manager account achiever edge

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Post on 07-Jul-2018




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  • 8/18/2019 Manager Account Achiever Edge



    1. About the organization

    2. Progress Report

    3. Academic eligibilit

    !. "raining And #ther Re$uirements

    %. &or' Allotted during internships training

    (. &or' done

    ). &ee'l In*ormation about +or' done

    ,. Di**iculties *aced during

    -. "he *uture challenges in the emploment

    1. Analsis o* +or'ing in the organization

    11. /uggestions

    12. 0onclusion


  • 8/18/2019 Manager Account Achiever Edge


    About the organization


  • 8/18/2019 Manager Account Achiever Edge


    About the organization

    I hae done training as the anager Account.

    #RANI4A"I#NA5 PR#6I5E

    A07IE8ER EDE P8" 5"D

    ACHIEVER EDGE PVT LTD has a strong and experienced Management Team

    supported b an experienced dnamic Midd!e Management Team and "e current! ha#e

    sta$$ strength o$ more than % Executi#es&

    ACHIEVER EDGE PVT LTD pioneered 'H(PAL)s $irst HI Tech C(MP*TERI+E and

    our mantra is to use the snerg o$ Peop!e, Process and Techno!og to de!i#er exceptiona!

    #a!ue to our c!ients&

    Achie#er Edge P#t Ltd, is an on!ine ser#ice pro#ider to indi#idua!, group and

    organi-ations& .ith our uni/ue designing capabi!it, "e de!i#er success$u! so!utions $or 

    .eb Design and De#e!opment in Content Management +stem 0CM+1, (n!ine Research,

    IT Training, +earch Engine (ptimi-ation 0+E(1, +ite Mar2eting, 'rand Promotion& Lin2 'ui!ding, Director +ubmission and HR +o!utions in 'hopa! Pune Indore 3agpur&

    Achie#er Edge P#t Ltd pro#ides search engine optimi-ation p!an that o$$ers the best

    on!ine branding and comprehensi#e search engine positioning strategies "hich obtain

    high ran2ings and turn one porta! into a po"er$u! business too! on 3et& 4or indexing and

    !istings both on page and o$$ page optimi-ation ser#ice is o$$ered to c!ients using our 

    expertise and !ong experience& .e ha#e a #ast database o$ important resources needed $or 

    this purpose&

    4or success$u! +E( ser#ice, "e emphasis more on5


  • 8/18/2019 Manager Account Achiever Edge


    6& Lin2 and Director 'ui!ding

    7& +e!ection o$ the right 2e"ords

    .e ha#e an exce!!ent record in search engine optimi-ation "ith a !arge number o$ c!ients

    in Educationa! +ector, Hospita!it Industr and other re!ated ser#ices ran2ing top p!ace in

    Goog!e and 8ahoo& .e ha#e top team o$ experienced +E( +r9s that de#ise and imp!ement

    strateg $or high! success$u! campaigns&

    (ur main ob:ecti#e o$ site Mar2eting is to di#ert the right #isitor tra$$ic to one "eb site&

    +earch Engine mar2eting is resource intensi#e b its nature& Methodo!ogies emp!oed are

    high! e$$ecti#e and search engine $riend!& .e o$$er a comprehensi#e site mar2eting p!an

    to our c!ients "ith c!ose $ocusing on the ob:ecti#es and aims o$ the c!ients) need and the

    characteristics o$ the porta!& In order to generate the right 2ind o$ tra$$ic $or greater 

     producti#it, "e ha#e a high! research oriented approach and consu!tation and guidance

    to c!ients, is part o$ the pac2age& The right tpe o$ site mar2eting campaign is the 2e to

    success in on!ine mar2eting "ar$are& (ur .eb hosting in 'hopa! Pune Indore 3agpur is

    a!so a cheapest and !o" price "eb hosting in india&our +E( ser#ice stand us on $u!!

