management science

9.0 MANAGEMENT SCIENCE 9.1 JNTUH SYLLABUS Unit - I Introduction to Management: Concepts of Management and organization- nature, importance and Functions of Management, Taylor’s Scientific Management Theory, Fayol’s Principles of Management, Mayo’s Hawthorne Experiments, Maslow’s Theory of Human Needs, Douglas McGregor’s Theory X and Theory Y, Herzberg’s Two-Factor Theory of Motivation, Systems Approach to Management, Leadership Styles, Social responsibilities of Management. Unit - II Designing Organisational Structures : Basic concepts related to Organisation - Departmentation and Decentralisation, Types of mechanistic and organic structures of organisation (Line organization, Line and staff organization, functional organization, Committee organization, matrix organization, Virtual Organisation, Cellular Organisation, team structure, boundaryless organization, inverted pyramid structure, lean and flat organization structure) and their merits, demerits and suitability. Unit - III Operations Management : Principles and Types of Plant Layout-Methods of production (Job, batch and Mass Production), Work Study -Basic procedure involved in Method Study and Work Measurement- Statistical Quality Control: chart, R chart, c chart, p chart, (simple Problems), Acceptance Sampling, Deming’s contribution to quality. Unit - VI a) Materials Management: Objectives, Need for Inventory control, EOQ, ABC Analysis, Purchase Procedure, Stores Management and Stores Records. b) Marketing: Functions of Marketing, Marketing Mix, Marketing Strategies based on Product Life Cycle, Channels of distribution Unit - V

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Unit - I

Introduction to Management: Concepts of Management and organization- nature, importance and Functions of Management, Taylor’s Scientific Management Theory, Fayol’s Principles of Management, Mayo’s Hawthorne Experiments, Maslow’s Theory of Human Needs, Douglas McGregor’s Theory X and Theory Y, Herzberg’s Two-Factor Theory of Motivation, Systems Approach to Management, Leadership Styles, Social responsibilities of Management.

Unit - II

Designing Organisational Structures : Basic concepts related to Organisation - Departmentation and Decentralisation, Types of mechanistic and organic structures of organisation (Line organization, Line and staff organization, functional organization, Committee organization, matrix organization, Virtual Organisation, Cellular Organisation, team structure, boundaryless organization, inverted pyramid structure, lean and flat

organization structure) and their merits, demerits and suitability.

Unit - III

Operations Management : Principles and Types of Plant Layout-Methods of production (Job, batch and Mass Production), Work Study -Basic procedure involved in Method Study and Work Measurement- Statistical Quality Control: chart, R chart, c chart, p chart, (simple Problems), Acceptance Sampling,

Deming’s contribution to quality.

Unit - VI

a) Materials Management: Objectives, Need for Inventory control, EOQ, ABC Analysis, Purchase Procedure, Stores Management and Stores Records.

b) Marketing: Functions of Marketing, Marketing Mix, Marketing Strategies based on Product Life Cycle, Channels of distribution

Unit - V

Human Resources Management (HRM) : Concepts of HRM, HRD and Personnel Management and Industrial Relations (PMIR), HRM vs.PMIR, Basic functions of HR Manager: Manpower planning, Recruitment, Selection, Training and Development, Placement, Wage and Salary Administration,

Promotion, Transfer, Separation, Performance Appraisal, Grievance Handling and Welfare Administration, Job Evaluation and Merit Rating.

Unit - VI

Project Management (PERT/CPM) : Network Analysis, Programme Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT), Critical Path Method (CPM), Identifying critical path, Probability of Completing the project within

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given time, Project Cost Analysis, Project Crashing. (simple problems)

Unit - VII

Strategic Management : Mission, Goals, Objectives, Policy, Strategy, Programmes, Elements of Corporate Planning Process, Environmental Scanning, Value Chain Analysis, SWOT Analysis, Steps in Strategy Formulation and Implementation, Generic Strategy alternatives.

Unit - VIII

Contemporary Management Practices : Basic concepts of MIS, End User Computing, Materials Requirement Planning (MRP), Just-In-Time (JIT) System, Total Quality Management (TQM), Six sigma and Capability Maturity Model (CMM) Levels, Supply Chain Management, Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), Performance Management, Business Process outsourcing (BPO), Business Process Re-engineering and Bench Marking, Balanced Score Card.


