (Almeida and Kogut 1999, Jaffe et al.1993), knowledge redundancy, and timely accessto knowledge source (Huberman and Hogg 1995,Nasrallah et al. 2003). As is knowledge seeking,knowledge sharing is affected by the type of knowl-edge being transferred. The tacitness of knowledgedetermines the channel through which knowledge issought and accumulated. When knowledge is largelytacit, workers rely on complex interactions. Forexample, Hansen et al. (1999) found that in organi-zations that provide standard services or products,knowledge is mainly shared in codified form, such asperson-to-person interaction. Strong personal tieshave been found useful in interpreting and absorb-ing tacit knowledge. This is because strong ties(i.e., ties maintained through frequent and intensiveinteractions; Granovetter 1978, Hansen et al. 2005)promote mutual trust and understanding and there-fore facilitate complex knowledge sharing (Borgattiand Foster 2003, Burt 1992, 2004, Cross and Borgatti2006, Fleming and Marx 2006, Granovetter 1978, 1985,Hansen 1999, Krackhardt 1992). Moreover, the recip-ient’s relevant knowledge, experience, and diversityof background also improves sharing effectiveness(Cohen and Levinthal 1990, Szulanski 1996). However,the efficiency of knowledge sharing is constrained byinformation redundancy and timely access to infor-mation sources (Huberman and Hogg 1995, Nasrallahet al. 2003). The occurrence of knowledge sharing maybe dependent on worker mobility (Almeida and Kogut1999). For example, the mobility path of patent holdersleads to inter-firm knowledge spillover. For a detailedreview of the impact of mobility and research methodsusing networks, see Brass et al. (2004), Brown and

Duguid (2001), Tsai (2001), Ibarra and Andrew (1993),and Marsden (1990).

Because of the importance of knowledge sharingto organizational learning, it has become common inindustry to enhance knowledge sharing amongworkers via formally designed knowledge exchangesystems (Christensen and Baird 1998, Loveman andO’Connell 1995). Loveman and O’Connell (1995) andChristensen and Baird (1998) describe such a systemused by BA&H, called KOL, which is ‘‘an electronicwarehousing and delivery system that enabledall consultants to access information on industries,technology, markets, and companies that had beengenerated by prior BA&H teams.’’ Via this system,knowledge of best practices is shared among con-sultants, especially junior people, in order to helpthem do their work more efficiently.

While knowledge sharing is essential to white-col-lar work, it can become a barrier to performance ifnot motivated appropriately (Lee and Ahn 2007).One reason is that knowledge sharing is costly. Forexample, in some cases, people may worry that theirwork process will be interrupted and therefore maybe reluctant to help others when approached for in-formation. In other cases, people may release partialor false information for fear of being outperformedby their peers. Hence, promoting honest and effi-cient sharing is of great importance to organizations.In the business world, Bain and Company has incor-porated how much help a person provides to othersinto his/her annual compensation (Lee and Ahn2007). Unfortunately, research in this area is verysparse and our understanding is still very limited.

6. Research OpportunitiesIn Table 1, we summarize the previously reviewedliterature deemed relevant to white-collar work at theindividual, team, and organizational levels. In addi-tion to organizing the many streams of research bylevel and topic, this table further breaks these downaccording to research methodology. As categories ofresearch methodology we use analytical (i.e., using amathematical model to describe outcomes as a func-tion of various inputs), empirical (i.e., using statisticaltools to uncover relationships in observed data), andbehavioral/experimental (i.e., using conceptual modelsof human behavior to understand activities in real-world systems or in controlled experiments). By pro-viding a high-level summary of the coverage in theliterature of the key issues involved in understandingthe operations of white-collar work, this table pro-vides a platform for identifying promising directionsof future research.