    $ragment o$ pub!ic "eb tra$$ic2ing on $irst position then other seo companies in india&.e

    are "or2ing as $ree!ance "eb de#e!opment compan a!so "ith big brand names our 

     partners are our certi$icate to our success in our $ie!d o$ "eb de#e!opment and designing&

    (ur "eb training and IT training di#isions are the "or!d9s top most di#isions $or 

     producing s2i!!ed manpo"er $or upcoming "ord9s need& Achie#er Edge P#t Ltd :ob in

    India is the HR section o$ our compan "hich $i!ter us $rom other HR ser#ice or ;ob

    Pro#iders because "e are pro#iding $ree HR ser#ice to our customers i&e& "e can9t charge

    mone to emp!oers $or HR ser#ice in I3DIA&


  • 8/18/2019 Manager Account Achiever Edge


    9#: 0#N/;5"AN"

     3othing can be more constant than change< hence "e do our bit to instigate it& In an e#er5

    changing g!oba! mar2et, it is #ita! to e#o!#e, mo#e ahead and mo#e on& According! as a

    career and pro$essiona! net"or2ing porta! that strategica!! brings together pro$essiona!sand inter5dependent pro$essiona! communities, it is essentia! that our strategies are not

     based on assumptions but in#o!#es a !ot o$ intuiti#eness, comprehension and insight&

    Especia!! since "e are dea!ing "ith peop!e and their aspirations $or a better !i$e and a

     better $uture, be it as an indi#idua! :obsee2er or a !arge cong!omerate that en#isions

    exponentia! expansions& And as a $action o$ ACHIEVER EDGE PVT LTD& that is

    $undamenta!! A!so $ocused on connecting peop!e and opportunities in the best possib!e

    "a in the best possib!e "a< "e don9t :ust care about one pursuit but ensure that "e do

    something to bring it to $ruition& 

    &7< 07##/E ;/

    • .e o$$er =ua!it Ad#ice on =ua!it Higher Education&

    • .e are the ($$icia! representati#es&

    • Hundreds o$ students he!ped each ear to gain entr to programmes in *>&

    • ad#ice on "ide range o$ topics $rom *ndergraduate ? postgraduate programmes

    app!ication procedures, #isas, scho!arships and man other topics&

    • (n the spot admissions b *ni#ersit sta$$ members $rom the *> #isiting our 


    • Inter#ie"s and (n spot admissions b *ni#ersit de!egates&


  • 8/18/2019 Manager Account Achiever Edge


    #rganizations /tructure


    Chair man

    General Manager












    Manages Manages Manages





    Ofces Ofces








  • 8/18/2019 Manager Account Achiever Edge


    Progress Report


  • 8/18/2019 Manager Account Achiever Edge


    Progress Report

    An account manager  is a person "ho "or2s $or a compan and is responsib!e $or the

    management o$ sa!es, and re!ationships "ith particu!ar customers& The account manager does not

    manage the dai! running o$ the account itse!$& The manage the re!ationship "ith the c!ient o$ 

    the account0s1 the are assigned to& Genera!!, a c!ient "i!! remain "ith one account manager 

    throughout the duration o$ hiring the compan& Account managers ser#e as the inter$ace bet"een

    the customer ser#ice and the sa!es team in a compan& The are assigned a compan9s existing

    c!ient accounts& The purpose o$ being assigned particu!ar c!ients is to create !ong term

    re!ationships "ith the port$o!io o$ assigned c!ients& The account manager ser#es to understand the

    customer9s demands, p!an ho" to meet these demands, and generate sa!es $or the compan as a


    =e accounts pro#ide the most business because the contain a sma!! number o$ c!ients "hich

    contribute a !arge portion o$ the compan9s sa!es& According to research, sa!es $rom a compan9s

    2e accounts has increased $rom 7@ in 6B% to current!&

    "he purpose o* an account managerF To maintain the compan9s existing re!ationships "ith a

    c!ient or group o$ c!ients, so that the "i!! continue using the compan $or business&

    INI; RE>;IREEN"/


    'A'+ in 'usiness "ith an emphasis in Accounting, CPA re/uired

    "echnical /'ills and Prior E?perience

    4i#e to se#en ears prior super#isor experience in the $inancia! reportinggenera! !edger area&

    Experience "or2ing in a !a" $irm or pro$essiona! ser#ices $irm is pre$erred&

    Must be PC pro$icient and ab!e to thri#e in a $ast 5pace setting& Experience "ith E!ite Enterprise,

    ;&D& Ed"ards or other !arge automated accounting sstem a p!us& Must ha#e strong experience