1. Aryasri : Management Science, TMH, 2004.

2. Stoner, Freeman, Gilbert, Management, 6th Ed, Pearson Education, New Delhi, 2004.


1. Kotler Philip & Keller Kevin Lane: Marketing Mangement 12/e, PHI, 2005

2. Koontz & Weihrich: Essentials of Management, 6/e, TMH, 2005

3. Thomas N.Duening & John M.Ivancevich Management — Principles and Guidelines, Biztantra,2003.

4. Kanishka Bedi, Production and Operations Management, Oxford University Press, 2004.

5. Memoria & S.V.Gauker, Personnel Management, Himalaya, 25/e, 2005

6. Samuel C.Certo: Modern Management, 9/e, PHI, 2005

7. Schermerhorn, Capling, Poole & Wiesner: Management, Wiley, 2002.

8. Parnell: Strategic Management, Biztantra,2003.

9. Lawrence R Jauch, R.Gupta &William F.Glueck:Business Policy and Strategic Management, Frank Bros.2005.

10. L.S.Srinath: PERT/CPM,Affiliated East-West Press, 2005.

9.2 Unit wise Planner for Academic Year 2010 - 2011

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Unit No. Total no. of lecturers

I 11

II 10


IV 7

V 5

VI 6



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1 Introduction to subject ARYASRI

2 2concepts of management, nature & importance



3 3 functions of management

4 4 Taylors management theory

5 5 Fayols principals of management

6 6 Mayo's Hawthorne experiments

7 7 Maslows theory of humann needs,

8 Dougles x-Theory & Y-Theory

9 8Herzbergs 2 factors Theory & systems approach

10 9 social Responsibility

11 10 leadership styles

12 11 questions disscused




1 Designing organisational structure

15 2 Basic concepts related to organisation

16 3 departmentation & decentralisation

17 4types of mechanistic & organic structures

18 5 line & staff functional organisation

19 6 committee matrix organisation

20 7 virtual cellular organisation

21 8team structure, boundaryless organisation

22 9 inverted pyramid structure, lean & flat

23 organisation structure

24 10 merits & demerits & suitability


26 III 1 principals & types of plant layout KANISHKA BEDI

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27 2 methods of production

28 3 job,batch & mass production

29 4 work study

30 5basic procedure involved in method study

31 & work measurement

32 6 stastical quality control

33 7X chart Rchart,C chart, Pchart-simple problems

34 8acceptance sampling,deming control to quality




1 objective, nedd for inventory control SUNIL CHOPRA,

37 2EOG,ABC analysis, purchase procedure PETER MEINDL

38 3 stores management & records,

39 supply chain management

40 4 functions of marketing, marketing mix PHILIP KOTLAR

41 5marketing strategies based on product life cycle

42 6 channels of distribution

43 7 questions discussed


45 V 1 concepts of HRM,HRD & Personal ASWATHAPA

46 management & IR

47 2HRM vs PMIR, basic functions of HR manager,

48man power planning, recruitment & selection

49 3Training & Development, placement, wage,

50 salary, administration, promotion

51 4 transfer, seperation, performance

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52 grievance handling

53 5 welfare adminstration, job evaluation

54 and merit rating




1 network analysis,program eveluation & ARYA SRI

57 review technique

58 2 CPM, identifying critical path

59 3probability of completing the project within

60 given time

61 4 project cost analysis

62 5 project crashing(simple problems)

63 6 questions discussed




1 Mission, Goals, Objective, Policy ARYA SRI

66 2 strategy programmes

67 3 elements of corporate planning process

68 4 environmental scanning

69 5 SWOT Analysis

70 6steps in strategy formulation & implementation

71 7 Generaic strategy alternatives



74 2 six sigma

75 3 CMM levels

76 4 value chain analysis

77 5 business process outsourcing

78 6 business process re-engineering

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79 7 bench marking

80 8 balance score card

81 9 questions discussed

82 10 old question paper review


84 TOTAL 64


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9.4 Question Bank

UNIT I Subjective Questions

1. Discuss Management as a process?2. “Scientific Management did much more than what was planned” do you agree discuss?3. Explain the principles of management outlined by Henry Fayol?4. Explain and evaluate the process of scientific management?5. Explain the concept of social responsibility? Assignment Questions

1. Explain the Taylor’s Scientific Management theory. Tutorial Questions

1. what are the basic concepts of MIS? Objective Questions

1.Management is considered to be:

a) only art

b) only science

c) bend of art and science

d) bend of commonsence and art.

2.Administration is mainly:

a) determinative function

b) Executive function.

c) both determinative and Executive function

d) None of the above

3.Management is mainly:

a) determinative function

b) Executive function.

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c) both determinative and Executive function

d) None of the above

4.Management has abasic principle that:

a) things are more important than people

b) people are more important than things

c) Activity are more important than any thing

d) Results are the only important things.