Table 1 suggests that considerable research has beendone on issues related to white-collar work. But whenheld against the standard of a coherent science of

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Table 1 White Collar Work at (a) Individual Level, (b) Team Level, (c) Organization Level

Analytical Empirical Behavioral/experimental

(a) Individual levelCreativity Amabile et al. (1996) Barron and Harrington (1981)

Shalley et al. (2000) Amabile (1983a)

Woodman and Schoenfeldt (1989)

Shalley (1991)

MacCrimmon and Wagner (1994)s

Shalley (1995)

Oldham and Cummings (1996)

Shalley and Gilson (2004)

Discretion Debo et al. (2004)

Hopp et al. (2007a)

Learning Toubia (2006) Levinthal and March (1993) Ryu et al. (2005)s

Pisano (1994)

Pisano (1996)

Performance measure Ramirez and Nembhard (2004)r Loveman and O’Connell (1995) Toubia (2006)

Lee and Ahn (2007) Christensen and Baird (1998)

Fleming (2001)

Gillson et al. (2005)

Fleming and Marx (2006)


Motivation Oldham and Cummings (1996) Locke and Latham (2004)

Laudel (2001) Gottschalg and Zollo (2007)

Chesbrough (2003)

Thompson and Heron (2005)

Davenport et al. (2007)

Subjective Feltham and Xie (1994) Gibbs et al. (2004) Bommer et al. (1995)

Measurement MacLeod (2003)

Ishida (2006)

Multi-Tasking Holmstrom and Milgrom (1991)

Lal and Srinivasan (1993)

Feltham and Xie (1994)r

Datar et al. (2001)

Goal-Setting Carrillo and Gaimon (2004) Seijts et al. (2004) Shalley (1991)

Shalley (1995)

Locke and Plummer (2002)

Technology Napoleon and Gaimon (2004) Zack and McKenney (1995) Dewett and Jones (2001)

Carrillo and Gaimon (2004)

(b) Team level

Interdependence Wageman and Baker (1997) Leonard-Barton et al. (1994) Weldon and Weingart (1993)

Van der Vegt and Janssen (2003) Campion et al. (1993)

Uzzi and Spiro (2005) Wageman (1995)

Van der Vegt and Van de Vliert (2005)

Collaboration Kim (2003) Rousseau and Jeppesen (2006)r

Hoegl and Proserpio (2004)

Hoegl et al. (2007)

Trust Hwang and Burgers (1997) Morgan (1995) Crosby et al. (1990)

Melaye and Demazeau (2005) McAllister (1995)

Quercia et al. (2006) Porter and Lilly (1996) Lewicki et al. (1998)

Hopp et al. (2007b) Doney and Cannon (1997) Lewicki et al. (2006)r

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Analytical Empirical Behavioral/experimental

(a) Individual levelDirks (1999) Loch and Wu (2007)

Kanawattanachai and Yoo (2002)

Ferrin and Dirks (2003)

Langfred (2004)

Learning Edmondson (2006)r Tsai (2001) Schilling et al. (2003)

Hansen (2002)

Zellmer-Bruhn (2003)

Cummings (2004)

Haas (2006a)

Haas (2006b)

Tucker et al. (2006)

Incentives Baiman and Rajan (1995) DeMatteo et al. (1998)r Cameron and Pierce (1994)r

Che and Yoo (2001) Fleming and Marx (2006) Guimera et al. (2005)s

Rajan and Reichelstein (2006)

Ishida (2006)

(c) Organization level


Hierarchical Radner (1993) Dupouet and Yildizoglu (2006)s

Garicano (2000)

Vayanos (2003)

Garicano and Rossi-Hansberg (2006)

Modular Fleming (2001) Sanchez and Mahoney (1996)

Pil and Cohen (2006) Baldwin and Clark (2000)

Network Bala and Goyal (2000a) Uzzi and Spiro (2005) Watts and Strogatz (1998)s

Iravani et al. (2005, 2007) Gokpinar et al. (2008) Slikker and van den Nouweland (2001)

Galeotti et al. (2006) Watts (2004)r

Galeotti and Goyal (2007) Jackson (2008)r

Process control Huberman and Hogg (1995) Egelhoff (1991) Turner and Makhija (2006)

Nidumolu and Subramani (2003)


Knowledge seeking Guimera et al. (2002b) Hansen (1999) Granovetter (1973)

Hansen (2002) Granovetter (1983)

Reagans and McEvily (2003) Cross and Borgatti (2006)

Burt (2004)

Cross and Cummings (2004)

Hansen et al. (2005)

Morten et al. (2005)

Knowledge sharing Huberman and Hogg (1995) Ibarra and Andrew (1993) Argote et al. (1990)

Nasrallah et al. (2003) Zander and Kogut (1995) Cohen and Levinthal (1990)

Loveman and O’Connell (1995) Burt (1992)

Szulanski (1996) Krackhardt (1992)

Christensen and Baird (1998) Nonaka (1994)

Hansen et al. (1999) Brown and Duguid (2001)

Almeida and Kogut (1999) Borgatti and Cross (2003)r

Tsai (2001)

Brass et al. (2004)

Fleming and Marx (2006)

s, simulation; r, review.