    "ith Microso$t Exce!, Access and .ord&


  • 8/18/2019 Manager Account Achiever Edge


    :asic 6unction@ The $unctions o$ the finance manager  position can be considered identica! to a

    treasurer position, or as a !ight treasurer "ho has additiona! ana!sis responsibi!ities that

    inc!ude support o$ the management team in a #ariet o$ operationa! decisions& This :ob

    description assumes the !atter #ie" o$ the $inance manager position& As such, the $inance

    manager shou!d manage $unds in such a manner as to maximi-e return on in#estment "hi!e

    minimi-ing ris2, and "hi!e a!so ensuring that an ade/uate contro! structure is in p!ace o#er the

    trans$er and in#estment o$ $unds& 4urther, the $inance manager engages in $inancia! ana!sis in

    such areas as $orecasting, budgeting, engaging in cost reduction ana!sis, and re#ie"ing

    operationa! per$ormance& The position is considered to be more senior than the $inancia! ana!st


    Principal Accountabilities@


    6& Maintain a documented sstem o$ accounting po!icies and procedures

    7& Manage outsourced $unctions

    @& (#ersee the operations o$ the treasur department, inc!uding the design o$ an

    organi-ationa! structure ade/uate $or achie#ing the department9s goa!s and ob:ecti#es

    6unds anagement

    6& 4orecast cash $!o" positions, re!ated borro"ing needs, and a#ai!ab!e $unds $or in#estment

    7& Ensure that su$$icient $unds are a#ai!ab!e to meet ongoing operationa! and capita!

    in#estment re/uirements

    @& *se hedging  to mitigate $inancia! ris2s re!ated to the interest rates on the compan9s

     borro"ings, as "e!! as on its $oreign exchange positions

    & Maintain ban2ing re!ationships

    %& Assist in determining the compan9s proper capita! structure

    & Arrange $or e/uit and debt $inancing


  • 8/18/2019 Manager Account Achiever Edge


    & In#est $unds

    J& Recommend appropriate di#idend issuances, based on historica! di#idend patterns and

    expected cash $!o"s


    6& Manage the preparation o$ the compan9s budget

    7& Report to management on #ariances $rom the estab!ished budget, and the reasons $or 

    those #ariances

    @& Assist management in the $ormu!ation o$ its o#era!! strategic direction

    6inancial Analsis

    6& Engage in ongoing cost reduction ana!ses in a!! areas o$ the compan

    7& Re#ie" the per$ormance o$ competitors and report on 2e issues to management

    @& Engage in benchmar2ing studies to estab!ish areas o$ potentia! operationa! impro#ement

    & Interpret the compan9s $inancia! resu!ts to management and recommend impro#ement


    %& Re#ie" compan bott!enec2s and recommend changes to impro#e the o#era!! !e#e! o$ 

    compan throughput

    & Participate in target costing acti#ities to create products that meeting predetermined price


    & Assist in the determination o$ product pricing in re!ation to $eatures o$$ered and

    competitor pricing

    J& Compi!e 2e business metrics and report on them to management

    B& Manage the capita! budgeting process, based on constraint ana!sis and discounted cash

    $!o" ana!sis

    6& Create additiona! ana!ses and reports as re/uested b management1)

  • 8/18/2019 Manager Account Achiever Edge


    Additional Accountabilities@

    6& (#ersee the extension o$ credit to customers

    Desired >uali*ications@ The $inance manager candidate shou!d ha#e a 'ache!or9s degree in$inance or accounting, or e/ui#a!ent business experience and 6K ears o$ progressi#e!

    responsib!e experience $or a ma:or compan or di#ision o$ a !arge corporation& Pre$erence "i!!

     be gi#en to candidates "ith the Certi$ied Pub!ic Accountant or Certi$ied Management Accountant

    designations& Exce!!ent communication s2i!!s are essentia!, particu!ar! in regard to presenting

    the resu!ts o$ ana!ses to management& +hou!d ha#e an outstanding 2no"!edge o$ e!ectronic


    &or'ing 0onditions@ Primari! in an o$$ice en#ironment& .i!! be expected to tra#e! as needed

    to compan subsidiaries&

    /uperises@ A!! treasur sta$$, as "e!! as $inancia! ana!sts and cost accountants


  • 8/18/2019 Manager Account Achiever Edge


    Academic eligibilit


  • 8/18/2019 Manager Account Achiever Edge