5.MBO stands for:

a) Managing business organization

b) Managing by objectives

c) Managing big organization

d) Manaing business outsourcing.

6.The answer to question “ What is our business and what is should be?” is given by the following plan

a) mission

b) objectives

c) statagies

d) policies.

7.Action commitments through which the mission of an enterprise is fulfilled is called as

a) Statagies

b) objectives

c) programmes

d) budget.

8.The managerial function that coordinates resources with an aim to enable maximum out put under

minimum total coast is called as:

a) Controlling

b) Directing

c) Coordinating

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d) Organising.

9.Directing function of management includes:

a) Motivation

b) Leadership

c) Supervision

d) All of the above.

10.The Mnagevial function that reviews performance and initiates corrective action is called as:

a) planning

b) directing

c) controlling

d) organizing

UNIT II Subjective Questions

1. Differentiate between organization and organizing?2. Evaluate Matrix organization?3. What do you understand by plant layout? Explain its system and evaluate the same?4. “Product layout is better than process layout”. Do you agree with this statement, support your answer?5. Explain any two techniques of enhancing productivity? Assignment Questions

1. Write the Basic Concepts related to Organization? Tutorial Questions

1.Discuss the stages in the process of strategy formulation and implementation? Objective Questions

1.The diagrammatic representation of the frame work or structure of an enterprise is called as

a) bar chart

b) organization chart

c) SIMO chart

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d) structure chart

2.The frame work of relationships within which the management functions are performed is called

a) organization

b) milatory

c) management

d) none of the above

3.Line organization is also called as

a) flat organization

b) white organization

c) milatory organization

d) project organization

4. Line organization is also called as

a) vertical organizaton

b) matrix organization

c) scalar organization

d) flat organization

5. An organization in which specialists advise managers to perform their duties is called as

a) line organization

b) line and staff organization

c) milatory organization

d) scalar organization

6. Line authority flows

a) downwards

b) upwadts

c) both a & b

d) cross wise

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7.Staff authority flows

a) down wards

b) cross wise

c) upwards

d) both a & b

8.The organization in which the task of management and direction of subordinates is divided according to the type of work involved is called as

a) line organization

b) line and staff organization

c) functional organization

d) scalar organization

9.When an organization has a variety of projects rangeing from large to small it is suitable to use a

a) milatory organization

b) line and staff organization

c) line organization

d) matrix organization

10.It is suitable to use a matrix organization when the organization has

a) only one project

b) lessthan or equal to three projects

c) two projects

d) variety of projects

UNIT III Subjective Questions

1. What do you understand by plant layout? Explain its system?

2. “Product layout is better than process layout” do you agree with this statement , support your


3. Explain any two techniques of enhancing productivity?

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4. Define method study. How do you carry it out?

5. What do you understand by work measurement? Explain how do you determine standard time? Assignment Questions

1. Explain the Principles and Types of plant layout? Tutorial Questions

1. Explain why projects get delayed? Objective Questions

1.What referce to the method in which the machnary is arranged with in a given plant area?

a) facilates location

b) plant location

c) resources location

d) wealth location

2.Which of the following is a starategic decision

a) facilated location

b) plant layout

c) plant location

d) resources location

3.Which of the following is considered more a corporated decision

a) plant layout

b) facilated layout

c) resources layout

d) plant locatin

4.Which of the following is not a factor affecting plant location

a) fuel and power

b) transport

c) diseconomies of scale

d) government influence

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5.Which of the deals with the plant location

a) starategic location decision

b) engneering decision

c) financial decision

d) marketing decision

6.What is the effect of a good plant layout on the material handling costs

a) maximiges

b) minimiges

c) stable

d) goes negative

7.Which of the following is a consequence of a poor layout

a) material handling cost will be low

b) working conditions are much safer

c) return on capital employed may be high

d) production cost gets jacked up

8. What is an advantage for product layout

a) fusecapital layout out lay

b) little flexbulity

c) discontinuity in production likely

d) lower cost of material handling

9.Which of the following is a disadvantages product layout

a) faster production

b) easy monarting

c) effective team work

d) threat of duplication

10.What refrece to the rate at which the goods and services are produced

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a) production

b) product

c) productivity

d) efficency

UNIT IV Subjective Questions

1. Explain the objectives of purchasing function? How do you organize the purchasing department?

2. What do you understand by EOQ? Derive a formula to determine it?

3. Define marketing? Explain how is it different from selling?

4. what are the factors that determine the choice of cahannels of distribution? Assignment Questions

1. What is materials management explain? Tutorial Questions

1. Explain the important stages in the man power planning functions? Objective Questions

1.Which of the following refers to inputs into the production process

a) materials b) spare parts

b) work in prograss d) components

2.What refers to the process of planning organing and controllinrg the material in a given organization particularly armed process

a) supply management

b) materials management

c) logistics management

d) operations management

3.What refers to all the idle physical stocks which economic value

a) items in stores

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b) inventory

c) material in transit

d) materials in process

4.Which of the following is not an objective of inventory control

a) ensure economy of costs

b) avoid accumulation in materials

c) maximize investiment in materials

d) maintain adequate inventories

5. Which of the following is a factor effecting inventory control function

a) decreases in material prices

b) decreasing lead time

c) excessive storage costs

d) graduall changes in production plans

6.Wwho receives the inward invoice

a) supplier

b) vendor

c) consumer

d) buyer

7. What is the process of assigning numbers or symbols or combination of both

a) classicfication

b) codification

c) duplication

d) computerization

8.Which of the following is an advantage of classicfication and codification

a) eassy availability of materials

b) complex inspection process

c) complex process of issue in products

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d) standisation of items

9. What facilitates the maintenance of accounts for each item of inventory

a) generals

b) store records

c) ledgres

d) maintenance records

10.What is the slip attached to the bin where the goods are stocked

a) invoice

b) material requisition note

c) bin card

d) stores ledger account

UNIT V Subjective Questions

1. Differentiate personal and industrial relations from HRM?

2. What is a job? What do you understand by job analysis?

3. Explain the contents of job description?

4. Explain the important stages in the man power planning functions?

5. What is the difference between job evaluation and merit rating? Explain the analytical methods of job evaluation? Assignment Questions

1. Briefly explain the Concepts of HRM? Tutorial Questions

1.what are the factors that determine the choice of cahannels of distribution? Objective Questions

1. Which of the following refers to the process of managing the human resources of any organization in tune with vision of the top management?

a) CRM

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b) HRM

c) HRD

d) PM & IR

2. What is a strategically driven process?

a) HRD

b) PM & IR

c) HRM

d) CRM

3. Which of the following is not a function of HRM?

a) focusing on team building

b) developing product sensitive management style

c) empowering employees

d) evaluating self appraisals

4. What refers to the process of managing people enabling them to contribute there best for the attainment of organization goals?

a) HRM

b) HRD

c) Personal Management

d) Industrial Relations

5. What refers to the relations between the employees and the management?

a) HRD

b) Personal Management

c) Industrial Relations

d) HRM

6. The process of formulating a personal program which is determined in advance is called

a) planning

b) organization

c) directing______________________________________________________________________________________________________

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d) controlling

7. The process of creating an environment integrating individual interest and organizational interests is known as

a) development

b) compensation

c) integration

d) maintenance

8. What is an expressions of the values and believes of the organization

a) induction

b) personal policy

c) recruitment

d) service

9. What is not a function of a personal manager

a) develop vision

b) develop objectives

c) develop cultures

d) advice line managers approximately

10. What is not a necessity of HRD

a) make organizational dynamics growth oriented

b) make industrial policies

c) succeed in a fast changing environment

d) make personal policies

UNIT VI Subjective Questions

1. Explain the nature of cost in a project? Discuss how the project manager should go about analyzing the cost while different activities are to be crashed in a project?2. write a short notes on:3. cost slope

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4. optimum duration and cost5. Consider the project given below:


Normal cost

(Rs in 000’s)

Normal time


Crash time


Cost slope per

Week (Rs in 000’s)

