managing impasse in mediation:

Managing Impasse in Mediation: Embracing Entrenched Energy to Reframe Opportunities in Mediation

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Managing Impasse in Mediation:. Embracing Entrenched Energy to Reframe Opportunities in Mediation. A Workshop Offered by:. Harry Webne-Behrman Collaborative Initiative, Inc. WAM Emerging Issues in Mediation Conference November 16, 2007. Agenda. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Managing Impasse in Mediation:

Managing Impasse in Mediation:

Embracing Entrenched Energy to Reframe

Opportunities in Mediation

Page 2: Managing Impasse in Mediation:

A Workshop Offered by:

Harry Webne-BehrmanCollaborative Initiative, Inc.

WAM Emerging Issues in Mediation Conference

November 16, 2007

Page 3: Managing Impasse in Mediation:


Introduction to Impasse: “The moment is simply structured that way.”

Discussion: Our experiences mediating at times of impasse

Strategies for Managing Impasse

Special Issues: Power, Complexity, Multi-Party Disputes

Synthesis: Addressing Impasse is one of the Key Mediator Challenges

Page 4: Managing Impasse in Mediation:

Negotiating Through Impasse

Participants perceive that they are no longer able to find effective solutions.

Impasse is a normal phase of any conflict resolution/negotiation process

Although often perceived as a threat or a demand, impasse can be an opportunity for new insights and collaborative solutions

Page 5: Managing Impasse in Mediation:

Needs in Negotiation

Substantive needs = the “stuff” of the conflict… typical definition of problem

Procedural needs = how we foster a fair and well understood process… “Ground Rules”

Psychological needs = concerning trust, honesty, safety, security, integrity

Page 6: Managing Impasse in Mediation:

Facilitator’s Role During Impasse

Help the group accept this phase as a normal aspect of the process

Support the group in honestly navigating the “emotional pathway” through the impasse

Seek insights from the group in terms of how they wish to continue

Engage in genuine personal reflection

Page 7: Managing Impasse in Mediation:

Discussion: Our experiences mediating at times of impasse

What does impasse look like?

When does it occur?

How do disputants behave?

How do you behave?

What seems to be helpful?

Page 8: Managing Impasse in Mediation:

Specific Strategies for Dealing with ImpasseName the Impasse – Embrace the Opportunity! This isn’t a ‘bad’ thing, but an uncomfortable, yet important, element of the expression of the conflict

Identify Underlying participants go beyond initial positions

Respect the Variety of Needs...renew commitment to ground rules while helping the group focus on interest-based concerns... Use the ‘triangle of needs’ to shift focus to more constructive areas of inquiry

Explore Alternatives to a Negotiated Agreement...BATNA, WATNA, MLATNA... Carve out a realistic negotiating space

Respect Silence... allow time to process, s-l-o-w down the process at times, allow for structured breaks

Page 9: Managing Impasse in Mediation:

Impasse Strategies (Cont.)Be self-aware as a mediator: What does your body stance communicate? Consider changing your seated relationship to the parties, use the flip chart to redirect eyes and energy

Experiment With Active Listening Variations... intentionally restate and summarize to one another affording group members structured opportunities to listen and possibly understand, rather than forging ahead with problem solving

Talk about Feelings...there is value in traversing the emotional pathway...supportive validation and reflection from the facilitator can be extremely valuable

Caucus... explore sources of resistance, serve as “agent of reality”, gain a needed emotional release from the situation

Page 10: Managing Impasse in Mediation:

Sources of Resistance and Some Helpful Responses

Source ResponseFear of Threat Increase Safety &

Security for Risk Taking

Lack of Trust Increase Reliability of

Honest Transactions (Transparency)

Page 11: Managing Impasse in Mediation:

Sources of Resistance and Some Helpful Responses (cont.)

Source Response

Lack of Meaning Increase Opportunities/ (Inertia/Anomy) Access to “Communities

of Practice” & Networks

Outmoded Processes & Design web-like organizations Technologies with capacities for self-

organizing teams

Circulate info. that energizes the system with new

capacity Leverage opportunities for change “Flow Facilitation”

Page 12: Managing Impasse in Mediation:

Sources of Resistance and Some Helpful Responses (cont.)