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white-collar work, this literature is still fragmentedand only loosely connected to OM. Furthermore, thevarious research methodologies have been appliedunevenly to important problem areas. For example,knowledge transfer has been studied extensively withempirical methods but analytic models of knowledgetransfer processes have been rare. As a result, we havenot yet incorporated many important insights fromthe literature into OM models of white-collar work.

In the following subsections, we use the survey assummarized in Table 1 to highlight some major gapsand suggest research directions that are fundamentalto understanding and improving the operations ofwhite-collar work.

6.1. Performance MeasurementThe ultimate goal of all OM research is to improve thedesign and management of operations systems.Hence, an essential element of the science of opera-tions for any class of systems is an accurate charac-terization of performance. This is certainly true forwhite-collar work systems. Each of the basic modelspresented above include some form of output process,which could be characterized in terms of value,knowledge, customers satisfaction, or other waysdepending on the specific environment. To use thesemodels as frameworks for developing a more concreteunderstanding of the operations of white-collar work,we need quantitative performance metrics that can beconnected to policies.

Unfortunately, accurate measurement of white-col-lar work output is extremely difficult. ‘‘Most tradi-tional HR metrics – such as employee turnover rate,average time to fill open positions, and total hours oftraining provided cannot accurately predict organiza-tional performance’’ (Bass and McMurrer 2007).Davenport (2005) suggested that the best way to cir-cumvent this problem is to ‘‘Hire smart people andleave them alone.’’ While this might work in somesettings, it is hardly a basis for a scientific study ofwhite-collar work.

To develop rigorous performance measures forwhite-collar work systems, we probably need to lookto previous research on blue-collar work systems forinspiration. A number of standard performance mea-sures, including throughput, work in process level,utilization, customer satisfaction, etc., are commonlyused to characterize blue-collar work systems. Whilesome of these may translate directly to white-collarsettings, many do not. For example, because workershave discretion over the amount of time they spendon a particular task (Hopp et al. 2007a), utilization is adifficult concept to apply in white-collar settings. In-deed, it is quite possible that all white-collar workersin a system are 100% utilized (e.g., a statistician mayseem to work all the time: crunching data in a com-

puter, discussing models with peers, etc.). Conse-quently, the key issue is not how busy workers are,but rather how they allocate their time. New metricsare needed to measure the efficiency and effectivenesswith which white-collar workers do this.

Another issue that complicates performance mea-surement of white-collar work is the latent value ofsuch work. For example, a decision by a manager mayhave consequences that extend well beyond his/hertime as a manager (Feltham and Xie 1994). Becausemany white-collar tasks are knowledge based, white-collar work often makes contributions to the knowl-edge base of the organization, which are difficultto evaluate in the immediate term. However, whilelatent value is an important feature of white-collarwork, we have only seen it examined in empiricalstudies. There has been almost no effort to model la-tent value analytically in OM studies. Consequently,we do not yet have means for incorporating latentvalue of white-collar work into analyses of OM-related policies, such as incentive plans, prioritizationschemes, and collaboration mechanisms.

Even measures that do translate from blue to white-collar settings may require modification to be usefulin white-collar systems. For example, customer satis-faction (Lapre and Tsikriktsis 2006) is appropriate inboth blue- and white-collar settings where customersatisfaction can be measured. In blue-collar settingswhere repetitive products and/or services are pro-vided to customers, simple survey methods can yieldreasonable measures of satisfaction. For example, For-nell (2005) measured customer satisfaction at the firmand industry level. But, because important outputs ofwhite-collar work (e.g., contributions to organiza-tional knowledge) are not immediately experiencedby customers, many white-collar work systems cannotbe reasonably evaluated in customer satisfactionterms. Nevertheless, when a white-collar task isclosely connected to a product and/or service, cus-tomer satisfaction metrics are key measures of perfor-mance. For example, Eisenberger et al. (2007) usedcustomer satisfaction to predict the performance ofmovie scripts. Straub et al. (1995) studied the role of ITin measuring system usage and integration of objec-tive (i.e., computer-recorded) with subjective (i.e., self-reported) system measures. Research on the collec-tion, analysis, and connection of such metrics tooperating policies is essential to the development of ascience of white-collar work.

6.2. Integrated Work and Information NetworksThe OM field has developed a rich literature usingnetwork flow models to represent the dynamics ofblue-collar work systems (e.g., Buzacott and Shan-thikumar 1993, Hopp and Spearman 2000). The flowsin such models are physical entities, such as parts,

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jobs, or customers. Such models have also beenapplied to some white-collar work systems. For ex-ample, Adler et al. (1995) applied the idea of networkflow models in a module-based project developmentmanagement. Their findings suggest that some of thebasic principles of blue-collar work (e.g., impact ofbottlenecks, variability, and flexibility) are applicableto white-collar work that can be represented as net-work flows. However, research in this area is stillsparse and we do not yet have a good understandingof how broadly these principles apply.

However, in knowledge-intensive white-collarwork systems, information flows are at least as im-portant as physical flows. Research has shown thatinformation sharing is strongly related to ties amongworkers, which can range from informal to official(Uzzi 1996, Uzzi and Lancaster 2003). Hence, socialnetwork methods offer strong potential for applica-tion to OM modeling of systems where informationand task processing are embedded in work-relatedsocial relationships. Analytic and empirical researchinto models that integrate social networks into taskflow models offers a promising avenue for creatinga formal platform for representing white-collarwork systems.

A network representation of white-collar work sys-tems raises the issue of how the network is co-ordinated. In blue work systems, coordination is gen-erally achieved via work process design (e.g., work isorganized into a serial production line). In white-col-lar work settings, however, because information is animportant input to knowledge-based processing(Grant 1996), coordination is more complex. For ex-ample, a doctor facing an unfamiliar symptom mayrequire advice from more experienced doctors beforedeciding on a course of treatment. Because the work isless structured than in blue-collar systems, it is notusually practical to impose a rigid structure on thework flow. Hence, white-collar systems must rely on amixture of centralized control (e.g., a manager makestask assignments and coordinates dynamic adjust-ments) and decentralized evolution (e.g., workersdirect their own search and collaboration activities).Analytic, empirical, and behavioral research into co-ordination mechanisms is therefore vital to a scienceof white-collar work operations. Of course, to carryout this research we need the previously discussedperformance metrics to represent effectiveness.

Finally, the effectiveness of white-collar work net-works is strongly influenced by the flexibility of theconstituent workers. It is well known that flexibility isof fundamental importance in blue-collar work sys-tem analysis (Gerwin 1993, Sethi and Sethi 1990).Cross-training is an effective way to improve systemflexibility because cross-trained workers represent ca-pacity that can be shifted to where it is needed most.

As such, flexibility can result in increased throughput,reduced work-in-process, or improved customer ser-vice. In white-collar work systems, most workersperform work in a multi-tasking fashion. For example,a consultant communicates with clients, identifiesproblems, develops strategies, and helps clients im-plement management policies to achieve desirableresults. A professor teaches, performs research, andadvises students. Obviously, flexibility is a prerequi-site for such multi-tasking behavior. From a researchstandpoint, much remains to do to raise our under-standing of the role of flexibility in multi-taskingwhite-collar environments to that we have attained forflow-oriented blue-collar systems.