1-3 12 20 14 8

1-2 16 10 8 4

2-3 8 6 4 4

3-5 9 8 6 6

3-4 13 10 6 6

4-7 16 12 6 10

5-6 8 10 4 2

5-7 7 12 8 4

7-8 14 12 8 6

6-8 6 8 6 6

6. Determine the critical path taking scheduled completion time two days less than the earliest expected time.

7. Given the over head cost as Rs.5000 per week. Determine the optimal duration of the project?

8. Explain why projects get delayed? Assignment Questions

1. What is the meaning of Project management and explain Network analysis? Tutorial Questions

1. Define method study. How do you carry it out? Objective Questions

1. Which of the following denotes a number of techniques for planning and control of complex projects

a) network analysis

b) planning analysis

c) activity analysis

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d) project analysis

2. The maximum slack will always be

a) positive

b) negative

c) linear

d) deterministic

3. PERT and CPM provide

a) logical picture layout and complex project sequence

b) identifying the critical activities and events

c) an optimal rate of return on investment

d) basis for working time, cost and resources

4. which is the link between Gantt chart and PERT/CPM network

a) mild stone chart

b) logical chart

c) network chart

d) activity chart

5. what does CPM involve in a trade off between

a) cost and quantity

b) time and work

c) cost and time

d) cost, time and quality

6. CPM is

a) optimistic

b) probabilistic

c) deterministic

d) optimistic and probabilistic

7. in PERT the event is represented by

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a) arrow

b) circle

c) line

d) dotted arrow

8. what is the start or end of activity is called

a) event

b) activity

c) critical path

d) event and activity

9. which of the following does not consume resources

a) activity

b) event

c) dummy activity

d) dangler

10. in optimistic time estimate the time taken by activity is

a) maximum

b) minimum

c) no consumption of time

d) none

UNIT VII Subjective Questions

1.Write short notes and mission3.Steps in corporate planning?4.What do you understand by SBU? Discuss its role in corporate planning?5.Explain the strategies to improve the sales performance of a SBU?6.What do you understand by SWOT analysis? Discuss how it can be carried out?7.Discuss the stages in the process of strategy formulation and implementation? Assignment Questions

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1. Short notes on

a) Environmental Scaning

b) Value Chain anlaysis Tutorial Questions

1. Evaluate Matrix organization? Objective Questions

1. what refers to the process of planning undertaken by the top management to achieve there organizational goals

a) strategy formulation

b) corporate planning

c) environmental scanning d) organizing

2. what refers to the broad guidelines set by the top management for the purpose of making decisions at different levels in the organizations

a) objectives

b) policies

c) goals

d) mission

3. what refers to the logical sequence of operations to be performed in a given project or job

a) strategy

b) programs

c) purpose

d) policy

4. what refers to the process where in a company legally takes over or accuries the business of any of its leading competitors

a) backward integration

b) forward integration

c) horizontal integration

d) concentric integration

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5. what reflects the vision of the top management

a) goal

b) policy

c) mission

d) strategy

6. what involves an analysis and diagnosis of the external and internal environments of a business firm

a) environmental analysis

b) SWOT analysis

c) Environmental scanning

d) Strategic analysis

7. what refers to the group of firms carrying on similar activity

a) suppliers

b) competitors

c) industry

d) strategy

8. what risks arises from income inequalities, brake down in law and order due to religious fanaticism unionization etc

a) political risks

b) social risks

c) economic risk

d) financial risks

9. which of the following is neither an internal strength nor a weakness to a particular firm

a) managerial personal

b) research and development

c) financial policies

d) organizational systems

10. which of the following is not an alternative strategy to deal with the factors in the external and the internal environment

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a) TW strategy

b) ST strategy

c) SW strategy

d) OW strategy

UNIT VIII Subjective Questions

1. Write short notes on BPO and BPR?2. Explain how JIT, MRP, Six Sigma changed the production environment?3. What is Bench Marking? How is it useful?4. Explain what different levels mean under capability maturity models?5. what are the basic concepts of MIS? Assignment Questions

1. Explain the process of materials requirement planning? Tutorial Questions

1. Discuss Management as a process? Objective Questions

1. JIT concept eliminates

a) operations

b) inventory

c) manpower

d) WIP

2. kanban is

a) information has to what has to be done

b) over production

c) inventory control

d) automation

3. EOQ is the order quantity that

a) maximizes total annual carrying cost

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b) equates total cost

c) multiplies which of the following

d) minimizes which of the following

4. jikoda means

a) machines are maintained by workers

b) machine monitoring taken care of by consultants

c) providing machines with autonomous capability to use judgment

d) minimization of work

5. in six sigma contest which one of the following is valid

a) defects per 100 units of production

b) 3.4 defects per trillions units of production

c) 3.4 defects per million units of production

d) 3.4 defects per 1lakh units of production

6. which of the following companies is the pioneer of six sigma

a) general motors

b) general electric

c) Motorola

d) Wal-Mart

7. six sigma is registered trade mark of

a) GE

b) United Bank of Swaziland

c) Honeywell international

d) Yes bank

8. DMADV is used for

a) new process designs

b) existing process designs

c) vendor development

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d) stock turnover

9. capability maturity model(CMM) deals with the

a) instructions an organization can follow to gain better control over its software

b) instructions to frame HR policy in software organizations

c) process for effective utilization of software

d) products with effective quality

10. one of the following identifies cluster of related activities achieve a set of goal

a) key process area

b) origin

c) time lines

d) CMM

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9.5 MID TERM Objective Questions

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Unit No.Date Planned to

completeDate Conducted Remarks