Source Response

Confront Status Quo (see above)

‘Top’ Puts Kibosh on Innovations See #1 and #2 (“Why bother? It’s too scary...)

Stuck in the middle Reframe Issues (internal/external divide) Collaborative systems


Too Stressed/ Overwhelmed Celebrate

Accomplishments! ENERGIZE!

*** Be intentional and inclusive ***

Page 13: Managing Impasse in Mediation:

Facilitating Through the “Groan Zone” (from Sam Kaner)

Page 14: Managing Impasse in Mediation:

Dealing With Power Disparities

Recognize multiple sources of power:

* Position power

* Coercive power

* Power of Expertise

* Normative Power

* Referent Power

Page 15: Managing Impasse in Mediation:

Power Disparities (continued)

Clarify conditions required to promote an affirming negotiation climate

Consider alternative modes of communication

Build an “empowering agenda,” rather than an “enabling agenda”

Stay aware of BATNA…

Page 16: Managing Impasse in Mediation:

Multi-Party Disputes Pose Challenges of Complexity

Spend extra time in pre-negotiation and needs assessment. This helps gain a sincere commitment to the process from all participants. It also clarifies how the issues are perceived from the various vantage points of the parties, minimizing surprise factors at the point of discussion. Actively seek common ground early, not to minimize areas of difference, but to clarify them. By identifying issues that can be resolved in light of these areas of agreement, support can be built for continued dialogue. Be sensitive to the tension between being (social cohesiveness) and doing (task effectiveness) within the group. Managing this inevitable tension requires great skill on the part of the facilitator.

Page 17: Managing Impasse in Mediation:

Guidelines for Facilitating Negotiation Towards Multi-Party Solutions (cont.)

Recognize that several levels of negotiation need to occur. Cross-group discussion is the primary focus of substantive negotiation, but within-group communication is important to psychological and procedural needs in conflict. Try to allow time for dialogue within smaller groups, while keeping large group discussions focused on the explicit tasks of the group. Whenever possible, have subgroups form that break down old coalitions. This may offer participants the chance to shift from adversarial to solution-oriented relationships. If the group has multiple meetings, they provide excellent opportunities to establish task forces, project teams and information gathering groups, which rearrange traditional alliances.

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Guidelines for Facilitating Negotiation Towards Multi-Party Solutions (cont.)

Be especially sensitive to the role of moderates and extremists within the meeting.

Moderates are defined here as those who demonstrate flexibility in negotiation. This includes a willingness to consider a variety of options and a desire to attend to others' needs in negotiation.

Extremists in this context are those who rigidly hold on to a minority position. It is critical to empower the moderates to "find their voices," and be sure their views are clearly expressed.

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Guidelines for Facilitating Negotiation Towards Multi-Party Solutions (cont.)

Continue to be vigilant regarding your impartiality throughout the process. Watch for possibly biased responses to extremists within the group; since they may be exhibiting attitudes you do not share, biases may lurk just beneath the surface of the meeting and emerge in subtle language or non-verbal behaviors.

» Adapted from Harry Webne-Behrman, Conflict Resolution Skills site, UW-OHRD

Page 20: Managing Impasse in Mediation:

View the Entire System

Identify all stakeholders in the conflicted system… “map it out”

Encourage full participation

Seek areas of greatest leverage and influence – budget efforts towards meaningful and achievable activities

Page 21: Managing Impasse in Mediation:

Understand Dispute Settlement Systems That Are in Place

Formal SystemsGrievance proceduresOfficial policies

Informal SystemsPeople who are effective role models and good listeners with strong relational skills

Non-formal SystemsIntentional, peer-driven, draw upon representative cross-sections and cultures

Build upon what works!!!

Page 22: Managing Impasse in Mediation:

Questions? Comments?

Please continue the conversation!

Harry Webne-Behrman

[email protected] or

at UW-Madison (608/262-9934)

Visit “Conflict Resolution Skills” website: