managing a remote team

Managing Remote Teams

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Post on 21-Apr-2017



Leadership & Management

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Managing Remote Teams

Remote working is increasingly popular for managers and teams working for organisations across multiple locations. Managed correctly, remote teams can be extremely advantageous; though things like keeping up with the team’s progress and keeping them motivated can be difficult when you don’t see each other in person on a daily basis...

Here are some points to consider for managing a team remotely...

Trust Goes A Long Way

Being able to trust your employees is vital to your team’s progress. It is important that you can trust your team to work with enthusiasm and commitment, in the absence of a manager.

This is something that you need to take into account from

the very start, when hiring your team.

When you are interviewing for your team, look for the people who you believe are going to work well without constant supervision.

Be Clear On Your Expectations

Ensuring that your team has a clear understanding of exactly what you expect them to achieve is vital when working remotely; after all you will not always be avail-able to remind them, or keep tabs on their progress directly.

It is important to outline your expectations of your team; so that they have a clear idea of what they need to be doing and what they need to accomplish before the next time you catch up.

If you are in regular contact with your team by phone, or if your are meeting with them intermittently, it is a good idea to follow up conversations with emails out-lining the next steps for any tasks that are agreed upon; this way both parties have a record of the con-versation and its outcomes to refer back to.

Check-in Regularly

Having regular ‘check-in’ calls or meetings with your team members gives them an opportunity to update you on their progress, and to make you aware of any challenges that they might be having. Though a big part of managing a remote team is that you trust your employees to be fairly self-sufficient, it is still a good idea to ensure that you hold regular team, and one to one, check-in calls or meetings.

Book a regular weekly or bi-weekly slot on your calendar that is always used for thorough catch-up meetings. Catch-up meetings should include updates on your team members’ progress, with a round-up of everything that has happened since your last contact, and an opportunity to outline the tasks your team will be working on moving forward.

Utilise Technology

There is plenty of technology that can help with the various aspects of managing a remote team. For example, sharing calendars via outlook is a great way to keep up to speed with the schedules and availabilities of your team, and also for them to do the same with yours.

Additionally remote collaboration tools can come in very handy, such as Google Docs, Dropbox and Asana, these can be extremely useful in sharing information and assigning tasks within your team.

Team meetings via conference calling or using video calling software like Skype may be more effective for your team than simply waiting to have a team meeting in person.

Build Personal Relationships

It is important for any manager to build personal relationships with their team members, and this is no different in managing remote teams.

This doesn’t mean you have to try to become best friends with your team, but it does mean that you should engage with them on a personal level, beyond simply talking to them about work exclusively.

Keep this in mind whenever you speak with your employees, whether it is in person, on a phone call or even just in an email. Building personal relationships lets your team know that you are human and not just a voice at the end of the phone, or an email address; having a personal relationship can play a big part in motivating team members to get the job done in your absence.


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InterQuest Group plc is an award-winning, specialist recruitment organisation providing contract and permanent services within niche disciplines globally.

The Group is divided into specialist businesses, with each one aligned to one of the following market sectors, Finance, Retail, Public Sector, Not for Profit or in an area of technology such as testing, analytics, ERP or digital. These are augmented by other businesses specialising in services which span the various vertical niches - such as recruitment outsourcing or executive search and selection.

As specialists in contract, permanent IT and analytics recruitment, the InterQuest Group trades as distinctly branded, individual, specialist recruitment businesses.