6.3. Bottleneck AnalysisOne of the major insights that has come out of net-work flow analysis of blue-collar work systems is theimportance of bottlenecks. Because bottlenecks con-strain system capacity, they are fundamental in deter-mining throughput, cycle time, customer service, andother performance metrics. Similar dynamics apply tosome white-collar systems. For example, in a multi-step software development project, productivity isconstrained by the least productive steps regardingboth processing speed and output quality. However,bottleneck analyses are seldom used in white-collarsystems. The reason is that the standard definition of abottleneck (i.e., the station with the highest utilization;Hopp and Spearman 2000) may be inappropriate inwhite-collar work systems because: (a) workers per-forming white-collar tasks are frequently fully uti-lized, which invalidates the conventional utilizationdefinition of a bottleneck, (b) output of systems in-volving white-collar tasks may be constrained byworker capability (e.g., the bottleneck of the R&Dprocess of skin care and perfume products is thechemists’ capabilities of carrying out tests with vary-ing complexity; Balmes and Sosa 2005), which impliesthat bottleneck definition may be domain specific inwhite-collar systems, (c) the quality of white-collartasks can vary greatly, which means that measuringthe quantity of tasks completed does not fully captureworker output (e.g., the amount of output is highlysensitive to the worker’s discretion on output quality;Hopp et al. 2007a), and (d) output measurement diffi-culties implied by the knowledge-intensive and non-repetitive nature of white-collar tasks also dramati-cally complicates bottleneck analysis. Hence, basicmodeling research is needed to develop a white-collaranalog to traditional blue-collar bottleneck analysis.

6.4. Discretionary Decision MakingA key characteristic of white-collar work systems thatdistinguishes them from blue-collar systems and com-plicates modeling and analysis is the high degree of

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discretion in decision making. Task selection, priori-tizing, completion, and self-generated work allrequire discretionary choices on the part of workers.For example, when helping a customer select a car, asalesperson has the freedom to choose which optionsto recommend and how to price them (within limits).Similarly, the salesperson may choose to speed upprocessing of current customer if other customers arewaiting. Such discretion makes it difficult to predictthe behavior of both individual workers and the over-all system. Although there has been limited work tomodel these systems by using a dynamic optimizationframework (Hopp et al. 2007a), our understanding ofhow these systems actually operate in practice is stillvery limited. To improve the management of discre-tionary decision making, we need to: (i) identify theareas where discretionary decision making is critical(e.g., task prioritization, time allocation, multi-tasking,information search, etc.) (ii) identify the main factors(e.g., tight deadlines, reward structures, nature oftasks) that impact discretionary decision making, (iii)develop normative models of optimal discretionarydecision making in white-collar work settings, and(iv) perform empirical studies of white-collar workersin various environments to determine how they actu-ally make decisions concerning the discretionaryaspects of their work and compare these with opti-mal strategies.

6.5. TrustTrust has always been an important element of thebusiness world. But it is becoming even more vital inthe workplace as a result of increased diversity of theworkforce, participative management styles, and im-plementation of work teams (Mayer et al. 1995). Trustplays a critical role in many aspects of white-collarwork settings. For example, research has shown thattrust affects information sharing (Hopp et al. 2007b),worker effort and mutual monitoring in self-directedteams (Langfred 2004), and supply chain decisions(Johnston et al. 2004, Loch and Wu 2007, Taylor andPlambeck 2007).

However, while trust is of paramount importance tothe execution of white-collar work, efforts to incorpo-rate it into OM research have been limited. Hence,there appears to be significant opportunity to incor-porate the insights on trust from other fields, suchas general management, sociology, and computerscience, into OM models and analyses.

The most straightforward avenue would be to in-vestigate how the presence of trust behavior altersdecisions (e.g., inventory levels, capacity allocations,work prioritization) relative to those predicted byconventional models based on an assumption ofstrictly self-serving behavior. A more sophisticatedissue is how trust impacts performance of operations

systems. This could be manifested in a question assimple as how trust between team members influ-ences their output to a question as complex as howtrust between parties affects the effectiveness of stan-dard contracts and the optimal design of (or needfor) contracts that explicitly consider trust behavior.Finally, a far reaching research issue is the question ofhow trust affects the knowledge management aspectof white-collar work, including patterns of knowledgeseeking, willingness of workers to share knowledge,and how people weight and use knowledge obtainedfrom their colleagues.

Models that incorporate trust and other socialbehaviors should give more accurate descriptions ofoperations systems than the current optimization andequilibrium models used to evaluate a wide rangeof operations policies (e.g., training, incentives, con-tracts) and hence may ultimately offer prospects forsignificantly improving performance of systemsinvolving white-collar work.

6.6. LearningLearning is critical to sustainable competitiveness inboth blue-collar and white-collar work systems. Ourliterature review reveals that there has been a greatdeal of research examining knowledge seeking andsharing at the organization level. These studies havehighlighted how the nature of knowledge (e.g., cod-ifiability, completeness, and diversity; Turner andMakhija 2006), as well as factors such as structuraldiversity, influence learning through knowledge shar-ing. However, this research has also noted that knowl-edge depreciation occurs in white-collar systems,which can have a significant impact on productivity(Park et al. 2006). This is particularly important withrespect to technical knowledge (Bosworth 1978, deHolan and Phillips 2004, Park et al. 2006).

The logical starting point for OM research on learn-ing in white-collar work systems would be to try toextend the learning curve approach that has beenused for blue-collar systems to knowledge-intensivework environments. That is, we should seek modelswith which to predict the rate of productivity in-crease. Given the complexity and knowledge intensityof white-collar tasks, however, we do not expect timein position or number of repetitions, which are typicalin blue-collar learning curves, to be sufficient asparameters. Hence, the challenge of this research isto appeal to the literature on learning to identifyother factors (e.g., type of knowledge, team diversity,organizational structure) that affect the rate of pro-ductivity improvement.

Because the literature on learning identifies com-munication links and patterns as important drivers oflearning, it seems inevitable that models of learning inwhite-collar settings will rely on networks. At least

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initially, we expect that the most promising method-ological approaches will be empirical and experi-mental research to identify the network characteristicsthat are most important to learning in specific white-collar work settings (e.g., product design, consulting,health care, management). But ultimately the goalshould be to distill these observations into behavioralassumptions that can be incorporated into the com-bined work/information flow networks we discussedearlier. The objective of this line of research should beto produce tools that can predict not only the currentperformance of a white-collar work system, but theevolution of its performance over time as a conse-quence of institutional learning.

Finally, once we have some basic network modelsthat characterize learning, a host of prescriptiveresearch questions will become amenable to analysis.How to group different types of people in teams tomaximize learning, how to rotate people throughdifferent job assignments, how many assignments togive individual workers (e.g., assigning a design engi-neer to multiple products may increase her contactwith other engineers and hence speed learning, butmay also distract her focus and complicate her timemanagement) are all important management ques-tions that hinge upon an understanding of team andorganization learning in white-collar work systems.

7. ConclusionsThe past several decades have witnessed a dramaticrise in the quantity and variety of white-collar work.The growing need for white-collar research has beenaddressed by scholars from various disciplines, in-cluding Sociology, Organizational Behavior, Market-ing, Information Systems, and Economics. Althoughinterest in white-collar work is also on the rise withinthe OM community, research into operational issuesassociated with white-collar work is still very limited.Moreover, we lack frameworks for incorporating in-sights from other fields (e.g., the role of trust, socialnetworks, motivation, learning, knowledge transfer,etc.) into OM models.

In this paper, we have attempted to address thesegaps by providing a survey of a range of researchstreams relevant to white-collar work. We have orga-nized this review by focusing on white-collar work atthe individual, team, and the organization levels. Tohelp us classify existing research studies into thesecategories, we have proposed a basic model for eachlevel of white-collar work. These generic modelsenable us to connect research from disparate fieldsto OM concerns. By classifying this research accordingto topic and methodology, we were able to identifygaps in the research coverage of the key issues in-volved in understanding white-collar work from an

operations perspective and point out specific researchopportunities for OM researchers.

We hope that this survey will stimulate fundamentalresearch on white-collar work from an OM perspectiveand provide a reference for scholars seeking to inte-grate research threads from different fields to improveour understanding of white-collar work systems.

AcknowledgmentsThe authors gratefully acknowledge the support ofthis work by the National Science Foundation undergrant DMI-0423048 and thank the Editor and fouranonymous referees for their constructive commentsand thoughtful feedback that helped us improve ourframework and presentation.



2The root of these terms is the color of the shirts worn by theworkers; office workers traditionally wore white shirts,while laborers wore work shirts that were often blue. Re-laxation of professional dress codes and colorful trends infashion have rendered these terms somewhat anachronistic.

3Note that workers we think of as blue collar may alsoengage in knowledge sharing. For instance, two machinistsdeciding on the best way to cut a part certainly tradeexpertise and information. But we would classify such workas a white collar task, because it involves both an intellectualand a creative challenge. This type of situation is why wefeel it is important to classify work at the task level, ratherthan at the occupation level.


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